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Independent from Long Beach, California • 28

Long Beach, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

k4. Util NmIm OOAsnouscsmgstt 00 Assoascsinsstt 'tfWKdS Page D44NDEPENDENT (Mb IMMVi DM. i INI OFFICIAL CITY PHINTINB aceordaac with Isos, profiles. II TT HteMAMt PARlSIENff Df 3 PRlV. doiwo lowwi 5UX" Mssngtlcte Prertal I stall sd drawings aid sped Oral lobs I No.

RrgJUi, which ioeumanto oa fllo to the offlea af tha City 1 Lob Angelaa, or may ha Iliad In the otftoo ol the Clerk el this Court, at aay time altar tha flint publication ef this notice ol sale and bAMen Social Clubs taal NcUoa BffftgaS US! before making said sals. Dated; Morsmhar tOTlMI. GET Halons Massage Salon 121 E. MW HE d-fod 11A lGhPly1 unwed 1 Mm I mm rtl aam moot each amor Riru TV Tha Continental ar wrfte. Pro Srertwrei ll HiortemM Bid I HE M994 For a Happier Tomorrow PKRhSjiL INTRfSoulON P.

P. OXJCARY Assistant Trust Officer at Rank af America National Trust and Baviaga Aasnclatloa aa Uuardlaa ef tha above named taeompeteat par so a. 94ON-MBP0N8ieiUTV NOTICK Knlle to barabf give by tha ndarsignorl. Ln Conner. residing at UK) K.

PriacUJ. Dowsey. OuKorala, that altar tha data ot PacaMbar 1M1. ha will oot ha raspoaalbl for aar dabta. llablli-Uaa.

ar abllgnlto Incurred by aay paraooa athar thaa himself. Dated Paeambar XM1. (Slnad) XJCO CQNNKK Itib. Dae. 4.

M. mi (30 LM. NOTICE Home Gifts Pets far Gifts KmmmvRgvivN Attarnay far eald Ouardlan to Its SIX Jarglne Trust Bldg. POODLES. TINY TOYS.

Ml S9d SERVICE ll SWEDISH Physta Mteeral bath. 2IL -J jrafxaroTWU HE AflwHc HE 1077 'KSW8" Lang Eeadl t. California Pub. Dec. li ix ltd 11-1 Defector Sarv.

isYT Mnrash' raforsaco to to aald darumsqto datoilad daaeripUoa af aa provaoMot aad for. tha daaeripUoa I of tho grodo to which lha improve-1 oat to to bo mad. I Sao. That aald aa ten plated I Improroenat to of more thaa local I or ordloory puhlto baaefit, ood aald I City Ceoacll bora by datarmlnao aad I Klaras that tho district to ho beao fitod tharahy aad to ha oaoaaaad to I pay tha aoaU and oxpaaaea tharoofl to shown on Map No. 403 oa Dial la tho offlea of tho City dark, to I which rofaroaco to ban by mada fori a daaeripUoa of tho asacesmsot die-1 tricL aod that fifty par Vast (50) of tha Incidental expense for said Impwvamaat aad fifty per cea (50) at tha eost ef the alloy oa trancM aball paid by the City I from tha Ganaral rarpea Fuad.

I Baa. Notice to hereby given I that pursuant to tho provtotons of I Section 804 of tho Btrooto and I Highway Cod tho awnora of moral than flinty psr cant (10) In Icrsanlna ggWWCWgWWtTOM PEAK Mad: nvrtsd 1 tsbisa us. Iss am Isom 1121 6S kiut Silvsr, Btedb 1S Ml 11 CHIHUAHUA! hairs real TMa 3 1 HELTIES (Toy Call DOXiE sm. Vaa Mate Fmstt auslify Mtecinns si sum. Ssa ter yswreslf.

ton hwita 4 vrtre. to ains. art. PURE BRED Mrt. Ob StoL GWWBWWEEIWWW awd Foaed 12 IgSafSStf'tfTiB 4347 NOTICK OP TRUSTEE'S BALK 154 Oa December 30, INI.

at SO a'clocfc A. at tha Easterly bn-tranea of tha Hall of Justice ia tha City at Lna Angel California. LOS ANGELES TITLE AND ABSTRACT CORPORATION aa Trus-lae, under tha deed of trust marts Nottaa to Badarainad, lad at 334 California, that Blur tha data ol December 4. 1M1, ha will not ha raapoaalbla (or aay dabta. Ilabill-tiaa, or obligations Incurred hy any parsons othar thaa himself.

December IM1. taignad) JOB A. COTTER rub. Do 1M1 () LBI. INTERN ATO.

Harvester dtartrtvve treater. 111 cu. IL UnL can Rt CE 1-5471. gmwwww Kami IgICIgfoCKlfMiMMMKMMMMMM Daily II m-M m. Sunday.

HsM hH Xmas. Fre 2 Cysrtte. HIFL AterTHg (49. Imuin m'LteTjFM tunsr, MS. GE I- Finwral Notices 1 RAUGER-LsRm Wwte.

ITteSk Atlantic Av, iat Friday. Ha 1s urvtvwd by tm, garli dsusMsr. SS L.SsrvkawlH bs brtd Wsrtwdsy, 8 ojn wllb Nw Frsteresl Qrdsr aTgsaMs and i W. Grands rtfletahn ROSE GARDEN CHAPEL 421 ATLANTIC AVE. Jsmss AmsW MSI ITEAM HE 74558 514 E.

7Rl Hr 1 1 roUNG SwsdisK massaur. WsH 4 Ird Hfe 7-4529 ba. IntraraXSwfoihmMS. by Darrell D. Phillips and Trim W.

