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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 3

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

(Dur um (City. WEDNESDAY. JABUABY 1W1. OKHCIAt, CITY I'AI'Klt. 11 B.s.lall.a mt th.

CmmM C.a.cll, puMd aaa. aa, ibmi. OUTbIUK UHAUlaO MATTKU. FlPt Faf. Vkmitt Kiw.

To. Bigch oow palnlut aecMral mill la ba Marted A cWravaiaa taken wild apoolriv a raiariog a cbureh tall froai a laifcl.r A aacaa Railroad ofllc. robbed oiuer ftainaN.w AdvartawflienU. Stat A lew tar latamtln. Itrma.

To lust children's frtead Burled under Uieauow iauM lUTBuroU. Aanivanar. I mteoraUoa CuUiai down Uia face. Virtue la Wall etrert, I ancle Uuliu lUlcti sadvlc. to on.

o' risk A llatcb'a customers Aa ing alou, a cape Hume Tar eiact atatlailca. llutssiitniiu. lvtasu soap Diyb. I Iberia Crampa In Uie kca )lock)it. IlIlK WKAIllKU ruit TU UAt Wa Dinuatn.

loriKturTaacaiariUuaii.OrriCEB ashuiotob, jaa. en i a. aw I.Dic.rioaa. For Ike Middle tMatea, clear and fair. Mew Aderliarueaia The (oUueiuc adeeruaeaieaU appear la aha Dally kaicia la day lor the Aral tiaie: Girl Waainl, Mia Main at.

Money to Loaa. Jouu H. Millard. UMera at Huiilli Ilroa. mm COLLECTOR'S NOTICE.

Our UolltcV will fiulah hia collections To fAi, Ironl allthoeellTinK north of Alain aon Last of Harden su The finest lot of correspondent cards ad envelope, comprudue over fifty ear it lie, arelotiearen at J. P. Ambler iookstorv, Xlarket street, and they are I heap, too. A l'rtt. A two hors.

alezh, con taining a uuuiber of pcoltj. upset in Main fclrret, near lb. comer of Market, at an larl hour last evening. All the occu lianu escaped lujirv, except a young liiaa named Mostly, who waa uuita badly utsed. Fut JtALor Ueoroe WiLawaox.

Tb Ijueral of tlorg Wilkinson, on Tuesday kas largely attended by relatives ami Inenda of the deceased. Among tliose Present were many leading citizens of tbe ity. a Meam Yacht. were mistaken. The I dow bcinr.

built At the Lower Doits ly leorge 1'ulk is not to be tug, but a fesm yacht for a resident on the Hyue ark road who is now absent lo Europ. I la aeveuly feet ia length and La lo liecautjy equipped and furnished liroughout. It will be tbl to niakt rite or fourteen miles an hour easily. ntCMBATOftY TO aCIIAKHR i OUR REMOVAL WE OP felt OUK KKTIRE bTUCK OF IiATS AND CAM AT UREATLY kEDVCEU PRICES. TIlHHrOtKXUsrBtetUM EDBYMARCUHt.

b.sxTOXBKOrHEka, MA I.N ST. THE 'UlUOaciPlCYAVK. Crowd 1 the Again. raoM IS to Iff mobbcs ituow tcao aa rum raokt tnrraaksr rmin thi CULp UN TMB BAlt MOAt AM at tbais, tKrcsiioi oittia tuu I atu i a autaa.

Attolbvrcokl iTt baabaaa anUttUllng UmMigh the valky of the llmlson. and it center to all ajiftearaaeaM rvacnd aai if TuMtla.v mornln(. It waa quit coW Jioaday moraittfc, ll mercurr reaciitna iUt Iwlow serv. bui tbw atotoa luer of TuUy morning comultlt jclaiwej bai of lb day Tb Air rull or piticM uCfroat, and lb mm frioK bung upon llwrjdnand now ot butb Um human and bnttn crvataoaw IberuHMutHrtcal reports at one became objtfcU of lutnreat. and tnoa received bj oa abow tba Cut low nig; coodiuoa of tbe diercurj at autentnt points: 1 1 below tero.

1 in 114 17 It TIIK EATr: JCDflAl. rLICT. CON I TKHrKHAkCK Nora. Cfaaiij Wenaelt, Troy, addrvaaed a Ivtgm and appcrcU audience in tbe U. Cburcb at Mil io Lut rvening upon Ibe aubjeut of Tem Taoce.

All united la tbe opinion tbal was tbe beet lecture upon that aubjecl Ue apeaka in tbt inte pbtce again Ikia evening, and ei Tit to institute a oage ot Uood Tem after tbe meeting. A Urge nuiu ol Um ciliitena of tbe pJace have atgni i their intention of joiuing tbe Order, lOatTLAKY.Edward II. Barton, a well ioD Iranian of our citj died yestet ar.of cuiiMimirtion. of which diaeae uc I been a utTerer for aome uule Unit I Waller Mjpm, aUoaell known tCro'. Lt the city and county, aa a musician, lo died at bis mudence.

