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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 3

Poughkeepsie, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ctou Wish papers Wtlitli.e exception of Vtat portion our force which was thrown Into disorder! no troops have ever behaved with b0t.Jr He llenes Intri nlditV. Mrh detail me hatth number had Burrener. surrounded bytbe i.r without lirovislontor mil hirMLT Lord January rfespatthea to Ihe from I have tiielionorto be', with high rc iin on the 10th pc'ct: your obedient servant, wt i rfjnp tu abou War taken at rrnch Town, JamesVm'ebester Brigadier General AVilllarnLels, Lieutenant Colonel James jO'verte'n, jiim Atd de Camp George Mad idbniMajot 'James Gardner, jun.B; In speciorJohriJA'Oalla, Adjutant, Poltand "Kecni Quarter Master, John Todd, CAPTAINS. Richard Higtowcr, Bland V. Ballard, Coalman Cholicr, Henry James, Joseph Kelly, John Hamilton, Saml.

L. Williams Uriah Sabrie, Richard LIEUTENANTS. Caleb Holder, Byran Rule, Wm. M. M'Gnirc, Ashton Ganard, Wm.

Moore, John Higgins, ENSIGNS. Lynden Butler, Thomas Chin, Joseph Harrow, John W. Nash, John Botts, James Mundy, James Hcrron, William Nash, Joseph Mooring, William Fleet, George Cardwcll. 'Total 35, ptisoriers at Maiden: The Indians have still a few prisoners in their possession which I have reason to hope will be given up: to Col. Proctor at JAMES WINCHES! EK, Brigadier General United States Army.

were war. On tlio wnoie, i uy certainty, North is emirr.iy iim.M,a that any iugHiy.y......... A.1 1. umnnntnn to un. ny, wnicii thousand men) have escaped SWOrils or We prisoni ui uie they must Xa.

nothing more a etchcd wanderers, who to maintain themselves ei 'oland or Russia and who must before tncy can nno mc rtrr't so often mentioned in ttie Bulletins. I his news win ac the discontinuance oi mc nuue the silence oi mc rencii yagers, the Grand Army, i nc iaci rfarmyno longer exists iuo mighty lorcc, greaier man any warrior could ever before boast seen, in mc suun ntircly destroyed, so mat scarce been left to tell the disastrous hat the consequence ot this en at ami overthrow of the French in hr. ue crctendnot to it he orouauiiity is inaiinc rru. Poles will unite with the Rus row on me joko oi mo nce more assert their ihdcpend Some part if not all of Germany. airuinst Napoleon, ana wesnouia urprized, if, the next season, he lave in his turn, to meet an inva v' in his own territory.

eadcrs now have before them, in nch bulletins, and in Lord Lath is'riatclies, the whole history of the rrench array, nom mo ey.crosscd the Russian frontier, to rival at Moscow, ns nlso ol their from'the day they left Moscow to nal destruction at Wilna. informs verbally, that the bf the people in England was, that thunder is to neara in an tne ican ports the ensuing summer, at in six months the American flag be seen flying on the ocean. He here is new in Portsmouth 19 sail' line ready to sail for America, and iere aie several frigates, sloops of gun brigs ready to join the above ion that they have taken on boaid quantity of bombs alid other lit ems ofdestruction, and it is generalised that an attack will be made, in the spring, on some of the Amer uwns, perhaps New York. There veral 74 cud ships cutting down for es, and several large frigates bail intended to cope with our largest arc also a number, oi large, priva ready to sull, some of them carry hirly twoguns. Jiv.

Post. Notice to Stone Mjison. FllOt'US ALS foj. a ttonc'li'MlTWinB to b'vi laid in lirne fctij thnc sttirira Factoi ill UVi icdif 14 tXThSamin Bi ovn; Hjihiti rc.ilct M'fthkill landing, Hying on the premlsesj ind give itifqi inatlon to any pefstft wlo a with 'iocontract i ng.a rropnsais arercnuesttntoue mine F'oksaLe. Ttft' PAltM late In the occUDStion frk deceased, jjommorily tailed lying the Now'n i'bf In the" county' of JEitehcss.

