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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
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CLEARIN6 SALE. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. The time has come when it's an urgent, pressing necessity that our CLOAK and FUR STOCK should be reduced and condensed to minimum. This department is filled to its utmost capacity and it's our determination to offer price inducements all this week so unusually strong that will be sure to bring the money-saving people out in full force to take away at deeply cut prices everything we offer. A special price that makes it a particular object and benefit for you to buy now.

The prices speak for themselves, -and we will prove to you that low prices do not detract from our superiority in stylishness. ViV. In-Kin by olTi-riiiK Cheviot ET3 i i fin'i'd i i i i hliick unit i i i i i Jl.ttl 1 Jinm-nt, for 1 Hox i ('(Kit, from i im'nt fur UT.S i i i Si.r,ii, for iind nisu-k Ui'iivor ('ni)i'. Imiji. iniiili 1 not i i Ill-all! Trlmiiioil.

Fur Kilpc'il ItcMvi'i 1 Ciiiii 1 i in i oIlVi- tlii'in lo you i i i wiMik i i i lioiu'li 1 i-ilm'it 'L" iLi-ound i sUrhi'd siilin, (C'3 A i not i SK, for I Oim lot. of ('liihli-i-ii's; from to i-ini nol liu limiitlit I'lsuwliiM-i! for less I I I i tliri-ii i wu ask you A 11 our riiildiTn's I'cKLts solii I a at Ml our Ostrich Fi-iillicr anil 1 Fur Huns ill. Fur Capes, Vi'o olTiT all our Conov, SoaltiUo. Kli'L-tric Sial. Wool HiMil, Astrachaii Capos, and i In Uiu i uf furs at.

11 discount 1 I'KU CENT I you wmit a.lackct., Ciipd or Kariuont of any ili'soriplkiii liu suro and si'u our lino 03 OJ LO fc -w CO 5 CO a rt Wo plnco on sak 1 a Misses' Jaokot, front, Diagonal Cheviot, In two shades, a beauty und grout Don't, fail to sou this Knrmvnl In Mlssos' Jackets. All our 820.00 Misses' Jackets 1 All our SIT.SO Misses' All our 815.00 Misses'Jackets. All our $19.00 Misses' MONEY TO LOAN On real estate or personal security. C. F.

PFJ31FFEK, rooms ftud 7. Bass Block, over First National Bank. LOCAL NBWS. A. L.

Knnclall went to St. Louis last evening. George Ladd, Wabnsb, is in tbo city on business. Attorney II. II.

Robinson was in Wabash, yesterday. A. Kitsolman, of Ridgcvillo, was in the city yesterday, the guest of Ora Scancy. S. 15.

Barnos, i of motive'powcr of the Wabash road, wus in the city yesterday. 'Squire Lhuiiel has moved to i after having been a resident of Fort Wayne for thirty- Hvo Little (iroteben JSfuidhnmer, of 108 Madison street, while at play, fell against the stove yesterday and A MUSIC BOX Makes an acceptable Christmas present. You cas get one that plays all the popular airs for S18 60 at POKT MUSIC CO-, 34 East Berry St. badly burned her face and arms. The burns arc quite painful but are not serious.

Bert Deusler, of Archer Brothers' printing establishment, who bad his right band mashed in a press some lime ago, is again laid up with it. C. K. Kendrick went to Van Wert, Ohio, yesterday to oxumine a building which had fallen down, and to give expert instruction in rebuilding it. The Kendallville Sun says: Myron S.

Downing, of Fort Wayne, and well known in this city, will be married December 18th to Miss Luella Donaldson, of Millersburg. A few months ago Emmett Martin, a Fort Wayne contractor, completed a sewer contract for the town of Hartford City. Tho sewer To-day's attractions. Bargain selling will astonish all Fort Wayne. Wido-a-wake merchandising, shrewd i rock bottom prices, enables the Hi Ilivo to crowd the store all day long with buyers.

ON FIRST FLOOK: 100 ladies' eiderdown drossy jackets. each. 25 per cent, oil on every i hood capo. 100 Indies' i flannel ready made skirts, -SSc ouch, regular price, $1.25. o() blk Moreo skirts, a price, $1,00.

