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The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina • Page 4

Charlotte, North Carolina
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CHARLOTTE NEWS, MARCH 25. 1903. Th2 CUnrlctte Hews Dally Exeept Sunday. Our Grand j'SAtrajom. THE (TIMES-DEMOCRAT.

MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. Opening inery Mill i Ludlow Skinner and Dr. Baker, who killed A brother physician, will be Acquitted or convicted of manslaughter. Selah! .1, i i i hup I 1' 1 VV'V According to the statement of the director of tie Pasteur hospital at Baltimore, rabies is on the increase and he further declare that the dread disease will not decrease until every city, town, village and hamlet In the country muszles the stray dog, That Is where the director bit the nail squarely on the head. half of a dog may be good for ita bite, but prevention is better than cur and mut-sled dogs do not -bite.

Agam do cold, bare fart coma to A W. C. W. VtNCENT A Associate Wltor. C.

A. City Editor. Delivered nywhe'r In the United State by mall at 10 cants a week. Dellvared ahywhar In the elty by carriers at 10 cents a week. "For the; special showing of Paris; arid London styles and for really meritorious creations from our workrooms for Spring and early Summer Jwear.

t.will NEW YORK OFFICE: 830 Jlieadway, Si, Paul Bulldlnfl. PR.NK ft. NORTHRUP, Martaoeft 1 eltyhonr -i Cortland Street. Scasonabio take place light to, disturb tha seretity of tha defame of the bloodhound. Out In Indianapolis A bloodhound em Monday Evening, 30th ployed to trail tha murderer of a wo Goods at 8 O'clock WEDNESDAY MARCH 26, 1908.

man, fne oog, toox up me sceni ana stopped at the home of the divorced husband of the dead woman, lie was again, put oa the acent and this time ended in front of the divorced husband himself, upon whom he tried to spring. The man waa arrested on the bloodhound's evidence, Rbasonabl Everybody invited. No "cards, but all are welcomed. Our opening will continue through Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Owing to our extraordinary success last season it has Prices run i.

Say th Greahaboro Telegram -'-V. It wbufd be absurd to assert that nobedy can make good i Corsets as KABO, Jbut it is quite safe to say NOBODY IS DOING SO, further that there is no other' line SO EXTENSIVE, SO BALANCED, SO POPULAR. Proof positive that the models-are "always the precise things decreed by fashion. We have all styles and prices in our del Millinery Store. aroused us to a high pitch of enthusiasm, there Our buyer ia now In the Northern market replenishing our stock of "Charlotte before the IntoMUte Commerce CommlBikiri this week Jn an effort to get relief from oppressive freight rate.

Surely the railroad will not always turn a deaf ear to all the fore in preparing for this season's display we planned a ongi stride ahead in the showing of taste, form and color, 1 He make Spring and Summer Good R. R. ESS 4 appeafg from the afflicted North Caro this trip a little purpose) e- lina, towns and cities. If importunity has any efficacy there win he least oause he can buy to greater advantage after the first ruh I over. The pub some headway made and that very soon.

A case similar to the one Charlotte presents was presented by Dan-villa tome time ago And won. Char Is the word emblazoned in tle thoughts of every wbrker.ih this'colos-sal combination. We must advance and cbntinrie to advance We, know we can accomplish nothing without your help. We cater to your desires. We follow such lines as will make the swiftest and greatest growth within the bounds of safety.

Wonderful values here at all times and the most astounding offerings on all occasions He has learned by experlenc to rely lotte la therefore encouraged to press on. Its tenacity 1 worthy of the imi upon tittle. Store Around the v-- Corner" to name the west price day tation of other places." i i i i i SEVERE ATTACK OF GRIP Irt and clay out upon staple 'poods, Cured Sy One Bottle Of Chamberlain' Kennedy. "When I bad an Attack of the grin and we mutt live' up to the reputation have gained. Therefore It' I al-way "up to" ua to buy our good for last winter (the second pno) I actually 'cured myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy," says Frank Perry, Editor of the En BROS.