Thisfaim is justly consfdef. Vft9 6rthe best in (he county. It con. Ss'of Se'teii hmdrtdand thitlt ttten acrtt, tmmediatelyi.aa the building tywanudrstfa'tyyjylik'd into arable, meadow and lo be pm up as soon as possible; mere is annually, cut upon Mslikill town, Marcuetli, it fiunarcd tint or nay. I ne uuiiti.

ing consist it a. convenient iviaioivm HOlJbrj large5 Xodcfihoiti house ad Houtii, barns, she'dsi and a variity of cut houses. filled "with, the, best fruit tree's, of allUindsVand on the premises it a veiy jje torchard of the finest graft ed apples, among them the Herifordthtre 8dStriak io justly celebrated far Cyder. jwhole farm in, excellent fence and conditionThe above is part of the real estate of Jacob Johnston, de ceBi.d, and will be sold in pursuance of an order of the Surrogate of the county bf DutcheM. For terms apply to, the subscriber at his residence near Potigh I If not sold at private sale will be disposed ofat'PUBLIC AUCTION, at Locust AQwniity of LOCUST PjOSTS, iuiwileor fccfor Sale at the Storb of JOSLFH C.

UKAN. March 10, 1813. 4t.4v MARRIED, On Sunday evening the Rev.Mr. LEbNARD, Mr.MATTHEW VASSAR, of Miss CATHERINE VALENTINE, of Fishkill. i On Saturday night the 3rth the Rev.

Mr; Reed, Mr HENRY HUGH SO of MissELIZ ATH ACKr ER, of this village. At Ncw York, oh Saturday the 20th of FoKrnarv hv the Rev. Mr. Williams, Mr. ZENO CARPEN TER, Jun.

formerly of this county, to MissliLLEN TURNEY, daughter of Mr. Abel Turney of Fair field, Connecticut. DIED. In this village on Friday morning last, In the 50th year of his agcROBEJlT WILLIAMS, Esquire. On Sunday' afternoon Mr.

CORNEL IUS VELIE. At Tvoy, after a short illness, on the 26th ult. Fltcbe Bloom Hart, aged 12 years ai.d months, daughter of Mr Richard' P. Hart, of that place; At WarreiijConnccticuti February the 19th Lieutenant Amos Fulleriih the 63d year of his age, formerly of Fredericks town, Putnam county. of a Utter from Brig.

Gen. Wincies now a prisoner of viar, to the Secre vy of war. Maldek, January 23, 18t3. A detachment from the left wing le North Western Army, under1 my niand, at trench town, on the uiver IiMPOSTORS. HEXRY'lf HUGH POLlJMUS, Twin brothers, young men of a dark cojmV plexion, and of most striking likeness one of the other in every feature, have left this place in the character'of school teachers, and I understand are passing through the countryifor members in good standing in the Church of which have the charce.

This is to caution the Pres in, was attacked on the 22d inst. by i bytcrian Churches within: the bounds of HOUSE THIEVES, TAKE TII subscribers, inhabitants of the town of Washington, having enler ed into an association for the detection of horse stealing stealinjrany kind of Neat cattle, burglary, Scuhertby notity any thief who dare steal any kind of property frt'm any of the subuciib'ers, hones in particular! that they have appointed a sufficient number of active and vigil. ant riders, who will be ready at oil times at a moments warning, ro pursue inem with the utmost vigor. Dutchess County, March 10, 1813. "Philip" Terry.iS.mith Herrick.

Veniah' Wooley, JohnWiU laimsSamuel Mott, JohnvHeighfi Jtiii. Jacob Height, Isaac 1 horn, Isaac (Thorn Jun. Brnjamain Height, 'Albert Stamen, George Smith, John Dutcher, Isi'ac: dell, Jonathan Wells, Timothy Cj inklin' Jacob Holmes, Ezi a Variiey, Robert Coffin, Samuel Holmes, James Haight, JohiiHoeg, Jeremiah Dodge, Benjamin Gardner. Duty Jacob Pratt; Phil ip iloag, Jonathan Wood, Richard. Mabbett, John Williams Soni'Jediah Varney, Jacob Willelts, Tryon jVahtas.

