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The Gallup Independent du lieu suivant : Gallup, New Mexico • Page 3

Gallup, New Mexico
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Gallup, N. Saturday. June 22, 1935 THE GALLUP INDEPENDENT Ertnlng DENVER POST Gallup AIWCJ Sliw Shoe JOE ARTESI, ft. Piano Moving ORTIZ TRANSFER PHONE 67 Reliable Since 1920 Birdie E. Tail oress 206 Street All AlterntloT.r—Men Women anil Children Specialize in Ladies Tailoring and Fancy Prett Glad to Pay Tax Visit Our Retail Curio Store 601 West Coal Ave.

Indian Jewelry Narajo Hugs Pollcry at All Kindt Complete Lines of Fines! Indian Merchandise The Gallup Mercantile Co. There's a mere aiBerenco ot tome JSOO.OOO between the, amount at contested Income lux he believes he csay owe the government and the 41,278,293 Ha government demanding, but Robert J. Dunham, above, Chicago park district president and public works progress administrator for Illinois, gays ho rs filling to pay whatever amount I the courts or the Internal rere- nuo commission may Anally set. Dun ham'a lawyers contend the government's valid claim is uol more than 1400,000. Baby Claims "Climbtr" Record KNOXV1LLE, Tenn, tUPJ-Uoy Garrison is.

said to be the youngest "climber" ever to reach the Chimneys, peaks of the Smoky Mountains here, Only fifteen montlis old. he recently reached their top after a ride on his father's shoulder ail the way. Ohloan Jostles File CINCINNATI, Ohio (U.R) Fate. can't "out-fox" Robert J. O'Brien Cincinnati, a former, state senator Roosevelt's Labor And Social Reform Advances Rapidly Job Insurance, Old Age Help, Wagnev Bill.

Adjusted WASKIN'GTOK, President RooseveU's vast social and labor reform designed lo provide security for the worker and Uie aged, moved rapidly today toward enactment Inlo law. Old age pensions unemployment insuiance, cMld welfare, and collcc- llvc bargaining rights of labor are involved in legislation wWclt senate and houi'e are whipping into final shape for Me, RooseveU's signature. The program, Is embodied tho Labor disputes bill and Uie social security measure which have received liminary approval by ath houses of congress, Bills Before Conferences Differences in various features caused them to be sent lo conference Between Senate and House members. Their reporU must approved the two measures can be sent to the White House, The House passed the security program on April 19 and the Wagner bill last Wednesday. The Senate approved the labor disputes measure several weeks ago, and acted upon the security bill on Wednesday.

The house voted two main changes in the Wagner bill. It included a provision forbidding the National Labor Relations board to fix as a collective bargaining unit a group employees of more than one employer. The amendment is opposed by oiganlicd Jabor A strong effort WM be made to eliminate it in conference, today. The lower chamber afso eliminated Senate language which would have 'jplaced the Labor Relations board Militia Spoils Omaha 'Hanging' SpeclaJ target ol sir liters' wrath in tbe riotous Omaha trolley walkout, Police Frank "Two Gun" Myers WM In effigy from trolley wires Here national Eiiardsraea. on duty In the trouble rone, are shown as (boy cut down tlio figure, after demonstrators red.

With both traction company and workers refusing concessions, progress toward peace wtu glow. Blushes, Rumors Follow Diamond For Alice Faye Copyright, 1935, United Press HOLLYWOOD. W.R*-Alice Fayc and an $8000 star sapphire ring meul to prolost the cost ol meat, I were the objects of film colony today called upon their sisters thru- Housewives Plan National Strike Over Meat Prices WASHINGTON, who (o the agriculture depsrl- tout the land to boycott butcher Cincinnati, a the Department of Labor. in She openedU O'Brien was born at 8 ht. and adopted, the pro- nc blusncd.T^d' mibn i.

IXJSCQ nPt wnurrl mnrolw n' utit so to make sure of his birthday an- 1 niversary he celebrates two days leach year, June 4 and 5. posed act merely create WITH TOUR REMINGTON PORTABLE; $2.93 when purcfuued alone A Mf bit wi-i yourj folkj, hirdsoae (ie iuppl Uitil Ycu'U tc.d i Fantb'c raiihg birgiin tool for liitit ctiijlag CM ttd all dicciUl Jeiniru of rjptwrutn, YtK. typing counf tiuded. It; MI dtacu-jut otl. TOOAV.