61) blk Moreo skirts, 7 5 regular price, $2.75, Every a of lit-gains Our holiday display is the hiist in I he city. Tables, Lumps, Celluloids, Cut Clixsswai'O, Fine Uolla, Leather (lo.nls, Doll's lied Steads, Baskets, Per- )00 i a i i a and paper 2Sc each. Special pi-ice on i i i a soap, ISc. i i soup, box. ON SKL'ONl) FLOOK: Kvory Fur a cent.

off. Cloth giintumt for a i i and mispos, 25 per cent 100 pairs of our ij'-li lace 50 ptiir. 60 i i porlicrs at ijvl.HU pair, regular pair. 200 rugs slaughtered. Cluiiiile 77c isaeh, regular price, $1.2,1.

lings, 80x00, SSe; regular price, $1.25. Kiigs, regular price $2.50. 27x(iO, regular price, a Kng.s IlOxGO, $2 50; regular price, $1. Kur Hugs, a price, $2.75. THE BEE Dry Goods and Carpets.

Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tasto, and acts gently yefc promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and cleanses the system effectually, dispels headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its prepared only from tho most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havfe made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale 5u 60 cent bottles by all leading drug, gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute.

CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN HIANOISCO.CXL. tr. MWfMtflX MONEY TO LOAN At 5, 6, 7 and 8 per cent, on Farm and city property or personal security, in sums of $50 to $50,000. J.

F. SOHELL 24, 25, 26 and 27, Pixley block. was accepted and turned over to the citj. Later some dispute arose over the settlement and Martin has never been paid. Yesterday, through his attorneys, Robertson O'Kourke, ho began suit against Hartford City to recover The fact is not generally known that Fort Wayne people can stop at the Tremont house, Chicago, at a rate commensurate with the times.

$2.50 per day, room and meals. The funeral of Robert Ogden will be held in Maseuic quarters in Masonic temple, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. On Recount of tho limited space it has been decided to restrict attendance to immediate fiieuds and Masons. The district quarterly meeting beau at the Free Methodist church, 268 East Creighton avenue last night at 7:30 p. m.

Kev. W. T. Loring, D. and a ministers and laity from Fort Wayne district were in attendance.

To-day at 9 a. quarterly iconferfnce; 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 preaching; bun- day 9 a. love feast; 10:30 a.

preaching and sacramental Preaching' at 7 p. m. All are cordially invited. N. L.

Slnnibnugh, pastor charge. 'JL'UM KftltMUIS, Good Attendances a Feature of tho Week's Business. To-night will close the most successful week in tho history of the Empire theatre. The attendance has not been a by any means, but it has been uniform during the week. Tho management takes this as an indication that the show is pleasing the people and that those who see it once are willing to see it again.

Miss Francis, who has lilled a two weeks' engagement, leaves i for Now York city to Gus Hill's company on a six months' contract. The new people Tcod Teed, the a Dutch comedy specialty artists; Miss i a Kelly, the i ling prlma donna; Tony Ryan, the ernssy musician; tho Whilneys, the greatest acrobatic team in tho country, and several other pel-formers whoso names are not at hand. There will bo the usual matinee for ladies and children this afternoon and the regular performance this evening. Annual Meeting 1 At the a a mooting of i City lodge No. 17 F.

and A. held last evening, tho i officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year, as follows: Worship- master, W. C. senior warden, James 1VI. (Jrillilh; i warden, H.

H. Barnelt; treasurer, Robert A. Liggot; secretary, Frank E. Slouder; Hcuior doacon, C. 11.

Whoatherhogg; stewards, John Me- Kean, Carl Sauer; trustees, William (icnlto, S. young, Levi Grillitb; tylcr, M. Tcajjardcn. Federal Labor Union. The i i a i to orgn- a Federal Labor i the American Federation of Labor, i bo held this i at Kasten nut) Jvohlmeyer's cigar factory, ISO Oalhoun All persons who believe in organised labor and a no i of their trade in i i-Ity, i bo welconiMti at Hie i as well as members of organized labor.

Thin now i will i a vacantly that has for years existed in tho organized labor a In Fort Way no. For Saturday Mornintt. Oy.storrt, Fruits and Cilery. Large Selects for i Standards, iOc. Michigan Celery, Spanish Malaga (irape.s.

