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Morning Register from Eugene, Oregon • Page 7

Morning Registeri
Eugene, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MORNING REGISTER, EUGENE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 1924 SEVEN FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR RENT Houses SITUATIONS WANTED MONEY TO LOAN 1, If Urn- 8i ti'lffi mm i fi' IIMIM-' lis fit FOR SALE Miscellaneous I AUCTION HAI.K of FIIHNITIIHH TUUHHDAy, APRIL. 3 OIIKMIIH PICA It HTIIKKT AUCTION ROOM, 868 Pourl Hlrcol Al 2 p. in. DININU ItouMi KI'RNITUIIK Coniilnllnif or nollil onk round' dllllliK lublii II null chlili'H In miititii, iiiima, voivet rim. I.IVINll IKiOM FUUNITUHK Oak lllirnry 2 un)l raokera, wlih Icnilmr numn, drop newliiu iiiiiohlnii, 1 HiiikkoIm i-iik, wlckiic iirm chuli', nowliiK roolior, royal vnciiiim nwonii.r, ili wulmil hi 11 ml lulilo, blnrk leiiihonaiu coiicli, 011I1 Imnk nhofvcM.

ITCH I'JN CmiKiili'iiiu riiK, I). Imlit rook nlnvn, kltchon t'liblncl. bronkfiiM initio nnd clmlrn, mid iiIhiihIIn. HMD ROOM (URNITIIRIO Con-llllllilln piiHt brilKH beil, eprliiKx. and coiinn felt mni-Irenn, Hliiimonn iiuhI mcl bed, mulioKitiiy flnlnh, (food niiiiliikii nrnl tlroHM, dreraern, li'lplo inlirnr ilrennlnir tuliln In walnut, nmnll bed room rockorn, bo coiicli, 10 yiiriln velvet hull rajpi-t, ulmi tulin.

boiler, wrlnKi'r, biifki'ln. ironing board, electric Iron, Columiin it'ih lump. 8 down 'luiirln choice bn runni-il fruit uiiiiii electric flxiuron nod olhor urtlclon loo niimcrouM In lint. Hulu nturta 2 p. Tliurnduy, 868 Pearl nlri'i-t.

Kvnrybndy wnlnomo. Comfortable neaiH for ladlcH. J. K. flUHIMl Auctioneer Phone 33 4-2-2 lll)AVV HOTKI.

DIHHKS -liich dk-h $6.30 doxen 8-Inch dlhh 14.16 do.i'n 2 'A -Inch luikerH $2 dozen 8-lncli biikcrn $2 doxen Individual butler iINIich 60c. dozen 4 -Inch platen $1.30 dozen 4-Inch ttlBh $1.96 dozen 4-lncli frulln 96o dozen C'upa riKUlnr $2 dozen Ciipn Hi. Mennla $1.74 dozen Covered miKam $0.86 dnzen CIIAIll.KT. IIOMI-; KCRMHIIKItH 63-67 Went 81I1 Ht. 4-2-tf HKBD POTATO 138' Karl lent of All' fancy need, nrown on upland In Marlon county for need purponen.

Froo from dlneuao. The earliest potato yet known. Will urow (rood nlzo potutooa In 6 weekn. Hulls Waiohoune, 143 Went 6th Hi. 3-29-tf WATKIN8 HUPRRMR PRO- DUCTH City aalenmnn, W.

F. M'i'Crnoken, 1076 Lawreneo 8t. Y'hona 1A76J, Rural aalesmaji, K. Curtla, 11th and Chn melton. Phone 434-L.

Prompt de-llverle. J-16-lf DRV wood, ouk, maplo and fir; dry nocond trrowib, 18-Inch. $8.76. Hmnll onk $9. Prompt delivery and full measure.

Peterson A McCully, real estate. Phone 137. 8-8-tf FOR HAI.1C HIX 34x4 Vi COM tiros and tubes about hair lined, for $10 each. One tire cover, $2. Ono Urn lock like new $4.60.

881 Willamette or phone 3C2. 4-1-tf FOR HA 1. 10 Cheap. nrny reed 1 baby carrlOKe. 700 Willamette.

Over Linn drug store. Phone 700. Ak for Mrs. crouch. 4-2-3 FOR BALE Sheep Qusno, fertilisers, seed potatoes, chick feed and chick mnnh.

Haskell Feed Store, 9th and Olive Sis. 3-1-tf BBVMEU BULLS WOOD Qood old Kxowlh fir and dry oak. Any nmount dellvorod. 817 Jefferson. Phone 699R.

2-20-lf A complete lino of fruit treos nt reduced prices, 174 north end of WimhinKton St. Phono 282L. 4-1-f No. 3 Tellow com, 100 poundi, $1.96. Cracked 100 pounds $2.05.

Poolflo Feed A Suply Co. 2-l-tf UBRD plnnoa In firat-clasa condition from $200 nnd up. Wa ar-rnnuo torms to suit you, Beth iJirnwny Muslo Stores. -6-tf HOH) TRKLLIHHKS and all klnda Of Initio work mndo to order. Boaver'a Shops.

661 8th avenue went. Phone 402J. 2-29-tf FOR BALIS Bonanza seed oota; also looso or bnlod vetch hay. N. Oent.

ISiiKone, route A. Phono 36F2. S-26-lmo FOR BALIS Vetch hny, bnled or loone, by ton or canoaa lots. Ooorao Baquu, Eugono routo phone 18F42. 11-14-tf FOR BASH, DOORS and all kinds of wood work, go to Beaver's Shops, 661 8th avonue weat.

Phono 408J. 2-29-tf TTRflin nhnnnirraDha at BDOolal prices ns' low ns $20. Sold on easy terms. Bern Larawny musio Blores. 3-6-tf AXMINBTKH HUG Automatic oleclrln wnalior, other furnlturo.

