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The Coshocton Tribune from Coshocton, Ohio • Page 8

Coshocton, Ohio
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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 27, 1937. THE COSHOCTON TRIBUNE PAGE EIGHT By NELLIE McMASTER Items at Telephone Office. Classified Ads May Phone or Lease Be Telephoned to Miss McMaster at 123 MRS. McGREGOR HOSTESS WEST LAFAYETTE NEWS and Mrs. Roy E.

Klinger, Mr. and COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Mirs. Clyde Emler and family, Junior Woman's club met Mon- Bessie, Ina Lou and Raymond, day evering with Jirs. Howard Mr. and Mrs.

G. C. Williams, Mr. McGregor, Kenilworth and Mrs. John Gaumer and farscocton.

ily, Raymond, Russell, Junior and Francis Barnes, a member Betty, Floyd Dean. Prof. and Mrs. Mrrs. executive committee of the R.

Marlowe, Sir. and Mrs of the instrucure talk Clark Em'er, Miss Elsie Adkins of Red Cross. gave an the work of the Red, Newcomerstown, Blary Emler. concerning Cross in the county and the ad-' Canton, Mr. and and Mrs.

Isaac Davis. vantages of having 2 Red Cross Isleta, Dir. Drs. Harry Robin-. nurse.

An outline of the activities son and son, Dean, Berea, Mr. and, and calls made in Wes: Mrs. Ralph Parks and daughter, and vicinity by Miss Helen Bryan. Muriel, Mrs. Charles Parks and Red Cross purse, was given son.

Charles Coshocton. county by Mrs. Barnes. She urged the Music and a social time were members to make a liberal con- diversions 0: the afternoon wibution this year. Special musical numbers includDuring the business session a ed piano and accordion selections of the central district con-: by Mrs.

Roy Klinger and Mrs. report ference held Zanesville was giv- Harry Robinson. Plans were completed for. The honored ones received a en. the charity drawing to be held at number of beautiful gifts.

the Lafayette theater Thursday; CELEBRATION evening. Nov. 4, thru the courtesy COMMUNITY of the manager Thomas Coines. and a local druggist, C. F.

Rob-: erts. Plans for the benef: dance: to be held the Stage Coach em Nov. 26 were discussed and Chuck Yingling's orchestra of. Newcomerstown. was hired to: A report was given by each play.

committee cooperating with the Red Cross nurse, Miss Helen Bry- an. in the "well baby" clinic and child welfare work. Italy studied and Greece and were three the coun- tries papers were read. "Customs and People of Northern Italy," Mrs. Cleon Shaw; the Greek Gods prepared by Mrs.

Forrest Edwards, was read by Miss Lottie Taylor; "Famous Galleries, Buildings and Ruins," Nellie McAlaster. Mirs. Walter C. Blind, former sponsor of the club, delightfully entertained with two vocal numbers, "The Isle of Beautiful Dreams" and "Forgotten," with piano ment by Mrs. Howard Refreshments in keeping with Halloween were served hostess to Mrs.

Wayne Daugherty, Mrs. Carl Hawk, Drs. bel, Mrs. Harold Michael, Mrs. John Phillips, Mrs.

Charles Roof, Mrs. Harold Roof, Mrs. Cleon Shaw, Mrs. Samuel G. Vercoe, Mrs.

Hubert Shurtz, Miss Lottie Taylor, Mrs. James P. Wilhelm, at Nellie McMaster, members, Mrs. W. C.

Blind, a guest. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Grant Dean, West Main entertained with a dinner Sunday, celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. The home was beautifully decorated with silver king and chrysanthemums.

A covered dish dinner was enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. Dean. the honored ones; Rev. NOTICE! 1-Restore your schools and management of same to the people.

2-Down with the one man county board. 3-Vote for economy and restoration of territory. 4-Vote for John Collins, Coleman Staats and Lucian Shaw. The annual community Halloween celebration will be held Thursday evening, sponsored by the P. T.

