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The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 4

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SELLERS' WISDOM! than to talk as if you were to compare goods It is higher art to sell much selling much. Buyers' Wisdom: It is more helpful than to compare talk about goods. Some Handsome Table Covers. Is there any one thing which gives tone and style to a room so much as the table cover? Before the War Some kinds of Dry Goods may have been sold for low prices but never in the history of Dry Goods wearing and selling has goods touched the price we are now selling them for. Remnants of Black Dress Goods- The great selling of the past few weeks has caused a large accumulation of remnants of the choicest textures, varying in lengths from two or three yards to enough for a 'full dress.

To promptly dispose of these goods we have Reduced prices fully one-third. Dress Trimmings. Fashionable Paris has declared in favor of rich dress trimmings. Some of her most popular styles are on our counters, at lower prices than you would think possible. CLOAKS.

The distribution of this stock, gathered with so much care under the most favorable circumstances, and bought for spot cash, must appeal to the judgment of the intelligent public. Exceptionally the best values in cloaks ever offered in this city. Autumn Underwear. Look through every store in town and then come here and see how easily we lead in assortment and price. There is a knack in knowing how to keep at the front.

Muslin Underwear. If skipping the drudgery of home sewing made the garments cost you more, then there might be excuse for your drudging on. But how about it when this underwear is more elaborate than the average of home work and costs less? Dress Goods Department. Being sorry doesn't pay. It isn't safe to decide on dress goods until you nave been here, this is not merely our as sertion.

It is the verdict of large numbers of buyers. Allow fair weight to their experience. UMBRELLA DEPARTMENT. When you buy one of our umbrellas at such a saving price you lay up two things for a rainy day. Geo.

DeWald 8 Co. Both tlio method and results when Syrup of is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, smd acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, head- aohes and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of if'igg is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the Klomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most Leal thy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Pigs is for sale in CO cent bottles by all loading drug, gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it.

Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAH FKAHCISCO. CA MONEY TO LOAN At 5, 6, 7 and 8 per cent, on farm and city property or personal security, in sums of $50 to $50,000.

J. P. SOHELL office 24, 25, 26 and 27, Pixley block. 113ATH8 AN1 Those Who Have Passotl to tlio Grot Bojoud Since Saturday, Lillio, tho infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Martin Madden, of 138 Francis street, died at o'clock yesterday afternoon of spasms.

The funeral will bo hold at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from thp residence. Henry Reidt died yesterday aftor- noon nt Portland, of pneumonia. He was a brother of Barney Koidt, of the Grand Rapids Indiana. Undertaker Schouo left last night for Portland to bring tho ro- inaius to this city. Tho deceased was about 30 years ol ago.

Ho leaves a wife, but no children. tho 2-year-old son of Henry Kochs, at No. 20 West Fourth street, died Sunday. The funeral occurred yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho residence. Henry Mueller, the 5-ycar-old sou of Conrad Mueller, on the Fair field avenue road, south of the city, died from diphtheria Sunday, and tho funeral was held in private yesterday.

Mrs. Carl Wicse died at her home In Gar Creek, Saturday, from consumption. She was 32 years of age. Tho funeral will be held at the residence at 2 o'clock to-day. Christian Hodman, a farmer living in Pxeble township, Adams county, and who had numerous relatives in and about Fort Wayne, died suddenly at his home last Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Hoffman had 'been ill with typhoid fever, but was convalescent and was able to walk about. While seated in the house talking to a friend ho was attacked with apoplexy and in loss than live minutes was dead. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the church in Preble. The deceased was 38 years old and was the son-in- KEEPS POISON OUT.

Poison in the Blood. The Filter It Out and Keep the Blood Pure. They Protect Hi From Many Danger- out Diieatei Wlittt lluppous When They Got Out of Older. How to Curo Them Again. are caused by poi- Most diseases son in the blood.

The poison should bo knpt out. The kidneya are supposed to do this. That ia what they are there for. And they generally do. Uut when they are sick they can't; and then we get sick.

