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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 8

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I NW .0, M. Cloudless. 0 Maximum tempcraturo, minimum temper- ft turn. Moan tosnpor.aturo, 42; for 17 years, 42; 01- eeFP, Cr, Excess of temparature January 3(5. Bxcess of temperature since March 1832, 88.

Rainfall, 0.00 Inches; moan daily, 0.0(5 Inches; deficiency, O.OC> iJoflfti'jntiy of plrico January 1802, 1.21 inches. OicorifiB N. Observer. Porocnst for U. S.

Dxi-AItTMBNT OP A WBATHBI: HwitKAir. SAK Miircjli 17. 1893. Obncrver, Salt Lalic City, Utali: Fair wcai.Mr; probably ttflht rain and, cooler Saturday, KOBEKT KEKKAM, Older of 7'Jtvtolon. CITY AND There aro messages su the Western Union toleRniyh offlco for Miss Collldtor, MjinlinR.

W. S. McCornick (Hod his bond of $1000 trustoo of tho Agricultural CoIloRO torday with tho Territorial Auditor. Two six-pounder brass Napoleons havo been sent down frcrn the fort to fcho Utah "University for the cadot.s to rraetlco with. County Clork issued a marriage Jlccnsei yostortlay to J.

tiged 20, and Dortcna M. Foteraon, Rgotl 20. A. Warm Springs car flow tho track on the curve at the corner of Main and Third Bouth streets lato lant arid blockaded the street for an hour. Local weaklier report at 8 a.

m. ye.storduy: Salt Lake. 34 Baker Olty. 32 deg. Cheyenne, 6 Denver, doK- Helena, 10 dog.

Mllen Olty, 4 Mont- roso, 15 dog. At Jl a. Salt Lako, 32 MIoifham, 20 Ojcden, 41 deg. Logan, 55 (Li'g. Park Olty, lli dej, Provo, SO Stockton, 25 desc- The Flro Dopartrncnt waa oalled out; last at by a pile of burning Mtraw back of the Ob am bar of Commerces liulldinE.

Very litl-lo damage was done. of the horson whioh belong to engine Ko. 1 and followed tho hose wagon clear to the fire. The hose-reol horsu was taken and hitched to tho engine, HO no haruu was done. William Showoll, tho Health Inspector, is fousr notifying people in tho Klrst sowatfo dlstt'Jot to at once rnalco sower conneotionfi.

Blnce the City Council has ordered this to "be done within the district, Mr. Showoll bus started out to enforce the ordinance, arid the district comply at once with tho orders, warrants will be Iswued to enforce tho ordinance. Tho In Gentile circles on Pron- Idont Eliot's discourse on tho comparative inerlta of the Puritana and tho Latter-Day Kiiints highly tnllfylriK. Thoro la a tendency to and make remarks about tho "bid for students from the Church oC Jesus Christ of Lattor-Duy Saints. One disgusted Harvard radii to suld ye.Uorday, "Unless nomo one fp.non around Eliot and coops him up, ha will knock out of Harvard." Thorn waa a quiet littin weddinp on "Wednesday evening, whtsn Miss Nollio Hat- tenson and J.

W. HujjhtiM were made hus- "band nccl wlfo. Miss la well known throughout tho Territory, huving ro- Bidecl fur tho pasr. two yoars iti Salt Lako and before thut tlrno In Boavor. She IH an uuraotlve and a very bright girl with 'jioiiHCWlfoly qualities.

Mr. HugheM has boon for tho past few months connected with tho JIe.mW; whero ho has made many friends. Prior to his work on ho manured a paper in Iowa. Thefr friends extend many" Rood wishoa for their future happiness. Deposit your earnings and aurplua money Jn tho Havings Hank of the Utah Tltlo In- Burauco and Trust and rocolve per rent Interest, payable quarterly.

Jl. 0. Chambers, J. K. Dooly, Lewis S.

Hllla, T. R. Jonos, W. S. iMcCorntck.

A. L. Tlinmus nnd M. II. Cashier, M.

B. Pender- FEBSONAI. .7. T. Ryan of Portland Is at the White.

Ur M. Graves of Is In tlio city. U. Jucobson of Sun Francisco Is In tho eltr, A. of Park City Is at tbe Tom- platon.

P. M. Campboll of Denver Is at tho Walker. Judge J. 8.

Boremau of Ogden ia at the Walker. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0.

Ellis of Now Fork nre lit tlid Kn tits ford. A. E. Snow, manaRor of tho BriRham Co-op, is In the city. Charles Clarko and U.

D. McDonald of JJlugharo aro at tho B. Fowlor, mnnagor of tho Merchants' Hotel of Omaha, Is In the city. GeorRO W. Winter.

ox-SherifT, and Low Carpenter of Whilo Pine, are at the Cullon. AudroT GarnOEClo and party of eictht worn In town yesterday Jor a few hours, and stopped at the Tompleton. They left for tbo East early in tho evening, en routo to Denver over tho Kto (irande Western, W. 8. Field of tbo firm of Johnson ft Field, manufacturers nf atfriuultural implernonts, Kaciue, is in tho city, accompanied by lila wife.

They havn boon maklni; a tour through tho country, and oro visiting Rov. Martlnus Nolsou and family. on to The blp well will bo lisjbteil Saturday right. Mnreh 19tb, for first time. TCxour- nion via Rio Grande Western at 7:30 m.

Graud illuialuatlon. Plenty of oars. Fare, 3- dressmaking parlors, TWO ESCAPES FROM THE PEN Another Duo of Trosties Get Away From Marshal Parsons. It Tunjrbt and Practiced In. Denial in the Pratt Case Against Pan- more nnd Ho Js Anderson's Court Tho Minor At roll-CJill this rnornintf at tho Territorial Peiiitotitliiry two prisoners bo reported missing.

Thoy are Edward Jones, a colored man, and Harry Simpson, a young Osdonlie who has eleven rnontha to serye on a two years' sentenco for burglary. Jones was committed from Fort Duchesne, where lie was asoldior. for twenty-four years In 1K89. on a conviction of rape, and is 30 years old, stands 5 foot Inches In his stocking, and Is an line a looking colored man as ever breathed Utah air. Simpson is 21 years old, is ft foot 0 inches in height, light compicxloned, and can bo Identified by tbo ubsonf-e of tho aocond tooth from his loft upper jaw, a badly injured left index finder and a liberal quantity of Ireoklos on his petit larceny faoe.

The men were In tlifi Idtohon, baking corn bread, aud of course had the run of tho yard. At 0 or thereabouts hint evening they concluded to skip, sealed the wall, and as the night vras very dark, wero not perceived by the guards. 'Warden Parsons offers a reward of $-5 for the return of each of the escapes. TUB JIOHMON Yesterday tho talcins of depositions of Mormons for use In tha courts of Missouri In the contest for tho Temple lot In Independence was continued In the Ternploton Hotel. In tho forenoon Lytnao 0.