Phillips, husband and wlf cordcdAprU 14. 1ML la Bool Pago of Official Records of Loo OBEDIENT Wn bred tenure barman Fbwdiar, Vary aaad vnlb cMIdren. HA 1-5054. wi'lew. Sf.

Ph. PtewmlK mate, bre. A MrxMmateriSki'rtirT' 100 inhenff4 IMtofiltTbEA'D'iataP1 iheepdog mix MX Ismw nwmmmaam SINGER mm mac canal HI Gar, aa mtac. MfiUliN aK. SrilMi GA VWN.

mvfvmvNVNifW of tha property oubjoet to tho aa-l eaunant for aald improvement have I signed and filed with tho Clark ofl foooles iw alii! smwAKC rtW Wlfoe TtHHiBtroWiKMi diametan slock. OE 1941 avss. MODERN bv. rm 35 bErti: NON-RESPONSIBILITY NOTICK Katie to hereby Urea by 'the Badamgaed Warrsa J7 Itomero, for. marly residing at (SOI Palo Varda, Long Baaeh.

Callfornla. that altar tbadala of Dae. IML ho will aot ha responsible for any dabta, ItabU-Mea, or obligations laearred hy aay parsons othar than himself. -DeUd Dae. 1MI.

Signed) WARREN J. ROMERO fyh. Dae. 1. 4.

4. HW (3tl LB1 Euclid Av. torvksjumdsv ANALETTE'S BATH! 1 HR gwwwwmw MASSAGE. GE' 3-17(1 MX A r-ymra wn bra 4800 31 RCA TV btend cwuote. Cart candltten, 451 GE 3-1045.

nwrtvn Mixed fem. Mi L. B. Mvd. red mate.

MOTTELLS AND PEEK VMITElfcaOert M.7wTl. sflnl MX(L tsn, L-B. Dead min. aoodte roeptevO vrtre, rt EWlWRiWiwiwWElWW FREE Ssmoynd. ME 4-2350 Saaltfirlums, Homes 20 Freeway.

L.A. Ujns Are. Surelysd by dauahten. Audrey Ana tends rum, Rs Angelaa County. California, by tea-aoa of breach af oariala abllgatlona aacuied thereby, aotica of which waa recorded August 17.

INI. In Rook M333 Pngs 343 of sold Official Records. ANGELES TITLE AND ABSTRACT CORPORATION, as Trust es will sail at puhlto auction to tho highest bidder for cosh, payable ia lawful moony of tho United Slates ot tho Ums of aalo, without warranty aa to title, posses Ion or the Interest conveyed to and now. held. by said trustee under said dead of trust.

In and1 to tho following described property, located la tha County of Loo Aagalea, Stale of California, to-wlt: City Council a written petition! for said Improvement, and have I waived (nvaot! gallon proeoduro ofl tho "Spodol Aaoaaaanant InvMtlga- lion, UmllaUon and Majority Pro-1 teat Act at 1331, as contained to tho Street and Highways Cod I So Tho City Council hare by datermlnaa and aaclarea that tbal procaedlngi for tha aforesaid lm-l provsmesi shall ha token under snd portion of thel Coda detlg-l pursuant to that Stroeto and Highways arts Kay White: sitter, Mre. Jm Cash: jnsihsr, Mr. Msresrrt Shea tern." Jalosn 2 Mixed tern MX A br, SM Wmre.1 Ssryka Tuvtdsy li HUNTER. MORTUARY CHAPEL CRESTWOOD. Convatascant Hospital RN Suosrvltar 4-r, care NOTICK OF SALK ttTNDER PROVISIONS OP SEC TIONS 1071 AND 171 OP THE CIVIL CODE OP TUB STATE OP CALIFORNIA.

5441 L. Sly 55 5ERVEL Rafrtesratar, aai 3 Dr. 12 c. n. XM end.

101 GA 3JM4 Hwnnwmnvn HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN, Pr vlndal stvto. ('51) GE 4-4084 NMMMWCMMMKIKWUKVM WURLITZER Oresn. Ilka iww. 4050 Imam (tM). Term Ins 1 Xanana) vmmifimiHmim wgwwwmmrww POODLE.

BLACK MINIATURE MALE. 2 m. SM. II! GE 149 winwninwKmin PEDIGREED silvvr' PvniM kitten 2411 Hardwick, Lkwd. wwwMwwwron FEMALE BASENJI SOt VERDURA AVE.

LAKEWOOO aatsd as the "Improvement Act of Grsciout'rtissrfuf surrsundlnoi MODERN MODESTRATES Fuseral Directors 1775 CHESTNUT HE 84447 111! bo aad that serial hoods shall la tho manner sad forml gwrlded for. la. aald Straats ays Cod hearing intareat County WESTMINSTER MEMORIAL PARK Mortusry Chapel Csmstary EVERYTHINO IN ONE KIRBY MpnamJ.jja mw, fX 1 r. ouaranta Mil Cherry, air. NWgMWRIglKWKVMtKWm LOS ALAMITOS SANITARIUM OvtT 25 YEARS arosrtenc In IURSeVcArB 34 hours.

Monthly rates ar Hfa momhanhio. Tha TAME YOUNG WOOUY MONKEY, GOOD PET. 07! HA 17917. KKwmMnxvmwn atl tho rata of ala par cant () par annum, to ropreaaat aach as meat of Fifty Dollar (35X00) orl over remaining unpaid for thirty IMPOUNDE6i(34l Borer mix tam brindi 14M Obispo K-l Cm-, she mate bnC Eudld KG1 IMPOUNOElTbEADlpdl Ger. thro nwte MX At an, Als chock 'County VeuSf BEAUTIFUL PLACE GE 14577 HNH Bosch Sty.