The kidneys may get sick from over-work, worry, excess, high living, etc. The reason that so many of our great men die from Bright's disease is that so "many overwork themselves. Bright's disease is only one of the many diseases the root of which lies in the kidneys. Other folks suffer from diabetes, rheumatism, gout, gravel, sleeplessness, anaemia, nervousness, headache, neuralgia, etc. All these diseases would go if the poison could bo got out of your blood.

If the kidnevs would oniy do their work. If you would only tako Dr. Hobb's Spnragua Kidney Pills to make your kidneys do their work. It is not your kidneys' fault. You should bo to them.

help law of Werling, one of tho pioneer MONEY TO JLOAJS On real estate or personal security. C. F. PFJEIFFJER, rooms 6 and 7, Bass Block, over First National Bank, I-OCAL NEWS, Mrs. J.

Taylor is oiu of the city. Mrs. W. S. Fits is visiting in well, Ind.

RiciiKi Thomas ib in Grand Rapids on business. Homo lodge, No. 312, F. and A. will uioefc to-night.

William Genke, the stone contractor, was in Chicago yesterday. The second sale of excursion tickets to Atlanta via the Wabash is being miulo to-day. The Fort Wayne business college is now in handsome now quarlcis in tho T'ri Slate block. Mrs. liiddlo will eiitoilaiu the Liulios' Aid society Westminster church Thursday afternoon.

Sergeant Daseler and Olliccr Stro- A Bargain in a square piano. Easy terms. Call at Fort Wayne Music 34 East Berry street. del, of the police force, returned from a two weeks' fishing trip at the feeder dam. C.

J. Birgcb, superintendent of the electric light and power station at Iluntington, was in tho city yester- dav, the guest of Dr. Van Buskirk. Dr. W.

H. Meyers yesterday at St. Joseph hospital, removed melon seed from the throat of a child 10 months old. The operation was successful. Messrs.

J. II. Bonnell and P. E. Laughlin, of Arcola, rode in on their wheels last night and gave the GAZETTE a pleasant call, returning home by moonlight.

The Chicago Chronicle Sunday published a picture of Manager R. T. McDonald and Superintendent J. J. Wood, of tho electric works, together with an illustrated descrip- tion of the works and some of the electrical machinery, including the large 125-arc dynamo now made by the company.

An innocent traveling from Chicago to his home in Ohio was robbed of $150 on Pittsburg passenger train No. 8 Sunday night. They got him off the train at Lima, Ohio, and he fell an easy victim. All the children in Fort Wayne should be permitted to see the great Columbus clock. Tho structure is allegorical, representing the attributes and showing the greatness of our nation, enacting all the events of America's history from the signing of declaration of independence up to tLe emancipation of the slave.

Now on exhibition at 109 Calhoun street. Admission, 10 cents. This is the last week. PEJRSOSAI SOCIETY. RROW, The Sale of the Season.

We have galhcied hcic a col'ection of all that is pood in Dry Goods. Our modern merchandising way isn't satisfied with waiting for i a but creates it. We have many special values in desirable goods that we can affoid to price extra low to stimulate quick selling. Not an unwoithy peumeii in the vast lot of Cloaks and Capes We place on sale to i coming eaily you will have best choice. The lollowing are striking examples: 50 blk Kersey double capes, i 2 inch satin band at each.

25 blk Keisey Jacket, 2 button effect, i turn-over lapels, large mandolin sleeve, lined i Khadamer satin, i at i ask SiS. 25 double Boucle Capes, lined throughout, richly i with genuine Thibet $8.50 worth $12 25 ladies' Beaver Jackets, huge new sleeve at worth 25 ladies' blk. and navy Chinchilla Jackets woith Sio; i a lot closed at each. Your Fur Capes or Km Jackets i you have inspected out supcib line and note the low piiccs we quote on reliable high i a fins. We close out 100 fine Dicss Patterns, consisting of all the late weaves at off regulai prices to close out.

