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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 1

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 28 PAGES If JT7 itill EUGENE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 192S NUMBER 1 jMT I IN TODA. GUARD PATROL BOAT IS BELIEVED IN DISTRESS BROWN GAINS POINT IN HEARING BEFORE COURT 11 IDEFEATEO STATE RESTS CASE. IN MURRAY MURDER TRIAL MORNING REGISTER Tli WiiiJm REDUCTION REFUSED T0II1ER0WK SENATORS GET LEAD BY 4 TO 3 VICTORY Kor Oregon! Hunduy, cloudy nnil CONVICTS WILL BK CALLED BY DEFENCE MONDAY KILL 2 HURT Ml i i unaeltliui; liioilarnle tmiiiinru-turel light Varlublo will. In, Ynal'vrduy'a wealliur In Kiikmio: Ci'utrnlla Offh-lulM DiWTlbo Cop-lure of Awimcd Aricr Kacapo From I'rlwin MiixIiiiuiii toniiiarutura, 114 an-gienn; nilnlniuni, iH; wind from northwent.

HIumu of rlvor, .8 or a fool. Continental Limited Leaves Equalization Board to Make MK.HHAtJi; 1'KIIiH OF VKKHEf, ADHIFT IN AI-K 1'iicl KiIiuiihUmI Fighting Ktorm; I'nigniciiU of lluillo CltJIw I'll kl lip from No lly Tho AmiclKltd Pie) IIOHTON, Oct. 1 1. The Cliurlca-lown nuvy yard her picked up a radio nieaeug at 1 Ihla morning which reud; "Wo or towing hr to NAM." Pirate Crew Outgeneraled I'ltKKIDKNT IIIHIIOP OHOKRKIl TO APPKAIt I.V COURT Court ItcliK'imil Inu-rforo In hurch Ailmluuiiriuliin 'or Hnrr Conn yiy The AMiMluled I'raaa) NKW OitLKANH, Oct. 10 Ordered by tho prealding blahop of the I'rotoalnnt iviilwoiml church to aiM'car before him Monday to receive nentenne after conviction on inesmen; Lack Ability, to Hold Charging Backs of Idaho Aggregation Track Near Arlington; Fireman Dead KiuniH) and VMnltr No Change In Assessment of Large Holders 1 By Youthful Manager of Washington AaaoMiiiiant on liirga Tlinlisr Holil- fit-: v.

Inga Allowed to Hiuml a Made by AoMnwor. I'ag I. HrhooJ Nuinn Choeen Kor New Hla- Nothing more wu received to trlot Aorooa KIvit. I'uan a. FOUR OTHERS INJURED Jl HIT! SHOWN ASSESSOR IS UPMLD Now Army Oooda HI ore to be cnurge or hnreay, Iiinhnp William Monlguinery Krown today Bought Interventlou from the United Htute courta.

Indlcuie whut ahln tha memmgn wiim from or lo whom It wu nt. It wu exnlulned thul NAM I the Opened In Itiuikln lllock. I'agn THRONES BRAVE STORM i Smashing Hit By Joe Harris rudlo cull for Norfolk. Cltlxenahlv In (liven lo Hnverul Kor. The effort waa tinrllnllv Ign-llorn Itealilenta.

1'uao 1. Engine and Cars Over In Deep Ditch At'ulmoat tho earn tlmo a frag-lueut of unnthnr mago wu re Uce to Score In Fourth Lower Valuation Placed on Hluwaon lol Hla Veura Mr' cany iy iiuuee. i'hko a. ful. Judge Loula Kurna, United Hlutn court of Kuatern Ixiulalana.

declined lo enjoin the houae of blKhopa, but olgned un order requiring the presiding blahop. the ceived lo tha effect thut a vemtel wu aground at "Old Point 16 Small Tracts Oruvel I'll Healri'd by t'ounl; foil- Brings Winning Score Quarter is Missoa l'rov. llre local Intorforcnc iiomniKion mm win io l-'ild, 6. llllihl Rev. Klliolbort Tallmt.

