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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 1

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Tap-lain Paul Kolny wna rellevod toduy lit hla own reiiuuat an Judge advocate of tho Hhonundouh nuval court Uower of 0. A. C. Too Much For Jebfoot Defense Case of Slayer of "Human Husk'' to Be Reopened By Defense Hecommcnded In Report Made By Majority Convicted By Jury Six Hours' or Imiulry which la to Inveatliiute the churge brought oirulnat him KB EARLY STATE OPPOSES MOVE iiy Mr. Murgnrct Hobh Jjinn- MINORITY WILL OBJECT Organization Ceases Work downn bfforo tho Mitchell court 10 OTHERS ICQOITTEO Girl Takes Poison and Dies hie Stone to Fight Attempt to N'onlieni Coiiorrnu Join I'ikIit Iiidi-rxlilii of W.

('. itnwHon to Tukn Over Lino (lly The Aim I'r.) HKATTI.I5, Nov. 14. A group of Peuttle shipping men he-ided by W. -C.

I'uwson announced toduy that It had mado un offer last Saturday to the UnltCd States hlpping board for Its vessels operating between I'ugct Hound and the Far (Cast, Tl. Stanley Dollar or San Francisco, who stated Wednesday that he aNsr-cliitea had mado a tender to the board to chnrter the five liners and nine freighters, loft Seattle yesterday for Washington. Ho had been here Blnee Monday holdlnrr conferences. Dollar and associates as the American Mall Oriental line are operating the Vessels. They bought Ita vessels operating from California to tho Far Eat.

"Wo have nil the financlnl resources needed for the project," stated Dawson. AHneinted with Iiawson, who wn formerly connected with the American Hawaiian line, the, Osa. Vs Punt Often kiine For Breaks Regarding Project After Abduction "Legalize Crime SECRETARIES TO CONFER MAN STANDBY FULL LIBERTY WANTED MAN BLAMED FOR DEATH (ny The AMociated Press) CASCADE LOCKS, Nov. 14. A mo.

Burg, canoeist, staged a dramatic battle for life this afternoon In Cascade rapids the click of two movie cameras, which were recording In film the passing of the final barrier In the young adventurer's voyage from the head waters of the Snake river to the ocean. After successfully negotiating the first two dangerous rapids the youth, who wa, out In the river about a quarter of a mile, turned his frail craft into the last of the treacherous waters that have never been conquered by a canoeist. For a few seconds the craft withstood the boiling maelstrom, then capsized. With death fciarently unescapable, young Burg made a wonderful recovery and succeeded in getting a hold on his canoe, only to have it wrenched from his grasp time and again while it was tumbled and pitched about by the mad water. Three miles below, wearied to the point of exhauation.

he was barely able to piljl himself up on an Island. The canoe floated on down the Columbia river. Burg had made the trip from Jackson Lake. Wyoming, throueh .1 hv Villi lftullH of DiK'tuiM'iit (ilvrn Low-Ik D. Mootjt Would Make New Politician.

Who at Ono Tuna Wn jl nau i- n-hiLi Ionian gild Willi sum of to PlllHIc lly Tciuipnrary Oiieratloii la Kugi(tMl (Mr The AMurlatoil WAHIIlMflTflV ttlnv li n-h. Charges Against Defendant Imposidblo by Getting Vcr-- diet of Jury (nr The AMOclatea PreM) DENVER. Nov. 14. The Powerful In Indiana, Refiwea to Give I'p Fight and Expects Appeal (By The Associated Press) NOBLESVILLE.

In Mm li Ale football Unlveralty 14 10 13, before Miiacla Hhoul nonimliuilon puaeed state will resist efforts nr attor in. or teneo lo'iuy, filing with 'riwhlent i.jtn. kn Hhnshen Kalnha end the neys fnr Dr. Harold E. Blazer to bring about a retrial of the coun Life Imprisonment in the Indiana state prison at Michigan City Is the price which a Jury determined today that D.

