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The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana • Page 1

Helena, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

VOL-. 5. H. Herslificld BANKEKS. General EuukiUK Its rrancliua.

IWtea Paid tor Traustictcd all Territorial and County Securities, LID GOLD A m'JIdawtf Morris Brother, Whclesale and Reiai! Wars IN ALL OHOICB BEAHD3 OP Tobacco AXO ALSO, Cigars. Confectionery Tovs, AN'D Variety Goods. FRESH FRUIT IN A Tlie Trade is eoHclled to examine onr Sloct, wliluh quantity is more extensive than tbat I any other heuse In the mounoalns. Buyers will onault their Interest by callmc on us. Mtrrls Ill-other.



Our TobaacQs Warranted, OFFICE Dorner of Sacnnd Vine Streets 3.r21clitwlf ST. LOUIS, MO. Magnolia HoteS, i Thla popular lionse, untlur lw nrcitent in naaReinenlf entirely mdlted, ollora Excellent Accommodations To Travelers ancl a Boarders. Tlirt public patronage Is solicited 1u3tUf THE SHEPARD WITH Outside leather Sole? and Linings. FROM I Every

BOODTEAR RDBBEH CO and 3C7 Urondway. Ifow York. ftnrl 107 Miwlison St. i 10M North Fourth St. St, fflK Market Street San PrfiTi NF.WSPAPERHBCHIVE®-..


COHHIN, (I, KtKINSCUMinT. Ass Buy, at UifrUest Kates, Gold Dust, Culu, Gold aud Silver Bullion, and Local Securities; cud sell Excuanftc and TislenrapliiC! Transfers, avlifiiila ID all parts of ttie United States, (lie Canadas, Great Briualn, Ireland and tbe Coptinuut, Collections made, end proceeds remitted promptly We have also perfected ttrranfreineues whereby our fiusilltlcs for uandllue I are particularly good, and this branch oloui business will receive special attention. CaaH advances raadtjtipon Ores, aud same sliiyptul far account of ovciiera. Or we will 13TJY at tbt- vtrv iwwjt rates allowable. Owners of mines will consult tbelr Interests by calllug upon us.







H)X. ASSOCIATED BANK, First National Bank of Bozeman, Designated Depository of aiigaidan-rJ the United States. The Triumph Truss Co, so, 334 BOWERY, Y. To whom was awarde-t Premium BIcdal ron TIIK Best Elastic Truss and Supporter, At the Breat American Institute Pair, (Season 1SW.) Care Rupture in Prom 30 to 00 Ana offur $1,000 for a case they cannot cure. Tlicr Ptnplny a nrat-clASs Ijidy Surgeon.

Te moderate. Cures Guoiunteisd. lie usual discounts to I'tttrotis of Husbandry. ExaiuinatKin Frcn. Or ders filled liy mall, Send cenla for descriptive book to DR.

C. W. )I. nOBNHAlt, crural Su jiertnteu dent. a Office, iais Chestnut street, Philndelehia, g- prlfluawOma National Mining and Exploring Company.

Incorporated Under the Laws of Hew York February 23d, 1865. J. A. ROOSEVELT, President. G.

T. JACKSON, Treasurer, Maiden Lace, NcwTorfc J- JOX'ESj nnil Superintendent UnioiiTilic.ilt. T. Post Office, Helena, M. T.

Alt employees arc required to draw thnlr pay on the nrsL worMiieday in month, or on Miftslng Bills In town netilM thft following rtay, anil If any urn overlooked llicy should be rendered through tlie poav otDoc, The works are always open to Inspection by nt- loaflnjt prohlblvcd. MONTANA TERRITORY, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1S76. B. F. MAESH, U.

Mineral Deputy Surveyor. HELENA HON1AIU. UKMIV AD110M5. A I. KH AS ItKlt 1 AllM IA HEN11Y ADDOMS, Liio, Fire Insurance, Heal Estate and COLLECTING AGENCY.

Xndtry Public mill Coiivcjuiifci-. --Main Street, Helena. M. T. Policies lne! and adjusted from of- llris ndditirtiul cost to Hie insurtM.