I.l.hnt. broka In und the rent of the meg-eugo wu loat. Pylhluna Will tin Kntertalued nt fcALKM, Oct. 10. Prosecution of Tom Murray, convfet charged with tho murder of John Sweeney, guard, during the prison break of Auguet 12.

came to an end at 3 o'clock this afternoon when the stale reated Ita case About ten witnesses, Including three Inmates of the penitentiary, will be called to the stand by the defense when court resume Monday morning. The fate of the accused man Is expected to be placed In the hands of the Jury late Tuea-day of- Wedneaday, Defense witnesses include Frank Fallon, Dale Arthur and Charlea Wllloa, convlcta who are expected to testify that the flrat shots were fired from the tower in which Sweeney a fid Guard John Hollman were killed instead of from the turnkey's office and a to conditions in the prison "bull pen." All three were in the north cell wing and eye witnesses to the shooting. Other defense witnesaes are not known. Charles D. Pilling.

Centralla, police officer, related in detail the incidents surrounding the capture of Murray, who freely admitted having killed Sweeney, he said. On the train to Portland of nelhlehem und member of the COLLISION IS NEAR TAMPA PROVES WEAK BURDEN ADMITTED HEAVY Two deatroyer nt Provlncotown luiivnrany Wllilo Horn Thle Wk. I'lie worn notified und tha cutter Itod MARBERRY HALTS RALJX Rice Make Spectacular Catch in Sermon Toplca fur Hundny Morn iiouho I blatiop, to uppear Wed-neaduy 1 annwer complulnt of the plaintiff. 'Thla I two duya after Ulahop Brown will have been deponed if the agreement of the house of blahop In curried out. MUlUIUllTNlulMllllg' Of Klglgtbl 111 amu Attempted During ing ai Huri li Aimouiiflod.

1'iiae RncomnicrulaUion Made That Some fry, Minute I'tar Cattle Club Formed; Oiiernavy IIIiiiikyI fiir. In Wlilch Olu In Killed mid jo Or Muni IHmoIiIiI Wing aturted for tho aceno. The culler Tumpu, crulalng near Cuah'a Lcilgn, wna ropurtod on her way to her uaaiaturice. It wa auld hero tha Tampa ahould tho drifting craft before iuurninff. (lovernmcnt radio The court Ik charv ahont In.

lrilra organlae. I'nga H. Eighth Cheating Smith Out of Homer). Threat Made to Protest Game) terferrlng In mattera of the Internal A. of Hun (a.

Clara Klnula Of- Bfethod of Evaluation For Arcaui He Worked Out By Mutual Co-operation Valnatlona-placed on the holdings ItbfoM Croup rvn ItanriXioiM ara Mnita nf Oroion lost Id "rat flcara. I'aga I. udrnlnlatratlon of ecclealaatlcul Five Marrlugo I.lcenaeN laauad ut lly Tlia III.AI.OCK. tlru In.) lll-Th. bodlea," Judge Burn told Joneph W.

Hharta, uttorney for Blahop wore la oonatunt com (By Tha Associated Praas) WASHINGTON. Oct in IHIice. I'uue l. of the larger timber ownera of l.ane (Continental Limited, Oregon, Waah- Brown. "Your petition obvloualv Keally Paalt Rapurted In shivering gale that swept with Arc county for 1026 by Aasenaor B.

F. I'nrta ut city, rag 0. ngion iiniiriuiil und Involve principle- laid down ip, the fundamental law of thla coun tic iury across Griffith stadium today left in it wake as wlM mi enaiooimu paaaonger trnln wa Keeney were allowed by the county b9urd of equalization to atand as ftond Men on Loruno Job Quit Work. I'aga 8. try that of complete aeparatlon of wooly a world series battle a haa wrecked nora lonlglit, killing fireman It.

