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The Elyria Republican from Elyria, Ohio • Page 6

Elyria, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Our Custom Tailoring Department Is now ready for your inspection. We are showing over 500 styles of this season's newest fabrics and colorings. We will be pleased tp explain to you the difference between our method and the so-called made to measure tailoring concerns. Daniel Freese 547 Broad Street Elyria, Ohio NEWS OF LORAIN COUNTY By Onr Special Correspondents. IftAAAAAAAAJ Miss Jennie Sherburne, teiicher in the South Bend, schools, is spending her weejv's vacation with her parents, Sherburne.

Mrs. Lewis Adams and two children, Dorothy and Russell, aud Charles Adams, of Elyria. Mr. and Mrs. B.

F. Gott, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.

Gott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wight attended the a of Mr. "and Mrs.

A. i Rev W. E. Lyon, in Medina, Monday. Mrs.

Irwin Arnold and daughter, Our Wellington high school i Olive, of Lorain, were recent guests dents returned Manday to their of Mr. and Mrs. White. school work after a week's vacation, I which was thoroughly enjoyed. Mrs A Bce a1 Mrs Powers.

i Jllss Mona Skeeles and Miss Luc Last week was an ideal one for attended the Enworth Mrs. Francis Barnard suffered with I Ml Beavor on the sick a severe hemorrhage of the nose last llst past week Tuesday. Her daughter. Mrs. Nettie The a of Mrs.

J. White was Lewis, of La Grange, was with her beld from the M. E. church Tuesday for several days. afternoon at one o'clock, Rev.

A. John Perry attended the K. O. T. i Beal conducting the services.

M. convention held in Elyria Wed- i and Mrs. S. P. Merrlam made nesday.

I a business trip to Elyria Monday. Frank Root and daughter, A vei pleasant surprise was ten- Miss Nina, visited relatives in Elyria Thursday and Friday. Henry Whitney is on the sick list. Mr. Lance and son are suffering with severe attacks of measles.

Lloyd McCroden, of Cleveland, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Eglin. Mrs. Emma Hinkley, of Sharon, Mrs. E.

N. Whitney and daughter, Mrs. Agnes Coleman, of Lorain. and Mrs. F.

A. Ward, of Oberlin, were guests of Mrs. James Meredith last Wednesday. Walter Gifford and Rev. A.

C. Hacke. of Oberlin college, are enjoying their spring vacation this week. The patrons of the Elyria Southern Telephone company presented Mrs. Amey Crosier with a flue oalc rocking chair for her efficiency at the central office, which she greatly values, both for its value and the kindness of the givers.

Mrs. Crosier has been most patient and kind with the patrons and her worth has been appreciated. Wallace Barker, of Minneapolis, is visiting his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A.

P. Lincoln. Jezae Davis, of Carroilton, come to spend the summer with "aix Clarence Davis. Ttu; C. E.

Koclety will have a social M. M. Sherburne's next Friday The public is cordially in- dered Mrs. Hannah Curtice Thursday afternoon, March 29. The occasion being in honor of her sixty-fifth birthday.

A delicious lunch was served. After presenting their hostess i many pretty gifts, they departed, wishing her many happy returns of the day. Dr. Betteridge, dentist, at Dr. Snycler's office every Tuesday.

36t4 Xo Quarter The evils which always follow af ter indigestion, biliousness or con stipation will give no quarter. Bet ter fight them to a finish with Dr Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pepsin is a weapon against these dangerous diseases which will give you quick relief and permanent cure. Sole by H. A. Dykeman and Eady Drug Store at 50c and $1.00 Money back if it fails.

Miss Mary Townahend has returned from a month's visit with friends in Michigan; Mr, and Mrs. Alvln Walker have moved.from Ridgeville to Mr. Sher- bond's place at Avon Lake. Roy Knight spent Saturday and Sunday with H. Eaton, at Rocky River; recently.

Mr. and Bert have been spending Murray, who the winter in Avon and Lorain, left for their home In Conneaut, Saturday. and. Theodore Dechert have moved from Cleveland to Mr. John Standen'a place.

Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson have been guests of Mrs. Suo Jameson for of Lorain, a few Miss Eunice spent part of her vacation with friends In Avon; The Dorcas society will give an entertainment at the hall on Thursday evening of this Joseph: Jameson, who; has been spending the.winter In California, Is expected home within a few days. Joseph Dlckerson Is entertaining his brother, John Dickerson, of Coshocton county, Mrs.

Lizzie Taft, of Lake wood, spent Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. John Pickering, who is to be falling. Rev. Callister, Howard Lewis, Mrs. W.

Johnson and daughter Ethel, Mrs. T. Warden, Mrs. Mary Eastman, Mrs. C.

Sweet, Mrs. Lizzie Barrett and daughter, Miss Grace, and Misses Anna. Knight 'and Nettle Smith at- tendfad the Epworth 1 league convention in Lorain last week. The ladies of the Baptist church will have an Easter social at the home of Mr. J.

B. Gaboon Tuesday evening, April 10. All are cordially invited. Miss Agnes Squire, of Cleveland, will assist Miss Mary Weber In the millinery store during the busy season. They have announced the spring millinery opening for April 6, 7 and 9.

The M. E. society will be entertained at the home of Mr. Reube.u Chester Thursday afternoon, 12. All are invited.

Mrs. Wilson Jameson and children visited Mrs. Geo, Yost In Elyria on Monday. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. Cahoon, Avon, Mr. Raymond L. Walker and Miss Iva A. Cahoon were united in mar riage on the evening of Wednesday, March 28, 1906.

The ceremony was performed by their former pastor, Mrs Harvey Brown, who has been seriously ill, Is now recovering. Miss Hilda Mason visited Miss Florence Pope's school in Russia township on Wednesday. Messrs. Lee Lyman and Willie Roberts, of Elyria, were guests of David Miller on Thursday. John Knlpper, of Oberlin college, and Miss Johnson, of S.

were callers at the home of B. O. Pope on Sunday afternon Miss Alice Sutllff, of Elyria, is at home this week caring for her sick sister, Mrs Harvey Brown. Our high school pupils have resumed their studies In Elyria after a two weeks vacation. Messis.

Day and Collins were entertained at the home of W. A Mason on Sunday. Edwin M. Hoffman and cousin, Miss Nell Erioson, of Oberlin college spent a few days 'of "their; vacation last week as guests of Mr and Mis B. O.

Pope, and on, Thursday vtsiled Miss Florence's school Riissln' township. school has closed for a week's vacation. Charles: of Coohvlile, was entertained at C. A. Preston's on.Sun- day.

Miss Florence Pope entertained--a number of young people of West Ridge on Thursday evening: In honor of her guest, Miss Ericson. An enjoyable time was reported. The Ladles Aid society meets at the home of S. M. Mason on Thursday afternoon, instead If Wednesday as announced last Mrs.

B. 0. Pope attended the teachers' training class in Saturday afternoon. The topic for C. E.

next Sunday evening is "Our pledge and how to keep it." Leader, Rev. F. W. Day, their lives sip so much a drop of water. Among those are the of Patagonia and the of the far east.

A parrot lived for Bfty-two years In the zoo at London without drinking a drop of water, and many naturalists believe only moisture Imbibed by wild derived from green herbage laden with dew Many reptiles--serpents. and certain batruohlans--live and thrive In entirely devoid of water, and sloths are also said never to drink. An arid district in France bun produced a race of noudrlukiuK and sheep, and from the milk of the former Roquefort cliooKe In made There a of mousf which has established, Itself oiv waterless'pluliiiv'of western Auierlcii uud ivhh'li flourishes notwithstaudiiiK of moln- tare. Wiimr 'rtiltn llrolten. The Ahuirlcuii Toiirint--1 utiiiposie speak broken Frcm'h.

vh; HourlV Tlic Not ui'slour. You haf a- word It bettiilre--let me yes'-- It Puck. Is Do you use an atomizer In treating nasal catarrh? Then you will appreciate Ely's Liquid Cream Balm, the mildest, quickest, surest remedy disease. In ail curative properties it is Identical with the solid Cream Balm, so famous and so successful, in overcoming catarrh, hay fever and cold In the head.