No. I'M Mont I mery atrvet, at an early hour yeaer ay. IliadisvaM aa alMironaumptiou, kit he bad m4 le cwutiiirsl to his bouse pi a abort time. Vaaaar College. saitv ioint, tl.

K. Htau UospitaU einm ftUuua. d'habkUI. JiiUbrooK, i roll, atoriuvilte. lougUkerpade City, Men's niouauwbea turned into almost tolid uiaasea of tee aa tbey but ried along in tbe crisp morning air.

and kackneak and inilkuteu "a wbiskera and eyebrow ere covered wan a lace work A white frost. Store window wer ooated with frost, and one could not see within or wituout. Tbe usuei jold weather stueak of aleun ruduen waa bOeUd, aetuux one'a Uetn on edg. And the priucipad aUraction for wan, wo and child was Uie rest roaring Hre at iiouie. On the ratlroAd travel wan veiy iihl and train meu were impresses vith tue Idea ttiat sal vty of travel vat tiaramount, and that to make time must ue a secondary consideration.

Ibis ta au absolute order, and a very important for it was tbe kind of weather tnat jreaka macuinery on locoinouves aud uV tiroyscAT wheels. Tbe wheel of afreigbi jar broke near Hchodack, and tan cai was thrown from tbe track, but no vtn was hurt. Tbe aoctdeni delayed tbear of the morning way train from Al aay due here at a. m. about thre quarter, ot an hour, and as tnat train it required constant exptau aUou by railroad men in reply to belale.

fMuaeugera. At noon, wtiile the sua was abimn. Lrbily, tbe snow thawed aome on tbt outU aud eavt aides of buildings, but thai was only for a snort tune. The wind re naiucd west north west all day and at at p. m.

the mercury had met. twenty degree above sere, tbe air wat full of frost, and ieople burned sWn. ell wrapiied up. All day long ganga of laborer were at ork on tlie I. 1L U.

R. B. endeavor ng to relieve that une from the snow utockaila briweeo Boston Corners and Mate Uoe. The anow there Is aa high a ton of tbe cars, and though it i peeled toget trains through on Tuesday it waa aoon found to be impossible, ami if they are able to come through iLale to ught they wdl do pretty weU. For five laya now traius have run no further east bau Piue llama There is tbe same break the connection on tbe Rhinebeck Jouoeclkut.

One day this week tire on one o( the 1. II. A B. locomotive iHi rated. The City railroad people have to keep Al work with their plows and scraper.

Lut Bui. IliUlicock aaya if ten feet mon fauow UlU the street trara will be kei running. At our hour of going to press ttm morn mg, tbe thermometer atood at aero, ami va aradually falling. At aix this m. will no doubt lu totne distance below.

Jatdge Carenler Against Jndge llarnard Tncortvios orvrnvrnot' arrtAU A LIHOTflV HOT larOtTAKT DOCTIifJIT JCMAI fARKHTtat a view arsTAUi.iv TIICriCLCIMTtt or Mrtitt, auKtoa nose bsil ton AtLT AftDtiiTTaftr, rariT tRcttm Jtcv. A oitsios TniT wiu, at klab wirn ivTMitaT at ivckv lawtbr ALOO Tug Hivsoa. In the legtoJatioa pawed an act jiving courts of jipeclal session eiduaive JurMiction, to hear and determine la tbe Jrrt Insiance eases of petit larceny assault and bat tery Ac There has en conM leaible difference of oMnion unong Jwige a to the validity and cope of Uai Act ami at one time Judge Rarn.vd charged thetlrand Jury at bb Court tfa it iliey still had the power lo en qiiireintaciavscomiirised within tbe act of 141, whib Judge CarpeaLt rhanred the Urand Jury at hi. Court that they had do such power. Ilnallr a iinaoner was brought before Recorder Wilkinson charged with petit larceny, and tbe ourdec under tbe act of rl ired tbe prisoner to be Irkd before him.

On a writ of habeas corpua tbe prisoner wi taken before Judge Barnard, who held that be had the rthht to admit tbe prisoner to bail for hia appearance to await the action of the next Urand Jury, an I did admit "him to bail, and on hail being urnislied, ordered him releas ed. I roni this order an appeal waa taken 'to the General Term, which decided thai the act of 11. was constitutional, but that it did not luterfcre with tbe right of a SupreiueCourt Justice to admit to bail unicr the revwed statutes. From tfaia an Appeal was taken to the Court of Appeals, wherein a decision baa been rendered reversing Um (Jeueral Term decision. The jpinion is by Judge Miller, and as the matter baa occasioned cenaiderable ei citeuaeut in teal circles, we give tbe jpinion in full aa follow i CRT OK IVopte et rvl.