TUB sound uuit llollnbli; Iteprusuiiu'd 1)1- tills Agency: Li fa Association of America of Si. Louis, caslmsstis Fire Insiirar.ct' Company of York, Ciiali assets a.S-i5,llB,W I'luculx Fire Insurance Com puny, of Brouklyu, N. casli assets Paul Fire unrt Marine Ingtiroiii-e Camimiiy, of St. Paul, assiAi 9iW.uS3.2it St. Joseph Fire aud Ma.rlnu Insurance Cuin, or St.

Joe. cash assets New Orleans Insurance Association, of New Grit-sins, ccish assets St. Louis Insurance Company. St. Louis Missouri, casli assets lusunuice Companr, of Si.

i. Missuiirl, cusli mauls S2liS.eS:;.S3 Hope Insurance Company, of New Orleans Louisiana, rash assets S233.179.J1 Total Novelties I IN TI1E Dry Goods Line, CHASE CABOT infill and Locust HMCo. OFFER TO THE TRADE 1,000 Cases Staples and Novelties ii) Calico Prlii- iiK, which dealers and otliera Interested fa tno growth ancl prosperity of our country, areJnvlKHl to call and examine. American Industry Is on the road at a rapid speed, anfl will soon pass Die Old World. To etucil In superior products, nt lower prices lias a greater in- to l)rtr(r about a basis and national Uiau can be attained iiy legislative no tion.

Cases OottonatJes. Jeans and Casslmeres. 1,000 TacKaffca Brown and Bleocliud Sheetings and SliirtluKa, nil widths anil qualities. 300 Cases LinenB and Wlilte Goods. SOU C-JSAS Foreign mid Domestic Dress Goods.

Full and complete assortment of Hosiery, Notions, Jtc. Gnjal attention will bo Riven to the styles and novelty or jtll jroods we oltur for sale. Our stock will be kept at all tltnea frusli and lavJtinR. shall omit nothing thatwill iiramotc the Interest ol our patrons, or the prosperity of our house. me success or our business In the past, Is the cuiiranteu we ofTcr for increased efforts lu the future to jjlve tl)e liiElicst satisfaction to tlic trade.

Ijowest Trices ol this or uny other marict fruar- CHASE CABOT. DEVOE'S I I A OIL, SAFEST BEST. DEVOE'S I I A OIL, THE FINEST ILLUMINATOR IN THE WOKUf, The Devo Manufacturing PROPRIETORS, No. 80 Beaver Street, NEW YORK. In Bankruptcy.

In tUu WistrK't Court of ilh' Uniii'il SI si us fur tliu Tlilrxl Lilslrlolol llouiatiu. in UtukrutiLuy. Tills Is to give uollw, that by tin liidin(un Jute tUu Wtli day of A. Elut-ri K. By- cl's of l.owlsumt Clarti' ctiunir.

In said district, rouvi-yuiL mid all lilsWliili 1 and cltwis istwu'ir tu I. It, IVu-tt-riu trusu'e, trtiiilfiir thi- bvtti'Ht Ulbvri llywali'rs. itutl Hint ruinvyaiiL-e was Uuly cxi'ruinl iiccpi'uinn in the i ni visions of llii' 1 nf lliu 11 nuk ruin Act ul March 9I. IbCT, dated tlilig i-Jtli day of April, ls76. F.

K. 1'OttTEB, Barnum's Hotel, ST. Having juirrljasc'd Ilia iuterestuf my forniui- imrt- ncr, Uuniuiu, In liotiil anil rt'UL'WL'cl lliu fur a tt-rm of yi'art, 1 shall inakt? sitcli liniirtn'puu'iits nnii will run- lunu to 1 slyli-. Tin- liutul auU labiL' am In all ivhilu tlie niv uuidi'nik', iincl such as similar ai'couwiodntlons uno- nut ue ulii allied First, ceo ml Xlilra Ot) Flltli L. A.

