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The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio • Page 24

Elyria, Ohio
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filtlttittiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiititttilimiliillfitftlfiltlfHliiiiiliiiiim THE ElYRIA CHRONICLE-TELEGRAM ULtltlA, OHIO Audit finrMu Of 131 Second ElyflA, Ohio L6riUft Prtnllhft Publishing A. C. HUDNUTT. Ct.A IIM QKOnQR. PublllhM and i IH.

10 man tft.60 John W. CulljB Companf CtftCAGO, N. Michigan NEW YORK. 680 Fifth Kt, A i district. consistent local affairs.

District, of Columbia as has persistently refused the 2i" Tuesday, November 25. .1047 Objectives for District 01 Columbia Anyone, who 1ms ever lived in Wnsbi.iifrl-oii, D. is fully awnrc of HIP ninny problems eoiiccniiiig home rule in the nn- tion's ciipilnl. Km 1 the pnst toil mnnllis or so sppcinl suh- comtuittcc of Mir House Committee of the District of has been studying HIP problems of lio'me rule in (lie District. Its work bus been very silnilnr to tlinl of speeinl coni- miltee nppointed by President Truman to inquire into civil rk'iits of residenls of Ihe District, Both committees have recommended Hint the people who live in the restricted urea known us Hie District of Columbia privileged to vote, find both committees IIHVC approved njrrcnl- er mensnre of initoiiomy for Ihe people who live in the federal All the people who work for Uncle tfiim nnd who live in the District iff foliimbin nre unnble to vote for President, Conjjressnum mid Senator beeiinsc they are tiniiblp.

to cliiiin residence in stiile. Simihirly, nil the people who live in the District of Columbia lire unnble lo vote for nny munieipnl nil- Ihorities the municipal irovernmenl of.the capital city is beholden spccinl eomiiiillee of Congress and not to the freeholders nnd voters of "Washington, D. C. Accordingly, both the llonsc subcommittee on home rule nnd reorgHiiixHtion of the District of C'olmnbin and the Presidents' Commiilee on Civil Rights hnve agreed on the following objectives for the District of Columbia: Relieving Congress of the housekeeping functions of the district: renting representative locnl poyernmciit for the district isisting of democrat ienlly elected municipal representiitiveM Providing an. efficient nnd representative local municipnl governmental body for the District of Columbia.

Whether these objectives can be. achieved in the present session of.Congress is question. For more limn half century both political parties have been opposed to giving the residents of Washington an adequate voice in national affairs, and over longer-period Congress has been reluctant to give the residents of theflistrict any voice Congress has long regarded the its own bailiwick, and Congress residents, predominantly federal employees or officeholders, any voice in the conduct of their municipal government. Reports of these two committees, arriving at their conelu- Mons independently, should serve to influence Congress to give Washington, now a ranking American city, and its residents, a position of self rule in keeping with the national capital's population and importance. Visas For The Russians Complaints have been made from time to time that Russians find it.

very easy to gain access to our factories. Heccnt- ly revelations were made by workers in a factory that Russian technical employees had gained access to that, plant and were in a position to find out anything they wanted to know. Complaints have readied Washington and Senator Alexander Wiley, Wisconsin Republican is authority for the statement that the Stale Department is now reviewing its policy of granting visas to visiting Russians. Senator Wiley was one of a gron'p of Senators, members of the Judiciary Committee and others, who sought visas to visit Russia last Summer, This group of Congressmen was denied any offiical entry into Russia, and their request was subject lo considerable, criticism over the Soviet radio for even seeking the privilege. The Congressmen were characterized on the Soviet radio as husybodies trying to intervene in Russian nf- fnirs.

When Moscow specifically denied any entrance permit, for the American Congressmen, Senator Wiley asked the I'. S. State Department for information regarding the number of Americans permitted in Russia and the number of Russians permitted in the United States. His request followed one made previously by Senator Ferguson of Michigan along the same lines after the Clark ICqnipmcnt Company union requested similar information regarding the number of Russian technicians admitted to study industrial processes at the, Huchanaii plant. Undersecretary of Suite Robert A.

