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Brazil Daily Times from Brazil, Indiana • Page 3

Brazil, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1920 Pare Three THE BRAZIL DAILY TITLES, HOG PRICES DROP FARMERS OWN SHIPS THAT COST BILLIONS DEFEAT FOGG FOR STATE CHAIRMAN POUI.TRr Indianapolis, run of stocks Fowls, 30 cents; 2 under 30 cents; ducks, 23c5) 28c; geese, 23c; turkeys 35 40c: 1 squabs. 11 lbs. and over $4.50 a a BETTER Jobbers'' buying prices ANOTHER 50 CTS Other Taxpayers Also Become Partners in Sea Trade as Result of War. for packers stock, delivered at Indl- snapolls, 3540c. Jobbers' gelling prices for creamery cutter Fresh INDIANAPOLIS, Feb.

Hogs, 6.000; cattle, 400; calves, S00; 300. FORMER BRAZIL MINERS' LEAD-ER LOSES FIGHT FOR STATE CHAIRMANWfXP OF NEW LABOR PARTY. prints, 62c; tubs, 61c. WHAT SHALL BE DONE WITH FLEET A PROBLEM CREAM Indianapolis buyers Hogs were 50c lower today trltli sales from $14.25. to $15.75: Gen paying 61 cents a pound for butter fat, delivered at Indianapolis eral sales were from $13.00 to 15.50 with the top-at Pigs? went at $15.25 down.

PARTY WILL NAME STATE TICKET METALi AWT LLUE Buying prrce, rnrnlsni ey J. By WINTHROP L. MARVIN, Author of "The American Merchant Marine; Its History and Romance." Washington, D. The farmers of There were 2,000 hogs carried ov Kuhr, Junk dealer: 1 Tea lead, per lb Sc er from Friday.1 Local buyers' and about 50.0 went out. Treasurer of American.

Federation of Wool, per lb 5560c THE UNIVERSAL CAR FULL AND RUKI'KIDKIGi Our stock room is full of Genuine Ford Parts. We have an assortment of parts that would enable us to build either a Ford passenger car or a Ford One Ton Truck-from the ground up. Then too, those parts are Ford-made each according to its use so that they are exact duplicates of the original parts now in your car, and will give the same constant hard wear. Our shop is equipped with up-to-the-minute tools and machinery, specially designed, so that we can properly and promptly take care of your re- Sacks, each 3 5c Cattle were active and strong. Labor Howled Down When He Suggested No Ticket lVe Put in the Field.

Horsebldcs, each Calve? and sheep were steady. this country at present are shipowners on a large scale. They own shares in a corporation that controls 2,300 great merchant steamers built since the war began. i Most of these fanner-owners have never seen the ships in which they own a share, and a good many of them have never seen the ocean. They are tied Beef hides, lb 25c35c Calf, skins, 10 to 15 lbs.

40 50c lb. Scrap iron, per $10Q) 20.00 INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 14. MARKET REPORT Bailed paper, per 100 cwt 60c Formation of the Labor Party i of Books and magazines, cwt 80c Il Wid Dry Ginseng, lb $15.00 YESTERDAY'. HOG PRICES Bulk of sales $16.00 Indiana was effected yesterday at a convention in Tomlinson Hall.

Francis J. Dillon of Indianapolis, pattern makers business agent, was elected And the III Under 10 lbs nair work from a minor adjustment to a complete overhaul. to an enterprise that somebody else runs for them. But they are footing the bills, along with the manufacturers. 1 Tinfoil, per lb SO 40c Heavy weights, '350 lbs.

up, medium, good ard the workmen, the merchants and the state, chairman. Edward Kidd'of Hammond, representing railroad car choice $14. 501.1 5.2.". miners of the country, and these bills are likely to prove staggering unless some way is found promptly to make men, was naed secretary. Twenty- Medium weight, 200-225 lbs.

and good and ASK PRESIDENT nine counties in the state sent a total of 371 delegates to the conven choice i $16.00 the most effective use or disposal of these 2,300 vessels. tion. This is the substance of a situation A TO APPOINT 1CO-200 lbs. choice Lightweight. 130-150 lbs.

