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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 5

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A. 4. I (Our (Dum OfTICIAX. OTTT JPAPB. By Beaolattoit of the Common Council, pmmJiiu 1889.

THIS WMA.THKU VOtt TO DAY. WuBiaaTos, April 1. 8 r. x. For 84 hour.

commencing st 8 p. For Eastern New York, rain, slightly cooler. northessterly Mi For Western New York, nln, wsrmer, variable wind, i HW ADVJHT1B. HTH. Tbe following advertisements sppesr la the Dally Esgle to day for the first UmtS New line of goods for Easter, W.

B. Farrlngton. A cure for detiocM. Binglo man anted on a farm. The Imperial cigar.

W. J. Lots. Essler card at Zihn's. Flo unbleached mulla at Down Town Dry'QMda Store.

Gaods for wet weather. Lackey, Piatt Je Co. Card of Thanks, Gellert, the Tailor. Sorlne ahoca at Tlmmlos'. Executoresals of real esteteAprIl 15tb.

Position wanted aa bookkeeper. Luckty, Plait Co. mi Acker'a foreign ttesmshlp agency. t7 ForaddlUonal local newa see eighth Collector's Botioa. Our.Collector will finish hla collection To Dat from all subscribers living south of Mala and west of Market street.

LogaX' Judge Barnard went to Kings Count; on Monday and will bald court there all this week and tbe greater part of next. State; Card Booklet AOO Upt tied A Terr large line of Easier noTeltles ara not displayed at Ambler'a Bookstore. Water Commissioners. There will be a regular meeting of the "BoardTbrWattr Commissioner this eve nlngTal which the usual monthly business will be transacted. i Again Appointed.

Oa Monday Mc John E. West, of thla city, wu reappointed to the position In the Railway Mail Service from which a Democratic Administration removed htm. Mr. West' official paper are waiting for him at Cleveland, Trucking Item. Andy SUver all.

the well kaowa truckman af this cltr. baa' been recently engaged ia moving the furniture of A como counciL MEETING. Mokbat Evanaa. March 18. Preslat PresldaniBaaoIdlag.

City Chase berlala Balmer AWL Burn. Bahret, Laasisg. Bayly, Bala, McDoaaM, De Oarmo, Qalgley, Sprou end Bine. Mlautca of previous meeting read and approved, cm numiul buobt. Th City Treasurer prceeatea his aaeath ly repert tar March aa feUewtt enr vobb.

Balanea oa hand aa per last statemcat Becetved from eellcctioa of TlTfS. Received frost ceUectien of percentages Received from collection of la BecelTed from City Chamberlain preatlaaa oa seaus Brcel ed from City Cham berlala Bteoi ler'B flats Becetred from City Cairn berUin old famitara sold Beed ed from City Cham aeriaia ueeasee 11,717 7 US7 117 0 MOO 43 00 Bee lved from City Chess berlalB aresoea'a bacea 278 in fttttl 11,198 17 MIS 84 Checks on fund. Balances! 810,74 63 biobwav rtrsn. BaUnco on hand aa per last stete 4 88,840 61 ment Beceired from eollectioa of (1X1 8,9017 Chtckionfond 75 Balance of food 887S8J XJUDFDBS. Balance oa'hand as per last stat.

ment TO" 88 Received from eollectioa of Ill 77 Checks on food. VT Balance of food U.8M z3 Dauo dbbi roan. Balance on hand a per last state meat 86,11 78 Beetlnd from collecUoa of 1,830 57 BecaiTed from Oty Chamberlain, balanca of proceeds from sal of bonds 11,10 00 I Ponghkeepsio Daily Eagle. April 2. io89.

i 'J ii.i tSBaaweajees BBjB U' IW.Ooeaaa faod for the aialatenancw TUS SJaATH OF yriLTBAVJEB, mm mm I raareaa. The win of aatd John any Tasaar ratuer prorUos that altar the payatcat af tartala other lapedfle lecadea, aaMoatiag to ahoat tSOO.OCO, aad also eertaia parcel of real saute, said asylum aiall aecomatba reaidaaty legatee to the uuat of aaa third af ta balaaee af hia aatala. both veal and personal, which. It 1 believed, will amoaat la a large aum of Where, There at present thorough ly established la thl dry a Llemefor the Frieadlea pladag no restriction oa condition of birth, aad where children other than orphaaa are received oa payment ef a email aaa fee their board, this latter proviaioa eaablaa a widowed mother who may he obliged to labor for a livelihood to npport bom herself and child, which, oaoer other drcaaattance (he would be unable to do; aad. Where, Hectloa of add act of Incorporation provide that ta trustee of aald Juha Guy Yaaaar Orphan Asylum shall be capable of taking, rectlTing.

