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The Salina Daily Union from Salina, Kansas • Page 3

Salina, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1. REES, A MARKED MAN Fought for Grain Trust Against Delphos Farmers. BUTLER IS OPPOSING HIM Co-operative Grain Secretary gluing Ottawa County Republican Judicial Nominee. James Butler, secretary of the Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Live Stock association, is urging the farmers who are interested in the anti-grain trust movement to support candidates who will be favorable to their interests, independent of party considerations, says the Topeka State Jouroal. For instance, he is working for John Seaton, Republi can, for representative from Atchieon county, and T.

L. Bond, Fusionist, for district judge in the Thirtieth judicial district. In an interview he said: "Ag matters now stand I am out of partisan politics, yet I have some interest in the local campaign. 1 desire to see John Seaton, Republican candidate for the legielature, elected over Bailie Waggener, who is railroad attorney for the Missouri Pacitic company, and one of the worst enemies that the faro ers of Kansas have to contend with in their tight against the grain trust in thin "Why am I againet Bailie Waggener? Simply because Bailie Waggener 16 against the farmer's co-operative move. ment in this state, and no intelligent, farmer should support him nor should any man who believes that the indi vidual bae righte as against a railroad corporation.

The Miesouri Pacitie alroad company has not granted the farmers co operative association 8 single legge anywhere in the state for the purpose of erecting a co-operative ele vator to my knowledge. "We have only three elevatore on their line of road and each of these has been purchased. We have tried at various places to secure leases and have failed in each and every cage. For ample, up at Harlan, where there is but one elevator the farmers hive 8 strong organization and desired to build a ten thousand bushel el -vator but upon the recommendation of Belie Waggener this lease was refused and up to this day we have not bean able to erect an elevator at that point although the farmers stand ready to do so. "Out at Marquette, where there is not, a single elevator, our co- operative people met with the same fate.

I have right here in my desk a copy of 8 letter addressed to the railroad commissioners by Bailie Waggener refusing the site at Harlan. John Seaton I consider a fair minded, reasonable man and regardless of politice I believe that all fair minded men should support him 88 againet Bailie Waggener. Now this is not a political matter with me, it is a matter of busipees. I am working for the upbuilding of the farmers co-operative movement. "Out in the Thirtieth judicial district, comprising the counties of Saline, Lincoln, Ellsworth and Ottawa, R.

Rees is running for judge on the Republican ticket and T. L. Bond has the Fusion nomination. I want to see Mr. Rees defeated because be has been an enemy to the farmers' co-operative movement.

When we were in our infancy and struggling for our rights he took up the fight against our people at Delphos and did everything in his power to prevent their securing a lease from the Union Pacific on which to build an elevator. He did this of course as attorney for the grain trust. Two years ago the grain trust endorsed Rees for a place on the board of railroad commissioners and did ite in best to get him appointed. "Some people excuse a lawyer when he works in the interest of a trust for money. But my view of such matters is that any other citizen hee just 86 much right to sell their influence to illegal pools and combinations as has lawyer.

Regardlese of the rights of the farmers and regardless of the impositions and extortions praticed on them, Mr. Rees did all in his power to assist by the trust in holding them in subjection is regardless of the injustices heaped upon them by trust members at that point. "The farmers of Delphos tinally won, notwithetanding the fact that Mr. Rees did all in bia power to prevent it. The railroad commiesioners and the railroad officials conceded the equity and right of farmers to protect themselves and had it not been that Mr.

Rees took the fight of the trust regardless of their legal or moral rights, the farmers would have met with little opposition and would not have been forced to the inconvenience, loss of time and money which it took to secure their rights at Delphos. "Therefore, I am against him and not see how it is possible for any fairminded, intelligent farmer or citizen who believes that farmers have rights that should be respected can vote him. "Actuated from a business standpoint every trust grain des'er in their respedtive districts will support Waggener representative and Rees for judge. Actuated from the same business stand- 0 WANTS. a All advertisements under this head are charged for at the rate of 5 cents per line for the first insertion and cents per line for each following insertion.

Count seven words to the line. All want ads sentin will be run seven times unless the time is definitely specified. If you have a want ad call at the UNION office, write or phone 28. Ads sent in from out of town or by persons unknown to us must be accompanied by the cash, UNION want ads are becoming recognized as the che pest and most valuable medium of exchange in Central Kansas. Try one and be convinced.

What Have You Lost? Is it a cow, a Sunday fan, an umbrella, a pocketbook or a pet poodle dog? Or anything else? Put a want ad in the UNION. Nearly everybody in Salina reade the UNION want columns and your lost erly will likely be found and returned to you. If you have found anything advertise it in the UNION want columna. Do you want anything? The UNION want columne are read by the people who can and will gratify you wants. Try one tomorrow.