Llttlelleld was examined, and In direct testimony he said that polygamy was taught in Nauvoo during tho life of Josoph Smith, but In the cross-examination ho became somewhat mixed, and said that It was taught only to himself, and that privately. In the afternoon Ji C. KIngsbury, the man who has had charge of tho gate and office at tho Temple for many was the only witness. lie old lined that the revolution of polygamy was given to him, and that while private souretary of Josoph Smith In 1843 or 1844 he copied tho revelation on celestial marriage and that lllsliop Whitney had a copy ot the revelation, and that he told him after reaching this olty that ho had brought a copy of it here. Ho was asked regarding the teachings of plural marriage In Nauvoo, anci he claimed It was taught and practiced privately, Then such yuoslloris aud answers as those occurred: Mr.

II not a doctrine of tho church hero that you can't enjoy eternity unless you havo two wives? sir. Cj. Was it not a doctrine preached by Rrigham Young that to ho exalted hereafter a man must havo inoro than one wUe? never heart! It preached; never heard that unless one had plural wives he co sild not. bo ox jilted. lio tost HI od that he never heard any ono preach polygamy prior to 1H44, hub ho would not swear to this, but would aftlrm It.

Joseph Smith hud bold him that ho could havo women sualod to him as wives, and could have more than one. 1.1s had been married tliroo times, once for time and twice for tlmo and eternity, 'according to tho revelation. and had gone through tho endowment house and taken covenants twice. Then the question of baptism was discussed, in which it was shown that all tho ueoplo wet-o rebiiptzied hi .1847, after tholr hard trip across the plains, and that this was dorm agulu In 1852 because Bi-Ighani Young counseled it, and he could not or would not explain why this was done, why the "whole kit and boodle," as Mr. Kwlioy put It, had to be baptized so often to get Into tho Kingdom.

It was a long, tedious examination of this witness, and he was very guarded In his answers. AVllfo'rd "Woodruff la to bo cross-examined at this morning, If able to appear. nono other. Lako Pickle Co. Millinery In response to the tuuny Inquiries ot the ladles of this city, Mme.

Lamb announces )ior reception, to be given Thursday, March £4th, at her olosjunb parlors, Wain street, iLadiosshould avail tbomaolves of this opportunity io'seo tho flnost display of French pattern hats aad bonnets ever shown In America. A cordial Invitation extended to all. Hours. 2 to 5 and 7 to 0 p. ni.

The largest and finest stock ot fanoy Krocories, Rogers Co. Ask for Cudahy'n Eex Brand Boof Extract. Absolutely pure maple syrup and New Orleuus molasses at; Rogers; Use only Pow Drop canned goods. Rogorn Co. Stammering; E.

R. DuMoat, lato principal of tbo celebrated Institute for Stammerers ab Uoston, is now nt tho Collen Hotel. Mr. DuMont will limited number of 'pupils while In Salt Lako. in 'oorreotlnK Impediments of speech has never squalod, kad inberosted hnioediabe appllcfttlon, goods no -brick ti 7 T.IDEL SUIT AOATN3T THIS Dr.

George Foster yesterday commenced suit in tho Third District Court tigalnst the Hondo! Publishing Company and A. L. Pollock to recover damages al- logod to have boon caused by the publication of two artlclos in tho Herald of tho dates of March Ifith and IGtli. reflecting upon tho standing of Dr. Foster as a physician and as a member' of society.

A. L. Pollock Is managing editor of tho Herald, A Herald reporter was denied by Dr. Foster admission to tho modloal bunquftt on Monday night because ot the writing up by him of some matter In a manner considered obnoxious to Dr. Foster, and tho duotor said ho wanted no reporters there who wore not gentlemen.

Hunoe the "roasts." PARSONS DENIES. Ellaa H. who Is defendant In an noUon brought by Arthur Prat to recover tho sum of alleged to be duo on account while acting under tbo United States Marshal at Option, yesterday filed his denial with the Third District Court. Ho donlos all tho material allegations of the complaint and sets up that tho plaintiff is debtor to the defendant in tho sum of for which ho demands judgment. A BU.1T -AS HHUTt.

Martha Turner, the alleged heir to tho belongings of Mlnnto Barton, has brought suit against tho Union National Bank of this city to recover $2500. which represents part of the earnings of tho notorious do- coasod courtesan. After the death ot Minnie Barton on tho 20th of 'February of the present year tho Turner woman, alleging to be tho bonoflclury of tho deceased, went to tho Union National Bank and tried to draw tho funds deposited to the c-redlt of Mlnnlo Burton. Tho bank refused to honor the demand, claiming that they. had no knowledge of tho right of -Miss Turner to the money and that there wore no records to show that she was the legal hslr or administrator of the woman's ruonp.y.

In hor complaint tho Turner woman alloys thai the o.lork who prepared tlu: assignment on behalf of Minnie Barton to tho plain tiff inadvertently inserted the word before "National Bank" instead of Tho complaint stales that tho Burton woman haO no funds on deposit at tho Utah National Bank, thus making the clprk's error apparent. Martha Turner bejciin suit atrainst Bank to ro- oovnr $3350, which Minnie Barton hud on deposit at tho time of her death. Tho clerk who prepared tho assignment of the money In this bank nmdo no error iu title, but Wells, Co. refused to turn over tho money on tho ground that tho Turner woman, to their knowledge, had never become legal owner of tho money or is entitled to tha possession of it. NOTES.

On motion of plaintiff the case of E. B. Crltchlow vs. Alvin B. Cutler and othsra yesterday H.

Fuller yesterday bejcau suit against Christian I. Christiansen in tho Third District Court to foreclose mortgage. Tho defendants in the case of Donald MoPherson vs. Juwen I. Neff ot al.

yesterday filed answer t-o the plaintiff's complaint. The amended complaint of the Utah Montana Machinery, vs. Frank Hoffman and ot'Iitn was Uled with Ibe court yesterday. Abstract of judgment. lu'the case M.

P. Qllchrlst vs. Charles Tolhurst turnocVtbc Third District Court $75.76 hi jjlalntlfl. An appeal hai taken to tht mont In the Produce Oon pariy Hamuv rpm Comwlf; office to -the. Third Dltiriot Court.

