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Poughkeepsie Eagle-News from Poughkeepsie, New York • Page 3

Poughkeepsie, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ICTEffllS) For Thc Ladies LFREEI I Vervnvooei.ltco 'eiederIHela Hi jkKtmB jUV jr It Ml i lthllhs.efnrl,l.fBmeddelirtoe I YAl t2Wf )w 1 iKxr4Mlt.s Miast fi1f 1W Jif crwklMHiHkniiWm fw 'uBa rm topree 1 jJHH 'ji loTioTiuoM.i.f f'r A llmOnnmlki VI JUL AJJ ll itiiUKOWroaOHHiT rYUA ImJtJtU tyVXil' Mrae tr A 4r.aa k''gtVlGTW VhijgBi (Lfiiwr air balsam I M'IILiYm 1 Alt SIR 3r IC a BL SB ggt UT II KiNVSoy. PHL3 Fy4jJ irif j'jb 1 aSafC aa UU aav. J' MtaMU AMbMjlBklM eUi 7lxaw 1 IIITWIM. kMMnk, 147 1 00 a promise will buy a Mira Music Box eras Edison Phonograph (Ullof wrtlaferpanleiJari JACOT MUSIC BOX CO. 39 Union Square.

New Yorfc "I Pdttflklf ptc Daily tgjfa Tuesday. November ft. ilXM. 1017 UoW Coal Bis joe. 9365 Udlrf Gathered Skirt.

Basque, 84. So. and 40 Inch but. BUrt. JJ2, 14, 23 nd SO loch waist.

Bnd Picture and Coupon ttUd out to Eagl Offlc. ttt ssaanHagaanw sxsgri'si TrTirsasaSi VtlriM Inteltlnee are made Into MlU idnr boaU by tb Eqiilmiitof wrwirrn'Awiii iuh "Errl ho fro not mt. Hmt htI In Tranco and In Amrrlca naka raM and.olbct pmalt tffathei aiilclra frorn hla akln From The Canadian Htrnraa and Car. ria Journal. Mother Gray's Appeal to Women.

II yon will anui ma your nama and ad dma I UI naU )on niEEa nick. aa of Mother Awtraliaa 1 Vnt, a orrtaln, Tlaaant remedy fur XVomeVaUla. ItU a aafa raontlly reg. ulaUjc and ueTer ttjlmg. too hara paina In the Iwl, Drinarr, BliuVlrr or Kiiluev trouMo, iwe thia ljraaaiit union of Australian her), niota aHl Imvoh.

All iwll it, 60 or athlteM, Un lki 5J, La Kojr, N. Y.,iuitAairtu,frMliiioNoT3 aK. Hm jB JOHN O'DOHNELL 19 North Street, Poughkacpait, N.T General Contractor lu it banlt In Hi Cllr Eatplorad ALJU MM" ur rlUI KRirKTrRIMED KBICK AUD paTINfl RRirK roNHTANTLT ON HAND. TO.

ESTIMATES FCRNIIHED. 7 o. c. rnoNE ho. est.

i i Hi 9 I 5 i Many women are denied the happiness ol children through derangement ot the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use.Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable compound. "DaAiMaa.

Pinna I iofferad with stoinaYK complaint for Jtara. I fot ao bad that oould not carrjr my ohlldrm but flia nontha. tbca would bars ft mlacarriagt. The laat tlma I became prepnact, bit haabaod fnt ma to take Ljdla E. Plnkbam'i Vegetable Compound.

After taking the flrat bottle I waa rtliered of the alek neaa of atomacb, and began to feel bet tar In erery way. I coatloned Ita nae and waa enabled to carry my baby to maturity. I now hare a aire baby girl, ana can work better than I erer eould before. I am Ilka a new woman." Mm. FkASK BxTia, 83 8.

Second Marlden. Conn. tsooo Wt it r't fna ataaa iattar ayWaf eaaeiat a eaawl ltwa TKVE MEDICAt, ADVICE TO WOMA3T. Don't bctttat to WTlte to Jin Plnkbam. 8be trill understand your cane perfectly, and will treat you wlthUndneaa.

