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Brazil Daily Times from Brazil, Indiana • Page 3

Brazil, Indiana
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MOT Some of the Netrs Part cf the Time, but all Ihe News alt the time. cf A DAILY in CLAT COUHTT. VOL. XIX. THE BRAZIL TIMES.

AUGUST 21. 1907 No. 150. BREWERIES DRYAN JTAVMCK NEBRASKAN'S TRAIN DERAILED Tine Mew We Pay Yea to Save Every person ought to lay aside every week a certain per cent of their earnings for sickness, rainy day or for the'purchase of a home Braes SAVINGS ACCOUNTS for this purchase is a part of our business you can deposit any "amount from a dollar up, and we pay 3 per cent interest compounded every 4 monthe. Resources over one half million dollars.

The Brazil Trust Co. E. It, WINKLEPLECK, Pres'L D. H. DAVIS.

Vice-Pres't. Always Available 1 IF you wish to set aside a certain portion of your means, where it will be available for immediate use, open an account with this bank. Remember, that there is no business so small, but that this bankVill give it careful attention, Riddell National Bank, Xjnited States Depositary Clkocoflaite A chocolate soda is the most delicious drink that can be had, provided the flavoring is of that rich luscious kind. Our's is, and that is why our chocolate drinks are becoming so popular. You never tasted anything so good.

ALLEY'S Pharmacy Citizens Bank Bldg. Is the best grade of varnish that is sold in Brazil, and is only to be found at Kellar's Drug Store, 2d door east Davis Hotel. We also have a set of grainers that are, very cheap and any one can use them to grain their own wood work, think of it only 35 and 50c a set. Small varnish can 20c, Call and get a free sample. KELLAR'S The "Druddisf.

2nd Deer C. Diva rrstc! Dotli Phczco. GOODS DELIVERED Shot into a Stooping uerry Gatherer. Chief Deputy Sheriff Scmidt and Deputy Sheriff Lidster of Vigo county, went to Seely villa this morning, where they arrested David Morris on the charge of assault and battery with intent to kill. The charge was preferred by Frank Wagenroder, an Austrian, who was shot by Morris Sunday.

The matter was reported late yes terday afternoon, but as those who made the report could not make themselves understood, no arrest was made last night. Wagenroder is able to speak German, but cannot talk English. Deputy Schmidt was able to converse with him. Wagenroder was picking blackberries Sun day and was on Morris' land. He had finished the berries and stooped over to investigate la potato hill.

While in this position Morris approached and, without warning, fired a charge of bird shot from a shot gun. Wagonroder was seriously injured. It is hardly probable that he will again be able to walk. Morris offered no resistance when placed under arrest. He did not realize the seriousness of the charge at first, as he thought he was only protecting his property.

He was brought to the city and placed under $500 bond. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to curein all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treat ment.

Hall Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure, send tor list or testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney To ledo, O.

Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. LOGALTOYS. Mrs. Joe Loyd of Greencastle, is the guest of Mrs.

W. FL Farrow. Mrs. Barney Navin, son and daughter, spent the day in Terre Haute, guests Mrs. Stewart Hise.

Martin Holmes, wife and daughter Elsie, who have been visiting in Col orado Springs, returned home yes terday. Mrs. Ella Royce of Chicago, is is visiting Mrs. Yocom, on east Jackson street. Notice to Our Customers.

Wn are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates nfrViof harmful rimers. sinH we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults, sxmuitz tne Druggist. LOCAL -JTtMS. I will mail you free, to prove merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restorative, and my-Book on either DvsrjeDsia.

The Heart or the Kid neys. Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely sym- tomsTof a deeper ailment. Don't make the common error of treating avmDtoms only. Symptom treat ment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves the inside nerves menna Stomach weakness, always.

And the Heart, and Kidneys as well. have either controlling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves end you inevitably have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. LiooD 8 Restorative nss made No other recassy ever clim to i treat the j.

r-Tvci." Also tor cio-wrrx. cws3- -a mm 1 w9 r-rr. tad breath cr complexion, xro Dr. cVa Ilreretira. Vrito NEAR BELVIDERE, ILL.

WAS HIS FOURTH CLOSE CALL He Promises to Secretary Taft's Speech in Tfe Commoner. Belvidere. 111., Aug. 21. William J.

