Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1D
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- Poughkeepsie Journali
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- Poughkeepsie, New York
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1TV 'lt Pptor Pan rotums" The i latest Potor Pan film mayhavo" Nicholson, Glbsori on dock. Bocki 3D oughkeepjqde 3outnal LIFE ANTHONY DEDAnnOS, LIFE EDITOR 19141 437 4iW i TOM SHALES taaaaaaaaffw ''llaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'j aaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaHBaaaaaaaaaaaK Comfy Carson "chief Kennedy Center honoree As usual, frye people were celebrated for their contributes td the performing arts it this year's Kennedy Center Dut the one most people came to sec was Johnny Cars6n, who for 30 years hosted "The Tonight Show" and became, in effect, the Comic Laureate of the United States. i The percmony, taped Sunday night (Dccv 5), will air Wednesday, Dec on CDSl Carspn and the other honorccs were' cheered by an audience that Included President and Mrs. Clinton and Vice President and Mrs AlGorc. Before he camo to Washington, at his home On a cliff In Malibu overlooking the Pacific Ocean, Johnriy gave his first major interview since leaving "The Tonight Show" on May 22, 1002 It was the end of a glorious, incomparable run, a TV endurance record unlikely ever to be broken Apparently he is enjoying retirement more than he thought he would "Yes, I think Carson says, relaxing in the hugely comfy clubhouse that adjoins his private tennis court "I thought for a fnoment like anybody, 'God, what am I going to do? I won't have any place to go Hut It hasn't bothered me "I feel the move was absolutely right, timing perfect He remembers being Interviewed In 1976 and predicting he would quit "The Tonight Show" within ten years "I was SO then.
I said, 'I doubt I'll be doing it when I'm He laughs. "I quit when I was 67 So I lied I was off by 12 years Pott Carton chaos When Johnny left, all hell broke loose The late night period he had dominated was up for grabs. He has Watered the ensuing melcC with bemusement "I find ft funny ever since I left as to what's happened," he says "Tho Late Nlght and Arscnio and Chevy and Jay and Let (crman and Conan I get a kick out of it "I Catch the shows occasionally Lknew it was going to have to shake out There cannot be four or five late night shows on of the same thing without somebody taking a bath The first victim wds Chevy Chase, whose show Was quickly canceled by Fox Chase and Carson arc poker playing pals I "I would just look at him when his snow was announced and say, Five nights a week, huh, Chevy7 You're going to do this five nights a There were hostilities between the Carson and Jay Lcno camps when Leno took ovpr "The Tonight Show." Naity stories appeared In the press about how NDC al legedly wanted Carson out and Lcno la because Lcno attracted a younger audience Carson says he docs not blame Lcno for those stories and thinks they were cir culated instead by Leno former manager, "I like Jay He's a nice kid." Would he be willing, then, to be a guest on Lcno's show? "Not really Not really." Carson has also seen the new show hat replaced Lctterman a on INUI. I saw the young boy tonan uTJrlel couple of times," Carson says "He's a Cleasant young man but it's going to take Irri time, I think, to find out how you do this kind of show." Tom Shales' syndicated column about television appears every Thursday. Write Tom Shales, The Washington Post Writers Group, 1150 15th St.
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20071 9100. Judith A. WltMrPoughkeepsleJournol on at placo Poughkoopslo. Paul Nowman talks With diroctor Robort Donton (right, back to camera) whilo follow cast member Prultt Vincont (16ft) stands nearby Tho cast and crow ol tho film "Nobody's Fool' will bo wrapping up sconos at Qarfiold Placo this month In Newman and Tandy depart; two roles filled Dy Diana McKoon Poughkeepsle Journal Clnematically speaking, it's been a busy couple of weeks in the mid Hudson After 13 days of shooting for the film Nobody's stars Paul Newman and Jessica Tandy are leaving the set at Garfield Place in Poughkeepsle this week Tandy's work on the film is done, while Newman moves on to sets in Southern Dutchess and Ncwburgh Also this week, it was announced that the roles of jthc grandsons of Newman's character have been cast.
