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Eugene Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 8

Eugene Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE 8 EUGENE REGISTER, EUGENE, ORE, THURSDAY Ti Pendleton and Eugene High Fives Lead in Hoop SPORTS WYtlrf a a phI BELIEVE IT OR NOT BY RIPLEY REDMOND (IS) B. Blnllll, Of All Sorts By OBSERVER wr en D. Bmltll, 1 'S bn iMrK DIIJ1J Winkle, MoOormeck, 'uimr a.n-fy.isi VsV.Tl i arj'tp. rh. Tynan, Zo llflHI I jusay, a sTOTOR COP.

veteran Lane coun' MuUregor. uu iiu ku linn nriiiiH tv rare hone who haa tired imiiv track winners In his 10 years, PENDLETON, EUGENE AT TONNTOUflNEY Pendleton Beats Dallas and Eugene Takes One-Sided Game From Redmond -5 Itefsret, French; umpire, Coleman, "HLI now has two sons burning up the turf at Tla Juana, Mexico. John Bartholomew, who runs the i "Compromise" Proposal LINCOLN (30) PI, Rced' Bovvllnn Mason, i a Richardson, Robertson, 0 Donlll, (I a a I aett I 0 I I Thompsons is Not Accepted Well tor. Will Be Here a VV( Givin Lesson, Patch, a Wallers, a 1 a Totals BAt.KM, OtSh March 10 (AP) Communications from boat and bank fishermen published In the Register tecently, editorials and snorts 'Hie ClrocsUri. COMMERCE (90) Pendleton and Kunene hlh schools Ooahen horse ranch at Goshen, the owner of Motor Cop.

Flying Are, months old, and Motor Park, 3 years olrt, an the racing colts now doing well at the southern track. Both horses are out of Valley Park Maid and Motor Cop, and thus re full brothers. They are owned hy Newt Womlck of Hlta-vllle. who braucht Valley Maid here to breed with Motor Cop, and who owns five sons from the Goshen stud. Flying Ace entered the 7.S00 purse for two year olds at Tla Juana last Sunday and finished In the money.

Last Friday and Ace started Sixth In four-furlong race and finished third. iteuner. took the lead in mo urviion smw Kitinr. lh tot' Hi- miii. th.

Ti. n1 columns, local comment and arguments have all combined to develop hint) school basketball championship tournament al Willamette university SrroitKlu. O'Counell, 0 here today, Pendleton defeating a me controversy or coal vs. bank fishing on the McKensle Into one K'k Iwo lm lt" Cleek. Applegata.

Mltola. a 8 8 a i 4 1 0 0 slage-frlKhlened Dallas aiiirslloll SO to 31. while Eugene look a onesided affair from ltnlmond, 01 to 96 that threatens to again sweep Into the legislature with a better chance UnkleM, than ever before for a deadline for Kuutme and Krnmnnd owned tna Worthley, boats as some point on the river. Dayton Thomson of Thomson's re tournament at o'clock this afternoon while Pendleton ami Dallas followed them on the floor. double tUimk J.

Herd, bowlln. Heatlle, toUWta, "ll to IK.U, iid K''1 Plans to hm ire. uZSZ' Totals Referee, Bolcman; sort hu sent in his The race track will be the scene umpire, rrcncli. Hill and Temple divided scoring next Sunday of a rare for the larg His "compromise" proposal la to draw the deadline at McKenale bridge, re honors for Pendleton In the second NORTH REND (II) est purse ever offered on an American track the 140,000 Cof serving the right to take picnic par- "ss. oirbi omo with seven points each while raughn, Dallas, had nine.

Dallas outplayed and outacored the cnapman. nioommilat, followa ues inrouga me waters oz tne entire fin th Handicap. A BOLT OF LIGHTNING KILLED C.J.Summerford,o1 Columbia, AU AND A MONTH LATER. HIS GRAVE SfOME VAS DESTROYED By LIGHTNING Another stone was erected amp Lightning destroyed that also river. K.

Anderaon, Taakey. swimming VJORMAN PURSER, easterners In the second half despite the Iom of Webb, center, on fouls. Bank flshlu. advocates out Tl" nM 1 ooach. has turned out a tine In the first game, Eugene took an Deweaoe, a Anderaon, nr.

that this Is not a "compromise'' that will be accepted, since It leaves about five miles for the bank fishermen early lead and held II throughout rrluro Klrnk team of young water-dogs at the local Y. M. C. and a good dule of meets has been lined up for tne conical. Hviiinuu Totals 4 IM 111 "I ml ana eo miles for the boat fishermen.

