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Albany Democrat-Herald from Albany, Oregon • Page 3

Albany, Oregon
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ALBANY EVENING HERALD. SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1921 He had been a patient at the hospital for some time. WILL THE PRESIDENT FOLLOW SUIT? Brownsville Editor Writes Book About Experience in War Itrownsvlllu, July 23 -Josso R. Panama Constructs Inland Highway to Build up Commerce Panama, July 28. Tho government of I'nnumu has sent special Immigra Illnniun, tho Astoria newspaper man porlonccd farmers from the south of Europe, who aro also hard assign them land, secure thorn in their title, and even assist thorn with implements and seed for the first few years.

As white men these people will soon disappear, as white men arc bound to do in the tropics, but their children will mix with the brown natives, and this mixture makes a strong raco well adapted to the heat and bright light. This mixed race, known as the morenos, Is the strongest and best factor in Panama at the present time and the government hod in mind a far-seeing policy of perpetuating it. who hus bought and Is now publishing tho Brownsvlllu Tlmos Is un ox-service man who served with the Amarican army in Franco from tho timo of tho tion agents to Czlieco Slovakia, Austria, Italy, Spain, and tho Canaries to Induco farmers from those countries to como to Panama, Tho govarnment hus begun the construction of two hundred miles of highways in tho most fortile parts of the Interior, and Intends to follow with several hundred miles more, with the idea of opening up the country. But after the roads are built, (construction has boon begun and the money la in hand to pay the bills) they will not bo used unless new inhabitants are brought Into the country. Tho native of Panama has his own farm and is living on it very contentedly, under prlmative conditions in most coses, but conditions which are well adapted to the tropica and which suit him.

He works, little but lives well. His surplus produce Is such as can conveniently be carried to a GOOD Clothes Cleaners Carbonia, the bottle 20c Evergive Dry Cleaner the can Pyrene Safety Cleaner per bottle Putnam Dry Cleaner Per package 25c Solvit (Dry Cleaner) i Per package Straw Hat Cleaner 1 Per package Call 25, We Deliver WOODWORTH DRUG CO. Insane Man Breaks Neck by Plunging first American raid Into the line of tho bodies until tho signing of the armistice. He served with tho Flash and Rango departmont, 2nd battalion, 29th engineers. Upon returning to America and Astoria he was elected first commander of tho American Legion post at that city, 'When tho bolshevistic oloment threatened to run tho town at Astoria, Hlhman made hlmsolf known by a little strong arm work exorcised upon tho person of the editor of a disloyal Sergeant Hlnman's work and experience wlh the Flash and Sound detachment of the army fitted him for writing authoritative accounts of the From High Window Salem July 23.

Clarence Newton, an inmate of the state hospital Here, yesterday climbed upon the window saah of his room and plunged head first to the cement floor below. 'His neck was broken and the physicians said he could not recover. part which the American army played seaport on mulo back, and he enjoys Newton was committed to the statu in tho world was, He is the author of nccmy inp io roe village, book entitled "Ranging In France nut such peoeplc cannot develon a uM Wa With Flush and Sound." It la the buil- of the ranger to locate tha country because they are too busy en- residing at Hospital' au-joylng life. The Idea of the eovern. hm vr.

mi, onemy guns, and in the prosecution of that business the men must tramp ment is to induce immigration of ex-1 communication with, them last night Brlgadlor-Gonoral Sawyor, Proldcnt Harding's personal physician, au over practically every foot of the bat vised tho President to tako up horsabnck ridintr. Tho Frosiaont agreea, Ic. As Uio photo shows, General vidlng General Sawyer set tho examnl tho President follow suit! yor 'taking his own mericine." yvi They muat keep the intelligence wirea open at all times. This particular business and experience na HARRISBUR TOWN MARSHAL IS A COMPETENT PEACE OFFICIAL, turally made Hinman familiar with the ground over which the contending armies struggled, and his book is therefore trustworthy and exact. According to the book, it waa dur ALTHOUGH BUTT OF MANY JIBES ing the first week In January' 1918 that Captain Theodora Lyman and Sherm Mnrguth vialted Earl and Lieutenant Charlea Bazzoni, of the Uotu Boggs at thoir ranch Monday night.

Mr. Bogga la a prominent Sir Walter Raleigh Had A Bright Idea American army, opened a school in Flash and Sound detection of enemy guns. A class of 40 men formed the nucleus of what waa finally to become lodge man nnd loader In social clr-cles. The Modern Woodman lodge la hold' Ing a big open air danco here Satur four Flash and four Sound ranging- Harriaurg, July 22. The local 1.