2066 Enst 16111. 3-30-6' FOTt BALK 8-mbo rocolvlnir set, domplete wllh bnttericB. Phono 162.1. 3-311-3 FOR BALE Reed baby bugcy In good condition. Phono 953L.

4-1-3' punier nhlln loilhs for nnle ohoan. 263 west 6th. Phono ntn mtttra fnlH enndlMOn. Onn 1 1 una, 1 $10, tho otnor mono Monday, or Tuesnny. s-su-x- FOR BALIS Baled hay.

Phone tiesa. rv R. Rlckman. route A. 1 1-11-tf HAT Good oat and vetch hny for Bale.

Phone 86F3. K. C. liar-wood Irvlnir. 1-B-tf FOR SALIS Fruit frd fruit nrs.

Schneider block. pt. 9. NU BONIS CORSETS, 871 Wont tih Phone 394L. Mrs.

Irene Croslov. 1-8-tf CORSETS mndo to measure. 189 Kimt 7th. Phono 866.T. 3--I-11T10 mrn DAr.t?.r.nnnA hnv.

A Rials nhnno 18F41. 11-21-tf FOR SALE Lonno Vetch nnd oat Phone la-F-aa. FOR SALE Hmnll house, apply Af 1874 Columbia. 8-30-1" KATM eaali all "7 hum ID OIUIB- wnu. liiditlntlUi or RLttUif KcfiJlS -V TTThV TIIW LOAN MAN iiom nn l)o l.

SI. ii i ikio 111 ION' The tlio bar UlIly I on Mhtiw 01 iih Kfilliin vea We ...7. nd ii. liiinn oil.Pl'"1.."' l.e, tvne nt lllu Cr bus mil. iirlulH illluil of HIllPH- f)N TflB ItUN VOIJ AH k-UAllH A r.

ml la TOUR PM' n'n rot mill roof, your it of iwlnir Sy V-u been ihra kN 5Bnl LOCATI IONH drive No you nr SKA! till. finest lo. to mid i Wo I really ilveralty. mrl. tly modern IN U.l.,,1 ftlllflltl lull, rooml anu farnltur and luf Jol i worth half It.

nd I'llB Un I how ions tMtUH 01 our I OHO SSSS t-Jway. L.nh Ave. Bant I'huna I Un BUll B44. 12 hn! Unn won liuflt with alt iSurJo, full cMMta, woousnou, "-fit and Wuhan fixture' go. iif nj Biiu iltltd; nw rouf: oomtnt.

ouit- 4Uon. uii.mih" Irtim. It, nn init tr. two par trc: br- Hm ma nn run -iw nuMd nd wmi of It pluntod. nnld JIy.

ni0 for. nrn tut Mlorad In Writ. To od Hly (U. blocks rrom tn cornor of nfm nod Wlllninotw. eon-iMlnt to nllroml yant- or bun.

KM dlitrtr. Tho prleo hi bMB nducfd to 13300: 13000 town Mid bilnnce Ilka rent or in; othu method of puymrnt to Wit purcnaaer. lii 7 fl It a. m. at 34 Fifth ave-iu mat.

IllllUW; ranch for nolo. 3 inlloa tart of Nekoma, 30 ncron uni-(em, I term ready for plow. 1 0 ten virr ouy to Improve, bn. Inure wnmi. level, iiiiiiumki eatfla hen or iriiAla.

On mill. read; (air hutmo, flruplaco, iprlBf wator plpi)d to hmiiin. Hurt of buntlni and flahltiK. Illll, tirmi to rmiimnalblo party. AddreM W.

Oruvee. Tler- Dan of call 231 Went Kth ntroel, BuriM. 4-1-3' DON'T l'AHH TI1IH UP you an looklnjr for an Inveat- mint, wo oan noil you 10-room plutend houa with full bona-mtnl jurife and two extra bulldlaf lota one. block trptrx ilreet car on atroet. Don-Ml plumblnir.

enally mnd- into bout 4 roomy npnrtmonta. All tor 14000. Kaay tsrma. Hoo Uchly or Bvana. 3'i Kaat (tin Avi.

4.i.2 TTRACriVE S-room modern miuw on r.ivur rood two Neclu from oar lino. Lot SOjtlKO, IU1M. AhlrbMn I Will room with flranlnco, crlllnf h. living and Jlnlnt room, tiullt in feiitui-on, "Wand laundry, phono SSIH JOIllALB OR EXCIIANOB it oi nvar bottom land on Urn. i mnoa nonn iu.

12 RorMI "I OUltlva SK' 877 or writ P. lAUDmiiitiH 1Mim kw Cii SNAP ULL I03-It. OEOHC1K W. 1V llll! mill or Without fu inmilow. irnuuro, Alo (too, lot Call 4,1011.

I fin.i pnvrd Ion gAiVTT'rrr lame. linaii 10 WH take lu l0. of will Si two aora traou. Went l.oa,. fii--Houao I 'J nniMhn.l 4 I wis iS JJJ0 noomo property for houno al.

miti tin in a 8-28 llou.1 owner, 2 hlRh wl Charnelton, i. ce lw IB, beautl. 3-28-8 Iciiii. "l200 nnrcn of arnnil honl BOPU boforo II 4-8-tr m. ownor lo.

elii on "Ids. cro Clouo 4-1-J1 exonniio for oily OoaVr'' fruit farm. ohonp. m. IMiono 17Ss't.

4-2-8" -r, an IU Jt M. Johnson, 1280 '-o011 tV 9 Tv Plonk, 1200 now owned by A. O. Jtjnnlnjn, tatoiiF wmi 6 fot lo the wt Ihie of the E. V.

fikliioi'r nnd wire D. L. fhpnre south alunR said Hne 7. ft fot, more or icn, 10 ioo place oi oeRinmng. r-nnialn 0.01 ncr raoro nr Ion Id Eu-Konn, Lane County, OreRon.

