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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 1

Poughkeepsie, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PRINTED AND WBLtSHEDBY'PABAC leV i Stan NO. 45 OJP VOL. 2lLXV. ouanREEP8iE, jvMssbAYxivjiiiik I il.j. FOAXi V' r'' ,1.

r3 TOTIIE'PUfiLWI nrNCE it hai become Terr fasnioha fcZi evety article, nad tne number ef aad thai each wojalnVaimoei to lh enumeration of ingle noodles and pint, I hart only lo bber rve thai I bat a pretty Tall nock of DRY GOODS. groceries, hardware crockery, which for cash or ready pay of tome kind, I am willlnr to tall at at reduced mini aa can be bought any where and taal my proln are not aufflcieal 10 go Inta the expeate of a lengthy ad vertltemenl of thirty or fatty dollar a yeer.a! iiwlne the Dtibliihera what ther will never av ertra. I beve eonilanlly on hand Oottoa wirk ml Cotton Ualli by the tali, aa low, at iney can ba bought la New York. MerchnnUif they pit tie, may expense Irentporting thtse article from the city. J.

C. DEAN. N. B. Tavern keeper! I will auppljr with th tarlout kinds of Liquor, ai cheap if they can be purchated In by the quantity.

pjeaitnt Valley, H'b Mo tltt. 1827. 9 FRESH GROCERIES, Arc THE subscribers would respectfully" Inform their fiiandt and cuttomer. that thee hav in Ibe latt two weeks uada aa eaten.) re addition ti their former Hock, which on Met them now' to offer aa stood an aetort menl of fJIDCWKKS. r'LOUIl.

PROVISIONS, tie as vrat ever offered in thin market. wbleb they are drtermlaed to aell Cheep. They would particularly invli tba etleatloa Of Tovern keepert to their choice afeortnieat Of LIQUORS, which will be fimnd ery to perior, a low eaa potsibly be afforded by any dealer In the place, ROBINSON ti GRAHAM. Pon.hhocptlc. Nor.

14.1ST.7. 8 MORE MEW CARPETING. FROST GIDLEV have jast received In addition to their former Slock, (Attn piutt com noa. aoperBne, and extra superfine Infrar'a CAMPKTING. which baring been purchased at Ibe New Fork auction, la it week, we ceo, and will tell at low aa they can be ratal lad i If.

F. ti O. Pogokocpi. 1887.

11 IBiiRWiUBBt PETER EVERITT. HAS just received from Auction, a laigo ono1 of season, able Fancy and Stapl DRf GOODS, which be will sill ai a small advance. Amoug Ibem may be found Extra toper an tnperune black, blue olive ad railed Broad Clothe and. Cerilroereti Sitinrtlt and Ceteinettt plain white ad etiiped Uaea Drillings black and coloured Ueemark natint I Bali Jeeet and I'tanrni raole tklns black tilk, Meneillei and Valencia the l.lett.iyl and patterns! aiterlna and ln warranted greet bleached Irish Linear I Iri.h tnd Iluatia Ntpklne, Table Clolhi, Diaper, and Sheeting. tilk and eotton Flag, Bandana and German H.ndker.

chieft Linen Handkerchief. Linen Cimb rtct and Long Lawns twilled and plain, black and coloured IJombarelH blui and jet black Itombatioei, rcr cArep black and eoloorrd Cif cattiant inper brown Linen Cambric) and Marline I Merino and Cath mere long and aquare Sbawlt, of all eolourt and tlxrt, very cheap an elegant annrtmenl of gilla, contiiting of Satin, Balio Irftin Unci, Italian Loteilringt and Leventlneg I flaia. Scored and plaid Oroa de Naplet plaia and1 Igured, Switt, Mall. Jaconet end CambrieUotllnatNankinand Canton Crapea Italian and French do. Thread and Dobl nett Laceiaad Edlnti! elernntttlk.

gaote. barren and velveteen Dretl bandkerehtefa a large aiaartmeat ol ttentlrraen's and ladiet' MtCK aau wane tin, women end cotton Hnte: black, white and eoloorrd tilk, nnrte bearer, buck, woodttock and etor Olorea fornlturr, garment and cambrta Dim iliett Mntteawan and other Doraettin Cloodr, Cotton Yarn. Ire. 4 a. April IT, 187.

73 rihara kMa tared in CiMN1 en hip aadar the flrit of Acaiancili Hw. Bill, efwetmf earfrifr SiJfUhjt epoeaef traaMjlIng, for. all Uw. Grocery t. rr.

b.r.uMlk.U.. UUly oceeplealy Not rere J.W. New Sprino; Hardware. THE iubscriber beiug connected with one of the Urget! importer, of Hardwire in the cilvnf New.Vork.olfere to the inhab nStmeoljSmietrtVtilUiOlw.mplete he will Mil at the New York rleee or caa or iporored crelit. via Knob.

