The Index from Hermitage, Missouri • Page 1
- Publication:
- The Indexi
- Location:
- Hermitage, Missouri
- Issue Date:
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- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE INDEX. Only Republican Paper Printed In Hickory County. VOL. l. HERMITAGE, HIKOPwY COUNTY, MISSOURI, MAY 27, 18S6.
no. is. THE INDEX. Hon. E.
P. Baldwin, has been confirmed as Frst Deputy Auditor of the Treasury. SENATORIAL COZOHTTEE UE2T- nre. The members of the Republican Senatorial Committee for the 20th Senatorial District of Missouri, are hereby requested to meet at the Whelock House in the city of Ho-mansville, Polk at one o'clock p. on Saturday the 12th day of June 1886, for the purpose of fixing the time and place of holding a Republican convention to nominate a candidate for the office of State Senator in said district, and to fix the basis of representation in said convention, and transact such other business as may come before the Committee.
A full attendance is desired. F. C. Wilson, W. P.
Sheldon, Secretary, Chairman. "Had you any plans about disposing of the body?" None whatever. I meant to leave it there, expecting that it would be discovered sooner than it was, and thinking that a post mortem would reveal the true state of facts that Preller had met his fate while undergoing such an operation as I have designated." "How about Preller's I asked. "I know nothing about Preller's money. I had plenty of money of my own, or I could not have made the long trip which I did." Mr.
Jennings closes by stating that this is only a synopsis of the full written statement in the hands of Brooks' counsel, which gives all the details of the Sunday's occurrence in room 144 of the Southern hotel, but the attorneys refused to give the written statement, and by their advice Brooks declined to say any more. According to his own story the cutting off of Preller's mustache, the inscription about traitors found in the trunk and the other queer incidents connected with the tragedy are to be attributed to his liquor and fear-crazed condition after the fatality. MAXWfiLLS SIATESIE2TT. The case of H. M.
Brooks, alias Maxwell, whose murder of Preller at the Southern Hotel in St. Louis, excited intense interest, came up lor trial the first of the week' at St. Louis. The defenso is based upon the following statement made Monday to a reporter of the Post Dis-pach: "Mr. Preller was suffering from a private disease for which I had previously prescribed, mixing the medicines myself from the bottles in the medicine case I carried with me, but his ailment had reached the stage when it was necessary for me to make certain investigations.
I was obliged to use a atheter, and in using a catheter when the parts were inflamed I have previously applied chloroform in order to produce a condition of narcotism. I used cloroform in this manner on a man named Harrison in Liverpool withaut serious results. I explained the process to Mr. Preller and told him what I should have to do He was not only willing but very anxious for me to treat him in this manner. During the day I purchased four ounces of chloroform, which was standing in a bottle on the edge of my washstand when I was washing some surgical instruments.
The washing of the instruments occured Sunday afternoon and was intendid as a preparation for the operation. In washing the instruments I overturned the bottle of chloroform and it went head long into the basin, the cork coming out and all but about one ounce and a quarter or an ounce and a half going wn into the sink. This was probably about 8 o'clock, and after getting my instruments ready I went out to secure some more chloroform. I wentto the drugstore. I don't know where but the store near the hotel Fernow's and asked for chloroform.
The clerks or some persons there have s-aid that I was excited and in a hurry. This was not so. I sat down in a chair in in the drug store for more than a quarter hour, and was altogether very leasurely about my business, for there was no hurry. If I am not mistaken I had along conversation with some one in the drug store. When I got the chloroform I repaired to my room.
Preller had been in and out of my room and his own all the afternoon. About ftp. began the operation. I administered the chloroform in the usual way, holding a saturated cloth to the nose. Preller passed through the first stages all right.
It took several moments I don't know exactly how long then he entered the second stage, and here the tremble result came. I discovered too late that he was dying. Imagine my horror when this fact dawned upon me. I was wild with fright but had presence of mind enough to cut the shirt and under-shirtfrom the body, and getting a wet towel I bathed him around the neck for half an hour or more. I did not give up until I was readv to drop from exhaustion, and my efforts were not relaxed until he had been dead some time.
All the clothes he had on at the time were his shirt and undershirt. He had stripped to these for the "What did I do when my friend was dead "What could I do? I did not know what to do except to drink, and I did drink freely. I drank everything I could get, wine, whiskey everything. What were my thot's? I had not any. All I remember is that I drew on a pair of drawers the first that fell into my hands and put the body into my trunk, from which I had removed everything.
I put it in the trunk an hour after Preller's death. What was done beside this I have no recollection of. Liquor and consternation had possession of me. I know only my feelings were those of the utmost horror, and I remained in my room that night the same room in which the remains were, and it would be a lie for me to say that I slept, for I did not. I was glad when morning came, and what I did after leaving my room you know for it has all been Was a catheter found among yonr medical instruments? "I don't know." I carried some of my instruments away in a valise and threw them into the Pacific." HALBERT MILLER, EDITORS PUBLISHERS.