II. mid Ntrloualy Injuring engineer Hull und lliriu ))- Htanflnld Prombwa Aid lo Parmera dHdiy afternoon, when Idaho illTkmr end of a 8 to 0 ecor. eVnrtliy linemen fulled 10 hold a d-snjlnf back of the Van-3iurtllon In tin Ihlrd qunr- tun Idaho had bnll on mw'i If.vard Una after rtcov-4 1 fumble. i. nidini dunrlor of (he munication with the CU-238.

The commander reported that tha crew wa very comfortable nd that the veoeel had auf fared no damugo and waa tint leaking. Illr The Aworiaiod Troaa) BOSTON, Oct. 10. Tho nonat guard patrol boat CO-238 with a crow of olitht waa adrift In a maae, accoruing to a report leauea by the Substantial reductkina were mode in the the church and atate. It la generally recognized that ecclealuatlcal ever been waged.

Out of this maelstrom with of Itlver Itoail In (lolling Itlver Htralghlancd. I'agn aungera. A hiilf dnron othnra wore cltement and thrills that left spec- Murray was quoted as saying that "he expected to Jump through the rope for what he had done." The valuation on tract of eight mailer individual timber ownera, these bodlea are aulonomoua. 'Thla court cannot inquire Into the merita of your ecclealaatlcul Commltlea la Working 'on I'rop- iuurH una piayer aizzy as well a -chilled. Washington's Inspired bat- cut and brulet-d.

The wreck oc. uurrvd ul Dilfft o'clock from on undetermined cauan. Tho engliin and cxproaa and bne- statements were substantiated by controveray. If the court hue Juris reductlona- being made on Mr. Keeney's recommendation to the board.

lunuris emerged victorious by a Kobert Mtratton uentralta police diction It cub only Inquire If the gala tonight 100 mile off the. on t. passed I ho bnll lo mini for a 10-ynrd gain on the fkj. From her the Vandal margin or four to three In the third man, who assisted In the arrest. gnge care and inuikxr all went over A atrong fight wait made by the 'Mias Blanche Barrett, court re MrumachuHett coaat, according to meeeagea received here.

Tha Voat, a 76-footor, exhaueted her fuel, It uia eninaiiKineiit Into tha ditch game of the championship tray, gaining a commanding lead of two games to one in the fight for base- ooay wnicn acted nua authority under canon of the church lo take action. I only cite the parties agahnrt whom you are proceeding to allow cauae why I may not grant porter, testified that Murray, in her presence and that of District aratlonn lor llnllowe'un Culvbru-tlon. Pago World Court la Tnplfl nf Itotury Talk by I'rofcaaor Hoover. I'nga Oriental drill Opena In a I-arge Crowd; Chlneao HUhea Featured. I'uk" V.

Rlglil-avera Arrlvn from I'ortlnnd lo View Wllluinillo Valloy. l'ugo I Aim t'ouiily aiul Vhdnllr The flrat cbiilr enr flew off Iin truck, other cum nro Imth off and wa ald, bucking tho atorin laal fell forcea tne nan 10 inn iwu. UbM from where Cnmoron took tw. Rt fHed to convert trr for point after tourhdown. cnnlaln.

led the Attorney John Carson and, others. larger timber ownera for a reduction. A hearing on their petition for a lower assessment was held before the board, lasting a day and a half. Claim was made by the owners that the valuations placed night and today. on the truck, aome Willi lha trucka roinaliiliig on the trncka und othcra admitted that if a calibre the Injunction prayed for.

You do dum greatest nonora. In thla ebbing and flowing- con-, fllct, the Senator came from behind to win with a. doling burst of combined attacking and a de- bullet had caused Sweeney's death, not ahow Irreparable loan bo the off. ffly Ttio ARNOclalod Proaal he had urea tne fatal iy-ou taam on the field at 1:10 IM the loud cheering of- the ipoolator who parked the Tho englnn turned complotoly court cannot laaue a reatralning order before a hearing Is had. It Other witnesses were J.