A. i All those taking part 12 the parade at 7 o'clock are :0 meet at Gress service station, East Main at 6:30. Parade will proceed west on Main then south on Oak to the high school building. G. K.

Nickels. George Nicholson, and James Berlean are in charge of the parade, which will be led by the high school band. Various forms of entertainment are being planned at the high school building, including bingo and cake walks. A door prize will be given, as well as $1 each for the most comic couple, best impersonator, most comic boy and most comic girl. Members of the ways and means committee, who are in charge of arrangements, are Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Berlean, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Botimer, Supt. and Mrs.

J. A. McTavish, Mr. Mrs. William Maxwell, Mr.

and Mrs. Gene Hall. CUTSHALLS ENTERTAIN Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Cutshall entertained with a surprise shower at their home in West Lafayette, honoring Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Payne (Thelma Harbolt). A covered dish supper was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Payne, the honored ones; Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Cabot, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rush, Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Turner, Mrs. Sallie Howell, Mrs. Sylvia Cramer, Mrs. Clarence Smalley. Airs.

Florence Ames. Mrs. Annabel Cunningham. Mrs. Mary Cutshail, Mrs.

Myrtle Sauerbrey, Miss Lula Hamilton, Miss Lilly Young, Miss Joan Cutshall. Miss Annabel McNight, B. Chaney. Mr. and Mrs.

Sylvanus Cutshall. MISS HOLLAND HOSTESS Rainbow class of the Baptist Sunday school was entertained with a masquerade Halloween party Monday evening at the home of the teacher, Miss Fern Holland, West Main st. Games and contests were enjoyed and refreshments were served to Jean Courtright. Iris Hartsock. Betty Callentine, Pearl BINGO Over HANLON'S Thursday 8 O'clock.

-79 Prizes- SHE GOT HER MAN WITH A SOCK IN THE EYE And You'll Parbara STAN Never Laughing Stop Herbert MARSHALL and at How Why BREAKFAST FOR Glenda Farrell ERIC BLORE TODAY THUR. Phil Spitalmy Band SIXTH COS CARTOON- -NOVELTY HOCTON.0 Jones, Thelma Cochran. Mary Carpenter, Helen Aronhalt, Doris Sager, Joyce Schlegel, members, Marquis Sager, Courtright Charles Schlegel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holland, guests, and the teacher, Miss PAYNES HONORED Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Payne (Thelma Harbolt), whose marrage was 2 recent event, were guests of honor at a miscellaneous shower Friday evening the home of Dir. and Airs. William Harbolt. given by the Young Peoiple's society of the Church of the Nazarene.

Games and music were the dirersions of the Refreshments were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Payne, the honored ones; Miss Myrde Dure, Miss Hackenbracht, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rush, Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Lillibridge daughter, Charlone, Wadsworth, Rev. and Mrs. Roy E. Kinger, Mr.

and Mrs. William Cutshall, Mr and Airs. William Harbolt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Berger, Mrs.

Irma Hackenbracht, Hirs. William Huston, Mrs. Myrde Randles, Orville Kingan. Kenneth Kingan, John ON SICK LIST Mrs. Isaac Miller, Russell is.

confined to her home with inQuenza. Mrs. Frank Pollock, Wes: Lafayette Route 1, Is all with infu- enza and quinsy. Mrs. J.

A. Walters is recovering: from minor injuries received urday when she fell at the home her son-in-law and Dir. and Mrs. D. C.

Leighninger. Alice, daughter of Airs. Celia Fuller, West Lafayette-Newcom-: erstown road, who has been ill with influenza and bronchial pneumonia, is improving. Roland Huff, Stewart is on the sick list. CLUB ENJOYS DINNER Members of the Thursday night auction bridge club and their husbands enjoyed a covered dish supper Saturday evening at the home of Mr.

and JIrs. Alfred Heller East Main st. Present were Sir. and Jirs. Cleon Shaw, Mr.

and Airs. Harold Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Botimer Mr. and Mrs.

Hermas Vinsel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roof, Mr. and MIrs. Heller.

