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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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The lejt on the -field of 'battle may fcod a ablc substitute or a wooden tout raan whose- Inujcs have bi-en invaded by 1 the deadly (rcTrafl of sumption must act promptly up all hope. There is DO substitirte.for destroyed luiigr, andthen; in uo hope for lunffs that are crippled, save in Dr. Pierce's Gotden Medical Although sweet to the i). contains no syrup or sugar, ofte-n disaRTtcs with the dyspeptic jitom- ach. -It contains no alcohol to jnohriate or create inwbid cruvinjt stiimiliint-s.

Jt tilt only known mi-dicine that, nctinjr through the blood, will bu'ijd new and -healthy lung tissues. It builds tip the Jungs because it builds tip the whole body. It endows a man with the appetite of 2. football player. It puts and muscle into and intestine, and causes the digestive jo.ici:s to flow freely.

It fir.s tin- blood with the Clonu-iUr, tliat build up orffau and tissue of the body. It turns dis- cased lunK tissue into 'healthy tissut by aiding nature in her own process of U'iirinif down arid rebuilding. It cures bronchitis. UIIIKS. blending and littgtrim: coughs.

It prevents consumption by curing the weakness that leads up to it. Honest drussists do not offer substitutes, and urge them upon yuu us "just an sjooil." Below is one of the thousands who have testified to lacts. Ahrnni Freer, of Rnckhrlilffc, Illn. "My wife had a severe attack, of pleurisy and liniff trouble; the doctors K-w her ttpto She eomziicucfd taking Dr. Golden Meilical Dwcovtrry and began to nil- prove from live first dose.

By I he time she had taken eight or ten bottles WHS it the en use ofa amount think the 'Rnlclen Discovery' is the Jjest iu Hit- worM Cor luii(? trouble My is now the I-avuriU- ITtseHplion for 'turn of life." Kec- 1 cranky? Case of constipation. A man or woman who neglects constipation Buffers from slow poisoning. Dr. 1'ierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipation. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laiatjy.e, and two a mild cathartic.

Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids, Nature in strengthening and reconstructing I.JJG exhausted digestive organs. It is tho latest discovered digest- ant and tonic. No ether preparation can approach it in efficiency. It relieves tincl permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Knusea, aW other results of-imnerfectdigesbiozL Prepared by E.

C. DcW-Rt Chicago. P. BRENNAN- Druggist. i f' VITALITY.

ViGOR MANHOOD GUres Impotencj-, Nijjlu Emission? anc diseases, ill etl'ucts of self- abuse, or and cretion. biood buililor. Bungs the pink to pair cheeksanci restores the fir? of youth -TO ior with a written guarantee to cure or refuud the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton Jackson Sts.

7 CHUCACO, Bold by W. H. Porter. puwyort. C.

Dilley Co. HEADQUARTERS FOR Coal, Lime, Flourand Feed Boiu 'Phones 87. Office and mill, 515 Market Street C. 5. JONES has rcrnOTfeti bis barber shop from Young's cigar store to a shop secono door frora U' corner of Taird anc Broadway.

First-Class Work Guaranteed. All old and new patronage soUolteii you scour the world you will never find a remedy equal to One Minute Coush Cure," says Editor Fackler, of the Micanopy, "Hustler." It cured his family of La.Grippe and giives thousands frora pneumonia, bronchitis, croup and all throat and lung F. Brennan, Market and Twelfth streets. boon to travelers. Dr.

Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickness, nausea. Pleasant to take. Acts promptly. For sale by al! druggists, "PloroMioy Preac.hev," Rev.

J. Kirknuin, Belle Rive, 111,, says, "After suffering from bronchical or lung trou- bio for ten years I was cured by One Minute Cough Cure. It is all that is for it and more." 'It cures coJds, grippe and all throat and lung J. F. Brennaii, Market and Twelfth streets, over pain.

Burns, cuts, sprains, stings. 'Instant relief. Dr. Thomas' Eolcwtric Oil. At any drug plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest what yon eat.