purchasing aad holding by virtu of any deed or otherwise, real estate for lla Incorporation to aa amount not exceeding S1S0, 008 la addition to that already given, or deviled to It, Secuoa scree further provides that all the property both real ana personal given, devtaed or bequeathed to or for the benefit of aald Asylum ay the last will aad testament and codicil thereto of the aald John Guy Yaaaar shall be exempt from taxation, aad Whereas. By the provisions of eald will and also of Bee. 3 of the proposed act of Incorporation only legitimate orphan chll drea bora ia the County ot Dutches can receive the benefit of aald Asylum, there lore be It KeaolTed. That the Common Council of tbe Cltr of Pouchkeemle fully appreciat ing tbe pure motive and unselfish phtlan Th Ooroaxa Inquest diet. Vsjt The laaaast to teauire Into the death of William Traver, who died oa Bunday night from Injuries received oa Saturday evening, March Srd, was held oa Meadty erasing at the ef Coroner Frost.

'The drat witness sworn wu George Bros, who testified that he wsa present whn Traver got hurt; William Btotm. Ruaaell Knapp aad Mrs. Traver were also present; standing oa the coraer of East Mansion aad' Mala street; Traver saked for tea cents; hi wife said, they shouldn't give It to him; Traver told her to go home aad not mike a fool of herself; after she repeated the request aot to tether bus hand have the money, he atruck her and kicked her: be alaped her with the fiat of hi hand; then the called for the police; Storm. Ksapp aad witness rushed to Interfere la behalf ot Mrs. Traver.

but Storm reached Traver first and pushed him or struck him; deceased atruck hi foot agalast the curb, staggered bact, and fell oa the cross wslk, striking his heed ea the stone; cUorm, witness aad a named Johnson took him npsnd carried him home; deceased was uaconsclous while he was there; first stw Traver oh Uullln' corner; hia wife was with him, coaxing him to go home; Traver was intoxicated at the Urn; was alto Intoxicated when witness saw him In lb afternoon. Itatrell E. Knapp waa sworn, and hi Vhrfipy oroeteeeeyVaseUnJ.4etlaeay'.wee la ocrobortli oC lhat ot 18,177 SO rllAAl MM twtwtA Balance off aad mrjia ron. Balance of fund as per last statt meal 814)0, 81 Balaac of fand ecBK.cs roBD. Balance on head as per last st MnaM, acq of Dated starch SO, 189.

EZBa. VB 43.1WC3 Chas. IL Swan to hla new home In B', lyn. There were five truck were taken direct to that dtr XkeTtei trucks, being shipped 'ika boaU to New Tork and thence Bwan'a house, whare the tutnltv unloaded and the hones snippy B0Bra egtlo. It was quite ajibfor rtr 8UTtroalU BmaafjnwBmmaBBSS meBmmBB You Are Q0lng to Europe You wll" cjjn.a.n 0wn Interest by asking for al Acker' European Agency, Moln St.

We can yeu not only time and trouble, but give better cablas than can be obtained fer the price at the New York offices English, German snd Scotch line teated. Xvenmg DeUYory of HalL Merchants on Main atrect and intersecting street were agreeably surprised lilt evening by an evening delivery of mail by postmen. The delivery will be made every evening hereafter. It Is a great ac commocalion to the builncs public, and tbe delivery ot mail at that hour was au by tbe Superintendent of the Free Delivery System, upon the recom mendatloa of Postmaster Ketcham. 880 81 iTK, Oty Treasurer.

The Citv Chaml j. Aowl VSVLV'At warraau drawa htm VZT Tdaiiaa the munth ef March ITM, KB m. A. JJJ, ea daring the same time, aa iJ sanstbereeer ed to the credit of the ueaer uXtrica, WABBIBTB BBAWB. ctnroiB.

IacUratal.t 8186 17 Ilr Department. 80S 7S Board of 8.70 Salary 887 48 Pabue 338 88 1 rablie Debt nhthway Lamp 8 MIS so 3173 3,11. aa (' BXVBJICBa. an; 833,187 SI licensee Yendere. Backs nremen's Kecoruer naee.