John Couieford Uespt, At. James E. Ouictter, Shenff. Ac, Appiu Ll'iasoiAU Joseph tornfll. ice lresi In of the lituem Hieainboat ol y.andaife, Ca4.

teauier baratoga, and wife, and tubson, tleneral rassenger Lrat of Ibe line, and wife, were at tin kbuu IIouw yesterdaj and la 4 evening the guest of Cape. Itlack, They leav Ir lork thu inoruing. Mr. and Mrs. F.

Mitchell, of Brooklyn, at been amending a few days in out tuuUag friends. Ihey have return to the city well pleased witb th Niching ard other attractions. 'duck wa, Justice C. P. Dorland Id court at I'olice Headquarters, yes lay.

The first case before him wa I Hunter, charged with being drunk disorderly. He waa aentenced to 13 III in the County Jail, in Vault of I Hue. iuiam Mctieorge waa charged with Puiicaiiou. The Justice fitted kim IrtadjlUira, abicb be paid and waa dnv lId. lAautberman.

name uoknown, waaal arraigned, charged witb intoi paid three dollars and waa dis KttrKREEt HaLsC Ibe following 'real Mtate aaaauld at auction at lite Court House yesterday noon by J. P. H. Tall nan, Keferee, to ilose tUeelateof Thorn is CSegg, deceased. The sale resulted at follow a.

Lot No. 1, corner Main and Clover, to Mrs, Clegg, Mrs. Caire aud Mrs. Robson JV000. Ut No 4, lot on Mam street next west corner, Adam Catre, tSOti.

Lot No. 3, houa and lot nouth Clover. text south of corner of Main, Mrs. rrauk Kobson, 4,500. Lot No.

4, alleyway on South Clover. with barn in rear, A. Caire, oUt) Lot No. 5, bouse and lot, boutb Clover, to Mrs. Caroline Clegg, $3,000.

tKUAriBU STKBET. Lot. No. 1. brick house and lot.

A. Caire, $1,333. Lot No, frame bouse ami lot. Caire. 1 1.013.

Lot No, tot on coiner Tallmadge abd Hoffman, A. Caire. 0t. iRnxovCuTB "DAhHAWaT." last eve WH. the ntembera of the Stingy lub npated ia thmr annual aleigh ride to i loruera.

Tbev kft the city vAtat sevvn. in tfti) four hAt ktatUha. lo or three hai W. hi. and a live ha aaalial Wlween here and the raera.

After reachinar their destiua Utey all filtered lbs LuUfL maiAi. vw aiartiu. and relieved them Fof llwir ra, and then the rest ol "log iu apentin triiHtiog th Udiatue TLe music was under Ihr Of Mr. Jtslltl llaay nt.l. ss.l avwartory.

After a few hours dancing. 11, aud then Uie hour for "Mrs acnt ed. "tlu eaay there, donl mow uwn, Ihws. Ute reduce XUm Vfic lUow i at 4 ii f' Jw els, each. Hocure TKltiy HEUBICK.

IOAINH IN i.AltlTMIt.l Elltuv.itt I4 lards IUnr.1 a I itngs bi less a. .7 lB or Five the aeweat beaigas. raUik ih work, MAtnAlill, KLIMJH RlDIIU rAKTIBA. At o'clock Tuesday afternoon a big ateigb loal of la liea arrived herewith Whitman a team rrotn Wappingers rails. Tbe merry part) UtlUed at tbe City Hank, aud the crowd was so great on tbit corner at the liim tbal the officers and cWiksof tlie bank Hnqieuded buslnea for a moment to taki a look at the fair visitoa After tbe la JWs aliolited, they scattered about towe in grour.

viewing the tight of Main at bop wludowa. They returned before lark. Latt night two four horse sleigh load went from here to bnloa Corner and the uiglit before two (our borae aleigU toad went to WapiHngcrs Falls, and four large load went totTnia Cwruera. tHuer four birse aleiich load will go, out of town this evening tt Miso. Mr.

O. C. Howard will ap near at the Oik ra House on Saturday af teruoou and tTcning urkt aa "Topey, la the well knonn drama of 'Cncle Torn lVin." him 1 vll known here, and her troupe always give tbe best of aatbac lion. Adrt. will appear to morrow. Oiatrs.tHatrs. U3r, Fresh Oysters its. per quart. Also flue bbreasbury Oyster ieoed or In Ihr helL Lrave your orders and we will end them home.

Ml Hit JJ5t ItKIUCTIOM. Wear now offering Tkumed Mttxii rby. lUajarr, and Rot'st. IUral great I reduced price. Fuiwaat, FKtTuikS, Obkaiibxt, any thing la our HiUJitknV iMrakTiiut, al RKMCBP rues, M.

