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The Salina Daily Union from Salina, Kansas • Page 1

Salina, Kansas
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The Salina Daily Union. VOL. 3. SALINA, KANSAS, NOV EM HER 30, 1900 FUl DAY. No.

145. Junotion City players hurled themselves To say that the Morrison case is at IT WAS A WRANGLE! SWEET SENORA ELECTRIFIES WASHINGTON MORRISON TRIAL BEGINS. Argentine Minister's Wife Dashes All Over Town in Her Automobile. Tjy(t 13'; -t 1 rr- Juaunme Marun ijrurcia aiorou, AmbttHHador at Wiihhintoii, is tit onco -l .1 a ot trie naiiouiu chpimii. acwiuhhiuuiu through the Htroetn in her swift automobile, brnviiif? limrern most iro fessiouals would Hhirk.

Her sparkling smile attractH the attention of al she pathos. in desperation against this wonderful interference, but were thrown back like bullied waves from a rocky shore. Across the Held the avalanche of football play ers fairly Hew until the pigskin rented behind Junction's goal pouts a second time, Fox having made a 90 yard run. Wilson missed goal. Time was called a few moments later.

Score -St. John's. 11; Junction City, 0. THE MARKETS. December Wheat Below the 70 Cent Mark.

There were no markets at Chicago yes terday. The opening prices on the two cereals today were not received in Salina. Wheat closed today three-eights of a cent- below the 70-oent mark and half a cent below Tuesday's close. Corn closed today at 3f '4, five-eighths below the closing Tuesday. The close of the markets for today and Tuesday is as follows: WHKAT.

Closed Closed Tuesday 70 CORN. Closed Closed Tuesday :t.r' The quotations in the local wheat market today are as follows: No. 2 hard rM No. hard No. 2 soft No.

soft BOX SOCIAL. Entertainment at Carmony School a Qreat Success. The box social at Carmony school house, Wednesday evening was a great success. he school children rendered a short program of recitations, inter sperseit by several musical selections by friends of the school, After the program the audience was highly entertained by Mr. Swenson who auctioned the boxes in his own iiiimit able style.

The proceede of the social are fourteen dollars and sixty-live rents which, we understand, are to be spent for the purpose of buying platform cur tains, MAY LOAN MONEY. Breidenthal Idea to Help Caltlcmen and Shut Out Speculators. Topeka, Nov. -John W. lireiden thai, who in March will surrender the office of state bank commissioner to the the Republicans and, temporarily at least, retire from politics, has not yet formed a lixed plan for the future.

He has a Dumlwr of projects in view, and one in particular he hopes will material ize. He wants to form a cuttle loan company. Ilia plan is to lend money only to legitimate cattle growers and shut out, so far as possible, irrenponsihle men who feed only on speculation. The speculators he would not lend at all. FOR STEALING A STEER.

Bliss Bjorn and Mark (iiiniierKiin on Trial Today. The case against Kline Bjorn and Mark Ouunerson, charged with stealing a steer from William Tate, is being tried in the district court today. There are twenty-two witnesses in the case. After this case the Ida Lapping case, which was appealed from the police court, will be tried. NOT SATISFIED.

Militia Wants to Play Normal oot Ball Team Again. The ofllcera of the Militia foot ball team have issued the following challenge: 1 he Militia foot hall team challenges the Normal foot ball team to a match gume of football, at any time or any place, with ofllcisls who are not connect ed or interested in either team. F. W. manager.

T. Thohah, captain. $1.00 buys twelve tickets of Central Messenger Hervioe Co. tracting attention everywhere is putting it mildly. It is being read about in all corners of the continent.

Today a traveling man from Denver reached Eldo rado and said there is a wild scramble out there for papers containing the accounts of the trial. At the office of the Eldorado Republican today a letter was received from Olin Castle of Baltimore, ordering the paper sent to him during the trial. Olin CaBtle is the name of the widower of the dead woman. He don't know whether or not be has any relatives in Maryland. The costs of the trial of Miss Morrison will not fall entirely on the state.

The defense will have some attorney's fees to pay. Mr. Kramer, Judge Redden, Mr. Schumaker and Mr. Mooney will coat a pretty penny.

The father of Jessie Morrison is not rich. Her brother, who teaches school, had aid by several hundred dollare with which to visit Europe and the PariB ex-poBiton this summer. He has turned over every cent to the work of defending his sister. An uncle of the defendant who lives in West Virginia, is wealthy and has stood for some of the expenses of the trial. He is now in Eldorado with his brother, Judge Morrison.