Mortice. Clieet ted Till Locke rad. Traek, Btaniirr aad pint. Lockt. Norlolk tad rwicht rbumh LaUhea.

Rraw Utrhrt Ac. Bran tSandlntickt and Commode Screel nod txrtt Uiiigei. I't qntlllr. Tn KXtlet aad Hollo tre of r.ere dVtrrlption. 8..1 llfrr.jjpuotol, tinned end plated.

Brill, din. Bocilet, a CUTLSHr.n etrgi.t attortaMol of hett Table Culler. pen and pocket JCatrei of Hodcen' and other make. Hand, Pnal aad B.t Stw. FHr.

aad other good mik. Carpeotert' and Joiner. Tool, of errrr W. jtWrO Enclnb Bliter Narlor, and Stniler arui'i Curt "teel. (navTanfcd Nilladro41gatof alltltett BraeeKet tie.

rWloalJ VI ailts beat VltAlX b.g. TreeeChainfj SO toot Sa edef Iron atterted I 4 too. bet Foilldi Hoop Iron, from 1 2 til to im ginl Iront brrt Souhed i Uraebartl IW el Ailrtrerti 3 toua iirel ae oned NalKfloe. Za. to 40a.

a near attorfneat of Mt boeanr flame Loukioi ISUrarf. Brtu Afldi'out, 7t I D. If lfl. Mr. aor.U to j.

VaLDBOJC. Pinehkeenile. April 9. IKtt 77 N'liW FALL GOODS. THE subscriber, have just received from New York and are now opening a large and xrneral ataortment ol hen able TIItY OOODS.

OnOCEBIW CAIno Gfan Earthen Iforr. Hard an Hollow Wart. which have been pnrchated within the Itit ten day the noil nf tbroiend particularly Iheir Clotht and CattimerVM auction and are now filtered for tale at low. at can be pur chadiotbit market. lKr Jutl rnceirtd a large a.aortirrnl of Sole and Upper.

LEATHER. Iron and and Wrought Aaiii 'lirk', St. Ubet, Litbon and Civ rpool i tovm txilt CONKLIN Si BOWNE. N. Tt.

Caeb paid for all kind, ol Product, at the hi Eh til market price. Ool.3,18t7. 2 A. G. STORM Ha.

the ulea.U' to inform bi. friend, andcuit hrenntinnraat hit old atat.J.un.1 donreatl of Ihe Middle Oi tricl Bank the tign of the Qttdtn Key, where he keenta iceiiertl aittorrnient ol Hardware, Fine Cutlery, Sic Carpeitora' lJol 1 L.cka of etery detcrlp tl'ou, Bail, tod Hingetfcrrwofallilse. Mill and crott Cut 8twe HaaJ. Pannrl, Iron llaak, Ruck.aaJ Compat. io.

filet Cut and Woiiekl iVatla of all Knirei and Forkt.ofthe nd gert' make; Pea and Pocket fcoivet, do Silrer tierl Hitor. I common do. Scliaora i Cn anode Knnbtt Itr.M Andi ron. i Hbotelt tod Tonz. l.led nnd Brat.

Candiettickt Kngli.h RraM Kelt lei I Hoi. low waret Fr.og I'ani; fatenl until, ran. Hell metal. Copper, Sheet Iron, and Iron Tea Keltleti Bread Bii keH Tea Trayi; BrilUnia and Block tia Tea Tba abort, tog. ther with a general at tortment of (ilver Table and Tea Spoont, and Plated ware i tYalebeaaad Jewrlre, Military aVc wil I he told a.

low a. at ny tore in toil village. A. O. STORM.

Pnithkeeptle.Jeaal.IBt7. tlH THE DUTCHESS COUNTY rAT.TTTTlVS A2VBSANAO ron 1838, Jjitt publiibtd and for itle at POTTER'S Book. Stora. with to Baicha by lb OJiaalily can bt 1(157, New Fall Goods. FROST GIDLEY have just re ceived and nie now opening a Gcueral At enrimi nt ol ScatonabU liKY GOODS, a hionjC bich we Would particularly invite the attention of tnircbeaar.

to bur eitrntive at aorloient of Broad Clotht, including all colour, and qualitle. from one ten dollar, prr sard blue black and tslied Ca.timert; aad Cambleu for Flanneleof all colour. and quelilift Jtot. Oltakct. I dark and liKbt Vertingi Call aoe, a new tiyl.