18c. Swet.t Jamaica Oranges, diiKO.ii, Fuun Housio. I a i a i i i a Wets 1 pieces. A i a i a i Sulu $18.00, pieces. i i a i Sets only $9.00, 112 pieces.

Also tho Celebrated a i A i a i 10 Piece Chamber These a i i a for jroods of such well i a i i WAHP'H I A STORK, We have a special fund ol $25,000 to loan on city property at a low rate of interest. J. F. SOHELL Office, 24, 25, 26, and 27 Pixley-Long Block. Telephone, NO.

485. I'oit Wayne Steam a -Ifi W. a i utrwit, Thono 882. 1'hil- lips, prop. I'JBUSOJNAL ANIJ SOCIHl'V.

E. (J. Slmw left last evening (or St. Louis. Mrs.

William P. Black, of Hunting- lon, is in the city. Mrs. liriggs, of Joneva, was in tho city yesterday shopping. Mrs.

Burkot, of Warsaw, is in tho city visiting her son, Dr. liurltot. Mrs. Harnos, Of Springfield; Ohio, i tho guest of relatives in this city. Manuel, of A was in tho city yesterday doing his Christmas shopping.

Mrs. Thomas Duncan, who has bten sick for Some days, is now convalescing. Mrs. C. JJ.

Stemen, who has been seriously ill for soiuo weeks, is now improving. Mrs. Ora Blair, of 40 Enst Jefferson street, is entertaining Miss Morris, of Chicago. 0. W.

Holvcrstott leaves this morning for Grand Rapids for a fo days' visit with relatives. Mrs. Charles Unas, of Wabash, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C.

W. fyke, of East Berry street. The Ladies' Aid society, auxiliary to Col. E. S.

Walker camp, will give a social next Thursday evening. Jenny, assistant secretary of the City Y. M. C. celebrated his birthday anniversary yesterday.

Valparaiso Star: Miss Flora Blackburn went to Fort Wayne this morning, where she will attend' school. Miss Spencer, who has been visiting in tho city for a few days, ret to her home in Indianapolis last evening. Miss Ellen Spencer left yesterday for Decatur, for a few hours visit i her brother. She returatd to her home in Indianapolis- lasl evening. Mrs.

Effiie Padget of Toledo, and sitter, Miss Lawrence, of Columbia City, were in the city a few houis, on their way to Toledo. While in tho city they were guests of Miss Minnie McWhorter. Mr. S. S.

Foster, who has recently arrived from New York and taken a position as draftsman in Mr. Wood's office at tho Electric Light works, is moving into the residence at 12S East Wayne street, with his family. Mr. and Mrs. H.

C. Tresselt, son Arnold and daughter Vera, left for Bay City, to attend the nuptials of Mrs. Tresselt's sister, Miss Clara Arnold, to Theodore H. Seemeyer, of this city, which occurs December Mrs. I).

Foster entertained a few friends yesterday afternoon at her East Berry street home in honor of Mrs. John Ryan, of Muncie; Mrs. C. S. Wharton, of South Bend, and Mrs.

Dr. Burkelt, of Warsaw. A dainty luncheon in five courses was served at 2 o'clock. "The Children's Crusade" is the title of the operetta to be given by the school for feeble minded on December 17. The boy who plays the part of the Sultan of Sulkeydom is Lhc best trombone player in the band and in tho play will give a trombone solo, "Massifs in do Col', Col' Groun'.

Mrs. E. W. Johnson and Miis Clara Orr, of Grand Rapids, who have been the guests of Mr. B.

Olingor, of John street, since Monday, loft yesterday to visit'Chiciigo friends before their return -to Michigan. Mrs. Johnson also visited Mrs. FHokner, of West Berry street, who was formerly a resident of Grand llapids. Fresh Kipo Strawberries and iiipo Tomatoes.

Rather early for them, to be sure --yet they arc matured and in nice order. They are direct from Los California. Strawberries in Pint Boxes, 40c. Tomatoes, as wanted, 20o Ib. FHUIT House.