Her ad rice Is frae, and tbo address is L)nn, Moss. So woman erer rejrrctted harlns; written her, nnd she baa helped tbouaande. LADIEX' STnEET COHTVME. Conalatlna of Uidlm' Coul Ihiaque. No 1017, and Lndlea' Flve Oored (lath erwl Bklrt, No.

KMS. I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I ESTIMATES. If yoa an rotac to build a hMtt, or ha? i ny kind of cariHMitr wi duo( let giw ro aa catlnata. All witrk rarefull and promptly dona. A lUM Haltr of fliw carue otef w.ark Jul.

blur of ll kloUa rlrva Drutn(rt attention. WILLET TITUS, Carpenter and Builder, 57 CATHERINE ST Residence. 81 Garden St. fa, eaiilialSa CONTRACTOR AND i BUILDER. A Eitlmates furnished on ail klnda of Carpenttr work.

Jobbing of all klnda alen i prompt attention. llaruwood floors and other woodwork dona In a frat claiv manner by competent aaa tccanlca W. M0NFORT. Ttin 0Mf and Realdaiiea. x7o cnurcn si.

oo SmoJat el aler an never iteta torbx from dairp neaa. Thi'refnrF It la Ural for aword trrlpa a. io mnller how much the hand may neraplre, the trip renwlna hanl And dry. The aturaran. deapite hla lumpy armor, furnlahea a valuable and attrme tlve leathrr.

WTien the bony platea are taken off thrlr pattern remain o.i the kin luat aa the pattern of alligator arulea remalna on alllnalor leather. The I Pacific tone! aturveon and the stur IViapberry aatln faced cloth la uaed of the areat lake, produce a louah for thla eleKant roatume with red lo elvet and lu for trlmmlns. Jnln'f father txJUn for machlnerj The runt la one of the many Umla" "njl Ucv oulwear the belllia. dealgna at preaent iiulur. and Tn atranae rardah.

an Amerk'an not Intended to be worn aa an Hah. alth lonr toothwl Jawa hut fnm. ka thnae of the crocodile, haa a akin onalatlna; of a aklrt and onnt baue I be pollahed amooth until it haa 'a n.alb. IIL t. a.

The roumlatloii Is a ntted body lining maae, nenuiuui that eloaee In the center front and leel caaketa and future frnm.a. reaches to the alat line onl. The bm Theaklnof Ihemiifl.h uaed lobeoon la plain across the ehouldere and haa verted Into armor by aome trlbea of allltht fulnteaat the walat arranaed ages. The hide la ro fine a athera. The aide buck rore la n1 har1 It makea a breaat.

tended below the lielt and the Nate that, ran turn a kntfe or a spear. jacket front, form Hi a long basque Som ot ner roeclmena that have over the hlpa. The fronta are fltted are nam mourn to turn iih ainri. hii.i irinun even a blow fion a ttmuhaa k. wilhlante velvet pockets.

I The aavaaea who ore thla flah armor A rolling collar of velvet completes aiao uaeo to aear a nan helmet. It waa the neck. The full veat of lace la or the akin fthe prlrkly pot ranaed on the lining and blouaea and bealdea protecting the over a draped girdle of velvet. The "earer'e head. It waa uaed aa a weapon Jacket fronta are Ina ed toarther with offense.

The warriors butted their heavy silk cord. Ulrge aiff aleeea are enemies with It. and as It had hundreds very full at the ahoulder. alao" ut the of Ironlike anlkea. the operation waa lower edge, where they are arranged on eminently painful to the object of at deep, closely fitted cuffa of velve.

