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Poughkeepsie Journal from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 3

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

kVe frien' v'fid refolution to purine which on the ma 0' tv A. lilrelv to ITihoreriRhW. f.uli and luftice hTihe acred title of friend P'tt no part of my endue? the deferve that endear. IP1" mo ether I fay verr nam 'v jm fptn pol'ittct 1)11 flirtliei EuisfaJtion, hereouitei kT and hone lhH ever i wh appointee a major or atrrgimcntr tul lhc r'Bhu a year ber6re lh dte a ppiiimci as nimiant Juftlce was by'the voice of the Council, without any bargain or ftipnlation whatever, altho' it pretended that this let ter? was opened through a mlftake, yet few who know the circumstance, can, without an uncommon ftretch of charity, fuppofa that to a fart. The di reclion is very plainly and legibly writ, ten to Cornelias Vanwyck, Llq.

Hop, well the Cornelias Vanwyck who opened the letter lives at Kifhkill. This of itfelf is fufficient grounds for ftrong fufpicion, but when corroborated by the circmnftance of a mifrrprefentation of its contents puts the matter beyond a doubt. If it was done through a mif. take, would hir not have ailed the can did and honorable parr, to have called on me and informed me cf it, and not neighten his guilt by mifreprefenting what it contained. If he has not circu lated fuch reports, it is undoubtedly his duty to come forward and contradict them, and endeavour to expofc thofe who have fuch admirable inventions The letter contains nothing but that I am willing Mr.

Vanwyck or any other perfoa (hould fee. Although I had heard that he broke open the Tetter, yet 1 never calledrnnninr to knowtbetruth vindication. lSlv. iv manner, and me man 4 eil terms deny myfelf to be tin ithjr JtJthemerw on, r.i,. niece in queftion.

nr demerit of the pub I trail that the good (enfe of hU county will enable w.thwt being aicuicu (hall therefore betotaly filent jr.Tr.isEr: unwell to oe uroiniitu. (btimemi with it to politics naiuoi nv u.cau. eridicatethe focal ties wawstrc rJlefs of every thing held facred in life, metres wow A re raoooica win ii' enng caale may be en edin, lhonia oe purm, s.uw, mz, tneaoovc uvu" Pi a TKU hat. been fulltr ffllffiiauumg. i hied by Mr.

win in mc cic .1... tl mnA rtn. reus. iNone oiuci mit tefti iiy ever is hy no4crate or i imputation! and infectives on as bellowed on me. Of ch tonduft 1" formerly fuppofed him Lillv Jncao.ble of beirtE: Ruilty.

rAlasl How many goodqualUics mnft krtni(jveJ to give room to cue gizanuc tot fell amDiuoii, vrnicn win nut nhthe virtues which adoni the hu icharatler to thrive within its noxl sfbae Human nature rhou art de iHMinaecuii muit anu uo mourn LWoTTTWrmtr of it till fince the publication of Plain Truth neither fliould I have concerned myfelf about ic at prefent, had it not laid a foundation for wicked and malicious fabrications. With this repre (entation of the bufineft, the public will judge of the object of thofe who have thus attempted toinjure my reputation. CORNELIUS R. VANWYCK. Hopewell Apl 26th, 1794.

Gilbert Lrvingflon. Ihaghkeepfic, Ajnl iBth, 1 794. Writer in your paper of lafl week, under the fin'i'iture of Plain Truth, iMrelltftl himfelf to me, and pro ess number of nuelljons which he l) nMii inc to CoItc. He has not da put bis nnm: to his nuerrogati rl peihaps when known, liii fub kc imj be. that what be has laid i', by vay 0f qit'fnns BuTIiirevi.

titciirioii was to imprefs it on the "if mind that the arifwers, if truly would be in the affirmative. of my innocence, I think it a itch 1 owe myfelf as well as co ntraJutt and expo fcfjch the electioneering triclcj Such detractions and fa. 1 noc uncommon on the nnni; thofe zsalous fed to me in po 1. a indeed mud the i'i ol men be, when of fair. 1 ntauon tn order to s.

This writer, in 'a 11 to a creature oT ut 'umed the title of 1 1114 on appearances, cafe widildeceitful I 1 aOters. The legi ol this production is 7i me, bat Mr, Stephen Jililll YTIll, CIJU1IC, 'tl 1 It tj he 7 Cfi.r' 3dr theirchild. and en 'UiOiir'di ttfiinuortir. Thefcare ut ,,1 ,.,14 nae beeu wiiHne: oui.i jiHve been vmllrv of Ot tbn Iciiul. I woufd let 0 rliat I am not one of thofe fun fining politicians to "i': i no mrafurrs by a commifli.

