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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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The Byline of Dependability Hope Star THE WEATHER Arkansas: Scattered thundershowers tonight, and in west and north-central portions this afternoon, not quite so warm tonight, except little temperature change in extreme east portion. VOLUME 209 Star of Hope, 1899; Press, 1927. Consolidated January IB, 1929. HOPE, ARKANSAS, THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1943 Associated Press Newspaper Enterprise Ass'n PRICE 5c COPY Turkey-Axis Break Near Our Daily Bread Sliced Thin by The Editor ALEX. H.

WASHBURN Government Should Set Example Stamps Celebration July 15-16 No patriotic American wishes to snipe at the war effort with destructive criticism, but there will be a nation-wide demand for the government to recognize and correct the abuses within its own bureaus disclosed yesterday by the Byrd Economy Committee report. Senator Byrd's croup, the Joint on Reduction of Non- ssenlial Federal Expenditures, nmpliiincd to the president and congress that the civil bureaus the government arc over-staffed the very lime that both the war fort and civilian business arc in Germans Forced to Delay Push Russia Against need of workers. II had been contended by some ivornmcnl spokesmen lhal GO per cnl of federal civilian employes re engaged direclly in war pro- uclion; but Byrd's committee csli- Tialcd loss lhan 45 per ccnl arc By ROBERT BUNNELLE London, June 17 The in vasion-jitlcry German High Command was reported today to have delayed a summer offensive against Sovicl Russia, originally scl for June Ifi, because of Iron line supply shortages. A foreign sourse with reliable conlacls inside Germany, who cannot be more fully identified said June 16 was chosen for a liin itcd attack pivoting around th Orel salient 200 miles south Moscow. Even this decision lo make limilcd attack came only nfter controversy between Field Mai shal Gen.

Fcdor Von Bock, no commander in chief in Russia, an Lieut. Gen. Ebcrhard Warlimond who succeeded Gen. Franz H-ilde us Hitler's princpial strategist. Warlimondl and Hitler wished I slake Germany's chances on a other full-scale drive against ll Red Army, this sourse.

said, Vo Bock objected, snying in view the Tunisian" crisastcV'" growing power of the Allies, il would be madness lo mount an offensive lhal mighl use Ihc lasl reserves and dcnud invasion fronts. The informant said Von Bock rc- signed, but later agreed to retain command when tho limited offensive plan was subslilincd; and thai Warlimpndt then resigned. Making a quick lour of fprward supply depots, Von Bock found essential supplies such as food, fuel and munitions were inadequate, it was declared, and, although some shock troops were already moving into position, ordered the scheme postponed. German propagand aagcncies 'i shifted emphasis to the possibili- tie of a Soviet offensive. The Paris radio said today the Germans expected a Red Army drive would begin in a few weeks.

A transoccan dispatch broadcast by the Berlin radio said "the massing of enemy troops around Kursk (80 miles south of Orcll which has been recently observed has given rise to a question whether the present tension on the eastern front would soon be relieved by largo scale military developments. chiefly engaged in actual mcchan- cal war production," even when ou count people like consultants, nalysts, allorneys and police uards employed around Ihc Wai nd Navy Departments. The Byrd commilleo also hac riuch lo say about federal bureaus ticking up the rale of civilian bu pay, al Ihc very lime Ihe gov ernmcnl claimed lo be allcmpling Big Force Allied Ships at Gibraltar Madrid, June 17 dispatch from La Uelinca loday said 75 Allied ships, including a battleship, two aircraft carriers and 10 destroyers, were concentrated in Ihc harbor al Gibraltar. Eight freighters were reported to have arrived from the United Stales loday. U.

S. Airmen Supporting Chinese Push Chungking, June 17 1 Stales planes supporting Chinese forces trying lo lake Ihe llupch jrovincc town of Owchihkow caused many fires and extensive damage Tuesday, a communique 'rom Loiul. Gen. Joseph W. Stil- wcll's headquarters announced today.

Owchihkow is near the Yangtze river nearly 40 miles south Shasi. Chinese forces reached outskirts early this week. The war bulletin said Ihe Amcri cans attacked the warehouse are of Ihc cily al Loins Pond inlet. lo hold down pay avoid inflalion. increases anc Solons Attack Navy Agreement With Standard Washington, June 17 The Davy's agreement wilh Standard Oil Company of California for dc- 'eloping tho Elk Hills oil reserve vas termed "illegal and invalid" oday by a Juslcic Department of- 'iciai who said it violates a 1938 iclrolcum conservalion acl.

