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The Daily Times from New Brunswick, New Jersey • Page 2

The Daily Timesi
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMK8 NKW BKUNSVV1CK, N. THURSDAY. JULY 22 FERTILIZER. Fanners wanting a first class fertilizer for cabbages, should try our special cabbage manure, PURE GROUND BONE, per Ton. PARTLY FURNISHED, FOR RENT.

Seven double beds and other furniture. THE ROSE liberal Discount for Cash. SAMUEL LEDERER SONS, Somerset Street and Mile Run Brook. JlS-tf For Rent. Large Store and Premises On Southeast Comer ol Immediate Possession Given.

Pike, snapper and terrapin fishing in the creek, weak fish, king fish, blue fish, bass and crabs in the bay, clams and oysters for the taking quail, rabbits, snipe and ducks in the gunning season; fresh and salt water bathing no marsh, very healthy, high ground rent, with all privileges, $100 per year. Also Cedar Springs Farm House, com pletely furnished 5 double beds; al- waya cool and pleasant pine and salt air, invigorating and healthful the bubbling springs reliove kidney, bowel, bilious and other complaints your lanquid feeling disappears and appetite increases. It won't cost you much to try a two week's visit with me, which will iully demonstrate the above facts. Also tenant for house and 15 acres land, per year. Address, J.

STOKES, 310 High street, Burlington, N. J. jyl3-lw The Growing Demand For Transportation to Alaska, TALES OF FABULOUS EIOENfESS. RECEIVER'S SALE. AXT GEORGE C.

TOWLE. Agent. d9-tf LIVE AND LET LIVE. Best Goods at Prices within the reach of all Big Double Store, 196 AND GURNET T. Groceries, fruits, vegetables in their Buy of me and save money LOUIS HILDEBRAKD THE OFFICE, SOHBIDIG, Propr.

435 George St, Near Depot NEW BRUNSWICK. All Kinds of Wet Goods. To lay and construct a sewer in Remsen avenue from Handy street to George street, and in Welton street from Hemsen avenue to Lee avenue, and in Lee avenue from Welton street to Handy street, to connect with the sewer already laid in George street at the junction of Remsen avenue. Be it orrlalned by the Mayor and Common Council of the City of New Brunswick, as follows: Section 1. That there shall be laid and constructed in the city of New Brunswick a sewer in Remsen avenue, beginning at the intersection of Handy street and Kemsen avenue; thence down Remsen avenue to George street, and in Welton street from Kemsen avenue to Lee avenue and in Lee avenue from Welton street to the intersection of Lee avenue with Handy street, said sewer to connect with the sewer already laid on George street at its junction with Remsen avenue and at the head of Oliver street.

Section That said sewer'shall be laid and constructed in accordance with the plan of sewerage district number-two (2), so much as relates to said sewer having been adopted by the Common Council June 7, 1897. Section 3. That the amount of the costs and expenses incurred in the prosecution and completion of said sewer improvement shall be duly assessed by such commissioners as may be appointed "by the Common Council upon the lands especially benefitted by such improvement in proportion to and not exceeding the peculiar benefit to each parcel there- from (any balance of such expense above such assessment to be paid by the city at large), and that said commissioners make their report of such assessments to the end that the same may be confirmed by the Common Council according to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey entitled, "An act to revise and amend the charte of the city of New Brunswick," approved March 18, 1863, and also of an act entitled, "An act concerning the construction, care and Improvement of the public ways, parks and sewers in certain of the cities of the State and assessments for the same," approved February 14, 1888. Section 4. That said sewer shall be laid and constructed under the supervision of the Street Commissioner according to the provisions of the City Charter and the act last aforesaid.

Passed in Common Council this seventh day of July, 1807. B. C. HOUSELL, President, pro tem. Attest: JOHN L.

JAQUKS, City Clerk. Approved July 9, 1897. N. WILLIAMSON, Mayor. A Thousand Dollars to the Pan Not an Uncommon Thins In This Land of For a Bits Rush In the SprluR.