'loped into a converfiW bv a dif. Ilt. I hauf unirYirmlv Cnti. I Governor' Clinton ever fince the aconvliflioft of his true SUd tn fill the llie fl ulu. lntf.p )' jvi'tll'" yni.i 'iirecteo mc In tue Iprttie 'Ji Icing broke open by a man of will anr.vrrfn rh BUirma.

great difgraceotJilrn kfr rnnrtin Plahi Truth hrnti cntletnsn callinp the peruful of it for (TheTqUowini; ws intended for our lsft.) Mr. POWER, AtMotT everybody Ceem to be wrltingla your paper now juft i eleAioa it voming on. Some ot th plecet that were in lift week I did not think very (mart. thoaght I could write rood well myiclf, and I wti ure I could come nearer the truth thn many of them did. When 1 read them pieces I very enriou to kuow who wrote them.

Some of the writers iecmed to be ia a great psflSoa. One man, Anl nlat Cooper, fitned bis name out at full length, te be appeared to be in terrible petaboatfometbipg, at if he wanted to quarrel, aid bedld'otwho with. Thit thouglit (hewed a god ileal fuch a tempei at we ufed reckon the Indian had when tier gut mad then would have revenge on fome thet did'nt care nrack who it wav Tim looked fo odd, made feme inquiry ot neignoours about thu man, and Jl louna wanted to be appointed CierUT fame time ago, aud becauic hi Could'nt git it be wai mad at Governor Clinton, and that he m.w cur fete Vert body that dont curie Um OovernerWa I dont mind much bat he fay There rav the Free taaa (aid a good deal, and when I firft real him, I thought be told a pretty plauflble UoryJje told what good men had in the ailembly fait year, and how wiftlv they bad afted, and Ihad'ntthen feen much of" toeir proceedlngi, and I did'nt know but that it wat Jul at fald but I hare iince found out to the contrary. I began to think him a pretty clever fellow, and 1 wanted know who he wat, arfd come to find out he wai himfelf in the afTeinbly tall year, and befidet he wintt very much git in again, and it tteod him (a hand to make the people believe he wai 1 good man tout I dortt like it very well for men tp praife themlelves fo much, it a'nt a goodfign, tbey had better let their workt praife them. But there wat one who lined himfelf Tlrmtr of Paw.

Ang town, bat all boteviry body thinktit wai wrote by fame ofthe Honghkepfie folkv I wai very curious to find out whoit wat my neighbours told me, that there wat in that place who ufcdfometimet to write in the new neger that it founded verv much like him. began with faying Tomethicg about the Vieiie Iz Beadle meeting, and that be thought there was a trick in the Vieiie meeting. When he talked about trick I Was Harried, aud be to lock at the have to vote at all Tint the i amaining two were ia tfte war tootnucb, HkeTthejchaUmajLoil the meeting, and thit Jclfa Oaklet had been to ieveral times, and had get Id be too fond of the bafineft l.e Is fttpervilbr df Bkem town, and has appointed the eWtlort one day 'at his own hoCe. It neveriiai been held there befurcj bU Itoks too much like trying to get votes for him ftlf. I thought if 'all this was true about thefe old members rand have made further I believe It is) it wat belt to drop them and put ia others.

The Vieiie lilt 1 believe are all good men, for I have afked a grtattaany people, about them, and I find all that this man who figni him feif aarmer has fald about, them, was not true. This looks fomething more like tricks again. I dont like to fee men abufed fo for nothing, and I have a mind id try tbem for they cant do muih worle than the old ones did, befldes they ay the old ones have done, and tbey are afiuid will con tinue to do juft at General Schuyler wants to have them and I dont like him, for 1 believe be Is a Cunning' defining man, and wants to trick us out of our liberties. But Mr. Power, there is awonderlulodd notification ia your loft paper about a faftory let op in the northern part of this county for making electioneering falfehoodt.

I I thought this mnft be a curious kind of bnfiotfi, and 1 wanted to know very much where it wat carried on. On enquiry found tVe faftory was at Redhoftk in a large white houfe near Swan's tavern and that the Cuff was made up into puis, fo I concluded it mult be fomething like iloflors bulinefi, and they do fay that the chief worktqan is Verr expert both in making and difpofing of the pith, and there no danger of his being oat, alt ho he diflributes on an average about 3 a day. This mo.t be a very ingeniont man, and if he could but get nominated, I don't know but Jiejmlght get in the AfTemblynow, for be wouldN lay good pTanTabont fortifyftijr New TTork now there is roming war. as fome of tbe Yorkers think. FAIR PLAY.