Phone 28 TO LATE TO CLASSIFY, TO LOAN Plenty of money to loan on city property. R. P. Cravens. 118-120 FOR RENT- One nicely furnished downstairs Groom at 210 South Fourth street.

118-124 OR RENT-Good 7-room house, fine location R. P. Cravens. 118-1f WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTED -A good girl for general housework: good wages.

Mrs. E. W. Ober, 110-LE WANTED ROOMS. WANTED A bedroom and well furnished sitting room downstairs near the Junction.

Can furnish bedroom with the exception of a carpet. Inquire at UNION office. 11411 WANTS- MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED-Family sewing to do. Call at 212 North Eighth street, 117-120 WANTED- A young watch dog.

Mra. 11. D. Crosby, 746 South Santa He avenue. 117-119 WANTED Every farmer who wants a complete map of Saline county to read the following: The UNION has arranged with the firm of Hunter and Van Valkenburg, map lithographers of Rockford, to get up one which will be the best map of Saline county ever gotten up Our subscribers will be able to get this map, which will equal any $10 map for a small consideration, by calling at the UNION office.

250-Botft POUND- white and liver colored pointer dog Call at 906 Gypsum avenue W. W. Taylor, 116-118 BUSINESS CARDS. CALL -For Swanson's Local, union made, 5 cent cigar. 18C-191 of ALL KINDS of clothing mended at 118 South Third street.

Mrs. C. German. 102 tf "BUD," an attractive and pleasing story of a newsboy, just out, heavy book paper, clear print, paper binding, 307 pages, price 50 cents. Copies on sale at UNION office, 114-119 7-It FOR RENT FOR RENT- Typewriters, School of Telegrapby FOR RENT -Furnished rooms, 213 North Tenth street.

114-119 FOR RENT -Two furnished rooms, 235 North Seyenth street. 7611 FOR RENT Good five-room cottage- splendid location. It P. Cravens, 113 118 FOR RENT-A five- room cottage on South Twelfth street. Ekstrand the Druggist.

107tf FOR RENT- Two furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at 802 State street or phone 531. 103t FOR RENT -North half of the Bee Hive store Possession given about November 1. W. Peck.

106t FOR RENT -November 1, six-room, story and a half house, 815 a month at 446 South Seventh street. 109-1f FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS. FOUND. FOR SALE-100 feet of shelving and four counters. W.

K. Peck. 106tE FOR SALE -Good bariton horn. Enquire Olney Gaston Co. 115-120 FOR SALE- A pur of platform scales.

George Bolton, telephone 531. 111 FOR SALE--Neat bundles of papers at this fice, five cents a bundle. 217-24 tf FOR SALE--A small business well establised. For further particulars address UNION office. 112-tf 6-2t ORIGINAL and Winter Styles in Millinery are now ready for your inspection.

See our $2 and $3 Dress Hats. Setts THE STORE OF STYLE. in is in id A ten an ere ion in in in THE UNION'S PUZZLE PICTURE NO. 190 3 Solve it if you can. Solution appears on last page, over Tales of the Town." THE WEELITTLES IN AUSTRIA.

Salzburg st Peters Friedhor the Cat a FIND THE GUIDE WHO DESERTED THEM. DESERTED THEM. dressed a Fusion meeting last night et. Pobeta school house. A good crowd was present.

The delegates for the convention of the Young Women's Christian Association will arrive tomorrow on the afternoon and evening trains. The UNION guessing contest closes November 3 at midnight, You may win the capital prize of $10,000. Be sure to get your guess in. The marble floor is being put into the National Bank of America in the Watson. building today.

It will be an elegant, bank room when completed. Mr. Hey wood and Mr. Kilkine, of Lincoln, who have been visiting Mr. Markley, seven miles south of town, returned.

to their home this morning. The tea which was arranged for the Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist Church at Mrs. W. W. Perry's has been indefinitely postponed because of sickness.

It you send your subscription, also send your estimate of votes which will be polled for governor of the three states, Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania. The funeral of Elijah Fulton was held today at his home near Assaria. It was largely attended by old friends and neighbors. The remains were laid the Assaria cemetery. Be sure to register your guess on the total vote for governor in New York, Pennsylvania and Michigan before Nov4.

The guess is free with $1 advance subscription for the UNION. A class ha ving for its object the physical development of woman was organized yesterday in the Austin college Professor V. A. Austin. The class small as yet, but the instruction promises to be excellent.