PRATT, ForniLrIv i'niiriuiir of tile SiiuJiivr Ciuciti- iiiitl, Ohio, iinit thu Unit liousi', Lonlsi-lllL'. Ky. Sflmets, Take Notice An ARTICLE LONG NEEDED The want ot fowl Hydraulic lltmc luis been lini; needed in Mantaua. Welmyeiioiv sci'iired lliu llie Lawrence Hydraulic Duck. This dun-as Is made ot Die very best CuLtou.

nnii Is heavier. snuiolbcraliU licUer (ban any other Buck ever brought to Montana. It is used nil UirutiKli Itlalio aud Colorado, Rivos KiMieral satisfaction. iVe deliver It to any imi-t of tlie Territory. CreenhoocS Bohm, Vlrjfiulu Cil3, ITIniiifiiifi; Wholesale aod Hetnil lca.lers In Clothing, Cents' Fur rushing Goods Lawrence Hydraulic Duck, IJOOBS MINEIIS- OIL SUWS-JS! UTAH NORTHERN On and After June 7th, 1875 Name of Eta.Hot).

Trains leave Corinnu Trains arrive at a. m. 5 .15 750 10 11 TO 1U llUm aon' 7 (Kl SO UTT NU, 2 NO. rass'r. Tralim leave Tranklln in.

p. 45 li 1X1 a. m. 1100 tiorlnne I -I ai iir.prn Trains arrive at Ujg N. B--Noa.

1 and 2 ivlll run Daily. Nos. 3 and 4 nm between Otnlun and Logan 13 folIoM's: No. a will run NurlbvrarU uvury Tuesday, Tlinrsday and Saturday. No.

4 will Southward evory Mwnday, AVed nusilay and Cilluier ft SiiHsbury's Singe Line tii and from Sfwa tana wltii Trains ILL Franklin. OHAS. HIBLEY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. MOSES THATCHEE, UNION BREWERY MIUIL St. Opposite A.

FolEer Proprietor. our Saloon to Its which has beun entirely ruiltted to ierve tuu puulfo wltti tliu hest Lager Beer in Montana. our iJLt JJuer, ra Ktiuuli! notu tbe aiiperlur qiiiiKLy nvrllt McBURNEY HOUSE, Deer Lodge City Montana, Fine, wcill SurulattL-a K.tcellcnt. ATESWOKTII c23tt "Helena --Opposite Imperial IXclciia, 3: IIOKSCJK.V KKXCK, IVoprt'ra. rcfliutd and tutierwlsa Imprnvcd our noted place of rejsort, propoiu tofnrnlnti uur vhl ciutoin fers aaU und numhtr of new ona witli the very bust By the Glass, Gallon or Kc(t.

Our hons; Hlways been nowjd for the (sqcellent finality of Us hr-t-r, and fjin ru tliq public tliat lu for inur mruLaUon will in; more itian tiiatjilncd. JOHN' IIOItSCKV. JACOB KEN? HUGE: I I I A A Geu. Terry's OfTicial Report of the Ouster Massacre. THE WHEREABOUTS OF CROOK.

Snake Indians Join Crook's Coxn- maiicl and Five Companies of Cavalry. OMAHA, S. Cnpt. Nk'ki-'rscni, ol Gen. Crook's stall', ivho WL-IIE nut i i llie expedition, ruturiutd to Omaha yesterday.

Ill- kit Crook on )iit' of i i Folks ot Tonync river, 16(J nsiks Iroin FttU-r- man, and also '20C irimi tiiu rslilnnid. 'I'lic conimntiil wits await ny i i i a of anil reinfiii-funu'Dts, i lallir con- of comiiuiiitv. i Kuit IV 1 1 en EI ami i-spctUil t- i-tai-li Cruok iiltiiiit lliu 12ili. llu uls.p lio ju'ucd nbcTiit liy I.IO i These 1 will) the i hiclcilsl 1 ol incu in to (ivot 1,400. CniHuiii Nickwstui Jots nut tiiipru- liL-uil any ID tin; fxp-jtlitimi.

Crook's cumri is not over suveiiiy i from (l)t; sct'iii; of CtisUer's ni-wsiiciv. 'f'lic i if Gen. olliuiul ru- jjort ot Rioter's U'ltli tin) In- received Slicritiiin'ti liLa kiign, on 7Lli nt uly JEI'AIS'T UK Lrrn.K lii: Huiix 27, 1S7U. Ti Ailjiitaut Oencrti! Military Division ul tlie Missouri, nt I i It is my rminlnl duly to ri-pmt iliu day Ijcfurc yusturdfty, 2.jlli i a great disnsler overtook Gen. C'uster and thu troojis his coiinnitinL At 12 u'clouk ol 22 hi: stiirteil i i liis ivliolu rudiment juid slrotiy dcliiCii- uicnt scouts tinil giiiinis frmn i i oi Iht Uosc'mid.