MRS. LONG HONORED In honor of the birthday of Mrs. Carl Long, relatives and friends entertained with a covered dish dinner Friday evening at her home. Present were Mrs. Long, guest of honor; Mr.

and Mrs. R. T. Long. Mr.

and Mrs. W. R. Long. Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Baxter, Cledith Baxter, Francis Long and Carl Long. BIRTH NOTES I The daughter born recently to Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Reed, West Main has been named Sue Ellen. A son was born Monday night to Mr. and Mrs. John Carpenter (Genola Huston).

INFANT BURIED The stillborn son. born early Tuesday morning to Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Williams. Fresno Route 1 was buried in the cemetery at New Lexington. Tuesday afternoon.

ATTEND ANNIVERSARY Mrs. J. W. Brand and Miss dia Smith. West Lafayette-Newcomerstown road.

attended the golden wedding anniversary cele-! bration of the former's brother 1 and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. at East Union Sun-! COSHOCTON.

NOW SHOWING! DOUBLE BARRELLED Entertainment The 4 MARX BROS. In HORSE FEATHERS JUST A WARLE OF 8.6000 THOU -PLUSGINGER ROGERS in "THE 13th GUEST" WEIRD: BAFFLING! MYSTERIOUS! THAT CAR SURELY IS YES! Why shouldn't it be? We just completed a Wash, Polish and Wax Job on it. They all compliment us on how our Wax brings out the natural beauty of their car when we Wax it. Call for prices and appointment. WILLIAMS AUTO BODY SHOP PHONE :00 228 N.

FIFTH ST. COSHOCTON. 0. Local Negro Tried On Robbery Charge In Tuscarawas Co. John Lee Cooper, Coshocton Negro, went on trial in Tusca- raw as county common pleas court before a jury of 10 men yesterday women.

He pleaded not builty to robbing the Charles Lenzo grocery 1n Newcomerstown of $75.15 worth of liquor last Aug. 12. Meanwhile John Tumlet, Negro, of Newcomerstown, who pleaded guilty 10 the awaits sentence. confession implicared Cooper. The latter is represented by Charles T.

Barkett, Dover attorney. day. Mr. Smith is 12 and his wife 11. VISIT JOHN HELLER Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Heller Eas: Main were in Columbus; Sunday, where they visited the former's cousin, John Heller, Newcomerstown, who 15 confined to ine Gran: hospital for treatment. COUNCIL MEETS The stree: and alley committee a was authorized by the village 1 council Monday evening to $200 were ordered paid. East Russell av. Bills aggregaung: TO ENTERTAIN CLUB Mrs.

Harold Michael, Wood will be hostess to her auction bridge club Friday evening. PERSONALS Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Rickers! and son and Mrs. Mary Newman, Columbus, were Sunday guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Jerrold Newman, Russell av. Sirs. Clista Owens has returned home after spending two weeks in Canton, the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Owens. Wilbur Forney and Miss Rena Emier visited Sunday with relatires and friends at Dover. Mrs. Laura Emler, Mrs. Clarence Gress and children, Elmer, Dale and Floyd, spent Sunday with Mr.

and Russell Airs. Ralph Long and family, av. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Porter, West Main had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr.

and Mrs. John Porter and sons, Bobby and Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Poland and Gerald Poland, Coshocton. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Marx, Augusta, Maine, are visiting the former's grandmother, Mrs. John Marx, and other relatives and friends. Dir. and Mrs.

F. A. Roney and daughter, Marjorie, and Mrs. Henry Rehard were Sunday dinner guests of DIr. and Mrs.

Eugene Rankin. New Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank Roney and daughter. I Marjorie.

spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Johns, Dover.

Dir. and Mrs. J. E. Sandel, Shadybend.

and W. C. Wiggins were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holland, West Main st.

Jr. and Mrs. George Shurtz and children. Melody and Earl. spent the week-end in Canton with Mrs.

Shuriz's sister. Miss Vesta Bean. Miss Berta Conley visited over the week-end with Dir. and Mrs. Jack Wilkinson.