ETEKKIS. it too Mala btrrtt. m. IL Woo hn Ih 4, Atty. for Applt, AbrAin J.

for Uesuondent, M.lkrrJ. ue rvLAtor. afiet hia examination before tbe uiSKastrate upon the chance of oetit lirveoT. and bia decision that the aae lil been comujitted by the reta lur oifered give bad for his appear Atice tbe next court having joiEniXAuvs of tbe olTence. Tfats ut iuft uvn refused.

and tbe relator bavni); beeu held for trial by toe iticer lor lite otfeoae sued out writ ot Atioeaj cvrpnJ before a Justice A the ShUv ue I ourt aud after a beanna tjte Juaiice decided tnat the retstor be ai wel to etitrr into a recognisance, and ATing doue so discharged bun from cua ukJt. LHa tlie fiA the question arises vuetttertnt oracer wno issuea tne war rant us I juriwlK tion to try tbe accused. nun ritkt I claimed by virtue of Chap. fir of tlteLASsoC ISIV which provides uaaC Oouns ot Nuecial Heessons. excett the ity of AHauy and in the City and AMioiyoc lorx aiiau in aaunion to ne puwers aOHsesed by tnem have also xciusive luruuKTeMi in ine nrss insianor io Ihaju aii I Uvteriuiue tbe following cases.

lot. iiargv lor etiit larceny not ma a second offense," Tbt enact jtru oa iu Co soittcseatly broad to AUtbonxe any Court of Hpecial Sessions to an Teuder for the crune charged AgAinsttite rciator, and unless there is Mue ditHculty in tbe way, tbe right iiear bvoud any question. It hi claimed bat the ut cited is in coo diet with sec tion two of artta oneof tbe constitution. tiikU tiiat tlie trial by jury in Urn in nhicU it has beretofwrw been wed siiali remaiu lUTtutaie forever. Tb jurr ivlrrred to evidently means a inal by a omuhiou law jury of twetve jien, Ibe priuciple laid down by ue de.bion of tu Courts of this state iu JtlMs.

Uk IVde, 3U N. MJ, and Ayue Kaiurr vs. Ibe IVopte. IS, Id. S7H.

hku was uo duulit the law prior to the uiieiidinvut of sn. ttoii 26 of Art. tbe CoEIrtutlon, winch derlarestbat Courts tt SfHKuil Mtious shall have such juris Jicttou tf ulTeua w( the crade of misde tumuioras may be Hvided by law. rrtur t. tui amenduieut statute ci tet, so for it cuufrra exclusive junsdic don, wojkI iea iolation of.

aecuon two A artu.h one of the Constitution, aoiTthe Amndmtnt of stitiun tweuty atx of arti six was no doubt desixned to invest tue lv tfiiiduiuie mUi authority to confer iiion courts 01 MwiiAi sessions run anu xclusive lurikdKtKMi in this class of ases, Iik li it ss bf not lo possess un ter the dtHirlon ol tlie courts, and it must oe rvgard as a ruodiiksuoo of a restric jun wt tue tiuiLtaiiou 01 power wnicn was tteld to exiu by virtue of aectiontwoof irtale ont 111 riect to offenses "of tbe rt tined. The act of 1879 was uMd in coufuruiitt with tbe amend item referred to, and ut larceny is an of the same itrade aa a misde. uicanor. wiibiu lUtirms and embraced within Ms spirit and uieamna. The couuwl for the relator insists that the provision of the Constitution (sec Sa uea must be construed to mean only it ooVuses as are creaCd by statute After tne adoption of the amendment.

rbere I we tutuk. no ground for thus (Vstncting it interjtrelaUou, and it ttroad sua CAHiirebeusive enough to in ciudeall iiiiMlt uuanoraexuiting by statute at tint time of its aHHtoo, as sell as a tuigUt afterward be treated law. It tlearly comre uends all lAiilvinvanors for winch provi 0011 it made by Uw. inclcdina: tvtit lar cenyaud tbeut of IS7 coufers exclusive jurndKtioulo try that class of offences. Mmmon or empanel a common law Jury.

te nut reasonable to anppnss taas seen a prevfanon would have been Inserted la the amendment The evident purpose of the act was to relieve the higher court rrom tne burthen of trying trivial ones sea, or to leave thin class of eases lo local msgtetratea In tbe ttciuity where the offense was committed. Prior to Ms adop Uoa the accused party a right to be tried before tbe etflcer holding tbt special sessions, or to a Jury If be desired, or to give bail for bts appearance, according lo ine provisions of K. 8. T03, He tT, at the next sitting of a competent court, in the county where the esse might be presented to a grand jury and an indict meat found, if authorised by the testimony, apon whtch th accused mis. hi be trnd before a Jury ia accordance with the constitution, rhiatsdone away with by the amendment and tba acted! 87v, and the tSjserud HeAiona atone ran now proceed and try tlie offender, as already In dieted.

Beside what ha already been remark rd aa to the effect of tbe amendment. It Itould not be overlooked that it wa held in tbe case of Tlie IWple ex. ret Murray Justice N. Y. 406, that the oon itilutional i rovieiutt giving a party rltfhl of trial by jury, does apply lo the iKuy offenses triaAbie before a Court of Hfiecisl Hvwdons.

lt la tu us wUted by authority, that the right to a common law jurr does not ex ist in any aucb case. Tlie power to let to oait in aucb a case wo. hi be inconsistent with the purpose of the amendinsnt and the act cited, and cannot be upheld. The order of tbe Ueueral Term must be reversed and the rtcoceedinga remitted to ine icejoruer, wuu uirecuona 10 procecu and try the iwisouer. AHConcar, H.