There Is relief in the first dash of spray: upon the heated, sensitive air passages. All druggists, 75c, including spraying tube, or mulled by Ely 56 Warren N. Y. The Mean Muni The late a O'ltell gnve this advice to a woman sum Her than yourself." Muny a man couldn't arid Journal. Public Sale.

The undersigned will sell at public auction on the Pitt McRoberts farm, two miles south of Oberlin and one mile east, on Thursday, April 12, fifteen choice dairy cows, part freah, and balance fresh In the fall; one- good stock bull; one pair work mares; three colts, two of them about 1200 In weight; also a large asort- mont of a implements, nearly new, besides wagons, harness, bags, Rev. Frank The bride's Dann, of Alliance, O. former mftsic teacher. ROCHESTER ton, is visiting relatives here. Grace Johnston has been spending the past weok with her uncle, Petty.

Mrs. Stella Serage, Wellington, is visiting her father, John Beardsley. A. J. Morgan was in Wellington Saturday on business.

Clinton Wells is on the sick list. Mrs. Howe, of Lodi, is visiting her sister. Mrs. A.

J. Morgan. Charlie Rolfe, of Cleveland, made friends a Hying visit last Friday. Xlna Root is a guest of Miss Hannah Went, in Lorain. William Friend Is visiting bin sls- wr.

Mrs. M. Gates, in Elyria-. Miss Sylvia Johnson spent Saturday and Sunday with her aunt, Miss Emma Johnson, in Elyria. There will not be the usual number changing residence on April 1, but C.

S. Sheldon moves on his mother's farm from his farm, recently sold to Fred Kruger. F. S. Crosier leaves the E.

S. telephone central and takes possession of Fred Kruger's farm. Qlynn Norton leaves W. E. Avery's tenant house and moves into the telephone central house.

Our schools are all enjoying their spring vacations this week. Miss Elsie Worcester, of Cleveland is staying with her sister, Mrs. Carl Whitney. Volney McRoberts made a business trip to Elyria, Saturday. his classmates Monday' from the junior class of Oberlin college, Messrs cough, and there is more irrita Brown and Kihney.

The cheese factory in Caraden started out their milk wagon Monday Arthur Sheffield, of Lorain, spent a few days of last week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sheffield.

C. Sheffield Is suffering with kidney trouble but is somewhat better and under Dr. W. E. Bunce's care.

Curry and Morgan have dissolved partnership by a agreement. The business will be conducted by A. J. Morgan. Rose and Lila Brumby, of Wellington, are spending their week's vacation with their grandparents in this place.

Josephine Dagman, of Welling- The Better Way The tissues of the throat are and i ta YOU GUARANTEED CUKE f6R FILES Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Druggists are authorized to refund money PAZO OINTMENT to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c Electa Underbill, a former resident of La Grange, died of pneumonia at the home of her son in Michigan, March 20. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Stroupe enter- talned their two grandsons, of: Elyria, a part of the past week.

Meredith, of New Philadelphia, Is visiting Mr. and Mra. James Nichols. Mr. and Mrs.

B. F. Adams had as tnelr guests over Sunday, Mr. and i tion more coughing. YOU take a cough mixture and it eases the irritation for awhile.

YOU take SCOTT'S I and it cures the cold. That's what is necessary. It soothes the throiit reduces the irritation cures because it drives out the inflammation builds the weakened tissues, because it nourishes them back to their natural That's how Scott's Emulsion deals with a sore throat, a cough, a cold, or WE'LL SEND YOU A SAMPLE FREt SCOTT SBOWNE, Mrs. Pond, of Cleveland, presided at the piano and played the wedding march as the bridal party took tnelr position beneath the The ring service was used with due solemnity. About sixty of the nearest relatives and friends were present to witness the union.

The display of presents was imposing, occupying a large place in a side room. Silverware, china, mantel clock, linen, and plain wood pieces, chairs, friends absent and present, indicated the wide extent of the circle by which they are surrounded. But the "place de resistance" was not In evidence. The parents had purchased a handsome piano for their departingdaugh- ter. It was placed in their new 10me on the Abbey road and waited to surprise the happy bride when she should seek her blissful retreat beneath her own rooftiee.