Lovett made a dirccl reply to Senator Wiley, in the first official statement of our Slate Department regarding the interchange of citizens between America and Russia. The Undersecretary of State asMTted: Department is not in position to maintain accurate statistics on the issuance nf Soviet visas to private American citizens inasmuch as any Imlder of a valid American passport may apply I'm- receive Soviet visit without informing this Department: It may lie staled a generalization, however, that the Soviet irt'Vcrnincni since the outbreak of World War II has disemirageil travel to the Soviet Union and that American applying for Soviet mii-l demonstrate lo the satisfaction of tin- Soviet authorities some compelling reason for their projected visit before favorable action is taken on their application." All ibis simply moans ibat Americans are no admitted to Russia unless they have rea-oiis going there. The Congressmen in Senator Wilcx thought they had such compelling reasons, but MOSCOW llioiiuht otherwise, and spclit considerable propaganda time reviling any reasons fop Congressional group inspecting Russia. On Senator insistence. Undersecretary l.ovett dis closed that there jjre now Till! Russians in the United states on federal pomms.

while only Americans arc now in Rns- sia on Soviet The AYUciinsin Senator is now assured that the State Department is ivvieu ju processes jssiiinV jsj, to Russians to enter the United States, and Senator Wiley is eniill-d to Rome skepticism indcss ibis sji, iri immediate curtailment of Russian cniry permits. It is another's fault if he be uiigratelijl. i it I do not give. To find one ihmikful man. oblige uwny that an- not THE or THE UPON AXIS is so eesuLAe IT DOES DOGS fiTR WtttRHOLB, WILL THE DOSS NOT VASY OP A SECOND IN 1,000 s.f.eics of isriio Mali sacii-j fired to' do Ihe luinif i Children Make sacrlficiM In Scdecwick County, Kansas, i the school children collected'Waste-1 ran errands, saved their! inilil they, nii'cd enough buy one whole cm-load of Wheat faiid lull's, a lot of wheat) In Phil.ul-oJphln, the children of the John Bartram High School contributed seven times as much money us the Pennsylvania Nfouiufactuiers Grundy's higli- lariff outfit which used to write U.

S. tariff laws. In Grand Island, Nebraska, the tciimslcrs union, headed by Hill furnished twenty iivcn to kind cars In Trenton, N. snvitz, a teacher in Negro school, had won a war prize for making parachutes. The prize was a Bible.

When the train passed through Trenton she came to the station Wilh her school children nnd asked that the Bible be sent with the train to Europe. In Newton, Kansas, the Mermen- ilc church scoured the adjacent wheat-growing counticsHinlil 28 cars of Wheat and flmir Were attached lo the Friendship Train The Tall Corn Network in Iowa staged an nil-out radio drive for food nnd lunds, later reported thai, for the first lime, people who phoned in to Ihc radio stations pledging money more than they pledged. WASHINGTON MERRY-(iO-ROUND ly ORIW PIARSON ABOARD THE SOUTHWEST SPECIAL FRIENDSHIP A lot of my editors are probably, wondering when I am going to quit collecting food und back to being newspaperman tso, also, is my wife). However, when the people of the Southwest announce thai they've been blessed with a big wheat crop and want to share it with others, and when they go out and raise some 150 carloads of wheat with no urging from anyone and no help from their government that, in my opinion, is news. Furthermore, it's invigorating, stimulating news, that I get a lot more kick out of writing nboul than I do pecking through keyholes in Washington.

One of the hardest things to tell in print, however, is the enthusiasm, the generosity, and the enterprise of the American people sponse has been equally warm and thrilling. This has not been government aid from diplomat to diplomat, but from people to people. Every conceivable cross srctiun of American life has cooperated. Railroads and railroad employees, towns and big towns, nil religions, all rich and turned out at the railroad to help build the bridge of friendship between Europe and the United In Ft. Worth, Texas, bin-hearted Amon Carter, Vvho usually Rives away broud-brimmeci Tjxas hats, this time gave nway 15 carloads of flour lalong with other Ft.