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Both 'Phone 256. CHEAPESJ STORE ON EARTH. 11-15-19-21 East 'Trade Street leas money than our competitor, New Spring and 8ummer Good will terprise, T. Thi Is Dave Hill probably considers hlra-self a victim of the vil wbatltttloa. A cook III Nashville one family 81 years.

But she ia dead now. The trusts will be permitted another lease ot life while th umpire la getting mobbed. An English court has decided that newspapora are manufactures. It's all according to the raising." 'As the operator get the short end of the award George Baer will be In for non-recognttion ot the Commission. I.

i in i. .1. i. Delaware has been having a sensational murder trial. Anything to take their minds off of Addlcks for awhile.

The Senate got through so quickly that.the' country wonders It couldn't have done it In regular session. The theft of that 80-pound gold brick from an express company in Detroit ought not to precipitate the agitation of free silver again. Rider Haggard has just had another novel published. It is hard to tell which is the stranger the truth or the flctlqh-'-of Haggard' works. 1 England's king is said to be partial to Kentucky 'whiskey, Albert Edward may not be a top-notoher in kingcraft, hut when it comes to testimony on high balls he has but few equals." "Experience teaches us that it re-quires a long time to wind up some strikes," remarks an exchange.

Wonder it it has in mind the Waterbury oneT There's another man "self-confessed" in Philadelphia, says the press reports. If An epidemic of this kind was to break put there the confessionals would be over-worked. The Washington Post paragrapber can't understand why a North Carolina Judge sent a man to Jail for snoring in court Because lynch law la no longer countenanced in this State. "The people at former Speaker Henderson' home gave their distinguished fellow, townsman a alnglng welcome." "The Dead. March in Saul" ahould not have been left out.

be arriving now right along and put the honest trutn. I at time kept from coughing myself to piece by taking A teaspoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on At night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval when BARGAIN STORE upon display. Don't be In too big a hurry about buying, for 'usual we will have the beat bought goods In the cough would pass off and I would IT'8 A GOOD REFRIGERATOR IT'S go to sleep perfectly free from cough and it Accompanying pains. To say Will continue selling Dress Goods 'Bind Waistings at our low price Lawns 5q yd. that the remedy Acted aa a most agreeable surprise' is putting it very mild town and will be prepared to cut the WW ly, I had no idea that It would or up could knock out the grip; simply be ill vuii.c 4uu tuioreu xviaaras, 1 2 every place, our price 10c price, 1 'i '(, '')' Dress Goods RemnantfT We have a lot of Dress Goods Hm-nants in both black and colors, in XjBeautiful White Goods, worih 20c and 30c; our price T' oer varrl Columbia Bicycles STANDARD OF THE WORLD, Have been placed for sale In Charlotte with us.

We hare the pest make ot BICYCLES, -TIRE3 AND SUNDRIES. A TYPWRITERS-any Tttlake for Exchange or Sale at a bargain. Relay MTg Co. 291 8outh Tryon Street. cause I had nevr tried It for such a purpose, but it did, and It seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused It to not only be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and I had not used the contents of one bottle before Mr.

Grip bad bid me adieu." For aale by R. H. Jordan Druggists. 9 PILGRIM CLEANABLE. Waists, Skirts and Suit lengths, that are being sold at remarkable low in both cheap and.

fine goods. JT i'lv MJi Beautiful light Wash Serge for skirting, worth 20c pur price. .12 l-2c Linen Wash Goods, regular 25c and 30c; our price, 20c and 236 Bargains in Shoes and Men's Clothing this week at 15he Johnson Store 14 NORTH TBYON STREET, CHARLOTTE, M. 0, White Shirt Waists Elegant In design and finish. Cold, clean, cleanable, convenient, hyglenlcally sweet and pure as the Heart of a Pilgrim As usual, we are first In Char-.

lotto to display brand new Refrigerators a complete line, all sizes, capacity 40 to 150 pounds. The Only Strictly High Grade i Refrigerator Sold In Charlotte i at a Price Within Reason. Satisfaction Guaranteed. (7' Have just gotten In our first shipment of white Lawn Shirt Waists, 13 different styles, and we invite you to aee them. Drcss'Skirts We always have on hand a nice as- sortment of Ladies' Dress and Walking Skirts, ranging in Stons A Barring r.