San Francisco, July steamship Umatllla, which arrived yesterday from Puget Sound ports, brought down almost $200,000 worth of Alaskan gold, of which $186,700 was in gold dust from Seattle, consigned to the Wells-Fargo company. There were several other" shipments of gokl in sacks. Some was shipped directly from Juneau, and advice's from that place are to the effect that at least $750,000 worth of dust wa3 waiting shipment at various Alaskan stations. Among the sensational advices re- ceivocl waa one from St. Michaels to the effect that over $4,000,000 in gold dust, which had not been included with the fortunes brought here by miners, will be shipped through the "Wells- Fargo company, other lucky miners having reached the island since the departure of the Excelsior and Portland, who have secured greater fortunes, individually, than those whose stories have already been told.

Although the capacity of the steamers Portland, which sailed today for St. Michaels, and the Excelsior, which sails on the 2Sth, is limited to about 110 passengers, over 1,000 applications have been made for berths. Most of The undersigned, receiver.appointed by the Court of Chancery of New Jersey In a certain cause pending in said Court, wherein Van Marter W. Kuydam Is complainant, and the Hlngher Manufacturing Company is defendant, will expose to sale at pub.ic vendue to the highest bidder on TUESDAY, THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF 'JULY, 189T, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of said company, corner of Guilden Mid Cortland streets in the r.ity of New Brunswick. New Jersey, the entire plant, comprising all the real estate and personal property of the said company, to wit All those certain 6 lots, tracts or parcels of land and premises hereinafter particularly described, situate, lying and being in the city of New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, known and designated as lots number 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 on a certain map on file in the Clerk's office of Middlesex county and State of New Jersey.

A copy map of certain real estate in the 5th ward of the city of New Brunswick, county of Middlesex, between Guilden and Cedar street. belonging to Frederick Bauer, surveyed und divided into seventy lots by T. W. Uouty, City ESTABLISHED 1830. WILLIAMS.

STRONG Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hardware, House Furnishing Surveyor and filed in the. ember 1st, 1869. Being tn veyed to the said Hingher Manufacturin Clerk's office, Nove same premises con- Burnet Street, New Brunswick, J. Table, Shelf and Floor Oil Cloths, Cutlery, Wooden ank WUlow Wares, Window Shades and Fixtures, Stair Bods, Laundry and Kitchen Ware, Etc. Looks.

Knobs, Hinges, NailB, Window Glass, Sash Weights, Wire Nails, Paints, Oils, etc. pentea and Builders' Tools of all descriptions. CHOICE CIGARS. Oysters and Clams in Season. fl8-tf WOW OPEN.

HENRY RUCK'S Somerset Hotel. Neilson Street, (New Brunswick, N. J. 135 Albanv Street Finest Wines, Liquors, Cigare and Draught Beer. Furnished rooms by the day or week.

XTOTXOS. BEER. CIGARS, ETC Oysters in 4.11 Styles. THOS. HARPER, No.

11 WATER STREET. DEFLATING of Bicycle Han- 5 dlebars, Enameling of Bicycle Frames in BLACK, MAROON or 2 OLIVE GREEN Only baking enamels and japans used. BRAZING. Middlesex County Surrogate's i'fflce. 1 the matter of the estate of Carroll Bulk ley Pnelps, a non-rteident, intestate.

Order to show cause. Lee Mahter. of the city, county', and State at New York, having applied to me by written petition, stating that Carroll Bulkier Phelpg, late of the city, coonty and State of New York, haa died intestate, and hat it ia necessary to have letters of admiulstra. tioii of his estate granted in this State, I hereby order that all persons Interested show canee before me, at tne Surrogate's office of the county of Middlesex, in New Brunswick, New Jersey, on the TWKSTY-SKVBNTH IJAY Of JULY, A. D.

1897, Ml the hour of ten thirty o'dock In the forenoon, hy letters of administration of the estate of tue said Carroll Bulkley Pheljw, deceased, should nut granted Uj the eaid Lee Mah'er. This fwder is to be published In the TIM KB a news- Miper printed at the city of New Brunswick, in the of Middleser, at least once etcn week preceding said day, and from thifi time. Dated this twenty-flirt day of Juiia, A. D. 1887, New Brunswick, N.

J. LEOJiAKD FUKMAN, Surrogate, the disappointed ones are making ar- rangi-ments to travel hence to Tacoma rail and secure passage on the Mexico and Topeka, which sail thence next ve-k, but many must inevitably wait unlil next spring. The Alaska Commercial company yesterday closed its books of the Excelsior. Scores flocked to the company's ntfice aaain yesterday. A great majority so from San Francisco, but a number belong to the interior of the state, which is largely supplying recruits for the Yukon.