Redhoolc, April 1 8th, 1794. Circuit Courts are appointed to be held at the times and places following, viz. At the court houffe In Dutcheft County, on the jth day of MayntxH At the court uoufti in Orange county, on the 23th day of May next. At the court houfe in Ulfter county, on the 27th day of May next At the court houfe in Wafhlngton county, on the 5th day of June neitt. And at the court hoale in Clinton on the 16th day of June next.

FOR A'l, E. pVKlVY aluU4VVllAlJinlie Mou a. nawK niver, ot nearly 3 hundred, acre of valuable land, with genteel mi jdlngsj pot afh anrPother valuable improvements i fail lng ltreamoi water runs through It. One fourth of the puichafe money to te paid, thc remainder may remain oa intcreft at 6 per cent, for clear and indifputable title will ven. for fale a valuable Negroe ladri9 years old, fobet bnd bonelt fold for no fault, but want of employV To prevent Unncceflary lowclt price is 80.

John Pricci 0 fc SOL At public the houiof Capt Hen drickfon, on Thnrrday tbe aid day of May being court Week A NUMBER of breeding mares and your horfct, among which is two full blooded thi noted horfe Meflenger. The horfe cottj a ne blood, bay, large and' bony. Alfo fome cattle and bogj, a new riding chair te hamefs, a wajgon and hameft, an eight day clock that goes as well as any in the ftate, two pair of elegant pier looking; glaffet, and. other ticlet. A credit of twelve months from the fiH day of May for one half of any purchafe over ten poondt, intereft and fecurlty, if required, will be exported.

The fubfcriber meant to re move to New York on the fjrft of Mav, and de 1h et all thofe haviug any demands, to fend them ii and they will be, paid AndthoBindchted will pleafe to call, or meet Mm at the vendue intourtwerlo Thofe thaf ncgleft this notice will be prolecoted. joiin pMCe Ponghkeepfie, aid April, 1 794, 6 men on one lilt, and theu on the other, to fee what the matter wat At the Beadle meeting I found Da rid Johnfton was chairman, I reenl ItiAed to have beard a good deal about him In time ofthe war, that he wa a great tory I began their to mblruft the farmer had made a miftake, that the trick wat In thit meeting for I know It has been fald for fome time pait that the tories. wanted to take the lead In this county as well as in other parts of the itate. I talked to my neigh bours about it, and ther told me there wa.t two or three tories on thatjlft for AlTembiymen tbeo I wat convinced where the trick wat. 1 then enquired very particular about all the men on that lilt, and my neighbours all told me' (and we have fome pretty knowing men too about in our neighborhood that t'lele were all the old members except one that they did not dp very well lift year, that David Hrookt wat too fond of fpeiking td (how his faculties, and that was one reafon why bufineft went on fo flow left win there were too many inch men la the houfe for there was certainly bat very littlcbu tlnefs done, avff it colls the (late a good deal to pay rhera'all twenty billings a day.

That, Jacob Bockee'wat not a bad man, and that if he had good neat go with him from thit county he weuldvote prertywell, but he It a young man rather toe eafily led away. Tbat4(ae yit wyck and Samuel Barker outfit by no means to go again, for they voted sgslnft lowering the wages of the aitembly tp fixteen flillliogt a day, and that It certainly enough for them. That Jacob ftadtlift wanted to have twenty milling a 4ay4o but be thought it would make hint unpopular to vote fo, and he manouvered around copiidtrable, and get Uto the calk fo' not to SanlMaUaeB LASfweek two fifteen dollar Bank Notes, one of three dollars, and another of Ten or Five dollars The two fmall ones are of Hudfiin Bank. Any perfon delivering them tid the print, er hereof, will be entitled to retain Ten Dollars. Or interccptcdpu.Lpf.thc Mailrl TWO Letters lent from tiifS place yon Toefday the 15th' IniVrThe Wheeler, and the other jo Henry Lyle, Efquires, at RedHook.