ANNOUNCEMENT Noon-day plate Uncheons, served daily for business people of Gallup. Theabold Lunch 604 West Coal Avenue board without locating it in or under any executive department. Private Pensions Fought One major amendment was written Into the security program by an un- mcl 1 tl ruly Senate which disregarded picas' The ring, de-no up in one of sn Ul1 meat prices are lowered, 'those" packageEj arrived a They said their buying strike ol- studio where Miss Fayc wa5 work-' rca 'n progress In New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Cleve- not put the ring on her finger, j' nis was a "taste" of what was Efforts to find the dcnor of lhe! COmCl liandsomc ring or to learn wheth-l Thc ovcmcnt is progressing," jt Miss Rose Nelson, of York, I who led tho delegation, to the agri- of administration Jeadeis to reject "gay so if tho actress planned to wear no success, ed Rudy e.i ol aominlstration leadets to reject hC lha d. 7 ccnu ipardize the-entire old age so Miss Faye'all We know is that pork chops'cos Holding Companies Ban Opposed, Poll Of House Reveals Roosevelt Fails by Few Votes to Get 'Death Sentence 1 SY MACK JOHNSON Copyright, 1935, United Press WASHINGTON, (U.R^-THe House was revealed today as opposed to the elimination of "unnecessary" utility, holding companies as provided in the Wheeler-Rayburn bill passed by Ihe Senate at President Roosevelt's request.

A secret poll by administration leaders indicated the "death sentence" provision lacked between 30 and -10 votes of the number necessary to arsure passage. Result of the polt were commimicitcd to the president. Roosevelt, It was reported, insisted that leaders continue to light for the elimination privlsion. Ho hoped abolition figures could be retained, possibly through agreement after the bill is sent (o conference with, the senate. Confiscation Charge Mido Philip If, Gadsden, chairman of the committee of public utility executives, fighting Ihe bill, Issued a statement today charging it was a federal bill." The committee, he said, would continue to advocate that "will make this bill a full regulatory measure without Its present ronftscatory feat- dostructivo and urcs.

He approved the House Interstate Commerce committee's indicated intention to approve a bill striking out the elimination feature. Thc committee was expected to report the bill out within a day or two. fl may reach the door, where a hoi debate is expected, next week. Death Sentence Modified Th subcommittee report recommendation for regulatory measures instead ot elimination was expected lo be approved. This, Gadsden said, modifies "Ihe death sentence the extent giving few holding coni- ire department.

"They can prc- panics a chance to live at the picas- all the statistics they want, but ure of the federal comm" "But title 1 he said, "of the bill federal domination that will not DENTISTS Dr. C. G. Corcoran HtsiUence Phone- Dr. J.

H. Love Rtsidenee Phone 373 -WURM Denlal Surgcry-X-Ray Service Office Phone 183 mini Ul In W-JO. Gallup Typewriter Exchange Someone else inquired if the ring Lillian Saffcr, lugged lo the palalin will be made lo have conferees discard it Ihe American Federation of Labor opposed the proposal. Democratic leaders confident tinctly no Ann "Harding, blonde film actress vivta faced tho possibility of being call- thai bolh measures would he scntjcd into court to answer a contempt to the White House in a form sat- citation as a result of her action in connection with her former hus- dls-P Tile women wnntetl congress lo invesli ale meat prices. They charg- isfactory to the president Our complete equipment assures you an obwluto accurate retortion so that you get the right glasses your eyes.

Knew She'd Die; ed packer ivere fixing prices and insisted the government slop (hat. They said they wanted tho administration to abolish its "food ties true- lio band's litigation over custody of their sevcn-ycar-olil dough American Bar Asks Jane. I Hit bv Liehtnine MtorM Harr Bannister, Ma Divorce Ban UJ UlgllUIUlg Mis3 Qrdmg cx lusb buMcA inl slv Jio wift a cou TODI IM i nl slv Jio wift a cou icr WASHINGTON, Amer- JOFIJN (U.PJ Mrj. that tho actress answer ican Dar association today asked (lie Hunter, kilted by lightning Thursday t.toul her coiulucl bul 1 mght a her Duneweg home, had- (h nf nrnlh. rolntk-ot enM pr.n-.or.mon of death, relatives loday.

"She lold her husband and children the house was to be struck," a relative said. wtrc in the living room and she is tKc bedroom, A moment later the bolt canie, Killing her." When power lines were broken nurses held candles at St. John's Juddy, indicated he would ask tlic for Cnll ZS2 For Appotalrotnl DR. H. T.

