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Statesville Record and Landmark from Statesville, North Carolina • 3

Statesville, North Carolina
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a THE SEMI WEEKLY LANDMARK RIDAY JUNE 19 1896 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE LANDMARK I SE 19 18 RIDAY LOCAL DEPARTMENT Acd DH CGGIhT SPECIAL SALE! the and It did not hurt See the Other Good Things for You WILHELM Born in the North Raised Everywhere Umbrellas and MARKET REPORT Parasols resh and Clean Genuine Bargain Groceries On Co We Are I A Always Hand 6 i We Have Just Bought a Sample Lot of Department Store The 150 IAI4OLU4A I'ItODL'CK COMPANY i WAN 1'RODVOE Id the Local Conrtfl John Ayres and Salmons were before Justice Lewis Monday for rocking tho house of Tom Mason Saturday night It cost them $270 each Bort oster and rankSmith both colored bad a difficulty and the mat ter was adjusted before Justice Lewis Monday They contributed $290 each Mr Jas Kerr engaged in a with Mr Banks and was lined $250 ip Mayor court Then Banks had Kerr before Justice Coono on a peace warrant but tho justice discharged the defendant In Mayor court Dr Tur ner was lined $5 for failing to dis mount from his bicycle on mooting a pedestrian on the sidewalk Smith Mills and Will Stewart for an affray were fined $5 each and a colored man named Bowman was fined $5 for be ing chunk and down Dletllleri Going Out of BudncM In 4Vllk! Wilkesboro Chronicle The prospects are that Wilkes will have tho fewest number of distilleries Eleven ProfeKftorfl nnd I oM rurtorw Three Coursrv tor Drer A inple Cabinet and Laboratories Izoeatfon Ilenlihful and BrnutHul Gy tHuaslurn Complete Terms Kranonnble PUBLISHED TMMYS AND fKIIMYh Once more we wish to say to our friends and customers that we most heartily appreciate their patronage in the past and wc will spare neither money nor pains to please them in the future Wc al ways have on hand a nice fresh and clean stock of groceries 3 4 33 8 Constantly adding to our stock the new est things as they come on the market A complete line of Corsets just in from the factory We have added the newest thing out in the way of a Bicycle Corset Every Lady Who rides a wheel should have one We arc showing the best 50c Corset on this or any other market We have just received a complete line of Shoes in all grades and styles from 25c to $500 per pair These Goods Htatosvllla June 12th 1 Prices to Suit All sale of Umbrellas and if you anticipate buying' how you must come quickly Yours truly Which wc will sell at first cost Also a few White and Dresden Parasols to be closed out with the above This is a 75 53 70 25 40 50 1 10 fi 6 STRONG IT? Prof Thompson was re elected ocR Headache Powders Give instant relief Hair and Tooth Brushes Of tho very best Have been bought at the lowest notch Shoes have ever touched and we have some rare bargains to offer you You want to sec us before buying Wc can do you good Yours truly A Sherrill Co I A urn nrrnntfl jj I iJ4vru vv ijuj Mv I for the best accident insurance com panies and they have something to say that win interest travelers That old and reliable institution of i learning Davidson College begins I ikB 9ULICVUIU BCJlIHDa UCj AVUIVV i Send to Dr Shearer the president tor caiBK L'ue Mrs Remedy In fur sale by tlw statMvtlle 1 ugglsts Goodman Amity Hill TWHacr Citi A Stlitipsou Eagle Milts: OO Il liums Sons Co Evalln: TL Jennings Jennings' Mills Mt Glbson Iredell sta 0 Miller Miller (load man Mooresville: Bell A Pro Mt Monrno Holland Bros Olin Wsg liur Brown A Turtiorehnrg Holland A WoUucr Send for a Catalogue SHEARER Pre n'deut Tune 33 STATE NEWS The State Dental Convention is in session at Morehead City this week Major Wilson reports in Raleigh that snow whitened tho mountains in Mitchell county last Sunday Prof Vinson of the chair of math ematics of Davidson College has been made an LL by Austin Col lege at Sherman Texas A hailstorm at Marion Saturday afternoon did considerable damage to crops In some places tho hail drifted a half foot deep Tho Charlotte Ohwner says Dr Munroe is to erect at Davidson a handsome building for his North Carolina Medical College Mr A Bethune editor of the Clinton Democrat and Miss Rena Lu Stewart also of Clinton will be mar ried next Wednesday 24th The Landmark wishes Brother and Sister Bethune well Lenoir Topic: Mr Clarke of North Catawba township has the brag cucumber vine After having pulled 20 from it ho still found 1G4 remaining