Wsrtmhuter County For tho purpooo af paying obligation! aera red by said Dead of Trust, Including fees, charge and expanses of tho Tnistsa, advance If nay, under the terms of sold Dead of Trust, Interest Wiereon and N.M7.33 (30) fori after tho date of neord- tloa. of warrant Sold aerial Raster. Horn MIS N. Breatarav. Sants An KI M514 Board, Guest Hornet 20-A In accordance with proriaioas of Sections Mil aad 3073 of the Civil Coda, the vahldv described below will ho eold at a.m.

Dec. IX 1NL at 3u33 HullaU BL, Long Beach, Calif oral a. tl Ford. SCilSTK Truck. Motor nRILBltWO 4 'll tie.

lit Tk Bjlia Said aale to for tho purpooo of Bi Defying Uaa of tho undersigned for alorsgo aad rapalra together with coat of adrartiaing and peaaaa of aale. McCUiUD SALVAGE WRECKING JAKE McCLOUD 3023 Hullrtt St. Long Beach, Calif, Jhih. Dec. INI lit) L.B.I.- TO NOTICE OF INTENTION KENMORI wrtnavr tyre amMna madrtnv, avcvllvnt esnd.

TE 4-7900 mnwmvivRw ri IWWIWIWWIWWWIDW POODLES CacspHonrtly tovrtv liny Whits "TOW" AKC TE Altai. nwnviwwmvN INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION WHITE TOY POOOLE. TE A 5444 svtwmiivminvm Garfield Are. A Human Society. iMGertteh! TO (9257 FOREST LAWN -MORTUARY On Arrangsmont for NEW Iksnssd horns tor sldtriy 24 hr.

susenrtsten. TV, Gifts far AH In un ecu red unpaid by laid Deed of Trust, with Interest thereon from Juno 17. INI. imriwFi xnwrwon iiwr mhiie 11 rsdte. txcel.

osbitmsnt. GA tt37t. Undartaking and Cemetery GEnsva 4-7474 Wilton 5 3749 4471 Lincoln A vs. Gifts for Iler GVELy home, prtv. tar col.

i pggr4i LOST Blend cocker mate, A yanre aid. Vicinity af Dartey'sHnrdwara Star North Lone comber 2n Answers af Senhv, Reword. GA 7-4014 I D. cords of Mlldred Eloln McOewell tod. driver's Deans dark brawn leether cose return, te MSS E.

Market GA 211! tbi" DST remote table crtlte 1 bonds shall ax land orar a ending nine year from tha sacondl day of January nest succeeding-thel nest Sep lam her first following thsirl dst I 8a Notice to hart by given that oa tho 2nd day of 1N2, at tha hour of 10:30 A.M., ail tha Council Chamber la tha City Hall, any and all peraona having objection to said proposed lm-l provamaaL may appear before Midi City Council show cause Ini tho Biannar prooeribsd by tho Btrooto and HigT llghwoya Cod wrhyl LABLANC NOBLET CLARINET. Like imw. Call briwaan 10 am. til am. a) ttw Krau Office ulkSn Pin 4lfi firtf Room 41 SL mwwawwwwH GEnvva 1-2517 MOTTEtTS A PEEK 3rd ALAMITOS HE 22(4 SHEELAR.McFADYtN at 10 per annum, as In mid note and by law provided.


ARGE ssmLoriv! bath. Ambulatory lady. GE (579! Exclusive gusst lama has LOVELY white hram daubls WITH TIE RECONDITIONED TV wllb wfC HEM535 CMV m. tfitlofif 50. UN 741 ftirT D.

WME7 ibnomhsre In TVT patto. 1589 E. 4th. iWI WWNfB I ottered Ph TO forty. 17 U) J1 21" top.

-EVARD. T.V. BOULEVARD HE 5477! HE I 17131 Lskswood Blvd. ME MSN (0111 AA ADM wp Kvd, TIolton sotT 21 OFFICIAL CITY PRINTING prepoMd Improvamant ahouldl a carried out ja RAAmaaAal Bseinnsrs sr Rruihup GA A091I csmpina trslter. Nsw Ere ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES December INI.

To Whom It May Concern: Subject to Issuance pf tho license applied for. notice to hereby Clven that tha undersigned propose i sell alcoholic havaragea at tha premise, described aa follow: 2M K. Broadway liong Pursuant to such Intention, lha Undersigned is spplylng to the De HE (0479 with this noolutloa. I So 7. Tha City Cleric shall eer- tlfy to tha naaaago of thto raooln-l tloa and shall cause tho mum to hoi In Ilatif Slav' has 5200 carte 3454 Sate Loant ISsterv, MX, Phnltoral SPECIAL LOAN PLAN For Reel Estate Texas GET $100 CASH NOWI N0TICR OF FILING OF ASSESSMENT Notice to hereby given by 'tha Ota af Long that tbi City Clark of Reach, California, the City wfrito mate cat, with Mack (In on MIL GA (-137! SEWING MACHINE, 3jnrt Xlnt cnndltten.

17! ME Cemateries-MaHSolauiiisS RWWgWWgggWlW published twice to tho Long Beach Independent a dally a culated In said City Mwapopar htrobl DEJUR 73 model movte pretectar ana. acre Ala Sssra vibrator WIND female calico cat 451 Da Lsml Engineer of said City did, oa tho 28th day of November, INI, file clr-l M97I with jOStaearl rin Set, itmpte UN nimnvnvmivw 2 SPACES Mrtrw Abhw tsnls Ans TO 7-2841 with mid Cltr Clerk tha asaesament with attached, diagram for tha Im Cost Only $5.00 If Repaid in I m. Payments rated for that nurpoo and I causa thla resolution to bo 4th. Reward. GE 1-0121.