The, tack. puffa are dlvldetl by ahlrrlnga pnrt aiu I In Gloucester, the "king town" of between, shoulder and elbow to form fish, the humble cod haa been ulltaed tao sections. If preferred, these ahlr Uh success for aklnsr leather for rlnn tn.v he nmltted and Blnoie tiun ahoes and atnvea. In Rrvnt mm walk uaed Inaiead. en aandala mide from 4he aklns of Med The aklrt la shaped alth me gores.

ea nn. in Biwi certain easant tho' fulneaa In the front and side goresSioitumea are beiutlfullr trimmed with blng scant, while the barka are closely the skins of a fine food Hah, the turbot gathered at the belt and fall In long. IkrokMndiTa In Europe are binding graceful folds to the floor. The aklrt I Donka with eelakln. touches In front nnd hna a graceful The eelakln aervea another and less sweep at the buck.

It cloaca Imlalbly plensant purpose. It la braided Into at the center. Three rowa of velvet are I hlpa. The writer waa the unhappy uaed for foot tiimminr. member of a European private school If desired, the aklrt may be made' where ona of these eelakln whips waa with a atralR ht.

full flounce, the a prominent, itiati ument of discipline, tern providing directions for cutting and he haa never cared for eela since LEGAL NOTICES. I'P SrtNT to aa order Hob. WIL. K. HolKUAbT.

Korroeate ot Dutch "a Cuunty Notice la bnvby glrea. that liailoc elalraa arstaat the estate Jll IIOLION. late of the Ctly of r.aignkec'iftle. In Mid County, dectase.1. art renuiml i the same silk vaut kar, aereof to uniliT8fftMd Kxacntiar of salJ uatF.

st ala place of bualoeal at No. tb in tlie City of ourlikeenale, on or ker.e, Kecond die of jaunary, 19u. (his tiib, day ft June, ISO. w.I MAM J. nol.TOr" Kiecator.

irrr C. Itarker, Aitoraty at Executor. ttlaniJss a v'r no order of Hon. vVll lT HOlMtAIlT, Harrogate of Potih. est Inunty, Noth Is hereby alien, that all hal rlalnia sralnst the enisle of i.

VtJ U10IIT. lata of the Cits I a ssld County, detxtased. m'rM to eihlhlt tha asms wltk era Hereof to the unitarslraed Hi. fclitllc of tt hi." resl.lenee, bsr. lsr stn i.1.

In ths CltT of otish or befura the drat day I'Jtnl this day ef aertetnher. 10l. i. JH I ARKEIU BiecutrU the same. Cuatnmea In thla mocle nre made of henty silks, clillTon.

elt. olle, xplln or broadiloth. with one or two contraatlna materials for trimming. To make the coat basque In the medium slae sill require 24 yards of ina telliil forty four Imhea wide with three qunrtera yard of Ince and cne nnd one hnlf yarda of rlet for trimming. The pattern.

No. rtOlT. la cut In aliee for a IS, H. 34. St and 40 lni bust men sure.

Td make the skirt. In the medium slae require six and one quarter yards of material forty four Inches wide. The pattern. No. MSB.

Is cut in slel for a Si, 14, Jt, SI and 30 lmh waist measure. QUEER LEATHER MADE KlioM THE KINS OF TIIK INHABITANTS OF THE (H'EAN USED FOR MANY Pl'nFOSKH. then, Along the big salmon rivers of Siberia the natives often wear brilliant leather garments dyed red nnd yellow. They are made from all sorts of fish sklna. In Alaska, beautiful waterproof bags ore tnnde from nil sorts of fish skins.

TTv queerest use Is that to which he Intestines of the sea lions are put. They are slit and stitched together to form hooded coats, which are superlor to India rubber as waterprcttf garments. One Week's Treatment Free. SIJIPLT CUT OUT THIS I And mall to The Cslcura Company, Kennedy now. Itoudout.

N. T. I Dear Blrsi I think I am auScrlng 1 I from Please provide Jis with a week's treatment TREsi OP ALL COST, I I Name aC A great deal of a ifxt leather cornea out or in pesj iil CIH sum 01 it'" that comes from the barka of walrus.) Address seal and otter: erryhody knows about I I I 1 1 I 1 mat. mere is a queerer learner wna n. Any aulltrer from Kidney tro joes, comae from tho bodlea of fish.