Vriiceeilinj; up that i abtiiit twenty miles, lie- sluick very lienvy lodiun trail, whicli hud Ijctu ijt'i-vinusly discovcrcii, it I'lunnl IcJ, us it was supposed Unit it ivuilld loail, to tliu LitLlu Big i i i river, lie fnnnil village ol'ulnifist uncj nulled ex tun and at oiieu allncked it iviLli portiott of his iorca i i wiis inimtxliiiLtiiy nt Imiui. Uitjorliutio, i three eomiianics, A. nncl of regiincitt was sent Into tiie valley ol the stream nt i i i wlu-re the trail struck it. Gcu, Custur, i i cnmpiinius, C. Ji F.

I mid attempted tu uiilcr it i three miles lower ilown. llenn Inrtied Mic river, churned ilM tcltliiiitk. (lismnuntud MitJ loiiyht iu i until iiitiilly, cnmntately uvcrwhtilmuil hy uuuibers, he ivas to i i nnd rucross the rivur nni.1 suck on the lugli Id nil's vt'hich overlook ita riglu bunk, -JiiEt us hu had reci'issKil, O'ljitain JictHon. wlio, i three J), and 1C, was some two miles to the left of Reno tint aclton coinmcnccd, but wild hai! buuii orJercd by (Jen. OnsLcr to came to tlie river, and i concluded tliat it xvasuscleas Tor his lorce to i i to Lho light in the valley.

He joined lie no on the blulls. Ciqit. MeUutlgall, i couipany 13, ivna at lirat at smile Llist.iticein the roar, i i a tr.aili of mule.H. I alst came to Keno. Snnn this i i i i foi'co was nearly surrounded by Initiaim, mnny urmttd with rifles, oc'-tipUit! positinns which commnrirU'd the held by cavalry yrotmd Irom i i there waia nn Jtillc i)ils wuru dud tlio light, was a i a i i i i i with heavy loss, from uboul past, two o'clock oi the 2.1111 till (i o'clock ol tlic 2CUi.

when the I i a a wi Lli drew from the valk-y, taking i them their villago, Oi the movements ol Gcucnil Ouster imtl the live compttuiL-s Bunder his i i a command, sturdily a i is known from those ivlio witnessed ilium, for no nlliccr or soldier who accninpaniiid i i has yet been found ftlivc. His trail from the tlic point wlicre Item) crossed the stream, pusscil nlong niid in the rear til' thu crests of the blulla on the right bank for nearly or quite three miles, then it tomes to' tlie bank oi i river, but at niicu divcrgos from it, as if lie had iittempletl to ertiss, then upon almost completes circle and censes. It is marked 1 by the remains of officers and nieti. and the btidiea of I i i horses, sotnu of them hobbled nlong i a wiiere Inilis up pear hnvu been mivdo. There is abundant, evidence a gidltml resistance was fifTf-rrtl by i but that they were beset on all sides by uvcr- TJio filliccrs I'j i i sii-e Cuslcr Captains Kcoh, Gatea Lieutenants Cook, Stuilli, Cal- I'nrlcr, llodgfion, Ktnrgcs and i of the cavalry CritLcnddii (if llie Twentieth Lniantry, rind Acting AsKistant Surgeur, He Wol I'.

i a lluttistin of tlio cavalry, anil Acting Scrguun Lord are misMng. Capt. IjCiilen and Litiut. a of the cavalry are i wiiuiid- cd. Jlr, JioHtoit Custor, a brother, Heed, ft nephew, oi Uen.