Owner, P1. T. Soobirt, D-Bnjnmla H. flnrdlner, J. M.

Gardiner. TlpjtfhnlnK at a point on the iotitn margin n( Fourth Avenue Wont aa laid out and efltAbllifbcd in CroDer'i Addition to Eugene, Oregon, If extended eanterlr 50 foet pant of the no-thnaat rorner of It 1, niork Croner'n Ad- a ii ion, runninn tnsnce ianuriy along tho Hftld nouth mnrgln of Fourth Avenue If extended 4Tfi feet, more or leal, to the woHterly Hue of lilair Iloulevord, thnnre north deg, 51 min. weat 17.2 feet, more or lonn, to tho northeast rnmf nt Irnoi nr Inn.l hanninfAtai owned J. E. Clnrdinitr iDend Iuo.

AO. yVts. 411J, thence went 448 feet, more or lenf), to a point aue nortn or jiaoe of beginnlrtfc, thenrta nnuth 8.4 foot, more or lets, to place of beainninR, containing 0.14 acre. more, or lsu, la Eugene, Lane All persona Intfrefited In such lands to be appropriated or In such lands as may be aMfietised as ninety tt-d by such appropriation urg aertnr noiiiiea iaai thy mar appear at said time and olace and be heard thereon. Dated this 27 lb day of March, 1024.

GEO. A. OILMOHH, City Recorder. Dly 3-30-11 NOTICE OF SALE OP $200,000 LANS COUNTY ROAD BONDS Notice Is hereby given that bids will be received by the County Court Lane County, Oregon, at the courthouse In Eugene, Oregon, until Thursday, the 17th day of April. A.

D. 1024, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. for the sale of two hundred thousand ($200,000) dollars of the permanent road bonds of said county, dated the 1st day of May, A. D.

1023. bearing Interest at the rate Of five (S per cent) per oent per annum. payable semi-annually at tne orrice or the County Treasurer of Lane County, Oregoo, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon In New York City, New York, at the option of the bidder, on the 1st day of November and May of each year. Said bonds shall mature as follows: Twenty-five thousand $25,000) dollars five years from and after the date of issuance twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dollars annually thereafter up to and Including the year 1032, being the first five (5) series of the five hundred thousand ($300,000) dollars of road boods offered for sale by Lane County In the 'year and five thouaana ($6000) dollars ten (10) years from ond after the date of tswue, and five thousand ($5000) dollars annually thereafter up to and Including the year 1947. being the taut fifteen (IS) series of the five hundred thousand ($500,000 dollars of road bonds offered for sale by Lane County In the year 1923; said bonds to be Issued In denominations of five hundred ($500) dollars and one thousand ($1000) dollars and bearloc Interest at the rate of not to exceed five (6 per cent) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually at the office of the County Treasurer of Lane County, Oregon, or at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon In New York City, New York, at the option of the bidder, on the 1st day of November and May of each year.

Said bonds shall be Issued In- twenty (20) series, numbered' sixty-one (61) to eighty (80) consecutively, as follows: SERIES SIXTY-ONE, $25,000. pay-v able five years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY TWO, $25,000, payable six years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-THREE, $25,000. payable seven years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-FOUR. $25,000. payable eient years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY -FIVE, $25,000, payi able nine years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-SIX.

payable ten years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-8EVEN, $5000, payable eleven years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-EIGHT. $5000, payable twelve years from date thereof; SERIES SIXTY-NINE. $5000. payable thirteen years from date thereof; SERIES SEVENTY. $5000, payable fourteen years from date thereof; SERTES SEVENTY-ONE.

$5000, payable fifteen years-from date thereof; SERIES SEVENTY-TWO. $5000. payable slTteen yer from date thereof; SERIES SEVENTY-THREE. $500, payable seventeen years from date thereof: SERIES SEVENTY FOUR. $5000.

payable eighteen years from date thereof f. SERIES SEVENTY -FIVE. $5000, parable nineteen Tears from date thereof; SElRIES SEVENTY-SIX. $5000, pay-. eb'e twenty venr" from date thereof; SERIES SEVENTY-SEVEN.

$5000, payable twenty-one years from date thereof: SERIES SEVENTY-EIGHT. $5000, payable twenty-two years from date thereof SERIES SEVENTY-NINE, $3000, payable twenty-tftree years from date thereof: SERIES EIGHTY. $5000. payable twentv-four yenr from date thereof; A draft or duly certified check drawn on a responsible bank In the amount of at leant five (5 per cent) per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for, pay- able to R. J.

Bryson. County Clerk of Lane County, Ofecon. must accompany each bid: such deposit to be returned If the hid In not accented, but If the bid Is accepted and the full amount of tha hM nnt nnld within thirty day nfter said bonds are ready for delivery, said draft or check aid the pro ceeds thereof shall become the property of Lane County. Oregon. Bids for any bond or number of bonds will be received.

Bids will be accepted for cash only, and no bid for less than par will be considered. Spirt bins will oe puonciy openeu on tne 17th dav of A or II. A. D. 1924.

at tea o'clock a. in the' county court room ti the County court nouse, in tne -uuy oj Luna County, Oregon. The rttrht to reject any and all bid-, or to accept part and relect others. Is reserved oy tne uouniy All bids are to ne 10 it. i.

Rpvann Cnuntv Clark. Eu. irene. Lane County. Orotron.

and endorsed on the en velope. TBid ror urns uoumy nwa Bonds. A certified copy of all court orders snd nrocecdinr. hild In connection with the issue of s.iid bonds will be furnished to the succe-Wnl bidder. K.

S. BKYHUN. iTouniy uierK, Lane County. Orezon. TITO COUNTY COURT OF LANE COUNTY.


Judge. By B. M. SHARP, Countv Commissioner. Br L.