srl, Iarael Bugbee, Isaac Germond, John Wintrinsham, William 'Thorn, Aaroh Betts, Obadiah Thorn, Benah Suson, Henry N. Ben schoten, John Odell, James Tripp, Reu ben' Hovi, Isaac tus, LtmuelSission, Silas Haightff'Seii eca.Soule, Ebeneier E. Hu'stead' Jonathan Vincent, Moses Mullirie', Joseph Thorn, Jamys Sweet.W illiam 1,1 horn, Samuel Titus, Jacob 'Griffin, Phineaa L.ounsberry, Cornelius uaigm, Elijah Allen, David Duel, Nathaniel Losee, Joriathaij Clem ents, William Joseph Haff, Coenrad Ham, William Shearmen, Silas Downing, Samuel ThoTn, Phineas Carman, Nicholas N'chblus Haight Jun. Elias Joseph' Wooley, and Jacob H. Haight: '41 Lately fuittshed and' forSoieat earr em's Bookstore, Brown's' history of the Sh a'k ft .1 Extract from ih Port.alio,forQct.

JUVii A MONG the Variety of jragibui A. sects with which our cotttry bounds, hone appears more worthyof in vesligation than the. bociety whith is the iiKtnjt' fCilm vnliim' lli All fif :r.V: ir: i WHEREAS Israel GrosTtnor! of the state of Pem sylviinia, on the third day of November, In the year one thousand eight hundred arid twelve in 'older to secuie the pay ment of the sum of fifteen, thousand' nine hundred and eighty seven dollars With Interest according to the. condition of a cettain fcoud executed by the said Israel Benjamin 'Lewis of. the town uf StanfonV" the county ot.

Dutchess, and state of, New York, bearing date the same day and year afore said, did; by indenture, mortgage. in fee simple to the said Uepjimln Lewis, "all that certain' tract of land situate end ly. ing In said tuwn of Stanford, county ot Duichess, ,1 nd bounded as follows', be cinningtat, the east side ol a tract of land, sold byJo'seph Caaton of the coun iyof.Wesichester,"tb, Daniel and Israel ewis in the middle, of the highway, at ihe line of Thomas Braman's land thence i running northabout forty nine; degrees twenty. two west. ts the; road runs twenty, two chains, and Jtwenty links till It meets with another highway, thence north abvut nineteen degreesthirty minutes the niiddlet of said chains and twelve tlnkstill it comes opposite toapopUr bush, standing in the; fence on the west side.1 of' the said thence west, fifteen degrees thirty minutes, obrib of thereabouts, seventeen chains to a'ttake ih tiAii.l fAhn'Fnrhnft in the.vlltacre of Poughkccpsie, on Saturday third land stones on the top of a rocky ridge a Av Anrii nPTt.

at i tV0ck. thence, north i about; ten thirty JOHN JOHNSTON, Administrator. 2nFB WC0Y; March f'UI 3i i V40tf Ice greatly superior in ai by several peices ot artillery. 1 he bn commenced at the dawn of day liicquet guards were.ldriven in and lavy fire opened oil the whole line by Lh a part theieot was thrown into dis tr; and, being ordered to retire a 111 distance, in order to form on more bntageous ground, I found the enemy bling our left Hank with force and ra 3 destructive was sustained for Ee time at length borne down by num the few of ia that with I party that retired from the lines sub Itcd. The'remainder of our force, in nber abour four hundred, continued llefcn'd themselves "with." great; gallati i in an unequal contest 'against small bs and artillery, untill was brbusht bs a prisoner to that part; of the' field pipitd by the this latter understood that troops were defending themselves in bte of desperation, and was'infoimtd Ithe commanding officer of the enemy, at he wj uld anord them an.opportunity surrendering 'themselves prisoners of pr to which 1 1 was the ore ready to make the surrender from ling assured, that unless done quickly, le buildings adjacent would be lmmedi lely set on fire, and that no responsibili would be taken for the conduct ol the Ivages, who were then assembled in peat numbers.

