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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 4

Poughkeepsie, New York
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Y. Ftrtbi CouHTlt TovftNAL. Mr. POWER, TUiCe iie tli following a Plict in yur Paper and oaltge tot Editor R. Kitty twV 4 falnttj Fam.

On jyie fiit won reading with faciei, her erutch landing by htt 1 On tht re verfe, TuTui in rich, wrought, but loofe tobe, IWaing upward, anil giti.jg lmi, in aa inclining pofture, to 1 beggar on the ground, ITT VI take this painted fan, Of it mike the bet you can. When it rift 1, fall difplay'd, To fupply tht cooling (Side, Read theft mtiims, there Shade fur nun ii metimtt bell I Lift waul I yield but fault delight, Were the (ttntftrtvtr bright. When the cheering brecie it fend. Thin on whi yajr breath defends Tninlc, that blift and life would fail, But for prosiJeiice's gale I If, to icl the tfa'c'i eyes, And conceal a bluih, it rife, Tri'Jt rertefl the fcene, Will my action need a fcrten, VVlasn difpliy'd tnrwyr rye Or will heav'n a fcrecn In that aged face you'll fee What ere Ions: your miy be 1 Ltarn from evry Irrinttle there, Tmt'i foe to all that's if. By thofe you'll read Vf rut ytur otbtmij nt Jt nzii.

From that crotch, hii hint purfur, I may need fopporting tto." Tura it then to Vinut'i fide, Yicw her form (but flretch it wids) I'trtat, if flic's painted right, Jiijt appears when maH in fight. Rich her robe I and this impliei, Wealth it ftmttimtt Virtue's priie. All with curious foliage wrought, Hence, her iniuflry be taught Ltoftly Aowing toexprcfi aVrjifMrr of mode and drefs MhoMoofely flowTtht veil, iCIafp'd witH care, a crofs her breaft Kitty wants not to be told, Virtue's 'frit but nerer bU. Think that placid fmile re teals Toys which virtue only feels Think that eafy, open air Speaks tht unffifltd fair. See (he drops her aim hcIim'J This denotes her tumilt mind Upward that A turns ber eye, Shew, by toldint.

the machine. Virtue imjj exift unfit. ANECDOTES. A SHORT time ago, a tradefman in London, having difcovered the infidelity of hli wife, whofe ruling palfian was avarice, appeared for fome time to take no notice of it at length he fent far her into hit chamber, and after produ cing uodeniable proofs of her guilt, coolly requeued to know what fum of $money lite haJ received at the price of her virtue She qonfefled (he had yield ed to the temptation of a col. bank note.

He immediately compelled ber to fead for iheadulterer(ihe fon of an eminent merchant) who being arrived, the nui fL DartU, wnuc, him bakjioli jqs. and the remaioi ling, wirtsTrttcontempt, be gave to wife, laying wai eaougn lor in the kingdom 1 alter wl he. orderedhiporter to turn them out of doon. A BLACKSMI IH in a neighbour ipg tuwa, while (hoclng a hoifcv waa gazedat by a number of Negroes as they were paiEng being a little piqued at being the object of the black alien tion, and attempting to cad a flur upon them faid, I believe Hell's broke loofe." Yes, Maffa (fayi one) I fee de Devil got hold de horfe'a foot," THE Creditor of ANN DAVIS, deccafvd, late of FiuVKUll, and ormerly a relident in the city ol New York, are defircd' to bring in their accounts properly attefled to, by the firft day of January next, as a dividend will then be made to the heirs of laid cttate, and no accounts wlirbe paid wliich may be prefeated after that date: And, ALL Ptrfons who are indebted to faid cilate, are make immediate payment, to prevent any fanhcT trouble. I'Jja UK.

liUUAKUUi, lixecutor. Fi(h Kill Landing, 1 65 bepr. (, 1788. 5 AMERICAN MANUFACTURED INK 1" Experienced, fpund equal to any imn irted. to be fold bv the Printer "I 7 UV VU Wl MV fJll iTKncreoi, ur.i tyferi iYidL rt; JUST OPENED, Amd For Saie bt Beekman Livingfton, At hi STORE the corner of Min and Cannon ftrett, next door to Mr, PptJe's, A neat and general AiToitment of "BR ao a dsk Suitable for Tiwn and Country, wWiKac will difpofc of oa tealbaabU turns for csOi or country product.