SCHWINN Mka Vtios 4 Cwhmsn Ltsdi' 121 13 E. Cans scooter I partment of Alcoholic Beverage Control for Isauanr on original cation of an alcoholic beverai appli-go M- Artejla. 13 Hypnosis Personals WHITE tresdis saving mscMn Good condition, II HE7-M10. KKWKKWVHmVR 11 Or nsl any smaunt ue to (tsno terms to 24 msnihs. Phen hood tor reur tows thsn when cenao for them premise aa follow: ON-SALE BEER Anyone dealring to proteat tha Issuance of ouch licenot may file a of tho ALLEYS IN EAST OF LIME AVENUE AND EAST OF OLIVE AVENUE.

BETWEEN SEVENTIETH STREET AND SEVENTY-FIRST STREET, in tho City of Long Beach, as da-erihed la RssoluUon-of-IntaattoB No. C-17KX ado Council of laid idopted by tha City i City of Long Beach SINGER oowvr HE 10197 liter 4 m. MORGAN HALL rsnssd. Mck ub Rte money ysur first visit. HYPNOSIS Retaxatton, Csnfldsnc Orerwsiah Education, Problems M.

COLVIN OA 7(75 Stocklha 50c, mflres.TTlSj vwwwKwramm PRACTICALLY nsw. VM fate re-cordsr, (ISO. 4202213 aft. 1 new msnsesmsn). La) your hoiMsy verified protest with the Department Alconolto Beveraga Control at rtf Insurance 14 Rtf.

Dir COOKWARE. 0201 Ss 41 Ni Nsw. GA 12091, the 31st day March. 1ML to 1 of Intention raft RsabluUoa Local Loan IhrtH YP MT School ITlBStruetieu 22 loeuiT HE 3-29(5 BSTSraiS (15 Sacramento, California, atating rounds for denial aa provided by iw. Tho promisee aro sot' now Uceneed for th aala of alcoholic Smrmgas.

Tho fora of verification which PORTABLE swlnf RMdL (Sssrtl. Ussd vary lltlte. (Ml GAMuC (Ml GA 12-PAY PLAN-LOW RATES Wa Insure Anyone 8m sft. aaa Aer raoord. i day.

to hereby made for a of aald work or Improvement KWfCWWKMIWKlCIIKigiPW Ivan that aold fix tho 3nd at 10:30 at tho Notice to further City Clark doaa hai day of January, Ui o'clock A.M., of paid Gifts for Him MEN WANTED aay obtained from aay offlea of tho Department. WILLIAM LEVINE Pub. Dec. 1M1 (It) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO 37m KWKWWWWaWBW BRAND ROW Ofjte radtek ML GE MIM SHI OteTTV SThgOs posted la three (3) conspicuous laces In Mid City and It aball icraupoa taka effect. Tlia City Clerk aball also cauM to ho mailed.l notice of tha adoption of thial rwolution of Intention la tho tlml form-and" manner-and to th per- soaa designated, all provided by I Mid "Improvement Act of 131LM I baroby certify that the forw-l going resolution was adopted the City Council of tho aty ef Long Bench at Its masting ofl November 28, 1NL hy tha following rota: AyMt CouncUmea: BALER.


HEARTWELL (SEAL: City Clerk Pub. Dec. 4. 3. INI (It) L.B.I.


wham all penona Inter (MM Camara svsr asvmsnts or pay Quick sal. UN A4947. CMh. For Gifts for Kids BE A' PEACE OFFICER ested In said work or Improvement done under Resolution of Intention AUTO LIABILITY, Insurance prs-fsrrad risks. 54941 par rear, Atas low monthly rates any risk bid.

DMV Mine. Discount far-second car and claim free renewals. -S lifts 414 E. Broadway HE 7-4359 fflLL you awna over lha holl-daysf Laarn to danca mart new No. C-17M3 or in sold assessment will bo heard by Mid City Council.

OAT. CENTURY Palomino 14 traiter. 4 cy1tndsr, MG motor. Call ENGAGE IN THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES November 38, 1NL To Whom It May Subject to Issuance of llie license applied for. notice Is hereby given that tha undersigned proposes to sell alcoholic beverages at tho premises, described as 325 West Anaheim Street Long Beach IX Pursuant to such Intention, the All persona deal ring to heard.

said appeal to hail, prior tr- I. pr FARMERS' INsljRANCif $44 to (424 MONTHLY-' 20 to IS YEAHS -GOOD CHARACTER -HIGH SCHOOL NOT NEC.) A In tarts tine people. Call today. GE 4-1717 auTabouf aur Holiday Soartal. ABC DANCE STUDia 4324 E.

Anahalm. WANf HNnawiafahlno Dr. Morlti Council by briefer tha City writing tho ground or Clrtm free A 2nd car IWOWliT GA (4M7 Bovd. 249 L-B. Ely Repiired.

Traded. 2925 Vlifa Sf TRAIN SETS. GE 9-1034 ckwkKwigmciptwmKnwm or weskdays, GA AOOM. 22 DOUBLE Easla Conslilry rti Diamond csnlsr. Raraste, GE 2-4470.

in appeal. Any objection not mada la tho man Travel 15 TV dSM In ENGLISH 254, Ham-mlngwey. Exchange note ner herein bova provided, be deemed voluntarily waived, and. any NEW BABY PRODUCT DEMO. HEM174 SoscM pre-sarvlcs soars hma training now available to sincere, men who deslreto become PEACE OFFICERS INVESTIBATORS evsn If you hta ham failed pravtoua to VESPA fflotereesatar.