MOORE BROKE HIS LEG. Atherton's Catcher Injured in the Washburn-Ottawa Game. Wade Moore, who caught for the Ath- ertons last Burn trier and has been playing right half back on the Washburn football team, had a leg broken at the very beginning of the Ottawa-Washburn game at Topeka yesterday. Washburn would have doubtless run up a bigger Bcore on Ottawa than 1G toO, had it not been for this aocident. CADETS ENTERTAIN.

Thanksgiving; Party Given at Mount Barbara Last Evening. The Mount Barbara cadets gave a Thanksgiving party at Mount Barbara last evening. A large crowd of girls from town were present and everyone spent an enjoyable evening. The young ladies present were Misses Jennie Seitz, Agnes Geis, Elsie Lind- blom, Florence Watson, Quena Huber, Elsie Hughes, Nina Quincy, Lulu Quincy Clara White, Elizabeth Anderson, Anna Anderson, Edna Eberhardt, Kate Ander son, Vera Eberhardt, Myrtle Strickler, Madeline Strickler, Klna Sterner, Nellie Osborn, Lois Mitchell, Stella Low, Mabel Ferm and Edith McDowell. Several members ot the faculty also were present.

AUSTIN COLLEGE NEWS. Austin college is booming. New stu dents are added to the roll every week. The number of students thus far more than doubles that of last year. Owing to so many students entering the college, Miss Bertha Patterson has been appointed to assist in the piano in struction.

The McPherson band engaged Prof, Biasing to play one of hia master pieces on the violin last night at their concert. lie was heartily encored. They engaged him for the concert next Thanksgiving. Prof. Biasing will play the same selec tion at our entertainment Monday night.

Krantz. spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Lindsborg. Prof. Austin is spending part of his time at Sterling each week where he has been employed to give special in straction to the students of Cooper Memorial college. He gave one of his popular recitals there last Tuesday night.

Prof. BiBsing's latest composition for piano, entitled Capriccio Rueee, is pro nounced by Dr. yuinn of Chicago very tine. By special request Prof. Krantz and Hissing will publith it.

Austin College is rapidly making a good record for first class work, in fact it is known that "the beet work done by any school in the city," along the lines of music and elocution, is dune at Austin college. Don't forget to attend tbe entertainment Monday night at tbe college ball, it will be tbe first of the number for which season tickets were sold. Tbe full program will appear in the papers Saturday and Monday. Save Money attending Wyokoop's Clearance By Sal. Militia and Normalites Have Trouble Over Foot Ball.

DIDN'T LIKE THE DECISIONS. Militia Sympathizers Claimed Their Side (lot the Worst ot It -Score Was II to 10 for the Normal. Normal 11; Militia 10. This is the official score of the Thanks giving game over in Oak Dale park. The game as judged by the first half promised to be aB pretty an exhibition of football playing as has been witnessed in Salina for yearB, but an unfortunate decision on the part of Umpire Swisher at the last of the first half, which re sulted in a touchdown and a goal for the Normal, dispelled Dub illusion.

The Normal team had the ball on the Militia boys (i-yard line and Captain Thomas of the Militia called for time, walking towaid Umpire Swisher while ualling. The Normal boys ignored the all for time and made a touchdown, while the Militia were not lined up. Umpire Swisher claimed nut to have heard the call for time, so the Normal was accredited with the touchdown- The Militia boys and their friends swal lowed the dose, though it seemed to have been a bitter one from the wry faces made. From this time on everything was a wrangle. Hard names, angry retorts, and a few blows were indulged in.

Bus iness men, ord inarily cool and calculating, lost their heads and became boys again and made their angry voices heard above the din. According to the rules of the game the umpire and referee changed places at tbe end of the llrst half. The second half opened up more auspiciously for the Militia boys and after obtaining the ball on the kick-off they never lost possession ot it until a line buck by fullback Bush finally oarried it acroHB the Normals goal line, notwith. standing the fact that the Militia boya were repeatedly penali.ed and compelled, to carry the ball back many yards. Then commenced a aeries of wrangles over the descisions, and it was only after considerable persuasion that the Militia boys consented to continue the game.

After the first touchdown Hush missed an easy goal. Score -Normal Militia The Normals kicked olf again and the soldiers were making good returns through the line by hard bucks and by brilliant end dashes by "Stub" Kvana, when a fumble gave the ball to the Normals. Right half Wolfersberger got the ball with a dear field, but was prevented from making a touchdown by "Fleet-footed" Evans. An end buck carried the ball across the Militia's goal line. Fullback Hush prevented the Normal's try at goal on the ground that Referee Swisher was coaching his men.