Book. BOYAL CRYSTAL Sutionerr Lowest Prices Eeisiest Terms THI8 DAY IN HISTORY. March SB is the anniversary of the birth, in 1789, of William C. Redfleld, originator of rotary theory of stormBj of John Wlnebrenner, In 1797, founder of the, "Church of God;" of Stephen B. Luce, In 1827, founder of the United States war college; ot Gen, B.

8. Otis, in 1838, of Philippine fame; Chicago Inter-Ocean first issued in 1878. This day, la also known in Catholic calendar as "The Annunciation," which commemorates the visit ot the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. In England it is called "Lady's In France "Notre Dame de Mars." It was formerly celebrated with great pomp in Rome. No less than thirty saints figure in the calendar on this day, Including two women, St.

Dula and St. Ida, one Irishman, St. Cammon, and two Englishmen, St. Algwolf and St William, the child martyr of Nprwich. Art Stor 1 J.

N. McCAUSLAND CO. price from 98e. to $8.50 Dress Duck I TIIFSE ARB THE Winning WITH We1 have' a small lot of 10c. Dress Duck in tripes and dots on black and navy blue grounds.

Special 61-to. E. M.ANDREWS The press dispatches say Secretary Hay was non-committal in his answer to the Argentine Republic. John can he non-committal in about a' many languages as the next one. The Argentine1 Republic wants to know the opinion of the United States About strong countries adopting coercion to collect natural and private debts from weak ones.

Oh, go to Hague! BOND and ROYAL SCOTCH LI EN At 25c per pound are the greatest val ues in Fiie. Stationery. Send for samples. Stone Ba.rringer, Burnett's Vanilla Extract Is the Madras and Ginghams 100 yds. of S6-lnch, very fine Madras in pink and blue stripes fixed standard of excellence.

It has, OLD GER.MAN Bock Beer Ready now in bottles and on draught. Robert Por Brewing Comp'y outlived criticism. It is the finest and purest i vanilla extract that can at 25o. me Old Reliable Dealer in Furniture and House" Furnishing. Goods, Don't forget the pleLce 10 N.

College St in Ctty, bought. 500 yds-. very fine Ginghams In stripes in all the new shades, THE MAIN ISSUE. at 10c 2,500 yds. Madras in all the hew Now cornea the dainty maiden all agog colors, In stripes, at 6o.

witn animation, And fairly bubbling over with the coming- graduation: But when It comes, alas! we find her knowledge less impresses Than flounces, trills and tucka and things connected with her dreesea. YOUR ininainnininicaiEninininnaiainninniniin New Calicoes 8,000 yds. very best Shirting Call- coes, in all the new colors and patterns, dots and figures, guaranteed absolutely -fast colors, at 6c. 8,000 yds. dark blue Calicoes, In all the new colorings and fig-ures, Absolutely fast colors.

Spe- 1 clal 5c Trade Drawers FAT BABIES Are Famous E5 The Supreme Court of Missouri has found the five packing companies composing the beet trust guilty ot unlaw-. ful combination to control the price of meat in that State and taxed 1 each concern $5,000 fine and the costs. After thlB we shall never say that Supreme Courts ought to' be abolished. I I Ill I I. Wright, the English promoter, who Swindled his victims to the tune of millions, was surprised to be arrested upon his arrival in New York.