IF If you wihh to learn the state of the weather, you must consult a barometer, If you wish to know the state of: your health, your body is a natural barometer. If you seem to lack energy, and feel tired, there is something the matter.with your.circulation. If you awe billious, constipated, dyspeptic, nervous, you need something to tone up your digestive organs. If you feel a sudden cold or chill, bear in mind it may lead to pneumonia. If you feel any or all of these symptoms, remember that DUFFY'S MALT I is the safeat and best thing yon can take to get rid of them.

There is no other whiskey like it, and nothing else that can pos- 1 sibly take its place. Attention, Knights Templar. All Sir KuigUls nro requested to meet at the Asylum, on Sunday, December 8th, at 1 o'clock: p. to attend the fund-ill of Sir Knight Kubort Ogdon. W.M.

A Connminder, Attest, H. G. GUANGKK, Recorder. The Monning Building, No. 19 East Main street, will be sold, for $1,0,500, if taken once.

EVERETT DOUD. Deaths and funerals. The a ot Robert Ogdon will be hold at tho Masonic Temple Sanday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The ceremonies will be conducted under the auspices of the Fort Wavno com- mandery, Knights Templar," assisted by the A. and A.

Scottish The funeral of the lato Mrs. William Miles will occur to-day at 2 p. m. at the residence, 134 Calhoun 8 root. A Lively Kuimway.

A farmer's team ran away on Fair- fieUl avenue, yesterday noon, and at the corner of UeWald street collided with one of Outing Kodabatigh's milK wagons, demolishing the milk wagon and throwing the box of the farmer's wagon twenty feet away. The horses were stopped near the corner of Williams street. No one injured. Court Notes. Business about the courts day was dull.

lu the superior cotirt, tho damage- case of Miller against the Wabash Itailroad company continues to occupy attention" In the Louis C. Heck lias commenced suit against Charles D. C. Heustis, complaint on breaking contract. J.

B. Harper, attorney for the plaintiff. marriage Licenses. James L. Doggett and Maurice Major.

Martin L. Fisher Martha J. Sesseman. For Federation CofivFiiUon. New York, Dec.

executive committee of tho American Federation of Labor assembled in this city this morning for the purpose of completing arrangements for the annual convention of tho organization, which, opens next Monday, and also to consider the reports to be presented by the various officers. Delegates to the conven-. tton, which-will fce tho largest in tho history of the federation, will begin tij arrive to-morrow. Killed for Revenge. New Castle, Dec.

Huff, a Mahoningtown barber, was shot and killed last night by N. J. Judd, a telegraph operator. Huff had ejected Judd from his shop in tho afternoon. He returned just before closing time and flred the fatal bullet without warning.

Judd has escaped, Huft leaves a wife and three children. The Modern Mother Has found that her little ones are improved more by the pleasant laxative, of Figs, when In need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy than by any other, and that it is more acceptable to them. Children enjoy it and it beuellts them. Tho true remedy, Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by" tho California Fig Ejyrup Co. only.

Hotlce. All members of the A. and A. Scottish Rite are requested 1 to meet at the Masonic Temple on Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m.

to make arrangements for tho funeral of our deceased brother, Robert Ogden. By order of WILLIAM GEAKK, X. P. G. M.

First-class wont without injuring the fabric, at tho Fort Wayne Steam Laundny, 4G Woet Main street, Phone 382. UHOL.K TOiH'8 CABIN. The tlrcut Urania at the Temple Tills Aftoriiooii and To-night. "Uncle Tom's Cabin," in tho fervor which conceived it, in tho feeling which it Inspired through the world, was only one of a line of ripples making tho coiuinencement of mighty ''rapids, moving by forces which no human power could stay to an irresistible termination--toward human freedom." It will be presented at tho Temple thia afternoon and night, by tho Sailor Martin mammoth original company, pro- ceded by a monster parade at noon. HAWAIIAN HAND.