A versatile Commerce attack proved 1.. HclimliU too much for Uncntn In tonight's "Angler" Is Blasted The letter signed "Ana-lex." minted first game, the Portland slenouraph- Totals In the Register Sunday, which elat era winning from their townsmen 30 to 30. Appleitate, Homier and Bcrog- ed that tier are only sue places avail- I a a TIIXAMOOK (18) Malian. Conover, White, Bunn. Bchoppert, 4.

It nruiulnu. Turner iriinrj'i 7 7 I 134 gins poured In field goals to keep uommerco always in a ears lean. Tne aoie iot Dana tuning on the McKen. ale below Blue River la being crttl' cused by Eugene sportsmen. 17 to 7 for commerce at the end of the first half and the ISO Hi I BO II IN It, 111 110 Haritrrate.

Ivrraun lllaney Ray Yeatch says. 'Angler' should aa. second half waa fought on nearly Totala Referee, Prench; 8 umpire, Coleman. even terms. have aald that there are only about a dozen places where concrete walks are provided for bank fishing.

A. B. Roberts, known as "Hlehnoclr. Tolnls Lineups and summaries li 610 DALLAS (3-J) VauKhn. Because ox nis waaing nroDen- jllfe Iiiauranre t'ndrrwrll.

KltlM UM Quiring, Pf. I I 4 a means that there are not more than six places where a neraon can run The CRY of Tin A BAR Of TIN produces a peculiar NOISE When benT Due to the sliding oT the crystals over one another. tbem. The team Is handicapped, liowever, bv a lack of financial backing from the whlrh may result In the kids being kept borne. Henry Howard, secretary, has made an appeal for Individual contributions to send the team to the northwest Y.

M. C. A. swimming meet at Everett, Wash, and to other water tourneys. Twenty-six dollars were subscribed for the team the other day by Individuals of the executive board of the Y.

M. C. A. The boys record, both as a team and aa Individuals, entitles them to a few trips this season and the Observer hopes that opulent business men Interested In swimming think this a worthy cause. The two TP teams bay postponed the meet with University high school, whom they trounced taeently, due to pressing examinations for all concerned.

Saturday seven of the boys whose picture la shown on the sport pago today will be chosen to meet the Northeast Y. M. O. A. at Portland.

Webb, Uglow. row" 1st IM lii Itemlcralmli JJ ,44 109 Urlffln. irozn tne running board of his carl" Lefors, sportsmen -Name Stretches a A KTOUD Of SDOrtamen conirreffareri "inuer JJ0 IN inj aowniown store started to enu Totals 10IS1S TOO 41 TtJ merate, Wednesday, some of the miles of accessible bank fishing territory sira Miiav I PENDLETON (SO) IM 1711 SPRINGFIELD TEAM OUTBOWLS WENQUNG WENDIJNO, Ore. March 10 (flw-clal) The bowling team repreMiiting the Casey service station of Rprlng-field came to Wendllng Tiirday evening and took the Lumbermen for a ride. This la Ihe first time for a long time that team has Invaded Wendllng and got away with the big end of the scare from the local bowlers.

This same team defeated a group from Wendllng on the Springfield alleys about a week ago. The scores Bryan was high man with tilth score of 1M and high total. of tU Casey's Kervlre L. Endlcott 174 loo 180 830 L. Lepley 108 177 144 4H7 Bryan llto 100 17ft tu P.

Black 148 1311 IM 434 O. Carson 178 138 170 401 Masters, O. Millar wuv surer, auto, raacning a total of 30 rapids series, each of which provides nearly a fcair-dava Terjeaan, Quail Miller Bouncy HU1. Temple, in mi i in ift 189 140 IN! to ion 'M 848 Wei i i i 0 0 0 0 fishing, they gave up. Starting at Blue River, some of snnep.

i two EYELESS FlSH HAVE LIVED 4 YEARS IN A SMALL BOWL WITHOUT FOOD OR CHANCE OF WATER Ourted by NELSON, Glasgow. lit ue piaces are: ssoutn of Blua Rinr Totals 100 YEARS down to Klk creek, averr foot: Soaro Toner, Kidder, Stroble, Puno Indians o((k AlTo Piano OS TMt ANOtS, 8rla Mi'irh Mhsflner OuotM Mi hMm fnU4 Cwi Snu fV riffle and the rocks below; the nine at Lean Dog, where the tiver can be wsded: three stretches at Pillar rock; mouth of Quarts creek: unner Cook's is Totals Referee; Ooldman: umpire, French Ihe Beat of a Candle Can Be Detected Two Miles. slferdln's thermomultlpllcator has been perfected to SUCh a tabulOU ffoffTM fit MnaltlmnM, V. i nnairner. A 168 in lie Davu iso in Karclrll 147 IM IM Well leg J0 j) aiialtnrr.