Terms of Subscription. ae 'Copy One year $1.00 One Copy six Months ne Copy Three Months '25 Advertising rates made known on Application. gnstncss -Directory. NOTICK TO TEACHERS. TUBLIC Examinations of teachers for Cer-tlncates will be held at Hermitage, on the last Saturday of each month.
M. F. M'TLEU. epl County Commissioner. GEORGE H.
CRESS, RESIDENT DENTIST, WHKATLASD, MIfSOCRI. All work entrusted to my care will receive prompt attention. Cocaixk used In extracting teeth. All work fully warranted, and at prices to suit hard Umea. 34mii J.
H. OIIII.DKK8, Hermitage. Mo. J. B.
ClfOM, Uollvar, Mo. GUILDERS UPTON, ATTORNEYS at- LAW, HERMITAGE, MISSOURI. will practice In all the conrts of Hickory county. Criminal practice and real estate litigation a specialty. m.
Will practice In the several Courts of Hickory and adjoining counties. Special attention paid to Commercial Collections. C. S. ESSEX, ATTORNEY AT LAW (and Judge of Probate court.) Hermitage, Hickory County, Mo.
J. II. DAVIDSON, Attorney at Law, WHEATLAND, MISSOURI. General Lnan, Insurance and Collection Agent. HICKOIIY (Ol'NTV.
G. S. MOORE, REAL ESTATE I (MOTION Officoover Paxton'n Drug Store, Wheatland, Mo. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. wish to Htate to the public that I am now prepared to do abstracting, ami cordially iu-vHe luosu wishing Correct Abstracts of Titles jto thSr to jrive me a call.
Oilice over llentley Manuel's with County Clerk, Hermitage. Mo. 26-sm. M. N.
N'kiiiardt. PATRICK CHANCELLOR, County Surveyor, Hickory Mo. All parties desiring work in niv line, or Planing information in regard to'boundarv will receive promvt attrition by calling on or addressing nie at Weaubleau, Mo. Wheatland House. (Formerly the Davidson House.) This House has been refitted and refurnished, and is now ready to accommodate the public.
Good Rooms, Good Fake, Sample Stable and Feed for Horses. The greatest pains will be taken to make jruests comfortable. Call and give the Wheatland House a trial. JNO. F.
CLAYTON, WmS Proprietor. FISHER, President. J. B. BARNETT, Cashier.
FARMERS AND MERCHANTS iCapital stock and overplus $14,000. Transacts a general bankioir business, bur sell exchange, county warrants, itnes's fees, jury scrip, make collections, etc. CJ-SIouey received on call and time "ur safe is locked the celebrated Sargent Greenleaf time-lock. CHILDERS WHITE, Heal Estate -AND Loan Agents, Hermitage, Missouri. Will sell Lands, rent Property, pay Taxes, jnake Collections, Abstract your Lauds, and aJo a General REAL ESTATE.
LOAN ft COLLECTION BUSINESS. jffWe have the only Abstract Books-s jj-lu the John Deere, one of the pioneer settlers of western Illinois, and one of the largest plow makers in the world, died at his home in Moline, on the evening of the 17th instant. asced83. The official nolice renort on tha I Sr Anarchist riots at Chicasro shows that 66 officers were wounded, of whom 6 have died, 10 have returned to duty and 51 are still under the surgeon's care. It is given out that Congressman Clardy has made a speech in which he gives his constituents to understand that he will not ask them to give him a re-nomination, which gives rise to the impression that Mr.
Clardy is after the nomination for Governor in 1888. Mr D. M. Railey, who has recently purchased the Carrier farm, last week brought from his former home in North Missouri, thirteen thourough bred Short Horn cows, and some calves, which he has placed on the farm west of the city. Good stock is what this county needs, and we ould rather chronicle the arrival of such, than of an alleged railway Bolivar Herald.
The foil. Ing from the pen of Horace Greely is an undeniable fact If you want to keep a town from thriving don't build any more dwellings than you can conveniently occupy yourself. If you should accidentally have an empty building and any one should want to rent it, ask three times the value of it. Demand a Shylock price for every foot of ground God has given you stewardship over. Turn a cold shoulder to every mechanic and business man who seeks to make a home with you.
Look at every new comer with a scowl. Run down the work of every new workman. Go abroad for wares rather than do business in your midst. Pail to advertise or in any way support your town newspaper, that people may not know whether business is going on in your town or not. Wrap yourselp in a coat of Impervious selfishness.
There is no more effectual way to retard the growth of a town than actions like these Brownington Boomer: II. B. Wright, one of the engineer corps of the K. C. St S.
railroad has been stopping at the Kansas City Southern Hotel since Monday. He informs us he expected to be in the field with a force of hands within ten days surveying a route from the south terminus at Osceola. He says Col. Bailey is in New York now making arragoments to begin work at once. Mr.
Wright thinks the road will be built south from Osceola to Weaubleau, and then east to Richland, in Pulaski county, where it will intersect the 'Frisco, and go on to St. Louis. Mr. Wright is in a position to know what he is talking If the above is correct, we would like to get Col. Bailey's ear for a moment and make the mild intimation that he is just "a little off." A glance ax the map will show that Wheatland, Hermitage and Preston in this county are on a direct line from Osceola, the present terminus, to Richland the objective a knowledge of the geography of the country clearly shows that this is the only feaseable route.