This i i assortment consists of Crepou.s, Velours, Coverts, Chcviot Diagonals, etc etc etc. ItUTTICItlCK ATT UN 3 CONSULT THIS LATH FASHIONS. ft A ft Mrs. R. S.

Taylor is visiting in the south. Miss Carrie Smith will entertain tho Y. W. C. T.

U. this afternoon. Mrs. C. 0.

Kssig is the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Lichtenwalter at Deoatur. Mrs.

R. C. Boll will entertain Mrs. Susan Morss nt a reception to be given to-morrow afternoon. Mr.

Mrs. C. Fitch entertained Mr. and Mrs. Schmucker, of Chicago, over Sunday.

Miss Jennie Scott, of Butler street, left for Chicago yesterday, to spend two weeks with friends. Mrs. Sperry entertained the Duo Ducimo club at her homo on South Calhoun street yesterday afternoon. Miss Sophia Trommel, of Gay stieet, who lias been seriously ill with typhoid lever, is now convalescent. Mrs.

J. B. Fonnor will entortaiu this evening in honor of Mrs. Neal, of Indianapolis, who is the guest of Mrs. Kmil Urbahua.

The Young Woman's society of the First Presbyterian church met yoslordny afternoon and appointed a nominating committee. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Brackenridge will leave about tho middle of tho njgnth for Ontario, to visit their BOH, Robert O.

Brackcnridge, and their daughter, Werner P. Crufl. The quarterly meeting of the Young- VVoiT 1111 Christian association will bo held "vcningat Miss Taylor, international n'aorelary, will be present. Light refreshments will bo served. It is hoped that ovory member will ruako a special offoit to bo present.

Mrs. 0 N. Guldlin entertained the Fortnightly club last night at her home on Webster street. Prof. N.

Leonard made nn address on "The Ttin Accounts of Creation." The discussion was by Mis. II Word en, Huv. A W. Seabrense, Rev. Samuel VViigonhals and Judge It.

S. Taylor A pleasant suipiiso party was tendered Mrs. J. P. Ilcrimg'nt her home on Ensl Creighlou avenue Sat- imlfiy evening, whon about i-ixty ol hor i i invaded her homo to re i hor of her birthday iinnivci- aary.

Supper was served at 10 o'clock. Airs, lleniug was the recipient of Koveral handsome presents. residents of Preble township. He leaves a wife and two children. The intelligence has been received here of the death in Wabash coujnty of Mrs.

Elizabeth J. Feltz, a relative of George F. Feltz, tho well-known lawyer of this city, and H. W. Feltz, superintendent of the county Mrs.

Feltz was born on March 10, 183G, in that county, and in 1850 moved with her parents to Wells county. In 1859 she was married at Zanesville, in this state, to B. J. Feltz, who was a farmer and afterwards a merchant. In 1888 Mr.

and Mrs. Feltz moved to Markle, Ind. On October 2 last she went in apparent good health to Wabash to visit her daughter, Mrs. D. R.

Bufflngton, and while there was stricken with paralysis and died. Tier remains were taken to Markle for burial. THE TID115S-POST, M. the E. Burns Purchases Plant ana Will FabHsli tlio Paper.

The Times-Post, an eyening newspaper owned by C. L. Centlivre, was purchased yesterday by Michael E. Burns. Tho proprietor of the Times-Post has been for several years tho advertising manager of the Fort Wayne Journal.

During this time he has become thoroughly familiar with the workings of a newspaper ollico and has made many friends among the business men of-jthe citv. Mr. Burns was interviewed last night, but stated that ho had not yet decided upon the details of the management of the paper. The paper was traasferred yesterday, and Mr. Burns is in full charge this morning.