It cures all forms of dyspepsia and stomacb. troubles. E. R. Vernoit, says, "It relieved me from the- start and' cured me.

It Is now my everlasting F. Brenaan, Market and Twelfth streets. Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure Fast Mail Train Held tip Near Chicago. THE KORlIEliS SECURED $25,000. Expreni Our and JRJown Open with Curnfnlly iind MoGrrtth c'liiKW from itundiu ami tUO I'nt on the Three Arn-Nk.

Aljuilo on Suspicion, Oct. rob- IICI-N up rolil.HMl ftist ovcrJjnid jtiiiil No. on tin; Xol'Tlnvosiom liciwwn JlMplu J-'jii'k nuil 101- rorl.y-.sfvcu miles wi-st of C'lii- li o'clock uifrlir. bieu- 1ijc express cjir Mini sat'o, socurvil iu 'lie can' of tin- Aiilcl'iciiu 10x- pri'ss coiiipniiy nniilc their on (In 1 I'lmini'. the engine two miles CMSI.

of they run uortli beside tin; KisliM-iiukce river. The rubbery of No. 3 ciirel'ully plaiiTK'd ami is believed by l.he pulii't: to have Iwe.n the ol' professional I'liic-ajjo crouks. llail- nind nieii are, however, incliiiiMi to believe former euiployps of some ridlroail wen 1 coiicenied in if from Hie IVimilianty with iviiJroail maciiinery slmwM (he baiidiis. 'J'raiu No.

is the fas! ovc-i'laml mail. ruiininK to C'ouncil on a schedule beller rliau a mile a uiiuule. It left al ID o'l-luek al l.Oii^iiieei- Jiauiel VVliitv at Hie ihrottlu. iy Signal. swiftly through I lie country west 1 nf llie train was siopyieil sivrna! "SV" liy a dati- -iii-ual.

"'his had been set by the had eiitereil the towi'i 1 and had l.oiind ami piwed I Idi', severely wouTiding him iu tin- sli'liwle to hitil. an adejiMiess which showeil with the intricate mecliun- ism of a signal tower liiey set without mistake the red signal fo slop the ap- fast mail train. Leaving Sick Women Advised to Scdt Advice of MrT PinKham. TO KM- PINKBAM "I had inflammation and. falling of the Womb.

inflammation of ovaries, and wu In great pain. 1 took medicine prescribed by a physician, hut it did me no good. At last I heard of tydia E. Pinkhajn's Vegetable Compound, and after using it faithfully I am thankful to say I araawell women. I would advise all suffering women to seek advice of Mrs.

G-. H. GBAXT PABK, ILL. For several years my health waa miserable. I suffered the most dreadful pains, and was almost on the verge of insanity.

I consulted one of the physicians in New York, and ha pronounced my disease a fibroid tumor, advising an operation without delay, saying that it was my only chance for life. Other doctors prescribed strong and violent medicine, and one said I was incurable, another told me my only salvation was galvanic batteries, which I tried, but nothing-relieved me. One day a friend called and begged mo to try Lydia E. Pinhham's Vegetable Compound. I 'began its use and took several bottles.

From the very first bottle there was a wonderful change for the better. The tumor has disappeared entirely and my old spirits have returned. I heartily recommend your medicine to all suffering MRS- VAN CLEFT, 110 SAUNDEBS JEHSEY Cirr HEIGHTS. J- I i James strapped flown and held by cushions wUu-'h they threw over him. tliov beside the track, and as the trii'u stopped held up rhe and one man to yuard the train crew.

Two of them then turned to the PX-^s car aud meetin- with a velusal to open it from Mosseiiux-r flobson. blew it open with dynamite, bound rhe messeii-vr secured thf sale, and then blasted it open. They secured Us eon- tents, believed 1o have lioon Hriikoniini Esraip'-'i. Moaiuvhile the brakeman. McCnith, Sl a As he (led I lie robbers several shots at him.