and wo sjipposo the vine is still blooming Who can beat it I The Wilkesboro Chronicle says a cyclone in the Brushy mountains Tuesday of last week did much dam age to crops timber orchards and buildings No one was hurt track of the storm was about yards wide and extended over five miles Asheville tho Queen City of mountains is strictly in it this week The summer conference of tho Christian Associations the Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias the Assembly and the State uneral Association are all in session there at one and the same time Rev Dr Jas Atkins president of Asheville emale College has been elected Sunday school editor for the Southern Methodist Church to suc ceed Rev Dr Kirkland deceased The salary is $2500 and the home office is in Nashville Tenn Dr At kins has not yet decided whether ho will accept Gov Carr has commuted the death sentence of Gas Thompson colored who was to have been hanged at Lumberton to day to life imprison ment Thompson was convicted of outraging Annie Locklear aCroatan Indian The jury solicitor county commissioners and many citizens asked for the commutation ate guests of Miss Julia Taylor Miss Maggie Harris and Miss Katie Gillespie arc al Springs Hon A Leazar who was in States ville Tuesday went from hero to Lincoln Lithialnn to spend a season 1 for rest and recuperation Rev Myerburg of Goldsboro was in town yesterday Mr and Mrs Meyer are ex pected hero from Rochester this week They may arrive to day Mr Thos Colyer of Asheville is in town on a visit to friends Rev A Robertson t) of Mr Rick Louisville Ky spent last night in town and went to Cool bpnug this morning to visit his father Dr John Robertson His wife isalready there Mary Martin of Davidson spent yesterday and last night with Mrs White and leaves to day for Blowing Rock Miss Nell Cowles returned from Charlotte Monday evening accom panied by her cousin Miss Alice Cowles Dr Laugenour is off on atrip in Gaston and Lincoln counties Miss Laura Lazenby leaves to morrow for Chapel Hill to attend the summer school Misses Jessie and Lola Ruftv leave this evening for Taylorsville to visit their aunt Mrs Alspaugh Mr Ira Wallach and Miss Sadie Wallach of New York are at Mr 8 Mr II A Deal editor of tho Chron icle and Mr II Grceno camo in last evening from tho free and un limited State of Wilkes Misses Mary and Grace West of Salisbury are visiting at Mr Child The little daughter of Mr and Mrs Poston died yesterday after noon about 1 aged one year and 8 days Death was due to a com plication of diseases Slay Sue tot Damages A representative of Mrs Coley: widow of Jas Coley who died in the lock up last riday night has notified Mayor Caldwell that Mrs Coley thinks she is entitled to dam ages on account of her death The town authorities do not consider that tho town is liable for death and will refuse to pay damages It is not known positively that Mrs Coley will bring suit but it is supposed that she will Steel KaiU for the A deaf Etc Correspondence of The Landmark The first official news of finishing the laying of the A Rail road with heavy steel rails was re ceived hero to day by Mr King section master at this place Jle re ceived orders to increase his force to six hands and to be ready to begin laying the heavy rails beginning at the 34 mile post where they stopped off in tho spring going toward States ville So it will be but a short time till the A 0 will be good as the main line Mr A llaithcox fell off his horse yesterday and broke his collar bone and otherwise bruised his shoul der He was plowing out at his farm and lifted up his plow and in some ARE YOU GOING to attend the renntnn ot the Confederatn VnUTaus 1 Klcb mond Va nil" July 1 and It so before you start do not forget to purchase one nt the KB: ISTMIEO Ol'NKltlL PEST Tickets Issued by Brown A Guy Agent for The Travelers' I ns Co ot Hartford Conn capital iinuonooon BurplUH 3 Ml 215711 Covers Accidents While Driving or Walking While on tho Street? While at Homo While Traveling Pays miooo In ease of accidental death Pays SH500 per week for totally dis abling injury Hovers general ar Id an ta Not accidents or travel only None lite 3 la tho largest and strongest and heel acci dent company In tli world imowN auv agents June 19 Statesvlllo 0 MINOR MATTKICH watermelons are now on the market The first of the season came in Tuesday license for the marriage of Walter Cashion and Maggie Smith was issued yesterday lj wife of Mr Columbus Hayesdied at her homo at Tabor