Old araitnre, carpet aad ladder aold. 81 80 5 50 1 B0 38 33 73 133 73 1858 08 Peraonal Mr James Plait and family returned from Atlantic City, yesterdsy afternoon, where Mrs. Piatt and daughter Lulu have been spending couple of months. Mr. Wm.

Dunwoody, formerly ot Dun woody Brother. op manufacturers, his wife snd daughter, Mlsa Sophia, will start for Denver to night, where they will take up their future residence. Mr. Duo has two sons there. In the sosp manufacturing business.

The many friend otthe family wish them every success la their new home. Among those prtsent st the Opera House last ev.niog was Mr. Casts Froh tbe well known theatrical manager of New York, who waa hereon a visit to Messrs Adams Cook. Just opened a fine line of Easter Cards by the best art publishers at ZhHN'S. 154 Main su We are telling a msgnlflceat Spring Overcoat for $3.00.

We are positive you M.nfifit Hnnll atA thla 1wllri. unit. $1800.. a Clothing Uo'use. 1 stain bu aoio.

uaum Xi vrn Dressing. Lawn Dresslog. If you wanCa beautiful lawn use our LsWa Put up ta S3 lb. bags, sufficient for 2.SO0 square feet, price ft; and in 60 lb. bees st $1 73.

JAME4 UEYNOLDtl ELEVATOR CO W8 Main St. and 2o Union Bt. MMtf js.t. Oi i.mifi Proceeds ef refunding boads aold, 73 Aid. Lansing, from the Committee on Fire Apparatus, reported receiving can sent from the N.

Y. EU R. K. Co to blow their whistle for all fires free of cost, and 8. Kupley reports It will cost $10 to connect the whistle with the electric alarm la the Central Telephone office The Council referred the matter to tbe Fire Apparatus Committee to have the whistle connected.

This will make good down town fire alarm. Aid. Ulne. from the Street Committee, reported having examined Balding avenue and recommended the grading ef the street as asked for by the petitioner. Aid.

presented a remonstrance algaed by 659. feetot frontage. The petition asking tor the grading represents 9C0 fetL Some of the name on the re monstrance also appear on the petition. Aid. Ulne aald the committee was In favor of having the low place In the street filled In, acd he offered a resolution that tbe prayer of the petitioner to grade Ualdlar avenue be granted.

Aid. Lansing moved to amend by directing Balding avenue to be filled In. The chair decided the amendment out of order, and then Aid. Bine 'a resolution was adop'ed. Aid.

Burns votloa nay. Am. iuigiey, irom tne Direct ump Committee, moved that the Chief of Police Instruct hia officer to remove ell signs and advertlsementa from the atsect lamps. Agreed to $3 443 were paid the FaUktll Bank for coupons due. BILLS AOIHVBD.

Tbe following bills were aadited 1 P. ......8 75 lVk. 8 70 IL D. 8 73 13 50 1. Uorechanser 13 55 M.

D.Benewsy 17 58 18 08 JohaJ. Marshall a. t. rx warnng. J.

Q. PorteuBS, IL D. n. Laeky, Rati Co, nro idlnV en eenennalr for an Orphan Asylum to beLcatcd In the City of Po keepale.ea representatives of the taxps fr aad actuated solely by a tease of uuty id those we represent, believe that the bill a Introduced in both houses of the Legislature Incorporating the John Guy Vauar Orphan Asylum should not become, 8t law tor IBB followlne' eJkaae First. No Becessltyfore rf aIHiaaf(0a.

asKed exists, tne amount the asylum receive being la 8018 than adequate for Its alalnance. ewid. It nrovMes for only one class Cl Unfottenstes, vlx: legitimate orphan Children bora la Dutches which rlly limlu lu beeef actions to that class nd to that extent only (If at all). will It take tbe place ox tne present noma tettheFrtendlcas. Third.

We beUeve the general law for Incorporating Institutions of this character amply sufficient to meet the want and re qulremtnU of tbe John Guy Yasser tlmhA ABtlnm. UcsolTcd. That the Oty Chstnberlsln lie directed to forward a certified copy ot the above preamble and resolution to the proper commluee ot the Senate aad Assembly at Albany. Aid. lla) ly read the act introduced Ja the Senate, which gives the Orphan Asylum the Collet Ml! property free from lex.aaas a.

$1311000 In which was a greater privilege than evea tbe churches have. Tbe preambles aad reso lutl os were adopted without a dissenting rotes. lac Chief of Police was directed to enforce the ordinance relative to burning aaurtal la the streets. A representative ot the Bsyes truck addressed the Board relative to a new truck for Davy Crockett. Without action the Board adjourned.