Chairman Dillon was opposed in mechanics who will do the work for you are men who understand the Ford mechanism and who know the Ford way to do the work. We are authorized Ford Dealers; we not only give Ford Service hut we sell Ford cars and Ford One Ton Truck's as well. So, it is easy to understand that we have more than a passing interest in your vnr. -Drive, to our garage for Ford Farts, Ford Service or Ford Cars Tome to authorized Ford headquarters and le on the safe side of dependable repairs KL1 WGLER- EM LEW ART Phone 79. AuthorizedFord Sales Use Genuine and Service.

Ford Par common, medium, good that has arisen as a result of the government's emergency shipbuilding activities in the war. The suffering world cried for ships, and the American peo the election by; John Fogg of Vigo County and J. C. Mays of Knox County. Dillon received 194 votes.

any choice $15.75 16.00 SPECIAL TRIBUNAL Heavy packing sows. 250 Fogg 146 and Mays 13. Secretary ple heard their cry, and built the ships. Money was poured into the shipbuild choice $13.25 13.50 Packing sows. 200 lbs.

and ing program. Yards were created up rough $12.50 (fr 13.00 where none existed before. Armies of (BULLETIN.) (International News Service.) WASHINGTON, I. C. Feb.

14. Pigs, ISO lbs. down, medium. workmen were trained in the trade of good and choice $1 5.00 lfi.00 shipbuilders. An enormous output was Accepting subject matter of Presi attained.

Suddenly the war came to dent Wilson's wasjel settlement pro tock pigs. 130 lbs. down, common, medium, good an end. The shipbuilding program was 1 posals, the railroaders, this afternoon then under such headway that it could and choice $1 5.00 13.75 asked President to appoint special not be suddenly stopped. It is still tribunal to meet and adjust demands.

CATTLBi going, In fact. In cases where construction on a ship had not advanced It was auiioimced that they have eef Steers Medium ana near? ties to the Terrfc Haute district, continuing the offices, however in both submitted President's proposition to weight. 1,100 lbw. up: too far, and the materials could be sold, contracts were canceled, but on separate organizations and it will bo Brazil and Greencastle. Choice and prime.

$14.00 ft? 15.00 taken up February 23rd. ships in a mere advanced stage, com Good $13.00 fi 14.00 An enort is Deing made to get in touch with the parents of young men. pletion was necessary to prevent great President's proposal is two-fold; Medium 10. K0 12.00 me aes or is ana 21 ana first, to use his influence for legisla Common 10.50 loss. House Studies Problem.

demonstrate to them that the arm. Light weight, 1.100 lbs. down: tion to create machinery for wage adjustment when railroads are re can not only make men out of theii The vast shipbuilding program has been and Is still under control of the BF YOU MEED Investigate Our Twenty Payment Plan Get.any amount $10.00 to $300.00 At the Iegal Rates On your furniture, piano, victrola, live stock, without removal. Take as long as you like to repay, one month to twenty months. Interest charged only for actual number of days Loan is carried.

Free booklet on request describing our Twenty Payment Plan. Straight time loans to farmers on farming implements, live furniture, without removal. state! LOAM cocnp'Y. fcons, but teach them a profitable pro- turned to owners; second, in event Choice and prime $1 2.50 13.0-) Medium and good $1 1. 00 12.50 Common 8.00(5)10.60 Kidd was.

opposed by Adam Weir of Vermillion County, Kidd receiving 1S2 votes. 'Both Fogg and Weir are leaders in the Labor party already formed in their respective counties. In his speech of acceptance Chairman Dillion asserted that he "favored the formation, and maintenance of a political party which will forever declare war on the Democratic arid Republican parties." This declaration was interpreted to indicate that the convention will nominate a slate of state candidates, although there is a strong movement against tuch a step. Previous to the election of the chairman Daniel J. Tobin of city, treasurer of the American Federation of Labor and president of the International Teamsters' Association, addessed the convention, out-ling the political program of the American Federation of Labor, which is not in favor of naming candidates, but of using the party's force for candidates in other parties who are friendly to labor.