Culler, were i i him and were No oilier ofliccrs a those I have named are unions the i wounded or missing, it it) impossible, as yet, to obtain ft i a list of the enlisted men who were killed awl wounded, hut the nunilrer ol i i i iig uflicra, must reach two and lifty. The number ol wounded is fifty -one. At the mouth of tlieHosebud, 1 informed 1 Custcr that I should take the supply sLcum- crFarWisst thu Yellowstone ferry Ccn, Gibbon's column over the river; that I should personally accompany that, column, and that it would in nil probability reach the mouth of tlic Little Jiig Horn, on the 36 lh inst. The steamer reached Gen. Giblwin's troops, near the mouth of the Itig Horn, early on the i of the 2-Hli, and ivt 4 o'clock in the al'ternoon i his men aud ammnla were ncross llie Yellowstone, At 5 n'clock column, i i i a i of fivccompftnics of the Seventh Infantry, four companies of the Seventh Cavalry ami ft battery of three GrtUin guns, marched out to and accross Lullc-r's crock, ritartiny soon nfter 5 o'clock on ilm i i i of tin; 2olh, the Infantry made a mnrnli of twenty-two miles over the most difficult country that I have cvor seen, in order that the scouts might be sent into tlie valley rf the Little Big Horn.

The cavalry, the battery, was then pushed on thirteen or fourteen miles further, reaching camp at midnight. 1 he scouts were sent outsit Iiftlf post four on the uuiriiiug of the 26th. They soon discovered throe Indians wlio were n't first supposed to be scouts, but when overtaken they proved lo be Cmws, who liad been with Gen. Ouster. They brought the first intelligence of the battle.

Tlicu 1 story was not credited. It was supposed tlm't Jim. 1 fijiliting, perhaps severe light iu had a it was not believed that disaster cvm Ul liave overtaken so large a force sis twelve compuniesof cavalry. The i a i had Ijcolccii camp vary early, suou came up suiil tlie whole column entered aud moved up the valley of the Jjittle IJiy Hum. i the afternoon dlYirls were iimdc lo send scouts through to what was supposed to be Ocil.

Custcr's pnsitioii, and to obtain itifurmatioa of the (tonditioii itffairs, but those who were sent out werj driven buck by parlies of Indians, who, in in creasing numbers were si'eii hovyrimjin Oen. Gibbon's front. At twi'uty iiiimitus before nine in tliccvcning. i a had marched between twen ty-iiino iitid thirty miles, Tlic men were very irj ami Jay-light was fading. The column wns i "halted for the a about eleven miles in a straight line aliiive the i i of the stream.

i movement was resumed, and after march of nine miles Major Itunu's untruiiclmd posit ion wsis reacheil. The withdrawal of the Indians from aronud Reno's coinmniKi and from the valley wits undoubtedly eansfld by the appearance of Gen. nibboii'ii troops. jUajor Kuno and Captain TJenton, both of whom are utliiwrs great uxpcricnce, ti) st'e largo masses of mounted men, estimated the Indians en- at not less than twenty-live him- druil. Other ollicors i tlmt tliu ntiiii- I'L'i's v.viv grcitlertliun tiiia.

The villagu in i i a valley was about three miles in i about i in i fjesides the lodfros proper, great, number of lom- yi.Jrury brualivvdOil shelters were found in it, tliut, a men besides its proper iuliabUanlsliniA guUiurcd, together there. Major llcno is very ooniideut Unit there were i of i men lighting i the Jndi.iii3. It is believed that the loss of the Indians was large. 1 have as yiit ri'ceived no official reports ia regard to a buL what, is stated herein is gal hereil from the officers who were ou tlic Lfriivtml then, and from those who luivc been over it since. ff.

TMIIUV, Gcncrul, NKKT8 A NOTES. Kgyptian troops nro being s-jut to Cou' The Survittns have issued forccii paper currency. A i i fiarili, the well tctichcr uf singing, SB dcml at tuples. btiK written hid letter of aceeut- 1 which will be published on Monday. A.

yellow lever vessel is at the Eew York (juarantiuc. Two dciiths have occurred. The Servians wore beaten a Navn and sullcreil a lasa of killed and Curl iisillcil ou Hayes Friday. i i i of Kepuhlican ticket is regarded as cfrtain. The Emperor A a i Count, Audras- sy, the Cutir and tiorlsehalcnft' have gotte lo Lcipii, Ijolicmiti.