This doscriplion came from Norman Lillcll, assistant attorney general, at a House Public Lands commilleo hearing in which Rep. Elliott (D-Calif.) said the deal had "something of the inkling of Ihc Tea Pol Dome scandal of some years ago." The conlract providccd for Navy purchase of company land and equipmonl in Ihc rich California reserve field, and authority for the Drilling at 1375 Feet on Hempsread Well Barnsdall Oil Company's wildcat well. Brooks Shults No. 1, located in Hcmpslcad county, has reached a depth of 137!) feet, reports from the well indicated today. The wildcat is located NE NIC of of section 34-13-20, three miles southeast of Fulton and 10 miles west of Hope.

The well was spudded in the early part of this week. German Fighter Planes Hit Hard; Cologne Blasted -Washington of lo which Littcll It also announced numbered American greatly out- planes tho Any honest appraisal of the situation will grant, of course, thai Ihc Byrd commilleo is a group wilh a dcfinile objoclive, and therefore its criticisms may at times appear to be unduly harsh. But on the other hand the temper of tho people is such thai a wise government, now asking such sacrifices of the people lo win Ihc war, would sol Ihem an example by overhauling ils own civilian bureaus. There's jusl enough suspicion around the coun try thai Ihc Byrd commillco's charges arc on Ihc whole Irue thai tho'brily'Way Ihc' government can adequately meet such criticism is day before destroyed six Japanese pianos and probably destroyed three others in a battle southwcsl of Nanchang. The Amor- cans suffered no loss.

The Chinese High Command meanwhile said the Chinese had inlcrcoplcd Japanese troops which nad advanced eastward wilh lery from Yanglowsu, on the Can- ton-Hankow railway. The Japanese presumably were trying to mop up Chinese who have been harassing the Yochow- Hankow stretch of the railway, down the Yangtze from Owehih- kow, with conslanl attacks. Press dispatches said Ihe harasing al- lacks had lotally disrupted traffic Reds, Germans Clash in Area or Smolensk London, June 17 Clashes between scouting parties on the Smolensk front, indicating now stirrings in thai long dormant sector, furnished Ihe principal action last night on the German Russian baltlefronl, the Sovicl noon com- munique said loday. The war bulletin, recorded by the London Soviet radio monitor, was silenl on fighting above and below Orel, where opposing armies were reported to be massing in activity which com- muniques of both sides have hinted portended a major offensive. The Paris radio, in a broadcast recorded by the Associated Press, quoted a Berlin military spokesman as saying: "The Soviet summer offensive will begin in a few weeks' time.

Berlin quarters expect the offensive will start on the central front where the Soviets are massing strong forces. "Continued Soviet local attacks in the Orel sector also point to the fact, that the Soviets are intending lo use the central front as the point of their offensive." The German High Command, in jits daily communique, spoke only local fighting activity yesterday Ion the eastern front. It said German troops repulsed Sovicl thrusts on the norlh- Finnish front and claimed that 24 Soviet aircraft were shot down yesterday, two by Hungarian fighters, on the southern end of the battlp line. There was no mention oi action to act as vigorously against its own bureaus as il docs againsl Ihc gen oral public. No man will go all Ihe way with Senator Byrd, but on the olher hand few men will hcsilatc to do him honor for being a lone but pcrsistcnl voice of warning, in a nation now at war, and with grievous problems lo face aflcr Viclory las been won.

The oil fraternity and business Tien generally throughout south Arkansas will gather at Slamps July 15-16 for a celebration of the industrial triumph that has turned the McKamio sour gas field into a vital new source of fuel and power. Two plants will figure in the dedication: The McKamic Gas Cleaning Plant of the Carter Oil Company, which converts the sulphuric- acid-laclen gas into commercial sweet gas; and the Arkansas Power Light 30,000 KWH industrial power generating station, which is the first industrial unit lo be installed for the purpose of using Ihc new fuel. All Ihis development being hardly 20 miles airline from Hope, it behooves us to be well represented at the Stamps dedication. Not merely because Slamps is our Iracle lerrilory neighbor, but because a great new reservoir of gas the interconnected lines of the Soulhwcsl Power Pool have been developed almost at our doorslcp. For all Ihc cities of our section on thai railroad stretch.