He with his coat a passing frekhv tram and was carried to Kll.nini. where he cave the alarm aud started posse flft- fv tin; robbers. At Hie same time Ohicaiio dispatcher was uot'siiecl and otlicers started from Ihis ehy. All (rains on the OrwU St. BuHIn.U'ton aud Northwestern roads ordered held to pryveut.

tliL- escape of the; robbers. Seelnir escape, the vobbers did not'stop to enter the mail car, but mounted the engine and compelled Engineer AVhiie to take them west to within two miles ol' Covtlund. There they bound and wifrprcil the fiipcineer and llrenicn a.ud left thorn on the deck of the engine. TtlixMlltoaod.i on Tholv Trail. Uloodhoumls are followuip: UK: trnll of the men from the railroad up the viHoy of the K.ishw.'iukee river.

I'ol- bv Shcfiff Densler and fifty men from PeKtill) all armed x'ith ritk-s. At (l-i'vbreak Uie hounds had to'a swamp live milt's west of Lily where the robbers were bobeved to be concealed. Densler believed lie had the robbers at: bay. surrounded the swamp and prepared for a hard lisht for their dayhrenU three men were taken from u'ci-eut W.estern freight train by the polled at South Klmluu'st and locked up on suspicion of beinj; the train robbers. They had been seen to board train nt lally 1-alce, smad svatiou forty miles west of Chicago about miles north of the scene of the robbery.

Uoston Dewcy. Boston, Ocrt. The residents' of Boston aud vicinity augmented by tliousiinds of visitors from other sections of Hie commonwealth and from adjacent states, did honor to Admiral Pewey. The hearty sreetiup; with which Admiral Uewey was received wheu he arrived direct from his native state, seldom if eve.r has been equalled ltt-1'B, but the preliminary welcome was coinpU'tely overshadowed Iu that pivou b.v'thft tUe famous'vermonter appeared iu public, aud particularly as he rode through the city iu' the front, -ranks of the brilliant military pageant wa3 the, onlef'event of the BroakN Kncordx. Oct.

Me- broke all national cycling asso- chition records for from three to thirteen miles inclusive here iu a twenty-, five mile race-with fien Monroe of Jlempbis, riding thirteen LTIE'S ANNUAL HEPOftT. eiiai'iil System of Jurisprn- secre- of wii'- lias made public the au- iiual report of (icneral KiiyJjiiKli, commander in the doparmient of the province of Uavatin and riiuir del Uio. Leo says: "The adiuiuislration of all staff de- with the exception of the (liiartermaslers' IIIIK been satisfactory. The rations funiishod troops hnve been mainly jjood in quality and ample in qitantlt.v. The rel'rlfreraied 1'ieof furnished from the IJnited States has been tory, much more so than that ihuijjh- tercd here." (Jeiieral T.i'o refommends that some fiction In; taken to secure prompt trial ol' men arrested and held iu coutine- ment.

and says: "Cases have on different occasions been reported to we of men. American cilixcns, arrested anil held fur several mouths without a trial of any kind, so far as they kuuw. The; whole system of jurisprudence now iu operation, hi niy opinion, revision." He concludes with Ihis recommendation: "Thar the future of the Cuban republic shall be vested in the people and liioir representatives so far as relates to the question of an American protectorate or annexation vo the United States." Cioiiornl Brooke nlsr. transmits the ropurt of his slaf'f cilnVors on the arl- of the different branches Of tlie mili'ary service, "NO HACK" SIGNALED. TFInd ARiiln Fiiils (lie Rhiira- rock.

New Oct. for the seventli lime in tiio present international series for the America's cup, "no race" was signaled. The wind failed, and although the and the Shamrock went our to tin: starting line, it was apparent, lontr before the time for llie start that it would be impossible to sail tin- Strange as it may seem, lliere was an exeelleul sailing- breeze the coast, bill, not enonirh air oft the lightship to till tlio sails of the contendiiig yachts. Early in the morning there was an excellent: prospect a liroeze, aud. as a consequence, 1hc ('oluml)ia and the Shamrock were picked up in tow and were early at rhe lino.