N. RONEY. County Commissioner. BRYSON. Attest R.

County Clerk. Wed 3-28-4 (SEAL) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Nntlpe Is herehv rzlven that the Under- slfrned administrator of the estate of Wesley Ames, deceased, has filed in the County Court for Lane County. Oregon, Its final account as such administrator, and said Court has appointed Thursday, the 24th day of April. 1024. at 10 o'clock A.

M. as tho time and the County Judge's office In the County Court house In Eu-rene. Lane County. Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, if any. to said final account and the settlement thereof.

All persons Interested and desiring1 to object to said final account are hereby notified to file their objections thereto In writing with the Clerk of said Court prior to said time and appear at said time and place. Date of first publication of this notice March 2fl, 1924. THE FIRST NATIONAL BA.NK QF EUGENE. Administrator of the Estate, of i Wesley Ames, decoffsed. -Wed.

3-2(1-8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1 Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed executrix of the estate of Ben C. Hammltt, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County, Oregon. All persons having claims against said estate aro required to present them with the proper vouchers; to the undersigned at the low offices 'Of Potter. FoHtor and Immcl, at No. 057 Willamette streot.

In Oregon, six months from the date this Dated at Eugene, 'tnlS day of March, 1924. 1NDTA HAMMITT, Executrix of the Estate of Ben' Hammltt, doceesed. BPKC1AL Pabculln Ruxn In felt boa 9x12 $14.60 9x104 $13.00 9x9 $10.60 8x7 $8.00 8x4 $1.80 CIIAKLBT'B, Completa Home Furnlvner 03 Weal 8th. phono 1122 8-16-tf 1SAHTMIIN Hardwood flooring for Mile. AU klnda or hardwood floorn furnlalii'U, laid or (tnbihad, old floors refinlnhed, hund aorup-od or electric mindocl.

Wlllam-tto Hardwood Floor 214 W. 8lh. Avo. Phono 1740. 1l, A.

DoLnno, Mifr. 3-2-lnio UHHI aunh and dnora, butta and locka with doom, four pair Kood fouthor plllown, one Kuod, 11 florin muttrenn. Other houmihold aruclua. C. II.

llllderbuvk, alx in It l-m north of iugm, on Pa-clfjo lilKhwuy, 8-28-tf FOR BALIS New overstuffed davenport, phonograph, oleclrlc, Hinger newlntr mucblne and elec- trio sweeper, cull 13zz wuiiiin-elto or phone 1036-J. 3-3U-tf Pity WOOD Ouk, niuplo und fir. 10-Inch body fir, clear of knots, $9. Deliver tame day ordered. Willamette Wood yurd.

Phone 137. 3-80-tf STRAWBERRY PLANTS Gold Dollar 60c hundred, $3.60 thous-und. progreanlvo lOverbeurlng $1 hundred. J. O.

Lusslcr, Rlvor avenue, phone 49F24. 4-1-6" PIANO FOR BALIS At blB sac rifice, by private party, you'h have to net (illck. Curb or nolne terms. Heo piano nt 1922 Willamette Ht. 4-2-4 WOOD Dry body fir, second growth slab, excelnlor wood, prompt unlivery.

Phone 998, Mohawk wood yurd. 8-19-tf CEDAR PORCH BOXES Lust three tlmea aa long an fir and cost no more, at Beaver Shops, 661 8th avenue west. Phone 402J. 2-29-tf HCRKEN8 8CRISENS SCREENS We make 'em and pulnt era and hang 'em. Beuvor's shops.

E-. tlniatcs free. 661 8th avenue went. Phone 4 02 J. 2-29-tf EXCAVATING dirt for sale from tho new hotel on 9th and Pearl.

8e0 A. C. Mathews, at 9th and Pearl. Phone 1246L or 732. 3-8-tf FOR BALIS Baled hay, vetch and outs and vetch nnd cheat.

In carload Iota at Irving. Addreaa John Mncauley, Mable, Ore. 1 2-12-tf FINE quality cheat hay for aalo at $13.60 per ton delivered ana 90 cwt. by bale. Rate on car lots.

Peterson McCully. Phone 137. 3-27-tf FOR 8AI.E Porronnial trlanta and gladloliiB bulbs. Good atock and low prices. Miss Short.

1612 Columbia. Thoae 1304R. 8-13-tf FOR BALIS-i-Ono 600-egg eloo-trlo Incubator In Kuod working order. Call 1383 Olive after 5:16 p. m.

4-2-tf FOR SALE Household furniture for five rooms Including Duven-port and Vlctrola. Call 717 Jefferson. 4-2-lf ONE set of platform scales 900 lb. capacity. Farmors' Poultry house.

943 Onk Phone 416. 3-2B-tf WOOD First ciniei body fir and nocond growth. Immediate delivery, Phono 1101Y. 8-17-Bun-Wed-Frl-tf 16-INCH IlorjV FIR and split onk wood. Also bulled oat and vetch hny.

Delivered $14. Phono 2F22. 3-80-3 CHICKEN house Bash, 95a to $1.76 Mldgloy Planing Mill 4th and High. 2-8-tf Business Opportunities IF you have $2000 cash, and want an Investment so you can make from $20 to 130 per day, then soo mo this woek. 6440 care Register 8-30-3 TO TRADE, BRADLEY THE LOAN MAN TRADE- HbMlS FOR AUTO Dandy new home on Moss street.

Prlcor nt $3250 and worth evory cont of It. Client will tuko auto for part purchase price, Autos cost money. Homes save rent. Client la leaving. Auto will Buve him railroad faro.

Must be good enough to "got him there." LAWSON G. BRADLEY 31-7th Avo. Knot Phono 614. Open ovenlngs: Sunday appointments. SPECIAL TRADES Confectionery stock nnd bulltllnir in small town on main Pacific hlghwny to trodo for farm, might take eantorn Oregon.