D. 148 111 landing: long stretch below Al Cook's summer home; halt mile stretch near Hessey's summer home. EUGENE (M) Berg. TotaU 830 3440 Each of these places provide some the best fly flshlnK U. the world Of Totals AM mi mil Houghton.

Bradway, Mcclain, Clreene. 83S 784 Lumbermen 140 iai 157 111 "ll I a i a a. Bowers l.uifn. wain Ikari uv wibuduu uecuie oi its galvanometer win react to tne body temperature of an Insect placed 200 yards away. The heat of a candle burning two miles away will cause an actual deviation of the Indicating needle.

The Improved apparatus Is called a telethermomulllpllcator. Inunctions on the theory of thermoelectricity of currents emanating from the body of the raised Horan Worked Continuously for Tears. Mr. Horan was first employed by the C. M.

St. P. A P. R. In April.

1855. when he waa but 17 years old. Be was years old In January. 130. and Is at present a boiler Inspector for the same road In the Milwaukee shops and works six days every week.

for wading angl and there are many other beautiful stretches all the way down the river, the snorts- M. Warfel iaa a4iTrolln 141 in lHl 140 478 I U1U011 lU lnl 8. Hall Ebrrhart, Hoffman. Jeffries, H. Cook men claimed.

184 184 138 103 108 188 181 404 Warnock 114 130 ml 148 47lBlopcr IN 115 111! J. Waterhouse Boatmen Swing Over To offset the Thomson "comnram- SEE Young Joe Stecher, massaging his professional ears: "I haven't showed the fans very much around here, because I haven't met any boys that made me open up. If they think I'm not good enough to wrestle for the championship, let 'em come around Friday night and I'll show 'em plenty. Jones Is good boy, bat be Isn't good enough to beat me. He's a wise old gink, bat I'm going to get that belt.

If I have to stay here all summer." Herb Owens wants Jones to stick round awhile and put up his belt before going back to Utah. Why shouldn't he? The Pete-Jones matches have drawn the biggest crowds ever to attend wrestling matches In Eugene. The boys please the fans, and the shekels Allilrwon 8 133 ToUls ToUU IV I 714 708 3300 TotaU 880 834 OH lse" comes word from Berl 81a ven of Leaburg and other boatmen who derive an Income from cllotlnir hoar. fishermen that they are heartily In favor of banning boats on th. m-.

STROMBERG-CARLSON ZENITH EOISON The Finest In Radio EUGENE MUSIC 8BOP 10M Willamette St. WINTER TERM It's good School Day School Night school EUGENE OCSl.NESS COLLEOB Phone 668 Miner Bldg. Eagene. Oregon Kenzle to bring the stream back to a iuu ana natural supply of redsldes again. "If boats were taken off the entire McKenzlo for two veara.

it wnnM the propogatlon of redsldes more than jucboc Aero. au me natcnenes put together," declared Ray Veatchof Babb'a hardware, who added that he much prefers to fish from a boat, but thinks, nevertheless, that boat fishing should be LARAWAY'S CLEARING SALE Wonderful Values For Thursday, Friday, Saturday Blossom-time In California. Just south of San Francisco, your train bean you through the great Santa CUra Valley, where nature his put on ber spring-time costume. Washington A. to Meet The Washington school Parent-Teacher association will meet at the school on Thursday afternoon at 8 clock.

The second grade pupils U1 furnish the program. Mothers or second grade pupils will serve tea aad wafers- oamiea. The hint thst a legislative ban on boat fishing would be unconstitutional Is refuted by attorneys who hm omx service on ine oench. Credit Given 5 Off Sale Prices for Cash REDUCED UMMER At Sale Prices 1 uur cleanngtale provides) many bargains for this week-end. Only very few items are listed here.

Hundred, of I other not advertised. Come to the store where you will find the real bargains and you may buy them on credit, too I ROUNDTRIPS Drastic Cuts Ladies' Men Save On WATCHES WATCHES SUGAR SPOONS High grade silver plated Sugar Spoons. Well known and reliable makes. lifetime quality. Variety of patterns.