Shaw, formerly a well known insurance man of Seattle, has written a letter to a business man of that city in which he states frankly that he does not expect to be believed. "This is a great mining strike," says Shaw, "probably the greatest on the American continent or in the world. Gold has not been found In great paying quantities except on two creeks covered by about 200 claims. Some of the pay streaks are nearly all gold. One thousand dollars to the pan is not an uncommon thing, and as high as 100 ounces have been taken out IH a single pan.

It is not unusual to men coming in with all the gold dust they can carry. You would not believe me when I tell you that I went into one cabin and counted five five-gallon oil cans full of gold dust, but it is a fact. It is the result of the work of two men during the winter, and the dump Is not much more than half worked out. There has been $2,000,000 in dust taken out so far in the district. At a low estimate I believe there will be $50,000,000 i out during the next year." A Port Townsend, dispat says: Owing to the present rush the Xlondyke gold fields, and the still greater rush which is expected next spring, the Puget Sound Towboat company has decided to put a steamer on the Yukon river to carry passengers and freight from St.

Michaels to Circle City an'd the Klondyke valley. Steamboat men here estimate that, beginning about the first of next April, a large steamer can leave the sound for Alaska daily with all the passenger and freight accommodations crowded. There are promises of an additional steamer service between Seattle, and St. Michaels, also a line of Yukon river steamers. Arrangements are now being made in Seattle by a company that is being organized by local anG eastern capitalists.

The scheme is to build a seagoing steamship and a light draft river steamer for the business between St. Michaels and Dawson City. The company is organizing on a paid up capital basis. Company by deed of Constaitine Hingheraod wife, dated May ilth, 1890, and recorded in Middlesex County Clerk's office In Book 283 ol Deeds, at page 227. And also all that tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly described situate, lying and being in the City of New Brunswick, in the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, beginning at the point of intersection of the northerly line of Central avenue with the southwesterly line of Loraine street, thence along said Central avenue westerly 410 feet more or less to the most westerly line of the whole tract as conyeved to Herman Banker by deed of Masturin L.

Pelafield, dated May 28, 1891 and recorded in Middlesex County Clerk's office in Book 241 of Deeds page 5B4; ihence northerly along and binding on said westerly line of the whole truest 64 feet, more or (less to land now or late of Hattield Smith thence easterly along line of land now or late nf Hatfleld fmith 130 feet more or less to said line of Loraine street and a point therein distant 372 feet irom place of beginning; thence southeasterly and along said Loraine street 372 feet to the place of beg nning. Being the same premises conveyed to the Hingher Manufacturing Company by deed of Constantino 'and Joseph llinglier, bearing date May 9, 1890, and recorded in Middlesex County Clerk's office in book 2M3-, Deeds page 3)0; together with the buildings thereon, to wit: Main building, two story and attic, corner of (juilden and Cort- Steel of all grades. Beet Oast Steel Machinery Spring, Tire, Toe, Surgical, Blister Cultivate Steel, etc. Beet Refined Iron and a full stock of special quality Iron, Norway Iron Nail Bods, Horse Shoes, Hoops, Bands, Special Shapes, Ulster, etc, Oloth, Trimmings, Colors, Varnishes, Brushes, Patent Gearing B'-r'ffB, Wheels, Axles Springs, Wood Work, Pipe, Boxes, eto, Supplies. Horse Shoes, Nails, Genuine Cumberland Coal, Anvils, Bellows, Blowers.

Forges, Kims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, etc. Oek, Hickory and Hardwood Lumber. btreets. with ono story engine and story i Inndt boiler room; brick build'ng extension. 20x28, two stories and attic; dye house, blacksmith shop, stable and watron shed, sheds and other buildings therion, and also the engines, boilers, machinery, tools and fixtures in said buildings and upon said premises, among which may be mentioned 4.

horse power engine, 60 horse power boiler, steam pump, power pump, water heater, shafting, belting, pulleys, hangers and the machinery for the manufacture of buttons being the entire plant of the Hingher Manufacturing Com- any In said city as equipped for the manu- icture of ivory nut buttons. Terms made known on day of sale. OLIVER M. PALMER, Receiver. Dated June 1897.