The musical event of the season will take place on tho 8th of this month when the Royal Hawaiian Military band and the Hawaiian Glee club, accompanied by Signer Liberati, the eminent cornet soloist, will give two concerts at the Temple, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock and Sunday night at 8:15. This famous organization, which was founded by king thirty years ago, is composed of forty native musicians, the majority of whom have been with the band since its formation. The Hawaiians having been denied a means of living in their own country by a despotic government, have been sent on a tour of the world by their many admirers to show the people the high standard of civilisation attained by the natives from a musical stand, point. Their every appearance since their arrival in Sao Francisco, has been greeted by largo and enthusiastic audiences, who have listened with wonder and admiration to the programs rendered by tha philharmonic natives of the inid-Pacilic. Accompanying the Hawaiians is the world's greatest cornot virtuoso, Signor A.

Liberati, who will render one ot his inimitable solos. The Hawuiinns nro uominz, jo ho; yo ho. And every Paying, wo'Jl go; we'll go. FOX I CASES. William Van Wortwlck Discharged--No Evidence Against Him.

Milwaukee, Dec. Van Nortwick, President ot the Western Paper Bag company of Kaukacna, together with the other officers of that corporation, were discharged by Commissioner Bloodgood in the suits of tho government growing out of tho alleged illegal drawing of water from the government canals in the Fox river valley. The matter will not rest here, however, as District Attorney Wigraan announces that he will Bring the case to the attention of the federal grand jury. The discharge was ordered on the ground that there was nothing in the evidence to fasten the guilt upon'the defendants. I.lvo Stock Men Chicago, Dec.

the sixth annual convention of the National Live Stock exchange this morning, Frank Cooper, spoke for the committee on chattel mortgages. The committee's report was approved and the committee was continued. Mr. Cooper laid stress upon the fact that the chattel mortgage is the basis of millions of dollars' worth of security in the West and a very important difficulty with which commission men have to contend. An ideal chattel mortgage was submitted, but no action was taken.

Tho market report committee asked for time and was given until the afternoon session to report. Adjournment was taken at 12 o'clock and tho convention resumed Its business at 1:30 tills afternoon. The banquet at the Auditorium in the evening was an elaborate affair. More than 500 guests were present. There was singing by a quartet and music by a mandolin orchestra.

W. H. Thompson, president of the exchange, was loastmaster. PC Challenge The World With These Grades. SUITS AND OVERCOATS.

$12.50 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. S15 SUITS AND OVERCOATS. Corner Calhoun Main Sts, ANNUAL ELECTION. Anthony Wayne Post Selects Officers for the Year. Annual election of Anthony Wayiio post, G.

A. was hold last evening, with the following result: Commander, George W. Aldrich; senior vice commander, F. W. Keil; junior vice commander, J)r.

B. Gard; quartermaster, Joseph E. Corlett; sergeant. Dr. A.

P. Buchman; chaplain, A. 11. McCurdy; ollicer of tho day, John W. Hayden; officer of the sruard, Harvey Thoinau; del'JKate to department encampment to be held at South Bend, F.

W. Koil; alternate, Dr. B. Gard. HOUSE HAS A SHORT SESSION- Itoiointloui on Armenia by A Olil Murdoror.

Huntington, W. Dec. Williamson, Toy Hatneltl, tUo 14-year- old son of "Dovll" Auee Halfiekl of Hat- fleld-McCoy Camo, last night llrcd four Winchester balls Into Dati Craig, kill- Ing him Instantly. Biff Gold, New York, Dec. Lazard Frerea Co.

will ship $1,500,000 In gold and L. von Hoffman. Co. $1,100,000 In gold by to-morrow'B Bteamers. Tickets ut gre'atly reduced rates will be sold by the' WABASH LINE to western points, on Dec.

10 and 11. For particulars call telephone No. G. Mr. Walkor.

Washington, Dec. 6. When the-house met thia morning Messrs. (Dem.) of Arkansas and Boatner (Dem.) of Louisiana, belated membes-s, were formally sworn in, and a committee to pass on members' mileage accounts was appointed. Mr.