The hfearlng of 'Arthur Mea'dei, 'rarrested on the cbargo of crwolty to animals; took ConimJMlonfT Oreeuman Commissioner Bned )iuii- 'amounting to about Meades gave notice of 7 Deputy Maiahal -John Weber! brougbt Nicholas" Buhlwr ap from CoalVllle and lodged him in the Penitentiary to tho action of the grand jury on'f' the charge of burglary. Nanuy Friedman yesterday began suit In tbe Third District Court for divorce against; George Friedman, ou the.grcTondi of The couple was married at Peorija, 111., In 1380, and one child is.the living fruit of the alliance. The of 'fornication against J. 0. Begelwaa dismissed by Cotmnlssluner Greenman yesterday because the complaint failed to specify In what city, county or Territory the alleged offense was committed.

had been brutal and IB bii mule, au District Court. John Ferguson, alleged burglar and thief of a $50 check from a store atfMurray, was acquitted. PLEADS QTJILTT. George McCann, irralgued for embezzlement, pleaded giiilty. While under the Influence of liquor he had fobbed his employer of 340, and started for pastures new and veidant.

Judge Zane sentenced McCanri to three months' Imprisonment in the county jail and to pay a fine of $100 and costs. WO HIT .13 If BEE. The case of Tbe People vs. J. TV.

Worff, charged with enticing a famale into an assignation house, was dismissed upon motion of the prosecution. Worff Is the school teacher who created a village sensation at Fieusaut Green by illicit relations with one ol his soventeen-year-cJd pupils. STA.V OF PROCEEDINGS. On motion of the defendants' attorney, a stay of proceedlncs until Monday, the 21-st was granted In the case of Salt Lake Manufacturing Company vs. P.

II. Lauaan and others. THE DAdGETT CASES. The two cases of Tho People vs. William Diigyett, who was Indicted by the grand jury on the charges of c.ttempt to extort and assault with Intent to commit robbery, wore, upon affidavit of the defendant, continued.

It seems that Uaggett's counsel at tho last moment declined to handle his ca and he was forced to retain new lawyers to defend him. THE TASMORE CASE, The case of The People vs. F. A. Pasraore, the California fruit-grower, who was arrested several weeks ago on tho complaint of Charles E.

Vail on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, was begun, with Frank Stephens for tho people and W. U. Dlckson for the defense. The arrest of Ir'asmore and tho sensation It created In this city, Fresno and severul other California cities are fresh In the minds of Tnis ICaiuuNE readers. The brokenhearted wife, Uiftttbono of the hotels, and tho arrival of her parents iu this city to take her back to their California Lome, uro also fresh in the minds of newspaper readers, and neod not be detailed again.

Pasmore, who was an old acquaintance aud friend of Mr. Vail, prosunied 4 uDon that friendship to havo the latter endorse a draft upon a Angeles, bank for the sum of $200. The draft was forwarded to Los and duly protested, for tho reason thabPasmore had no funds on deposit at the bank and was unknown to tho bankers. Pasmort) vras arrestud- a short time after the return of the protested draft and has since been in jail, as ho was unable to give bonds for his appearance wheu the case was called for trial. The prosecution began their sldo of the case with Charles E.

Vail, prosecuting witness, on the siiuifl. The witness had been in Salt Lake since. May, 180J, and was acquainted with tho defendant for n. space of time covering ten years, tie said that Pasmore had approached him ou the day ho Indorsed the draft and to be identified at the bank. Mr.

Vail iiccompun led Pasmore to the bank and Indorsed a night draft upon a California bank at the suggestion of Cashier Donnellun. "Did Mr. Pasmore state to you that he bad funds In the California Bank?" "No, not specifically." "When tho draft- was returned protested did you sail Pasruore's attention to It?" Yos. I mentioned the fact to him, and ho said: 'Why, that's peculiar. I wrote my father-in-law to meet my Ho also claimed thftb at the time tho draft was drawn ho had stated that his father-in-law would protect the draft.

But if he made such a statement I never hoard it." John W. Bonnellan. cashier of the Commercial National Bank, took the stand, anc'J corroborated tho testimony of Vail in regard to tho endorsing of the draft by Mr. Vail. G.

B. Holmes closncl the prosecution's side of tho case, and the defense began with F. A. Pasmoro on the stand. You had no funds In tbe Los Angeles bank at the time this draft was drawn?" "No, sir." "Did Mr.

Donnellan ask you if you 'had funds in tho Los Angeles bank?" "Mo did not." "Had you ever drawn upon your father- in-law before?" sir; but they were on banks at Fresno and Pomona, Gal." "Did you have any fruit or other resource to secure your father-iu-law for advancing this last money?" "I had about six tons of raislus at Fresno, which In tho present market, are worth about $250." OAt the 'conclusion of Pasmoro's testimony Attorney arose and asked Judge Zauu to instruct the jury to find a verdict of not guilty. He summed up the evidence in support of his motion anci the jury a verdict of not guilty without leaving their seats. Court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. CASKS ON TO -DAT. The following casei aro for hearing to- day: Tho People TS.

Abraham Bchas and Annie Sch as: forgery. Tho People vs. Thomas Bobert. Cornelius Matthews and William Cornell; assault. Tho People vs.

Frank Weir; burglary; three cases. The People vs. Phillip Foote; robbery. The People vs. Roland and W.

T. Sampson; maintaining public nuisance. The People vs. Ouarles Hynds; gambling. BUFOllE JUDGE ANDBHSON.

Judge Anderson hold a short session of court yesterday morning. Ho transacted the following business: The divorce case of John Gibson vs. Angelina Gibson was up and quickly disposed of. The ground of action was adultery, and tho marriage tie was dissolved 5n a twinkling of an eye, as tho defendant was not represented. In tho caso of Charles Hunt ys.

Nicholas Groosbeok, ten days, were given in which to amend iho cross-complaint. The attorneys In tho caso of Alexander Wood vs. Blue Jay Consolidated Mining Company returned yesterday morning from Mllford. whore the cause came up for hearing before Judgo Anderson, The question nt issue was to have the deed givon by Wood to Louis Tofte, aud by Tofto to the Blue Jay Company, set aside. Testimony was taken in the case and.

it will be argued to-day before Judgo Anderson, who has bo- gun holding court In this city. In Court. Judge Bartch yesterday lisued following orders: Estate) of William W. Rogers; petition for order to take deposition of Helen p. Rogers in tha State of Washington; J.

H. Linck sworu-aud examined; petition granted; decree of due and notice to creclUora April 19th set us tinin to hour final account aud -petition for distribution. Estate of James F. Cloary: final account allowed nud distribution Estate of James Moiilton; Qualacoountallowed, and decree of distribution made. Estate of JtUnnah Attwicks; continued to March 19th.

Estate of John Cunnlnpton; Tuesday, March 19th set as time to heariaooouut of esecutor. Estate of James B. Gibson; administrator dls- Ksuteof John decree of due and IttFKl uolico to. creditors made. of Thomas F.