C. Stephen--on, former-, grand dragon of the Indiana Ku Klux Klan, shall pay for the death murtlal. Hncretury Wilbur appointed In hi pluca Major Jlcnry Leonard, retired iirflcer of the marine corp. who will conduct tho Inquiry Into Mr, hunadowne' nccuaallon that Ciiptnln Foley Bought to Influence tho loBtimony aha gavo to tho nuval court In connection with tho accident to the Shenandoah, which reunited In the death of her husband and 12 other. Kowdon la Monday Tho rourf lm been called Into eaalon Monday to begl thl inquiry, but wbother It will proruod at that time Ik problematical.

Major Leonard may aak for a continuance; in order that he may ao-qunlnt hlmrolf with the vast vol-umo or tcHtlmony which tho court took nt Lalcehurat. N. nnd In Wnahlnglon In Into September and early October. Cliargn I Reviewed In hi letter to Hecretarv Wil-htir aaklng to he relieved of duty aa judge urivoeutc. Captain Foley nrter reviewing tho charge made by Mra.

Lnnarinwne and the refua-ni of the Mitchell court martini to hear him yesterday eaid: "I now request to he relieved from duty as: Judga advocate of tho Shenandoah court to permit thl court to proceed in it own way nnd without embarrassment to Itself with the further Investigation of this new phase of the Inquiry nd In order also that I may bo tn a no. altlon to be culled befnro thnt court aa nn Intereated party should tho court deem it advisable." budying the renoinmendatlon of a majority or the commliuion for the IN TODAT'H MORNING REGISTER Par Oregon: Muuduy, rlomly over cual and unaottled with occn-mloitnl rulna over went portion; normal toinpuriiluro; fneh aoullierly wlnda on the I'oiuil, yeaterduy'a wi'iillwr In Ktigvni': Mnxliiiuni temperature, 44 dn-' givio: minimum 37; Hurt of proiilpltutloi.i wind from aoulh. j'aal, Hinge of river, I. a foot. anil Vicinity High ltullwuy orrinlnla Coming llcro Kor t'onfnrenco Novnmlivr CO.

Pago Ilml Croaa Campulgn Will llrgln Moniluy. I'uge I. Ithodva Hcholurnlilp Not to he 11 run ted at llulvcrelty. I'ago a. Dr.

Hrown to lecture on I'hllil Health at t'hamher of Coinmorco Friday. I'ngo I. Divorce Hull l''lld by Mr). Ktla Dlnglo. I'ago a.

Ill Jink la I'lanned at High School Krlduy Night. I'aga S. Kiignna Man, Will (I. Hteel, Hue I'ollcctlon or Ml, Olio (loogrnph. h'ul Niimea Which Ha I (irrorlng to (loveriiment, Page 4.

Kugonii Women Attend Mleelonary HvmIoii at t'orvullla. I'ago t. Krom Hutherlln He. jiortml to lral Ufricora. I'uge Klylnu HqiiHdron Hourly for Kulli- er and Hon lliimiuola Tuumluy Night.

Page Week of Prayer Knded Today With Meeting of I'liinuer Clulm. I'auo Kpeaker on Program fur I. lone' Club to be Kurnlahed by Krult tirowvr. I'uge I. Alleglani'O la MUed and Nowberg Parenta llnvo to t'haer for 1 lot li Hlilee.

Pugo S. Aged Man no Hatter, I'liyelclnna at Kugena lloepltul Iteporl. I'aga I. Concert la Planned at flirletlan Church Wedncadny Night. Puga N'ntlvo of Ijin l)c: Kurlo llur.

lire Horn Hero til Venra Ago. Pnue 1. Deputing Aid Truffle: Hpxclul Turfa Kinployed by I'aga II Deitlcuto Church Today at Jnffer on; Htilbllng Kund ltiilc, by booal Pnator. I'ngn 6. Harmon on Clllicnehlp aa hpurn-tbm, from Holdtory, at t'nlturlan Church.