Agricultural Implements, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows, Mowers, Reapers, Bakes, Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Rope, Binder Twine and Axes. Fire Arms and Ammunition, Sporting Goods and Machinists' Tools. Railroad, Engineers', PlumberB' and Tinsmiths' Supplies. S-kfdwkfe Tools, Harness, Leather, Buckles, Thread, Horse Clothing, Whips, Blankets, Dusters, Nets, Sheets and Coolers. Agent for Laflin Rand's Powder and Fairbanks' Scales.

South Aeud Plows and all kinds or Castings. Agent for Neverslip Horse Shoes and Calks. Best Split Pulleys in the Market. Sheriff's Sale. I CHANCERY OF NEW MuryM.

Corcoran, complainant, and Edward E. Smallty, et als, defendants. Fi. Issued July 8, )89T. By virtue of the above-stated writ, to me dlri o- ted, I will expose to ss'e at public vendue, on 11TH DAY OF AUGUST, A.

D. 1897. at 2 o'clock 'n the ivfterncx of the add day a the RhBrtff's Office, In the city of New Brunswick, Btw Jersey: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land and premises, a tnate, lying and being in the city of New Brunswick, in the county of Middlesex and.8tate of New Jersey. Beginning on the westerly side of Nellson street at tneiortheasterly corner of E. H.

Becker's lot; thence running westerly at rieht angles from Neilson street along the line of said lot o' K. H. Becker's sixty-three feet; thence northerly at rfeht angles from last course and parallel with NciiBot street nine feet; thence easterly at right eles from laet course and parallel with the line of lot of R. H. Becker's three feet; thence north at right angles from last course and parallel ifh Nellson street eleven feet and ten Inches to the of lot this day conveyed by gald James H.

Sill. ke and wife to Thomas Burnett; thence easterly the line of lot conveyed to Thomas Burnett as at right angles from last course and par- with the line ot eaid lot of R. n. Becker sixty jet to the westerly line of said Neilson street; iccc eeoutherly the westerly line of Neilson reet twenty-five feet and ten inches to the place of eemnlng, the same premises conveyed to aid Edward E. Smalley by deed of Mary M.

orccrm. Together with all and singular the rlghti, lit er en, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenarrci, iereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. GEORGE J. LITTEB8T, Sheriff. FRKDEEICK WEIOEL, Solicitor.

Dated July 6. 1B97. 88.10 Ton Heard So Much About OTICETO T. Tits" worth Alfred A. Titfcworth and kelson Hunyon Inane IJ.

Titbworth, deceased i.y ot the Surrogate of the County o't hereby give notice to the ..1 the Isaac D. TitBWorth tobriiiKin their demands and claims ag-aiur't the of the faid decedent, under okrth or affirmation, within nine months fron this date, or will be forever barred thi-ri-f'ir the said exeou any torh. Dated June loti; LK" I- t' TITSWOKTH ALFRED A.T1TSWORTH. NELSON HUNYON, Executors. juufi OT1OK TO CKKDITOBB Petei F.

Daly executor John oy direction of the Surrogate of the oonnt of Middlesex, hereby gives notice the creditor! of the said John 8ta.uw>n, -to bring In thel aebte, aud eetaU ot tfee uld dtjcedeut, uucier oath or afflrmatloi wit hi a nlue mocthn from daw they wll be lorever barred of any action therefor agalmt tbetald eieculor Dattl April IWJW1. 'OTICE To CKEUITOKS Samuel H. Fo lijaLi uuii W.ilird Foruian. aclruiuletrtttore Dudley Fi.ruuiL. d.

ccoird.oy direi-iiun of th kurrui'ttic of tLt CuuLty ul hereby gi peraonB c-moerned may take no tice tnat the BUDecriber, executor, of ohn Smahey, deceased, intends to exhibit bin jial account to the judges of the Orphans' Court or the Oonnty of Middlesex, Tuesday, Sept. 7, 897, In tue term of April, 1897. for settlement ami llowance it same belae first audited and ntnled P. HMALLKY, Bxecutot. Dated July B.

1807. jy7 Found IILs Fortune In a Stream. New Carliste, July Phiscater, of this t-'itJO who went to KlcTndyke, Alaska, last winter, has just returned with $50,000 in guld. Phis- cater reached the field in the dead oi winter. He dug a hole In the ground large enoutrh to hold himself anc provisions.