Liver complaint. Dlaeasea of the lilad An exerewly line quality of green Constipation, or Blood Impurity. l.aJher iiuiJb In Turkey la ma nufnc Who really dtslrea to find a Permanent tured from the skla of an ugly rich Cure, may obtain a rUEE TltEAT. called the angel Hah. Thla Is a Klixi or WENT with Cal cura Solyant, Dr.

shark a shark with thick, wlngllke.nnsiDavtd Kennedy's new medicine. 81m. that hare earned for him the name of ply cut out the coupon below, and mat' ancrj. though look a bit like the t'al cara Oon Teny, Kennedy an gnaeL Imt raiher tn oppoaite. inowJtondouU J.

T. Tha sword grips of ths ofllcera of the Cal cura Polvent la oaeajualed by any German navy are muds from shirk preparation, and la Dr. Kennedy's lesther, too. They are beautiful In pat greatest medicine. It acta en an en.

iern, hhi marked with dark diamond new prlnclpi MILLIONS FOR FAME PKRHONH WHO PAT IIAN't XOUKlVT roit rLKAsunK of beking NAMES'IN PRINT. "One1 tootlaand pounds, cash, flown. II you vln Insert thla notice of my mar rliger That wita the tempting offer rnnne by A gentreman to a' lending dally newspaper some months ago. The notice, only a. twenty line paragraph had ap peared the previous day In a rival.

but leas Infiue.tilol Journal. and th more Bwer ul contemporary now refused to Insert It. not In the paper It must go, and ins applloant was ready to offer almost any amount so long as It apK nred Yet, notwithstanding such an offer, the management murk lo Ita guns, and the paragraph never found a place Ir ita coiumna. That his eerentecn.year old dnughte, mignt gvl ner cnanee on the stage, a wen Known atecK broker guaranteed the whole of tha exprnaea of a new production, conditionally upon hla fa vorite being given ami trained for th. leading role.

The venture cost him over tl.W, but the young lady haa alncc earned a creditable theatrical repute lion. A unique mesna adopted to gnln public notice was that of a well known Fouth African magnate, who enlisted the services of a great advertising agency. They contracted to get him "paragraphed In every society journal, to secure the publication of Interview, In the public press. Aa a matter of fact, they even went further, and. get ting hold of a struggling Journalist, got a novel written by him, which was published under the name of theli client and boomed Into favor.

For a 111 tie more than five years this remarkable "adertlslnar" went on, To diy their customer Is one of the twet known men In the country, bus gnlned a title, and bos been adopted aa a candidate for a great northern rcmatituenry. The price he paid for fame was no leas than 100.000! During some recent balloon and flying machine experbnenta a well known and enterprlalng London clerlo offered the proprietor 1.000 for the prtrlltae of go ng up In the air at each public trial. By thla means be hoped to gain notorte ty for himself and bring hla church Into prominence. Tho offer waa promptly refused; but the reverend gentlemar has since succeeded In Inducing another noted aeronaut to accept has offer, and will shortly make his first trip to cloudland. A well known philanthropist, who made his wealth tn a glgantle fumlah Ing and, hardware business, spent huge sum on hie retlremnt In an effort to disassociate himself from hla commercial connection.

He waa apparently ashamed of tha meejia which had brought him wealth and made hla a household word throughout the world, lis thereupon changed his name by letters patenr and spent 0.000 in advertising the fact. Double that amount must have been expended In the paragraphing and booming which followed, and now his adopted name is almost as well known as waa hla trade name. When royalty ylsita a provincial town the authorttlea frequently receive moat extraordinary offers from wealthy, but hlterto unnoticed, residents who are desirous of playing, some part In the pageant. An Instance of this kind oc curred quits recently, when the king snd queen went Into the provinces The mayor of sn Important seaport received from a retired tradesman of lavish means an offer to bear the whole cost ot the town's festivities provided the donor should be chosen to present the engraved memento of the event to their inajeetlee. What thla offer would have entailed would beat be understood when we state that the corporation spent C3.l on the visit.