At Lb Opera House. Despite the bad stale of the weather there was a large audience at the Opera House Jsst evening. It being the opening performance of Adams ACooVs Co. Tbe play was Monte Criato. aad It was presented la a satlstactory manner.

Mr. Thomas Shea la the leading actor, and throughout he showed himself to be first class, aad will doubtless become popular with our amusement goers during the week, Hi lupportwa good, and the. audience went away well To night Zrppa will be given. Thl I a very popular play, the scene being laid In the wear, and will no doubt draw a large audience. Remember only lo prices of admission are charged.

18 10 St. 53 73 83 50 180 75 118 83 157 78 31108 Aid. Bayly offered the folloaiag: Whereas. A bill bss been Introduced la the Senate aad Assembly of the State af New York incorporating tbe John Guy aad. Whereas.

By a codicil to the last andtestam nt of John Guy Yaaaar. deceased, said asylum becomes possessed of the property ea College Bill; tbe will also bequeaths a pccUc legacy ot i BoooYorlBC The Uodson Republican eey that Sens tor Gilbert A. Desne 1 recovering from his Illness. Last Friday he was dressed for the first time since he wss taken sick. Take Bouce.

The report la circulation, that Myers lea Co. now conducted by Ej Y. 8ldell have disposed of their stock of Ice to New York parties, thereby neglecting tbe local trade of Poughkeepste, Is falte. Consumers are assared tbst the Ice to be served this season Is of excellent qusllty, hesvy, free from snow, clearer, more solid, snd more lasting thsn that gathered during the late mild winter For schedule of prices, spply to, or address Office, corner Mill and Bridge Bts. The ImponatClgar I manufactured from the very finest grade ot Havana Tcbscco; made by' aeat, tidy workmca.

la a clean, healthy factory, aad retail at 10 cu or three tor 23 ceat. Give them a aad compare with Imported Cigar told at 13 ctf. J. LOVE. Bole Manufacturers, epSilw 233 Mala St.

Yasser Brothers' Institute Lit er ary Section. A public meeting of the Literary Section will be held this (Tuesday) evening In the large hall of the Institute, beginning st 8 o'clock. The qoestloa ot Electoral Reform will bepresestedby W. C. Albro, be followed by a general discussion.

The public Is invited. EDWARD BURGESS. BeVy. "a IIB) I mmm mmw Challiea. 'We will open this 'morning.

Moaday, April 1st, our saw stock of french'Satlae and Challiea. (, REED i REED. 2tAl 274 Mala St. Mr. Broas.

Both witnesses testlfltd that Traver aad Storm were oa friendly terms; that they hsd never known them to quar ru'f Traver hsd his hand raised to strike his wifd lh? HT94 time when Storm Interfered. 06ige Jonnson testified about assisting la carrying deceased to his home after tbe occurrence. lie did not see It; but first heard of It while In the meat market; Mr. Broas came In aad asked htm If he wouldn't help carry Traver homt; he stayed till the doctor came. He ssked tbe doctor about the Injury, and he told blm It wu pretty bad.

Storm told wit ocas he wss very sorry It occurred; that he didn't think he hsd struck him hard enough to knock him down. William Storm made a statement. Be wu not swornT IUis a slight built yeuog man. Be told a straightforward story, which wu In corroboration of the other witnesses. Be said that be end Trsver had always been on friendly terms.

He drove up to' the coraer ofjlajn sad East Mansion street to get some tobacco at store, when decessed came up to him snd put hls.handronr the horaer wltntu told him he bsd better be careful the horse might hick, he wu a aew one; Traver then asked witness for ten cents; witness told blm he would give It to hiss It he would take his hand eft the hone; he gave htm the tea cents snd Trsnt left, and went to where the other wen wltneaa then got out of his wsgoo; si ssw Trsver strike sad kick his wife, wb he rushed forwent to protect her; ho struck Traver with the palm of his hand. or rather pushed him, striking him oa the chin or br ast, he couldn't tell which; he thought he wu performing a kindness In protecting a woman from assault; help ed carry deceased Into the house; watched with him during hi Elaess; decessed recognised witness; he did not refer to the accident or occurrence at all; never had a fuss with deceased; deoeased wu very much Intoxicated; hu often taken him home when la that condition; known Traver about fifteen years; he did ait Strike him with his fist, Josephine Traver, wife of the deceased. testified to tbe facta of tbe occurrence which corroborated the' testimony of the other witnesses. She hsd been looking for her husbsnd on the night he wu hurt, and wu told lhat he was In Doraa's aaloon; she Subsequently saw he husband on the corner of Mala aad East Mansion streets with Storm. Broas aad Knapp.