A Cliild Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Svrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and If the father or mother bo costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its HBO; so that it ia tho best family remedy known, and every family should have a bottle on haad. Centennial Edition. Wo still have a few copies of the GAZETTE from October 16 to 19, inclusive, containing illustrated descriptive and historical articles, and complete reports of Iho Fort Wayne centennial celebration. As long as they last, thuy can be secured at the GAZETTE counting room at 15 cents a set, or two sole for 25 conte. Potatoes U5c Tho lowest they bold tit in many yours.

No danger of losing money at, such price Nice largo Potatoes, 20c bushel. Jersey Swoot Potatoes, 80e pock Homo grown Tin nips, 5e peolc. FKUIT B3BB HIVB, Dry Goods Special Bnlo of Pictures. Wo i Pictures, i i JKlcliiiiCH, itc at HIKI less than Coat for tho toy ljvys. Knr, 116 Sited.

A practical course of Conversational German will be given at the Fort Wayne Business College, in the Tri- Stato commencing November 18, at p. m. For information and terms, apply to Tbeo. Thorwurd, 35 West Berry, or Prof. Geo.

W. Lalir. jtticltwiiont Flour ami Maplo suck. Best giillun. Flour, 17e and 'J8c Vermont Maple Syrup, 70c Fiturr Feet and Tripe.

Nice fresh shipment Irom -10 lb kegs, 60, or 5c lb. Boat Hams, lOc; Shoulders, ih, 7oJ Eiigligh Breakfast Bacon, 9c lb. FUUIT HOUSE. Special Sale of Pictures. Wo ofCei our entiie line of 1'icturcs, including at Cost curt loss than Cost for the next ton clajB, KKII, KICIL, I Calhoun Street.

Kclloy Island Grapes. Catawlw Grapes, 10 baskets Concord Grapes, baskets, Malaga Ginpcs, lb. 18c. Jamaica Oranges, dozen, SOc. FHUIT HOUSE.

30o, 15c. You can do it by taking Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. It is such an easy piece of knowledge to remember. Your kidneys are simply filters.

They need looking to now and then like other filters. If thoy are kept and healthy, they will keep your blood clean and healthy, and you will be strong and healthy. Asparagus is a healing and strengthening tonic for the kidneys. Dr. Hobb's Spnragns Kidney Pills give fresh life and power to the kidneys.

They cause tho to purify the blood, to make it redder and healthier and more nourishing. They put new life into your body, new color into your blood, new ambition into your mind, new youth into your joints and muscles. They do not work miracles. But they euro diseases. Dr.

flobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills have cured BO many people that they can bo safely relied on to cure you. They will cure yon, not because they have cured others, but because they are made from herbs which have never failed to cure the kidneys when taken in the proper doses. They were prepared by a physician who knows how to cure the kidneys. A fow dosea will relieve. A few boxes will cure.

Sold by all druggists for 50 cents per box, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Write for interesting pamphlet on the subject to Hobb's Medicine Chicago or San Francisco. AN EXlMiASTATION. Observer Tells More About Pur- 'cliase of Street Car Tickets, To Hiu Editor of tlio GAMTTI: I find in the article printed in your Sunday paper, headed "Competition," that there in an error made in the calculation, or at least not so distinctly stated so as to be readily understood. I desire, therefore, to so give it to the read era of the GAZETTE that there will be no mistake to take in its full meaning at a glance, to-wit: Throe dollars paid to the "old company" street car line at 5 cents a ticket buys GO tickets, while $3 paid to tho new or "Everett line" company at 3 cents a ticket would buy 100 tickets, making a difference to the purchaser of 40 tickets, or $1.20 on the $3 purchase.

This would bo a clear profit of two- fifths, or 40 per cent, on the dollar. Surely this would be to the "laboring man or woman" quite a sum in the course of the year, and saved to those who are most In need of help. Wo are ready to conclude that the board will take into thoir considerations on these different propositions, the smaller items as well as the larger per cent, to the company running the cheaper lines because of the greater number of tickets to be sold. And then again, while our city property is highly taxed, and withal, many are paying license for city privileges, we can see no reason why tho city should not have also some reasonable share of tho profits of Bfcreot car lines to give aid in defraying the expenses of the corporation. This certainly would be right and equal justice to all concerned.