A few years ago a popular actress. whose latest production was proving dlssatrous. Induced a friend or accom pllce to utter a libellous crltlclam of the play. Bhe thereupon took proceedings sgalnst him The case occupied con siderable apace In the papers, and tne amusing nature of the evidence attracted Immense attention. She won her rase and got heavy damages; she alao gained success for her play.

But all the coats were borne by her, and for thla adtcTllaenwnt she had to pay several hundreds of pounds. A well known lady who waa present ed at court a few years ago found that her name, for some reason, had been omitted from the papers. Ehe thereupon offered a leading firm of advertisers 11.1)00 If they would secure the Insertion of a special paragraph In the principal dallies. The firm refused, whereupon she personally sent offers of arlous large amounts, all of which, to her chagrin, were rejected. More fortunate In securing promi nence for a similar event waa a worthy prolnclat magnate In the year of his mayoralty.

To his mind, the favor of royalty toward him was not sufficiently noticed, snd he had the report, as It appeared In the Ires! Journal, Inserted as an advertisement In the best papers of his county a novelty which cost him a trifle over tJOO, London Answer. jrC 1 TfsC0t M. mymmi a i 1,1 rrup" f'Mmm pf FREETRADEitt AHTi Emnsmi THE RACiAir "mmivik Eta. A Ss A J. ALWAYS TgsaiJ XTl LOOKING BACKWARD.

.4, vnw, i shaped figures. This skin comee rrojn a North Pet shark known as the dla mond shnik. Herman leather manufacturers bars tried to produce feather "from animal hides that shall aupplant thla skin, but Jn vain, llnllk animal leather, Hah leather' To "absolutely Imperrloua to Mr. vViniam If. Miller, of Matteawan, wrlff Mt isHaiuI trail.

bled with my kidneys and bladder for ever three years. Many doctors, and various kidney remedies, gave me no relief. Dul I Anally used Calcnra fo vert. Dr. latest, medicine.

and 1 am tured." CLINTON COHSEIia. John K. 8ogu and family left last Wednesday morning for their city borne, Poughkeepale, after spending els months at Clinton Corners, Many were the regrets expressed by their friends thst It was not twelve months Instead ot six; that they should spend here. During the three aummera ppent a Clinton Corners these estimable people have gained hole oft friends, who will gladly welcome them back lo tho spring Of 190a. Park Lodge, No.

201. The passengers had come for the purpose of partlctpat. Ing at tha Instituting of Hudson' Valley rtrbekab Lodge, No. 331. which waa lo lake place In the rooma of Park Lodge.

No. 103, where the." committee was In waltlna for them. The following ofllcera were elected and appointed, and then Installed by District Deputy President Helen A. Knapp. ot Matteawan.

N. Mrs. B. SI. Crap eri N.

a.i Mrs. T. J. Herrlrk. V.

lira. If. T. nrlggs, Dec. Ren; Mrs.

11. F. Van Do Water, Fin. Mrs. If.

sVaman. Mrs. it. Halpln, W.l Mlaa M. urlggs.

T. J. Herrlck. K8.K, Miss J. Cook.

URN. a.i B. M. Crsp er. It.

K. V. Miss R. Hedlond, H. v.

Mlas L. Upright, I. O.I A. Clsy, a Mrs. R.

Marshall. Chaplin. The following are the other chanter members: Mrs. Laura Reaman. Mrs.

Alice ateaman. Mrs. Etta OoldaroUh, Mlaa Chriatlna Pearson. Miss N. M.

Osterbo. Miss Alice T. rlggs. 1L Van De Water, H. nrlggs.