Will take good lot, chetip house, or good auto-mobllo In on a well-Improvod 17-ncro farm, Ideal tor Ichlckens. Right oloso-ln 10-nere place, $3000 mortgage will take farm or city proporty. If you want to trado no mntter Vhat or where see me, M.ELVIN HANSEN REALTOR, 742 Willamette. 8-30-3" TO SWAP 10 volume Edition Cen. tury dictionary, cost me- $75 abtn a Planet, combination garden- Boeder nnd cultivator.

What have you? C. E. Dupols, 867 Lawrence, Eugone. Phone S7DL. 3-30-8" TO TRADE A light cne in fine condition for a bill of lumber or good lot In Eugene, or house and lot.

Addross 6498. PIANOS tnken In trade for phon- bgrapna and. records at even, ex change or wo will pay you oasn, Beth-Lnraway Mua.o Stores. S-R-tf FOR RENTFarms FOR RENT (lood dally of 320 aoren, miles fronts En gene. Phono tiOFH before 9 n.

m. FOR RENT Farm. River roadi Phone 719-J oall 607 Oth aVo. W. 8-80-2" FOR IllSNT 4-room burujnlow on College Crest car linn, partly furnlHlied.

$16 per moiith. Phono bOFll befoi-o Ur a. m. 8-2H-lf FOR RKNT Hmnll 6-niim houno clone In, with guidon spot and fruit, with or without giirugo. Call I.167L.

4-2-lf FOR RKNT Flvo-ionin cnlluge, uriilHhed. und guruge. ui huiisu p. in. 371 Tenth uveniio wiiBl.

4-1-2 FOR RKNT 6-room house, modern except beat, 4 blocks west of city ball. Address 6449 euro Roginler. 3-80-3 F(JR "re N'T -Jx cei it i ii riitHy Tine bungnlow, clone in, east front. HeeiiiK Is believing. Phone 322.J 4-2-2 FOR RENT Modern bungalow, close In.

In'pilro ut 96 WVist 20th. 8-30-tf FOR KJSNT 7-roorn house. Apply 1K74 Columbia. 3-30-4 FOR RENT Apartments FOR RENT One 4-room apartment. Ilrund new.

And one 5-rooni upartment, all modern except heat. Priced right. Phone 274L. 3-30-8 FOR RENT Tho Crescent upurt-rueois are some of the best In Uugeiie. One vacant 231 East 12111.

4-2-tf FURNISHED Z-rooin apartment, clean and comfortable, rent reasonable. Phone 470, or 177 R. 3-11-tf FOR RENT Two five-room apartments, ono furnished. Phono U90Y. 4-1-2 FOR RENT 2 or 8 room apart- iiimii nuiiin neut, oi.

iuancia Hotel. 132 West 8th. 9-23-tf RENT 2-room apartment. furnlahed for light housekeeping for 2. 1389 Poarl.

3-19-tf TAWNO-KER apartmenla will be vacant April 1. I'hone 1744J or call 1143 Oak' street. 3-25-tf FOR. RENT Flats FOR RENT A three-room flat, close In. Coll at 121 West 6th.

3-20-tf For Rent Furnished Rooms LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED; SLEEPING ROOMS AND BMALL APARTMENTS, STEAM HEAT, AT MATLOCK HOTEL, 8th and Willamette. 7-4-tf FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Private i bath, first floor. Call at 215 west 7th or 686 west 4th. Phone 1135R.

4-2-tf TWO NICELY Furnished house keeping rooms on ground floor, lights, water, telephone and garage. 877 Went 8th. 3-S0-tf ROOMS FOR RENT A light sunny room, well furnished with or without board. Phono 329-J. 3-30-tf FOR RENT Two furnishod housokocping rooms, ground floor.

No cnimren. pnone hub 8-27-tf FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms. In a nice, quiet 874 Washington. 3-19-11 FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for lady, In new and mod-'. orn home.

1348 Phone 1872R. S-22-tf FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms at xtut unvo. 8-4-tf FOR RENT Rooms FOR RENT 4 unfurnished rooms ana water turnisnea. in per month. 375 Pearl.

Reanonnblo rntos in nice home for business girl. Phono 1125R. 4-2-3 FOR RENT Two light housekeeping rooms. No children. 467 West 10th.

4-2-3" FOR RENT BUSINESS ROOM FOR. RENT Prominent location vory clone to the center of the city. Large room, reasonable rent. SAM RUOH REALTY COMPANY Seventh nnd Willamette 4-2-2 FOR RENT About four acres of plowed land in western part of Phone 194. C.

M. Stevens. 3-27-10 FOR RENT A- suite of two or 1 thro outside offices. Apply 282 Bldg. 3-27-0" FOR RENT Gardon close In on Bh res.

Phone 460-J. 3-30-3 FOR LEASE FOR LEASE Largo house and -grounds for term of years. Phone 3-30-8 BOARD AND ROOM WANTED High achool girl wants place to work for room and board. G529 enro Reglstor. 4-2-2" FOR RENT 1 room with board If desired.

465 west 11th, Phone 1.H87L. 4-2-tf ROOM ANi BOARD Two meals a day. 351 West 12th. 4-2-6 SITUATION'S WANTED High school girl w.inja place to vork for her board, Cill, 10" 5 Lawrence. Phono 1675J.

4-1-2 WOMAN wants housework near Christian Pacific hospital from 2 to 4:80. Address G502 rnre Register. 4-1-2 WANTED Work by hour, nurs Ing, worthing, laundry or any kind in private homes, Phono 1248J. WANTED To take care tf small children. 6400 care Register.

1 8-10-3" WANTED Carpenter or cement work. $5.00 for I hours. Phono 4119-R. 3-30-3" NURHIS Practical, experienced. 62F6.