nd very eleg.ut i Von gee for drttten Crape. I Nankin and Cantou Crapre black and colored Bouibaaetli and; black Bombatiiiet, tome very Hue black, red and white Merino Sbawlt, long and erj cheap l.aiiation ilo. bl.u. Jro de N.plrt I Matin, i JetUn Lrvantinet Italian Lute tlriui. I Saraneti Florence, Sioetiew anil I gilke I a araat v.rielv of cnlortd 'do whlMaUoaod white Orot ile forUreetett plain end Dgurra u'ox.

swut nd Jaconett Mailioti Faihloiiable Bi lt and Hat Kibbanda Liuen Haraiaa for Hat. an elegant aiKi'lmeol of fc'nglltli Thread Lac. and dgingt Tickings Ginrbaoit tileacb cd and unblcclied thirling ai.J tktetin Mm liu. Cotton Yarn, Cotton Ualttl Wadding, tts ate Lao A aeneral araortnirnt of GllOCE HIES, including Tcai.Bu.i CiTre, IVp uer. All.

nice. i.luieKf. mon. to. be l.ree rlmrnt of Etrlbtn, Cioekeri eml OI were, iV' 'iilrn ware, Corn Haa riv S.Je Leather, tc.

TllO.T tilBLVI. Srpl. 19, 200 I WOULD iiifonn my friends and customer', that I mil continue al Old iiand. corner Vaier tlret, nrar I.eul nnd liave on hand a.i.l inleniLkrei.I'l.. 'On i ar.rri i ot of UR'Ji ER! I'KO VlhlOMK, ti.

a Wbileal' eini li. I ii, loftt at any Olf'rcd II ir el. I hi. altnj on band a I ire the Brtt ijutliiy Ui.t LE ITIlKli, S'a ab.iid. lit oi CnF.ltilY LOAKDS and A.o. uuil Fine SALT ol eveiy,Orinill"ue,4:c. tic, all which will tol.l il any time a. low. at the tame article er. told "i tliit alter.

THOMAS S. HOPKINS. PouEhkeeptie.Fcb.23. 1827. 71 and have Samuel 8.

Kv.rill. where thev have eotttant Iv on hand and for tale, a choice telectlo ol Gnttriti. Croekirg, FitS. Lome Oil, roarrt and Jlne Satt. tut and erevgaf.

Ktiti, Fand, Ac at. which they will t.low.. they can be bought In thevillar.a. and tb. blgheit price paid for all kindi of Produce.

Jon DeiAe, Baaaitr Uwjtis. June 6. 1887. hi NEW HAT STORE. TUG tubicrlber ha.

re commented boll nest at the land. In Mtlnrtrcet nearly orpotitethe Middle Diitrlct Bank, where he offeri en extentlve tMortment nl Bt.ver oa HATS, of evert detcriptlon, varranled water proof and well manufactured Alio. Imitathn Buriri, ol the I. feat fathjon. front New York.

Allof wuien win oe at low. ii not lowcr.intn they can tie paralleled in ihil village or where. rX7My old bonk and aeconnt.arenow ia i god Ihote whore accoooti are of Ion are reiueated to call and t'l tla tne time without deny, and save idcsi telvet eotl and trouble. Caib and the blghe.t price paid for Fur. JAMKS B.

FHEAH. I'oq hkeeptle. March 7. U7 80 CHUAP AND OOOD, AT THE NK1T STORE Of WILLIAMSON Sc MITCHELL. WE are now opening a General As tnrtmentof New Goodt, purchated I.

it week in New York .1 auction otberwiar, end on onr usual ttrmt, which ii to buy and tell principally for Cub constaeutly we can and will ell Good. Cheap. The attention of ptrllcaltr ly reiuetted to nar Complete A.tortment ol Broad Clotht. Catrioeret. Pcllttet, Bntlln ettt, mbatinet.

loag and sUare Merino Shawl. broWo and bleached Mutlin. end Ticking. hiving been bouiibl a bargain tbty will be told to. Without enumerating our ttock of Rllkt, L.cea, Fancy Millinery Articlet and Fancy Goodi of every kind, we will only remark, thai our aitnrtmenilv very complete, and tl.e pifcet thill be such as to meet with general approbation iriM.t A MSON it MITCHELL.