H. Sea. man. It. L.

Marshall. Oeo, C. Briggs, Frank Mouncy, Louis Frsudt, John Briggs, I. Vsn Wagner. FredTk Ooldsmlth, Thee.

H. Briggs, Win. 1L storms, w. J. Reaman.

The degree waa conferred In Ita beautified form In a very dignified and appropriate manner by the team of Em pire Ttebekah Lodge. At the close of the meeting refreshments were served, after which the visiting members assured the member, of Hudson Valley llebekah lodge ol the pleasant evening they had spent and wished every suceess. They thee re entered their carryalls, which' were in waiting for their Journey home, taking many pleaaant memorlea with them, Mr. and Mrs." C. E.

Cow Ice are happy over the arrival of a baby girt. we are pleased to announce that Mrs. Fred'k Lane, who waa operated npor for appendicitis some time ago, rami home from Dr. sanatoriun" Sunday laat. We hop she win continue to Improve.

PLEASANT VALLET. At a regular meeting of Hamilton Post. No. JO, a. A.

held on Wednes day evening, Oct. Itth, 104, with Com mander Harry Murphy prealdlnar. a res olution wss passed to present Pleaaant vaney rno Library with a flaar tor Its building. The ceremonfee attending; the pre sentation will lake place on Friday, November 11th, at p. In the Pres oyterlan Church.

The Rev. C. W. Igle rcart, or the M. E.

Church wUI preside. A chorus of twenty Are will render patriotic music Mr. Walter Coupe, on the cornet, and Mr. Roy Beatley on the violin, will assist Mr. Chester Hinted, tne organist.

A special train from Poughkeepale will bring the representative of Ham ilton Host. Mr. W. C. BrlnkerhoS suffered severe stroke of paralyala Saturday morning, us entire left aide being? af fected.

At last reports be was still unconscious. Hla many friends hope for noa speeoy recovery. Mr. Benjamin Lester, who suffered a slight paralytic stroke last week, is MigDur mprovea. BLPUBUCAR IffiMUTIMIS.





Augustus B. Gray. A aeaasnsawaxaa City homlnatlona. JTOR MAtOR. George M.

Hlne FOR ALDERMAN AT LARaE. Charles E. Lane, Ward Nominations. ALDERMEN, First Waid Long Term) lerl F. Lumb.

First Ward Short Term) Levi Mslkado. Third Ward Harry L. Bllbba. Foortk Ward Fred, B. Blebcr.

Ftth Ward Oeorge IL Hopper. Sixth Ward Cbaric H. Ostrom. Seventh Ward John WUch. Rsliu ri IletlrklM Plitt PliftH'.

A. UA lu. rtaetisatM ike la esih eiertma fristrlef of aasT 'The Osmmoa city as the ntaeee at wkleh lilawatlai sad elertlea aaaU keM eewtag ike yeari rirss ytaro, irsi iannrt a aagwas Howe. 7 DWHct llaee, Msr'5 rirvctwara. seeosai IJl Main m.

eeaaV.Wara,;rirat 11 lr a jSeeoaa WsrjL' Seeetod ntabrletZSe." Eagtae tlesse. 4 I Ar Third Wank geeaad Platrkt Cealey'g' bars, Msraliall 7 irowna vcsr.1. rimt.inatrtetciee bulv rear tliy Hall I sare, irnsrth ttan), Heeond WatrM JfeV'grS wren aimers sasrss if Ward. nr.rpUtrU Betk'lloae' Um. Jt.ta lUaiUtea i North tintoa sad "jia wars, ran usarvs di, aea Iklsth teeeececr Ptsfil.

talaaf urn. rsrsary. aw. IS neaua HswHtsa mi nnnii sra. irat iiwnn ec Avesse, eseser raerry Stv iflereath Ward.

First Idatrtet tnse Wta. 'Bevestk Ward, gem. raerry St. a kenad. Alsatrles 1L Oolle a Store.

oU Mela (aranaat snl.a at ne otlsiilsai law i several wards. C. ihet'uy M. IVaghaeepsle. ard kereby dlflOea Hleetloa rliiarlssd as'rilswa i hnw tfardr rrrat Wtrirt Au'tkal pies.