E. blcKLEH, HtenoArspber, A Fouitck Bcaisim Mam 11 Tbocblb. The New York World of Tues day aaya that Coclho A. asaon, of Eighth I avenue and Twenty fourth street, was arraigned before Justice Patterson In the Jefferson Market Police Court ou Mouday (or abandoning bia wife Mary, Her fs she aaid, gave her husband 1900 shortly after their marriage and he own ed a millinery ahop at roughfceepsie. He failed recently and bad given her but $23 worth of groceries since Christmas, Csa aon had previously been ordered to gel ,300 bail to pay hie ife II a week.

Mon day he said he could not get the bail, but be wauled to get out. want to win a thousand or two he aafd, by entering the walking match JuMica Patterson laughed and Can on continued: I 11 wia that first prise or die. O'Leary, I know, will see me out of it. Why, your tlonor, I ve walked 133 miles In SI hours joce already. Come and see me walk, Judge, if you want to make a thousand so.

Keeper McDermolt said that Cassoa sad eaten nothing since haturday while in tbe prison wailing examination, and that be talked of buying Maud tt. rrom dr. VanderbiH. It true, ssid Ibe prisoner. 'I shall ben own the best horse in the country.

1 uavent slept, either. Justice Patterson committed him for examination a to hia ineuial condition. Cassoa is well knowu here as havm, cept a millinery and fancy goods store, And was at one time iu partuersbip with A man named Sliner. He failed some ume ago and afterwards left the esssta AwBg TS4.CwtrtBavpcBia iVir vuvwaKt a GOOD COFFEE, eo wiiiaaTHBT ItOAST IT FllGSIt Eycry Tucsrtay and Friday, you ri Save tram lo la I3 1'erCent! AUDuarABrrraa AartcLa, r.vruA uuoi UllV.ES AM) I1LACK TEAI no cknth i KU rousn. A.

F. BOOTH'S, 308 MAIM BT. ataS I At the Literary Club last night Kev, lr. Van Uiesoa gave some Persouai lieminiscencea of Cuba and Florida," which waa very luterestliig. ile described visit, and a slay of several month in South Carohua, Florida and Cuba, mainly in tba latter, in tbe winter ol 1433 aud told ia most graphic language what impressed him as noteworthy, and lavteoed Itself upon his memory of the country aud the people as they were then.

At tbe close, aslbeaubjoct was bard I susceptible' lriueMehatewitlF which Club usually closes iu entertain ments, Kev. Dr. McSwt enej added some further remibiscenses of his on travels. In Hpain, tbe Isthmus of Panama, aud olse where, nbichtheaudieuce enjoyed much. nJ 2 CO SUPERIOR POWDER IS ABSOLUTELY PURL MADE Or CREAM OF TAUT A IL AMI CTA1X4 NO Al tM.

AUMOMA, TtltRl AlltA.NOK AX AlilLTtvU ATluV WIIATkVfcU. XMn(stJf4ltrswkln(dUclo ss4 wbwtoMMse ituwaiu. takthf, Fft Ary, Ai htrh cau bsesttm by Umm Uaciktue SstUUt siibiMA ftr of itMU fma. ltMMSPhsl4 rur iwity ss4 tmlthfulnstu br ibe fctmuatml CtieslUi TroiV Mur JoM.soH of fsle CsIVrf. Ir 4.BSVH at" ih I siily of rMMThasls.

rp i Untt Mosros lh futM IsaSlisi. WM llAMSSHAW.r CtHtsl Al TiawU uf Hw Vtjrk.rt. Sti4 mmlf UH'xIl powMt Us eaas by Sll Uwtt. CLEYELUn) BtOTfiXxa. aXBAlT, M.

T. 0XF011D MUSIC HALL, Cwrssf Strs s4 Mn Mnet f1ens. no iif ack, rnWtt ine. i.uonuuuta, Stses nnJ 3londay. tln 114, and daring week.

Aevs tss rwt nt nrfTHasi Arts? fAmsw sie iSeinHn rsss iss is. Tb 1 Wf.w.siwe mssimii IISV eBAMD itrsti.iisir rAar. rtrw ses tf Mfi halt, tsomll, Ma su a iistltVsiisn' iiHinMniMat AViLLaf a anNaarrr. ibs SV sht.vlfaaral SLHafJ SS4 M. Msl Arttasnt Vwt AtltMS.

seeMrtM ornisa hat nsaatTO 'ta Dav t4le MM 4'tll VMsMS NaV I rtnl tits tM erMi CbasM Al estiUt TM Uaamu that IS MsstSaA wtM a. IS mrtlM. rwe se 4 Mtsa tT AitAnsibeessrsi ttH ata UaafMaSiat SttS atT St. sstww ai nf 4b Klne sH CnaitMltass. B.