His declarations were greeted with hisses and heckling fom the delegates, with repeated shouts of "take him Chairman Dillon, in answer to Tobin's plea not to name candidates, asserted. "Tobin can't carry the labor movement in his pocket." United States Shipping Board, a body Jessionv or trade as well, and at the no legislation is passed, to use his of five men appointed by the President influence to create commission of em butcher Cattle same time provide every opportunity i l. The actual building is in the hands of ployets and employees to adjust the Cows, common, bedium, me iu have money by pro viding practically every- kind of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, the stock of which Is held by the Shipping disputes. good and choice. 50 15.00 amusement free.

It is probable tha? a parents' meeting will be called Calves Light and heavy 'weight, medium and Board. As the Shipping Board is financed by Congress, every taxpayer in the country is a shareholder in fhe Emergency Fleet Corporation, and has some time next week, at which time! L-ieut. Christian will ''talk on the choice DRAMATIC CUR Phone 135 Under State Supervision. Room 11 Davis Trust Bldg. Established 1907 0 uuer to young men and stand a measure of responsibility for the ac Heavy weight, common, medium.

good and ready to answer any questions the! tivities of the United States Shipping may be put to him. chcic GOG? 11-00 Board itself. OF THE GREATEST Feeder Steers miria ir Tin and D. E. Davis, su- These are the reasons that make the present situation of the Board, and of perintendent.

Medium weight, common, me Public Sale Pneumonia Takes the merchant marine, one of vital in EVENTS OF HISTORY dium good, choice 1 0.00 tf? 11.00 terest to the country at large. The war emergency which led the nation An Aged Man stocker steer WES 0 TAKE into the shipbuilding business has govd Common, medium, JTiiniAc tr Ti, j2j passed. We have the ships on hand choice "THE BIKTH OF A HACK" COMKS m.m.. -uuuh uiea ai tne nonic They were built at the peak of wai tocker Calves TO THE SOURWLVE THEATE1! at i OS, South Depot street Friday costs of labor and material. What RECRUITING ACT XE.VT MONDAY AI Tl'ES aiieuiuon auera short illness of Good and choice 7.50 9.00 Common to medium $7.50 shall we do with them? Congress 1AV.

years I will sell at public auction at my residence, stop 31, Brazil Interuraban line Tuesday, Feb. 24, 1920 the following property to-wit: 20 head of cattle; 7 head is dealing with that question pneumonia, at the age of 72 7 months and 4 days. rri Lightweights, 8 00 lbs. down common, medium, good Mrs. Jas.

Summers Dies of Pneumonia "The Birth of a Race," the new me aeceasea was a resident of present, and the House already has taken steps to offer the ships for sale and choic picture which the Sourwine Theater rontanet for many years and inove 1. to American shipping men, thus reliev EARL WATSON, LOCAL PHOTOGRAPHER, STACKS SCENARIO WITH RECRUITING PARTY AS ACTORS. shows Monday and Tuesday, pictures tuis tuy oniy last September, lie ing the public treasury of the risk In HHKKI' is survived ythe aped dramatically the great events volved in their management by the history, but it is not primarily a war uu, i nomas Judson. of Edwards- government in the years of keen corn port; two daughters, Mrs. Martha E.

story. Its theme is of peace, of horses; 15 to 20 tons of Marke -Steafl. Medium, good choice and prime $1 8.00 1v 21. Culls and 515 Oi 16.00 petition that are to come. The Flag on the Seas.