I He was doubtless expecting a ground floor proposition upon a "community ot Interests" deal. That Washington preacher who performed the marriage ceremony for a negro man and a white woman" -and then piously expressed his regrets must be a double distilled reincarnation ot the dldn't-know-it-wls-loaded fiend. ''''K-'-'fi-- I Stylish Spring Shirts Is entitled the best possible handling. It should not only be got-ten clean, but: without needless wear and tear, i We have the' lielp, machinery and equipments for giving you 'the best work in the; State and with the least rV'; tax on your, linen. 60c.

La'dles' Straw Hats in white 5c. AWRY 81.60 Ladles' Straw Hats in white 25c, 10c. Dress Ducks. Special 6 t-2c, Best Calicoes In light and dark Our store has acquired the reputation of being colors 6c Shirt Headquarters and' we feel the responsibility of liviog up to that reputation We have bought Charlotte Steam Laundryt Both 'Phones, i largely-of this year's Spring and Summer styles and can make the handsomest showing of Shirts to be founcl in the Carolinas. Small, neat stripes and black and blue figures are the prevailing effects and we have an ample assortment of tbem.

Also have a full line of Full Dress White Shirts, white plaited bosoms, etc. a We can fit any size and ur nish any desired length of sleeve. Eleicrant line of Paiamas and NiVht Rohps 40-inch Curtain' Swiss, white and stripes 8 1-2c. $1.00 and $1.50 Shirt Waists 49c. $1.00 and $1.25.

Corsets. Special 49c. 25c. Broom. Special 15c.

Ladies' Hose 5c. Men's Hose 6c 1 Box, 8 Cakes, fine Toilet Soap 10c 5 Cakes, extra good Laundry Soap Chillren's ready-made Dresses, In a large assortment, at special prices. Best and cheapest Hue of Laces and Embroideries in Charlotte. COME TO' THE. LITTLE STORE AROUND THE CORNER," WHERE YOUR -DOLLARS WILL DO The saying; "Sleepy as a fat baby' expresses a good deal, for tat babies are famous little fellows to sleep.

What a contrast ia their refreshing rest to the pitching And tossing of a sleepless coffee drinker. A good elder of Springfield, 111. found a-way to bring refreshing sleep in place of insomnia. "Until three years ago" be says, "For 15 year I was troubled with a throbbing in my stomach, waa very nervous, kidneys out of order, ti out led "with severe headaches and cirendful insomnia. "After trying All sorts ot remedies I came to the conclusion that my troubles were: the result ot drinking coffee, and seeing an article in the paper about Postum I determined to try it.

So I quit coffee and took on Postum. It agreed with me from the first cup. At first I drank it diluted, then pure. I relished it too and to my great Joy I was soon free from stomach trouble; rneTYOusness all gone and head cioav nd instead of being wako--tul for half the night I Bleep like a tat baby and get up in the morning refreshed. Thia I owe to having quit coffee and taken to drinking Postum." Name turtttstied hy Postum Bat-tlo Creek, Mich.

Nothing marvelous about It but there is a reason. If healthy sound sleep is worth anything to you drop coffee and give Postum a short trial say ten days. That wllKtell the tale. a The Greenville Reflector Is hereby Informed of the arrest at Petersburg, of John Bailey. We presume from some attendant circumstances ('that he is a brother of Bill and if the Reflector la still in the same mood, it might ascertain from John why Bill Bailey hasn't coma home.

a comfort and luxury in every one of them. The negro Broadnax, observes the THEIR FULL DUTY, AND WHERE SATISFACTORY ATTENTION IS GUARANTEED TO ALU Salisbury Bun, who killed a Rocking ED. MELLON GOWAHY' CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS ri ri El ham county farmer, will doubtless be hanged speedily. Bishop, who killed Tom Wilson, of Charlotte, got five year in the penitentiary, while public REV. T.

BRIDGES, t) Arch el I opinion aeems to be divided as to Laxative Qromo 0 jnfaina whether Ernest Haywood who killed vinccranini nccizcci ncnzcci nincanpF CumCoWmOneDay, i on every to, 25 3 Days ri.

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