church Jthis county Monday Physicians report that a good deal of typhoid fever is appearing in the country contiguous to States ville Statesville warehouses arc still handling leaf The reported good sales yesterday and good prices for good grades ot leaf Mr A White administrator will sell the personal property of the late Holder at the late residence on ront street at 10 to morrow Mr Hill of Taylorsville was in town this week looking over the field with a view to opening a school at Statesville Academy this fall It is probable that lie will come OIIA1IAM Mny ii 1W Mils Jut Dear Ms lam: Allow to ft pretMj my grfUltulG to yon fr thr wuuderful euro your Remedy nmdo on my lUtln daughter eight yours ago afliteto with wnw iduud Impurity which renltel In bolls and vres on hT head and TIicbu troubled her Re vtvdy and for olghU'nn nioutheor muro After tryiDg differ (nt fora long time without PERMANENT RELIE a friend advised to try your kino After a short use ot It be gan toinipreve uh' had taken about eighteen lion les tho bolls ami Berea were entirely healed and there has never been any return of them Shoacems now to be entirely well I consider ymir medicine one nt Hie very beat Blued Purlflera on ibo market Yours ry truly II Wvrsov 40 inch Lawns Sc per yard Double Cake Palm Toilet Soap 5c Lot Calico 3 and 4c per yard Remnants Heavy Denims i2c per yard Heavy Overalls 50c Picnic Baskets 5 8 io 19 and 20c Negligee Shirts 25 to 75c and Straw Hats 5 to 75c Hammocks 75c and up Bt Leghorn Hats 15 to 85c Large Lot of Clean Sailors 15 to 50c Knee Pants 15 to 50c (Cheap) Slippers 50 60 6575 and $1 WShirt Waists (D)1U 25 to 83c White Duck and Light Crepons 10c Remnants Marseilles 12J worth 20 and 25c Big Lot ast Black Ribbed Hose 2 pair for 1 5c Extra Value in Letter and Note Paper 3 to 5c per quire Sec our ine Up to date XXth Cen tury Shoe $5 Lot of ine Tan Shoes $185 to $3 Big Lot of Lamps 14 to 50c (Very cheap) MOORE MILLER EAST BKOAll STIlIlhl June 19 13M Statesville A uo 1 1 tjjLu i iisiu Hu fti 1 co 1 here from Charlotte at 1020 a sent for Deputy Collector Bryant and i morning Rev Dr harey conduct anti leaves at 1 tn the passenger the two made aeareh in the saloon ed the funeral services the following arrives from Taylorsville at 50 a and found four kegs cf blockade morning and the interment was at and leaves at 7 from Charlotte liquor three of which had been taken 1 the (E resbytenan) church Mrs at 6 30 ru and leaves at 7 The Brom the wagon In the meantime illiams was a sister ot airs 8 figures given are Statosvilk time the team had Wen removed to the Johnston of this place and was b3 lot in rear of Morrison Sons 1 years old She leaves no family Crop store There the offieeis found it Mr Hall left Tuesday morn Most of the farmers are cheerful and the driver Another keg of ling for Asheville to represent the about the cron outlook ui for several weeks have been line and am were seized all crops are growing nicely Reports whiskey is thought to be the proper from all portions ot the county iudi ty ttf Jas Combs of Wilkes The The beat salve in the world tor cuts bruises 8re8 salt rheum fever sores toiler chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures plies or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded Price 25c perbox or sale by Hall Jr from all portions ot the county indi cate that the wheat crop is much bet driver who was in charge was aliow ter than was expected and that it will t0 g0 turn out a fair average crop The oat Crop will bo short but the recent Graded School Teacher rains have improved it wonderfully i The graded school board met Tues afternoon and completed the a ropuUr iirvort work of electing teachers for the Sulphur Spring in Alexander coming term this having been par county about one and a half miles tiay Jone at a meeting held on from Hiddenite on the Taylorsville Wednesday previous Kai road is proving quite a popular resort this season A number of superintendent and the following people are there from Statesville and teachers were elected for the white elsewhere and others would go there C'nool Misses Angie Caldwell Ju if they could get accommodations lia MacCall Laura Lazenby If there was a good hotel at the jj a(t Harris Katie Moore and spring tho prospect now is that itiMsr Thompson and i ed by Col A Eliason of States ville 1 1 The Dougla Tria) PoMponeci Until Next Week A postal card to The Landmakk I from Rev Hunter dated at Tazewell Va Juno 16th says: trial of the Douglas