OliSEUVBK. D1VOKCE Attend the Port Wayne Business College. New Booms, Tri- State Building. Fort Wayne Laundry, 46 W. Main street.

'Phone 382. W. H. Philips, prop. Election returns will be received at Sons' and Citizens' Republican club rooms.

Springfield, 111., Nov Tho attorney gcnc-riil linn romlpicrt an opinion that it is illegal foi insurance! com panlcs 01 to cntoi- Into an agreement rcgarrting i lor Insurance, j-e- butcs, etc, nt, all such IIRI pcraonta are liable to prosecution wider tho trust ol Uic hl.ilo. prop- tho Awarded Highest Honors--World's Fair, MOST PERFECT MApfe, A pure Grape Crcnm of Tarlar I'owdcr, Free from Ammonia, Alum or any oilier adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. A Case tliat Will Furnisli JBich Alimony Demanded. A divorce suit has boon commenced in tho circuit court that will give the attorneys something to interest them, for tho defendant Is quite wealthy, and in addition to tho decree alimony in the sum of $8,000 ia asked. The parties arc Eliza Bnsha- lier against Louis IJaahnhcr.

Tho complaint alleges that the defendant is guilty of cruel conduct, and that once ho attempted to compel her to goouio a divorce. Failing in that, ho buoamo on harsh toward hor that she was compelled to leave, Tho plaintiff alleges that the a ia worth $18,000 in real estate and tho satuo a in personal erty. Coicpjck fy Franco aj plaintiff's attorneys. Attend the Fort Wayne Business Opjlege. Rooms, Tri-State Building.

Little tlock, Ark OVPI- the prizu fltflil Question has eji- t)rcly died out ami tilings havo down to condition. Bob Pita- Simmons spent yesterday with a party of local 'ulmirere and In the evening wont to the i station In company with a pnrty of newspaper men to meet ilto from Hot Springs, on Which Corlictt to nrrlvo. A largo crowd followcii him, jnoluibly In the anticipation of an sot-to, but Corhctt wan not on tho tniln, and had ho bctfii trouble would hardly have as WOK In a moft b-tppy mood. Corbott and party left Hot pYloclc last evening on ionic to Rlmrtpfili inona" movements i uncertain. Moyer grotbere' drug store for Oxygen co Oure, AT TUB "Too Mucli Johnson" and '-Tiio Cotton Kiuff." William A.

IJrady's massive inolo- drauiatic production which excellent patronage at McVicker's theatre for 100 nights, and delighted Chicago theater goers with its beautiful story and heavy mechanisms will bo tho Temple next Wednesday. "The King" also had long runs at tho Adelphi theater, London, England, at tho Academy of York City, and was presented for four mouth at Boston. This should bo abundan evidence of its merits as a popula entertainment. Although "Th Cotton King" is an English melo drama, technically BO called, i savors of Americanism. It is a plaj based upon human passions an these can bo found in every land Its leading character Is a Yankee His experiences lend an Amorioat atmosphere to tho play, which par ticularly fits it for production hero and makes It doubly interesting American audiences.

The Yankee i surrounded by cleverly drawn an( strong characters typical of thi classes they represent. They are so rious and humorous, and all true life. Then, too, they have tuo un raveling ol a deeply interesting stor) and the weaving of a romantic plo of absorbing fascination, a talo which alone holds attention. The sceni embellishments are said to be the most elaborate that have over been given to melodrama. There is a cotton mill wonderfully realistic, six hundred separate pieces being used for this effect Scores of operators are seen at work at the rapidly revolving machinery, while a huge elevator is carrying freight up and down.

Tho elevator is a very prominent feature and aids in a very sensational scone of realism. Tho comedy element is breezy and delightful and mirth-provoking. There is also plenty of music and singing, the shadows being well contrasted with sunlight. TOO MUCH JOHNSON. Judging by the critics of the east the new comedy, "Too Much Johnson," which will be presented at the Temple next Saturday with William Gillette, the author, as the central figure, ia what the mirth-loving public has been waiting for.