I'aga 9. Woman Htruck by Cab on Willamette, Htreet rUiffer Kruclurod Hkull. Page 8. Pttaa la Not Opened and Attempt With Know Pucker la Unavailing. I'ngo S.

Child la Taken Homo; Mildred Hamilton Ablo to Ieave Hoapl-tnl. Paga S. Tax Limit Kxplnlned by Aaaaoaor Kaoney, I'ago I. Employment Hold up Well Throughout Oregon; Klfty-Klfty In Kuguno. Pnga f.

Mra. Henri Con.mittoo for Bnlo of Chrlatmaa Heal. Page I. Mark Hroom and Hay Prince Ar- try Dhyslclan 'on a charge of murdering his 34-yearold "child woman" daughter. Hazel.

iiiiuniiiuu oi ine govornrnonl 0 power property In Alabama. oi niaage UDernoltzer. Joel E. Stone, prosecutor of the minority report be filed nler ttv Wtlllum trie I which ended with a dead It took a panel composed of 10 farmers, one business man and n. -eison company, are Charles E.

penbody. president Pacific Shipping and Fuel comoany; Leonard, president Puget Sound Light nnd Power companv; If. F. Ostrnnder, capitalist- P. E.

Harris, salmon packer: Worrali Wtl'n. hanker, nnd J. IL Fox. Dawson said the offer was for operation on nn agency basis with an 'agreement to purchase as Boon as funds could be obtnined. hundreds of miles of treacherous waters which never before have locked Jury and subsequent dis York and Hurry Curtla of Yule unl- truck driver less than six hours to missal of, the murder charge nirainst Dr.

Blazer, announced to been traversed and with only one oortage above the MDner dam at Mllner, to below Shoshone falls. The mujorlty report wn tnkon to he White Houae by former Senator Hal of South Carolina, acting of thd rnmnillnn tne verdict. Earl Klenck and Earl Gentry, bodyguards of Steph- enson and charged Jointly with the abduction and attack of the girl last March' 15, were acquitted. Mias HUNTLEY IS ACQUITTED William Murray, Ita aecrotury. It ku elgned by Chairman McKennle of lllluoln, Itimaell llower of tho American Hureuu Kcdora- SUBMARINE IS OPPOSED i UDernottzer tooK poison In a Hammond hotel after the alleged mis-, treatment and died at her Indianapolis home.

days later. JURY REACHES VERDICT AF LADY ASTOIL WOCLO TOT'R lon. unit Mr. Dial. I'ri'Mlltltllt la 1 TER FORTY MINUTES Term May Be Reduced The men were charged with re WORLD AGAINST CRAFT the report to Becrolnry of War llnvtM nr MEDFORD, Nov.

14. Huntley, 68, section worker. (Hf The AtiHtM'IfltP'l Pre-a LYMOUTH. Englund. Nov.

14. turn Jnrdlne, and Hocretnry of charged with murder In the first omnierce Jloovor for llielr fedy Astor, moved by the trngedy sponsibility for her act. Murder In the second degree was the finding of the jury. It calls automatically for 20 years servitude, which the Indiana law calls life imprisonment. Good behavior can reduce the term by several years.

degree ior the stabbing to death AlthoiIKh the ,11,1 ne suing witn 6 men off Devon coait. told Plymouth last September of Jesse James Glbbs. 28. a mill worker. In a quar makq the report iiubllc, It la known night he would fight all attemnts to retrv tho case and "place Colorado In the position of legalizing this character of crime." Complctn Vindication Held Mr.

Stone's announcement came nfter Lewis chief of defenee counsel In Dr. Blazer's trle.l, made Vnnwn that he would seek a new trial In order that the physician may have security under the law which provides he cannot he brought to trial after he has been acauMted of a crime. Mr. Mowry said the fact that the jury In tho case stood 11 to 1 for ac-oulttal when' It was discharged ves a enmrdee vindication for Dr. Blazer, but that he desired safety for htm as well.