GOSLIN OpIomelrUi bjby boy Jewelry Company Plionc 222 N. M. (o die Miss Hiirdir.g contempt aller it was reported she refused to the com C( fonncr congressman, lions on advice of her Gurncy Newlin. hospital while doctor delivered the Miss Harding was given custody of the child following her divorce INDEPENDENT CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Reno. Elannister conlondcd thej Ectrcss had not conducted rc 'ji as "a person fit to bo a mother ofih 0 the child." WHO Can Do It In Gallup- The who advertise on this page are iggreaaive can serve JH you well in their respective lines of business and merit your patronage.

A Butineti Directory Furniture Hardware JACOB PETERNEL Dealer ti New and Second- ss Hand Goods. Flihicj Snppllu Ho. 3rd St Hi Bridgo Gallup, N. M. Auto Blacksmith Gallup Auto Blockimith Shop Sth St.

56 and WHEEL TIGHTENING hydraulic tlghtenbg machtns Spring Work Oxyacelylent Welding Bakeries Gallup Maid MILK HONEY SLICED BREAD Ths leader of dl bread, 23 illcci tor 10c Sold fey tU Grocen BAKOUTE Chiropractor Dr. O. Wirriner 23 Yean Experience Page Building Phone 43U Jewelry RELIANCE JEWELRY COMPANY Jewekn li silence. Bannisters attorney, Michael judiciary committee lo end 'Mexican mall otder divorces in Uiis country by forbidding use of the jniails to solicit or obtain decrees without residence requirements. Joseph K.

O'ConncJI, Boston, member of iho bar association cxcculive when Ihe ix is not imposed on holding companies in any other industry la Ihe Duntry." UfitllicN Fight Broadened Gadsdm's statement focused nt- enllon on President Roosevelt's tax agc recommendation for ultim- olimination of "unnecessary iclding companies in nil lines of justness." "Hie recommend a Uon greatly iroadcncd the fight against the Vheeler- Kay burn bill. President recently charged the fight fRS laryely inspired by lobbyists in h.e employ of utility holding companies. cd had indorseJ I3WVCT IHHI Jjluulaetl Uio Hcaly bill, wliidi provides penalties of a $5,000 fine mid five years hr.prUoument for using malls for such divorces, Amcrion I mcnts of these "ligKlning speed, mail order divorces' through' Iho mails Tracy, co mt an re-, ond nevtfafm ported los at ea lor three Jay. 11lKe are on aboard iu cruisor can mi ed lo Adore, was proceeJ lnB lo San PC- ous conditions. Thc Mexican Sup- dro today according lo a coast reme court lost cnr voMc4 these uarJ radiOEram.

divorces when both parties concern- lYacoy and two companions loft'od were not ptesenU Santa Atoniea, Friday, on a I Zhu Ne Yorker Claim. reported the boat wns tlircc days overdue. Lily Pons, grand opera singer, was scheduled to arrive in the film colony today (or her scheduled debut In motion pictures. Studio officials said she would lake a house In Beverly Hills to become ncclimated before attempting an appearance before the camera in "Love Song." Cloveluid Hotiie Building Up CLEVELAND (U.PJ Bulldlnj mall homes in Cleveland, tarted this spring alter manyl months of. inactivity, continued line tho announcement by the ily building department lhat 10 ew permits for construction hod Ken granted.

Income Taxes Pass Billion For Year WASHINGTON. (U.PJ-Koltowing Eyei Tested Glasses Filled CLEANING STEVENS BROS. WHERE CLEANING IS AH ART 3 lit Stttk 81 closely President Roosevelt's mcs sage recommending heavier taxes on wealth, treasury announced today income tax collections for Ihe current fiscal year had exceeded one billion dollars for the first time 1012. Liquor taxes Ni May were 122,333.03, rcpresentinc; gain of $7,823,527.33. Tolkicco lax collections were $11,725,053, up JI.8CO,- May collections of lurers' excise taxes were 707.70, gain of 1,637,088.90 over May of last ycor.