A musical evening was very much enjoyed. Several songs were pleasingly rendered jy Messrs. Waltz and J. Blrdsall, Mrs. Pond and, last but not least, Mrs.

Raymond Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R. i.

Walker leff'for their home early Thursday morning, where they are 'at home" to any and all of their numerous friends, The out of town who were present were Mr. ind Mrs. Pond, Miss Katherine Caloon and Mr. Waltz, of Cleveland; Misses Maude and Carrie Cahoon, Mrs. Johnson, Mr.

Nelson VanWormer and family, Mr. Birdsall, Frank Dann and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hollis and daughter, of Elyria; Mr.

and Mrs. John Walker and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker, of Seville, and Mr. and Mrs.

J. L. Koehler, of Lorain. and feed. Dan Eaaon, auctioneer.

W. P. TILDES. It TO CURE A COLD IN ONE Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money It falls to- cure.

E. W. Grove's signature on each box. 2 Be. lyr.

Miss Jessie Adams returned from Cleveland last week. Mrs. Jane Snell is entertaining her daughter, Mrs. Hoak. Miss Ida Kellar, of Liverpool, Is te guest of Mrs.

O. T. Hathaway. Mr. Kitchmlller and daughter Edith returned from Stark county last week.

Mr. Joe Nontel moved over to Columbia Station Monday. Master Lyle Martin is on the gain. Mrs. Robinson and Mrs.

Hawke are reported better. The Ladies Aid society will give an Easter social at the town hall on Wednesday evening, April'11. Everybody is welcome. Mr. Lasell Cole returned to Illinois after spending some time with relatives here and in Olmsted.

Great Activity la shown without any disagreeable after effects by Caldwell's (laxative) Syrup Pepsin, In going to the seat of your trouble when you are a victim of constipation, biliousness, headache, indigestion, dizziness, (t gently but firmly drives out the poisons that are causing your Illness, and braces up all your Internal organs to do their proper work. Try it. Sold by H. A. Dykeman and Eady Drug Store at 50c and $1.00.

Money back If it falls. It's the little colds that grow Into big colds; the big colds that end in consumption and death. Watch the little colds. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.

O.A.1BTOH.X.A.. Tin.Kind Von Ham Always Boufltil A lazy liver makes a man. Burdock Blood Bitters is the natural never failing remedy for a lazy liver. RIDGEVILLE. Schools have closed for a vacation of one week.

Dr. L. A. Wood, of was at I. N.

Oakes' a part of last week. Mrs. Snow Is in Cleveland with a sick cousin. Miss Belle Bryant spent last Sunday In Lorain. Dr.

and Mrs. Oakes entertained friends at dinner Saturday. Among the guests were Rev. and Mrs. Riedinger, of West Park.

Misses Gladys and Doris Falkner spent Sunday with thelrgrandmother. Charles Owen, of Alliance, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles- Slmonds were in Avon over Sunday.

Bertlce Wilson attended the dedicatory exercises- "of the new chapel in South Lorain on Sunday. Miss Martina Bleser, of Cleveland, spent Sunday with her parents. Kendall McPeck "returned to his home in Cleveland- Sunday. J. M.

Robinson, who has been in New York city for the past six weeks, returned home Saturday. Miss Minnie Parks and a friend attended Saturday evening services at 'he Congregational church. Rev. F. W.

Crowe was in attendance at the ministers' meeting In leveland, on Monday. Mesdames F. J. Rollin and- A. L.

Emmons were in Elyria Monday. Quite a number'of ladies from here made up a surprise party for Mrs. Jones, of Elyria, on Monday and had a delightful time. Mrs. M.

C. D'Lloyd, of this place, and Mr. Frank Church, of Loraln, were united in marlage by Rev. F. W.

Crowe at the parsonage Wednesday evening, March 28. Miss Florence Oakes- spending a week at the home of her-brother Judge and Mrs. W. W. Boynton returned to their homa here on Tuesday, having spent the winter-In the south-.

Myrtle ana Ruth Giar spent Sunday at Bakers Crossing with their brother and family, Mr. Adam Glar. Louis Myers and family spent Sunday in Wellington with Wilbur Lamreaux and family. Mrs. F.