Samuel Johnson, who pre-s'ded ln the Blazer trial, d'smlssed the murder charge unon Prosecutor Stone's motion when the Jury failed to ne-ren. Stone announced tonight ho stood ready "to give to the defendant the benefit of the doubt." No Persecution Wanted "I do not want to persecute; hecnuse a Jury tins held a prepon I wolnen today she was "quite ready I ineiiAM WINIFRED IS innuuunit Stephenson heard the verdict Ko around tne world nnd to try rmiHO women" to work for the I to wiui wio- mujurity ruvorod loualng Muaclo Hhoalo. In the ovont of a failure to obtain a unliable Ivaae. the majority favored temporary ffovernmonl In rel over tne affections of Mrs. Hat-tie Huntley, wife of the defendant, was acquitted by a Jury in the circuit court this morning after 40 minutes deliberation.

Three bal NOT MttiRY a ARTISTS KHOI'LD litlon or submarines. Ladv without flinching. A short laugh and the shake of his head were the only manifestations. I Avlor said she had made no plan KAYS MRS. VALENTINO rnrl such a world tour, but added: I surrender, hell" he said as he atrnte tho practicability of produc- lots were taken by the jury, and (Tly The AMnrlntml 1 I (would go around the world five lay on his bunk a few minutes, later.

imh iiiiriiica ior lertnixer una i ww vnuu- Vnu 11 " tin on over if I thought I could do tney reported once for more In structlons. Huntley received the verdict with hut little show ot emotion, and ngnln." Is Slw. Winifred Hudntit 1 anything to persuade the nations Vulentlno'a attitude toward furtlierjnr lh'' world to abandon submarines matrimonial ventures. All artists land poison gas.

should be unmarried, she said, and! "America and England agreed nt added, "children nnd doine'tteltvl the Wnihincton conference to arc Incompatible with a career, abolish the submarine, but France GUARD DIVISION FORMED thanked the Jury In a calm and quiet manner. Mrs. Huntley, the al "I am just beginning to fight. The last chapter has not been Appeal Is Expected Floyd Christian of- counsel for defense said an appeal would, be taken. Less than a year ago Stephenson was recognized as a political power.

In Indiana. During the last session' of the legislature in January, Fb-ruary and March, state senator leged cauBe of the tragedy, and DHIfiAHIKn CiENEIUTj BI.ET- mat all. i uiuiusMuie id ao any. tnnt all. ireiu-jtu.

it imnos-nuie to 1 JIEX 18 GIVEN COMMAND Mrs. Cynthia Gibbs, the -widow, sisters, were present when the ver-diet was returned. Huntley waa owever. Mrs. Valentino complained that thlhg in this direction, hi It had taken Rudolph threevenm! l'0 Ruala outside the to develop his luck of appreciation H-uasfa rs -the-Tm-at rranire- Mir The Aoclteit Preu) SEATTf.R surrounded by lifelong friends from.

Trreat---OTOtr-- Imn which confeonts the world and Liougias county, after tne jury re fnr her nmbltlon to bocome a mo nnttfilinl rilul.lnH. and representatives flocked to ported, and indicated he plans to the 4 let dlvl-lon. (Wnahlngton). spend a few weeks in his former comprlalng all line troop of the lion picture star. She suld she would rcmnln in the Enat tn make pictures, becaiiac she was "fed up" on Hollywood.

home. nnanington national guard hna heon lirnvltttnnnllv li. The defense plead self defense. derance of thought ln favor of the defendant "ei uuld not justi'y rhe "in placing the state of Colorado, through the first 'judicial district, on record as officially sanctioning nnd approving the extermination of it helpless and Invalid citizens." he said. "I shall Insist thnt the charge be dismissed and will resist all attemnts to reinstate it." Mr.