In this critical situation, being desirous preserve the lives of a number of our Jrave fellows, who still held out, I sent a ig to them, arid agreed with the corn landing officer of the enemy, they' vumu uc surreiiucrcu onsonciv war. condition ot being protected train the avages, allowed 'to retain their private 'roperty, end havmc their. ude arms re nnied to them. It is impossible for me ascertain with certainty the loss wo ave sustained in this action', from the mpracticaliiity of knowing the number "ho have made their escape. Thirty five ollicers and abbiit four hun dred and eighty seven non commissioned oTicers and privates aro utisoners of war.

I A list of the hamesof the officers Is here I with enclosed to youOur loss in VII llediscoDsiderabler However unfortu'nste nov seem the Sfiairof vesterdav. I nm 'flotterut b'v1 a belief, that no 'material error is charge' uie upon royitir, and that leas censure Is deterred by 1 had tbo honor of wmmandiog. these United State's, and religious socie ties of every denomination against them las deceivers, who under the cloak of religion, have here and elsewhere sought op; portumties to commit the basest acts. ELIPHALET, PRICE, Pastor of the Presbyterian Church atiWappmgs Poughkeepsie, Blarch 2, 1812. It is hoped that1 a 'conspicuous place wifl be civen to this publication in'thbse papers, published by friends count of their peculiar opinions, and exr traDrotinaryJmode of.

worship.f It Was froin'k motives bf literary curior.ity, that we sougnt aiicruic msiorr ft and the very curious: ihformatjbn which it contains, will exempt it torn ihe i neglect and inattention wuh wbichvwe are disposed; t' regard 'every of i rev lurious i We should tlo injustice, au ihpr, If we did not say, thatjri?" of ihtemnefaliee. 'seems on i the, con ijse all possible means pf enlightening himself on the important subjects of his I Vfir Lt fmm tin first of Mav loubts.eog even alter nis secessioii.ironi! l.ur oj.mout cannot adoD their VAI IT A HI nrufthrrHilnrv hnek "'r r. Kr 1 1 Ka 'mna lllultt In JOR S'AL'B' A HOUSE, cenerally considered of tne be'st and haridsbmest buildings a' few dbir's east from the "Hjtel. This build." ing is thirty feetin fr'ont'i'and fifty one feet to the fearJ'staridinB'bn ValuabW lot which is abdut deep a passage to the lear. Oh'the' first floor there is a.

large, and 'well finished "store now occupied as suth'w'ith a hall dining theystc gjid and thirdi floors' cohta'Ihr'nlne "handsome, h'bms; The hotise haa also good cellars, ctllir kitchen, with ttc. all fin. ished in a neat, modern s'yle' and well calculated for a man of busines'sf; ALSO, Jor. sale orto jLet A.lwo story; HO USE and LOT, afe doors west of the Hotel in Main Street, convenient and pleasantly. situated.

'jtLSQi FOR SALE, A building Lot adjoining, theabove, twenty five fet front, and one hundred and twelve feet' For fuither par ticulars'apply io, the subscriber; on. the first above disciibed piemiies. PRTEU.B MORGAN. Poughkeepsie, March 10,181 3. 4 lifj ohe princjplesjj he jrejhdqri ample justice to i the.

good, order and decency, ofillieir. conduct, I exemplary clianty, and the kind treatment which I hejesperien. ced from the body of their 'community. These circumstances rrcbm mended his narrative." experience! is related with and furnishes an excellent, proof intb what Whlroiies'a thajf; lead the', most sensible qnd sober men'. "Totally iEnorant'as we are of the au thor, we do not hesitate to say, that he writes and.

acts' likei ia veryaolier good sort of inan. There is even an interes ting simplicity displayed' in hlS earnest endeavours to learn the doctrines of the 'i 7. sect, ami leaves Homing uiiihc.i ij tary mediiatioh; painful i cb'ntererices tortconcile tnem to ms lueas oi ieaon. have been liberal In our quota. 110119 1IUIU Ultm TUIUHII tents are of a njture to excite aj lively interest with regard to aordinary us' Poughkfepsltt" MaTcn33nV, 1 For'Sale, ANY quantity of Ion with Ihe build, ings thereon, from half an acre to'eighty acresfvlying near the mouth of Wappings, Creek.