case hasbeen postponed till next Monday on account of a few important witnesses I will write you next Monday the proceedings of tho day party are well but regret the detention We have a strong case and things look tavorable for iJougias NtW AIH'ERTI111ENT DAVIDSON COLLEGE I A VINSON home He had not gone far until lie became blind and sick and fell off his 1 IT ca onnri rta'rt 3 fl 1 (1 UMtnv A IV QW44 ''1 VU tu JUGLIUUUU UUU UUb not get hurt that time He called for the scenes of to '65 neip our no one nearu uiui ne uuaiu got on his horse and again fell off with the above result He is resting as as could be expected to day Mr Cobb who has been at the springs for about two months re turned to Charlotte this evening While Mr Cobti did not improve as much as he wished to he was much bet ter than when he came He expects to return again soon and we hope will as we all enjoyed his compa ny very much armers are hauling up their wheat this week Cotton is looking finely and seems to bo ten or fifteen days ahead of last year Corn is also look ing well The fruit crop is light Troutman's June 17 1S96 Mr ElUa Williams Dead Peronal ot tho Landmark Mrs Eliza Williams died at her home on 1st South street Tuesday Come distillery in the county this year the a aHtiovo nlnaini fflnST OI 1UJCUUU viuvvto vivih the whiskey distilleries and there will be very few that survive Where there have been hundreds before there will be scarcely a dozen This of course will relievo most of the revenue officers in this section as there will be nothing for them do They will either have to go out of business or find other fields of opera tion Our Mayor Vaurucea at Concord Concord Standard IGUi i Lawyer Caldwell was in tho city Monday ou business Just what that business was we didn't find out bat suspicion leads us to believe that things are and that will bo smooth for him in his Populistic hankering although we believe that at heart he is a Populist A session was held in Mr 11 office over tho Morris hardware store Monday eve ning Messrs Caldwell Jno A Sims A Pitts and Caldwell being present Those who aro In position to know nay that more 1Ivtr are favvl iy Chamberlain's Collu Cholera and Dlarrhma Remedy than any other mwlh'lno In tho world In almost ovary com munity there is some ono whose Ilfo has been saved by this remedy Such persons seldom let an opportunity pass to recommend It That Is what make it the meet popular medicine In use for bowel complaints Mr Shumaker ot DiauvIllo Pa Isa large genernl merchant and farmer and one of the most promluontmon la Armstrong county He says: "Chambcr luliie Colle Cholera and Dlatrhma Romety saved my life I have need It lor several years for cramp collu and It has always given mo prompt relief There IS nothing better made or ono trembled ns 1 have been Illa life Itself" or sale by HnH Jr Druggist building at Haw River this State the home of the late ex Governor Holt a large church to seat over 500 It has been decided with the consent of his family to place in this church a large andhandsome memo rial window to commemorate the many excellencies of Governor Holt A Great Opportunity I We give away absolutely free ot cost for a limited time only The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser by ierce Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute a book ot l'k large pages profusely Illustrated bound In strong paper covers to any one sending 21 cents In one cent stamps to cover cost of mailing onl Over 6W Oilu copies of this complete family Doctor Book already sold in cloth binding at regular price ot J15O World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion ButTal CUKOLIXA PRODUCE COMPANY SELL PEAS CORN AND MALT could be filled The property is own Gcdby Colored Kebecca uas iton Alihea Johnston and Alexander i There are three changes in tho white school Mr Godby of i Harmony this county succeeds Miss Lola Stanley Miss Mattie Harris of Pineville Mecklenburg county succeeds Miss Maggie Burke aud Miss Katie Moore of Granite Hill this county succeeds Miss Annie Morgan Pergola Mrs 1j rudiun uas reiurneu from a visit to Charlotte Miss Lillie Mae Tomlin and sister thia BRsnn known in her history Statesville rjtniauH Honored I are visiting relatives and friends in 'pher3 wij hardly be a bonded brandy ADO OiaiOBVUiH luugu UL jkUiguia ui van Pythias has a high reputation among Miss Nancy Best of LaGrange Pytliians all over tho State for and Mias Jessie Cobb of Concord thorough and efficient work