$1.00, $1.25 and QQam $1.50 values 0JG (One to a customer) A white gold Drscelet Watch, with nt rretanru!" I pennsnio jowoi shape, assorted patterns. lW to 818,00 vsuie mum ku a I While they last tPJM" An attractive cushion shspe Strap Watca with dependable Jewel movement, luminous dial and hands a fine value at 118.00. Clearing Sals 11 price 4 1 1 A full Jewel Men's Wrist Watch Jewel movement, with white metal muh bracelet to match. Lumlnlus dial and hands. Factory established price r-rv 28.00.

Clearance sale price 1 0 OU TO THE ORIENT YOKOHAMA $525 KOBE $544 SHANGHAI $606 A good "ortmrnt0frect.ngulr,'l and octagon aimpsa wimo led movoment Bracelet dC CQI Watches. Hen. a values v'v I BUTTER KNIVES High grade silver plated Butter Knives. Well known and reliable makes. Lifetime quality.

Regular $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 QQft values Ovw (One to a customer) Very small white gold rectsnful" gl Bracelet W.tch. embc. UM Waltham IB-Jewel movement. In high grade green gold filled case, fully guaranteed movement and case Strap Watch, Regular price 838.00 0Of vl Clearing sals awisttni nrncricb. VDBUlVll 8SSVJa $25.00 and moat dcalrnblo.

60.00 'Blossom-time in California and only a day away Boundless orchards in glorious bloom. Mile after mile of. sweet-scented blossoms. California has taken on new beauty with the coming of spring. All of California is at its best.

And the trip there is quick and easy one you will enjoy via the. ever-alluring Shasta Route. Leader of Southern Pacific's fleet of fine trains California is the "Cascade" extra fare, 22 hours Portland to San Francisco. The "West Coast" takes you direct to Los Angeles. New-type observation-lounge on the "Shasta." New, deluxe chair cars with Pullman-like dressing rooms, etc, Bargain Fares $15 San Francisco $24 Los Angeles Special low one-way fares good in coaches and Tourist sleeping cars.

Roundtrip fares also on sale jvith limits to suit your plans. By Southern Pacific you may choose your fare as well as your train. When you go by train you get all these advantages comfort, speed, safety, economy and convenience. Pbent or tall nj Ilm0 for Iwtl hlormailem HONG KONG AND MANILA $656 A group of hand engraved 18-karnt white gold Ring assorted patterns, set with fiery blue white Diamond. Rcgu $50.00.

Red Hot Spccial- In effect on President Liners ailing from Seattle and Victoria, B. between May 1 and inly 81. Even at these low fares you need sacrifice nothing In luxury, for President liners are the famous Round the World ships. A large outside stateroom, with real beds, is yours. On SDarJous Very fine quality.

Much admired and Newest square prong mountings, some platinum, some 18-karat gold, set with a Laraway diamond of rare quality. Wonderful $200.00 value. sale $159.25 Diamonds are Scarce. Own A Laraway Diamond Pay A Small Amount Down Beautiful 18-kart white gold Diamond Rings, set with a large, sparkling blue white diamond, Moat yC pan's delicate beauty li about to be revealed to yon in some great festival stay. If in strange China or the Philippines, some world port whose name meant romance, captivstet you stay.

There's another President Liner in just week. From the Orient President Linen return on weekly schedule for America. SAILINGS A President Liner sails every other Saturday from Seattle and Victoria, in pnl'lllir HIK -m $19.75 attractive ring at 185.00 Clearing sale price. e. Pa7sf aj is decks, in comfortable social rooms, you share a joyous Iiie at tea with world travelers.

And no rigid schedule drives FINE UMBRELLAS Bilk Umbrellas In weekly tailing! from Los Angeles and San Francisco via Honolulu. Full iwformtlton from ami tUtmiUm yon at goose step through your trip I Stop over as you please. Enjoy the Orient for week, two weeks or a month if you choose. If Ja- of sll wan tractive handlos of tlw very GOLD RINGS Ladies', solid gold Rings. Tiffany and fancy mountings, set with rubies, amethysts and other stones.

Values to mmm $8.50 Or lour ill tgrmt, SETH UlUWAY Eugene's Credit Jeweler Official S. P. and O. E. Watch Inspector (Contract Goods Excepted) and newest designs.

A n.oo ana IT.S0 and H.0 Vmm SorattaflneffM Pacfiffnc S0.B0 and flM. AMERICAN MAIL LINE, to 7 152 Broadway, Portland 4th at University, Scattla SabtttDuUu Bids. Sm Ftandsw F. G. LEWIS, Ticket Agent Pfacn.2200.

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