Mowry said he hoped to get the "safct trial" under way by next Tuesday. Ivtirope In particular today. Russia has such a lot or poison gas." MRS. INGRAM DIVORCED WIDOW OF NOTED TENOR TO WORK FOR CHILDREN and the case was hard fought throughout. Valentino said that It would he I better for persona In the moving nnnouncod today In general order liwuod at Camp I.owla by General picture profcsalon to remain alngle.

irsi Winn. UiurtKl the rnm Jrf rtowln o( lrengtli 2,7 and throughout the In-Mil tho better of the Sim lm. However. It. it dlirttr tho tram wink-, hall, envklns; wide open LOMI minute, of the gam.

'Jmrd llreil and Jjowii SutMtllulM wore sent Clin proved of no avail, (Ml half Oregon run it (mm irrlmnim fur a nln I virdi whit the mil lor all-yard advance-emrtaMo 11 ptV "ore silhsrliht lime mid reaulted bjwn. The Aggies played aim im anil wolted for nrlMlly the break camo. HI sl, with th ball on the rl IIh nipped ba' to punt. Mrtei soaring ball started twni toward Ilia lda-. (otna; out of boundi on tho Hln.

i wiib tbla break the Ucaver JwloC combination of richul-i Dnman and Kdwarda dot nr and worked tho ball to 'lento Hn. Krom l.era wrttli trlfd to wore and cartel tall through left guard nrda Denman then tor thrtoih right guard. Iiexlttni ball on the three-M wad two down to go (Ml to make. a Maine Tonnhdown Urin huddled. Jumped Into with Denman standing Hei the ball, the liana 111 hi cloeed hie arme 4 kV biiluted a moment and sol around left end, crossing 01 IIH unmolested, 1 1 mln-tllif lite rame had alnrted.

rjonfr indod without further i with the ball In Oregon' ka on the Honver 40-yard 0. A. C. Oregon 0. iralook the hall and atnrtod mhdotn the field but a pen-uprrt the advance and Wot-IH II yard.

nlder punted wl down knd Oregon took lla own li-yard lino. uulher mareh opened up, tl the bill on a fnka punt ttoind tore off 14 yarda he-Mn downed. A new life ti enter th men and with Mint the brunt of tho work, ityVltiuand Anderaon, tho 'married to the Beaver H- Hire uu. Anicraon to paced the ball oil tho I-I tub four dawna to put I Crashes Through J-rnB Jonea lbrouh right guard for ud with a touchdown itmmed the nmo plnco. tho lino tho ntul- tardhlttlng Hchulniorlch and no'11 him wl bwklng but Inchoa thfn ol tho wiJ uporliunmn of-W over the llnomon aa eT i 'h ha" a.

cnvort tho try JJ and the wore mood Oro- Imm l'ooaalon. Ita "voranl l. arrlod tho Play, while Oregon tried 4 reeled at Alliany With Liquor In Paga Officer Klected by Neighbor or Woodcraft; Horlnl Beaalon Held. Pago I. Kdltor of College Newepnpara Cloae Their Conference.

1'ugo 8. ainurice 'i nompaon. Ilflvnitlnt, Iti.i.nnil 1 A 1 1. UN commanding general, WnelUng-tnn national guard, commands the SENTIMENT IS BLAMED MORE PUNISHMENT NEEDED- VICTIM IS IDENTIFIED aiviaion. New Club Organlaed Among Hohool SAYS SPEAKER NAMES OF AIL KILLED 1 WRECK ARE LEARNED EXCITEMENT KILLS MAN uiiiue, avcuiuiiia iu ivniiiuuiiy troduced during the trial.