Canton. Commodities Available Both Thursday, Friday City relief and pension clients! may apply at the county relief of- fices on South Fifth st. for surplus commodities either Thursday or Friday, Kenneth Slaughter, in charge of distribution, said All are requested to bring their, own containers. Township clients will receive their commodities Monday from the stores at which they ordinarily get their supplies. BIRTH NOTES A daughter was born this morning to Mr.

and Mrs. Waiter Derringer. Blissfeid. A daughter was born to Mr. and Drs.

Ronald Crowthers the home on Nellie Route 2 this morning. SCHOOLS CLOSED FRIDAY City schools will be dismissed Friday. with all teachers attending the sessions of the Eastern Ohio Teachers Association at Zanesvite. Supi. A.

C. Pence announced today The sessions wall occupy the entire day and evening. NOTICE EAGLES! You are requested to attend meeting and initiation Thursday Evening. Oct. 28th.

Eddie O'Brien. Marion. Ohio. will be principal speaker of the evening. CLIFFORD WIER.

W. Pres. VOTE FOR Hollie P. MOHLER Township Trustee Tuscarawas Township 4 Year Term HOOVER CITES GOVERNMENT'S DEGENERATION (Continued from Page One, governmen:" he asked a series of questions which included: your government broadcast half truths and expect the citizen to tell the whole truth? you think you can pollute, thot with government propaganda and maintain hones: thinking in the citizen? "Does not the wholesale ap-1 pointment of government officials by politics and not by merit mean a decadence in public morals? 1 What is the morality of the recent return to the spoils system? "Can the government repudiate the covenant of its bonds and exfect citizens to hold to their obli-, gations? the government ruthlessly crush competition and hold the business man to fair play? "Can the treasury deliberately manipulate the market in govern-! ment bonds and expect the citizen not to do the same thing in stocks? "Is it moral for a government to collect hundreds of millions from the wages of workmen under the promise that they are kept in a fund for their security and then spend this fund on its current penses and extravagances? "Is it moral to evade the corrupt practices act by selling books to corporations for political funds? "What of governors who obstruct the courts and refuse to maintain public order? "Or of workmen beaten and killed by police sauads on one hand and beef squads on the other? "Is it moral for high government officials to stir hate of group ond are the vital issues of al liberty and its safeguards. third are those financial and nomic policies which affect standards of living of the The fourth are the humane of security and of aid for the 1 fortunate.

The fifth are our tions to other nations." Concerning "moral integrity against group, of workman against workman? "Do you think you can maintain confidence in our institutions and continually pollute the ballot box?" The former president said the conflict was between "true liberalism" and "the creeping ism of the New Deal." Collectivism he defined as "any system where the tendency is to make the people the servants of the government." and "true liberalism" as "liberty organized under law." "The term liberal," he said. "has become the fashionable clothing of all collectivists. whether they be New Dealers with creeping collectivism or frank and open or the unconscious Fascists. Its fold can apparently even be entered thru the Ku Klux Klan." Mr. Hoover said he hoped the day would come when no one would be "underclad or underfed or underhoused." "But America must think a also of the other nine-tenth or twothirds.

or whatever 11 is. which are mostly the great economic middle class." he said. is the great economic middle class who have spent vears learning to do: their job skillfully who must carry these burdens." "Government policies demoralize which the tax, productivity" of the middle class. he said. "are the greatest catastrophe which can come to the onethird of underclad.

underhoused and underfed. Their redemption must come by preserving the twothirds. not by dragging them down." A. NEWS CHESTNUT C. MI.

Ross. local attorney. will be speaker when the Chestnut P. T. A.

meets 7:30 m. comerrow the school building. ject of his address will be "The Foundation of Education." HOSPITAL NOTES Mira Floyd Boyce. Blue Rock. major operation.

Airs. Rachael Archer. West Lamajor operation Dirs. Cox. Coshocton Route 5.

major operation. Mrs. Ivan Ruby. Newcomerstown. major operation TRAIN WRECK KILLS THREE DANVILLE.