Bryan escaped injury Tuesday when two coaches ot the Chicago Northwestern train which was bearing him to Rockford was derailed near Belvi- dere when the baggage car took an open switch. Mr. Bryan was riding "to one of the two day coaches which lef tE track. After the Nebraskan had crushed cin ders from his rumpled clothing, he remarked that this was the fourth time he had been in a wreck on his way to the Rockford Chautauqua. Walks to Trolley Line.

With the other passengers, who es caped injury, he had to walk a mile and a half up rhe track to Belvidere, where he took an electric car for the Rockford Chautauqua, arriving there several hours behind his schedule. In his speech at the Chautauqua on Tuesday Mr. Bryan made no refer ence to the speech of Secretary of War Taft at Columbus, Ohio. In an interview, however, he saitf he had found several interesting passages in the address. He declared he would reserve comment on these for the Commoner.

GRAFT EVIDENCE GUARDED. Pennsylvania Attorney GeneVal Puts Watch on Report. Harrisburg, Aug. 21. That there shall be no tampering with the books and records that tell the storj-of state capitol graft, the attorney general's department has placed a guard on iwm No.

402 in the capitol. which was used for six months as headquarters for the investigating committee. Everything on which the committee based its report contracts, plans, specifications, copies of correspond ence, was transferred to the custody of the attorney general when the committee disbanded. Three watchmen have been assigned to the room and will be constantly on guard. This system will be maintained until Attorney General Todd and his associate counsel have determined what disposi tion to make of the documents.

State Senator John E. Fox, off Har risburg, who has been retained by the attorney general to assist in the graft cases, arrived home Monday from Eu rope. He said he had not seen the re- rope nnd was only familiar with its general character, and therefore was not in a position to speak on the matter. BEEF TRUST BUYS RIVAL. Pays $5,000,000 for Concern and Buys Heavily in Stock.

New York, Aug. 20. The beef trust has secured a controlling interest In the New York Butchers' Dressed Meat capitalized at $10,000,000, and will take It over on Oct 1. The acquisition of the concern by the trust Is more notable because It was brought into existence by wealthy re-tall dealers to prevent the trust from dominating their business when the United Dressed Beef Co. sold out to the trust.

Some of the minority stockholders do not approve the sale, but were helpless. The purchase price is said to have been about $5,000,000. It Is understood the trust' has also secured 40 per cent of the stock of the Schwarzschild Sulzberger Co. According to Ferdinand Sulzberger, the trust bought this stock secretly. He added tha tthe trust can not offer enough money to get a controlling Interest in the independent companies.

Reported Lost in the Alps. New Aug. 21. Francis Rea MacMillan, the American violinist whose genious has attracted attention both in this country and abroad, is reported in cable Advices to be lost in the Alps. Merely an Income.

"Why didn't you accept Jack when he proposed?" "Because didn't know -what his financial standing was, my dear." "I didn't know you were marrying for riches." "I'm not, my dear. Merely alimony." Milwaukee Sentinel. He Took It Badly. "You are quite run down," said the facetious cyclist to tie man be had knocked over; "you to take something." "I will," said the victim. Jumping up; "I'll take it out cf your hide." And he did.

Too Much Cholly Why don't you wear a tepi hat til the tk3? You lock to tl-U better in oza. Fweddy r. "Ji toy, to tlrrzji ctrtcioo tlii era to Irciirr C-Va Take Steps to Step Fight on Saloons. MANY SALOONS MAY GO And the Breweries Agree not to Start any More in Indiana. Indianapolis, Aug.

20. An agreement offered by Albert Lieber of the Indianapolis Brewing Company and Crawford Fairbanks of the Terre Haute Brewing Company at a meeting of all local brewers and representatives of Pabst, Schlitz, Anheuser-Busch and Jung brewing companies this afternoon and approved by all present, calls upon the brewers not to start any more saloons in Indiana for the next two years. The breviers will sign the document tomorrow and by so doing will agree not to contest remonstrances against objectionable saloons in localities where there are already too many saloons. The agreement effects about 6,000 brewery saloons in Indiana and adjoining state and will eventually result in the abandonment of about 2,400 saloons in Indiana. The agreement ostensibly is for the purpose of heading off the enactment of the $1,000 license bill in 1909, and will save the brewers annually besides checking the bitter competition that has been on between the liquor interests of the State for years.

"For the last two years," said Crawford Fairbanks tonight, "the number of saloons in Indiana has not decreased. The sale of beer in Indiana, on the other has in creased 15 per cent. Throughout the United State3 beer sales have been increased about 9 per cent. "The statement has ieen made that there is disaffection among the brewer interests of Indiana, which is entirely without foundation. The brewers of the State are all on good terms and anxious to stop this unscrupulous competition that has waxed warmer and warmer for years.