brotherhood. It traces the history Gibson, of New Goshen, and Mrs IT 1 DRAMA WILL BE SHOWN NEXT WEEK of world-advancement from the' Gar hay; 2 brood sows; 1 Shetland nonv; farm imple- xi3 vdiisaiear, Carthage, and a step-sou, William E. Crabb den of Eden to the dawn of peace nf all kinds and earling Wethers medium. in the present year of our Lord. iiieii.

inere also survives him two brothers, John Judson. of Fon Birth of a Kace" is shown r. its progress down through the age oi good, choice and prime $13.00 01 COO M' omm cood and common $9.00 1 0-00 tanet, and Christopher Judson Danville, Ind. Tt, in scenes of peace, of war, of diplc Lieut. Christian Meeting With Good Success Proposes to Address Parents' Meeting to Explain Benefits of Army macy and domestic happiness.

It lue uuerai services will bo held Ora Summers, wife of James Summers, died at the home on East National Road, Knightsville, at 3 o'c'ock Friday afternoon after an illness of but a few days of pneumonia, at the age of 28 years. Mrs. Summers h-ad resided here all her life and leave many friends to mourn her death. She is survived by the husband and one small Bonita. There also survives her, a sister, Mrs.

Frank Hunt, of Cleveland, two brothers. Dave Cornwell, of this and James A. Cornwell, of East Brazil, and a hr.K sister, Mrs. Scott Pell, of near Carbon. Funeral arrangements huvo been postponed, awaitiug the arrival ot her sister, Mrs Hunt, of Cleveland other articles too numerous to mention.

W. W. "Scott" Jones Wm. Newlan, Auctioneer. G.

L. Rogers, Clerk. Ewes culls This action by the House followed months of study of the subject by representatives who arrived at the belief that so complex a thing as a merchant ship could be more economically managed by experienced men who had passed their whole lives In the shipping business than by any temporary board or commission of the government. Many of the Inland members reasoned that If It takes a farmer, brought up from boyhood on a farm, successfully to operate a farm, surely it takes a sailor to operate a ship. Tho Senate Committee on Commerce Is holding a series of hearings on the at 1 0 clock Sunday morning at Sui one of Ihe most graphic histories the world ever presented for the phur Springs Church, in.eiment ihe cemetery near the church.

enliehtment and entertainment the people. Interest in the campaign for 1,000 In addition to this, the picture recruits launched by the; Twentieth Infantry, Regular Army, Is increas T.nnch served on the contains one of the finest modern teedinp full mouthr to yearlings $8.00 $9-00 I XDI ANAPOI.TS Vv ACMi KICKS. Tb friownR ar the fndlanapqiir r1 ot hay "''d jrratn the tfMd A ion. '-lover hay $30 $33 a ton. Mixed hay r.O $31 a ton.

Corn New. ft l.f.5 a bushel ing daily, and already several local ground. stories ever pictured. It is the storv of a truly American boy who young men have applied at the re BETTER DEAD cruiting headquarters In the Post Office for Information as to what the married the girl of his choice, even though she wa poor and he war, rich. lie went to work in the shops h3 father owned order to prove Life ia a burden when the body- Try a Times' Want Ad! Try a Times' Want Ad! JN.ew Hoisting Record Set at the Powers Mine is racked with pain.

Everything at my nn do for them. Lieut. T. H. Christian, in charge of the recruiting1 party is more than confident that Brazil will furnish its quota of men.

in the present drive and is well pleased with the 'results alreadj shown. worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take COLD MEDAL his ability to make his own way. And when the war came ho and hli young wife faced their problems us hrave Americans. The big test foi the young man came when he learn ed that his own father had been working for the German cause, In Tact had won a decoratlou from the Kaiser.

"The Birth of a Race" will be shown at the Sourwine Monday and Tuesday. The Rowland-Power Coal com Onr Job Worii Advertises Itself Wheat No. I a bushel. Oats AOSrYSc a bushel. tv.i sts6.