Worth Down in Texas tho eight dis-tricl managers o.r the Lions Club worked so intensively that carload after carloiul came in from all over Long View, Odessa, Austin, Amnrillo, PJuinvicw, Lubbock, Sher- Beaumont. Other service plus local radio slations and man, clubs, newspapers, worked 'with them. The Hock Island Railroiid and the Missouri Pacific helped tho Santa Fe by bringing these off-thc-mainline cars to Wichita, where the Santa Fe Southwest Special started. In Pennsylvania, the Rending Railroad also cooperated with the Pcnn RR In hauling off fivv cars. Outstanding Response Greenville, S.

decided to attach one boxcar to the Friendship Train, but, bcfoic it finished, hooked on two. Reported Broadus Bailey of Greenville: "For muny years I have helped our community campaigns, but never have I seen such a voluntary response." In Toledo, Ohio, Arthur Wiolnnd. vice president of Willys organized a fleet of station wagons and jeeps to pick up douations. Up in the mountains of Central Pennsylvania, well off the main line of the train, Lockhnven and Renovo insisted on loading cars. So did Williamsport, Clcarficld, Belle- Tyrone and "other Because Califor- much time to or- Cost Of Living Dispute Vital To Sen.

Robert A. Tnft's campaign for be boosted or damaged beyond repair by the high-cosl-of-llving dispute in Congress. Right now President Truman has tho Republican dongrcss and Taft on the "spot. Mr. Truman has a ck-finilc and publicly slated program the Republic-fins have 1 not.

Tho is where Tafl's political future lies in the. balance. He repudiated much of the Truman program last week a few. hours nfter tho president outlined it before a Joint session of Congress. In particular, Tafl objected to wage-price controls nnd rationing, limited or not.

There has been a scattering of protest that Tnfl took too much on himself when he answered Mr. Tru- ninti with. an immediate Republican majorities supported by some conservative Democrats pretty well established GOP policy on controls and rationing at the last session. The Repub' Means were against them. It is a bet that the feOP 'will stand hitched to that policy and, in effect, make good on Tuft's broadcast repudiation of curtain phases of Mr.

Truman's plan for our home front economy. But If months c'lapse and the price situation becomes worse instead of better, the Republicans, and Tnft, will criticism lhat be a they fair target for failed to give Willium Allen cars, to say nothing of Pueblo. Stanion, Kansas City, Topeka, Penrui, 111., and Dodge' City, Mill City, La Crossc. Sterling, Hays, Lawrence, Navarre, Bird City, Syracuse and Winficld. all in Kansas.

And so on and on The roll- call of American generosity Is too long to tabulate here but it's bills of lading out just one the heartfelt desire of millions of Americans to help and to live at peace with their fellow'men. (Copyright. 1947, by The Syndicate, Inc.) the prosid-oiil thft tools he Wanted to do the anti-inflaiion job, On the record of the present Con- so far, the substitute program to cope with high living costs Would include: 1. Tiix reduction for all brackets of individuals. 2.

A substantial dcciense in gov- a-imiciit spending. The Republicans do not have much belter chance to get Mr. Truman's agreement to those objectives thali he has to obtain Iheirs for wage-price control and rationing. The Congress hiay substantially reduce long-term financial aid 10 Europe as proposed in the Marshall Plan. But that would hot materially reduce govern cut spending next year below the levels of this year.

It seems likely, therefore, that the Republicans finally Will Vote to Mr. Truman soitio but hot all of the anti-inflation powers he During the regular session beginning next January the Congress Unquestionably will pass another tax reduction bill and Mr. Truman will have to decide whether to veto It in an election year? Me has Velodd two tax reduction bills since last January. The Republicans prob' nbly, will make some reductions in Mr. Truman's budget request for appropriations in addition to any trimming of the Marshall Plan.