Pouglikeepiie. 9lh Mu.iilh. 1887. 1 yaokt raa atioAt oi.cttb. Ncw Carpet Store PETER EVEKITT lias just received from New York, a large aud complete a.

crimen! of Carpeting, contiitiig ol uper tu prr floe nnd One Knglith aoJ Scotch I.igraio Carpet; ttndtcape.Vencliaa.anJ and Common Stair do. Imprrial, Wilton, etimni raoe in i abl Cloilu aad fiiOil ClotbTjTCar. pet Bindingr, tee. April 16.IWJ7. 78 "CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES.

rpHE subscribers liave just received from New York a large ami eilemive at tortment o' Cloth and Cattimuu, which wire porchtted al auction very are nowolTeied for ralecheop by CONKLlN It B0WE., Oct. 3. 1887. it "K'E'wT TllJLX, GOODS.

THE subscribers oave just received from New York are uow ope nine, a General A ortn.ent of Seatonable lHk GOODS. Orerir. China, Otau and Earthen Van, which have beeu purchated within tie patt week principally ataucllooandare offered for tale a. loir ai can be purchased in llii. market.

Alto, a cargo of SALT, contlnmg of Turk. Iilaml, Kl Ubet, Litboo anil Liverpool ground aod blown GREGORYS! DAVIS. October 34, 1027. 5 N. H.

Cath paid at all time. forGRAIH, at the hiihert market rrlce. The 'working, were hong by, tb chimaey rwlth care, tu hope that SU'Itlehotai anon' weald be ibere. The children were netted ail mm In their bedt. While vlilon.

of wgar plumb, danced In thalf neafli, Awt Mamma lit her 'kerchief, ana In my can. Had Jmt Milled our biain. for a long winter's nap' When hut on the lawn there rote tuch a clatter, I iprant from lb. tied lo tee what ail Ihe mallrrj Away la the window 1 flew like a fl.ih. Tor.

nptn III. ikoltert, aad threw op Ihe laih. The moon nn Ihe brenil of the new fallen mow. Gave Ihe luttienf mid day lo objeett below Ybei what to my wondering eye. ihould ap peir, Bute miniature ttelgb, and eight tiny red deer, Wnen a little old rtrirer to livtlr and quick, I Inew in a moment It mutl ba St.

Nick, Mora rapid than eaglet hit courier! they came, Aad bt whittled, and ihouled, and called Ibem be name i Now I D.thtr, now 1 Dancer, now Printer and Vlaen, Oo I Cornel, on Cupid, on Duodet and B1U. em uTn IK. Inn nf the twtrrh 1 ta lha too of lh! Wall No daih away 1 daih away da.h a aiajr all At diy learei before Ihe wild narncane nj, When they mrtl with an ebilacle, mount to the olyi So lo Ihe honte tap the courier. Ihry flew. With lh.

sleigh full of loyt and St. Klcboltl too. And then. In a twinkling, I heard on Ihe ronr The prancing and pawing of each little hoof; At I drew in my head, and wat turning around, Down lb. chimney St.

Nicholas, came with a bound. He w.i retard all In fur from kit bead lo hi. foot, And hii clothet were .11 l.rnl.htd with atbei and aont A hundle nf fnva araa flunrnn till back. And he look'd like a pedlar opening' bit Ji.ckl Hi. cy.t how Ihcy twinkled, hii dimple, bow mtrrjr, HI.

cbeek. were like rotei, hit aoee Ilka a cherry I III. droll little mouth wat drawn up like a bow, And the.beaid of bit chin wat while at lh. inow The ttump nf a pipe he held light in hii teeth, And the tmott it bil head like a wie.tb. H.

h.d a broad face and a little round belly. That thook when he laughed, like a bowl full of iellr. He wat chuhbv and ntumn. a ilcht lollv old elf. Aud I laughed whau I taw biro in ipilt of my ttlfi A wink of hit eye and a twill of hi.

bead Soon girt mt to know I had nothing to drrari ile'tpoke not woid, but weuk tualghl to hit work. And all the tlocklngi tben turned with a loo, awl Clover, Timotnv and I have an addiliunal tupplyuf 171 Uu.helt Clover.ted fmm Ot.ego cuunly. warranud he Urge kind. Lit ye.r't Rrowtb, and Ire.

Irum all foul injuriuuito land. 300 flu bull Tiuiulby (eed, two humlred oi whltbit very suuerlor, warranted i.eivand clean ai above. The above teed wa. .11 purchated and brought to thi inaikttby Col. Otvi.

Jfopkint of Outgo county, who hit furnished we wltbieed for year, in me eeltion, and tba reputation or the teed hai ever Hood ttrit In the market, and it loo Hell known in need lurtbee de.cnpuon. liOOIbt. Int rate Ol.egn BU1 TEH. 300 Butheli Albany, ureen, juarrowiei and Vfhllo PK tS ELl.AS TAYI.tlB. Doom IFerl of the Middlt lHilrict Bank.