Pisgah lodge of Asheville and Grand Chan cellor Webb invited a team of States ville Pythians to go to Asheville this week and exemplify third rank work before the grand lodge they to bo the guests of Pisgah lodge while there The invitation however could not be accepted Statesville Pythians were rejoiced yesterday when they received tho news that the grand lodge had elect ed Mr IL Rickert of Statesville grand vice chancellor Mr Wash ington Catlett of Wilmington was nnfml irrand chancellor 1 ert is one of the most prominent Pytliians in Statesville and is very popular with his brethren (UklM VAAvJ Ui I 1 1 A 4 1 A AA i f' I 1 (14 1 ho seasons i blockade was found and this and the Mooresville Pythians at the meeting I bixueth 1 ear Begins bept Hill 1 1 TTY i 1 I I AI ZA Pi'lkjono lYl I me team auu oi uie urauu ujunc vl xjtuuua Asheville Misses Mary and Julia McNeely and Nellie Rodgers are in attendance upon the As sembly at Asheville this week Mrs Susan Wilfong who bad been visiting her daughter Mrs Geo Goodman returned Tuesday morn ing to Newton Mr Har grave returned to Charlotte Wednes day evening Mooresville June 17 1896 Death ot an Ase1 Citizen ot Alexander Correspondence uf The Landmark Mr Joseph Millsaps of Gwaltney township Alexander county a well known citizen and respected by ev ery one who knew him died on the 11th of cholera morbus He was about SO years old He leaves a large family of children grandchildren ami great grandchildren He was Jjuried at Pilgrim church of which he was a member Rev waltney con ducting the funeral services Mrs Elizabeth Williams wife of Esq Williams of New Hope Iredell is very low with bronchitis Grade Alexander Co uno 16 1896 Will AKMEKS AKE DISCONTENTED Told that They Are oor Vntil They Be lieve Crops In Correepundouco ot Tho Landmark We are having a fine growing sea son up hero in old Yadkin and the farmers are making mighty good use of it in cleaning out corn and getting their wheat cut It is like an old farmer here said He care a darn for this here fusion and free coinage and gold standard so he got his wheat cut and corn crop cleaned And he was right for it is making tho farmers dissatisfied causing a 1 restless spirit to come over them with their ono of the most inde pendent in the world This eternal and everlasting harping on the tariff and money question is ruining the farmers bringing discontent and everything that leads to anarchy and socialism You can make the health iest man in the world believe he is sick if everybody he meets tells him he is looking badly and must be sick So it is with the farmers They have come to believe that the world is against them and they have become disheai tened They are ground down by trusts until their farms do not pay them 2 per cent interest and all this caused by the Republican party and high tariff for trusts It is a fine tribute to tho Republicans that more and more every day the conservative business men of the country are look ing to them for the true solution of the financial question and the main tenance of sound money God pity the poor farmer if that be so I armers are about done cutting wheat Oats is so low it is going to be almost impossible to harvest it Corn is growing rapidly and is look ing splendid The farmers are a lit tle behind owing to harvest and the recent rains but this brightand warm weather will give them time to catch up Several of the old vets aim to go to Richmond and fiirht over in peace that is go ing to be a grand gathering of the veterans and may it be the fullness of joy to them for they are worthy of it Ail honor to them Mana June 16 1896 Patton of Burke and Sherrill of Caldwell have been elected delegates from the eighth congressional district to the national Populist convention at St Louis Joly 22d 8100 Reward 81OO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that mere is at vabi one areaaea a is i ease that science has been able tn cure in all its TllO Christian denomination IS 4 1 13 iAIj XI Cl i 1 13 vzi IcMIIX I tlx 1 LU Wil i Li Cure Is the only positive care now known the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitu tional disease requires a constitutional treat ment Hall Catarrh Cure 1b taken Internally acting directly upon tie blood and mucous Bur faces of ue rysicm thereby destroying the foundation the disease and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing its work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative jowers that they offer One Hundred