JMrOM.Ia llttM tl PfMcMIS rfss if. iiill Ktt BUT, Etalsest Pwsut. rHTts 4 wur Ais mt TftMr1 rtte, MI41J 'a rein Salrwl. MHni Wt4hM4.i4Mimfe SS At. WWiafai ataasHiaauBi its i aiin Qua a asa AWtaal.

H'Att 1'OUOIIKBEI'SIIS LYCEUM. 1SS0 AND 1SS1. If sin liotn. Friday, December ild, ARCtlinALU F0RBE9, fTseUrsst Wsr isssos saU "nursi reus I ssv At. Frlddr.

Dcceniber tOth. Mlt MARY A. LIVER MO RE. rsjsrr, TbCV at Msa. Friday, lrcember 17th.

CIIAKLES ROBERTS, Jit. 1 bSfatllnf ss RstTttsnoas. last, FrMny, January 7tli ll.OF JOUaS tlSKE. arstsrv. saifn itiar tb Katsiub Friday Januury Mill.

I UOf. 8. MOK4E. aesrsre, 41tlarrrf ImmH tils. ITbUls rin I id aj, January 21l9 WENDELL PHILLIPS.

Sratsrv CSsrttM'aai rar. r'rtday, January SHili, PROF. LOCKIvUlCUAROSON. Hatws Uartutioat, Friday, Fthruarr 4tli, UK3. JULIV WARD HOUR.

leaisi T. "la tubi tiomatf Friday, Fcbrunry 11th, I'UOF. LEROV C. IX0LKY. srsJKrr.

Culiraa ibssaatsid H. tWIU EliMTlaS au.) Fridar February I8II1, CONCERT II If Hlgfl.llKNklBTTA Hlllt, Iff IS fetaallla MttMCtab 1 SufArSSS. THKXVJ TOfellT. Aa.tlcaUatMlTaar. a.

voi ati irfllMCaiiATtoa SolsrarreBcen Cs.t. MMBsTBaaSArAKUkNO. a MMH.C1I ATTrKTOH SttUaKa, Itotoltsrain. USO. COt.Br.

Haal litraaiar. Ihmn at aaiwtsts aasts la aos Tlekrlwill 1m UoMtereS la MMsSarabv lbsrOse lor. Wiilitua uitvia. Tlttttaf(hrtb I MsfMra.litiitt au saaj aias asa, Bvummttirmm mm mm rpmn CHINA, GLASS and EARTHENWARE (JOBK HADDOCK SOR1) U0VAL REXI P011CELAIN Is the RIGHT 8TDFT POK DIMMER WARE, AT rRICCSTHAT DKIt OOMrtTTnOM. KRROSEMB I.

PS and rlXTDRES AT L0W PftCtlS. Cutlery, Plated, Forks, Castors and Spoons. IIOUSR URHISIIIKO UOOI OBEAT VARIKTr. LOUKIMO (JLA88E8. Ac.

etc tsnaroaTATioaoanaaaroa rmaiirr sirsxiALTT toua AtT.irriO' iuqta XT. 11. FAURINGTOX, 2CG Slain 8t. Poteepsie, tSfM vvirj mm Mmm fy asiiypanaji WBTIM "MlsjaTy GRAND CENTRA! ft MARKET. No.

7 GARDEN E) ova auoa laetM main nil Osaaumtlr ss Awes a isiin nfniiasf Beei; Veal, Mutton, LAS1D. PORK, SAUSAGE, GAME ANU VEGETABLES Also P0ULT11Y, IN TUEIB SEASON. tsfOrJer, calleJ for and Ooodt d.hvereJ promptljr to any psut ol lb. city. I.


I Quart rails, 10 rla. 4 Qnart Keroaen. Cans, tS eta, Popper Bottom Coffee Pots. 30 eta. Larn Dippers, IS eta, 4 0 eta.

II t)uar Dtah PaasC Met. Mela. It Met. Hundreds or Useful and Ornamental Goods at 5 cents. Abo A Full Lin.

of TOTS and FANCY GOODS for the Holiday Trade. Special Inducement, to Committee, taring Tor Fair, and Festivals, MARCELLU8 255 MAIN nearly Opposite Market Street. i iu. tsxiA. ai ri iirt il a.ra aututort' ed by ihr Jrt imou of tue 8uareme Court lue IVofUe vs.

hmqsuo, si tufo eis. Inllul CSje lw'icUon now considered sas Ys fited uo.ler an act of the Legta 1st ore vuria of t(ectal Sraooua in lb Loumy Monroe exclusive power to lt er. uy au4 deornnue cases of petit trwuy. aoJ it lW that hhii larceny sasaicbiu the meauiuci of, section meiity he of srtKk ix of tne tot.stilu Km. anl ihf of tbe Lraislalure was raliJ.