STRIPED, crofibir and plain Munins, Chintui, csllicocs, Plain, figur'd and printed Linens, Black and white Suffice Cause, Chintx, Black Satin, Half ell and fe.usrt Mode, Silk and worried Midi, Different coloar'd Kid do. Silk, Thread and Worfted Marfcilles Quilting, Plain and fieur'd Lawns, Tapes and Bobbins, Black and white Lac, Blatk and blue Gimp, A great varlsty of Ribbtns, Shoe and quality Binding, Gartering and ay Lactt, Shalloons, Callimancoes, Ourants fc Tsmmiei, Harlem Stripes, Diaper Breakfad Clojit? Cotton and Linen Checks, VtWirets and Corduroys, Moreens and Cambists, Sewing Silk and Twift of all colaws, Men and Women's Shoes. Children! red Morocco do. Ladies Elaftic Carters, Brooches and Ladies Handkerchief Pins, Watch Chains and Stall, Men and Boys Hats, FF belt Holland Powder, A few elegant Fowling Pieces, Brafs and Copper Kettles. Hollow Ware, and a complete aflbrt ment of Ironmongery and Cutlery.

EARTHEN WAP Conf.fting of large oral Dthct, grcea edge, blue edge and plaia. Sallad Diflies, Fim Orainrrs, Fruit Balkeil, Saute Volts, Pickle Shellt, Salt Cellars and Plates, large and imall. ALSO, Vea, CorTee, Soap, Candles' SjijrTfTiobacco. Clover and Timothy' Seed, Lampblack and a variety of other articles, too lengthy for an advertifement. UBLIC NOTICE it hereby given, purfuant to the llatute, in fuch cafe made and provided that on the twenty fifth day of November next, at one clock in the afternoon, on the pre mifei, will be fold at Public Auction, to the higheft bidder, by virtue of a power for that purpofe contained in the laden ture hereafter mentioned All that certain trait or parcel of Land in the Nine Partner, formerly Charlotte precimSr, Dutcheft county, whereon Jofiiua Owen now lives Two Farms, canriinino'ium hundred and thirty acrei and an half of 1, oe trie lame more or Ieli, togc im aii tne appurtenance to the leionging wnicn traa or parcel was.

bv a certain indenture log date the 6th day of Auguft 1 784, tfaoed bv the faid Inltius Oitr Ticob CarDCnter and Incmfr C.ammimr of Jamaica, Queens county, Long ManMan for fecuring thepayment of tttelve hundred pounds, lajul money of tbe State of New York," with lawful inter eft on or before the 6th day of Auguft, 178c, ii by the faid mortgage or the regitler thereof, in the Clerk't Office in Poughkeepfie, Dutchafi county, reference being thereunto had, will more fully appear. JACOB CARPENTER, INCREASE CARPENTER. New York; Oa. ro, 1788. FOR SALE.

LOT No. 2 in tbe Firll Divifion of the Great Commons, anS Lot No. 1 in the Second Divinon, containing about too Acres each and Lot No. 2 in the Thi4 Divifion, containing a bout 108 Acres, situate in the Treeing of PoUghkatpfic, abour tTsje" Milfa from the Tqwn. If tbafe Liru are not Sold Private Sale, by the i6ih Day of Deaember aextthay will tbea bt.