Pougbkeeptie, 73 MACHINE CARDS. The lUbierlber btiju.l received from one of Ibe belt ftctoriet in the Union, a con tigoroenl of Machine Ctrdt, ol atnorted kiodi aad nuuibert, which be oflert lor taleal the rectory prlcei, with Comb Pltte. Tli aner. and Em.ry Kli a Tat pn.h.Mn.ieFeb tl.1886 Bl INSURANCE OFFICE.

rpnB old cstablislied Manhattan Fire JL Jnnuraute Cumptinjv, and T'armer'i Fire Jmurance and Loan Company, Cnnlinue llirir Agency ill thit place. Apply a' the ojice of llie aubtcriber, teroud door rati of Poller'. Bouk.ture, Maiu ttreei. DAVID V. N.

RADCLIKF. PmnhWrptie. Augum HOT. f7 tf THE PARTNERSHIP Heretofore exittiog between Emott Fonau. h.vlnu been ilirtolred by reeton of Ibeappolntmenlof Judge Emott a Circuit Jude for this di.tricl.lbe undertigned btve formed a connection in their profeitional buiinett, and will bereaJy at all timee to attend to Ihe buiinett of their retpective oporwlle Forbut' AI.EXANDEU FOHBUS, LEONARD UAtSO.N.

Feb. 87,1887. 71 COPARTNERSHIP. OEOIOE UE1D hevinrlaten Inlop.rt neithip William Pitrty aod GeorgrStitl the bullueil Will in lUture urcrauuiiTO the Arm ol KEID.PIEHCY nnd gTfcHI The blgheat price will be paid for RAUStui Fltihingt, al their Paper Mill, one mile from Ibe village of Newbuigh. 6 GEORGE REID.

WM.PIbKCY GfcOHGE STEEL. New Triodtor, 78 And givinx a nod. uplht lle tprang to bit tltijh.lo hii team gave a whittle. And awtv they all flew like Ibe down of a tbit lie But I heard bim exclaim eie be drove out of light. "Ilappj Cluiitmai to .11, and lo all a good night." VB03I THK MKMOIllaL, 0a lX'O.

CANZONET. Mimic anl dancet, Sinilet and blight glancca, Lnvn bappychtneet, All ate al pity I fiirlifiomihaciiv. Country maldi prtliy, Simple and willy, Foot it awty. Vinti are tinkling. Light feet are twinkling.

Snowy veilt crinkling. Round al they go Soft voicra pi.ttle, Cmaiieli tattle, Luve't mimic balllt them to. Now lha dance clows Knikcltof roiet. Woven in police. Gaily ihey twine; Goblcti arerlaihing, Anihrr Iitlila Bathing, Young loven dafchiog, Iteiuly ill wiue.

All now it over. White inaiiilei hover, Each with her lover. Back lo the town None of Uiem mitcl Sweeten nf bllwci. Dewy wel kiet That it Invei clown. yirrtt kttlltt and Jirau Andirons.

JUST received 300 best Engl'uli Brass Kiltlei aitorlcd from I lo ID galiout, aod 3o p.i, wi3LoBori. 3Pou.hkecpl, 3, 18i7. 09. FLOUR AND FISH. Ja.t received end for.nlr by tbetubteri bert, iO barrel, rtetb" canal Flour nf ihe brrt Alto a few barrels and half barrel! no.

1 eait river Shad, put up Ibit tprinir. ADRlANCEat HAWKINS. June 1,1887. WESTERN FLOUli. Just received, a of Freib ground Western Can.

I r'LOWtof the molt approved brands, warranted arilquelily. For by KOUINSON GRAHAM'. 81 The following articlt.fiom Ihe rluquirer, aug geittd probably by a receut event of a mela ncho ualurt, It judiciuui tnd timely. inrulctltr talutaiy Irutbs, aud warut againtl fuimidable dangert. Pott.

Qamtling. We have Mteial timet nm iced the in.gnificentganiblince.tabl'ulinieuii in London and Parlt betttr known by the tigmbtaut tndiipropilawuanietififrU. AtUirs. rtcepla clei of vice aud nxmuinenli of human rniteiy are countenanced or protected by goverumenl ihty are fm that rrasou well known, aud are only vitited by the Initiated of "good society by black lees of established rrpulallao uolilenwu of great estates lielrt epptienl rich banltil, a Inali.i.latf aim men naviiigsoineiuiox iuii.iimi m. ui.i.j mi Hit glittering tables.