Eak4r (Rep.) of New Hampshire asked unanimous consent for the Immediate consideration of a resolution calling on the secretary of agriculture to report to tho house wihether he had expended the whole or amy part of the appropriation made by the last congress for the'" distribution of farmers' bulletins, but Mr. McMillan (Dem.) of Tennessee objected, Mr. Walker (Rep.) of Massachusetts offered a petition in the form of a resolution from tho naturalised Armenians of the United States, nine-tenths of whom, he said, lived in his district, and requested that it he printed in the Record. After reciting Sie alleged oppression and outrages of the Turkish government, it concluded: "Resolved, That the people of the United States, through their representatives In congress assemble'd, hereby express their deepest abhorence and condemnation of the outrages thus committed on their American fellow citizens, as well as on other Christian subjects of Turkey. "Resolved, further, That his house, composed of the immediate representatives of the American people, pledge its support to the government in every measure justified by international law and a common humanity to vindicate the rights of our fellow citizens or their families in Turkey, and to hinder and prevent, as far as practicable, the continuance of tho outrages and massacres in that land." Mr.

Turner (Dem.) of Georgia, objected to printing the petition in the Record, and it was referred to the committee on foreign affairs, after which, at 12:30, the house adjourned until Monday, HAD WEATHfeR. Urltmh Ship KeachoB J'ort After a. Stormy I'ussiiKc. San Francisco, Gal. Dec.

British ship Reliance, which has arrived here, 1GO days out from Swansea, had a frightfully rough passage. She was in three hurricanes, two of which shifted her carco of coal, had a man killed "at sea and was forced to run around the Capo of Good Hope. She left Swansea June 27, and four days later a heavy north-northwest gale came up. It caught tho Reliance off Cape Clear and raged with fury lor twelve hours. The ship's cargo shifted during the storm, but fortunately the wind died down from its hurricane force and the crew trimmed cargo.

Off the River Platto the ship was caught in a second hurricane and part of her rigging was carried away. Her; third experience with heavy weather was south of New Zealand, where a revolving hurricane was encountered, It started from the north-northeast and died away fifty-six hours later from a nearly opposite quarter. It blew the hardest from tho west-southwest in revolving and only the most careful seamanship saved the vessel. The fruits and flowers which attain greatest perfection and the highest fragrance in South -Europe afford favorable facilities for the manufal ire of perfumes and essences. 'A THEATER.

Miitiaco nt 2:30 I SAITEK MAETINS Mammoth Original Spuctivculivr Uncle Tom's Cabin. Watch for the Big Parade. Spoolnl Matinuu Prices, 15. 25, ami 60 cents, Evening Prices Only 2S, 50 snd 7 On Sulo ut Mu.vut's Hut Stotu. THEATER.

SUNDAY AFTERNOON AT 3:00, SUNDAY EVENING AT 8:15. Two Grund Sncrcd Coucerts, December S. Tho Koyal Hawaiian Katlopal Hand And Gleo Club. SO--PEOPLE--60 Including tin; Fusions Cornet Virtuoso, SIGNOR A. LIBERATI.

Matinee Prices: 25 and HOo. Evening Prices: 25, 50 and 75c. PRANK SOHUHLBR, Fire and Accident Insurance, No. 25 Court street, ground floor. THEATER.

West i Street. Ladles, lOc. Children, Gc. TO-NIGHT Hegular Performances. Now Company Next Week.

ADMISSION lOc. BE ON THE SAFE SIDE! THIS APPLIES ESPECIALLY TO BUYING CLOTHES. LOOK FOR THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE! Sweeping Sale of Just the Kind of Clothes You Need Right Now. Our Statements Are Pacts, and Are Backed Up By Our Promise That if Any Article Purchased Fails to Please We'll Refund Your Money! when you want try some of $3 $4. $5.

98 for Men's Storm Overcoats 98 for Men's Ulster Chinchilla Overcoats. 98 for Men's Brown Frieze Overcoats. Here's where the head work comes in: 98o -Black Stiff Hats, made of Pur improved flpieh, same as all kight Weight, easy fitting, silk band and binding. It is the best $1,50 hat In buying furnishings. Oome to UB and come at once.

48c Ohoioe of a special ot Kid Gloves, regular price $1. 98c For Choice of twelve styles Fancy Shirts, extra detached Cuffs and collars; regular price $1.60. When you Buy Olothes. Don't take chances, see them. For knee pants, ages 4 to 14 years Boys' Suits, in knee pants, double breasted coat; color dark, size 4 to 14 years.

98e Boys' Overcoats, sizes 4 to 14 years. EPSTEIN 18 CALHOUN STREET. WSPAPEM.

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