5 Ilea tying westerly ef the eeaten sf.JrU(, i Voer asn uecssru etreeia. rtrat BVeeswd iWHcSJASf hsr easterly (at the cestsn)Ja' Sortk Clover end Iwladeld atraete Isecosd Wara. Ffc st Dtsurtet Alf mat pnrtas tyleg weeterty the cesser Hosts Ctovrr street. TJsleaT Tsllp aad Pnwpeet Streets. 4 asesad Ward, fuesad fitatrtrt An that nortloa lylsg eesterly ot the eester ef ttostajTImee (treet, Pslsa.

TaMp wad Third Wart! rtrat' Plat riet An Jait luri now lyisg weaterty ef the center Wash r' lagtoa MtreeU aad alas that sartlea tytag sostherly of the rearer ef Mill Street frees Waaklagtea aa flariea Stresta. 4 Third Ward. Weeead UtotrtetAtf 'tSat nortloa lylsg aortaerly aad eesterty ef tawi BnTiSeiu, Feertk. Ward, Flrst, Dhttrlet AS' that JrlM'sss therly.afc. the Dirert, Peartk Ward.

Meeaea njatrtAU.teai, evssas raiiaji j. j. i si. ITtftk Wairi VUk TMggstwaUaV tlo blng wtatarlj tba rr Ua.fatat af, t. Jr k'i nftk Ward.

Vtrat Ivtatric AV tkat Mtf Sus ww.o nan es aarua loa Street, sad else that sertloa tS lag seatarrly ef taavesater.ef Milt street from Nerth Itastlltea Worth Cuatoa uv Mr. il Burhsns Is Improving slowly, Mis Louisa Haines left Monday! for an extended stay at Troy. To day there will be a ball game between the residents esst ot Wapplnger Creek and those living west" of the I Mr. John Ptells dUd st his home weal Anntm.nU hav bMn "amp'eted'of this villas Saturday evening, aged HYDE PARK. Shortly before eight o'clock Tuesday evening.

Nov. IkOt, three large carry alia, containing about" fifty members of Empire Rebekah Lodge, No. Its, and a number of members of Egrela'or Rebekah Lodge slopped dear ef lor the Presbyterian Lecture Dams th committee In charge, Messrs. John H. Bates, E.

B. Hasted. Chaa. L. Cole and Vincent M.

Buck, present the following program: Nov. JSth. lecture "Cambria Needles: Short, 8harp and Bhlny," Rer. B. Dunn.

Dec. Kth Miss Emma Ambler. Moao logist and Reader. Jan. th.

lecture "Balky People," Itev. F. Marslen. D.D., The particulars of ths condudina; entertainment will be announced later. The funeral of Mrs.

Oeo. Cameron was held from the M. E. Church Friday afternoon. Rev.

F. W. Townaend officiating. Interment la the M. E.

Cemetery under' the direction of R. D. Lawrence. Mrs. Cameron died' In the II.

R. 8. Hospttsl. Mrs, Anna Lane had a alight paralytic stroke Saturday afternoon. Mra M.

F. Duncan aqd daughter. Mlaa Helen, leave Wednesday to be gone all winter. They wUI spend most of tha time at Cairo. Mr.

James Coapman and famllr take possession of Mrs. Duncaa'a house today, Mrs. llaaklos baa purchased the nob. rrt Parks property. is years.

His funeral will be held from his late residence on Wednesday, rock crrr news. Oeo. lleeb haa returned from hi visit to New Tork. Mrs. Coklngbdm recently entertained Mrs.

Edw. Rhyndera, Edw. Shook, Mrs. Nathan Doyle and Mrs. C.