There they remained, part of the time in tow aud part of the time moving slowly under their own sails. The breeze lightened all the while ancl the fog lifted, and one by one the excursion boats came down'past the Hook, until at noon there was quite a fleet around the lightship, with not 'a hope of a race. The race was officially declared oft a few minutes later. The scheduled date for the next meet-inn of the Columbia and the Shamrock Is Monday. The course will be.

the same as that fixed for the original tirst race, fifteen miles to windward, or leeward, nml ret.urn. MAD MAN CREATES A PANIC. Amr.ok In Monomlnce, Struots, Injuring Several 1'uoplc. Menominoe. Oct.

city was thrown into the wildest ex- citemetiV early in the morning over a mad man named Lawrence Vassuw, a Caiuidhni woodsman, who lisul boon on ft spree for some time past. He broke into and ran through several public and private houses, breaking everything in his way and attacking- inmates before could be captured. Several women aud children were pulled from their bods- and some quite surionsly in hired. The 'tire department wns called out, by a man whose house the madman entered. Yassaw is a.

powerful fellow a.ncl it took several men to hold and Tie him. He attacked Mrs. McDonald, proprietress of the Forvilly House, an Iron poker, and Mrs. diaries, a grocer's wife is in a critical condition from fright and nervous The nmount of damage done to buildings in the way of broken windows, doors, crockery, furniture, is quite large. London, Oct.

Louts Henry Devies, Canadian minister of marine and fisheries, says that he has given Canada's consent to temporary nr- ra'ugcmeut of tue Alaskan dispute. This has practk-ally settled the whole matter for time as the main features.of tlie arrangement were originally suggested by the United States. Colonel' Hay, the American sec- retury of state, will sign tlie test' papers within a few, days, and; Reginald Tower, British d'affaires in, will; ratify behalf 'of Several Unsuccessful Attacks on Mafeking. OS I3T.SODTH AFRICA. The RiipoitoJ TV lllocri) up Anothor Arujorcd Tl-iUu Geueral Sir Hodverri Olveii Orutiou ou tho uf ttlrt from JLuudun for Sailth KlinileH to Be- mHln ill London.

Oct. to OJs- patclies from the front rue Bows hare made several attacks upon M.iiVU.iug,. oil of which have been repulsed. The Boers, It is reported, have tbti railway station uorilj of Fourteen Streams, ami KJm- berley. rijvhtin.a: is still continuing in the ueiivliborhood.

London, Oct. who have been anxious for more stirring news from the seat of war are ireuius: it to the I'uil, as, according to dispatches, shooting must have been nearly continuous a tlie entire borders of the Boer republics, while pitched battles have occurred or are occurring at va- riotisi points in Natal aud British Bechuaualand. Stiii'ii'K nf Kaillr Origin. JJost of these reports, however, remain iineonlirnied. As Mafakinp: is cut: off telegraphically, the stories from tliat.

puint are generally of Kaffir origin ami must lie regarded suspicion. While there every probability thnf (ieneral big commando has begun the assault upon reliable details must: still be awaited. Further details are at: hand regarding the destruction of the armored train at Kraaipaii. They show that Captain NVsbitt. who was in command of the r.rain.

was warned at Maribogo that the Boers hold the line. lit- replied that he was bound to proceed. Nearing Kraaipan the train dasbed into a culvert that bad.been blown up by the. P.oers, who were lying in wait for tho train. The Boer artillery immediately opened lire and a desperate light appears lo ihaw lasting for hours, with the odds greatly against the Itritish.

TJIO precise details are uncertain. Aiiol.hor Train IJIown Up. The Exchange Telegraph eompnny has received a. dispatch from Cape Town saying that the Boers hnve blown up another annored train, carry in if telegraph operators from Mafo- A dispatch from Pretoria, dated Oct. 13.

says: "Ueueral Koch wires from The Natal bonier that, his commando has occupied Rothas pass and also captured the railway latest repons from Vrybui-g say that the armored train -that was destroyed at Kraapin contained in addition Vo Xesbitt's force, a number of workmen and six residents of gogo. south of who. on hearing of the Movr advance, took refuge in the train. O(-'F Toll TME FRONT. Genonil Sir Mtdvi-rs Biillnv from Londuii.