Gentry was most affected of all the defendants, when they were summoned into court early thla evening to learn' their fate. Pasty faced and nervous he waited with apparent dread the reading of verdict that made him free. When his friends crowded around him a minute later he could only shake hands, bis voice was gone, Klenck, called by the prosecution "the gorilla" and. of lived his role until the farmer foreman had sppken ln the dingy, high-walled courtroom the Inst syllable of the Jury's verdict. Not a muscle flickered ln his massive face.

Verdict Hold Ridiculous Then, after the', perfunctory hand shaking, both Klenck and Gentry followed their leader back to his cell, secure ln the knowledge that, they- were free. BISHOPS MEETING ENDS (Bjr The Associated Press) DETROIT. Nov. 14. CLIMAX OP FOOTBATjIj GAME FOREIGN MISSIONS BOARD CAUSES HEART FAILURE GATHERS NEXT Sentiment is clogging the wheels of justice and is more to blame for failure of law enforcement than police authorities, Mrs.

Minnie B. Horning, director of prison (nr The Autoclated Press) NEW YORK, Nov. 14. The New York Hcrald-Trlbune will say tomorrow In a copyright dispatch from Paris that an absolute decree of divorce has been entered In the Paris courts in favor of Dorothy Benjamin Caruso Ingram, widow of the tenor, Enrico Caruso. Mr.

Ingram will leave tomorrow for Rome. In nn interview she snld her entire interest in the future I ln tho bringing up of her daughters, Gloria, six, and Jacqueline, 18 months old. The Ingrains were married In London. November 28, 1923. They came to this country but shortly before a daughter was born to Mrs.

Ingram. Captain Ingram re-turned to England. (nr The Associated PresO NEW BRUNSWICK, N. Nov. 14.

The tenth victim of the Pennsylvania railroad wreck nenr Plalna-boro early Thursday woe Idontiried today as Earl T. Brown of Maine. Tho nine othor bodies have been removed by relatives. Timothy J. Carroll of Jersey City, engineer of one of the trains, wna arrested on ten warrants charging manslaughter In con- 1'uiHla.

I'age 8. Dr. Thampaon Appointed to Make Tulierculoel Teal In Soven Countlna. Puga 6. Federal Aid for Koada Favored; Campaign for Ita Count llutlon launched by County Coinmia- alonora, Pago 8, Marriage of Mra.

Nellie Edwarda of Illuo Itlver to l'ortlnud Man la 'Announced. Pago 0. County nml Oniron Plan for Propoaed Theatro In Springfield Near Completion. Page Mloalonnry In Ilolglnn Congo to no-turn to Hprlugfleld Homo. I'ngo reform, torn tne National wo man's Christian Temperance Union today.

"We must not blame police for (nr The AM-K-tatrit PreM) BUFFALO, N. Nov. 14. The aeml-nnnual meeting of tho board of blshopa of the Mothodlat Episcopal church closed today with tho dealgnntion of conferencea at which bishop will preside Many of tho bishops will leave tomorrow for Delaware, Ohio, to attend tho annual moating ot the board of foreign mlaslona. conditions," the speaker said.

Why acquit me ana convict Steve Gentry demanded Indig win, ine wroca uisc nignt 1 and todny was released from the Jttlddleaex county jail on 110,000 ball. nantly of the coterie which ac PohIhI Help to be Added December companied Stephenson back to the Jail. "Justice is breaking down because of the sentimental bail system and the ease with which the criminal can hire the ever-ready' bondsman and escape the consequences' of his crime through corrupt politicians." Mrs. Horning asserted crime costs every person in the United States between $8 and $10 It Is the most ridiculous ver ONLY ONE MORE RIVER TO CROSS. (By The' Aaaociated PrM) Nov.

14. Excitement over tho. thrilling last minute climax of the California-Washington football game today is blamed for the death from heart failure of Hugh O'Neill, 65, who fell as he was making his way to a street car with his son after the game, and died in the university Infirmary. Sherman "Wolfe, former city attorney of Monterey, who waa ln Berkeley for today's game, found on the street near the stadium suffering from severe hemorrhages. He was taken to the Berkeley general hospital, where his condition was reported to be serious.