Prlvuto maternity home, 1-25-tf WANTED Hpadlng or other work cull IB 1 4,1. 4.1.3 WANTED Male Help WANTED Miin to take charge of wash rack who can turn out the kind of work thut will sat-' Inly. See Mlnton, 824 l'eurl Bt. 4-1-tf WANTED Female Help WANTED Woman or girl for general housework, good wages. Btoady employment.

Call 1574 Ouk street. 4-1-3" EXPERIENCED waitresses Apply Peter pan. 4-2-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced el-evutor lady. Apply to Mr. DiaS mund.

Ax Hilly Dept. store. 4-2-2 WANTED An experienced Janitor. 64 48 care Register. WANTED BRADLEY THE LOAN MAN WANTS HOUSES TO SELL When you your property with us nix bigh class, high powered, hard working- experienced salesmen combing; the city for the man who wunts to buy It.

And we find them. We Inspect, property at onco. Buyers like our service. It saves time and money. Hundreds are enxious to make thoJr rent money buy.

think It is practical to have a family In. the house who Is interested In keeping it up, who pays the taxes, maintenance, assessments, a little more than rent and pays Interest your money, LET'S ALL PULL TOGETHER EUGENE CITY OF HOMJtS OWNERS Our service costa no more. Just the usual 5 per cent when a sale is LAWSON G. BRADLEY 31-7th Ave. East Phone 644.

ATTENTION ATTENTION Mohair and VooI Wanted Remember our policy. in buying. We are paying from ono to two cent more per pound than anybody else. That is why we are getting 75 per cent of the Lane county clip. WILLAMETTE HIDE WOOL COMPANY, 175 West 8th St.

R. Miller, Esy Rubensteln Props. i. Phone 1214. After 6 call 1807R or 823R.

3-30-8 Room and board required by business man. State In reply name, address, telephone and price. Must be close in. 6532 care Register. 4-2-1" WANTED Furnished house, 5 or 6 rooms.

Modern. With gar age preferred. 8306 Reg ister. 3-27-6" WANTED To buy good Burbank potatoes. B.

C. Eaton, phone 1616T. 462 Jefferson St. S-2-tf WANTED TO RENT Baby car-, rlnge for month or two, from private party. Phone 1135R.

4-1-tf CALVES wanted, well bred JerBey heifer calves, one day old or over. Phone 813 or 1764J. 3-28-6 WANTED To eell you freah amoked and cured meats, live and dressed poultry. Earl Bald win, 775 Monroe Phone 260 1-3-tf WAMTED TO RENT 4 or 6 room furnished modern house. By couple, no children.

Phone 1750. 4-1-2 WANTED Seoond-hand pianos. Will pay you the cash. MorrlB Muslo House, 912 Willamete. 11-22-tf WANTED Team work of all kinds.

Plowing, discing, haul ing. Phone 168. 3-29-tf WOULD liko to hear from some one who would weave rag ruga. 468 West 8th. 3-29-3" WANTED Dressmaking tiqns, coats, any aewing.

1293 Pearl street. S-18-lmo WANTED Piano for storage. Good care guaranteed. Phone 953L. 4-1-3 WANTED Sewing and mending.

Mrs. Etta Gilbert. 1271 Emerald St. 3-30-64 WANTED A few first-class cows, fresh or heavy springers. Phone 1223.

Chaa. Taylor. 12-21-lt WANTED Stock to pasture. James Larson Alvadore. 4-2-6 WANTED Baby 2F16.

cnlves. Phono LOST LOST Llconse plate, bptwocn Wnlterville and Full Creek Sun-; day. No 101,990. Leave or cnll nt Springfield garage. 4-2-2" LOST Btlnch of keys Saturday afternoon in front ofadmlnlatrn- tlon building.

Return to Reg-' ister. 4-1-2" BICVPLK Left in my yard can be claimed by loser by proving property nnd paying for ad. Call 651 East 11th. 8-30-8" FOUND FOUND Purse with small change and two keys. Call at Register office.

4-2-2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE LOANS Unlimited amount money to lond on Improved city of Eugene and farm proporty; rates See Rorer and Brundago. 7-29-tf FEDERAL FARM LOANS Low lntere-st rate, long time pay-r ments. First National Farm Loan 1 association. Eugone, 2-24-tl lUADMY THPJ LOAN MAN OIVKH HKTTKtt 8HRVICK Liberal lonnn on rnHldnncen. Long tlrno fl.iHy pnyriientn.

Lowost rate On farmn, LA WW ON O. BRADLEY Opon Sunday appoint-. men Ih. 31 7th Avo I'hone 514 3-23-tf WE have unlltnltod fund 8 to loan on improved valley farma and on city mercantile and residence properly. No dnluy.

Tho J. Pratt Innurarice Agency. Phono 1181. 8-13-tf LOANS ON CITT PROPERTY that cost less and get you out Of debt. NO COMMISSION chorKcd.

Emery Insurance Affen2y. 37 vreet 9tb St. Phone 607, 2-14-tf MONEY TO LOAN We make loans on farms and city property. 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK Eugene 9-30-tf LOANS PLENTY MONEY. City and farm; lowest Interest rate.

F. J. Berber, 630 Willamette St. ll-l-ll MONEY to loan on city property. Young- Ray, attorneys.

3-22-tf MISCELLANEOUS IHB LARGEST FURNITURE REPAIR BUSINESS In Oregon. Cublnet work, upholstering and reftnishlng. Furniture designed and made to order. Beaver's Shope. 661 8th avenue west.

Phono 402J. 2-29-tf HOUSECLEANING TIME Fluff rubs made from old carpets; also rug; rugs, carpet clearnlng, sizing, binding, laying and fringe. Will buy old wool In- grains. Phone 401. Fluff Rug 1626 Jefferson.