London, Oct. I'ted- vcrs Buller, who will have The chief command in accomiiau- ied by his staff, left Waierloo station for Southampton to go on board die Dunottar Castle. Mis was occasion for anolher patrioiic dem- onst.i'ation. (Jeiieral Buller arrived at the station at p. in.

With great tliflieulty his carriage forced it's way througli the crowds that blocked every approach, Tho people swarmed every- wliere and gave the station the appearance of veritable beehive. Constant and deafening cheers marked the approach of fhe royal carriages containing the Prince-of Wales iind vhe of Cambridge, and when Sir Kedvers Hnller alighted anil appeared inthe doorway of the station to receive the prince and his former cotn- enthusiasm knew no bounds. Tho immense waiting room was temporarily converted, into a reception room, where the secretory of stare for war. Lord Lausdowue. Lord AVoiseley.

Wyndham, parliamentary under secretary of state for war; General Sir Kvelyu Wood. Colonel Lord Paul Methuf. and a host of oilier celebrities were gathered to bid farewell to (icuoral Buller. The I-'riuco of Wales find the Duke of Cambridge accompanied him to the train. Meanwhile the.

people rilled every available spot within the station, hanging oven from the rafters. Thousands of throats took up the cries luck" aud "Ke.niembe.r Majuba." Everybody, the royal personages included, uncovered as The train linaliy pulled out of the station. DKFKXSE OF MASEUU. Reporls That the llurfrhcvs Contcmplntc an Attack TliiM'c, Cape Town, Oct. consequence of reiterated reports that tlie Orange Free State burghers contemplated an attack upon Maseru, the British headquarters in Basuloland.

the resident commissioner has taken ample slops for defense. There has been no serious movement as yet on the part of the Basnlolos. One of two minor chiefs are Inclined to side with the Orange Free Stare, but the attitude of the other iifis caused the Free State authorities to patrol rhe border extensively, owing to far of raids. Cecil Khodes.will reaiain at Kimberly until the. end of the war.

He says that the. town is fully provisioned and as safe as PIcadilly. Advices from' North represent the burghers at Beeste Kraale as discontented aud running short'of provisions. Failed to tlio Hocrs. London.

Oct. following dispatch from Ladysmitu nas been received at tlie war office: "General Sir George Stewart White went'in the idl- of Van Eeenan's Pass at 3 o'clock m. yesterday bnt failed to draw the Boers to the pass. He returned to Ladysniltlj, where he No engagements, occurred;" Clow Call for Cecil LoTidon, Oct to thft KImberley correspondnnt of The Daily Teleegraph Cecil Bhodes ha- -cnpti'ire -while on His train was delayed and fie passed rt.s river three, hours the i-xpiratioa of the ukimatnm, when Hie Boers rvre only mik 1 distant and some of i heir spies were -on the ylaiform. Ivhodes lairi low nmJ nut; rocogniKod.

Had he been hi-s capture Would have b'eeu easy, as the line was not Srint l.OOO Mrn; Ortawn. a meeting- of raWnt'l. yesterday a doH-lsiiiu was reached to send l.tiOft Canadian soldiers to South Africa as Canada's eontribn- lion to tlK- Br-itish force now lighting the Boers. This is double the number of rroops asked by tin; government- to First Convention OppoiW Seattle, CUT. special to The Pose-Intelligencer from Juneau.

Alaska, says that Alaska's first tor- riroriiil convention. by tk'le- savex from every sty-lion or' the territory, was culled to order in the opera house Oct. 10 JUKI will spend two weeks in preparing for presentation to the ix'Xt congress. Alaska's needs iiUbe way of Jeiri.slaiion. Switujl'ord doi-red permanent and Hal Jnneiui secretary.