French Group in Agreement on Proceedure Algiers, Juno 17 Thirteen members of Ihe French National Liberation Committee, with Gen. Henri Giraud presiding, reached low area. The act referred empowers the secretary of Navy to provide for conservation of Naval oil reserves and for the exchange of Naval lands in Ihe reserve wilh properly owned by oil companies there. Although Naval officials declared the conlract was designed lo protect and conserve Naval pe Iroleum lands in Iho reserve, Iho Justice Department position was to the contrary. Elliott suggcslcd lo Ihc commit Ice il go to Elk Hills, in California, to study the silualion, "on Ihc ground," and Chairman Pclcrson said he thought at least a subcommittee should go.

Lillell told Ihc commitlcc he had made an cxhauslivc examination of Ihe contracl and submillcd a report lo James F. mobilization director. The committee thereupon postponed further study of Ihc silualion until next Tuesday, in order lo allow Ihe president time for sludy of the Justice Dcparlmcnl's report. Tho conli-acl called for payment of $1,748,408 by the Navy to the Standard Oil Company in return for tillc and equipment on 8,297 acres of land Iho company owns on the Elk Hills reserve for the duration of Ihc war, but for a period of not less lhan five years. To Dedicate Stamps Plant July 15-16 El Dorado, June 17 Various South Arkansas communities will participalo in Ihc formal dcd icalion fo Ihe Arkansas Pjwer and Company's new sir-am gen craling planl near Slamps.

This was decided yesterday when representatives from here, Stamps, Magnolia and Camdcn organized the South Arkansas Industrial Development Association and lenlalivcly sol Iho dale for In-; ceremonies July 15-16. The plans call for assembly of power company officials and rcp- rescnlalives of Ihe parlicipaling agencies and communilies at Cam- dcn Ihe nighl of July 15 for a banquet; a breakfast at El Dorado, July 16; a tour of South Arkansas industrial plants; luncheon at Magnolia and special services at the grave of A.P. founder Harvey C. Couch; Ihe dedicalion ceremony and a banquet at Stamps. Col.

T. H. Barton, El Dorado, was elected chairman fo the assoc- ialion; W. C. Blcwslcr, Magnolia, vice chairman, and Mike H.

Caler, Slamps, secrelary. D. O. Talbot, Slamps, B. T.

Lancy, Camden, and Louis E. Hurley, El Do- Washington, June 17 Secretary of War Stimson disclosed today thai B5, possibly 105, German fighter planes were destroyed by American and Brilish fliers raid- Distribution of Oil Inspection Fees Soon Little Rock, June 17 The initial quarterly distribution of oil inspection fees to counties under Ihe 1943 Williams Acl will be made July 5, Treasurer Earl Page said loday. Page cslimalcd approximalcly $30,000 would be divided equally by Ihc 75 counlics in Ihc first dis- Iribulion. The fees formerly went lo the now discontinued food and rotlon slamp program. The firsl dislribulion of a portion of the sales tax to cities and Hale Act Page said.

ctmntjies under the will be made Oct. 1, ing Wilhclmshaven lasl Friday. In Ihosc raids, in which he asserted heavy damage was caused lo enemy industrial areas, the secrelary said eighl Flying Fortresses were lost Preliminary reports had placed Ihe Nazi air losses al 54 craft. Slimson also reporlcd Ihe cap lure of Panlclleria, Lampedusa and two other small Mediterranean islands cost "only aboul 40 airmen and a few planes." He said "sub- slantial numbers" of Axis prisoners were laken al Panlelleria, they lolalled 11,135 and al Lampedusa "between 4,000 and Discussing Allied raids on Kie ho said heavy" was inflicted on the enemy, Slim- and Cuxhaven The counties and 415 incorporated communities will share in the dis- Iribulion. Heavy Bombers Grounded by Bad Weather and Brqmen in which "damage believed very son reported 24 Flying Fortresses i time were lost instead of the orgiinally mont Si announced 26.