Ill Fire defied efforts of rescuers to remove bodies today from the debris of a Wabash line wreck 17 which three persons were killed and 29 injured. Bodies of the engineer and freman of a passenger train which smashed into the rear end ct a stalled freight train near Cari.n were believed still in the wreckage. Rescuers were forced dace by flames which consumed six box cars. three mail cars. an express car and a passenger coach All the dead and injured were in the passenger train which had been speeding from Si.

Louis to Detroit. MANY advertisers on this page fisdiy allow rou to make sour terms 1: rou are interested ourinz whic. they dispose of by thes con reasons means. Hungarian Doctor Raises Bees for Treatment of Arthritis, Rheumatism WASHINGTON The cultivation of bees for honey is a serious business, but cultivation for their stings is much more scientific regardless of how strange it seems At the beekeepers' conference hire today there was only one exhibit of a bee "scientist." That was the one of Dr. Bodog F.

Hungarian physician and surgeon. who raises bees for the sole purpose of having them sting his arthritis and rheumatism patients Known for hundreds of years as an effective treatment for and pains both magne and Alexander the Great supposedly were cured of gout by bee stings it was only recently the reason for the sting's effectiveness was discovered. After a series of experiments Dr. Beck proved to his own satisfaction that arthritis was caused by 'suboxidation" or insufficient oxygon in the blood stream. He also discovered that the vencom from into a the bee blood sting, stream when gives jected off ultra violet rays which in turn provide oxygen for diseased tissue.

Beck's results have been so successful that three New York hospitals have adopted the method. As many as 75 bees are used on la single patient, Beck said. His method is to grasp the bee between his fingers and press it against the diseased joint. The bee's resistance to this treatment causes him to sting. There was a cheerful note for patients, howerer.

Arthritics are practically immune to the painful part of the sting, Beck said. Late Markets Chicago Grain Open High Lox Close Wheat: May 983 95 953 July 93 90 Dec. 951 Corn: May 59 5932 July 597 Oct. 60 58 Dec. 583 58 Oats: May 3012 30 July 283.

Dec. Are: May 723 13 7072 July 69 69 Dec. 7114 New York Stock NEW YORK--The stock market eased today after early firmness. was light. Chrysie: which had risen to 70 from later sold at off U.

S. Steel reached up and then drifted back to its previous close. American Telephone lost about halt of a point advance. Westinshouse Electric dipped to off from Is top of Coppers were down fractions to more than a point. issues, utilities and rails were easier.

Toledo Grain Grain in elevators transit billing. Wheat--No. 2 red No. 2 Fellow Oats- -No. 2 white Rve-No.

2. 89-90. Track prices. rate. Wheat-No.

2 red No. red 02 yellow 60-61: No. Fellow 58-60. Oats--No. 2 white 32-34; No.

white 30-33. Coshocton Native Dies After Stroke Mrs. Hiram T. Whitney. al native of Coshocton, died at her' home in Rocky River late evening of a paralytic stroke.

She' was 63. 4 She leaves her husband. Hiram, Whitney: three daughters, Mrs. I William Baker. Dirs.

Russell i Creamier and Mrs. David Will-: iams, all of Rocky River; two'. sons. Hiram T. Whitney Jr.

and: Charles Whitney, both of Cali-: fornia. and two brothers. Edward B. Stevenson. 237 Locust Coshocton.

and W. P. Stevenson. Columbus. Funeral services will be held 1:30 p.

m. Saturday in Cleveland. Doctors Again Discuss Hospital Improvement Members of the Coshocton County Medical Association. meeting the city hospital Tuesday evening. again discussed: the $25.000 bond issue for addition and improvement of the hospital.

which is to be voted upon at tre Nor. 2 election. Dr. W. F.

Lyons. president of the association. named various physicians to prepare papers for publication explaming the reed of the bond issue to voters of the city. MOTOR KOOL Radiator Flush Opens Clogged Cooling Systems When Other Systems Fail. OLINGER CHEVROLET CO.