4-1-lmo MATTRESSEs made over with or without new ticks; can be returned same day; new mattresses any size. O'Brien's Mattress and Upholstering phona 399, 391 East 8th. 3-21-tf STOVES AND P.ANGES REPAIRED Never burn out fire-backs, for ranges. All ftove troubles eliminated by J. A.

Adams, P. O. Box 326 Eugene. 8-2-lmo" ROOF PAINTING Save your shingle roof with fi rereading, waterproof roof paint Guaranteed for years. J.

D. Bahllng, 842 Alamaden, ohone 1324L. 3-6-tf DON'T make a mistake. Lessons on all wind Instruments given at Perfect's band school, 908 Willamette St. Phone 69.

3-16-mo Baker Plumbing and Heating company desires to bid on your new house. Phone 487R or 303T. W. G. Baker.

8-22-tf FOR HOUSE PAINTERS and paper hangers, call Preston Hales, 857 Phone 665. 4-29-tf CONCRETE Estimates cheerfullly given. Oscar Snow. 907 West 8th St. Phone 686R.

i 3-4-lmo" LAWN MOWERS GROUND Also knives, slssors, etc. Charge reasonable. 64 West 6th Ave. Phone 1748. S-4-lmo PHONOGRAPHS repaired by ex pert mechanics, alt makes work guaranteed.

Seth Laraway Musio Store. 8-6-tf A. F. ROBNETT Painting, dec orating, paperhanglng. 667 E.

15th. Phone 834J. S-21-tt CHAS. GREAT Painting, tinting. paper-hanging.

Leave order at Ludford's store. 3-26-12" ELECTRIC floor sanding machine. Old and new floors sanded. C. A.

Butler, phone 612L. 4-1-tf MATERNITY HOME Phone 1389J. 688 West 6th. 3-7-lmo FOR the most loan, see W. Willamette St.

favorable farm J. Llchty, 681 2-l-tf PAPERHANGING By expert Paul DeAutremont, phone 1406.1. 8-21-tf WOODSAWING Phono 837J. E. Pntton.

GARBAGE and hauling. 9-2B-tf Phone 1192. DRESSMAKING Mrs, PlnUt 4fi Wph. 11th G. H-12-tf NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Vntli-o Ih hereby izlven of the proposed opening of Fourth avenue from Blair west to the enst line of Croner's Addi tion, wherein Fred Flstt, K.

A. Mccuny and J. W. Hobbs have been duly ap pointed by tho Common Council of the City of Eugene, under Ordinance No. 3092, passed by the Common Council of the City of Eugene end approved by the Mayor of said City on- the 17th day of March, 1924, oe vlowers to moke an assessment of the damages, and benefits fi-int win ftccriw to Dnvace Drouercy oy extend in Fourth avenue from Blair west to tho east line of Croners Addi tion.

In the City 'of Eugene, and mat said vleworn will meet on the 10th day of April, 1924, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock p. m. on said day at tho office of tho Cltv tn the CUT Hall in tine City of Eugene, for purpose of making an assessment of the damages and oenems tnat win accrue to private property by reason of the extension of said street aforesaid. The following private property will be appropriated lor sucn purposes, to wit: ti Owner. Clara B.

Soencer. Beginning at a point on the went line or the D. ii. U. oi Kiigcne, r.

tKinner and wife, Sec. 25. Tp. 17. a R.

4, W. W. M. fi07.72 feet south of Its Inter- eectton with the westerly line of BUir Boulevard, which point is at the south' east corner of Lot 12. In Block 1, Cron ers Add tlon to Eusene.

Oregon, run ntng thonce easterly the north margin or ourtn Avenue west as estno-Ushed and laid out tn Croner's Addition. If extended easterly 400.84 f-eet more or iesR to tne westerly ime or Biair ooute-vard. thonce south 84 dex. 61 mln. E.

along the said west line of said Blair Boulevard 33.4 feet more or less to the southeast corner of a act of land now owned by Clara B. Spencer, thence west 477.3 feet, more or less, to tho said weat line oi tne k. f. SKinner and wire u. u.

C. thence N. along said line 33.2 feet more or less, to the place of beginning; containing 0.34 aero more or le In the city of Eugene, Lane County, Ore gon. Ownor. A.

rV Kt. Beginning nt the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8. Croner's Add. to Eugene, Oregon, which point Is on the wost line or the e. F.

Skinoer and wire p. L. running, thence east along the south margin of Fourth Avenue West aa laid out ana estaonsneo in said uroner's Aa dltion. If produced easterly BO font thence north 8.4 fot. more or lew to the northoast corner of -a-tract'Ot i HAM ntlllH ItKAirr foMI'ANV ItMMII lilAM'l MIIIIH Hlrlutly iniiiliirn H-rnum Iioiihii of vvyy HifiiiiMi.vQ UUBIKII, i llll mont fui'iiiiiMi, fire- lllllOO, fUll Pllll'fl Itltl'hl llll.

Wftiiilurfnl lui 1 (1. I li u. with niiiiiimotli Kliiiilii ii mm. 'I'hla iiiiiIiim vnry doalri'iilili! Iioinli, oud lit ii'i'iiil MiyH un Iiiooiiiii of from no in mo n.r nionih liMaldi'H, Thu looiulnii Ih lili'itl, I'lli'od Id noil ni 17000. (K-mn.) A I.MNll'1 I.IT'ri.l..