NEW YORK, Franklin Hoosevelt scalp but his crimson Harvard rowing shirt was the prized souvenir today of G. A. of New Vorlc. Eli junior varsity oarsman. While his father, Uie President, ooltcd on and laughed heartily Tranklin Jr.

passed over his shirl Eycr otter Yale had won by scant six feet over Harvard In the 73d annual regatta "Joyveo race." Tho handing over of ihirls by osing oarsmen to xhelr conquerors a traditional ceremony, It was the second time tho had seen hU son pull a los- ng oar. Franklin Jr. was a mcm- bci- of the loling Harvard freshmen boat last year. Kilten Ilai 27 Toes EAST STREAM, Jle. ( Mr, and Mrs.

William Wtlcox have a 27- toed Mucn. It has eight end seven jurfeclly formed loea on its fronl ptwi and ibt tith on the ontt. Midget Wins Tennll CinCAGO, III. (U.PJ-Dryan M. (Bllsy) Grant, Atlanta, midge who ij determined to show the world that long legs aren't necessary for tennis player, beat Gilbert Hull in the qxiarter-llnab of the national clay court championships.

Troubles Puplll MONTREAL Moro than per cent of tho children In Mon I real schools have defect Ivo hearing according to the Department Health, which has jiul concluded K-jeur survey. impose a special duplicate tax 01 ividends received by tho utility lax Intended solely to ircc utility holding companiLd out Chastened'Tiger Woman' Is Free Eyes shining as she gazed again on-a worfd she flail not seen tor 12 years. Clara Phillips, onco named in (laming headlines as the "ttRCi womivn." now mild and npnr middle age, is pictured aa she wnlkcil free from prlsnti in Tcliacliajil. C'aJlt, The woninn who slew with a hruuuier a rival foi her husband's love went to her mot tier's home ID Mesn Calif. ID bepla life anon.

Stretch Unjolnta Shoulder 0. (U.R) Ed Bargar streatchod 50 vigorously upon awakening ihtit he dislocated shoulder His physician, fortunately the cry of anguish and reset the joint. PHONE 56 ROLUE MORTUARY or INDEPENDENT CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Chiaramonte Coal Co. Wstrllwton tt BLACK DIAMOND COAL 157 We DeUrer LIBERTY HOTEL Under New Uuuvmenl Everything Completely new. Equal to any hotel accomodations in Gallup.

R. H. McKinley Manager Keeps Cemetery Vigil TIFFIN, Oluo dog which followed family to Ihe ccmelcryl iiore for memorial services remained behind and kept a five-day vigil at the grave of his former master. Our modern and scientific examination with modern equipment insures good vision with comfort. E.

Parke Sellard RegUlevcd Optometrist Phono 121 for Appointment 116 West 66 Ave. ANNOUNCEMENT NEW MUSIC STUDIO at 901 South Strony Street PIANO and VOICE Popular Music and Beginners MRS. A. D. CURRY Phone 379M DANCE at OPERA HOUSE Saturday Night Auspices of JOLLY GfBLS CLUB Music iiy AMBASSADORS Admission 60 Centi INDEPENDENT CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS Terrace Avenue Beauty Shop 309 Terrace Avenue NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS All Work Guaranteed Permanents $3.50 to $5.00 Mn.

Wallace Boggess, Phone Little Nct About Banlrtng Depositors Who Take Banking Service "For Granted" For so many years during "easy times" banks furnished checking account service without cost to depositors, that even today few depositors realize there is cost to (lie bank, either. Jones main tains a balance of $200 in his income from the use of which to the bank during anyone month, actually fays Jar atom 60 cents of sci-cicf. lint, if the service the batik renders Jones roils more than 60 cents, who should reimburse the bank for theUifVctcnce? a United States enjoy more and better banking privileges, at little or no expense, thin in country of the world. The Merchants Bank 19 Years of Service to Gallup and Its Trade Territory McKinley County Realty and Insurance Agency Now Located 104 So Second F. A.

BI.ANK, MITT. Phono GALLUP TRANSFER CO. A. BRETNTARI, frop. Move Anything" PHONE 42-W HOT WEATHER SPECIAL NEW 1935 WESTF.NGHOUSE ARISTOCRAT 149 50 A Westinghouse Costi Leai To Operate Motor Is Scaled Against the Ravages of JXlst and lo Ever Oil or Adjust.

SEALED MECHANISM GUARANTEED 5 YEARS Terms $6.00 Month Plus Chirjc No Red Tape Flnancinji We ilnndlo AH ol Our Own Tims Payment LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON ALL ICE BOXES S. P. Vidal Co. 106 E. 66 Ave.

PhoM 90.

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