Must sail tills week. Bart after. (IE MOM 5vK73 after sj WIDOW Fir O.E.X 145 Ibij thrlns, col tegs, De-Co n- undersigned to applying-So tha partmant of Alcoholic Beverage i A-141X peraon antltlad to appeal ahall ha deamadto haya cooaaatod to tha proposed asoesMMBL MARGARET HXABTWXLXi City Clark of tho am! Ouh box I IndM for issuance by transfer of on alcoholic bavorago license for them SC I "MULVW KMKWPBKWKIglPKiPWWglW premise aa follows: ON-SALE GENERAL Boob Fids Public Euting Place OE 540(7. (SEAL) City af Long Beach 5. INI (2t) L.B.I Pub.

Do teriher totormatton call P. J. Binder HE (1224. in a.prap Approved School. i ELECTRONICS Test Inspector tail wk S'S-ft 10 KroWHiPIKBBBBIiW Anyone desiring' to protest tbs Issuaneo ot such license may Uto I NOTICE INVITING BIDS PLANTING SLOPES AT ALAMITOS RESERVOIR VRJCAN -Tramps) IcuemutsKS 06 4-711 sff.

or wssksndi "dPt verified protest with tha Department Alcoholic Beverage Control at Fix VoUR OLD VACUUM CLEAT! VEGAS Tha City Council of tho City of Long Bench reaolvM aa follows: Section That tha City Council I Intends to ardor tho improvement I of-ALLEY In Mack cart af Santa Fa Arson between Anaheim Btreet and Fourteenth. Street, by eon- trusting Portland cement concrete! ctom gutter I Inches in thickness const ruetlnr connecting sewers ofl 3-iaeh vitnfed day piper paving th roadway wlth-Portland cement concrete Inches In UiickneM: Amomctmcats 00 FtfMralNoticts ER HkS nsw low SX GUARANTEED HE 541(5 lodk lna INSTRUCTOR toChlno ter' wmHm va ncoim mn 28 to GA (1472 aval. -Sacramento, California, stating i grounds for denial aa provided law. Tha promises aro now licensed for the sals of alcoholic beverages. The form of verification may obtained from any offlea of Department.

ALLEN Laurancs Odell, 4011 Jay Mill St. Sarvlca Tuasdsy. 1: StSTAtRS! fr MOTTELL5 AND PEEK jffmCB IS. HRREBT GIVEN THAT, pursuant to sn order by the Board of Water Commissioners of tho CUT of Long Beach, Califoml bids will bo received 'at tha office of tha Board of Water Commissioners, Room 41X Water Department Administration Building, 1100 East Wardlow Road, Long Beach 7, Califoriil until 3:00 A.M, on Thursday, December 14, INI, at which DEflflVES-AII tvna InvartAia-Itan Callfr Dtf. Sarvfea.

hE (5(11. P2 Pina A doing all necessary grading and anyl other idated. work raqulred, except- "WANTED TO BUY COINS Elect. Math I 10 wka. AsssmMat A TV RipiM te 4 max Technician 4 ta mo law Tuition Easy Terms Fra Piacamsnt terries i- CALIF.

TECH. TRADE SCHOOLS BIS ATLANTIC. NUING BEACH Authorized by foe! sf PuMe Instruction to btre and csnlsr csrtiflcstei or diatonua for Ri shore caures Barbara Moss Collage ON THE FABULOUS HACIENDA 80-PASSENGER 4-ENGINE AIRLINERS Trader Sam's Cain Shop. Buy, Ml, trad 80 B. Bly HE MW.

ARMSTRONG 44. at 3717 Livingston Survhrin It wife, daughter, Juns Mo-Mi jTarandnns, and frail at FVr i Torrance, Also two sis- Hfwm, raw GEORGE W. LEONARD. JOHN TAYLOR and WILLIAM ft. TAYLOR, JR.

Trustee for Jeasto-K. Taylor. Ufa tenant and John D. Taylor, William H. Taylor, and Rich ard Taylor, remaindermen PuETWe.

INI (It) L. B. I. PERSONS Infvreitsd In chib la trad In stock market, call TO 4-7218. Sold, or'EachaneaSr BOOKS Bought, Sold, or'Eachahes CLASSiFIED ADVERTISING RATES AND REGULATIONS 7 TRANSIENT today, par lna par diy.ST 4 day! par Ena par day lla 7 day par Ena par day 47c 30 dm par fine par day 44a camacirtlva imarfiana avarag wordi par Ena Without change cap Minimum ad 2 Enas -Count 14 Enas par Inch, REGULATIONS TfrtaerarSwSsIhe11 -1 time sold Mdfl will ha publicly opened and declared, for stabilising and planting approximately 5X300 square feet-of -slopes at Alamltos lng any of tho improvements hen- insbovs described already coa-l PleteX Sec.

1 the sforesafdtm-1 provements shall ba performed' aceordonM with plan profiles, da tailed drawings and specification R-331X which documents are on fila ia tha offlea of tha Clty Enlnaar, and referent to hereby SMITH'S teO L. B. Blvd. Ns ghons ter Hanriatta Oarers andJWn. 1 Msnterey man.

Elks. Clu ANY CAfLanv color. (2! Sanirtre PateLITW Alandto HE 7-M75 CAPES STOLES remodsiad tram -RADAR EQUIPPED. Dicb-Wintlow at Sky Pian CHAMPAGNE' TOUR Reservoir located In lha vicinity of Paciflo Coast Highway and R4' dondo Avanua in Long Beach, California. In accordance with Plana and alia ffw awnsr-sf Mldisyte Balmont Soort will ba hT FMjteo Plar.

Sarvlca lor Reel Estate Knowledge Instructor 39 vre. or. gf Board I gf Realtors. CERTIFICATE OF- BUSINESS FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME Mid documanta for a do-1 NE 54711 HALVE R50N JEAVLL r. Terrene Tsui THE UNDERSIGNED does hereby Specification.