Cor. Third Walnut Sts. Value of State's Property Shown' By Examination Methods Used by Auditor Tracy Criticized by Examiners Freddie Puts on Long Pants First long pants are first long pants, whether the wearer be a high-salaried movie star like Freddie Bartholomew, above, or the youngster next door. Smiling cockily and throwing out his chest, Freddie, 14, proudly shows that he is getting to be a real man now. The boy star's salary was raised recently to $98,000 a year.

in a court settlement after a long controversy among relatives. Freddie's spending money allowance was increased from five cents a day to $1 weekly. Two False Alarms Turned In; Police Warn Halloweeners City firemen answered three calls Tuesday afternoon and erening. the first to the Tensel store, South Lawn due to burning rubbish. At 8:10 p.

m. firemen were called to East Chestnut st. in answer to an alarm from Box 62. It proved false. At 10:15 1 p.

m. the firemen again were called out to answer a box alarm on West Mulberry Box 21 having been pulled this time. It also was false. Fire Chief William West and Police Chief Ray Duling today joined in warning Halloween pranksters that it is a serious offense to send in a false alarm. There is considerable danger to firemen in making fast trips to the neighborhood of a box alarm and any person found sending in a false alarm will be prosecuted without mercy, Chief Duling SLAYER TO DIE LEXINGTON.

Miller Olmon Johnson, 47. itinerant evangelist. late yesterday heard the verdict of a jury in Fayette circuit court which will send him to the electric chair for the murder of his estranged wife, Mrs. Willie C. Johnson.

STARTS SATURDAY MU WA TU A PICTURE WE KNOW YOU'LL NEVER FORGET! Shirley TEMPLE HEIDI Jean HERSHOLT COLUMBUS, state of Ohio has land, buildings, supplies and equipment worth 683.40, according to a report submitted today to Governor Davey by accountants headed by John H. Turner, Cleveland, who recently completed an examination of the state auditor's department and its records. The inventory of the state's properties included the following items: buildings, land equipment, liquor stocks, 797.89; supplies, materials, and museum collection. $1,225.971.30. The more than $21,000,000 of equipment included the following items: educational equipment, tools and machinery, household equipment, office, 729.39; wearing apparel, 488.20; agricultural equipment, live stock, medical and surgical equipment, and miscellaneous, $1,407,661.78.

Showing a striking growth in the magnitude of the state's business, the report disclosed that in 1921 the auditor issued 283,262 warrants totaling $47,808,266.16, and in 1936 issued 2,138.206 warrants totaling $262,916,384.76. The examination, required by law whenever the office of auditor changes hands, covered the 16 years that Joseph T. Tracy. Columbus, was state auditor, from 1921 to 1936, inclusive. It criticized methods utilized in the department during that period, pointing out that many ciaims owed the state for years remained outstanding without efforts to collect, that no complete inventory of state properties was kept, that records fail to show the reason for compromising or cancelling many claims, and that the system of bookkeeping in general was antiquated.

The report recommended installation of an adequate and modern system of accounting, making of greater efforts to collect claims owed the state, keeping of a perpetual inventory of state properties, and the installation of a modern filing system for important records. "Lost and Found" Ads Can Recover Articles Lost in Crowds. $150.00 Award Tonight 9 P. M. TONIGHT ONLY WARREN HULL PATRICIA ELLIS in "Rhythm in the Clouds" MU WATUI THURS.

and FRI. 2-BIG HITS 2 He Walked Out of a Millionair Home Into a Lifetime of Thrills! DANGEROUS With RA HOLD -JACK LaRUE Hedda Hopper--Jed Prouty AND I COVEr ThE Romance- Adrenture With JOHN WAYNE -STARTS SATURDAYShirley Temple in "Heidi" NO CO ot ASSIGNMENTS SIGNERS required on any loan NO MORTGAGES REQUIRED on plain note loans. Of course, secured loans on chattel mortgages are still available COST REDUCED ON LOANS ABOVE $100 Commonwealth 201 PEOPLES BANK TRUST BLDG. 426 MAIN ST. PHONE 858 1887-50 YEARS OF SERVICE-1937 HOURS SATURDAY, 1 P.


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