"They will all the agreement made today and consider it binding. The movement will eventually cover the State and will result in better regulated liquor AlKDOKE. Another big crowd greeted the excellent entertainment at the Air- dome last week, and tonight concludes the first half of the week. Those who wish to see the acts so far presented must go tonight, as every artist will change their acts for tomorrow night. It is univers ally conceeded that this weeks program has given the best general satisfaction, and the large crowds who have nightly attended prove its popularity.

The Airdome is on the right path of succcess, and if con tinued on these lines will be a grand success. Go tonight. Miss Avis lpcom spent the day in ierre Haute. Miss Nelle Doyle of Terre Haute, who has been visiting here, returned home today, accompanied by Misses Melle Bright and Kate Keegan. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrheoa Remedy, Better Than Three Doctors.

Three years ago we had three doctors with our litttle boy and everything that they could do seemed in vain. At last when all hope seemed to be gone we besran using Chamberlain's Colic, 'Cholera 1 ana uiarrnoea itemeay ana in a lew hours he began to imDrove. Todav he is as healthy a child as parents could wish for." LIrs. B. J.

John ston, Linton, Mi3s. For sale by t1 1 4.1 1-k Hay Fever and Summer Colds. tT- i a iY and Krr.thiTiT Ironed rrA 11 1- rr i ii Victims of hay fever will experi-enca crest benefit bp taking zj'a Honsrr and Tar. cs it stoi We have just received a large line of the new blues in Ginghams, Chambray and Gambricks that every body is wanting. We have McCalls Patterns Wehrle Sowar Co.

ASIC THE DOCTOR It is your privilege to take your prescriptions to th9 drugnst you may prefer. The doctor is quite apt to write it upon what ever blank is handiest. It is not an indication that you are to take it to the store whose ad dress appears upon it. We believe that we give as perfect prescription service as can be had. If you desire the doctor's opinion, ask him about us.

We are confident he will as. sure you that you make no mistake in bringing your prescription here. HERR'S Drug Store SEASON IS ON when everybody en- joys a delicious Phosphate. Ice Cream Soda or Sundae You'll find our's the best. ICE CREAM Pure, wholesome and delicious is the kind we serve SoHveeir Post Cards' Scenic, Comic, Views, Greeting Decorated The Largest and -Best line in the city.

VesH Emtil IPlkapimiiacy Yf, R. Ward, of Dyersburrr, write: "This is to certify that I have used Orino Laxative Fruit r-rrcn fcr chronic cenntimticn. and it hi3 prcTUi, a dr-bt, to to TH03.H. McCREA, Vice-Prest W. E.

CARPENTER, Sec'y. First Nation BRAZIL Capital $100,000 Surplus 35.000 C. S. slNDREWS, President; H. 8TE7EKS0X, Cashier; F.

BVCRLIX, Ass't Cashier. This bank redeems its circulate insr notes in gold coin at its ccmnter. The Terrors of Housecleaning are reduced to a minimum by using the only that will effectively settle and absorb the dust caused by sweeping. 'Perolin' cleanses, brightens and preserves carpets, rugs, and Kills germs and purifiies the air. Put upin-xanisters sufficient to last a house of six rooms for six months.

A trial will convince ou of the efficiency Perolin Lee 1 1hoinnisis CorMain and Meridian streets HEALTH HTCSUISCE At iiiiiit: ALEXANDER, PR PRES. CHICAGO. UUNOIS. Aami and bbeml chim. baumrnls baT node Cbnliwnlal Policies bapdsc Policies of positive protection for all risks at wsr prices Represented by New Phone 8121.

In the new Winklapleek ItaaQ 4 1 11111 11 GIVEN IN Oratory, Languro end Mctheniatixi durinj your spare tima cl ciy cfjee, Neighbors Got Fooled. "I was litterally coughing: myself to death, and had become to weak to leave my bed; and neighbors predicted that I would never leave it alive; but they cot fooled, for thsnks toMGod, I was induced to try Dr. Kind's New Dbcoverr. It took just four or3 dollar bottles to completely cure tlla couh tnd rcctcre ns-j to (cod csund kciith," srritci lira. Eva Unchr-cr, revert rrm, Lid.

W-z UizcZ crri cni cJ I cr1 a fr- 11! i cr it TTiUi a I tn r--ii.

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