Hinrnan is spending a week in Brecksville with her parents. AMHKRST Travel "far Fun." Great to center around the result in Ohio of tha recently enacted two cent rate law, reducing passenger from three to two cents pej mile basis. It is anticipated that the result of the reduc- duction will perceptibly Increase th number of persons traveling. In fact, under the new in the future a solitary passenger wll be- looked upon with suspicion an shunned for selfishness, at least Anticipating the rush, the Nicke Plate road will provide ample facll Hies for entertaining and properl. provide for Its patrons who spenc their summer outings at the num erous places of entertainment located on the south shore of Lake Erie.

Fo full Information write or call on any agent or address C. T. Southweot Beat Opportunities for Securing Homes. -Many farmers la the northern and eastern are selling their high priced and locating in the south-west. Many who have been unable to own their own homes In the older country are buying land In the new country.

Unusual opportunities exist along the lines of the Missouri Pacific-Iron Mountain Route The rich alluvial delta lands and river bottom lands of Southeast Missouri, Eastern Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas, capable of producing 60 bushels of corn, a bale of cotton, 4 to 6 tons of alfalfa, 160 bushels of potatoes and other grains, vegetables and hay crops, can be bought for $7.50 to $15.00 per acre. When cleared and slightly improved will rent for $4.00 to $6.00 per acre cash Uplands more rolling, lighter soil, adapted to. fruit growing--peaches, pears, plums, grapes, berries--also melons, tomatoes and other vegetables, can be bougnt for $5.00 to $10.00 per acre In unimproved state. Many places with small clearings and some Improvements can be bought very cheap. This is a fine stock country.

No feeding. Free range pure water, mild climate. A healthy growing country, with a great future. Writ for map and descriptive literature on Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas or Indian Territory. Very cheap rates on first and third Tuesdays of each month.

Address, H. 1. ARMSTRONG, T. Detroit, Mich, or H. 0.

TOWN8END, G. P. X. NORTON SMITH; Attest: FRANK a Approved, April 4, 1906 Mayor. RESOLUTION No, 1878.

Declaring It necessary to construct sewers In a part of Sewer District Number One. cr bed, provided for In a senernl plan for n. system of sower iSS-lVr Clty of Elyrlir TM adopted by the Council on the 18th davof 1905 nml a now on nip In I he office of the Aud- and that the portion of aal a porton of the work nrovMed for In said "in" 'on" Vf vn known thc i lstr1l( and fleolirnntPd 1 own an feolirnntPd as a nart Sower District Numbor One cltv. and shnll IIP nf vltrlflotl a I)Ians a Be It further flnd fiTttiofiRe of snfrl "hall rost and nr? to be specially benefited bv said Im SJTET' ar1 cnat 2m! of.salrt Imporvt-mont shall Inrliulo cost of nrclfmlnn.ry nnrt ofhpr Sxtf. St.

Louis, Mo. CASTOR IA for Infiuitt and Children. Ite KM YOB Have Always BoggU SPECIAL JXHV EXCURSION RATES via CLOVER LEAP ROUTE SEASON lOOfl One Way Colonist Rate!) to California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, will be In effect February 15 to April 7, 1906, at exceptionally low rates, via the Clover Leaf Route. Liberal stopover privileges and low rate side trips. Homeseekers' Fares to points In the West and Southwest, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of April, 1906, at low fares via Clover Leaf Route.

Winter Tourist Tickets to all the popular resorts, on sale until April 30, 1906, with final return limit June 1, 1906. These tickets are good for stop-over, and are sold at special reduced rates. National Educational Association-San Francisco, July 9 to 13, 1906. One fare plus $2.00 round trip to San Francisco of soi-vlnir siifh noMcos cost nf tirnHKr 'ntovpst upon bonds Issued In antlcl- pat on of the collortlon of TM aml th "''ib intoront Hieroon at the rate of centum ner nrovMnil that the owner of a of th" nropcrlv -n mnv. his inHnn nnv "llfh 'n root) i i from am' aflor the passairo of tho whh Vn" i a of lr on hon'is ITI nf- tho fniipptinn nf ferred Installments of assessmonts Mrt tho bn and bo r.qnop i to be published as re- nulred bv law.