Abbott; bond of -WVJ. Molntire, in the lura of unproved: appraisers Estate of Andrew Homor; order of publication-, of notice 10 raadp wore Eapla Foun Cummlngton -Mueller '-Herald bllsh i nf Coco ny Jennie 1,000:00, W. aruudt.V:; i MW.W Brother! Bankcof 10.00 Co-Opi-Wngdn Machine 196.SK) dB. Co; :t.v'-vrr-- 25 CO FoUoe Tho oases of tihe foiibwing.transsresaors of the law; ere disposed of in the Police Court Thomas JBoltori, ah adult, was -fined $10 for Sammy Russell of 16 South Fourth 'West street: Kasmusse'd was sent to jail for ten days for gattius "drunk and disturbing tha peace, i M. Bi Rousseleau.

one of the mischievous ex-cooks of tho AHa Club, changed his plea of guilty to that of not guilty, but was convicted just the same and ordered to pay a fine of $75. aud tbe costs. ,11 is attorney jjavo notice of appeal and succeeded in tiling a bond last evening. Scott Wallace was convicted of obtaining monev under false pretenses and Onerl S10. The defendant is a hay dealer and succeeded in setting pay for SOO pounds of hay that was not delivered, although the receipt called for that much rooro.

NOTES. Thomas Bjornson, a student, was arrested for rldinu: a bicycle oji tbe sidewalk In the busintiss district; yesterday. Oiljcer J. B. O'HeiHy of t.he Police Department desires it to De known that he has nob received and has never sought un appointment as a Deputy United States Marshal.

0. H. Fortsmau, the peddler who claimed Wednesday that he had been robbed of jewelry valued at by Ben Uolton and Emma Blake, acquired an IS-karat gold- plated jag yesterday and spent, the putting a nickel polish on tho iron bars of a cell with his nose, Charley Steele, an allegedsure-thlng card worker, was arrested yesterday ostensibly for Rumbling but really, for viclimiziiiK H. A. kulltim, L'niou Pacific employee, out of by ways are dark and peculiar.

He gave bail in the sum of $100 for his appearance in to-duy at. 2. p. in. The police returned with Emma Dewis and Ben Bolton, the precious pair whom the jewelry peddler, accuses of having robbed him Tuesday night in a sen- sdtlunal manner, from Ogden yesterday morniuir.

and vhey are now in the city jail awaiting examination. The police aro now of the opinion that Forstman was talking against time Wednesday. a.s everything goes to prove that the accused are innocent of tho crime imputed to. them. "Con 1 Dnean wound up his St.

Patrick day observance by getting on a big jag and falling down a flight of stairs near the iu- terssotion of Second South nnd State streets. Uti was picked up unconscious and carried into a drug store. A doctor sewed up a Rash on the back of 'Dugan's head, and be was then removed to the station, where Billy Milton made him us comfortable as possible. Dupan's hands were badly cut, and his thighs and buck were skinned and bruised. Albert Lajotto, the discharged chef of the Alta Club, who, with the aid of his assistants, turned everything in the pantry of the club topsy-turvy Sunday night, has skipped for kitchens new and his biiil of $100 has bisen escheated to tho olty treasury.

Alex one of his assistants, turned squealer at the last moment and thcM-eby soon rod immunity from'ptmishment, and the other, ItoussfMeau, was mulcted In the sum of $75 and costs for the pare he took In the outrage. Joe Galighor lias declared the vendetba off. and at the next meeting of the club will be suitably rewarded for the mnstorly manner in which be upheld its dignity aud punished Its enemies. For a disordered Liver try Beocham's Pills. f) LARGE FURBISHED ROOMS FOR liousekeeping, with cellar and pantry.

W. Snd South. 3 "VTICKLY FURNISHKD i modern conveniences; ,1 N. Mnlu St. ROOMS; ALL flrsi-olass board.

SOCIETY NOTICE. I3TTIIE -MEMBERS OF Utah OoniniaiidRry Knights Templar, aro requested to utteml conc-lave (Friday) evuninn at sharp. K. T. work.

Visiting Sic Kuijr'hts urn cordially invited. JACK, Recorder. B' 1ST SOUTH. oS33 A GOOD GIRL FOR GRKI-JRAL work at 521,80. Main St.

HOUSR- o893 AT EAGLE FOUNDRY Machine Co, o830 WOMAN WANTED; GOOD WAOICS. 407 E. 3rd South St. o817 UYER FOR MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE situated behveen' 1st' and 3nd South and east of Main. Will sell af soorifloe.

Address Owner, P. 0. Box 45-t. o3g) 2 FIRST-CLASS LADY DRESSMAKERS. NO.

40 S. 2nd East. ERVANT GIRL, TWO 3N FAMILY, 557 Uusfc 9th South. 0835 FOR SMALL FAMILY. GOOD wages.

953 1st Transit. o847 A GIRL. ENQUIRE AT 264 W. SND North. 0850 IRL ABOUT 14 YEARS OLD TO'TAKE care of 8 children duvinp? the day.

Apply atonoe. Mmo. Cunningham, 55 and G6 Auerbuch building. QMS ID AK WO.R ICRS KRY HERE for the groutost book on earth, "Shepps Photogmphs'of the World," costincr SlOO.i.OO:. mammoth illustralecl oirculars ftiid terms free; unparalleled L.

Martin, Ceu- trevill.0, cleared $711 in 9 days; Miss Rose Adams, Woostur, $23 in 40 ininuies; Rev. J. Howard Madison, Lyons, Y. JiiU! in 7 hours; a bonanza; magnificent outfit only II. Books on credit.

Freiph't paid. Address Globo TMble Publishing No. 358 Dearborn Chicago. or ilndeiphia.Pa.. 0424 I GOOD HELL JJOVS AT WALKER House.

0800 AREER AT HARTENSTEIN'S BARBER Main. OY TO WORK IN AN OFFICE; ONE able to write ind living with his parents preferred. Address oS14 OUNG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE- work. Apply West nth South. o783 A GIRL FOR GBKBBAL HOUSEWORK IN small family; food at 35 S.

6th Hast, RY GOODS SALESMAN 7 AT ONCE: NONR need apply unless well recommended nud who understands the dry goods trade. Address, stating salary expected, 11. O. Ua.rkness it Pocntcllo." Idaho. o775 A UAP.BKR AT-SOi STATE ST.

073-1 COOK AND ALL-AROUND HOUSR- E. First South. o759 0 SELL A NICE FAMJ LY HORSE AND phaeton, suitable for Indy to Ad- clrcs, 1 or call cor. 7 aud I. o7-U TRADE IMPROVED DEN.YRR erty for Salt Lake, 536 So.

1st West. 0754 A GIRL'FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family, at 38 Si Gth o751 OOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; steady place; good wages. Apply storeroom, Knutsforcl Hotel. o7(34 FOR CITY -AND COUN- try, second girls, nurse eirls and girls for general housework. Wfiires from $13 to 830 par month; Good reliable servants will please call exrly at Mrs, McEwan's Employment Office.