Resolutions presented by A. K. Delanoy of Juneau were adopted, oxprc'ssinir' ihc inu-oniprowising oppo- siiion of the convention fo tbe surrender 10 Great F.ritain in any matter of any torriiory iinpiin-d by United Stales Hnssia ami cailinjr President MoKmle.v and tbe authorities at Washington to firmly and steadfastly resist nil attempts, however insidious, of any foreign power for the dismomhorrnoul nf Alaska. A copy of tbe resolutions forwarded to President McKinley. i he session a Idler was rend from Senator Foster, of 'A'asliiiiston, wit sen subsequent to liis visit ibis territory last summer, which was received with manifestations of approval and entered in full upon the min- uies.

connuit'tees on all important branches of tlio proposed work were appointed. will do most of ihe work in committee room. The largest delegations are from Douglas. Skasnay and CABLEGRAM FUOJI OTIS. He Tells of the Movi-monts of Troops tu Mm Off.

following caMeii-ram from Otis lias beon received sU Die war department: Oct. into 1 nuts from 1'as Marinas yesterday morning: wuiiped at. Bacoof last uiirlit: has scavu-rod instinrents who probably retiriii.i-' by detachments on 1.1'i.dan^-. Condition of roads prevented fm-tlier ptirsuit: 1-'" tr.on Tliir- Ty.soveiilh volunteers. Major C'lieUiain.

dVove insurgents sonvli aud westward from lake lown of Mnutinlupa yc-ster- day. pnrsr.inir several mil( and relived lo'Haeoor last ni.mhl by Xapote river road: loss men ed. one Seliwau's movement vi-'i-y inllicled heavy loss on meii and properly of southern insurgent army: lie reports their JOO killed 400 wounded; their ston-il supplies destroyed. Yoiins moving from Ant.vat. nr.rrli ward yesfi'rday.

scattered InsnrKents who retired northwest: his casualties three slijrhtly wounded: considerable store of urn in raptured." CHUKCH WOIiK IX JAMAICA. Ilcport on If. Mndc lit (lift Ciiir.immti Convonlion. Cincinnati, Oct. jubilee con- venrion of the missionary societies of the Christian churr-li coutinuod in sections.

The Christian Woman's Board of Missions was Addressed by Professor G. I'. Color of Ann Arbor, on Bible study. Following tho report: on Neil MacLeod, in charge of the work, delivered an address, followed by Mrs. Louise Kelley of Km- poria, Jlrs.

Leonard Thompson of Denver and others. The genera! board of Hie American Christian Missionary society held their annual business session and tin- Kor- Missionary society will meet on Monday. pastors supply tlu-i pulpits of Cincinnati and vicinity Sunday and a communion occurs at Music hall SuiHlayjiftoruoou. Boy Awarded Fortune. Chicago.

Oct. Coi-UliH' at was au-ardeti Otto Scliwartx. years old. by a jury in Kara- naicli's court for the loss of both of his limbs in a street car accident. Two vears au-o youn? Otto was run over by a West'Twi'lfth street car at Twclftli street and Uolden court.

The case has been up trial a number of times, but was not Driven to the jury m.uil now. The West Chicago Street way company has entered a motion lor a new- trial. Mitn.v Uiirt in Dailas. Oct. ihe state fair in the eastern suburbs, a trolley car on the Transit Street railway.

iHled with passengers, collided in tlie aftenioon with an excursion train on the C.ulf. Colorado aud Santa Fe road. Of the forty-nine pas- on board iho street car, nearly half of them were hurt. Six were seriously injured and three of these cannot live, TjiidicK Licensed to J.nvf. SprinstieTd.

Oct. 3.4.—In the sn- preme court candidates were licensed, to practice ha.vius passed sticcossfnl PxaminsHions. Five of these are ladies. Margaret C. Wich of Quincy; Marie IJowson of Princeton: Uay-X.