Gillette has written and adapted many suc- produced tho greatest laugh-maker of his career. Tho action of tho is as quick as a pantomime, and complications funnier than have been seen in any larcial theme for years. Tho sale of seats opens at Mayer's hat store Thursday morning, 80 Calhoun stroot. cessful plays, among those best known here being "Held by the Enemy," "The Private Secretary," "Esmeralda," but iu "Too Much Johnson" ho is said to have Something New. Born, to Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Stewart, of Iluntington a daughter. Mr. Stewart was formerly dry goods merchant in this city. Good advice: Never leave horn on a journey without a bottle Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera an Diarrhoea Kornedy.

For sale by al druggists. Meyer Brothers' drug atore for Ooblentz's Oxygen Tobac co First-class worg: without injurin the fabric, at tho Fort Wayne Steam Laundny, 46 West Main street Phone 382. Attend the fort Wayne Business Qollega. Rooms, Tri-State Building. WHAT! A new overcoat, or A new winter suit.

WHERE! Of G.Schmidt, and You will be satisfied WHY! With work and prices 70 East Main street. CATHOLIC LIBRARY HALL Monday evening, Nov. 25, ANNIVERSARY OF THE MANCHESTER MARTYRS. LECTURE BY THE REV. GEORGL W.

PLPPER Episcopal Minister of Cleveland. Subject--- "IRELAND'S LIBERTY SPRANG TRO11 1IEH MARTYRS' lir.nnn Musical entertainment, under tho auspleoa of Shamrock Litorary Club. JProf Touliey, fish Piper. TICKETS, 50o liol offlco opca Friday, Nov 22, for reserved oats YOUJSG WOMEN'S CllKISTIAN -ASSOCIATION. NOON REST.

Cheap meals served to women Breakfast to 8. Dinner 11 to 2. Supper 5:30 to 7. 24 West Washington. THL PANTITOR1UM.

10 ---Mako ft Specialty of-leaning, Dyeing, Mending and Darning, Goody Culled for ftiitl Delivered tlsfiictjon Guaranteed Telephone 405. MISS J. MAVBHJJY, Prop. NOTK--Wo also conduct a first class Employ ent Bureau, where competent help can lie had all times A WIFE Spends most of her time at home. You're there a good deal too.

She likes to spend a quiet afternoon at sewing, you enjoy a quiet evening at home. The Standard COSTS NO MORE THAN Any -other sewing machine. Its use will not interfere with the quietude at home. Nearly everybody knows the merits of the Light Running STANDARD, the price of which, compared with the benefit derived, is Mere Nothingness. The Standard's Rotary Shuttle is worthy of your examination.

Pfeiffer Schlatter, 38 and 40 E. Columbia St. THEA7ER. Telephone 393. Wednesday, Nov, 6th, "The Cotton King" A Complete Production Every Detail- in Sale of seats at Meyers' Hat store; 80 Oalhoun Street.

Regular prices. PRANK Fire and Accident Insurance, No. 25 Court street, ground floor. 1 1 Interest Increases as the Days Fly by and the Enormity of Our Reductions are Fully Appreciated. Believe Your Eyes.

These Prices are Sincere, They Mean Just What They Say, YOU HAVE THE CHOICE FOR Of Hundreds of Men's $13.50, $12 and $10 Suits- You Know It's Regular Stock, With the Original Marking Still There. You Know too, They are HONEST VALUES, CORRECT STYLES, FRESH AND NEW, But We're Overstocked and MUST Sell them. HERE'S THE INVITATION: For the next ten days you have the choice of any $13.50, $12,50 or $10 MEN'S SUITS in the store for You might as well aissortmenl as Ito wait is sure to be broken. your ehoicG From (the Full day on two, when the variety SEE WINDOW "DISPLAY. Corner Calhoun and Main Streets.

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