0. 0. K. camp entertained a large Junction City delegation Monday owning o( this week. Tho Royal Purple degree of tho order win exempliled In tho Initiation of Oliver Coldlron and George Ilochdanner.

Following tho work tho lodge aerved a banquet. Robert Ingram, marahal of Harris-burg, who haa rocontly boon tho butt of jiboa by a dally papor la looked on in Harrlaburg aa competent ponco and sections in tha American army. These 40 men were taken from the 116th day night and they invito everybody Engineers, 41st Division. Among to attend. A good timo Is gunron teed.

them was Jesse Hinman. He and hia detachment Bailed from New York November 20, 1917, reached St. Nazaire Earl and Leon Boggs, Charloa Burgess and a few others went to Lake Creek recently and hauled back aix December 10, and arrived at Fort de hundred trclls poles. Mr. and Mrs.

B. II. Miller arc vis St Monge on the Lorraine front March 10. On the next day the Ameri King Mr. nnd Mra.

Guthrie. Mr. can troops raided the Gorman lines, Guthrie is well known aa tho manager the battle of Seicheprey developed, and tho American participation in the of the big Harrlaburg garage. J. Ayros Is up again after a short war was on in earnest.

Of apecial Interest is Hlnman's da- illness. Ho looks none tho worse You remember the episode of the rainy day when he threw his cloak into a puddle tha the good queen might cross without get-ting wet feet and perhaps the flu. That was advertising. Sir Walter had a message of import to her majesty. He wanted a hearing.

He got it by a courteous and ingenious method of attracting favorable attention. It was another case of advertisings that paid both ways. Fred Repines' burn caught flro here recently and waa only extinguished traffic officor. He la popular with people of Harrlaburg and vicinity and no touriat need fear tho Harrlaburg cop aa long aa tho ordlary rule of traffic are not fractured. Mlaa Tllllo Gordon who la employ.

ed at tho K. F. Brooko atoro motorvd with Mra. Ralph Korn Portland yesterday for a fow daya vialt. Uny D.

Kills, son-in-law of W. E. Wudsworlh, of Harrlsburg, died a fow daya ago In Portland. A daughter waa born to 'Mr. and Mra.

Clark Howard, of Harrlaburg, Tueaday. Fifty-four trout, the smallest of which waa aald to bo 1H Inches long, wore caught In tho Wlllamotte rivor recently by George Wllllama, of Har when neighbors came to tho rescue Gcorgo McCart, of tho local scrpltlon of this first battlo of tho war wherein "the American troops, heavily out-numbered, yet managed to hold their linca intact, and eventually win back their old positions. Tho Brownsvillo man knows all about the war In the Toul sector, too, where American troops were stationed. Calf club went with the Holstcjn breeders on their tour through Lone county. Most of the local farmers are their hay and it Is estimated In tho course of the book he tells of tho battlo of Ilvray, Chateau Thierry, the St.

Mlhlol offensive, the battles in Lorraine, and in tho Argonne. nearly eighteen hundred tons will bo stored in the Cartwrlght warehouse at Virgil alone. Mr, Carroll a prominent local drug rlaburg and Dr. Marr Blaillon, of Portland. Tho fiahornion rodo tho gist was blessed with a strapping baby boy last Sunday.

WREATH GIVES TRIBUTE A wreath bearing tho inscription, At the Charity Grango Thrift club mooting recently, Miss Mnbol Robinson canned 130 quarts of varloua fruits thus setting a local record. Fred N. Williamson, leader of tho "A small tribute from those in trou-bla in Whom Justice Ashley M. Gould consistently displayed a just and helpful intorst," was placed on the coffin of the justice of. the supreme court of tho District of Columbia as a trib county clubs, passed through horo on ute from prisoners of the district, most of whom were sentenced by Justice Gould.

Tuesday on his way to Albany. Ho had been to Scio and spoke of a now club formed there, the Angora Goat club, supposed to bo the first In the country, Tho traffic across tho ferry Is aa heavy as ever and tho ferrymen have little time to dream on tho job. Some phosphorescent deep sea fish river down to Irish Bond. Tho prlco of moat in Harrlaburg waa roducod yoaterday by tho local mnrkot. Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Sondora, of Portland woro vlaiting In Harrlaburg tho woek-end. Mr. and Mra. Guy Thompson, of Albany, vialted Mra.