John Schick, 15, and Miss Max-lne Maass. 14, were severely Injured when on their way to the football game their automobile collided with another and turned over. Schick's jaw was broken and Miss Maass suffered severe cuts and bruises. dict I ever heard of," Klenck spoke up. "It should be a notice to the public that it is not a vindication of any law, but persecution of the best man that ever lived.

He has been the best friend thousands of Indiana people ever BOOSTER PLANS OPPOSED had." 10 for Holiday Kuan at Springfield. I'ngo 8. Klttleth Wedding Annlvemnry Oh-aorved by Mr. and Mr. 1, Iuk, I'aga 8.

Surprleo Purty Given at Lone Pino. I'ago 1. Potato Ylold Ooort; Crop Bring 1300 an ucro for Hurrlaburg Mun. Pngo 7. Hhcep Will be Hhnwn In Enetorn Htook Rhowa by Kltor and Hub-linrd.

Pugo 7, Many Sidewalk Conatructod at Hurrlaburg. Pago 7. Additional New Note and For-. aonal. Page I and 7.

Snort a Golden Htmr Downed by Huakioa by Hnoro of 7 to 0. Page 0. CAREFUL SURVEYS ASKED OF COMMERCIAL BODIES TAX CONTEST IS LIKELY ON OPPOSITION EXPECTED FLOOR OF HOUSE (By The Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14. Con MANY KILLED IN SYRIA tests on the estate and automobile Yale la Overcome by of ATTACK MADE BY BRIGANDS ON VILLAGE I'rinceton.

page Chlrngn la Cnnthoil by Dartmouth Klovon. Pnao 6. (By The Associated Press) ST. PAUL, Nov. 14.

II! advised and hastily organized "booster programs' calling for the raising of new crops and the Indiscriminate Introduction of dairying wore criticised today by- Dt. John Lee Coulter, president of the Agricultural college of North and Dean F. B. Lin field, head of the Montana experiment station, at Bozeman. Addressing the closing session of the Northwest Agricultural conference on chambers of commerce the two educators declared commercial bodies should make the most careful surveys and studies of their districts before advocating radical changes in farming methods ln vogue.

Orogon la Dofouted by Agglea, 13 (By The Associated Press) BEIRUT, Syria, Nov. 14. One hundred and fifteen bandits and 40 Maronites have been killed during to 14, in Homecoming uumo on Hayword l'leld With Over 22,000 flpectntor, Preaent. Page 1. Kaolaa Heat MoKenaloa in Two an attack by bands of brigands on the village of Kawknba, near'Haa- 1 Faat Gumoa of Volloyball.

Pagu baya. The Information comes from French sources. tax rates appear likely when the proposed tax reduction bill reaches the floor of the house. Although modifications of both taxes have been agreed to by the house ways and means committee in preparing the bill on a non-1 partisan basis and an almost 1 unanimous report by the committee Is expected, some house members have expressed opposing views on these rates. Representative Watson Oi Pennsylvania, a Republican member of the committee, today announced he would seek repeat of the estate levy.

On the other hand somo house members. Including Representative Ramseyer, Republican, Iowa, are considering fighting the reduction ln eRtato rates proposed by the committee. When the encounter ended the munitions of the villagers were- ex. "OPEN WAR" DECLARED haunted and they retired toward Mardjeyou. where largo French forces are concentrating in order to WHITACKER IS TAKEN TO prevent the retreat of the CITIZENS AMI OKFICEIIS KIMi BANDITS Tho French understood that the HELD bandits have treated women and CALIFORNIA CONVICT AT HOSEBURG rtf The Aeioctnled rreae) children with the tAknost cruelty.