WIMl-tl, which, pton. and. specifications are oa fllo In the tailed description of aald imp nil aad for t) aad tor tha descrip Banking; LESSOnE-42 PRIVATE $24.50 offleo'of tho GanersI Manager and Hotd business. at 700 Santa Cras chirf Xntflaiaar. Boom tiX Water Sea LIE DETECTOR ad daw III Schools sd srer but edr bait ratoranca THT REALTOR AND 99 GRADUATES, Weak! MON.

WED. 7 Rrtib Salesman. Erokar or RsnswsMa COME IN. LISTEN InTSiGN the grade to which tha menta am to ba made. Ba That-aald-contemplated Improvement to of more than local or ordinary publlo benefit, and aald GRIFFITH-Wllltem at 4D5 Mfr Mlllsn Cample Surylvsd by sons, Lswranc William, RotorL Arthur, antes and KsansRu tertL- Snd Beach 7, Callforai where copies SANTA CRUZ HOTEL John 3ahit thereof may be obtained, IN.

brochure RN E. 4th St. ty Council hereby determines ond Ktoroa that tha district to be and' that said firm to composed of HE 4541 Pursuant to Part 3 of ton: alitor, -Mrs, Harris) teobrshter. Dm Breiui Jos Tuasdsy, 11 s.m. Rainbow Chsod, Rom Hills Mamorlal Chanter 1, benefited thereby and droM.

VTI Mnldpal Code of tho City of Long Bench and cl pal Codi All dalmi of rrari should bo nuteswithhln VSSre resre All wreki Funeral Notices Resolution No. 530 of tha Board of eased to pay tha spate and expei thereof la shown on Hap No, (04 1 Park. SPONQKRG MORTUARY, Albert Perd, 305 Peck BeverlT Hill Callfornl everiy Hill Callfornl Kf hotfi Ths Monv bw fndspsndsnt and Tha Evsntam PresATstertnm ter ans day cart rtrscWn FRAN Frsdsfldt TJ7M E. CHAp'Ek ENTERTAIN- MENT 1 DANCING ALL NITB. AFTERNOON EVENING DAILY FLIGHTS FROM A.

IntarMtianal Ar Burbank i Lang Beach O'Night IncL Above Plus Dk Rm. jObl Oe $310 HOWARD BUTLER SCHOOL OF REAL ESTATE On af Ri eldest' schools to this rre- thousands at graduate DAYS 9A.M. Math, ft Thun. EYES.r-7 P.M. Me Thun.

Visit any dess. LESSON S-fULL COVERAGE COSTS NO MORE -CM for detail breehure Advance course Wad. fro-5174 ATLANTIC GA (4471 on file In tha office -of tha City Cterk, to which reference la hart by mads for a description of tha as-1 eaament district, and that fifty per cent (50) of tho- Incidental for oold Improvement, andl per dent (50) of the cost of alley pensea for Iftypw -he alley entrances shall Drive, water WITNESS my hand thla 37th day nf November. 1ML and tha Board of Water Commto- itt'SvSw slonero, by minute order dated enframnrwniSflti Nov, 19U, haw oseertainod and wSLiii determined the geneikl prevailing ON THIS SfTtJh diy, of Nowwlw ro(o of poo oin Niwi otot a wages lor each croft or type laborer, workman or machaalo Mid County and Btsta. reatdlng in tha only i the performanca of R5ten WsdnsMsv, S.aj, SL Anthony's.

In. consaortlv day enters. Sunday rfl WCO CteSIllsd Any afosrliiamant tubiaousntly kwtrtlcn will (I) day, cturgad for ana by th Cl! FREEMANJoon, tanwriy of Lom aach, CrtH. and a mhtent of Hollywood. Sorv-teo will bo Wsrtmdav, 1 duly pub-Copm of aald resolution commissioned am therda lie LOS ANGELES TR 7445 LONG BEACH HA XI2M REAL ESTATE 'em Downtown Offica 6th snd Pins Avsn long Beach JONESMri.

by tain Street. Survived STSKSs-S aBTwwsJSfi: ndged to mothat he executed chief Xngineer. Bald job thereto 'ho Council propoaco to find and determine that tho public convenience and necessity require such Improvamant. At tha time and ilac herein fixed for hearing abactions- to tho propoaea Wdrk or mprovamant puute hearing will ateo ba held pursuant to Ordinance Nc. C-S4N to hear, objections to tha making af such finding aad determination ty tha Council: After such publi hearing, if th Council.

Ism thaa a four-flftha vote of all member tharaoC finds apd datermlnaa that-tha public necaaslb 4. 'h tentenea and i Thure. -Evsnlnai P.M2 Any Tims Gusjts Wdcsma Mr Mildred Owls Mrs. Inn sons, Dixon and Mon- Swlwf chapel at a. W.

COON FUNERAL HOME 10TH OBISPO. LAN GSTO Ntewinf" mn ot ENROLL NOWI ANTHONY SCHOOLS Snrlra Sf. funeral I Directors certificate first -above W' RUTH C. PARKS CAPITAL CASIhlO LAKE HATHORNET NEVADA Champagne Tour $10 Notary Public In and for Raid County and State automatic trsnsmtaslan. I LAKEWOOD-' jELLROWEltW TtMLfWSL TOrroy XI72I LINES aa expressly set forth heroin.

Any contract awarded hereunder hall prpvlde that the 'Contractor must comply With tho general prevailing rate of per diem wages and tnrertima wage, as specified In sold resolution and. minute bids must be Submitted ui forms to bo Secured at tho Ify crttnmlsalon expires 4151! Nnv. 3X Dec. 5, IX If. INI (4ti teamoreer mich tm-1 1250 Paclfla Av.