With ut, however, we have no tuch public and recognized establishments I bul we have private receptacle, of a inoia dangerou. aud dstpertlt character Peru tlaiikt. uoou a limited tcale, and Let, who keepibeir curricles and pau for gendemau. We hateiail Ihe inemoruie uueaioiute tlOD.COO iuono night, buttbrieart loo mtuy placet where few iluiuiandi may be woo, and llirict tuch winiiinii lotll wheie the uuwery are decoyed aud leiuptrd, (nl to veuiuie what ii iheir owu. aud llieu eicilcd 10 lote what it the property of others where pnenu iitiard what belougt to their cbildreu butbandi il.k the resources of Iheir wiret mcu iu buiinett thl properly cf llieir erediioit, and public and pii valt agei.uiln money of their empUiytrt, uutil, step by Hep, they tit led on lo rglu and die grace, and tomeliuu! a violeut dealb clout Ibe scene forever.

Gambling it not to Inhered vie. I ii I. a beetle excfieuanl. ufoduced br xiadu.l Indulgence il Hull Imperceptibly upoa lit. Mto com meuca by pl.yinjcaid.

iu ibeir own houici, ut A I 1 iVM Id lha houtet of their ftlendt whltt. brtet'they pt.y for trifle tend and their cupidity 1. excited to Wt inever, and not lading the retoorcei in the flonvertie circle, they dMcev and frtq.tnt gambllag boonttf they are permitted to win Silt, la" order thai lliele appeple aaay ba wketteavaiKlln twewavay are ear. ta be enlned. i Every faro bank bat ts per lo favet of the banker I aad yet.

with a knowledge of thl. fact, men madly ink. the lilt dollar kin a card, sad I ben come homo to wltnen the mis ery and dhrtrate brought on Iheir famlliet. III. locredible bow jnach money It lott in thl.

wh.ieeeee. of heart rend. log dlttrei. Ihlt vie. confined to' the profrttion alooe rgen.

tlemea, men of hotlnet. and wien of family, meet al etch otbti't hmites, add; In the klndett mtnntr Imarlnahle. each oiner. of a few theutands a Many a check prevented for payment eta bank In tba raornlng, 1. ihe remit nf a gambllnc debt ibe algkt prtvlous.

It it difficult to check a confirmed vice, or reform a corrupt but much miy be dnne by perenti to tntrd titlnit ibe approach of. vice. Letcard. be Dmhibiled In families! let the tbtng genera lion have no' example before them, can excite Inem in gamDie, or leaa io inn nepiorauie propeutity. Wbai commence! merely i.

an amutement, terminate. In rnlnou. attachment. II mutl be a ftmily without without the charm, of aoclal convene, without a cheering fireside, without amiable Intcrcnune, without good that must fly to raid. to past away Ibe Parents should us.

avnyrva tional etTett to make Ibeir: home, cemfoetable and attractive to their children, lenocebt amusements nf every kind thould be encouraged to a reason.hl. extent Improving convert.tion ihe society of chaste female, thould not be lott tight of. It ii by early and ronect Impres anil, proper ax.mpiea, inai ui pass through lift it lo be rendered tefe nnd We ar, however, defective in our do mestic lyilems. Take no honest mechanic, who by hit labor ha! realised a handsome for. tun; and we find bul few in thai rlaae who will bring up their' sons to a llroilar mechanical employment.

They apar' to be aihamad of the honett occupation by which they have made The boy! mutt be gentlemen lawyer! or doctors wear, fashionable elothel have money in their pocket keep a gig retort to gambling houses, or hour! of ill And ruin followi. Parenti who can give their com fortunes, will be certain thai Such fortuntt will not be waited if they bring tbim up to be ludustrl out and economical. Employment Ibe grand secret and Ihe gi nnd chafm lo ensure tranquility, good principles and b.pplnet. I It 1. Mir nets tbaf 1.

tb. parent of vice, and the root of evil. With respect lo gambtlog houtte and gamblers, we believe thai there ere legltlallve enact menu to supprro nd punish thalr keepr ere; If not, w. have tlitt tweeplng machine thai embraeel every lirtglnabU oflence tht Cun mon Jic. It be'nnvea our Police to be more than usually vigilant, ami In aland on no rate mony with" these giiiilitlng establishment.

They aie all they eie called, but nevertheless public rcceptuclet of. vice, of infatuation, of ruiu aud.uicide., JWne'con btfurt hit Marriagti Wnon Napo lenn Biinnnpaiie met Madame de' Beauharnal. In and fell Iu love with her, he wis already grnwial.bul Dot Iu favor'. Hit mien wat Wjjflehjtjjiiifurni loo long for histbort ita sunken cheeks; bit boots, tccnr.llng to" the weather, either coated. with or begrjmed with mud, gave him a singular and by no means gallant appearance.