The physical condition of the country is such that at Hermitage is to be found the only practical point for crossing the Pomme de Terre river within a radius of least 15 miles. Col. Bailey's idea is evidently to divide as nearly equal as possible the territory lying between the Mo. Pacific and 'Frisco Railways, and to do so he can't afford to go a single mile south of Hermitage. Besides, should he adopt the route via Hermitage, his road would tap a country rich in minerals, overfllowing with cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, with graineries full of the golden grain and whose scenic beauty is marvelously grand.
Wo are daily growing stronger in the belief that there are tew sections of the country so highly favored in all the essentials ueoessa-ry to a hapy an comfortable living as is this part of southwest Missouri. There are too many so called 'Garden spots of the world" for us to desire that our county should be so classed, but, if the adaptability of a country to the production of the requisites for a big yield of milk and honey, would be considered as an approach the conditions necessary to constitute a promised land, then the search for this earnestly sought haven need not be made beyond the limits of the county. Clover, which hero grows in unexcelled luxuriance, is an element of prosperity and richness which if properly handled, would make this section blossom like a rose and yield an actual flow of milk and honey, that would draw to us thousands, who are taking out precarious livings in lands, which though more inyiting to the eye are far less favored by nature than many locations which can here be had almost fortho asking. We know that a proper appreciation of our peculiar advantages in this respect is almost impossible by a people who all their lives have been accustomed to the growth ot tame grasses so peculiar to our lands; but to strangers, it would be a sight upon which they would be delighted io feast their eyes. What wor a farmer upon, land that will i.e.
"her grow or retain clover, give foia clover meadow, where the thick and strong, cover the ground as evenly as "would a crop of grain, standing at this writing at a uniform height of something over two feet! Just such clovor can bo seen any day growing on nearly every farm throuhout Polk county. Bolivar Leader. Buffalo Reflex "Mr. Heard rejoiced on receiving the news that the Democrats of Hickory couuty had instructed for his renomina-tion." Mr. Heard no doubt felt happy on the receipt of the above information, but how will he fell when he is informed that the delegates of this county go to the Sedelia convention uninstructed, and who is the one among the delegates who can afford to support the.
man who refused to vote for a small pension to the widow of the gallant Hancock And who of them will support the man who forgets his manhood, ignores his friends and gives the fat places at bis disposal to men who have traduced him as in the case of the Sedalia post office, for instance The current number of the Railway Age contains a table showing the number of miles of track laid in the different states of the Union in 1885 and the total mileage of railroad in each state up to the beginning of this year. The grand mileage total for the whole country is 128,569. Illinois still continues to lead the country in extent of railway lines. Pennsylvania is second, Iowa third, and New York fourth. One of the State fish cars was in Lebanon last week.
Sever minnows of ths Specie California Trout were were placed in the Bennett Spring in Dallas county. What'g the reason the Pomme de Terre river couldn't be stocked with fish from the State hatcheries? We refer the subject to our local sports. Hot a Candidate. During the past few weeks we have frequently heard Hon. J.
P. O'Bannon spoken of asa probable Republican candidate for State Senator in this district. We take the the following from the Hermitage Index of last week "We learn that Hon. James P. O'Bannon, of Dallas county, is being urged by his friends to make the race for the Republican nomination for State Senator in this district.
Mr. O'Bannon would make a strong race if A Reflex reporter, anxious to find out if Mr. O'Bannon was really a candidate for Senatorial honors, called at his office in the court house to ascertain the facts. "I suppose, Mr. O'bannon, you are aware of the fact that your name has been used in connection with the Senatorial race in this "Well, yes, I have heard my name mentioned several times." "Is it a fact that you have received numerous solicitations from your friends to make the "Yes, I have been asked many times since Mr.
Grant-ley's withdrawal, but I have made no advances in the matter Isn't it also true, Mr. O'Bannon, that yon were solicited to make the race before Mr. Grantley announced himself a "I can't say that I was, for it was generally understood that Mr. Grantley had the strongest claims for the position, however, it may have been rumored and unknown to "Do you think Mr. Grantley would have received the nomination at the hands of his party, and would he have been elected?" I am satisfied, sir, he would have been nominated by his party, but as to being elected, that, you know, is quite uncertain.
In my opinion, he would have received a good majority." Mr. O'Bannon, you are aware that as a rule, reporters are possessed of cheek, but I wish to know if you are a candidate for State "I fully realize the condition of newspaper men when looking fori news and never take any exceptions, but to be simply emphatic, I have concluded not to be a candidate, though I would appreciate the honor to the fullest extent." Buffalo Reflex. Globe-Democrat A Brooklyn judge has refused to grant naturalization papers to an anarchist, on the ground that a person holding such views cannot properly take the oath required of an intending citizen. The strict legal correctness of such a proceeding mav be open to discussion, but in point of common sense there is certainly nothing to be said against it. Our theory of liberty is very broad and accommodating, but it stops short of authorizing men to become citizens for the mere purpose of breaking the laws and fomenting strife and bloodshed,.
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