Tbt miIJM uaiseuaaed in an able upiukm by Johi4ou. aud but ItlOe If auilhlu can be a4Ui lo tlie vieaa ex itratd, inth rontain a aound expos! lion id the 1 In iVvina The lVo 4e. i Hun he aaiue iuestioa la con udeml an! t.te same result reached by a majority of Ibe Court, allboua tt in that raolh yuviitim was reversed upon ahotht btouu'I. In a duseuUns; ofunioa of one of the It was held that M.lifti t.w tifdituiion ianuit Juried ic iiuu of intdviiiranor to he aivrn to tjourt of iMMioh it iuu4 be construed mi au tue to uti asv the risht tbe ac cused in MKh la be tried by a com (uonlawiurt irt.ttMti nbrre suh tnal sv i.i adtsKtinn of theConatitU' Hon. We Ibtuk toe aniendmeut cited aud the itrovissons as to the right of a jury trial are rutm ly liarnsoniuua, and bea theCon4ituioaconf rred suthr ly niH.n Court of Nltl heeanni to try Mi.1.hrmta.

it nM ant ths tMirta in a iln smreaud mitfht be con Mimted by the Utfld lurt wbtHher they a iiirv of sit or olberwise. Tbeuvvniun'iie jury tnal can lutve full scope and force by Mudi mis il to caes wbrre trtala are bad court ot raoof d.n bile the amend went can rry toca es of a Ww inde, lrriu.H." is Pot a felony. Both pro. Woes are thu inade bariooaioos and It aa iu.end. tbaltbeCourtaof Majcisl sasiotiso ban iurtedictioa was lvra should bevuh a bad autiiorn lo lrof.

Locke la the gentle man who ia to appear before the Lyceum next rnday cventog. The New ork funva of January ib says Mr. Locke Rtchardsoa beiran a second serses of miscellaneous recuala yesterday Afteruoou at the Union Lesicue Theatxe, oefors a good sited and ttiuch pleased Audience, His nrsi series, wtnen consist ed wholly of 4iikeapenrvan rentals, eudel a sUort tune ago, aud was uuiforui ly attractive aud popular, esterday Mr. rln nf gave uis couireaseu version A bheridau's Jcoiuedy, "The Uivals," a Aork reviously read by him al AssolUi un bail. It unnecessary at this hue lay refer at any leugtb to Mr.

Kit. hard ou a qualities aud gifts. Ue posessts nemortr that la siuiiJv extraordluary. a voice luat Is clear and flexibleud acute a liacriwtuaUQC appreciation or cbaraciera, xiid a very inarked nramalic instinct. Uta work scholarly and rvtlued, wituout being being at all pedantic; it is more Jelicate than robust, but it eminently natural.

In paasagee of humor, tender leas, sod grace he is particularly effective aud pleaaiug. When Mr. Bicbardson came before tbe public hem two years Ago, we praised him cordially and not un reasouaUy, and ne has since fully Justi ded the good will ot lhe intelligent public, wbKh ha encouraged him null iu presence and generous a)ptauie, Iu bis recital of The Rivals Mr. RiLhardsou make admirable use of hi uuder staodinitof character and bia ctftof hu mor; ine result ia quite refreebiug. Ue ua a different vocal tone for each of the chief personages iu tbe play, and be man sues bis voice so wen tau uis uosstuie ui listiocuish bis Malaprop aud Ltdia, bis Caittatn Absolute aud blr Autltouy, hi tir incia auu ihio Ains, at njost tsvw i Mjiutaof tlie pla in the last scene.

tor tusiance. ou uess moiiusj suivruuou Uju beth will ttud a ulace ouce more in ibe programme, aud thu wilt be followed by recital irons mmavspraire, ivuajws, Scott, Uickeus, and the Scriptures, The member of Apokeepsing Lodge No. 0, 1. 0. of U.

bo luteutl jio to Milwu lo bifiht nlth the sleigh rid, will meet at tbe lodge room at f.30 p. m. harp. SISSOX GALE, U0NDE0 AUCTIONEERS, Till tVaterburj' Watches POll ONLY Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Bedding, OU Pointings PIANOS, UirSaatMta SlfhlS. Stuck aaafia TlcSvta.

IMtaat ABttMlu1fertIS. SusifTsw i saaAs fuv i umm, aaca. JOIIN TUOMrsoM.I JOSBP11 vtM It (JKUAT REDUCTION ISI ALL KI.IMOr Fancy Dress Goods, AWLS, DOLMANS, ULSTERS a a. Children's Cloaks. ANU ALL aTTLU Of Aiisonla and Watcruury Clocks at auction ricicns AT S1SS0N HALL'S Auetion 1 9 Jhin St.


a.ribl k. CALL AXl SEE TUE1I. lt. V. VAN IVTCK, 17.