Although ec.rcely escaped from Ihe wooden ahoe. and tenner range of Ihe reigu ef terror, Ihe higher circlet of Parisl.o ao rlety aflrcted tpleiidour' In their equipage! and rl rtas, and Ibit raged clally among the Those of Ibe society of the citnynne Betuharntii called Napoleon it tilain ftntraU in title which the herself gave him when converting wilb her fiiendt. One evening, towardt midnight, Madame de Betuharntii arrived al the house of Madame Ch whom the fuund already retired lo rem Gat up, taid the, throw on your dim quickly, and come and be wltnen for me In night, thit ve. ry moment, 1 am lo ba mxrib to Jc cilum fen. trmL 7Vfrrt in Iht Eatt Mia, A letter from Netpnd to a liger liuot which: look place lo ibat neighborhood on Ihe 27th February, whau a email parly ol gentlemen, mounted nn elepht ills, succeeded la killing a Lire, tall awl feincinus liger, Hii length wet ten feet lo Inches, which, we believe, ie ralher uncommon.

Ilia height, however, was tnnre extraordinniy, being four feel two inches and Ihe circumference of what our correspondent calls hit forearm, wat two feet and a half Inch, and tiout throughout. The monster bad killed a bullock on tht i'Cth, but hit riepiedalinut were toon del lined to te terminated wilb a vengeance. When he found that lb. game wat up, lit allowed much pluck, and charged in tucb desperate style, ihet he had nearly ennlhilaied the Mahout of one of the elephants, hul luckily did no ninrt mischief than leaving lh. mark, of lilt clawt deeply Indented high upon both lidt.

ol the elrphniil'i head. Although be received lev rial which knocked him down repeatedly, he chaired tevtie! lime, before he received Ibe ceuyi de grace. While on the eubjeel nf tiger, we. may et well meution a circuiniiaoco wblcb lately happened al Ainhertt Island, which shows ibat t.ff duptrandum it a good rule la Ihe most desperate circumitancei. A liger breaking iulo a thtd in which a colt and a iuy ware tht tiered, klUid ibe former.

The pony iben attacked tb liger, and pommelled him so heailily wilb bis heels about lb. bead and ribs, ibal be knocked out torn, of Ihe, and all hit courage, for he had juit strength enough iu crawl to a nullah haid by, wbete be wat found by lha nativat thoitlv afterwards, and he appeared to much bruited that he could hardly move. They ee cordiagly fill upon and killed him with blud geon. Prtvloui lo thit, five borsei had beta killed near ibe tame ipoi. Indian Qan.

Anetiote of Qm'n. The consummate epicurism and coarse menntrt of Quia, Ibe ecior, of ten rendered bim vrrydistgieeable guest. Dining one day with tb. Duchess of M.ilboiough bar Grace to bi. great tvrpiiat, helped her self to tba leauesi part of a hauncn of venison, wbkb stood near her.

"Wb.l 1 (aid Quia, "aod does your Grace eat no fal "Not of venison, sir. "Never, my Lady Duchoaif "Never, I assure you." Too much affected to restrain bis genuine sentiment, the epicure exclaimed, "I like lo din. wilb such fools.1 The eye it never Iu ba mistaken. A person may discipline the mutctet of ibe face( end the voice but there It something iu ibe eye beyond the will, and wa thus fiecjutuily find it giving ihe tongue, ibe lie direct. 1 never knew a truly estimable awn otter a finger i it i ever a alga of a cold heart; and be who is beartlttt It positively worthless, though he may bs negatively htrutltn.

9 ftt.Twrh frAC aa isaa, 'Js Al tt :7 '1: iT'Wy'i' ai ssr2fi i 1ST: v.28' 30' 31 FabraarVrt'aif 1 i'iSiki'iioiJ 'it: TXS, vW) March, April," May, Swfw iiiij, ae awt ee eA i.yi a )' it; la is" 16tl7v10 v.i i tA MS iik i4 i ii 'ii'tc. 1H7 la ls3 55 S8' t7 2S St.30l31 lii 7 0 '13 ii Aogoit, SeplemOtr," NovtmUir, December, auloiit: iis.ii?i7; it la.Jto ti tt' 3 ''JM itSSaWSliS) i4KlSr 111, 11 ,19 ss '9Jf ii 10 11 14,41515 17' 'Oi si' ri' w1 lj.ft. 'Uls'WTlT. UJ.W Jtt sttt 1 tar S4VSSSa 37 29'' 30 "rf 6 i 9i.W Sli; WsUflS 18 il7'lt SO 27. SJ 29 30 311 i' 3 VB! 10 iijitiismiuw: 174 wi.