The cnnlereiiee in the iofl.lic nnii cniisular iippropritition bill have ngriin ftillej; ti) uiirtic. Tlio wngys of from to 00,000 Lan- uashite cotton operatives are to be reduced JO per cuiiL The miners in IVigan and Tyledtslyjlis- tricw ol Wules have struck against 11 red i ol lij per cunt, in wages. and Mies Jewctt ap- nt the Kew York A.cadcmy of Hu sic SaUirdny niglit i Jtomcn iind" Juliet, A Kew York truckman named John Smith waa murdered a few days ago Jor proteritiiif; a woman Jroni i by rowd iea, Tlie nuirdcrs committee! by the Turks in Bulgaria, is csd mated at from 12,000 to 250(JO- In one village 40 women were burned The bcrvian army nf Prina lias been completely beaten by 12,000 Turks at Belgina riincn, i a loss ot TOO men. Subsequently the Turks met a repulse, "Does Uiia razor take hold well?" "Yt-s," i i i i the a victim, "it takes hold well, but it, let fio cent." The Iwas on exchange to the Indian gov- in eonscijueiicc to tlio decline in silvfrrciichcs $10,500,000, urn! then: is a gnat consternation among -ICiigiish pro- TUc Democratic Cuntrnl Committee in i i Imvu iidiliid cx-Coiigresamfui McKia- noy mid Jftiiirjs H. Clroll to the executive CommiUuu.

A vifrorinis cumrmiyu be nboiit Lliu i ol August. President lias nominated Wm. J. U'riyht, JI. consul Snnto, Brnssi), i i a W.

I'rnsli, at Scuttle, WuBiiingliiii Turnlnry, tinci J. nj'ciii (or tlie Yunkton Sioux ol Da- kola. Stttunlay's biink stiitumcnt-- Loans in cruns'j specie legal tundnrs rlccreiisu, dejMisH increaw. circulation increase, rcscive incrcjisti, toilerTM nittt I Lfnisur, Cfitiltiiora ife 139 to Fulton alrccl, Cliicngo, cull lUlcntioii to their Stamp i AniitlgiUtialitiH J'nns, Crushing Kol- Iftrs utid Alacliincry ior i i Smelting mid Cunccutrating ores. ITRMS.

inakfi ppcciftHy of manufacturing nht inijirovcd mncliincry lor i i and jVnialgannttinK i silver and cojpcr orus. Arc Solo lor Pointed Rock Drills," manufactured by M. C. Bullock, Luscliot'a pntent." Tliese Drills ftrc superior to any other manuftictiirc, arc specially adapted for aa they produce core of strata rock through tvhieli Utcy drill from any desired deptli, Ol-ll 3MK1.TINO JtACKIXaRY is of uir-st approved design. Wo last acuaon jnrnishcd an outfit for Messrs.

Ofililcr, Armstrong Olcndnlc: JI. which included a 1 Jacket lilnat Furnace; 1 which has given most perfect We rclcr to these gentlemen, also to Ilr-nry i i Cislcr, Qtiin and Oil A3. Dalilcr, ol Virginia City. Shcnon, Jiantiack; Samuel J. Jonca, flelctia, and Mr, Mason, Snpt, Cliiaago Reduction Works, JcffcrsonlCity.

M. T. U- 3STO. 90 POUXICAl ITEMS. Tiltlcn aafl nendricks clobe are organizing in nit directions.

The Democracy fight their battles before the tkkct is Dominated. Lane, ot Oregon, sjiys most Northwestern States "can be counted certain lor tije Democrats by handsome major! ties." Yntes, Kobbins and TVauaell, of North Carolina, says the old North State caa be bub down for 30,000 Democratic majority. Blanton Duncan telegraphed Irani St. Louis Tuesday niRht: "Tilden IB smashed, or I am a liar." Hut Tilden was not smashed. The Democracy of Kings county, New York, promise 20,000 majority for Tilden nnil Ileiulrieks, and they will keep the lira misc.

The I'titdiftstor, published at Atka, in tlic Choetaw nation, has had the name of "Sam'l J. Tilden, for President at ita masthead ior a munth past. Tlie Boston Republicans have postponed the meeting to ratify the nomination of Hayes nncl Wheeled two or three times, lor some enthusiasm' which, never comes, Tho correspondent of the Baltimore Gazette writes "Tlie Tilden men have one thing to be proud of; they won the fight i entering i cosnbi nations with i friends nt any ciinutchiie for tlie second piiice." They say that Alex. McClure, of the Pliiltuitilphiii vrnuld like to be Governor. tint 3D long as he is out with the Camerons and unt in i the Democrats his propsects are slim.