W. XJlIIe, ovr and plownd about 900 ft tensive orituance but only after NORFOLK. Oct. 11. A fragment of a rndio moaaage picked up at tho Hampton Rouda by the assessor this year were fat beyond the sale value of the land, but to offset this the assessor pre la rather a grave thing for a secu deputy warden; Dr.

R. L. Edwards, Club tn Have Kahlblt In Koao Hhuw aricr leaving the track. Tho ditch tn tnuidilana, lunno nppearcu mejltulr after the Oregon team. prison physician, who testified as at the alrio of the track at the lar court to attempt to say 'stop' In thla matter.

That might amjunt sented figures which he claimed nnvnl boaa thla morning aaid to the condition of Lute Savage, eiiMimi look a few mlnutna to nt Hprlngflnld. I'ngo 1. Hoy of Five Mario tn Hliip Hmoklng by Hnrlngflold Juatlce. I'nga t. point Whore' tho wreck occurred "Full of wntor and can't got pumpa a twisting -and shifting struggle filled with pulse stirring play and bad onea, aenaational hitting aa well aa impotency at the bat, consummated strategy as well aa bad generalship.

to aouae Ul auuiuniy. guard shot beneath the heart and ins ut. Idaho rhoee to kirk off represented sales that had actually been made and placed his valuations accordingly, also on figures furnished by. a special Investigator. to The meaaage.

It wa said, came who is now in a critical condition; Hi root Work Near Comploted: MMtoDyxint trie nan to niiin- waa about 15 foul deep. Iiijuruaf Itclluycd ftcrlnu HI? Tlio Aoclatfl l'rcii Sergeant Robert H. Craddock, from a ahln that wa standing by tirt. oreiton opened up ua rantea tint illicit with WeKell Bend WILD DUCKS POISONED Portland, and Donnegan Wiggins, another but tho name of neither v. Final Charge Stopped Joe 'Harris, 'bulky- riarht fielder s' ball down the field for The board In lt report states that It cannot relieve Itself of the feeling that timber may toe carry Salem, gun experts, both of whom identified the bullet taken from Sweeney's head as being fired from UALADY 18 INVESTICATED AT I rmU I Wrterl Good Punier of the Senators won the game when wa obtained.

The ehlp lending tho meaaago waa believed to be about 100 mile oft MontauK Hernlnn lo ba liuay. I'nga 1. Drainage la Dlaruaaed In Tluny Meeting of llnrrlahurg Council, l-uae 1. Flrldga I'rogreaa Mnde nt llarrla-burg. Crew of fainter la ut Work.

I'aga i. ing an unjust burden of taxation TAMI'A, -Oct. 10. Ono pernnn la known to huvo been killed nnd at leant ten aerloualy If not fulnlly Injured when two Atlantic Coaat Lino pnaaenger trittua crnahed head-on IB mlica TVLE LAKE the same gun round In the posses in Wtblootere kept lha bnll In nis smashing hit scored Stanley Harris in the seventh with what Point. but that It feels that the assessor and the timber holders should en aion of Tom Murray at the time of a flm half due to tha punting proved to be the deciding run and 1 (ny The ABMclaled Preea) his arreat.

liny of Wtlstl, who reaemblea KLAMATH FALLS. Oct deavor to reach some basis of evaluation that would be fair to the 10. That thousands of wild ducks FAST TRAINS PROMISED eaat of here tonight. Tha engineer of trnln No. 82, whoae name la believed to he Hlcka.

I BUI Btw-ra, Oregon a- famous of 111, both In gottlng'ofr kpwuand In dlatam-e. During timber1 owner and fair to the Old Clock la Italic of HnrtUburg Man. I'ngo I. Mm. Hlovene, I'lnneer of 1S(H, Dice which are dying in the marsh JAMES B.

DUKE DIES county. 'Assessor Pleased waa Inatuntly klHcd when thrown au avernard 41 yarda on lands of Tulo lake are suffering from botullnus nbiaonlng waa the al Collage Grave. Hnga S. 8. P.