She then related tbe assault, aad Storm's Interference and the result, substantially told by the other witnesses; he wu la toxlcated; wilncw had not been drinking; wss not In the hsblt of drinking; Storm and her husbsnd were friends. Dr. R. K. TuthUl testlfled tbst he, with Dr.

Powell, hsd made an autopsy of the remains ot deceased; there wu so exter nal algn ot violence; the stomach showed evidence of prolonged alcoholism; there wu a fracture at the base of the skull, ex tending two and a half laches ta the di rection of the left ear; ahould consider th rscture of the skull the cause of death. Dr. Powell corroborated the testimony given by Dr. TulhlU. The verdict ot the Jury wu that the deceased, WilUm Traver, while In aa Intoxicated condition on the evening of Saturday, March 23, 1839, aad while quarreling and maltreating his wife on the corner ot EulMsnston and Mala streets, la the city of Poughkecpsle.

acci dentally tripped and fell, while being separated from his wife by Wm. Storm, and struck hesd upon ths crosswalk, causing fracture end coocustton of tne utaJi and thus producing congestion ot the brain, Irom which ciuso we. tbe ary, do flnl that the said Wm. Traver came to his death March SO, 1889. Fir.

Th alarm about alne o'clock. Moaday night, wu caused by a tire la the cellar of Mr. H. B. Gellert's clothing store, rm Mala street, opposite MsrkaU Chief.

En gineer Bright cut a hole tbteagh the floor at the tor, aad Inserting the hose ths flames were speedily extinguished. Mr. Gellert wu uosble Moaday night to tell the amount ot his lose, but It will not be heavy. The firemen, responded prompt ly and worked well. mm 1 'Pits ta CloTet" And "Cows in the Corn" are great pus sies.

It Is also a poxxle that CALDWELL the Jeweler, at 23 Market can re pair Watches, Clocks aad Jewelry cheap and so good. A CrdKAT OFjrjBJt. Spring Overoals $4 83. abetter grade, $7 00. All wool and nicely made work lag paotl 03 and 83 cents.

BESRY MARES, Clothier, Men's Furnisher and Batter, tw roSO 823 Mala SI. 'i Card of Thanks. I would sincerely thank the Chief, Assist sns and members of tbe Poughkeepste Fire Department for tbe prompt sud able manner In which they controlled and ex tlngnlshed the fire at myjsure lut even. Ing. yerygrstefully, GELLERT The Tailor.

Uood) Bam. What Is more diss ppolnUngtbiu to get not suitable! On the other hssd, wbst I more utf sctory thsn a real good Ham first class every way The latter can be got the corner of Mill snd Bridge whole or half, or by the slice. tfUft CORCORAN e. NEVIN3. Baogee.

Baog8. Th largest sad most complete stock of Portable and brick set Ranges In the city can be seen at S93 Main St. TROWBRIDGE ADRIANCE. 2w ml8 I 5 BSSBjJ Dealer SHOES Wet haya been giving prozniasno) or Into in our adYertisimanta to our LOWER PRICED GOODS, aa Tory mtioh to our regTot the ezroa lona impression prevails to aomo xtert, mat atnoo our stock of th floest pooda is so larg, varied ana unequalled, wo do not pay tho same attention to the requiremants of tnoeo desiring cheeper good. votbmg ia lurtner from th truth, for while onr atook tf Finest Gradee will oompare favorably with the loading stores In tbo larg.

eat cities, yn also tske tbe greatest pain to keepBuuh gooas of lower' cost will equal in excellenoe aod cbeapnesa th stcokol muy other house In the o.uoiry. This is not a boaat, but promisey acd we will, msko it goou to OYerv oustomer patrorlxlcg us, in Yalue doliYeioa or money refunded. This weak wo would oil partio ular attention to our WOKEUNO SBOKSFOR WORKING PEOPLE, nd to our PLOW SBOEH FqR FARM hR3, ail of which navs b'co caxtw fully selected aa to" ate ok and workmanship. We guarantee Tory pair to possess great weaiinar quaiities and wo sail them for Ht llit nsT rT7 i1 1 Elmer D. Gildersleeve, 3.14 Main Street.