Sold at Public Vendue. JOHANNII SWARTWOVT. rougnneepiic, 17S8. CASH Paid for WHEAT At theStore of the fubferibert And all kinds of Produce received at market 'ortce far Tirhf'mnAnnnA. Hibernia SlilIJ, Oclo 1 68 1 AMY ft.

aswaH mu THIS.DAV.IS OPENED, And fcEADY rok SALE, bt Archibald Stewart, For prefent payment in P(h or Country Produce, at his netr STORE, adjoining the Dutch Church, Poughkeepfie A 'Neat and. General Affartmeht of "TTRY GTO3V Suitable to the prefent Seafon aod will be Sold on fuch Terms as to make them very deGrable to the purcbafer. June J4th7T88. In addition to his former aflbrtment in the DRY GOOD Line, he has lately lafd in fundry articles in that way a general afjrtmenMn the GROCERY Line, viz. Jamaica hio.1i proof Spirits and Rum, Brandy, Geneva, Sugars, dalles, Pepper, Nut megs, Rice, Raifins, ice.

Alfo Sundries in the1 Glafs and Earthen Ware wayfor which Public Sc State Securities will be received in payment, at their value, as well as country pro jucc 7 TO BE SOLI), Or exchanged for a Farm of New Lands, A LOT of GROUiND in New Wihdfor, adjoining the N. River, with a good dwelling houfc with four rooms, cellar and cellar kitchio, a good flore houfc, a large dock, a large liable for borfrs, and a hoife ftictl 3 fine fpring of water in the cellar kitchin, and another by the door. It is a mod excellent (land for any kind of public buGnefs, fupciior to any in New Wind, for. For further patticuLrs, incjalreof Ifaac Schultz, near thepremifes, Chrif tiaoSchultz, near Gofltcn Orange county, Abraham Schultz, of FiftilCill, or Jacob Schultz, of Rhinebeck Flatts. Anguft ah, l788.

6r pUBLICOTICE is hereby given, agreeable to an adt of ijic. Governor, Council, and General Aflembly of tlie late Colony of New York, puffed the 19th day of March, 1774, entitled, An al for the mote eficclual regiflry of Mortgages, and for fecuring the Pur. chafeia of Mortgaged Eftatcs:" That by. Virtue of a Power contained in a certain Mortgage and Indenture of Re leafe, dated the 2d day of May, 1776, between Jeriah Rhodes, of Precinct of Ncw Marlborough and County of Ulfter, and me the Subfcriber, ex ecu ted for the Payment of 150 with lawful Intereft till paid will be fold at public Auction or Vendue, at the houfe of David Mcrrirt in faid Pryecincl, the Sth day of January next, at ten o'clock in the fdrenoon of the fame day, all that certain Trafl or Parcel of tand, situate, lying and being in the faid Pre Ciodl and County of Ulfter aforefaid bounded on the North and South on tbe Larids'of JohnDuffield; oa the Eaft on John Barber's Patent, now in the pof. feflion of the Widow Holleck on the Wei by Lands lately located by Capt.

Pcleg Ranfom and Solomon Simon A Deed will be given 10 the Purchafer as the Law dirc3s. Dated this firft day i 1 781. 6m. STEPHEN CAE. WAN A Final Settlement Notes, For which the higher! price in Cafh will be paid, or RAMcriVi Note given in Exchange, by Wm.

ELY. Clinton. r. icth, 1788. THOMAS SWART, HEREBY informs his Friends and the Public, that he ftilfcon YERNJat Red Hook and that he alio keeps the Poft Officc at faid place.

THE fubferiber havmg a power to collect the moaies due to Samuel Mott, late of Clinton precina, in ike cotinty of Dutchefs hereby ioforms all perfons indebted to the faid Samuel Mow, that uqlefs they pay off the fame to the fubferiber within three weeks from this, daje, they may depend on, being immediately (ued. JOHN Cliiaon, October tt 178.. yA d' BY Ht5 GEORGE CLINTON, Ese Governor of the, State of New. Yoik General and' Commander in Chiel k. all the Militia, and Admiral of the Navy of the fame.

A Proclamation. L. SrA Tiraeui Tien place tTnce tlitTrifiotfC of the Legiflature, which render it ne. ccflary that they fhould be convened at an earlier day than that fixed by law for their annual meeting I DO THERE. FORE by ihcfe prefents, require th Senate and Aflembly to meet at tha City.