Hlrli'lly modern now 6-ioom dun. VllltlW HI II1UHI piOIIHIIIC "(joio- lilul rionlicu," (liNt-cliiHH count niol Ion mill III imi I nrroiiKeiiii'iil. Coinont liuMDinoni, furiiure, rite-pinna, mid biilll-ln foil run. Jlrlillllfilly fllllnlii'it woodwork In irriiy mid wnl'A tlnlud In auft prelly um-Hiia drnlKiiod lo niiili Voiy ilunluililn locution, w(ilklnK ilia-tunro from ho eontur. I'llro cuiiiplnlu HI.

no, koiuI loi'iua. l.lil'uu (li.rl ,1 HAM UUtlll KKAtl'V ncvi'iun nun wiumiitntii 4-1-2 KOll HA 1.11 Now niodorn 4, 5, room nnuaon lor aaio, fiouo to Torma; ulna loin or will build lo milt you. Win. Keroln-r, I4'J0 W.1 Dlh nlreft. 3-ZH-tf FOR SALE Used Autos KIH1BNK AUTO WltlOCKINri CO Willi it vory Iui'ko mock of uho.1 porta we Imvo comlilnnd mock of tw purtn tlmt uro uaod In uliiiuat ovmy miikn of cur.

Hollil Uro Irnlli from $76 up lo l-iiO. l'huna ton nt 8 Wlllniiiwio. 8-30. If AN OI'I'OltTUNITV TO HUN A 1:4 KORU Hl-UAN AHHOI.UTKI.Y NKW. NKVEIl HUN.

MUHT HEU.I,. A JtIO 8AV1NO TO VOO. HUO IHC1H. PHONIC 32IU. 3.2-tf rxm SALE 11)18 Ilulck 4.

ISC (add curd tlrou, now bullory A-l iMiiidltlun, hiin tiiul good Owner furoctl to noil. Cull after II p. in. Co; Knxt Mill. 4-i-d' KOlt BAU'V Ht'dnn enr In Kood liiipe, left wltlt ua by owner.

Prlua I860. EuKeno OumKe, 61 Went Cth. 3-28-6 KOIt HAI.IQ OK THAUK 3 -Inn lirnvol truck. Uiui urn, cur or lolM Phone lW Hprlmt-field. 4-2-0a 1930 IIARI.l'iT DAVIDSON nlilo cor.

Phono 3S6-H. 1608 13th live, stint. I.IOIIT tourlnic ear, new tlrea, aliLiter, nxnellenl repair, $96 rnnh. 1136 Kiut 1 4th. 3-17-tf For Sale Livestock, Poultry HIIHKP Foil KAI.IO 330 llHul.

200 ewea, linlnnre Imrkn nnd yofirllnKN. ISO IhiiiIih nn foot. 7 lltllo went On new (Trow rund. half fitllo went of Carl Inquire nbout noon, l-l-ward Ornf. 4-2-0 KKfllHTKrilCI) Hoimolti hull 18 rnohtha old.

a xund one. Phone 1766U W. W. Conn. S-30-tf THOKOUOIIIlltlOI) HplK pup, $20.

I.urlllo VnuKlmn. Central Htiiirc terinlnul. 3-20-8 FOR HA 1. 15 Team of moron, welifht 30 hundred. 8 and 7 yeitrn old, prlee $260.

One 1 brown hnnie, woltfht 1400, price $K6, nice 8 yeiirn, Hiiuill teum, welitlit 2400, prlcn $100. Mimt be old at once. 002 Bunt Kth Ht. 4-l-2 HOHHK8 IfOK BAIB Juki arrived with a our of hornen. mock will bo at H.

P. HtockyiudH today, watch ad for chanjco In locution. Home heiivy teuuu. K. K.

Ii'ch. II'Kvl unburn. 42-l FOU BAI.l Percheron muro, 7 yearn old. Dark Iron irroy, welxhl 1600 Iba. Huluililo for logKlnK or lenm work.

Prlco $160. Mo Knddenn Dairy, nenr brick yurd on Crow otiiKO. 4-1-3" FOR HAliK Kronh younsr Jemey and Durham mllcli cown, burn lit 4tlt nnd Mndlnon ncronn from Oenry nchool, or phono C. It. Soott, 84J.

4---3 FOR BAI.B Khodo Inland Red eK. From aelectod blrda, $4.00 a hundred; alno Touloulne gooao avit. Phone 36F3. IS. C.

Hnr- wood. J-24-lf FOR HA1.B Itiiby ohlckn, Rhode Inland 10c, April 6 nnd Wlioalor, box 208 motor route A. Rurtono. 4-2-4 FOR HAI.B nnrred Hock hatch ing eKKB. Purobrod, frao rnnico Htock.

$4 per hundred. 1'hone 42F2S. port RA1.K Two itood milk cowa, cheiin. Wlnit 2-ntory houno north Dothol achool on Irvlnir rond. S-2U-0' PIOH FOR HAIjK 8 weeks old, U.

R. Brown, Mohawk, Oro, Phone HnrlnKflold 30F12. 8-RtlnAWod FOR BALIS J- Pura-bred While Plymouth Rookn and ga for hntohlnK. Phono S-lB-tf FOTt HALB-i-All klnda heavy draft hornon, Cnn bo aooh at 701 High Btroot. Abo Bonim.

8-28 FOR BALD Pura-bred ouga foV uiii tip4 A. Reda and White) Leghorn. 78 per cont fertile. Phof 48F12. FOR SALtffi flhoop, nboUt So head with Fobruary inmiw.

r. H. PoterBon. Phono 30F4. 4-1-H FOR SALIC Tonm of mulen nnd ot of harness.

Phono 46F3. 4-2-6 FOU BALIS 6 weekn' old plus. B. Potorson, 2 miles from Coburg on Rlvor rond. 4-2-8" BHORTHOnN bulla for sale.

Milking Blraln. Edmunnon. Ooshen, 8-30-3" FOR BALIS A oow in flno condition. 1441 W. Oth nvo.

8-30-8" PIOB for Bala. 24F18. Call Springfield 8-29-4" FRKBH onwa for nnle, chonp. 88, 4-2-3 mm.

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