After mamv weeks searching he one day came upon little stream whi-ch flowed down the side of a mountain and emptied into bapin. The waa clear, and in peering its shallow depths discovered Hold. He prcked all hi metal out of the ioe cotd water. Ml all persons concerned may take norlcr that the subscriber, executors, of Rachel Btelle, deceased, intends to exhibit their account to the judges of the Orphans' Court for the county of Middlesex, Taeeday, July 80, 1897, hi tfce term of April, 1897, for settlement rod allowance the same being first audited and stated by rie Sorroizate. HOWARD M.

VAN CLBEF, BAJiUEL STELLE, Kxeoutora. Dated Ma? 8. 18W. mafi peraoaa concerned maj take no. iN tloe, that eceoator, trustee, etc of Aimoe E.

Kxug, daoMMd, Intends to exhibit bli nual aoconat to of the Orphans' Court the ooBBty ot MMdlcaez, Taeadav, Auguut 1887, ID the Term of April, 1897, for vttlemoot and allowance; the nme being first Surrogate FKa3iE METZGAB, Eimiux and Trustee. une 0, 1S8T ielO Gold In Missouri. Columbia, uJ gold dis on the fjgrcks ol Dsy Fork creek near New Florence, in Montgomery cunty, Is announced, by Dr. G. A Broadhead, geologist of the Btate uni versity.

M. A Bibb, the discoverer has at'nt several consignments of quartz to Dr. Broadhead, and assays by the latter have proved the genuineness of the find. Dr. Broadhead will visit Montgomery county to inspect the vein.

qpHOUSANDS OF THEM IN USE. If you find one that won't bake, we'll J. make you a present of a house. Don't make a mistake, buy the CANOPY RANGE. All styles, All sizes.


J. BAYARD K1RKPATRP, Ho, 356 George Street, New Brunswick, N. SHERIFF'S SALE. OHABGEBY OF NBW JKRBIiY Betwetn William Asbnry Rlaght. et als, ncutori.

omplaintp. and Judith BaiiBtn, PI sir, deftnd- nta. Fi.Fa.,&c. lesntd June By vtrtneof the above-stated wr't, tome directed will expose to sale at -public "jndne, on WBDNBBDAX, THE 11TH DAY OF AUGUST A. D.

18(7. 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the Bald day. at the Iherlfl'a office, in the city of New Brunswick, New fersev: All that tract or parcel of land and premises hereiiafur particularly.described, situate, lying nd in the city of Perth Amboy. in the onnty of Middlesex and Bute of Mew Jeney. Beginning ac a point in tho westerly aide of the Wood bridge twenty-seven and three-tenths (V7 g-lu) feet northerly the xoutheasterly corner of Block Fonr (4) as formed by the intersection of the northerly line of Lawrie street with the westerly line of the Woodbrldge read and that point aforesaid running westerly and parallel with Lavrle n'rtet one hundred and th ee feet (103); thence northerly and at right angles to Lawrie atieet fifty (60) to the southerly line of lot Number Four (4) in said block; thence uaat rrly along said line ot last said lot seventy-eight feet (18) more or less to tne westerly line of said Woodbridge mad; thence alon said Itne of said road fifty-four ftet (64 8 6) and thiee- ftfths of a foot more or lees to 1 number one in said block now owned by Biobard Cornell and the place of the beginning.

Being lot! i.umber two (2) and three (a) In block four (4) as laid out on map of property of B. M. Cornell and being a I art of the same premise! conveyed to said Judith Hansen from BichardM.Cornell and wife by deed bearing date October 27,1887. recorded in the office oi raid connty in book 216 of deeds, page Together with all and ilngnlar the rights, liber ties, hereditaments and thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. GEORGE J.

LITTBBBT, Sheriff. JOHN W. BEEKMAH, Solicitor. Dattd July 1,1897. $9.18 BUR Aetna Life Accident, Hartford.

American Surety Company, N. Caledonian Ins. Scotland. Commercial Union of London. Fixe Association of Philadelphia German American, New York.

Germania of New York. Hanover, New York. Imperial Insurance London. OE. Ins.