Anderson ol' Hummer Hill; sep'hine Si even, rind May P. Power of Chicago. JfuliiiiH Crime at Peorlo. Peovia. Oct.

Adair. a mail-carrier, shot his wife, Maude Poole Adiiir. killirtjr hor'instantly. TLen lie blew his head off with tbe saro.e gun. The tragedy occurred at tlieir notrie at 500 Franklin street and was prompted 1)y Joalousi'.

Womiin "Wloiii Golf Oct. hill defeated in tbe of the; woman's golf ciuuupiOBsWp, tournament and won tlie cliaiiipiouship of. States. Score: dethlll; out Vox, EXCELLENT Thfcy Have hi Gain of Popularity, The psopte of LaeuuQact lett gratafal tor tile great beacflt tkqr received from Die oC tho great reamjly tar diszlness, and nrlilim from the kidneys. oids where other failed and the people of tbfc city not been slow to find tMo add their testimony teat tbeir frtento may knov what to and get curoA, Wo beg to refer yoa to Cbasies lahan, a- fireman on the PanbradMi has used aad tjbejr only stopped his back from ashing but removed other annoying troclrtm.

There is no (Jouht in his mlufi but h.e -was slowly contractiiig disorder. Ke used them according to tite directions and says: "In tbrce time I was greatly relieved." He con- tic'ced to improve until BOW be declares himself free from bis former aches and disturbances. Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are sot pfflto but yellow tablets and cure ness, backache, sleeplessness, r.nd lessness. They are put up In -woodoB boxes containing enough for about weeks' treatment and sell at fifty box at all drug stores and ut Keesling's drug store. Descriptive booklet mailed BJKJH Ttt- quefit by John Morrow COL, Chemists, Springfield, Ohio.

21 Jftost Wonderful Discovery DK. lEAGUE'S NEW REM2HJT, MEDICATED ASK Positive Cure for Catarrh, Throat and all Diseases Air Passages. Instaat KeUeS Sick and Nervous Headache. ruaiuifacturers of Teague's CeJetorased Remedies: Great Blood Sixecifle, Tisrort and Lung Balsam, Medicated tor and Ca.tarrhal or OpiJtbalmJc Salvft, Above remedies guaranteed to care. MEDICATED AIR DKKG Richmond, 'C.

B. A. For sale by B. F. Keealteg- LIMITED ISMS between BOSTON, NEW YORK, WASHINGTON, 4 Route via New York Central AND Chesapeake Gen.

Pass, and Tkt W. P. Asst. G. P.

and C. STEVENS, M. S.e*. 817 Mkt. St.

P. A. BUSJARN, M- IX Res. 1500 Sre Botk Phonsa. Physicians and 418 FOURTH STREET.

The a.bove firm 5s at Dr. SRereas' where caMa will mswered. OFFICE PT-vTlNE 53, BOTH PKGT5K9. DR. DENT1S7, All tie latest discoveries i iDd appliajices to relieve pain is tracting or filling of teetla.

oietbods, modern orlcta. A3, guaranteed-. Office over John CT? Jtourtb C. U. telephone No.

328- DR. T. H. TUBMAN Hotnoepathic Surgeon, Successor to Dr, S. H.

Over City Natfonal Soth phoaes. At office aB Surgs-ry astJ Siaxt Diseases. Plumbing, Gas and Sti. SPRAYiPUflPS latest improved for spray teg trees, shruhery, potatoes, formula. King, Fanncnra' Bank, Brooklyn, Mich, bas Little Early Risers in bis years.

Says th-ey are the best. famous little, pills cure wastipaiwo, biliousness and: all aufi F. Brc-auan, Kairitst and Twelfth streets. one remedy in the worte that at once stop itchiness tise in any part of the body. Dftiw's meut At any drug store, 50 Stockford, HoctgiJcn, heaJed a sore running for year's cured lis pifes by usiog.

DeWitfa Salve. It ernes al? skla -J. F. Brennan, Market streets. Kodol Dyspepsia.

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