OFFICIALS ON STAND IN from tho engine. turmsned the climax of a two run rally that put the champion In front for the first time, but It waa saved by Sam Rice and Fred Mar-berry. in the closing two innings of drama. Rice, In the eighth, robbed Earl Smith, ot a home raiwwltn -nar- velous one-hand Catch as he pled over the center field bleach- Iteunlon and lllrthday Cclohratlon a ateu while little I(rnt aver rtant tl for Idaho. Assessor Keeney In commenting TOBACCO- MANUFACTURER IS I.

a a HEARING The Injured aro being ruahed to belief expreaaed here tonight by Dr. Q. S. Newaom, county health office following an autopsy on to ba Held at lha llnnm uf Mre. laano Land Today.

I'uge 1. tnia city. upon the final action or the board, aid: -v Oram hid 'oruh real chunce In ilial ninrter to push the ball ILL SEVERAL. WEEKS (By The Associated "Press) Auto Ooe Over Hnnk Near Col- my Tha Aaaeclatad Prona) Oct. Whtof tne stricken necoteW to ssy I am miicli taga tlrova and Two are Injured.

it idano line for aAlatrwnul lie lit' mnr gratified with the co-operation ac YORK, i Oct 10. James I'iiu I. Foater train aervlca between Portland and Klamath Falls and be er barrier into the laps of specta- nntlly bad (he Vail on ita own corded mo on the part ot the other U. Duke, tobacco manufacturer, Oranao Meeting Held at Crenwell; members of the board of equal died tonight at 6 o'clock, at. his 'ora.

fniie. maroerry, giant renei I'lnna Mudo for Vlalt to Charity Coincident with hla announcement of tho autopBy result. Dr. Newaom issued a county-wide warning against eating ducks, from the Tula lake district until more thorough analvala of the strange malady has been made. home after an Illness of several nunerwno nao repiacea juex rer- tween Klumath Falls and the East, both In paaacnger and freight and a pnrlty of rate as betweon Bend and Klnmath Falla to eoatern Orungo Near llarrlauurg.

riige I Kiiurta lzation (Judge Barnard and County Clerk Bryson) on thU occasion. Thla haa -been a recofTTyear for No. as, tho other train, la one of tha faateat oporalml by tho rond. W. 1).

Kuniimy. 35. of Jackaonvillo, exprena nicaaonger, wna probably tha moat aerloualy Injured. Ho aiiffercd I aevoie fracturo of the akull. Flrat Scut Inn IruMd Ten porjn.

Including alx no-groea, were brought tn local hoe-pltnla. l'uaaengera nf No. S3 any they puaaed tho flrat aectlnn of No. K9 ut Heffncr, which probably Recounted for a miaunderatandlng Bprlngflold to Moot -Ilrownavlll anl line and elected lo kick. booted lha ball to yarda to ho Mood on hla own 10-4 Km.

The lltllo quarter made tab at the ball lint Oen istti Oregon guard, hit him. lit intod and Uhlelda recovered, tliaisre Oregon the ball on tha complaints received before the Baturdny; UcrlminiiHO Htiirtcd. I'ngo 6. weeks tnat ronowea a nervous ana physical In one of his last statements before his death, Mr. Duke said his passing would have no effect on the future of his varied interests, board and it is pleasing to me that In no Instance has there been any STEAMER IS ON REEF tlrownavllla Plny fl- Tlo With dissension in the dispose! of the finrrlahura.

I'ngo several complaints." ll-rard Una with four Pennant Winning Henht Tako Fifth 'as all 'were in good hands. The board of equalization yester (lama In How. rage a. ana, to advance tha hall for a The much heralded back- of Oregon's placed Iteolf In Montana Lnaea 10-30 In Oame With Waahlngton; Orlaallva day announced the figures on the reduction ot assessment on the 16 tracts of timber owned by eight In Show Improvement Over Laat dividuals, as follows, the first cot wo for the attempt. Jonea i attempt through tho Una fUM aa tha Una waa unablo of algnul.