Co. of North America, Phil. Liverpool London Globe, Niagara of New York. North British Mercantile, England Orient Insurance Hartford. Philadelphia Underwriters, Phila Phoenix Assurance Co.

of London. Sun Fire Office, London. Western Assurance Toronto Over to the uotic Koruuiu lo in thee-tale or or Uif-y win ue lur the iti? Dudley tc LleiiLouJe and claims under oath from th.1* dale, I ut any action persons oouoerned may take notice that' the unba-rtber, txfcotrix, of Eliza Van Deursen, deoeaned. Intends to exhibit her final aocouut to the of Orphan's Oonrt for the county of) Middlesex. Tuesday, July 6, 1887, rin the: term of April, 1897.

for settle- meat and allowance; the same being first audited aa 1 stated by the EXLIE 8. Bendtna WTveat to Brazil. San Francisco. July there is an actual shortage of wheat in the Argentine Republic been demonstrated by tha chartering of two big ships to carry wbeet to Brazil, one of them, the Comliebank. 2.179 tons register, being already loaded and ready for sea.

The other, the Creesingtoh, 2,000 tons, is ready to begin loading at once. These ships wiri carry a large invoicti of grain to tte Brazilian capital, trve first time In history that a cargo of that kind baa gona from here to that port. Brazil has always de pended upon the Argentina Republic for its wheat nupply heretofore. persons concerned may tsk nc tloe that the subscribers, execntiloes, John i Powers, deceased, intend: to exhibit their final account to the Judges of the Orphan'! Oourtf or the Oonnty ing. '17, 18B7, In the term of April.

1W7. 'or settlement and allowance; the same being nrsl audited and stated JUSTIN A POWEBfl, 1897. Jelfl A Victory For London! July the Putney boat races yesterday BlackBtaffc won the scull, Howell. the American, being among the competitors, and taking second at the finish- by two BRANCH NATIONAL WALL PAPEB Manufacturers FINE WALL PAPEB RETAIL DEPARTMENT, Pretty Blank and Gold Paper for Fine Gold and Silk Paper for Parlors. Special 22 in.

Papers for Parlors and Halls. Leathers, Demins and Gold Paper for Halls, Libraries and Dining Rooms. A foil line of 30 in. Ingrain Papers with Borders and Ceilings. i A full line of Wall Mouldings.

rOTIOK TO OBBPITOBB-Jennie D. Oleef administratrix of Jacob Charles Van Oleef uBrtMed. by direction of the Surrogate of the Oonnty of Middlesex, hereby giver notice tptbt creditors of the said Jacob Charles Van Oleel to bring in their debts, demands and olaimi aoalnst the estate of the eald decedent, under oatt orafflrmatlon, within nine months from this date, or they will be orerer barred ol action there- for ajainst the said administeatTU Administratrix Dated Mas 30, 1891. OTICB TO Rev. John A.

O'Grady executor of Mary Teneeon deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of the county of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the credltore of the said Mary Teneeon, to bring In their debte, demands and claims against the estate of the said decedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine months from this date, or they will be forever barred of any action therefor against the OHN A QRAJ)TI (Executor. OTICE TO OBBDITOBB- adminlstrator of Bmma A. by OireotloB of the Surrogate of the Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the HUUUAVOVA, ucniu Kivoa uuui the said Emma A. to te estate of the demands and claims agaUst the decedent, under oath or within HIM months from this date, or they will be forever Dated. April 31, 1891.

OTICB TO Bervlss executor BervUs, deceased, by direction of the BnrroRate of the Oonnty of Middlesex, hereby notice to the of the said Charles Beitlsa to bring li: their debts, demands and claims against the estate of the said decedent, under oath affirmation, within nine months from this date, or ihey will be forever barrflrt of any tctlon therefor against the laid executor. 1897. Amelia Annstiong executrix of Ann i Van Deventer, deceased, by direction of the Surrogate of the County of Middlesex, hereoy eivee notice to the creditors of the said Ann Von Deventer to bring in their debts, decedent, under oath or affirmation, within nine months from this date, or they will bo forever toil. Dated Hay 97,1887, AMELIA ARMSTRONG, Bxecubix. jnel administrator.

OTIOK TO F. Mundy executor of Henry Mundy, deceased lro he of Oonnty of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to Uu creditors of the said Henry Oook Handy to bring their demand! and claims agslnst the Mutt of the. uld decedent, under oath or afflrmaUoa nine month! from this date, or they wluTbt forever barred of any action therefor igalnifltki Dated June 1897- MDHDY, Executor:.

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