B. Sherwood. There was good at tendance at the church aunper. Net proceeds IS. B.

E. Fake, D.D ef Haxlsrlck. preacned In the Chapel on Sunday af ternoon. He gave an Intrreadng talk on the work and growth of the Seminary, and appealed for aid to rstend Its sphere of usefulness. Nathan Doyle aad' a stroke of, paralysis last Tuesday, Her friend are all glad to learn ah Is much better at present, Miss Edna B.

Cornell, of Rhlnecllff. Is spending a few days at IL D. Ostrom a Leslie Hutching and Mlsa Post, were married on, day laat week at Stone Church Parsonage, Mrs. X. Boiler Is visiting Mrs, Chaa Fairer, near Ited Hook.

Mrs, Wrcw Wilder, of Barrytown. Is spending part' of the week with her in iaia peace. a vim iiiir.iariri rnwp Tnnim arxsur unnsf vieeafiw nccvvni, luvuniltvn lyMLbCVtVIUMI lf lrVTI7 VlrniT AlTTVTgf JUWt a raw I Bae sUaU. a'llil 1X01 I la J1. til.

aluj st eve im( errs Ml II I WW risaaWS. niatViCTllsaat Fifth Wsrd, Meewd IHotrtct All. that aertloa lylsg easterly aad aortaerhr ef eke iaaetkia of the eestet of North IlaaUtasr aUth Want, risst District. An that nr. tlpa Irlag westerly ef the rests ef Secath tiassUtoa snreee.

aad ale that jteruaa lying soathw eetsrty of th easier of iisoki er Avesse, girth Ward. BeesaaTSIadrlet An that', pertloa lylag easterly aad earth arty ef the, hiactloa st ths testers of Seeth Uaaultea atraet ssd Heekee Imssl' aeveatk Wscd. rtnu, Ulatrlet al laat, pertloa tying aortberly aad weaterty ef the leaetlea et.taewaoter ef Maks'asd East, Masaloa ktreeta, aad aortkweaterly ef tka i eester ef the FsllslU free. Eaa Maattea Street te the eaererly etty Uea. Sevsath Wars.

Meeaad Durtrtet Aii that fortlos lylsg aoatsevly ef the esler of' Mala Street from Cherry Street to Eaat Masaloa Street, alae eeetsrty aad sestheety ef the easier ef the rauani frsar feast Masaloa street te the eawerly etty eraaattairaaW fc J. Nasal CATARRH la aa he stage, clj'j Cr.Bala: 'SsVtCsUK i CFWBwJsxsy" 'B fc. 4 lOxeWaTv kuf A aaaaaisaswggg, (4 1 i eoathaasnd basis, Sa MmaA mI way s'osil he the head lolrUy. Creaaa Baha lslaMhls the war tse susihrsss aed la salt if Sausf Is ssdlaMsadacareraSeea It is sot titag list ot proAst. snoeslag, large Sha at Bli ILT naTrB3B sTaise simaVltswTess "a The' Republicans had a rally at Van De' Water's hallr fktnrday isvsalag.

The audience was more than eould be seated. They were eddre by Hon. Jones and L. Lso, of New Tork. Th sddressrs, notably that ef 'Judge Jones, were 'calm, solid and strong, and convincing; and rarrytng th Inte est of the sadleoce.

Rev. Mr. Oatbrath. ef Salt Point, gave th lecture before tha tewnTeat peranc laoolety at Chart Ik Sunday evening. The leclur was able and, quite strongly of political eolar.

And yet, a tisual la Northern States, thf body of sntl saloon auMloeaaa voters wlU Retwbtitta, tkkat, eonalsnUoosly and heartily. fwe ffunap.1 nT a to. wUINTSW Waa held at th house on Bunday after, noon. Rev. R.0.

AHe i einciatjne alsted by. Dr. Wenoa. Friend fraen. New, Tork City and MIlHrtotv Weev pzr" vi V'M aw cjnnsusja a Church win gtv a baxaar i oyster supper, at tkenetltat Ban, ri 3, Tuaeday vsaloc, Nr.

O. jr 'H i. i.

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