Chandoliora and Qaa Fixtures. Now Is th time to select your Cajur dkuibs BaacxsT Glob is, Ac, 'and the place to find the greatest variety Is st TROWBRIDGE ADRIANCE 2wm2ri Msln St Jewett'a Dry Air Befrigerators. 'We bsvejast received a full line of Jewett'a Hardwood, Palace, Queen and Labradore dry air Befrigerators. Call sod exsmloe tbtm, at TT TROWBRIDGE ADRt ANCE 8., 8sjmaa iv4 883 MatnSU cgJ Ja juius 1 J. We ara taking th lead this season tn Spring Overcoats.

'Oar line Is very ele gant, and the prices we guarantee to be lower than any other house. C.B.D. CLOTHING BOUSE. 243 Mln 8U, Po'keepale. AUCTION.

Horses, "Wagons, a Regular SsleB of Hoists, Wagons, 1 Every Monday "Tfceraobn. AT TWO OCLOCK. AT i.pi Srcisjii i Auction Mart, 234,11810 St, PO KEEPEIE. T. aTirl POWDER Absolutely Pure.

tasnMnriM. a BMr ei errr Ck whoUee(waea. aesreiaartkJee, ceeaetBV aele lei. with Ux netuiee taL abort ib i bqvsx BJjUBdo ixa U0 3SS WsU Music Store. PIANOS, ORGANS AND ALL KINDS OJ Musical Instruments.

W. E. PEAB0DY, 366 MAIN ST. Knox's Offer. KNOX respectfully calls your atten Uoa to tbe following offerings.

Conpsie prices with those you hsva been ptytng a'sewher. snd note th difference. KNOX offer you 850 dos. best Sonar Cora at do per csn. 20 nes.

second ouaiitw Corn st So. per csn. 24 dor. best trends Tomstoes 8c. csa, IS second quality Tomatoes Co per ess.

KNOX offers you 1200 boxes extra choice Sardines In oil J's, 60 per box QUO hnxrs choice rtidlsrt la oll.i's, 18c. 800 boxes Bardloea In mustud. J's, 10c. per box; 20 dc 8 best Columbia Blver Salmoa. 18o per can; 20 doz best Lobster 16c per csn; 25 boxes best Bonelei Ocd Fish.

80 per second qusllty too Hih, flic per lb. KNOX rffer you SCO lbs. Cleveland's Superior Bsklog Powder si 88 cts. rev box; a full supply ot titsh Ysaat Cakes same stxe as those sold by all grocers: Warners' Bala Yeast 5c psrksge; Magic Yeast, 5c package; National Yeast Cakes 6c. aad Yeast Foam 4c package.

KNOX effers yon 53 tubs Best Dels ware Co. Butter 25c, per lb; 10 tube fair quality Table Butler 23c per Ib 47 boxes full Cresm Cbeete 18s snd 20 tubs Best Lard 10c per lb. KNOX effers you 3,000 pouods New Turklsa Prunts st 5. rer 1300 Its. Br st French Prunes at 9c.

per lb. KNOX'S 50 cent Tea Is tovonH un. parlson. Try It; srd enjoy a cup of good Tee once In a while. R0BT.

KNOX, 133 Main Street. 1 1 it WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 224 Main Stieet Bouillon. Consommo, dents' $2.00 Specialty have 911 seen them If not, drop la and tske look at them. It will pay you. whether you waat to hoy or net, you will know where to get the best dents' Calf.

Lac aad Congress 00 Xla Pjugakeepal. TIlUtlNS'. 258 Bt. Parker House Rolls, Hot at 8 o'cloor P. M.

eray amy. Jellies, Ice Cream and Ices. 1D1 OENXKAL VARIETY OF CAKES. Deilcsaes tit the Blok to Order. EVEBYTI1INO BQME MADE.

MBaR'ELTINQ. Tsxrraoxs aoiixBonox. ssasi 1st Giapd Col cert and Ball or of 1.1 Wg AT1UECASIX0 JUVX Tuesday; Amu 23d, Mnsirj by Dobb' Orohestra cf lO H808U lbs Concert will cemBuace at I aVleck. TICKBTS, 50 CBNT8. ADMITTISO GlBTtXlllB AID UDIK.

dim US i Latest Improved Machine FOB 8BW1NO ELASTICS IN; snoffl. STSAPSAND PATCHES ON 8HOES.dc. Be ratt aee Ma4 te lew Terk a a eaeb vetkSeae Wetzel WaaMnton St cvaxoat wox sxo ruiT mBanixo..

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