Passod AnH' 1 i of the Council. A n. ricrk pn-oi'o-l. April 4 1fin(! CLAYTON CHAPMAN. Mavor FARMERS' HARKET.

Corrected weekly by Boylan Bros. Jackson and Elyria Milling Co. Paying prices Corn, No. 2 yellow Corn, on ear, per ton Oats, No. 2 white Oats, new Wheat, No.

2 red 48 13 00 to 00 78 HAY, STRAW A FEED. Straw Timothy bay, 5 00 9 50 10 00 MBATB, POULTRY. ETC. Ai, Ft. Wayne, Ind.

36t3. C. C. Maple was, In Sebrlng on Sunday. Maple and A W.

Gilder were In Stark county on business Tuesdiy and Wednesday. Remember the Sunday-school convention April 25 Fields M. church. it Walter Dute is able to be out after several weeks' illness. Miss Anna Koepke has taken 'a position In the Tempest shoe store at Lorain.

Mrs. John Werner was taken to the hospital In Cleveland, Sunday, where she was operated upon: The operation proved successful, but she is very low. Mr. and Nuhol are the proud, parents of twins, a boy and a rl. Bert Hogeer has purchased a building lot of A.

E. Stlwald. Mr, and Mrs. Wesbecher have a little daughter. Mrs.

George Wllford spent the fore part of the week in Cleveland. Mrs. Walter of Lakeside, was the guest of Mrs. C. Short, Monday.

Mrs. A. E. Stiwald spent Sunday at the home of C. Stlwald, at Lake Breeze.

Hiram Balden, of Coe Ridge, was town hist week. Mr. and Mrs. L. P.

Lersch spent Sunday with, relatives in Elyria. Rev. Whaley has been called to lanada by the serious tllnes of his father in law. Harry Brown, of Oberlln, was a at the home of Peter Eyerick, Sunday. Mesdames G.

Parsons and A. jynch were in Lorain, Tuesday. Mrs. B. C.

Schuler has returned rom a visit in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs, C. Short were In Cleveland, Tuesday. Mr.

'and Mrs. E. Kauf, of Loralh, were guests of friends, Sunday. Miss Nina Aldrich-spent last week in Toledo. John Werner and daughter were in Cleveland, Sunday.

George Parsons was at home from Clevelaand over Sunday. William Hanhann, of Toledo, spent his parents. Friends of L. F. Uthe, this, place, and A.

J. of Elyria, will be pleased to hear that they have been granted a patent on a channeling macchine, and wish them- much success with their invention. Word comes Illinois thatWIl- liam Grugel, son of Mrs. E. Burr, of this place, met with a serious accident haying both feet taken off No particulars have'been h'eard of, the accident; PAINS INCHON WINEI nit MUV The Cue of la of Thousands of Curaa by Lydla XL Compound.

Row many woman realise that it is not the plan of nature that wom should suffer so Thousands of American women, ever, have found relief from all monthly suffering by taking Lydia E. Plnkham'i Vegetable Compound, as It is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. It the condition which so much -discomfort 'and these periods of- their Miss Irene Crosby, of 313 Charlton Street, Kant Savannah, writes: Angeles. Diverse and stopovers. B.

P. O. E. annual meeting Denver, July 1906. Very low rates to be announced later.

California and Pacific Coast tourist tickets on sale via all (or i Beef, live. or Calves Good nine months, lieges at pleasure. Stopover prlv- Bverybodjr should have a copy of our booklet entitled "Get Out or Get In Line," containing Lincoln's letter to Gen. Hooker, etc. Sent ou receipt of 4 cents In stamps.

Pullman Palace Sleeping Cuts, Free reclining chair and cafe cars (meals a-la-carte); high back seat Coaches on all through trains. For rates apply to nearest Ticket Agent, or address WALTER L. ROSS, General Passenger Agent, Toledo, O. Confidential--If you contemplate a trip to any point write us for special information. tf ORDINANCE No.