Thisrprpperiy is worthy tue'attenlion of the mechanic and maii'of busipess and the time has fully' come that ihe public good, requires it to pass into more industrious hands than Ihe'piesent Enquire ot "bn the rJsbkiil8tiMarcVl8l2. 4r 4tr WHEREAS Ebenezer Haight and Anna his.Wife; of of Washington, county of Dutchess, and otate( ot New York, did, on tne day, of, June, in iheyear of our Lord, one thousand' eight. hundred am eight, in order to secure the 'payment of four thousand mortgage N. nueei, jonn ivi. uavia u.

ug and Elixa Evertson, all bf the city pf Ncw York, in the' stale aforesaid, ex. ecutors of Nicholas Evertsoni'deceasedi All that certain tract of land, Situate, lying arid being" in the town of Washington, county of Dutchess, and State bounded as follows, Six. Beginning at 'i. a butternut stump, be" ing William Terry's 'southwest ihenCe running south sixty two degrees, jeas seven chains and sixty1 links to a maple" sapling marked," thence eighty one degrees, east two chains to a stake and stones thence south; two degrees and thirty minutes, east four chains twenty. one, links to a stake and atones thence south forty four degrees, east one chain and seventy, links to a stake and thence south two 'degrees and thirty minutes, east nine chains and sixty links to a stake and stones', in Joseph Woolley 's line thence sbut eighty seven degrees and thirty min utes, west nine chains and seventy five links to said Ebenezer land thence north two, degrees and; thirty minutsfweslnineteen.

chains and one link in said Haight's line, to the place of beginning; containing fifteen: acres, two. roods, and twenty four perches of land Alao, all that certain tract of land, situate, lying and being, jn the county, and state first "aforesaid, con taining one acre and an halfof land, adjoining the road from Connecticut Poughkeepsie) on the south part, and on ine road irom (Jswego to the little mate partners on the west part, and by John Tripp's land on the north and by Friends laqd, formerly Joseph Mabbel'a on the east (part the said acre and' an hall, having a stone house and forms a square from the ahd east ana all that tract of land, sitaate, flying and being, in. the townj county, and slate fiist aforesaid, 'arid bounded, as follows, viz. Beginning at a stake and siones, standing on the east side of the' Oswego, road; Joseph Woolley's line, being the southwest corner of the last mentioned tract bf land, thence running north eighty tight de. crees, east nineteen chains iii said WooL 1 ey a line to a stake thence north one degree and thirty minutes, West to the south side of the Poughkeepsie road thence along, the 'south side of the Poughkeepsie'.

road 'to the by.the intersection of, the said Oswego ahdroughkeepsle roads thence along ihe east side ofsaid Oswego foad, south wardly to tfeplaceUfi beginning tatoing.forty,fouraeres,'two roods, e'pd. twenty perches of land, with the 'exception, of twenty acres "oi 'theilist1 mentioned of Upd, bounded north Dy me uuicneif lurnpiae west, wardly the Oswego roadi "and sbuth wardly by tbo lanilof' Joseph Wooleyv which said twenty is tipw possessed byHenry Albert not intended to be hereby granted i(tQ gciiicr wiiu LBiii5uiiir (iic iiciv chains seventy five links to an aaU stake In the turn of a ditch thence West about, fifteen degrees thirty minutest north to a stake and' stories, near the southwest, part of an island, five chains and fifty links thence north about fire degrees thirty minutes east; twehty chains' thirty five links to a stake stand. ing in a marsh' or flyi thence west about! sixteen degrees thirty jninutes'nortbi1 twenty three chains and fifty' links to the west line of the, above mentioritdV tract of land sold by Joseph Caston to Daniel and Israel Lewis thence south. erly by.the eu line of said tract toitt vtA southernmost thence easterljr'y by the' south line of, said itract' to iiBi easternmost bounds thence northwiird ly' by the east line of said, tract' to' Iher place of beginning containing abouV three' hundred ahd seyen acres of larid be the same, more or less. Also anbtbi.

er' tract or. parcel' of land, situaieneaP the premises in the" tovVntbi: Stanford aforesaid, beginning" it th northeast corner, of being the i northwest; corner of land Owned by Jesse. westerly; bounded on' the lands of Wiliiil liam and Smith, 'James Graham Jessec Thompson, and I 'yier' Dibblee, to land by) Reubtti Germond, and conveyed toihimby'V Geortte and, Beniamin Lewis thence. southerly on the line of said Germorid's land; to the northwest: coruer.oi uamer f.vriv nn'Jl he horlhi 4ill Lewis's land.thenceieast on the north. i line of Daniel Lewis's land to.