(59 South st. o718 IRL FOE DINING-ROOM AT RIO-GRAND 13 Hotel, 0032 A NCHOR MINING STOCK FOR CITY property. Address box-S9o; IJY. COLORED LADY, WASHING OR JD houseclcftinng-by the 67 2nd South. s.

LAND" ALL PERSONS over 21. yours who havo not used their Homestead right can secure 160 acres by calling U. S. Laud Locator, room block. o358 SELL ON MONTHLY YAYMENTS or-trado for vacant lots, a 0-room brick; 3rd East.

Groves. 43 Central block. A GIRL FOR GENERAL AT 232 Q3S5 OME AND S3E M. 328 SOUTH Main wheu you want'to sell or consign your ADIES-H3O YOUR AT VOUR RndiaterestinR; evening; no no pood-pay. Address with Ubston Art .48 Winter.St.-'iBottori..Mks?.

ol( 0163 jS TO GKT THEIR CLOTHES. cleauedund repaired i Cliuc, 22 Ri2nd South. Order by.mail, or calli' OF OP. MEH-; cbandl3o'at: MlcK'-'i-genera and 338 South Main. i'ift40 COD" BRICK HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS and two closets: SlO per mouth.

Inquire 61 W. 2nd South, room 1. ODaES OF ALL SIZES. IS ALL PA i of city. J.

H. Watts. 47 W. 2nd South street. ob 4 OR 10 ACRES, SPLENDID GARDEN, GAR den cheap.

R. C. Woodruff, Commercml blk TTiURNISIIED ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1st South. o7gg ROOMS, SINGLE or eu suite.

No. 21-1 Vi State st. i 45 EAST 2ND JL So. fit. TVTEW HOUSES FOR $10.00,812.50.

$15.00 AND per nioiub; tbe latter with nil modern conveniences, and with city water and pood car service. L. C. Crossman, 58 Commerciiil blk. OOMS WITH FIRST-( hiwn and shade: no children.

17 ARM 1- 0 ACRhS. BRICK HOUSK, BARNS. corrals, full water riphts, 4 miles from P. 0,. cliean to rt-sponsiblo party.

Enquire Zwicky, i. )5 Main street. jffij "ACRES OF LUCERNE LAND, SOUTH of stockyards. A 7 A LOON LOCATION, NO. 71 COMMERCIAL FTUXISHED FRONT, ALSO IN- j.

side rooms; botird and room $5 per woek and 55 E. 3rd S. between Main aud ELEGANT ROOMS AT 206 WEST Urighanu FURNISHKD ROOMS, 85 TO PER niont A 01186 1 1 TTOOMSTTUST FLTRNISUKD NEW: PLEAS- iintot't location in the city; tnble board in the bouse. Denver House. 147 M.

2nd So. uTS-J MO i RO Eme tils. Apply 717 S. 7g FOUR-ROOM AND A SIX-ROOM in eastern part of city. McGurrin it Darling 6 NE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light liousekRepiiitf.

No. 0 Lambert court, Gtti Soutb bet. nnd West Temple. oTSS FURNTsiiED; sio PER 1 mouth. 1.7/4 N.

WcstTompie. o772 ICELY PURKISltED FOVR-ROOM BRICK collttCTR. 573 S. First West. o771 OUSE, 10 ROOMS.

EAST BRIGIIAM. MOU- lirn inijirovemcnts. Inquire 610 K. Brig. o780 8 -ROOM PARK TEHRACIO, modern conveaiuuces, Brooki TO W.

2nd S. otiSI ROOMS. STEAM HEAT, GA-S" I 1 bath iSi.M) to S4.CO per week; iill outsido 45 Ist South, new block. 'ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Apply Templo.

6 COTTAGE, ELEGANTLY FUR- nishcd; all modern. No children. Call at 140 W. North Temple between 10 aud J2 a. aud 8:30 to (5 a.

in. oGll NICE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO GEN- tlemeu. with board, la private family. 47 South First West, o575 STORE. WITH CELLAR AND ,5 liviuy; rooms.

Good grocerv location. 237 West 1st South. kJ IX-ROOM HOUSE. Rooin Oouimercial bloc.k. LOCATED.

05-13 A ELEGANT, NEW SIX-ROOM HOUSE in suburbs, on cnr line; pleusaut location; rout glQ, Apply 01 West 2nd South. LEG ANT FURNISHED ROOMS, BY DA.Y, jtj week or month: steam and electric liirhts. SUto Su, Harris building. OSfX-ROOM HOUSES ON I STREET; Cl water; JKOpcr mouth. D.

A No. 9 W. and South, ROOMS AND DAY BOARD; PRIVATE family. 18-1 East South Temple. o3oO SALE, ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS OF SSO.

u. new 6-room brick, betweeu 3rd 4th Groves, 4G Central blot'k. OoO'i ARGE- DOIHJLE ROOM, GOOD LOCATION: suitable for dressmalcnr or tailor's workroom; 'cheap. Froiseth 2nd South. o271 STOREROOM OF THE O.

O. F. at JL Rock Springs. now occupied by Gales it as drug, jewelry store and postoflke, will be rented to-highest responsible bidder. Possession on May 14, Size of store 25x100 Rood cellar; located on South Front and good location for any kind of business.

Address Thomas Lemon, Chairman. Rock Springs. Wyo. OIX-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, WEST TEMPLE and.Stli South. Inquire at Spencer, By water 17 and 19 West South Temple.

oUU CFRONT ROOM FOR WITH PRIVATE J. board; also pleasantsunuy room with younp lody who wishes refreeucea. 48 1 3rd So. ofO ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOB housekeeping; E. 2hd South.

nOoS iSiCT, 5-ROOM CLOSET, barn, fti'i per mouth. Euqulro W. P. Germo, White House. n880 6 -ROOM HOUSE, EAST SIDE.

CITY WATER; car line. 112. W. E. Hubbard, 41 W.

2nd So. LEGANT LARGE STOREROOM vyiTII 1 Btenm heal; cheap. Apply J. A. Fritsch, 158 2nd So.

st n709 FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale. J. A. Fritsoh. 158 E.

2nd So. st, n7ll r-ROOM 'JJRICK HOUSE, IStt MILLER Miller. Opera House block. u02J A SUITE OF THREE OFFICE ROOMS IN old Tribune building, corner Seoond South West Templo. Apply Tribane office.

HASEMENT, NO. 80 2ND SOUTH, JL corner of Wusc Temple, old Tribuue build- IUK. Inquire at, the Simpson-Mill Drug Co. h255 ATARRH SPECIALIST, ROOM 8, HOLMES building. EMOVED FROM 228 WEST SECOND SO.

to 65 E. 2nd South, where the undersigned will carry on the business of buying and selling second-h'and goods. on the auction business at above plr.ce. Call, everybody, and seo the sigbti. L.