Train No. 89 running threo hour Into waa traveling 40 mtlra nn hour, trying to nmko up for loat time. No coachea left tho truck. Tho exproa car of No. 82 For several years Duke' had not taken aa active part In the conduct of the many enterprises In which he was Interested.

Actual management was entrusted to men he had trained, with whom he frequently went to his New York offices and kept in close touch with business umn of figures being the assess. jam a noi. Anderson aur end the Idaho teni-i ami mm. ment as placed -hy Air. Keeney and the second the valuations as agreed upon by the board: polnta wore the chief features of promlaea made by Routhorn Pacific nfflclala today at tho hearing hero before Chnrle 1).

Mahoffle. director of flnnnce of the Intcratate commerce commlaalon. II. A. Hallmark, general freight-agent of the Southern Pacific linen, declared the rate from Klamath Falls to Chicago would be no higher than the rate from Bend to the same point over the Northern P.

L. Burkholter. flrnt oa-slsturit general manager nf the aamo company, declared that the Eugone-Klamnth Fall line and the Alturoa line would moan that through passenger trains will make tho trip from Portlnnd to Klamnth Falla In about' 11 houra and limited train In even leas time. Through freight trains would make the trip from tho Portland gateway In ,27 to 28 hours, ho a hurdled tho cub er tno engine, Year. I'ngo Ryekman Hnlln Inter out In Trout Company and Helnatnted aa Htata Hatchery Superintendent.

Pago C. Idaho Defeat Oregon hy Bcoro of 6 to 0. Pag conchea wero badly dumnged. guaon, stopped the last desperate charge of the Plratese In the ninth after filling the bases with only one out and pitching three straight balls to the last batsman, the dangerous Traynor. before a fly to Earl McNeely ended the threat.

Catch Held Unfair To cap the climax of all this, pouHibllits of a protest from Pitts-, burg came after the game on the ground that Rice had not made a fair catch of Smith's drive but dropped the ball, then picked it up again Inside the bleacher. The issue of this went so tar that Bill McKeohnle took up with Landis the possibility of making formal complaint, -based upon affidavits of spectators who volunteered to testify thai Rice had missed the catch, but this move was abandoned when Landis made it clear that no reversal oft the field of combat -could be made on a question Ot an umpire's Judg-ment and in this case, Charley Klgler, making decisions from his -second base post, had ruled tha catch fair and legal. 38,000 See Conteat It was'- such a strugKle fought Auessea Keauceu io throwing paaavnaoHa to a pue to Jonea for a five wmo, Oregon had two downa tlrt yardi to go. donee hurled awitthe line but (hit Vnn.4.1 COMOX IS STRANDED IN FOG AND REPORTED SUNK I (By The Associated Press) VICTORIA, B. Oct.

,40. Word received here tonight said that the steamer Comox, reported sunk after hitting Lamlnt reef In Albernlcanal, an Inlet on Vancouver island, is hard and fast on a reef. She stranded in a fog. The tug Port Alhernt was sent to her assistance. Sho is expected to be refloated.

The Canadian government merchant marine steamer Canadian Miller, which went ashore at the mouth of Franklin channel In Al-bernl canal, in a heavy fog this morning, was floated late today. 11020 tho floor. I Sallte E. Mury E. Berser Mary B.

Berger P. Ness wll held. him to but a ono Wo. Anderaon tried another S. P.

N'eia 2400 40 40 470 2270 1600 8. P. Nesa FRENCH MISSION SILENT mnn over the llrlo but In mid leramhU tn iim hn -it Disabled Vessel Found (By Tho Associated Press) -New York, Oct. 10 A radio call from the steamship Cnmeronla. stating she was sending by an unknown vessel disabled on the high seas about 200 miles, east, of Nantucket- lightship, ---was.

received here tonight by the wireless station P. Nosa W. Shumata Hulwi la Kclcctcd PALKM. Oct. 10.