ISM. Determining to proceed with the improvement of Washington Avenue in the City of Elyria, State of Oliii, from the north line of Broad Street to the south end of the Bridge in said street, by Paving. Be It ordained by the Council of the City Elyriu, State of Ohio: Section 1. That it is hereby determined to proceed with the improvement of Washington avenue In the City of Elyria, from the north line of Broad street to tlie end of tho bridge said street, by establishing the grade of the same, granlng suid street to the established grudu, constructing the necessary drains, catch basins, man holes and (lush holes, setting the nee ceasary curbing, laying or relayln all necessary gas, water and sewer con lections, and by paving the same thirty ix feet In width in accordance with th specifications, estimates and pro lies therefor heretofore adopted, an now on file in the office of the Boar if Public Service of said city, and in ccordance with a resolution passed herefor on the 6th day of March. 1906 ntltled "A Resolution declaring It nee essary to improve Washington ave ue In the City of Elyria, Ohio, from he north line of Broad street to tin outh end of the bridge in said atree paving." I Section 2: That all claims for dam- ges on account of the construction o.

aid improvement, shall be judicially nquired into after the construction of aid improvement. Section 3. That the whole cost of aid Improvement, less one-third there- excepting the curbing, gas, nd sewer' connections, and li ntersectlons, shall be assessed by the ront foot upon all the lots and Ian'" Fat Sheep Hogs, dressed Lambs, per head Chickens live Chickens, gpring Ducks Turkeys, Live 3 50 4 50 6 00 to 5 50 7 25 2 00 to 5 50 10 li FRC1TR A Beets Cabbage, Honey Oniona, Onions, new A plea Turnips Squash, per Celery. 10 50 14 10 50 1 25 1 50 10 01 Potatoes, bu 50 BUTTRH, HOGS, CHSK8I, ETC. Butter, dairy 24 Butter, creamery 28 Eggs 15 Maple Sugar, Ib Maple Syrup, gal i CO oundlng anil abutting upon said Im rovement between the points above imed.

And said assessments above referred to and the Interest thereon shall be paid In ten annual installments; said Interest being at the rate of five per centum per annum upon deferred Installments of assessments, and 'the shall be Issued In ollectlon of v. menm uy and in an bloating (or flatulence), displacement amount equal An(J the New Homes in the West. Over a million acres of land will be thrown open to settlement on the Shoshone Indian reservation June 16, 1906. These lands are reached by the direct route of the Chicago and North-Western railway from Chicago, St. Oinaha and other points In the Mississippi Valley.

Send 2c In stamps for maps and full particulars to W. B. Knirttern, P. T. 0.

N-W Rjr. Co. Chicago. Lydia E. Pinkham'eVegetable Compound Is a true friend to woman.

It been of great benefit to me, curing, me of irregular painful periods when everything clue had foiled, and I gladly: recommend it to other suffering i Women who are troubledVith said city ful or irregular backache, mnetn paD 'v nfstaflr bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation: or uloeration, bearing-down" feeling, diui- ness, faintnes.s, nervous prostration or the blues, should take immediate action to ward off the serious consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and then write to Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass for further free advice She is daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Plnkham arid been advising women free of charge been cured by doing. of the entire cost and expense of said Improvement, not specially assessed, shall be paid by the Issuance of bonds in the manner provided bv law. Section 4. The following lots and lands be assessed for said Improvement: All the.

lots and lands- bounding and abutting upon said Improvement hereinbefore referred to and the right of way of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Company. Section 5. That the Board of Public Service be and hereby is authorized and directed to make and execute a contract with the lowest. and best bid- dor for the construction said Improvement herein provided for after advertisement according to law; S. MENDELSON Will remove your dead horse or cow promptly, week day or Sundav, without charge.

Both Phones. WINTER TOURIST RATES o-Cuba, Florida GULF COAST POINTS AND ALL INLAND Southern Winter Reso Texas and California VIA Big Four Route Continuing until April 30, 1006, tickets will be on sale daily from all on the "Big Four Route," good for re- urn passage until June 1.1906. Pake advantage of the low and Long Return Limit For full information and to rates, limits, call on "Big Four Route," or he undersigned. WARREN J. LYNCH Gen'l and Ticket Agent, Cincinnati, B.

C. T.P.A., Cleveland, O. Vermifudfe "gives rosy cheeks arid active health to sickly And it is good for their elders, too. Asir your druggist for it i -i ViSS.

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