The Ilarnsburg pays this passing i i i i i to tlie forces of Hayes end Wheeler: An finny in which Shepherd, Bnbcock, Colfnx, Casey, Kellnggand a host tit like kidney, nccupf the positions ot sub- may be well dveftded by the people ill' United Suites, Uefol'l ia trying its hand once more. Here is ita best: Reform lictorin 1 Glvt It, 'urn warm. Tllilnn svrcops over tlio laiiiA lilie asturm. Clionis it, boys from tlic East to the Vrsst; ami tluntlrtuk-s, that tickets tlieltest, On to tlii! Wliltu Housu nmrcli In tt swarm, ni 1 Til Jen anil slioiiliiiK "Ilflform 1" Ex. Secretary of State; 'Homer A.

Nelson, of New York, said to a reporter: "I hare no doubt about the resnlt of Tildeii's nomination. There will be no trouble in the party, fur there is really nothing to make It. New York City will give a greater ninjority tor Tildea, I believe, tban for any other man, notwithstandiug tbat it has been the center of the opposition." AV a filling ton Advices. July Ways and Means Committee to-day held a long session on thu subject of amending the internal revenue laws for the relief ol fruit linmdy distillers. So action taken.

The recent speeches of Senator Morrill of Mai no, Representative Garfield and others, showing the real nature of the con- Iliet bet.vccn Senate and House on. the bills, have produced a pow- impression aud the tlead iock will probably be broken next week. If so, it is believed tlio House -will readily share thu responsibility of postponing the impeachment trial aud Congress will promptly niljourn to escape the intense heat of a Washington summer aud personally participate in the political cainpiugn. The Conference Committee on the silver bill has not yet held any meeting. The bill confirming the title to the California school indemnity selections still awaits an opportunity Ior passage by tlie Senate.

Judge Widncy has returned to Cahfor- nin. Colonel Dean arrived to-day from San Prim Cisco. NEW YORK, July Independent Labor party, at a meeting to-nigbt, dis- cusetl tlie Chinese question, and the general sentiment of the speakers favored the itctiou of the Californians regarding the Celestials. Blalno Acccit Auoua-rA, July S---Ex-Speaker Blainc has formally accepted tbe United Statea Senatorship tendered him by Governor Connor, The vacancy thus created in tlic House Kepreseutc.tivcs -will not be filled until tlic regular, election in September. An Oil Conflagration.

PITTSIIUIMJ, July 11 o'clock this morning a firn broke out in the Amor- Scan Oil Works of Holdship Irsrin, located on the Allegheny river. The fire sprain! with fearful rapidity, and at 3:30 p. in. live small tanks were all burning liercely. It is thought the fire can be con- I'mcd to the tanks now burning, A large force of men is engaged digging trenches to protect adjoining property in.

case tile explode. Two Democrats (Gibson, of Louisiana, and "Wikc, ot Illinois,) refuse to unite with the majority of the Dcmocrati on the reucy and baukiag committee and report tlic repeal ot the resumption act There was a stormy scene in the committee, but the two absolutely rttuscd to yield. Tlie Enemy of The foe to disease in man and beast 33 the grand old Mustang Liniment, which has stood TEST OP TOIITY TBAJW- There ia no sore it will not heal, no lameness it will not cure, no ftchc, no pain that nlilicta the human body, bodj ot a horse or other domestic nnimal tbat docs not yield to ita magic touch. A bot- tte costing 23 cents, 50 cts. or $1,00, haa often saved h'Ju e-t a human being, and restorcil to life and natfutatss run ly a valuable horse.

TOK MSK, IT.WlLt CURB rheumatism, burns, ecalds, bruises, cuts, (rost-biles, swellings, contracted cords, pain in the bftck, lumbago, sciatica, clul- Dlftins, strains, sprains, atiff joints, sore nipples, eruptions, pains, wounds, ulcers, FGK it will cure ffalls ftod sorca, swinny, ringbone, windgcHi, big hcrtd, polleti), humors nncl soros, swellings, distemper, scratches, stiffnes? and open Uy..

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