Dollars any case that It falls io cure Send tor llsi ot testimonials Address CHENEY i CO Toledo 0 by Druggists 75c Came to Visit the Laud of His athers Judge Andrew Phelps McCormick wife and four children of Dallas Texas arrived here Wednesday and are stopping at Mrs where they will probably spend a month Judge McCormick is United States circuit judge of the fifth circuit His father McCormick was a na tive of Iredell but left here in early life and went to Kentucky and from there to Texas The judge had a strong desire to visit the land of his hence his journey here Went rotnt Cadetship Elsewhere in this paper Congress man Shuford gives notice that a com petitive examination for the appoint ment of a cadet to West Point Military Academy from this district will bo held in Salisbury next Thurs day the 25th the examination to be conducted by Dr Clapp of Newton Prof Matt Thompson of Statesville and Dr Kim brough of Davie The Landmark understands that Messrs Zeb Long lioy Linster and Tom Mott of Statesville will enter the lists for the appointment irtIredell Cotton Bloom or many years Mr Gudger of Davidson township has sent The Landmark each season the first cot ton bloom plucked in Iredell Mr Gudger is ahead as usual this year Ho sends The Landmark a bloom i 1 JS I I 1 4 Mr Cochrane who has seasons good in been sick for a long time is able to I zzs llv uAz! I ti a zv be out again He made his first ''Sinpft the wks nut in tvne way the handle struck him on his leg trip up street yesterday He lost 40 Tnj LAXDiIARK has receive(j three and he let it down It did not hurt pounds during his sickness but he is PClt0U bLoms from Mr Chand im much at the time but in a short looking fairly well notwithstanding (jr 0 HHni'er township who says Kime it began to hurt him and also his protracted siege 1 bc th(in ono from make him sick He sat down awhile Lathan Mr Shinn also of Barringer land soon got better Heagainstart guished minister of the Associate Ko Hr was plucked yesterday work but got sick again He formed Presbytetiau Church died at isth then got on his horse and started his Lome in Abbeville county 8 Monday in hikG7th year Dr Lathan Aivenien nu will Ve remembered by many people Messrs Moore Miller have on in Statesville He was the father of hand a fresh clean stock of groceries Mrs Mills ot Mooresville land will try to please their patrons The colored Presbyterians have Headache powders hair and tooth dceidfid to build a new church on the I brusbfeo at prices to suit at Hall site of the present building drug store new building will be a modern struct 1 A tew parasols at reduced puces uro and will be larger and more con 1 summer underwear and wasn fa ncs lenient than the present one The are the things Messrs Walton A Gage work of tearing down the old church tai about and erecting the new is expected toL Messrs Lrown A Guy arc agents I In A 1'10 at A Ai 11 OYi I II Ji A A YI uegin ar an eariy aate Winston Sentinel of Wednes day says Mr Calvin Boon of States ville and Miss Coley Pegram of I I ItuIiHUL i 1aVlUoVU VUi4Clv UtgiJ3 SaRm were united marriage hg 5ixteenth ge5ion September 11th atll 0 clock to day at th" irs Dr Shearer the president tist parsonage Rev Hr brown of delating After the ceremony the couple left in a two horse carriage cabb4Ku th ContibrMi nii for the home of the groom Uwiwm slight change in the schedule i About sunrise Wednesday morning of both the freight and passenger i Revenue Officer Redmon saw some trains on the Atlantis Tennessee and kegs of whiskey being removed from Ohio Railroad went into effect Sun a wagon in rear of saloon day The freight train now arrives and carried into the saloon Redmon CORRECTED WEEKLY BY The Carolina Produce Company Hie BUMNG PRICES TYS1S NO 1 QUALITY per oushei Corn Wheat 1 Rye clay Iribh sweet pur dozen per poun North Landin around Hauis Shoulders II green dry Uhickens eprlng Kisters Ducks Tallow Wax IT nnv Comments Big demand tor chickens Eggs wan tod at quotation NEW ADVERTISEMENTS OER thu OLLOWING HOUSES for RENT jl uo reaaonabl terms A good Dwelling House conveniently ar ranged with garden barns stables and out houses situated on Walnut Mretit Statesville aud recently the rafeldonco oi 'fays do ceased Also a dwelling house ad Joining the above and fronting oh ront street A small dwelling house in tho western aub nrbs Statesville aud near th cotton factory Apply to A aaardian McLaughlin Attorney Jun 12 lsiG Co SH.

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