Several circcmftances induce a fufpicion that thofejetter Jjave been intercepted by fomc pcrfons who have not jtbe direction ofthe mail. If any perion will give information refpe ting thctn, to tbe Printer, he ball be rewarded. ROCK SALT. TpOUR thoufand baihcls ofrotk JL ie other clean coarfe be fold at a moderate profit, at the Uohn Storet Poughkeepfie landing, and at the ftore on Povf Plain near Beldmg' tavern, Dutebeft tountv, lately kept by Meifn. Gregorie', now in Charge of Mr.

Zimri Murdock. As fait 1 gro'vh'S fcarce and dear, It will be worth the attention of merchants farmers and others, to lay in a good mppiy.r Wheat or cafli only are taken in payment at the Union Store; at the (lore oa Dover Plain, fait will be fold forcaft, any kind of grain; lumber, or credit for Itx months hire a very extenfive auVtment of GOODS a very moderate profit, wholefale and retail. The fait was purchalcd for cam, and a whole uu go cdurle, can be afForded on reafonable termi. Pncourageraent to thofe who bur a quantity Gift paid for wheat at the (tore la Dovr A Urge quantitv of Iron and Steel, and Boards, Shingles aud Plank, to be fold at the Dover Store. 57 1 a TO BE SOLD, A HOUSE and feven acres, three quarters and twenty five roods of LANU, with one hundred apple trees (landing in a figure, making a hand fome orchard, mod of which beats ex.

cellent fruit, the trees are young and foon will be valuable, with other fruit trees, fuch as pears, plumbs, iie. The houfo new. with good rooms, a cellar under the' fame, and a well of water by the. door. The fituafion of this place renders it convenient for a (lore and ta vern, oralmolt any kind of mechanical bufiuefs.

Stock will be rcceircd for th6 mofTpart of the payments, and an indifputable title given for the fame. Theplaceit fituatejn the town of Stan, ford, Dutchcfs'county, in a very good and flouriihing neighbourhood. Terms of payment and price may be known by applying to Ifaae Hunting, Major Ho neo, or ucntamin iuuus; on iucprc roifei, sffril I74 Dutshifi fount, ft. PURSUANT to a precept ifluedotitof the Supreme Court of Judicature for the State of New York, to me directed, and delivered, a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, Will be? held at the Court Houfe in the fald. County, on Tuefday the day of May next: And purfuant to the faid precept, it Is hereby proclaimed through" out the fald county, that all thofe who Will profecnte againft any prifonera in the gaol ofthe fame county, be then and there at the fame Court, to profecute agauift them, as (hall be jult And Notice is hereby given to all Jufticcs of the Peace, Coroners, Bailiffs, and, Con' ftables, within the faid county, that they be then and there in their own po perperfons, their rclls, recoids, lndiClments.

and'otber remembrances too tbofe thincs whlchUe tueiKofSce intnat bcnaUihaliappeTtatiJTo tie done Given under niy band th 20th day ox April, 1704. JOIW D'WITT, Sheriff. JESSE MOTT, Taylor from New. York 1 RESPECTFULLY informs his friehds and the public in general, that He) ineanl to carry on his buunefs at the houfe of Henry Mott Thofe gentle men who choofe to favor him with their cultom, may 'depend on having their work dene in the couipleateA and molt falhonable manner. fprUig.

a. STOLEN from the fubfcriber living in "York town, county of Wetlchei ter, and ftate of New York, on Wed nefday eveniuc the 33d of this lhftaut, a large black HORSE, about fifteen hands high, and abbot eight years old, a natural trotjer. Any perfon oi per fons that will take up the 'faid horfe thief and return them to the fabfcribel man receive 01 uic luoicriocr lire jum of Ten Dollars 1 And hone without the" thief, Fic Dollarls, add all reafonable charges paid by the fubfcriber. 7 Abfjah Whitney. York? Town, April 1794.

nnWESobfcriber hereby informs hla friends and the public, that he in tends to decline Siorekeeping, qikI that his remaining GOODS he will fell at firlt coftffor cafh, or country produce at market price. He reqneds all perfons indebted to lilni, to cnll and make fcttlementby day of June next. RICHARD EVERITT. PeughHtfjit, April 19, t794 WAITED. At the PAPERMILL in Ncwbarith.

a uuiD, iruiu 13 iq 1 year jl or age, 01 a goo a cnaractrr, as al prentices to the Paper Makine bbfitief Inquircof Hugh Walfh in the town TIcwburghf of jamel Craig attl taiu Mill, jpniia, 1794. ESJiaTA. lolaft week's Tournal (extraarainw In the piece (igned Johe DVltt, the a6ihlii I I rem tbe bottom of the 3d column, be(wef 1 wAV'.

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