Kngleman. ort TIEHL CPvKlGHTON, SURGEON DBN- tists. 58 West Second Soutb. Hour's. 8 to FOR ONE 15eautlfyinp; Co.

will pivo onn medicated fnce steam free to all ladies who call this week. 1-1 paper-Bid ridge block. 49 S. iMnin st. o7(35 A FREE GIFT-TO LADIES.

MAIL free to any lady suffe'i'injz from female complaints or weakness, our Home Treatment free. Mayflower Medicine Chicago, 111. Mention tliis paper. ANTI OF ONE c. F.

liippus. late of Utah. Address 31, Tribune. 7 ARISIAN LACE CLEANING PARLOR, 202 S. W.

Tens pie, makes a specialty of cleaning curtauis, equal to new. Work guaninj.eqd.o7I6 VlR-GRABENDIKE AND M. E. MITCHELL clairvoyant, test healing, deyelooiiiK spirit pictures and slate-writiuc mediums. -Sittings daily.

Test seances Monday and m. Parlors South West Temple St. MAGNETIC HEALING AND MASSAGE. JLVJL Mrs. S.

C. Chubb of Hos'ton successfully treats rheumatism, neunilpia, female complaints, throat and lung troubles; has also a face cream which removes wrinkles, tamma highly recommended. Consultation free. Hours, 10 to 11 a. m.

Room 27 Metropolitan Hotel. YOU BUY LOTS CALL IN and take a drive to sec "Coates's Soutb Lawn," a most beautiful locatiou. IS Commercial block. "PET DEER. ENQUIRE AT EAST 1ST South SU oM9 EW FURNITURE OF FOUR-ROOMED houee very cheap for cavh.

INE wTLlT BE PLANTED soon on "C-oates's. South Lawn 1 building lots. On 9th East street. A NEAR I). A R.

GOOD 4-ROOM brick dwelling; a vrreiit hnrcain. S1000. .7, 11. Smith, room ti. LAWN 1 HUILDING lots on 9th Kast street, 12 minutes from Snd street, with 16-minute service and 5-cept fore.

oW 1 -) ACRES OF LAND IN for saJe or lease. Sbiley, Groshell W. gpd South. oSx'S A. M.

MAIN 5X10 ON bet. Urijrbam and 1st Sa.VK). corner 3rd Souih anO 6th $6000. Klepnnt 7-room bricK lot WxHO, on 2nd South, bet. 4t.b Mb.

F.ast, W5LH Elegant, y-room brick resilience, lot 45x165, 2nd South, bet. Sth 9lh Knst. New 6-room frame residence, lot 37x155, 4th South, bet. Sin and 9th Knst, 4 lots in ''South Lawu," £275 encb; 'J lots in "WpsiDrivp." PJ46 0X9 ROD LOT HR1CK COTTAGE. CHv on 7th, bet.

ttnd 9 Oulv f'2000. "A llarrJusitou, DouncHv A- LOTS ON KA5T DRIVK, and Sth J-'ast; liich irround; ctn have good cellars; lots only term's to suit. K. fasiidy. -1U and Commercial bJcck.

o77? rtll LA WN" LOTS if a few are sold within 10 days. These lots have si. most beautiful locution and a commaml- view of the surrounding country. Come nnd nice a drive WELL-KQUiFPED LI U- KILNS, 3 MILKS from cenior of city; limestone Imlco COOx nil for J3. A.

iVl. Janes. UIUCK, I51CT. UTII and 12tli Kuril, ni-ar Kith So. Two lotV: only SI50

W. K. Hubbard. 41 So. OxlvrTrEAST, RKIGHAM AN'D 1st Soutii, wjt.h 8-room house: nd- Finest property in tbe city.

Joel K. Allen. 51 olh East St. Ofo-l BURLINGTON; FIRST HURLINQ- ton! Kirsi Unrlingtoni Tht? best investment ever offered in oily lots: electric city water mains, city cliooi, grndoci streets, treeK, nnd Uohoine.s alreudy built. $185 eac-h; only ono-tRiith cn-sh.

bsilanceorie-teuth euch year. K. B. Wicks. Commercial block.

0675 1 IV CIA UARGAIKS TO TV parties buying lots in Brooklyn Subdivision, below i)th botweeu 3rd and 4th West, tlmt will build goou bouses. Fine lots, trees, graded streets; close in. Lots and see me. K. Shaw, office in Commercial bM.nk.

SOUTH LAWN" BUILDING lots now ou market, terms to suit. On flth Kiiist stn-et. I HAVE A LARGE LIST OF INSTALL- ment, bouses, vacant lots, nc-roage, fnrni and garden land; pome specin.1 bargains: call and me E. E. Casudy, room" 49 and 50, Cominerciiil block.

77S NEW. 4-ROOM COTTAGE, AND JT two lo'ts on fis-moutbly payments. E. H. Wicks. blor.k. CORNER. NORTH BENCH, 10 RODS fiicinjr city; close in; car linn, onlv 33500, with smnll bouse. A great barpraiu. Ilubbard, 41 W.

2nd South. pOSTOFFlCB FKUIT STAND; APPLY AT fi tit pd. EW V-ROOM ON Til LY PA incuts. Rovve, room 1(3. 76 W.

So. oS30 NOT BB INDUCED TO BUY WHAT yon do not want. Buy what you want and others will want it. See, then jiidpo- for yourself whether North Waterloo will suit you. I WILL SELL YOU LOTS.

BUILD A HOUSE nf tor your own design and on the Installment plan. E. E. Casady. rooms JO and 50, Com- mercla.1 block.

o7T9 1 A ON STREET, BETWEEN BRIG- OJV IU hum and First, $12500. M. slreei. 0570 MODERN HOUSE, EAST SIDE; electric lichts, cellar, bath, closets, 2 cnr lines, iron fence. Small cash payment, bal.

$10:) quarterly. Lvnch Jioltou, room 46 Central block. LOTS ON CORNER 2ND W. NEAR 10th South; for the pair. W.

E. Hubbard, -11 W. 2nd South. A FEW Ol'EN AND TOP HUGG1ES AND 1 thimble skein wagon at Phil Klipplo's carriage shops, 14-1, MO and H8 W. 2nd South in rear of Hoard of Trade building.

o573 ORTH STREETS NOW HE- iiiR graded. Two two-story brick houses under way. 4 more pressed brick houses now contracted for by purchasers. We ask you to believe for yourself; $375 per tot. E.

Ilubbard, j.l W. 3d so. A GOOD INVESTMENT AND NO INTEREST to eat up chance to gft a start in real estate. Lots in Brighton, plat $100 each; $10 cash 110 per mouth. Only 2 blocks from car line.

W. E. Hubbard, 41 2nd So. o494 ORWOOD, irrii AT ssso PER LOT. with its many fine houses and tbe best surroundings, cannot be equalled.

Very easy terms. W. E. llubburd. 41 W.