An angry debate ensued and the Militie ey path izers poured in upon the Held, h(joting the opposition. Right half Wolfersberger, after the goal incident, was surrounded by crowd of rooters, hooting and yelling, and he roughly pushed aside a messenger boy. Ieft guard Miller of the Militia look up the quarrel and landed Wolfersberger a terrilic blow in the face. For a moment a free for all seemed imminent and little knots of angry partisans collected all over the gridiron. At length play began and a few moments later, quarter-back Ferm made a touch iown for the Militia.

Hush punted out, but Ferm lost his nerve for an instant and fumbled the ball. Time was called before another touch down could be made, although the Militia boys had the ball on the Normal 'i yard line and were making rapid advances toward their opponent's goal. Officials, Swisher and Motter. Time of halves, 25 minutes. Score Normal 11; Militia 10.

The line up: Normal' Militia. Phillips left end Morrow Kistler left tackle. Stamps left guard Miller KaHper center Wilson llreuiseth right guard Hoover Gibbs right tackle Wvnkooo Frederick right end Hoffman Reese quarter Ferm Norris left half Evans Wolfersberger. right half Thomas llussard full back Bush There will be a Thanksgiving social at the Lutheran church this evening be ginning at 8 o'clock. Everybody is in vited to attend.

Admission, ten cents. Jury is Now Complete and Ready for Testimony. A DREARY THANKSGIVING. Jessie Morrison Kept In Her Cell While the World is All Bright Around Her Intense Interest in the Case. El Dorado, Nov.

trial of the Morrison murder case, which prom ises to be one of the hardest fought cases in the hiBtory of the state, began here this morning. Both sides are pre pared for the struggle and the lawyers are in almost constant consultation. The fact that the jury is composed entirely of farmers has created no little gossip. There is a legal superstition that a farmer's jury generally convicts and it is being whispered around El Dor ado. Both the defense and prosecution are hopeful.

"We will win. There is but little doubt but Miss Morrison will be acquitted," says Attorney Kramer for the de fenee. "The evidence against Miss Morrison is overwhelming and she can not escape conviction," saye J. O. Waters, attorney for the prosecution.

There was possibly only one person on the entire town site who was unable to partake of the refreshing draughts of freah, pure air washed down by the streaks of sunshine which peeked through the windows and under the cur tains ot the Eldorado homes and aroused the weary sleepers yesterday. And she was illing to enjoy these delicious offer ings of nature, but the'opportunity was denied her. Jessie Morrison, for whose life the pro ceedings of an august court opened to day, sat in her cell in Eldorado. Not ray of the beautiful Bunehine touched or gladdened her weeping heart. Not breath of the fresh air greeted her nostrils as she arose from her cot and prepared to meet a day of thanksgiving.

It was a sad Thanksgiving, indeed, for this frail woman whosits today and hears the evidence with which the state hopes to convict her of the charge of killing Clara Wiley Castle. A year ago she was happy and free. The thought arises "Where will she be a year from today The jurors who were selected Wednesday to try Miss Morrison were out yes terday for a walk. Fast the oourt house they went, within whose gray walls the little woman, whose fate will rest in their hands a few days hence, aits and thinks. Bailiff in front ot them, bailiff behind them, they walked and walked, the object of interest of more than a thousand pairs of eyes.

"What will they do with Jessie Morri son?" has been asked more than a thousand times. The father of Miss Morrison, who has been her one source of comfort since the hand of the law reached out and plaoed its powerful grip upon her arm, was at the jail with a basket tilled with many dainty things for his daughter's dinner. He was with her most of the day. Mrs. Turner, wife of the sheriff, had prepared an extra meal for her prison's fair charge, and with the offerings from her father's house, Miss Morrison did not go hungry, She was the recipient of many Moral offerings.

At the Morrison home it was a day of sad thanksgiving. At the borne of the murdered woman a prayer was offered for the repose of the soul of her who had given up her life in the very bloom of wifehood. A strengthening power was invoked to aid in bearing the burden of sorrow which had settled onto the house hold. The jury which has been choean to try Miss Morrison gives satisfaction to both the attorneys for the state and the de fense. One will of necessity have to suffer a change of mind when the trial is over.