R. A. Githens, of Harrlaburg, this week. They made the trip by automobile. Two new fire hydrants ore being InaUllod In Harrlaburg, ono nt tho oornor of the Church of God building and tho othor noar tho Cunningham roaldonco, and changes are being made in tho location' of other hydrants.

Tho hydrant at the corner of tho Chaa, Morris rosldonco Is to bo moved to tho south end of that atroot. Nato Grant and son Alfred visited at rSiiRono Tuesday. E. Dodge, -of Sheridan, wns a Harrlsburg visitor Tuesday at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.

Wllloughby, Membors of tho Linn county court catch their prey by means of tho lights from their glowing fins. ISLAND NAME UNIQUE The sandwich Is so callod from the Earl of Sandwich, who passed whole days In gambling, and used to bid, tho waiter bring him for refreshments a THIS YOUNG MOTHER Tells Childless Women What Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Did for Her Business today is metaphorically throw-. ingitscloak beforeyou. It seeks your favorable attention. It uses its most effective method of capturing it ADVERTISING.

Day after day it caters to your tastes; and your desires through advertising. The men who advertise in this paper believe that if they succeed in getting: their message across to youf you will often be interested and sometimes inspired with a tie of their own enthusiasm for their wares. Advertising will help you. Whether you realize it or not, advertising is a big vital force in your life. Through it, American genius and American manufacturers are putting within your reach the many boons of modernlife.

Advertiscing keeps your information up to date on every article of human need, whether food, clothing, articles of household utility, necessities or luxuries. Advertisers deserve your support. The queen knighted Sir Walter. PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS! piece of ment betwoen two piocos of bread, which ho ate without ceasing to play. The Romans were fond of "sandwiches," which thoy called of- fula.

woro in Harrlaburg Tuosday to see. Wad Burkhart about removing CHICHESTER PILL THK IIIAMOND BRAND. TIIR ItlAMIlND BBA NIL house owned by Mr. Burkhart. Tho Mlllston, Wis." I want to give you word of praise for your wonderful A l.adlMl AtkymurDrumaJHtot Mill In Hi4 tnd Cold niiHlAV bxri, mini trllh niut RlbboB, Th no othtr.

Dur of your Imeuicino. no are very fond of children find far mnairlnr. lrulMl. AiUrnMilll.UfKN.TKItfl IHA1IOND lilt AN 1 1' 1 1.1.8. fr US yi known licit, Siftit, Atwtyi RelliW.

able time after wo marrlod I feared I would not havo any owing to my weak SOI 0 BY DRUGGISTS EVcRYWHFRr condition, i began taking Lydia E. Pink hams Vegetable Compound and now I hnve a nice strong hcnlthy bnby sir). I can honestly Bav that I did not suffer much mora house atnnds in tho proposed routo of tho Pacific highway. No dofinlto it settlement wna reached rognrding tho proporty. Tho M.

K. Sunday school hold picnic last Worinosdny In tho Boggs pasture near town and It was a gront success. Rev. Hocking, of Junction City was sponkor for tho occasion. Mrs.

Glen Holt visited Earl and I.cota Boggs nt tholr ranch across tho rlvor from Harrlsburg yostorday. Hoilloy Hnlman, well known pltchor for tho Harrlsburg hall team, has loft Hugono for Onklnnd, Oregon, whore he will pitch for tho local nine. His nhsenco will lcavo a great spaco In lha Harrlsburg team which will bo difficult to fill. Mr. and Mrs.

Hochdnnnor leave Saturday for Crator Lako on an oxtond-od vacation. Ed, Ayros finished chorry picking yostorday nnd Is now busy gpttlng togothor his crow for tho hop harvost. Mr. Ayros is ono of tho blggaRt ranchers, In tho district. when my baby was born than I used to suitor with my poriods befora I took Lydia E.

Pinkham's VotraUiblo Compound years ago. I give nil tho credit to your modicina and nnnll always recommend It very highly. Mrs. II. II.

Janhben, Mlllston, Wisconsin. How can women who aro wonk and slcklyoxpoot or hopo to bocumo mothers of healthy children? Tholr first duty is to themsolves. Thoy should ovurcomo the dorangomont or debility that is dragging thorn down, nnd strengthen the entire systom, as did Mrs. Jansson, yypiomeirisi. At A At Afli by taking iyaia m.

nnxnam'S vei table ComDOund and then they will 1 ALBANY, oneo. in a oosltlon to (rive their children the blossing of a good constitution..

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