Ilolae, Idaho, was aelected aa the 103S convention city of the Columbia River branch of tha Wantons' Foreign Mlsalonary aoclety ot the Mothod-lal Kplacopul church, at the bual-nesa aoaaion today. "taed. Thle nave hlnho the 135 2S00 2000 2000 1000 3160 4800 2880 2100 4800 8250 600 4800 2070 J. W. MF.MIlF.ltM SF.K.U IMPUFXHIil) F.

Titus P. Tltua Gatate John Weat 1440 720 1600 6000 5000 2400 2400 IY AMERICAN VISIT (lly Tha Anoclaleit Prou) PARIH. France, Oct. 10. Com of the Radio Corporation of 'Amer Batata John weat Emily B.

Potter ica. Ida L. Kelly THE FIRST NOMINATION OFFERING plete official alienee aurrounded tho entire French inlaalon which Board Makes Statement The statement ot the -board of readied Pnrla thin evening from CORN HUSK KING Wuahlngton. Official alienee, however, aoon gave way to Inform equalization on the matter of assessment of the larger timber owners follows: 'v i out in a swirling gust that often clouded the. Infield add In frigid temperature, that marked the first -of three games on Washington al friendly talk from which the I Ml There have been riled and con opinion wu gnlhereit unit tno soli and was witnessea by a crowa sidered toy the fcoard of 'equalization petUlfns from some 16 corporations and Individual generally of 36,000, with President and Mrs.

member ot tho mtaaion were greatly Impreaaad by tho continued oourteay and wolcome they wore accorded In the United Htatra. representing tne -duik oi too larger timber holdings of Lane county; Si" "7" "yra line and aenvblg chance for Orgon to gone. Lf rwr Ua men played poor of. l1" Ijlnohea when Oro. -Jmm and Wotael plnyod good Ih.

lino on tho 'nlotly lf. the Idaho fumou. m- The comblnn. and acvornl long were completed. MAVwho.

aot th on nearly Hla pluy. "It tMk I. h.1.0kl'? Ut looking hW'fSShTi, ckflold and Cool.Idge occupying a box behind the dugout of the Senators and other notables In government life braving the wintry blasts to cheer the champions on to victory. They believe that the mlaalon'a and there have been filed some nine trip to waanington in arm nt ran-. uro to reacn a rinui acuoru, win it was a battle tnat containea not have been In vuln.

petitions of individual holders representing comparatively small holdings. Some evidence has been presented before the board of a detailed character in supiort of the every element ot baseball and at M. Catlluux and tho rnmnlnder of the minion arrived nt Havre early In tho afternoon and ramo dlroatlv to Pari. M. Caillnux iwna petitions ot these small ownerships.

Ait the request of Mr. Keeney, onoorod nonrtliy ly nirgo orowun county these were reterred outalde tho HI. Luaare atatlun. back to him tor further investiga tion, and upon his recommendation, these have been generally re GUN LEFT FOR PRISONER duced, and finally disposed of as elsewhere recorded In detail in the Droceedlngs of this board. GUARDS CATCH MAN HIDING "As to the petitions of the larger timber Interests, namely: Weyerhaeuser Timber company.

the REVOLVER AT PRISON SALEM. Oct. 10. While Rooth-Kellv Lumber, company, times even nun tne umpires scratching Jher heads to unravel disputed situations. It was a ble of opportunities won and lost in which the Senators seized the greater advantage with their bats and arms while the Pirates tell down woefully In the ptncheB, checked three times in their rush with the baaes full twice by Fer- guson and once by Marberry.

It was a duel ot skill In which the combined effectiveness of the, Washington pair outshone even the brilliant work of Ray Kremer, who went' the full route for the Buc- canoers. Lastly, It was a test of wit In which the youthful Bucky Harris, lighting for his second straight world's series championship at the age of 28, outgeneraled and guessed his veteran rival, McKeohnle and Fred Clarke, at every turn. i narrut' Strategy Winn In the final analysis, It was this brilliant strategy employed by Harris that decided the tense and ting- -ling contllet It was successful flrat lands of Fred W. Bradley, personal oroDerty of Fred W. Bradley, lands of John F.