Alexander Goodwin of New York City and Carl John Matusovich of Connecticut will fill the roles, says publicist Eric Meyers. Meanwhile, at Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, actor Anthony Hopkins is settling into his role as health guru Dr. John Harvey Kellogg In "The Road to Wellvlllc The building has been transformed into a turn of the ccn tury sanitarium for characters played bv llrldeet Fonda. Matthew Iiroderlck. John Cusack and Dana Carvey "It's really exciting," says Mohonk promotions director Helen Dorsey, ''but they seem to blend in With all of our regular house guests 'A fty on tho wall' In Poughkeepsle, life on Garfield Place Is slowly returning to normal In 1 Ken Blulf oitlPougfikeepsle Journal Construction crows for "Nobody's Fool" proparo building fronts along Main St.
in Doacon, thcTlaysloTomcrthhousethat scrvcdTr as home to the characters of Tandy and Newman will be brought back to its original look as he film crew moves on "It's been a wonderful experience' here," says Cynthia Bernard, who has been the liaison between home owner Marcia Wunsch and Skillet Pictures, the company producing "Nobody's Fool "It's been the most comprehensive cd ucatlonTye ever had we're now in the Bernard, who stayed upstairs in the house while Newman and Tandy played out their roles downstairs, says the Hollywood experience wasn all glamour "They've beep working really hard Iliad the best vantage point of all I finally have bcdriajife to be fly on the wall Originally producer Michael Haus man announced a 57 day shooting sched ulc, and Myers says there have been no major delays The cast and crew will take a one week bfcnk for Christmas and New Year Myers said filming will continue into February, with co stars Mclanic Griffith and Bruce Willis arriving on the set Tum of tha cantiiry visitors In New Paltz at Mohonk Mountain House, director Alan Parker and PCr Fo Pictures arc hitting the tenth day of shooting fpr "The Itoad to Wclvill6." Filming fs. going smoothly and Will continue into next week, according to film publicist Haclicl Abcrly After that, the production company will migrate south to Carolco Studios in North Carolina for the remainder of the shooting Each day, more than 1 00 local people, have reported to the set as extras Dut Dorsey says fbr the hotel, it's been busi ness as usual The stars and extras', clad in their circa 1007 finery, seem to fit right in with the setting of the historic hotel "It's really exciting, and you wouldn't know they were here except you see all these people walking around in wonderful period costumes, It's like they've just been here for a hundred years Advlc'o 2 TV listings 4 Qomlcs 5 Dt aBBBMWBBBWWw HerBaiKHaaaHBHHaaaaHJBU' 'vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'fabJSaaaaaaaaaaaa laaaaaaaaVBRi rV SWWSMjiSilUr vfaaaaaataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV IHKl mKBBKBrnmM SaaaaaaaaiKlaaHHLPllaaaaaaaflHalH, alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaUaaaaaH BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaKvBaaaaaaaaaaaaaliuaYBaaaaaa LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHftiniaaK BHaaHHBaHaaaBBHHHililHal THURSDAY, DECEMDEfl 0. 1093 nnging art back to earth Imagination tainted by industrial excess ByAtfayamKvyboa For Ilia Poughkeepsle Journal Ever so 6f ten, a grand cultural movement bursts forth like tearful torr6nts Observe the trend In the art world operation with nature, prominent reconciliation for the modern Industrial mentality Where is substance and passion In this golden age? Perhaps progress wasn't positive evolution 'This reaction of environmental conscience Is In getting back to organic arts The process of conversion begins by phasing out such Items as spray paints, acrylics, electric kilns, petroleum Inks, even ballpoint pens Better mediums arc Introduced steadily within two main groups nat urally occurring (earth clays, wood, plant dyes, stone) and reused (food packaging, cardboard, junk mail Docs anyone care that toxins arc flowing from the photo and magazine industries Did you know that folks used to make their own oil paints7 Homemade supplies! Do you believe humanity's handiwork peedn'tbe a blemish on the planet7 Duylntf Into psaudo culturo Our group is called Kyyboa Toxic Corporation Wc Congregate for tol lcctlve projects, expressing by many forms psychedelic Versions of Norman Rockwells, animal noises (or ra dio talk shows, or culinary stews of harvested roots, leave, fungi and 'spices We're planning to make our own banjos from gourds' The pop culture is full of notions and products which amount to pd tlictlc shams How meaningless a work 