2nd Soutb. MINUIE DKIVING HORSE. in rear 134 W. N. Temple.

ENQUIRE o883 HILD'S BUGGY, FOLDING CRIB, CHAM- ber set. carpets and other articles, nearly new. 411 Constitution Building. ofl47 10, 20 60 ACRES 3 MILRS FROM MAIN 9 St. West; Rood prospective gas land.

Inquire this office. LAWN," 9TH E. AND I OTH electric cars every 15 minutes; fare: several fine houses will be commenced shortly: few Jots at I3W: easy terms. J. W.

Righter, W. 2nd O'Meara, building. oS35 EAL ESTATE IMPROVING. AND WE 'have 80 lots on car line, close in. at a bargain.

Small payment required and will nive time until you can lots-for balance. S. P. Spencer 267 st. o3SO OUTH LAWJT, 9TH EAST AND 10TH SOUTH, has beautiful inside trees: cement sidewalks be compfetod by April 1st.

A few lots at £300: termn J. Righter, W. Second South, O'Meara building. oSi? 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH ALL CON- vcuieuces, 83000: a bargain. McGurrin WILL BF, PAID FOR TUB BEST colt of the fine standard bred stallion Wfmbrino whioh will rrmka, tbo season in Lake City.

Call nt £il South Main street for pedigree and full particulars. A JH. GROSE. PIANO AND ORGAN TUNER aud repairer: references. P.

0. Box 30S. R. UNGE'K CURES ALL PRIVATE DIS' eases, menstruation, stricture, stoues, cancers, piles, livsr aud kidney diseasti. In ractice 27 yeixn.

Office. 14 West -Uh S. ISS MARIA POWELL. TEACHER OF Delsarte 'Physical Culture. Society Gymnastics and Elocution.

2l-iy State 8trcet. o3i 13ENSIONS-NOAH MOSER. ATTORNEY. 13 1 yeiirs'ieiperienco. Roora'JOO Progtegs b'-ldy.

K. FOLLETT, -DENTIST, ootf B. liD 'South ARL HILL, P.IANO AND VOICE ture.40? Const! tutioubldg. Best of rgferBnccs. ATTE RS, HO liR- EST.AB L1S li Loans on diamoridi, jewelry: unredeemed pledges sold at.low rites.

All 31: Soiith.Voprt. Commercial si. W.HVTUUK, DENTJST, Mr'KiUK, MJili- blotskl and Third South. DENTISTS KOOAti- i South- A geueralstock of iuppllei 1 ORTH WATERLOO," MAGNIFICENT view ot city. Electric cars every 20 min- utn.s.

Every inducement for fine houses; $375 per lot. W. K. Hubby.rd. 41 2nd So.

o275 A 6-ROOM HOUSE: HATH; FINE LOT; EAST BriRbr-ra easy'payments; a bargain. Joseph Buche, Room2. Wasatch building. o237 BATTLE FOR SALE-703 HEAD. OR loss, of stock cattle, including 100 head, raoro or less, of 3 and 4-year-old Bteers.

28 head of saddle horses. complete rancL outfit. Cattle and horsls on Blue Mountain, Blanco county, Colrtrado, and between White and Green rivew: excelfcnt summer and winter range and ranch privileges. For particulars apply to Royle at ranch 'seven southeast of Jensen Ferry on Grsen River, in.Ulntab county, Utab; or to AUrshall Royle. Salt Late City.

Utah. o203 6 -ROOM TWO-STORY Bench, citr water. line, 13500; only'I20L- cash. W. E.

Hubbard. 4VVf. 2nd South. ol2l A NEW 8-RUOM BRICK, IN WATERLOO, on monthly at 130; Grores, .40 Ccntrnl blockC' o30 --BRICK FOR SALE; ALSO 3 houees. Culmer block.

A THOROUG BRED KRS CO tn.tbe eUy- for J. room 30 Morlan, Hlock; YOU will build the house will Mil A T' i 1M OZY 5-UOOM COTTAGE, LOT 33X132, bath, city water. Iron fence, east side: best residence neighborhood. 1'rltee, 1 $3000. Terms $500 irnsb, monibly.

S-room brick; bargain; Inrge lot. houso finely i finished, near Britain street, for a few JjTUO. Easy terms: look it up. Houses built after your own pjans in best locations; lots any size you Small payment down, balance very cusy. Houso will be built at once.

Choice bargains ou the North Kench. Capitol Hill lots will be the highest priced residence property in Salt Lake. Lots vcrv low prices. The best buy for ft profit, are AKa Place lets on. tbe boulevard, 5th Bust st.

Eleguni: houses will soon be built. Lots up; very easy terms. Buv your own home now. Prices aro bound to advance. You have paid enough in rents to purchase cozy of your Make i payment down.

Vnly a small amount, and pay the balance about same as you pay for rent. i Don't wait; commence at once. Joiditn Addition lots area Rood investment. On Kouth Temple street; bigli and dry; prlca Houses and lots on the installment plan, in all parts of the city ixud vicinity. If YOU have property lor snle at reasonabla prices, send full particular.

J. H. WATTS, 47 VV. 2nd South st. 1 QITV "LOTS UNTIL YOU SKK iJ -Coates's South Lawn'' buildinc lots; they can't be surpassed in location or convenience to huarto'f city.

Come aud take drive to stie S-ROOM HOUSE ON j. 1 modern. LOTS N'OW ON kft, bet. 4th and 5th East, oil lin car runs every minutos: oulv I inih-s from county and city building; lots terms to suit; "inducements to j-artK's to build: call take a drive; no trouble to show property. E.E.

Casady, -49 and jJo mm re ia 1 i i'. oc k. oTTti OTS UN THE EAS1E -T TERMS OFFERED to purchasers. Call nnd learn the-U-rms on "Goates's South Lawn" lots. will tsse a cIMve to see tueru.

II. P. G. Ciwtes, Co mm--IT in OA SHARKS A TIO A UIL DIX A Ov Loan Association stock. Address, .1.

cUy. FEET ON STH RAST AND RK1G- Ov "ham, wiih 0-room brick house. Most desirable property. 5x10 rods ou Gth East, 10 rods from ord South, oast face. Must be sold at once.

Name your rods on 3rd South, between 7th and £th East. J. C. Mee it rooms 21 aud 22, 65 W. Lnd South.

CAR LINE, A new house on 9th South. iO. A 4-room house ou £nd North, $1600; on easy pa viiK i uts. house close to Liberty Park; close to car tine, film); on easy payments. F.

A. Virtue and ol Oeuiiiie.rciul block. ogttS LOTS HAVE L' a most beautiful view of city, valley and mountains, are on 9ih East, are 12 minutes from 2nd with J.Viniiuite service and 5-eent fare. trees will bu planted soon, and cement walks will ho laid. Reasonable opportunity fora good in null we will drive down.