It is rumored that the defense is espe cially pleased with the selection of one juror. He is known to be a fast and longlived friend of Judge Morrison, One of the attorneys, who is assisting tbe state, said this about the jury: "I like its looks thoroughly and be lieve it will give an honest verdict. waived our right to peremptory chal lenge in every instanoe save one, because we believed the jury was suitable from the first. We are glad the preliminary work is over and that we can get down inn nenuuiiii Drum or the Argentine the iidininitioii mid iistoiiiNliiiioiit i i ii i ny nor ruling moiiier, mm iiich troops at Lerado, and while there he was given up as a prisoner to the Con federates. He remained in prison over IB months and made bis escape after many hardships, returning to New Or leans and reporting to (len.

Butler, and was assigned as Hrst sergeant of battery 1st U. S. artillery. He was in every engagement vith this battery until he was discharged. This battery, acting as cavalry, was Sheridan's body guard on his ride from Winchester, and Mr.

Riley was one of the last survivors of that ride. He was promoted to the captaincy of company 1st New Orleans Vol. August 111, He was mustered out with the company In This ended the army record of Captain Charles Riley. Mr. Riley was married to Miss Ashta Darby in 1HC7 and moved to Saline county in lKtl'J.

His wife died two months later. Five years after he was married to Mrs. Augusta Myers and the remainder of his life was spent in Saline county. where he was well known. Jt will be remembered that hia wife died almost three yeais to the day before he died.

The children have the sympathy of the entire community. Funeral services were held at the fam ily residence Tuesday afternoon at 11 o'clock. Interment was made in Stone church cemetery. ST. JOHN'S BEAT JUNCTION, Cadets Bring Home the Scalp ol the Junction City High School.

St. John's boys administered the third defeat, which the Junction City high school has Hundred this season at the hands of Salina I itriiH, on Wednesday afternoon on Junction City's grounds, by a score of 1 1 to 0. The only two touchdowns of the gnrne were made in the last live minutes of the second half by two brilliant and in comprehensible plays on the part of Reiariar and Fox. The first half was fought out in Junc tion City's territory, the ball exchanging barilla frequently. The second half up to the last live minutes was a repetition of the first half and was an exhibition of give and take.

Junction City, with the ball in her possession near the center of the field Btarted an end play, which resulted in disastrous fumble: The fumbled bull was picked up by lUtisner, who proceeded to show a clean pair of heels to his bewild ered opponents and touched the ball down back of Junction City's goal after a run of 'J yards. Wilson kicked goal Junction kicked off 40 yards and St. John's returned five. Both teams lined up quickly and then came the most da, zlingplayof the game. Fox took the ball for an end run, while the cadets swung around him on both sides, forming an Impenetrable barrier.

The plucky DEATH OF A VETERAN Captain Charles Riley Dies Very Suddenly. LIFE IS FULL OF ADVENTURE Passed Through Shipwrecks, Battles, and Rebel Prisons Prior to His Settlement in Saline County 30 Years Ago. Captain Charles Kiley died at his home southwest of Kipp at 10 o'clock Monday night. His was over G3 years of age. Mr.

Riley had retired for the evening apparently as well as usual. His daughter. Miss Gertie, who has been his housekeeper for the past three yeBra, was about to retire when she noticed her father was in a heavy sleep and appar ently delirious. She tried in vain to waken him. A lady neighbor was sent for at once, but shortly after her arrival Mr.

Riley died, before medical aid was summoned. Captain Riley's death was certainly a great shock to his family and to the whole community. He had visited one of his neighbors the day of his death and seemed in the height of spirits. He leaves eight children to mourn bis loss. They are: Mtb.

F. Williams, Misses Gertie, Ruth and Prudence, and Messrs. Dick, Lawrence, Wendall and Percy. Captain Riley was born in Tipperary county, Ireland, January 11, 1873. When but two years old his parents moved to Harper's Kerry, and ten years later they moved to New York.

When but twelve years old his parents both died and left him alone in the world. A few years later he went to sea and followed the mast for four years. He was one of the crew on the steamship "Brother Jonathan," the fi rat Bteamship that sailed around Mouth America. Tbis ship was afterward wrecked in the straits of Juande Fuca while carry ing gold seekers to the Frazer river Captain Riley and another man were the only survivors of the crew. From there he went to Texas and enlisted as a private in battery 1st U.

H. artillery. He was assigned to the department of Texas, commanded by Gen. D. E.

Twigs. This command served on the Rio Grande frontier against Indians and Mexican mauradere until the Civil War broke out. After firing on Fort Sumpter, this command took up a line of march to the Gulf. On this march Capt- Riley was severely wounded in the line ot duty. He wai left by the United Stat to business tomorrow.".

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