$8 and ton: oat straw, $13 $14 a ton. HHA7.TL MIKKKW rnrntahd toe U. Hall Mill i tie Company Corn $1.40 a bushel. Osits 78c a busiu-l. Wheat No.

I $2.31 a bushel. Rye l.RO pushel. LOCAL rnOOIJCE MARKET (Produce market quotations fur-tlshed bv Rlasler Flnley. of Har panv broke all hoisting records at 1 Us No. mine near Staunton Wed Tho recruiting party Is meeting with excellent co-operation from th; local business men.

A moving picture depicting the work of the recruiting party was taken yesterday nesday when they loaded a total of 1,700 tons of coal six hours of Th national remedy of Holland for ovar 200 years; it is an eneiry of all pairrj resulting from kid new liver and uiic acid actual working time. subject, that means much In the maintenance of our flag on the seas. It appears to be the almost uuanfmous opinion of public men at Washington that the ships should not be owned and operated by the government, now that the war emergency has passed. The Main Question. British owners, as a whole, have a lower Investment per ton In ships than ws have ns they hav greater percentage of ships which were built before th fx a.

of high war costs. The question of bow 'we can compete with those ships on the open trade routes cf the world, is a roost vital one, to which every taxpayer should, give, bis earnest attention. Congress has taken up this great question of our ventures in seagoing under these new conditions in a nonpartisan spirit, and the hearings now going on before the Senate Committee on Commerce are being conducted with a view to finding out the sentiment of the country on those questions. The main question Is, How may these ships built by the government and owned by the people be turned over to experienced shipping men for management which wilt insure our holding our own on the seas? It is a similar question to that involved In the turning back of the railroad te private management after temporary control of them for war Purposes by the government. troubles.

All dnip' 'h'. thre sizrs. tAo for tka nar' J-' et-w- The total of tons also sets a new record for the mines in the Brazil as no mnie in this Jcdlciocs Advertising Creates many new busines. Enlarges many an old' business. I Preserve! rnnny a large business.

Revives many a dull business. Rescues many a lost business. Saves many a foiling business. Secures success in any business. afternoon by Earl Watson, a local moving picture comera-man and photographer and several hundred peopTe gathered to witness the "action." Mr.

Watson, who resides at 724 West Knight slieet, is an ox-Eerrlce man and was severely injured while a member of the naval aviation force during the war. He volunteered his service to the re field has approached this figure Eggs, per dozen s. .1 50c Springers, 2 lbs. rmd under 23 24c Hens, lb Turkeys, lb. 3233e A Quinine That pocs Not Affect Head because of its tonic and laxative effect LAXATONE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without, causing nervousness or ringing in the iead.

There is only "Brorao Quinine." E. W. GROVfc'S Signature on the box. 30c. This mine has doubled its tonnage in the fast HVe months' under the manegement" Of Ed.

J. McKenna Toms, lb. 27 28c Ducks, lb. Vi 16 17c cruiting Dartr in the general effort i Geese, lb. 14 1R Guiheas, each Clc 4 8 zm to tinpjlate recruiting and the picture wll be shown at the local moving picture houses early next week.

Weather Report I I a Guineas. No. 2 site, dot. $80 $10. INIIANAPULI PROIH7CE Fresh Eggs -Jobbers are Thoy aro all boostcro and deccrvo your business.

7c Arc at Year Csnica CaU oa t's or Call Us I (T cxJ TVe mil Call on Vow 4 1 4- Tula section of Indiana is being thoroughly combed by the Twentieth uiunvnsu Bw mT A for strictly fresh candied, loss o2, ol I tdiinc "iia dimiei Try V- 1 fScmt bos ateur risk. (U 1 colder tonight Fair and much Sunday fair. eases, nearby henerry 48c a dotes dessa. Sloraia 50c. I' Infantry party and next week Christian plans to spread his activi-, Brhult-rcialaatl Prcj Oo..

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