Wappiiig' Creek, thence northerly, as ntpthe place pf.beginriinpii', containing one cres of land be'the same more: or And whereas i the 'said been duly assigned by the'saidBehja. m'in Lewis to the subscriber anddefaulc, haying, been made payment of the said sum of fifteen thoujaiid hirieHv hundred and eighty seven dollars," se cured to be paid by.tht said mortgagtJ( Public: Notice' is given thatiin: pursuance; of. a contained in the said mortgage the above described prem ises will be aold at Public Auction, at the' Court house in the village of Pough'. keep'sie; on Saturday the eleventh day, of September ween the hours pf two ana tour in ine auernoonoi a conveyance executed to the purchaseri 1813. Bir I FARMS to Lease; IMPROVED and ether.Formt Counties of Seheneciadj, Saratoga and Yf ing ion to Leatefjr, I jeart and thorttr fie riodi.

Apply to A. S. PELL, Creek, 10 miles north of Poughkeepsie, on ihe west bank of Hudsort riverB October IS, 1812. 20 20w. O.

TO LET, FOU ANlOFriCE, mHE two lower 'Rooms, with A', place, at pre'seni 'OCcupM by" George Head, opposite ie Post limpe in eetE.nquir'e ol Mrsv 1 ditaments thereunto belongirig. Ahd whereas default has been made'i'n the payment of the said sum of money, Notice is therefore, hereby vglvtn' that by virtue of a i power contained in the said mortgage, and in porsusnte of the statute in such'case made and piovided, the above described premises; ill be aold at Public Auction at the house, of John Forbus in the village cf Pough the eeventh day of Septem. ber next, between the hours'of leriand twelve o'clock on that day, and a veysnee executed to the Da. led March 4,. 18I3 Feb.

3, 1811. :9 tf JOHN M.MAtON, of, DAVID B. )GDEN, N'tchs. Evertson MJi i EHZAEVEUTSON! 11. S.

8lrtt, Atv'y. deceased. HEKliAh Peter Strive and tin zabeth his, wife, did on the six teenthdayiofJuriei in 'year one; thousand eight hundred and eighty inorl; gage io James, Pf to secure the pay merit of the sum of sixty five dollars, with the lnteresf.That certain piece or parcel bf land situate lying tt being in the town of Clinton in the great and lower Ninensrt nets patent, and is a parcel of lot No. 9, in; the first division' of said patent and is comprised in the following bounds Beginning at a butternut sap ling on the north' line) pf said lot "fo. 8 thence south six Chains and forty', links tc ithe middle of the road iheri south eighty degrees gnd thirty minutes east five chains and pity links ttience nortn six cnains ana sixty eight links to stake and stones the said stake and stonts stand, en the Tiorth' line jof said Jot thencbV.

norln sour; uegrecs can nver chairs and flttjr links to the place of be ginning, containing three acres aid two' roods of lantUiBounded on the north the lands of David Ringi on the' west Isndsot Hainan wigg.on ine soum oy lands of Ptttr: Carman and aforesaid road, and 'oiil the east by! laoca'bf SteV; phen Scriveif And. Whertasdtfault has been made in the nayrterit of the id sum rf money with the interest threof Nowl'Thereforepublic no lice is hereby pyen, that in pursuance of legalpower vesied in the subscriber by virtue of the marigsg aforesaid the' above uewriseu premises win oe soiu a public auction at Ihe Itous of John For bus in tbe village ol Poughkeepsie on the eleventh' day ncilTTM; tWeien th'e)ybptirlof terii o'clock In jh'i fortribott sridtwo i clock in be sftti nooo Msrcn, IBW roi fStr aSEW 'm sitn a i Qr I mm Xf.

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