HIUTOI IRAD' automsHre Ptecsmsnt proceed-, to debt UmltetloN Bn of Mr. and r. Servk Church, Pl 'Gardena. Ini MEMORIAL. ROSE HILLS 2 Si Ivor Dalian Fra Ml air tri JBk A rip ijp BUILDING CONTRACTOW ty Council hweby declares -tT that tha GARDEN GROVE .724 Gardan Grave UvX JENonoa 7-7120 Qualify MILICE Larana proceeding for tha aforaaald 1m-provamant ahall ba taken' tinder and Dbmsr Cocklaltt srvlcs uunga snterirtnnMro Over Vb million Jdoilsrs paid Jsdioote orery Thursday, ceriStte In.

pursuant to that portion of th Stneta and Hlghwaya Cod daalg- TIMES Owen Butter, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE. SALE- No. So, -P-8410 of tha General Manager and Chief In th Superior (fourt of th State Engineer. nf Callfornl la and for tho County TaU bids must ho aattod I Mda and ef Los Angela In tha Matter of ha accompanied by certified chock the Estate of ELLEN or bank draft payable to tho City BON, aa Incompetent Person. Auditor of Long Beach, and.

drawn ANottea to hereby given that tha un- on aolvent bank in Los Angeles deraigneX aa Guaratan of the above County, or a satisfactory bond in nomad incompetent person, will sell sn amount not teas than 1M of such bid, guarantee that tha bidder will. If awarded a contract, within conditions 1 hereinafter mentioned ten (10) days after such contract to and subject to confirmation by the tendered to him tor. signature. Mould Buperior Court, on Thursday cute And deliver such contract to nafted aa tha nt-Act ef (Overniter 1311, and that aerial bonds shall Issued In tho manner and form rM any das tow teuton. pn Ba aur fled aw dst ANTHONY SCHOOLS SSH Spring St LX HA W2f1 truck Drivers need HIGH PAY AFTER TRAIk GAS-OIESEL-TR -DIESEL TRACTORS arandchlldrani 2- raaharindcMj-uren; sister, Mrs.

Bala dtx. Service Wtrtiiidsy. bj. Rev, EIVKw VTPmEwIvt 1 1 sg evey Hiram B. Crssoy Jr.

to said tracts and BOX REPLIES: at. Hi PrriW Talaqram affic for ilia following beret: fnd. Abere tour dtUdau Ham ar Bacon Earn breakfart. Ds Lux rusm. Intareat per eftlctet-in 9.

MOTTELLS AND. PEEK QUIRK Grace 111 Pasadena provided for Htehwayi Cod at the rata of alx annum, to repraaent aach aunt of Fifty Dolton -DAY OR. EVEN I MG (DM- Ac tor Only (14JB by sons Arthur, P-5140 P-5332. P-10555 day of December. INI, at the Secretary of the Board of Water rtf 10:00 oclock A.M., or Commissioners, together with good th sist the hour WOMEN ALLAGES-Now surety tract H4I42 H-9014 H-9017 10474 H-I05II H-1050 -DAILY FLIGHTS Deosrt Lane Berth BurbanX Special Sunday AM.

Flight For rassrvgtlsn schsdula cM Beeai HA 5-6309 LOS ANGELES TR 7-521 Or see reur local Trsre) Agent thereafter hy law, offlea. of of bond oquat to 35 -of tha coni ithin tho time- allowed and roniorat -531 -113 1-5272 E-5S2 B-II52 XI 0419 XI 059 XI0574 wsfBtihat 0100) or thirty recorda- aerial bonds ahall extend over a ported ending nine years from th aecond day at January next succeeding the next September tint following thalr gat Baev Hotica te hereby given thrtokth Sod day of January, IMS, the Sod day of January, Av- Surylvsd Harold, Jstai Oliver and Ertirin; daughters, Mrs. Bob ton, Lswranc Csmabell: sisters, Mrs. Tad Mre. Chss, Munyen, Mr Georgs McChn Mr Barths grandchildren; 10 Hdra Sarvka Thure- MOHELL'S AND PEEK Hrei "SoT America National Trust aad Saving Price, conditioned upon tha faithful Association Trust Department 130 parformoac such contract, and tor Sarin Fashion A TV shows.

IkSS class 241- English bANCiMG 0-21 1 1 XIM99 Fourth Street. Long Beach Ckllforol all the rlgbCtitla, later; surety bond equalto 10 of the a good and sufflclsnt corporate r- J-4930 J-1 0411 i Mt and aatato of tha above-named contract pries, conditioned upon tho Incompetent person and tha payment of nu material and labor at tha hour of 10:30 A.1L, at tho taSTwite FLY FREE tltlo and Interest that th claim odd oofofo ha hy operation oflaw Tha CALL BoarI of Water CommlMlon- re reserve the right at any time or in addition to- that of aald In- Prion to th awarding of a Competent, in and to that certain to reject 11 bids and to contract return nil to reject all bids and S-5217 S-583 S-l83 5-54 I I S-5472 S-I5I T-5500 C-5274 rC-10241 C-1 0458 1 C-I053S C-10543 K-4535 K-5500 K-4124' K-5553 K-10II3 deposits accompanying such bid Doted at Lon Beach, Callfornl JONES Rsbwt l. Sarvka srili mnoincifle Council Chamber to tha Ciiy Hall, any and all paraona haring objections to aald proposed Improvement may appear bafora aald City Council ana show eaua to th manner preaeribad by tho Street aad Highways Cod why said proposed improvement should not ba carried out In aecotdmaeo with' thla resolution. See. The City Clerk lot.

pfoeo pared of lhnd, ottui Mng and bdnf ia the County Angela But of Csllfon Angela of tend, situate, Callfornl by daughter Mre. L. M. Bsssstt, Mn. Art Reeksn.

snd Mr Jl. E. Fox; 3 grandchildren; 2 great. arsndchtMrMi Service dThunday m. MOTTELLS AND PEEK gtfigig3aa awst.