Hours will be Mondays and Thursdays at 3 o'clock. SOLBERG BROS. MAKERS OF GOOD CLOTHES You get the beat to be had here at reasonrble prices. Why buy hand-me-downs when we can suit you 80 much better. Let us prove it to you.

SOLBERG BROS. MAKERS OF GOOD CLOTHES 143 North Santa Pe Avenue FOR SALE-Swanson's Local--the best 5-cent cigar manufactured in Salina. For sale by all dealers. 186-19tf FOR SALE -CITY PROPERTY. FOR SALE-At a bargain, a rooming and boarding house at 802 State street.

81tf PERFECT BEAUTY DIAMONDS Having recently purchased large quantity at a low figure. we are prepared to dispose of them at an extremely low price. Fine solitaire diamonds in fancy 14 karat gold setting, $25.00 value for 822.00: $20 00 value $18 00 and many others in larger sizes, See them and get prices if interested STRICKLER'S JEWELRY STORE Will move into corner formerly occupied by bank about November 1. point every farmer acd every friend to the farmers co-operative movement should vote against these candidates regardlees of the party they represent. One it a Democrat, the other is a.Republican.

"Trust membere vote for their friends, those who will promote their interest no matter on what ticket their names are found. Farmers and their friende should nee the same policy, vote for those who work in their interest regard lese of party and renounce their enemies' CLUB MEETING. Ladies of the Organization Guther at Mrs. Haggart's and Render Program. gart.

'The program arranged was moditied eomewhat on account of the sickness of one of the participants. A paper was read by Mre. Burch on the "Court and Schools of Charlemagne." Mrs. Culp read a paper on the "Dress and Fashions of the Carlovingian Dynasty," to which was added something of the wars and government of the Great Obarles. The election of new members was postponed for one week.

The club journed to meet Monday, November 3, with Mrs. C. Culp, South Santa Fe avenue. The Current Literature Club met Monday afternoon with Mre. N.

Hag- LIST OF FUSION MEETINGS. Program Prepared Which Covers Large Part of Saline County. A series of Fusion meetings have been arranged for on the following dates and places, at 8 o'clock in the evening: October 29 Spring Creek township schoolhouse No. 34, David Ritchie, didate for county attorney and others. October 29-Ohio township, echoolhouse No.

55, R. A. Lovitt and othere. October 30-Salina, opera house, Senator W. A.

Harris. October 2 p. Senator W. A. Harris.

October 31-Gypsum township, schoolhouse No. 41, A.C, Hillman, Frank Wilkeson and others. All meetings will commence at 8 o'clock promptly. CEREMONIAL SESSION. leis Temple Preparing For Big Time November 19 in Salina, leis temple 18 preparing for another big Ceremonial session to be held No vember 19.

Extensive preparations will be made to initiate a large number of candidates on the occasion. The membership is also figuring on a special train for the meeting to be held at Arkansas City on Dacember 10. Solberg makers of good clothes, clothes that fit and wear. 143 North Santa Fe avenue. SOME PEOPLE ARE VERY PARTICULAR As to whom they employ, for their Family Physician, and are not very particular as to where their prescriptions are filled, Your Doctor fights the disease and you should be careful that his prescriptions are filled accurately, and with pure drugs, Our stock of Prescription Pharmaceuticals is the largest in the city, and Three Registered Pharmacists assures accuracy in the compounding of your prescriptions.

Ekstrand's Pharmacy Use Ekstrand's Flavoring ExtractsThey are the best. FOR SALE- No.136. A new six-roomed house with large cellar, 100 bbl. cistern with purifying pump, good well, large barn for four head of stock, carriage and hay mow. This property is in fine repair and only four short blocks from corner of Iron avenue and Santa Fe.

Very heap at $1,500. Reasonable terms. Will be bold if desired on the installment plan. The Salina Realty Rooms 3, 4 and 5 over Na ional Bank of America. 248-28tft FOR SALE-FARMS.

FOR SALE-Eighty acres fine bottom land 5 miles from Salina for sale or will trads for larger farm. Improvements consist of 7-room house, story and 8 half high, large barn, fine young orchard and good water. Address "'A1 this office, 190-19tft FOR -Halt section of first class Saline county land, 210 acres in pasture with water. Balance of land broke. Good seven-room house barn, granaries, outbuildings, fruit trees and shrubbery.

A bargain at $15 an acre. Address 1" care of this office. 190-19tft FOR SALE- Fine upland farm of 240 acres, 106 acres in pasture and mow land, remainder under cultivation, contingent, to good railroad town. Highly improved. House with five rooms, large barn, granary with a capacity of 2,500 bushels, never failing well, windmill, peach orchard and other trees.

of 100 acros now in wheat to go to buyer. Price $8,500. Easy terms, Address 1" this office. 190-19tft FOR SALE- 137. A highly improved 45 acre farm 1 miles from Salina, good six-roomed house, good well, large cistern, barn and other out- buildings, a very fine orchard-75 bearing apple trees, 25 Siberian Crab, 80 Wild Goose Plums, plenty of grapes and other small fruit.