Kelly, Coast Range watching for liquor "plants" on the prison lawn tonight prison officials and deputy ahorlffs nnhhod a man giving" tho name of Nagel Borhus, Portland, In tha not ot hiding a. ,38 caliber rovolver. Tho man dealared that he wa hiding the gun. for one of tho prisoner Lumber company. Dollar Portland Lunuber company, David Auld and H.

C. Auld, as Mohawk Lumber company. Pacific Timber company. having Sdi? L01" Jinx? brol8 tho Anderson and Mtddleton Lumber company, McKenzle River Timber out. did not name the convict, ho ndmlttod that.

ho had visited tho company, rean 'nmuer company, The Drew Timber company, James Sheldon Riley, C. W. Stlmson, -Lil i i 10 0. Tin iZmLHuaK o' all prisoner during the state fair nnd a chook will ho mnde on the visitor's register In tho turnlioy'a of-f Ico. Wnrdon A.

M. Dnlrymplo, who ordaiod guards on wntali stated that during tho summer when tho skntlng rink wan opor-atod empty bottles wero found on the lawn and that he believed bootlegger hid tholr ware on prison Dronortv. The rink oponed lian Travle. Careful Consideration Given petitioners come before the board contending that they are not equably aBaeased as compared with other classes of property. The board has given careful consider in the seventh inning rally ot tne Senators, when Lie bold sent In to 'aKtd v.U ArtoV: bat for D'erguBon, got tne spun under Kremer for a pass and Uoslln, wno had rammed out a terrltio home run to the fur center Held bleachers In the ation to the arguments and evidence submitted by these petitioners and sr ss, the LLVff rtoP-rt.

tonight for the flrat tlmo In weoka I via. ceding Inning, caught the Pirate de- and the prison guard were aup-Qlomonted hy deputy sheriff. la Jn tho county Jail. iiim.lt0" fore vim. their and rind union to Justify tholr appearance before this board.

"If these petitioners have not received an equable assessment at the hands pf the county assessor, the burden Is upon them to establish that fact before this fconrd. By common consent they have all submitted their claims to be considered here under the same general evidence. They have proposed, as a basts of values for comparison. LLOYD GIVEN SENTENCE IV wllh 1 turaii.Sno antl looked 'uoaea HANG RAUN SLAYER WILL NOVEMBER 80 lenao tlattooted with a bunt that filled the buses. This laid the fuso for tha run gottlng fires that wore lit Immediately afterward by Joe Judge sacrifice fly, scoring McNeely, who replaced Llebold on the path and Joe -Harris' single, bringing In Stanley Harris, whose lntleld tap had gotten him to base on a hit tor the flrat time In the aerie.

Bui the master stroke of all the young Waahlngton field mar-snull waa to tollow. It aouaisted ol. utttenstve ahitt In wnlcn McNoeiy wus'uunt to cehler Held and Hlce DALLAS fin. net. 10 W.

R. on Ih ft. h' Kelvin. P'aya W. E.

Blaln, of Wichita, la Lloyd, gO.yeur-old convicted slayer tuposed to wealthy rrom the sale of corn husks, for which he pays 1130 a ton, selling his product to the transactions In. lands for the first sovon months of 'the -year 11126, basing the value upon the considerations expressed by the revenue stamps upon tho convey ot unnt 1. Ifatm, Independence, Oregon, taxi driver, wan sentenced today to ho hunged nt Snlcm on S3? si firms on the Pacific Coast, Mil November 80. Lloyd wa found loTT- threw ikZ ances. No evidence by cruised EiilHy Wbuneadiiy.

Sentence wan lion of hot tumales arc wrappoa In the husks. A knife und whet-gtono are, his sole pronounced hy circuit Jiitlgo Itmn aey. (Continued on page column 2) (Continued on pnge 3, column S).

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