'corny chintzy, commcrcia lized tuttl ruttl" Smurfs, Pac Man, Superman, Cap'n Crunch, Ecstacy, smiling skulls, immaculate sneakers and religious doodads The boob tube can hardly enliven lis To spend time in malls is a dawdling life If the premise of college education is to produce superior consumers, then why do the kids buy this pscudo culture? Popular success compiles a. hedonistic mediocrity The greed Please soo Kyyboa, CD ARTIST'S MIND 24 Noma Union yale Influencee 'All the lights and sounds that come to me, Current work A boook" writ ten In 64 days, "Agablographlc Aufo blaeanhv." a work In olli and rollave JotiitNcwJrorkntyJlolcLOiclJica AGAYAM KYYDOA Jaaaaaaaaaaaav aaaaaaavaaaaaaa a documentary film, The Life and iiiicaui iivvui i iamgciiuua stage props for the rock band Gren die an unsolicited scries In oils for the Boston Museum pf Fine Arts, fine charcoal portraits by order, and a group snowing at our new gallery I'nkJnl rtoil Art 'Tall 4SJ JJfl! (or details "Call 452 2S0 ID LIFE IN THE MID HUD3QN VALLEY 'A friond of children Hllde Dohmer, whose name Is synony mous with child care In Poughkeepsle Dutchess County, was the center pf attention last Friday at the Friends 'Meeting House reception in her honor. She and her husband, "Josef, are moving up state, and friends gathered last week to jIsh them well.
Friends like Assemblyman Lawrence Dennett and Assemblywoman Eileen Hlckey. And Dutchess County Ex' ccutlve William StelnhauS, Among the. proclamations and trrpthn DC. hv U.S. RcDrcsentative Hamilton Fish Jr.
At the reception, Dohmer was referred HjLrmfl tuck (o as a "dedicated friend of children And for good reason. In the early 1970s she was Instrumental In Creating the Poughkeepsle Family Development atid Day Care Center, the county's Child Development Council on which she still serves as a board member and the Task Force for Child Protection. Jn addition to those positions, she is a board member of the New York Child Care Coordinating Council. Now York vlowa Mrs. Fuller's Sth grade social studies class has requested your help.
A handwritten letter from an unidentified student In the class at Arthur Elementary School In Arthur, 111 writes that they've been studying the original IS colonies. We'd like (o learn more about these Eastern States. We would like your readers to send us postcards, letters, telling us about your state. Thanks (or helping us to learn about this part of our country." Arthur is in central Illinois, east of Decatur and south of Champaign, with a population pf about 2,000 Now keep in mind this is a 5th grade Social studies class, so they'd probably like to hear more about all the places George Washington slept and what he did in the mid Hudson Valley When he wasn't sleeping tlhan what you think i of Mario Cuomo. Write.
Mrs Fuller, Elementary School, Arthur1, 111, 61911, Toys for tots Looking for quality kids' gifts for quality prices? Literacy Volunteers of Dutchess County is selling toys and books for infants through age 12. It's a warehouse clearance of Items left over from their pro vious toy sales. Hun dreds of items are being aaaaaaaaaaTl: iaan sold at cost "It's a wonderful opportunity for organizations and individuals buying toys for charitable giving," says Jcrl Piatt of LVA. The toys arc being sold out of a store on Front St. in the Village of Millbrqok from 10 a to 5 m.
from Sunday, Dec, 12, to Sunday, Dec, 18. For more Information, caIH52 8670. A growing community Dutchess County's Office for the Aging is reaching out to the county's Hispanic community. Neise Moraes, a native of Philadelphia, recently arrived from Los Angeles and Is working to establish local resources and cultural training for Agencies providing services to the Latino community. In line with" that, there's a new seniors' club in Deacon.
The next meeting Monday, Dec. 13 at the Deacon Community Center call 431 2465 for details. "IVe had start by developing community contacts because there's not really any Hispanic organization In Dut' chess Moraes doing that now In Poughkeepsle. We're off to a lai ui HaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV ii amJHBBj fiaaalT 'aaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf Ken UilgottlPoughkatpiK Journal Nelso Moraos at her desk at Dut choss County's Office for tho Aging. good beginning." Why the emphasis? It's a growing segment of Our community which Doug Mo Houl, offlcft director, wants tq better serve.
Good Lif els a collection of observations about life In the mid Hudson Valley. Your comments are welcome. Call 437 4880, Thjs Good Life by Larry Hughes..
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