i a .1 '24 It 19 2' 23 30 1' 21 St 29 18 17 18; si a 30.ii3l.""1:'' it ns, 2827 Mom Tsta Bw.csBLiiiD irAaVatkm. FOOT. ROT IN nnrrSir As the new and repldly txtendfni itiseate, called the Feat BoUVrhlch wa. Introduced among our by Ihqs. rectutly lm poind from S.xohy, ha.

bier oenance to tne ei font of the f.imtr to eradicate It I encleeaan. a. jfodn pi treating int. taiti ataoes new nioouiiy juetetinvTTi iu. the llaelnb ahawh II tn a sentlemaii.

whbea Uarl no had caught the complalutfrcm a few of ihe Saxon breed, which were purchated I I825 he observed, that torn, experiments bad been made upon ibem, by paring lha hoof and apply ing blue vitriol, during last tummtr.witb fivocaV hie It was found that acrid ulcers, often containing rnegiot, wire concealed under to boof, aud be theitfore had conndeoce la tba Eni glith remedy, and tbould apply il lo hi. indue lit recommends that the hoof ihould be ibo rouehlv cut awav. so as to eallrelv expote the ul cers, and when weibed clean with strong The fed of Ibe sheen, which are lame, tbould. be often examined, and lha kulfs end liquid free Iv applied, aad there It little doubt lbtdisoirler can ihut'be cured. olless(i) sheep be aepuaisdfroM Hum that are tooT bo in sage.

tIn tba rtDOil of tht Merino flock of lb. Earl of Ihe Itrv. Thomas ttadcliff il it remarked, thai "too sues it from ltroentts and that this It priacipally, oW Ing 10 frtqutntl paring lha The dry ing wash used by the iberberd, wbtni needful, ie thus composed "tak. blue vitriol, while vitri ol, rock or locbe alum, and verdigris, of aca iluee ns. rub bem togeiner 10 a add one quart af scalding vinegar stir ll well, a a cover ildewo to cool then add half a plntfef iplrlti of turpentine, and half a pint of apirlur of Wine, and coik it op in a clean stone bottle.

Ii it a good waib lor ptuence nog receut Bruises, aud all lucipient,jnag.eriBW. jdamfaetitm. Tie rise and Lowell, Mats.) is a pbtnomtnoo, even la Ibit country of phenomena, blx years, Il had not more then three bousu. Il now cousins a population of moie than 6000 person kTha capiul loveeud Ihert la maaufaclurt It Inv mensa. aare ara.

roiwa muis ta iuu op, ratloa. There are three In thtte mille there are I0U person employed. Betid these there are a grttlmtoy work lie. la which a large number of mechanics employed. The amount ef capital actually in vetted, I.

tYWUrW no rue la the value or load, hat been wonderful within ibe list (bur Lowell i. edmlr.bly, tltuiltd wilb It gatd 10 marksls. It promises In a few. yean, lo a populous and wtaliby cily. Jf, l.nj.

Whan an Indlsmau Brit arrives no the Hoogly river, iu Bengal, a crowd of raer cbanu aod othr Oritnlali of various dttcrip. lions hurry en board, ll if toitsk whom thry may dtvour. One ol. Ihet gentry will go up to a young Englishmen on the quarur deck, and accost bim with, "Mans, what appointment ar you come out with act aCaJtC' Oh, veiy bad ao gold mobvrt an pagnd.s bery To another he, will tty, "Will mitta, what appoiulotent have you gotf A wilurthip," Ob masta, excellent good plea ly of muhura pagodas, rupees make me ta't debath head man Mate, want ao coon ay 1 no, notblng Mstta pay on lint, other. A duck wna cigar ns nit muwiu eniereo OK Croti't mauagetle latt week, wbea Mr! Croat re queued ihe vuuiei 10 tabs lh wtd" treat kkt ajoutb, lilt he should leara ihalmpakiesbad habits." tHff'i Eat sad drink with nwdeietioa, ketp lha body open, rite early, its modtrate eitrcite, be cleanly In your pettoe, wash often, batke fre queuilyn4 you may tbto talcidtta, upoa: s1 When i ou roeaa to do axtlesl'd sit d.liharat about It: 7" ZmV.

7W mm iliiiiajat i. w.iumi: zj jrftemgi yf. mm.

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