Hill the City of Albany, 00 Monday the eighth day of Ptcembet next: Whereof all concerned are to Uknoticc, and govern ihemfclves ac. cordingly. Given under my Hind and tke Privy Seal at the City of New York, ibis thirtieth day of Oflobe'r, iu the thirteenth year ot tbe Independence of the faid State. OKO. CLINTON.

Slate Nt wk, Duttb.ii tl. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gin (accorJinj to ihe form am) UttM ne fif the aft of the LcjiUature of ilie Slate of New An Aaoit itr aiUe by Mortfagts, ana for frcuiing the I'tiuhafcis mortgaged paired the twentj fixth iif of Februa.jr, in tbe yrar 17S8J That un thi tenth 4ij of April nex', enfuing the tatc bcre. at o'clock in the forenoon of the fain day, will be Lold at public auction at the Court boufe in Poughkeei rie, in thecounty of the fee fimplc ol all that ceitain lot or parcel of land and premifel, fituatr, lying acd being in Kiedtricktown, in the cour.ty a'ortfaid bitin ningat the lower or fouthrei cormv of farm No. 13, now or late in polltflion of Abraham Dela in, on Crotcnrircr thence running fouthrrl slcnj faid river to a whitt oaU, marked thenceealtwardly to a fmall chefnut tree, marked thence caAwaidly to lUe road vr high way) thence northwardly as the road runs, to laid De lavan's land, near the dwflling houfe of the grantor) thence along faid Delaran's land to tht place ot beginning containing eighty acrts of land, be the ftm more or lefa together with all and finguUr the hereditaments and appuna nances to the farhe belonging Which file will he made by Ittue of a mortgage of the. faid prcmifci, ty indentures of leafs and rcleafe bearl inf.

date ht eighth and ninth days of the year 17 6, (with a power to fell thuein contained) fiom John Nichols, late of the piecincl of Freaerrdbargh, in the county aforefaid to the fubferjber, (or the belter fecuring of two certain' bonda from the faid John Nichols, to the fuhferi bt as mentioned and cxprctred in the mort gfe Ana good and fufticicnl deeds ot convey ance purl'uint to the faid morgsgr, executed, at the time and place cf fsle, to the purchafer, by 65 6m. THOMAS NICKMtSON. PURSUAN to an order ot the Ho. norable John Slofs Hobarr, one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Ju. dicalure for the State of New.Yoik, upon the petition of Daniel Bitdfall, jun.

of the county of Ulfterj and William Birdfall, of thc caunty of Dutchelr, in the State of New York, merchants, in folveot debtors, in conjunclian with fo many of their creditors as have debts owing to the by the faid' Birdfalls, a mounting to at Icafl three fourths of all the monies owing by them NOTICE is hereby given to all rf; tresliiots of the faid Daniel Birdfall, jun. end WilSJi am Birdfall, to fbew caufe, if a'ny they have, before the faid Judge at his cham ber, in Crown flrerr, in the North Ward of the city of New Yoik, by Friday the 19th day of December next, by ten oT the click in the forenoon of thi fame day, why an afTignraen.t of the faid iafolvents eflates fhould not be made for the benefit of all the creditors of the faid insolvents, and the faid infol vents dif harged according to the form of the aft of the Legiflature of the Stare of New Yo.k, entitled, An a for giving re Hef in calesof Infolvenc)'," palTcd the 2 1 (I of March 1788. Dated this aoth day of OAober, in the year of our Lord one thoufand fevta hundred and eighty eight, DANIEL Debt. WILLIAM BIRDSALL. orV.

TetTtTosTng Creditors. Pearl all and Glover, Andrew Van Tuyle, Pearfall ajnd Pell, Samuel Franklin and Co. Nathaniel Williams, Daniel ansj Jofepk Tawpfcad, John Townfend, Samuel Birdfall, Henry Ludlam, John B. Coles, Samuel Sands, Reuben Drake, William Bryer, Comfort and Jofhua Sands. 69 Cams, to the place of the fubfbriber, ia the month of May lafl, a Brindle W.

The ner proving properly, and payiag eharges, may have her again, by applying ro JOHN PALMfiNTER. Ppughkecplie, Oiibber ijtb, 178. 4 iV.

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