December 1. Survived bv dMghter, Mrs? FIs WIIMsmt; (Is-" tars, Mr Wands Soiks -Mrs. bente Ftorev, Mr Emma Less Mrs-. Beulah Amt Mr Mamie KrM Mre. Varna Ftoray, Mrs, 135L SILVER FLIGHT CHAMPAGNE TOUR Historic Md more particularly described as this 80th day k.

BRENNAN THOMAS November. General Manager and Chief Engineer D-4534 D-5551 D-5470 follow to-wlt: 'of Traet No. -ot McCLINTOCK Barbara 745 Long Beach" Water Department Puh. Dec. INI (It) L.RL LEARN TO TONOPAH, NEVADA Mbpeh Tenopeh tUy to the Daaeaxe of and ahall eauag tba aama to be puh- L-I37L 1421 -1-10571 L-10575 V- -M -53S4 Resolution no.

c-is2os A RESOLUTION OF INTEN TION JQ VII ALLEYS BLOCKS MSI XI 37 E-5IQ9 4137, In of Long Bench; County of Los Angelo dilate of Cali-recorded in Map In County Re- fcordar of said County. (Com-iknonly known aa 734 Gardenia Aram Long Beach, Callfornl-) itha City i JL-ra rforni MjpeF map rw vBook 51, Pag NT ot tha Otflck 3. tha Cw T4272 T-1525 T4573 T-IQ49I '7-10557 T-I055I T-10557 T-10551' M0572 HBnlodc llahed twice to tha Long independent a daily newspaper eiiv eulatsd to aald City ond hereby deeignated for that purpoam and hall causa thla resolution to ha PATRICK William. Gravetlds service Tuesday, are. 1 Sswtel te Camtterv.

iBHgaraigw'- School I nmcHM -12 i famwMli, Mr. Gant bretbar Rssce Rus-1 Vernan Bryan, Servk NERJVTl nitermsnt OF MOLINO AVENUE AND OF RIKA BA AVENUE. BETWEEN Ml 7 F45I7 CASINOS "RECREATION UNUMITED" $10 PARK CurtisStoweri CHAPEL. SPAULDING STREET AND FIFTEENTH STREET. IN THE OTY OF LONG BEACH, CALI- fTht tarmo and conditions of sale Ckah In lawful money at tha united State: ten par cant af th purchase PBX N-4900 N-5273 N4IJI N-54II N4444 Aug.

I1 SWfRJ to thro (8) coupteuoui ptoesa to aald City aad it ahol iheraupoa taka affeeL i Clerk ahall aloe eauas I notioea of th adoption lu tloa at to ten tloa to the ana snau i Tha -City to bo malted, i of this roeo- REARlOta-jEuesn Isrylcg ROBERTION Dsiryl J. R. artw Csmstary. 6-2734 G4I3S 6477 V4354 V4474 FREE. Round Trte Survivad by Wltttems; state SWf Dinner gersns Mrii Mrs.

Ava Baldwin, form and manner and to the parsons designated, oil oa provided by aald ui W4I W43I V45I3 Improvement Act of 1(11." I hereby certify that tha ty that tha Ask for a-; TRAINING; COURSE; Ji -v iCORD -CORDLESS UYI-BOARDS 50 EdniT undy, It SJHi WESTMIN-iTERMEMDRIAL PARK CHAP, -H4727 N-447 H-5504 N-5444 H-5912 H-230 04907 H4350 foregoing resolution was adopted bgih City Council of the City of lmk awww Ia DAILY FLIGHT SCHEDULES RESERVATIONS HAX4427 1 GOING TO LAS VEGAS7 to ba paid pt tha tlm ef th sill! toef on Mnflnnstlon of note, ar-as may eontractad for. -'Th purchaser to Oh Section That tha Cfty Council payment of, and taka th property Intends to order tha Improvamant pardhaaad br him. subject to au the of th ALLEYS In bloc SUts and County taxa and all Molino Avenue and OrteaL oasessmenta of wbatooarer mow or between Spaulding Street nad FH-aatura which are. now or may ba- taenth Street, by wnatructlng Port-ra hereafter ehsrgeaWa to or a land cement eoncrat cur AidaWalk Ben against thf property purchased and. 5-inch cross gutter; paving tha By hint, reedway with Portland cement eon- Udfl-or offere mfot in eret 6-lhches in thickness: doing I Writing and may ba toft at, the all necessary grading and any 1 Sftoaef BaalTot America Nnttonal other related work required, u-I frost -ml Savings Aaaoctetlon.

eepting snyef improvement Man for said eatpt County of herainabov described already com-Angda State af Califonil plataX 1 ay be gi" 1 ov may oa delivered to said Guar-j see. naj, in aroroiald Un- Beach at its meeting of November 28, 1ML hy (the folio win ring vote: vi CAUSE. '-Curlls SN are Whs asssed swby An. 14. STROURk-R -j.

r. I Hothts Av HOUSE- (44 DESERT INN ROAD I fir HeservaTipni- REpent 5-2ZD Ayes: -Counillmeif: K1 BOND.REESE BAIKD, SULUVAN.CROW. I. WADE. NoMifteuncllmfor NONE.

FOE; Lore TS4. Veterans 1 mamom Abaent: Couneilmen: HARQAKXT L.THXARTWELU (SEAL) City ClerkV (SEAL) City Clark Klan parsonaUy jp gold Count oflprortment shaU ba pwlormed telPub. Dec. I. 1951 7 i Vi- i 1 1' i.

4 'i -v ri; br i lie ru'.

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