Damascus is described as no longer menaced except for 260 I brignnds who have been levying ROSEBURG, Nov. 14. Charles Whitaker, who escaped two weeks ago from the road camp at San Quentin, was arrested here this tin ii- wnicn re- liW 'ouohdown. rSlW wlth nl" bnclc' kffirii1? punl' Thl" (l5rd lCthe taM on knlilT' ln th no of dtini tho tK 10-yftfd lino. to n2cln.K tne btt" Wow.

"no whore kiS Bottl f10(n 11,6 t'V 'or I. "Mfeaon Wa, further bo. nnothar iZ "oh. Mnuta, Playing tho Oregon mKS1 tali Pnt by "ft hta "all, orango and tribute on outlying villages and for a band roaming to the northward DWNVHR, Nov. 14.

An "open war on bnndlta" In which "cltlaoiiB and peace offlcora who kill doapcrndoea" will bo given protection by tho law, waa doclnred today by Font or Clino, Donvor dtatrlct uttornoy, "Offlcora and citizens ehotild take no chance with bandit and WHITE HOUSE REJOICES EYES AF PRESIDENT TURNED ON AMHERST of liamascus. Four Christians have been killed by highway bandits a fow miles morning, by Deputy sheriff, uoorgo Sowell. Whitaker had served 18 months of a five-year sentence imposed for the theft ot an automobile. He had been permitted to go from Damascus. dead bandit aro proferablo to rap turod one," wn tho pronouncement of Cllne.

"Our cltlzon have a CHILD IS TAKEN HOME to the road camp from which he escaped with a companion. He was recognized by the deputy sheriff from a description furnished by the San Quentin prison. Whitaker says he waa arrested as a vagrant as Ashland two days ago, but was MILDRED HAMILTON LEAVES LOCAL HOSPITAL Mlidred Harnllton, the girl who was severely burned released without being recognized, last September, nnd for wbom 13 voluntoers gave bits of their flesh EXPLOSION KILLS THREE in nn operntlon to re-cover her (By The' Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Nov. 14-rWhllo national football upsets continued on the college gridiron today, three men the White House president, an employe, and a houae guest centered their attention on a game of much smaller caliber between two colleges ln Massachusetts. While hundreds called new- paper offices by telephone for big game scores, the only Inquiry from the White House was: "How did Amherst come out?" All three men attended Amherst while one has a son there am) there was great Joy when the returns showed thnlr toam won from Will-lams at Wllllamstown, 13 to 7.

Tho fans were President Cool-Idge, Edward T. Clark, his per- sonal secretary and Frank W. Stearns of Boston. John Coolldge ia a sophomore at Amherst, bnck and limbs recently, was taker. ACCIDENT IN SILVER-' MINE right to pursue their btialnoa wttn-out bolng molnstod by robber everyone of w))om la a potontlal murderor," ho declared.

SILVERTON MAN DROWNS SILVEnTON BOY IS BESCl'ED WHEN BOAT TTJUNS OVER (Hy The Annoolated Prom) SALEM, Nov. 14. Ulla Henlum, 11, of Sllvorton, wna drownod thl afternoon while boat-Ing on. the 'Pudding river. Bud Mullen, In another; boat, reaouod one boy, Tho body, waa found 1 00 foot from the acone of tho accident, The dead boy I the son ot Mr.

and lloiijum, home by her pnrenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamilton, -1167 High INJURES ELEVEN street, yesterday.

(By The Associated Press) The child had been a patient at the Paclflo Christian hospltnl since September 26, but following the MEXICO CITV, Nov. 14. Three men are dead and eight Injured as lor the Kn roK0n cnn llni fl 11 0,1 'ho Ag. If Wh' I'ootaoular tened hJ VjW 0. wlunm 8) a consequence of a premature ex akin grafting process, waa held to be sufficiently recovered to plosion at the Sun Juan silver mine near Pachuca City, according to dispatches from Pachuca Icavo tho hospltnl, although it will he many week yet before she will city.

ji be aulo to get out oi boa..

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