Committee Chairman Taft is chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee and of the joint House-Senate Economic Committee. By force of his own character, his candidacy for president and his dominant Senate position, Taft vvill be the Re" tonic, Bedford, off-line towns'. nia didn't have ganize, the citizens of Berkeley when it comes to friendship. This giving food for was the most spontaneous movement toward world brotherhood and friendship this country has probably ever seen and chielly behind it is the belief that, whereas battleships can win wars, fond r.sin help win the peace. Thrilling Kcsponne For two weeks now I have been riding three different sections of the Friendship Train, from Sunny California, through snowy Wyoming, across the brown plains of Kansas and through the smoke-bc- firlmed industrial cities of Pennsylvania.

But. regardless of geography, weather or industry, the re- In Sccaucus, N. the farmers, under the leadership of Mayor John J. Kane, sold pigs and contributed Ihe cash equivalent of one pig each to the Friendship total $2,800 David C. While.

residents) and had the flour bags! raised $4,000 after the train loll, cspcciully stamped with mc-ssagcs'The momentum of Oakland's drive tb the French and Italian people, also carried over, so energetic Mayor Joseph E. Smith has just reported city raised a total of $46.613 Los Angeles, the start- Ing point for the first Friendship Train, also raised $35.000 after the train left. They couldn't stop the money from rolling in. Genuine Generosity Oul in Colorado's dust bowl. Baca County sent two carloads ol wheat, the Springfield, Lions Club one and Walsh, one- genuine generosity from an area Which may not have a crop next year.

Corpus Christ! and the Rio big wheat farmer 20 mile's south erf Dodge City. 'Kansas, gave live carloads of wheat because, as he ex pressed it, Ihe 25th chapter ol Matthew, Christ 'as ye have done unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it Onto Dick Long, managing editor of Ihe Wichita Eagle, practically quil being a newspaperman in oider to organize this Southwest Special of the Friendship Train. of "newspapers used up tons of precious newsprint Idling their readers about Ihc train Grandd Valley of Texas, though far from the train's starling point, sent five cars; diminutive Garden City, Kansas, two cars; Ernporia.i town of Ihe laic' gro a re A man of a grumbling from silver plate, while one upon a crust. K. I', lirown.

pirit eat a vsith a yratefnl dinner mav feast Our thanks should be petjtiows for mercies calls gratitude fervent in. ll the mother for received arbs Simmons. GIVE YOUR WIFE FREEDOM FROM WORRY 'A Blaser Company Gift Certificate from you to her means that money worries for 1948 will be eased by remodeling that spare room attic space intp an apartment that rents for as much as $60,00 a month. See us today for details on easy term payments that make your waste space remodeling pay or itself in a few months. Write Us Today or Phone 35-973 BLASER COMPANY of virtues, the most capital of ill duties, aud uses the words and terms, iuseparabl.v united in the ehaiactcr.

Pri4e is to the character, like tin- tlie HI if attic to tlu- house Ua.v, the BUILPERS and CONTRACTORS 20 Centgry ilyrig, Ohio BE SURE For your next dry cleaning order to call a member of ElyrU Dry Cleaners Assn. Your assurance of fine qual- Real Cleaners Middle at Fifth Ph. 2700 IHiblican identified in nilncis willi. is done about living costs, if the Republicans withhold froni Mr. Truman some of the tuithoriiy he sought and living costs go higher, Taft will be iii trouble Prices look to be the top issue of.

the 1048 election. if a limited grant tjf authority to th; president is followed by an "improvement in the home price and production situation, Taft claim and get much' of the 'credit for thnt. Taft's joint econoinic committee will meet (his week to seek a rounded ftcpublican aflli- inflation program. Months miisj elapse before Ihe political pay-btf on the dispute over what to do about the cost of living. By next November the voters in the polling booths should in a pretty good position to say who was right and who was Wrong.

taft's friends point to the months ahead and confidently predict their man Will be proven right and, they add, as usual. Of this there can no doubt: Taft is the top Republican policy maker'and has been lol some tims, His backers for Republican nomination will tell you that regardless of next year's OOP nominee, the party must write I Taft platform. Why not, they ask, nominate for president the maf. who made the policy? BELATED SHOPPER a customer ordered two pairs of "Brazilian llsli stockings" at a department stove the puzzled clerk learned through questioning that the hosiery had been advertised In a local newspaper in 1941.. TYPEWRITERS ELYRIA OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.


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