11. I'. G. CoaU'f, Ovmmorchil block. oggg MDDKlvN HOUSE UN 4 KODS OF crotind: oast; front; No.

house cost fit GO: i nor, if sold at onco, fine corner lot on 1st South Kasl, $o3j per rod. F. W. Little. L'au Shite si.

OT PLAT AT a oarKain. New witli city w.tter for csish. New houses with city water. per month, () cent interest. L.

C. Crossman, ti CoinnuTcinl block. oSu4 AVK Vv)i; -COATMS'S Si Lawn" lots, cm terms to suit? On flth H. P. Commercial block.

oS39 KI uT-rTx "DAliD evcrv conviMiieiice and comfort; modern; stylish ar" liit.cctur«; perfect arrangement; small casii puytnent; balance monthly. Colborn, hkinner Iv 24 and Commercial TWENTY YEAR HOLD bonds. $1000 eftch; interest at 5 per cent, payable semi-unuuallsvAuKiJSt let and February 1st; bids to be opened At 4 p. m. April-I, Address Board of 'Education, salt Luke City, rr ROOM KHlClv AND I.I ALL.

4TH EAST, I easy lerms. W. W. South. 11 A A R.G"E OF A CHOICE COR- ner on Stato street which will sold at sscrific.p.

Thi! ownvrs are compelled to sell at once. Will sell from 25 feet up at from $100 to ijviUO per foot Mid on part cash payment. J. A. Morhiu A room 'JO Mori an Block.

oOl3 ON Vrii EAST. MET. hum and 1st Soiu-h; Mi 170 with good 9-room brick residence, on Itt South near 5th East; $7500. on O. b.H.

Brigham nud 1st st; tJGOO. A. M. ESTATE AND MINING STOCK FOR J.L sale or trade. Room 7.

Soott-Aiierbuch OJ-TLOTS ONLY PEjT juO dleton's cor. 3rd East and lOtb South $350 and alley to all lots. L. K. S.

Main st. VJOKTH WATERLOO" LOTS IN' advanced (not lowered) iu prico April now SxS7fi; street grading, cement walks aud treat included at present prices. W. E. HUBUARD.

41 W. and So. oJQS A NO. 1 HAY RANCH SETUA.TED on La BarRC in Dintah county, Wyo. Said ranch conlains ncros deeded laud, all under ditch, well fenced, good buildinprs, corrals, eto.

Cut USOlons timothy and uativc huy in 18511, find will cm. 3SO tons thin year. Also have a small bnnchof mares and young horue together wlthk all my ranch that I will let po witk For further particulars, terms, ad- dross C. W. Phillips, La.

Barge. Wyo. o58l OENDLETON COR. 3RD EAST ANlJ 10th South. Cheapest lots now pu the ket; $350 to 1375 each, alley to all lots.

'L. B. Casndy 150 S. Main St. ELI EVE NOTHING.

SEE FOR YOURSEtf and be co ivlnced that "North Waterloo" as represented: prices will positively be advanced April 1st. W. E. Ilubbard, 41 W. 2u4 So.

YOU WANT TO BUY ANY PROPERTY JL or want A cood option first call on ail other real estate aecnte and theu ccrc.o around to see Wantland, Main street. WILL liUILD YOU A TTflFWILL BUILD YOU A HOUSJ3 FRO5C VV your own design and let you pay for it by the month, terms to you. L. E. Cagady Main St.

WATERLOO" LOTS, INCLUDING XM 5-foot cement walks to car line, and trees, ut same price as Jots one mile farther from business, without ihesu improvements: pel lot: $10 per month. W. E. HUB BA.RD, 41 W. 2nd So.

oEQQ fTENDLETON'S COR, 3RD EAST JL 10ih South. Choice building lots for W50 to f375, easy terms, alley to all lots. Street cat runs by this property. L. E.

Casady 153 CORNER ON STREKT, Bench, for per rod if taken at once. Inquire at room jl, jcolt-Auftrbach Bldg. ARK -LOTS TO 8500; JD ensy terms; the best and finest addition 3th Harrington, Douuelly Newell, No. 9 W. iind South.

POWER 15-HORSE boiler. W. 2d Soutb. ENGINE Tc-lcphouo 575. ICYCLES! NEW.

8HO: LATEST PATTERX. cushion tire cycles for $100. Cheaper pnidsi in proportion. Agents wanted. A.

W. Gump. Dayton, Ohio. 8 -ROOM I10USE, EVERY MODERN CON- venieace; North Bench: nicest location in city. Will exchanira for smaller house, G.

P.O. A ROOM COTTAGB30X137FBRTTO ALLEY, 4: bet. 1st and Cad South West 5203. Only Ofish. W.

K. Hubbard. 41 W. iM So. ROOM COTTAGE, lit SOUTH ST.

BRTT 4: flth and 10th 11000, W. Hubbard, W. ad So. AND TWO LOTS. East Drive, 83500.

W. E. Uubbard, 41 W. ZnA South. (SiXtOIlTH" WATERLOO." PRICES SOOK IN to be advanced as improvements go on.

W. E. Hubbard. 41 W. Snd So.

A OOUTH LAWN. OTH EAST AND lOTll k5 South. A few lots at fSOO. Positively best property ever offered for the money. J.

W. Ripbtcr, W. 2nd th. O'Mearft building. "MONEY TO LCAN ON LONG OR SHORV iVl time.

Donnelly Isew tl 1 No. 9 W. Snd South. I SUMS OF $3000 TO JI5.000-THREE TO five Inside property. Call and in- titrate; W.

E. Hubbard, 41 W. Second Scuth. VCB ONEY NOW IN' BANK TO well improved property, for ano year. Only good- loan? considered.

H. P. G. Coates, Commercial block. ONEY TO LOAN.

TIME TO SUIT. BOOM 7. Scot block. 'IN SUMS OP cr A Miller, 38 W. Second AND upward.

South. OAN BROKER, MAIN- ST. A. M. 0370 IN THE BANK FOR IM- F.Uv" proved city and farm Hjalt, RooDi 4, Comiaercial block.

o3SO F. T. ASH ON HAND TO LOAN Oft suburban realty at -lowest, E. K. block.

o3H. HE PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO. CAPI- tal $300,0000. Money ready rates Ford G. Barclay, WilJUm P.

U. U. mikey, Secj. tnd Commercial Block. TIME AT 8 PER CENT on real estate: short time montf.

on notes or collateral-; Commercial tbft you want; 1M E. 00. BUY BOH or rt-al im room Culom rpWENTY JL in oae or two A. torno'y; jTlMPROVED CITY PROPERTY. UKpB4 Commercial gat.

Bank. IMPROVED CITY AN0 FABM Bank, Main. V- I HAVJBrMONEY TO LOAJT iiiit, long ot tti Room 23, Jiooy-r.

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