FB0ST, UNDERTAKER AND FUNEKAL DIBECTOB. Cor. aula and.Acatterar Sis. Po'JcoepsIe, 5 T. more ana neauence eacn connectea oy Taiepuone.

uraera raoslved aaj hour mit vr hiiuv. ka(M HTUESIDEHCB, 80 HABKET STKEXTCl ABt.WA.B. SKATES. FO tt Til Holiday Season. Now I.

tlie Tim. lor a Bargain. GEO. D. OLIVET, 3IAIN STREET.

iPS! me POWDER Absolutely Pure. abar avaas fiU aHM ark llM SaiAf S. tat. rwaeArv a AttaMWM iU asa raavniM aH aalf lasesrsUOi SU a Wb.liial aaVBOLtftS w. raaaiais 1I.V31IIUKU LltOl.NU.

We have received our new assortment tf HAMBURG EDGINGS! A Great Variety oi Patterns at All Prices, trcm Two Cents a Yard upward. we have also a large number of Remnants of all marked in Plain Figures at Low Prices CcmT and see them, LUCKED PLATT CO. Eagle Almanac For 1881. This publication, now In tbe aiiOi year of its issue, far surpasses that of any pre. vloua year, and Is really one ot tue most elegant almanacs evtr printed.

It con tains a large amount of valuable mailer, much of It of local statistical and otherwise, and the tllustraUoiia are equal to tbe Attest produced by the wood engraver. We send tl as a premium to aubscribrra of the VeekIy Eaiile, and after furnishing a few couea to advertisers, offer the balance of tbe edit km for aala. This year the sales have far exceeded those of any nevkma Issue, the demand beiuic great that we have but a few copies leiu Ihose, however, may te obtained by tliose ho wish them, at (he EAULt: OFFICE, OU AT Ambler's Book. Store. Call early it you Ull socur.

ou. riULKONI.V TKN CKST8, Skates, Sleds, Sleigli Bells, Ice Spurs. Elsworth Dudley, SCO MAIN STREET. MEAIt HAUKET. ADCTI.aa.

AH "Ji AT Oa Tneaday, February stk. int. At uw a amr ts. cmms is. rsaai MWIMII.Al'UI lr IU hwHh.MMM mt rvsiiini Imi MwlMi Srtn ft.ih.H.1...

a M. sissi, wuvim. LAI m4 nWI.F U.KMI.d.MI wm hub Wl. I Tl. mrmmmar got tmnhi t.

WM juiia.r AWiHJS.M. Dlt.T. LAASLNG, 1Q Uardea SL, V. T. ornci uocaat I Idf i i.


coua, Houta. rouaaaamia. lw. ta QH.H.4.CATI. U.moepathl.

Pkyaletaa Bursraan, 03 MAUKBT BT. UNlhml tisl wsrjt rUABCIAL. ICE TOOLS. Haws. Tongs, Saw bf ft CO, k.

l. CORSETS. .1 Spttlml Bmrgmtt in Crtftt ml ra mve think mhttut Ikittgrrtr Id fmr Iht mn. ty. ritmte tmll mti lK mi Imtut ml CVf.VsUiAVS.

BANKINQ ROUSE or HenrjECleYTS Co 1 WET HEW YOBK. tnsxT djob to aaiitlss haaathl mmA aoM sutaail a aarfUl tu 4 Mtwr. aa (aafala iaiata vs aa aaaaHBTa. aliawaasa aaiaaa, ajaj is rata. rM aar ssas iinri aUasl an J.

SMtL.TjjJ., TEH CENT INTEREST OAKLUV OSiiORN SLATE, TIN AM UIIAVtL, ItOOFKlt. SSI I 3 Union Sl acar MarkH BU cr rseat. on esMai, Be aa baa. laUsais I INSURANCE I UAVa aaaoaausiTiirrKa to SO. 3,1 MAIM BT11KET, IS.

rw Mi I SS.II L.H. a.d Fir. lasuraoc. ui iss saLLtag of aaALaaTATa, UEU. HULL.

saaais IIOUHB BLANKKTli, ROUS UN1NGS aad TaUUMINOS, re tun ay TUOsVUUIUUGA CO HttT. Wsstasae UVsatlss faas vis.1 la sas laaf IS tt rata. i aS luas MuaHaa as Ah Varaw ia Sualaffs iMVtAkvaa Mia ra Umittmikm, is aaaMM Irwat hiss Ifw, ar aia Iraai faraM sits Van. iMaraat aaM sal Maaallf al sar Baak la Vw Sap i a aa aar Se fiara aUaAara. ia tWpaa.

aaa aa UsfaaS Bua4. la aa luaa aa aa tSii'a kasaavlalaaji ssf Varai i 1 iff T'i a uiatr auaikl auTaaaataaasaaa a. a. kaa. a a lailatl iu aar UtaMtA aajl Til win si at na i.

taai anraa iwa mt MUiLnaan's eLBiwus, Chlldren'H SleUbs. sswrtsiwl ssf tr TKOWBRIDUS A 00. MclNTYUB 8EBLISY. 44 tlarkst Buwt, rv kaenaU, MY.

NELSON 1IOUSK, Uatckaa. C. rua oasa aw to ts. aa its. IUr VtOMd Saadata.


roaiAUBT TBovruiuiMja aco. 3 jjj.

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