This is a place which needs to be be appreciated. Let us show it to you. The Salina Realty Rooms 3,4, 5, over National Bank ot America. TODAY'S LOCAL MARKETS GRAIN WHEAT, No. 2, new, hard.

580 WHEAT, No. 2, new, ...580 CORN 350 OATS. ..300 PRODUCE Edda. BUTTER, Country to 50 BUTTER, Creamery POULTRY SPRING 4c IC IS 40 YOUNG ROOSTERS, each PIGEONS, per dozen. TALES OF THE TOWN.

Merchants Reminder. Early to bed and early to rise, Hustle like blazes and advertise; Then rake in the sheckels that others spend, Aud thus later on you'll have money to lend. W. K. Peck went to Manhattan today.

Mrs. T. B. Valette is eick with malarial fever. W.

W. Perry, South Twelfth street, is on the sick list. Be sure to hear Senator Harris tomorrow evening at the opera house. Senator Harris speaks at the opera house tomorrow evening. Be sure to hear him.

The new altar piece painting for the Swedish Mission Church was finished last night. Mrs. N. E. Reed and daughter Blanche, of Assaria, were trading in the city yesterday.

J. C. Johnson is whitewashing and disinfecting his livery stable on North Santa Fe avenue today. Mre. Mary Whittier, mother of Mrs.

Amos Godfrey, who has been quite sick for a few days, is convalescing. The Y. W. C. A.

state convention meets tomorrow evening at the Presbyterian church for a four daye' session. E. F. Swanson and A. L.


MAIN LINE HAST BOUND, No, 4, mail 11:15 a. No. 2 ...2:85 a. No. .4:80 a.

No. 8 .2:10 p. No. 12, freight. .6:25 8.

1 No. 14, ,5:00 a. No 16, ..12:20 No. 4 a solid vestibuled train to Chicago with through sleeper to St. Louis.

WICHT BOUND. 5 4:40 p. No. 11:45 p. No.

K. O. plug ...10:00 p. No. 11, 5:50 No.

7 arrives :86 p. BABE No. 13. 7:20 a. No, 15, freight ..11:15 a.

No. 1 is a solid vestibuled train from' Chicago. with through sleeper from St. Louis. MOPHERBON BRANCH (0.

Passenger arrives 9:25 a. leaves. ...5:00 p. Mixed ..10:00 a. arrives.

..,4:16 p. No Sunday trains. LINCOLN BRANCH (0). Mixed 7:40 a. p.

Passenger leaves. 4:45 p. 10:06 MI No Sunday trains. MISSOURI PACIFIC W. H.

BOUGHTON, Agent. NAST BOUND. No. 8, Colorado Express ...9:89 a. No.

38, Ft. Scott and Wichita express arrives .0:50 p. No. 310 Accommodation arrives 11:15 a. ...12:01 p.

WEST BOUND. No. 8, Colorado Express ...6:35 p. No. 88 Ft.

Scott and Wichita express ...6:40 a. No. 309, Accommodation arrives 1:48 p. ..,2:25 p. of that SANTA FE L.

BATCHELOR, Agent. Train 824, 7 a. Train 326, parts 2:16 Train 828, accommodation 10:80 a. Train 317, arrives Train 819, accommodation, arrives 1:10 p. mi Train 821, arrive 6 p.

a up do for for 117-118 ROCK ISLAND M. 7. BAKER, Agent. Depart No. 28, Passenger, dally, ...10:20 a.

No. 66, Acom'tion exe'pt p. Arrive No. 65, ...11:16 a. ul No.

27, Passenger, dally. .6:00 p. from Photographed Life. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a Well Man THE a of Me. day GREAT REMEDY produces the above results in 30 days.

It aste powertally and quickly, Cures when all others tail, Young men will regain their lost manhood, and old men will recover their youthful vigor by using REVIVO. It quickly and surely restores NervousDeBB, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all effecte of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion, which unfits one for study, business or marriage. Li not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but la a great nerve tonio and blood builder, bring Ang back the pink glow to pale cheeks and to storing the fire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insiat on baying REVIVO, DO other.

It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail, 81.00 per package, or six for $5.00, with a post: tive written guarantee to care or retune money. Book and advise free. Address ROYAL, MEDICINE 16-20 CHICAGO. Ply mouth For Sale by J.

J. Purcell, Druggies,.

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