Ho explained two of the big bombers originally reported lost returned lo Iheir bases afely. Those raids, he added, ac- counlcd for 65 enemy fighlers. By NOLAND NORGAARD Allied Headquarters in North Africa, June 17 Malta-based Mosquitoes carried the burden of the Allied air offensive against Sicily and southern Italy yesterday as bad weather completely halted forays by the northwest African bombardment squadrons for the in more lhan Iwo it was disclosed loday. re and ex- Consul at Vichy, Salonika Said to Be Recalled London, June 17 An Algiers radio broadcast recorded by the Associated Press said today Turkey had broken off diplomatic relations with the Vichy government of France. Turkey was reporlcd to have recalled her ambassador from the Nazi-dominated French capital.

The Algiers radio, which has not always proved striclly accurate in its reports of political developments, did not go into detail. There was no direct confirmation from. Ankara or Vichy. London diplomatic quarters which normally would be informed any such break could not con- irm the report and said they were nclined to doubt it. A subsequent broadcast from Igiers, recorded by Reuters, said Germany had asked Turkey to re- all her consul in Mytilene, capi- rado, were elected tive committee.

to the exccu- an agreement at UO minute meeting today on procedure and collective responsibility it was announced. Rene Massigli, Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, informed the first plenary session of communications received from other government concerning recognition of the committee as (he provisional government of the French empire. The commitloc began the first steps toward the creation of a assembly." was also announced an exchange of views had taken place on tho problems concerning the organization of French military forces, one of the principal causes of friction between Giraud and Gen. Charles DC Gaulle. One cominitlccman told the press "everything went iiilmiraoly absolutely Democratic institution has now been born." Ho said the six commissioners attending tho committee meeting The contract provided for a daily production of 15,000 barrels of oil from the shallow oil by the company, bnl not to exceed 27,375,000 barrels over the five year period unless specifically au- Ihorzicd by the Navy department.

At a previous session of the Public Lands Committee, Rep. Voorhees (D-Calif.) declared the con tract called for payment of ti'l percent oC the cost of developing the reserve by the Navy in return for which the Navy would receive 04 percent of the oil. However, contending the contract required the Navy to sell its share to the company and then repurchase and that the entire deal lookcc dangerous, Voorhecs requested the nummitlee to initiate a thorougl investigation. allacked railway lines, bridges and military hut camps last night, a Valletta communique announced. London, June 17 Heavily- I The great fleet of American battered Cologne and olher objec- grounded and official reporls said Ihe heavy and medium bombers wa Ihe only routine patrol and reconnais were possible durin The lull followed heavy tives in the Rhineland were RAF's targets last night as current aerial offensive against sance flights were possible durin Germany continued.

the day. The lull followe At the same time, the air minis- I assaults Tuseday on five enem try announced, RAF fighters other lacked transport and gets in Holland and Belgium attar- air fields in Sicily. Railway sidings and the doc area of Termini Imerese, a sea Fourteen bombers and one fight- port on Sicily's north shore wer Negro Section of Beaumont Said 'Stomped 7 Beaumont, June 17 Col. Sidney C. Mason, in command of stale troops and of en- 'orcement of martial law here, said today Ihe Negro scclion of Beaumont "has been literally stomped nto Ihe ground" during race dis- lurbanccs prcfipitalcd by Iwo recent rape cases in which Negroes were suspects.

'From a destructive standpoint, il equals the Mcuse-Argonnc sector of the first World War," added Col. Mason, a veteran of martial law enforcement in Texas. Col. Mason's comment on the danicigc was made as this southeast Texas city of more than 100,000 persons awoke loday under Ihe watchful eye of some 2400 peace enforcement personnel under his command. Tho city had its firsl undisturbed hleep in two days after rioting which started late Tuesday night (Continued on Page Five) cr were declared to be missing from the nighl's opcralions.

blasted with bombs and canno fire by the Mosquilos. Among Al Folkestone a large force of half dozen other'targets were rai Allcid planes was hoard heading way bridges and slalions in soulh across Ihc Slrail of Dover Ihis af- ern Italy. this combination of factors spells nl 10 fj rs tj mc accepted, like the beginning of an industrial boom after Ihc war. OIL MEN TO MEET El Dorado, June 17 1 The Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission today invited Arkansas oil operators lo altcnd a mcoling of a House Naval Affairs Subcommittee here June 21. The committee is socking information on oil industry problems and the amount of petroleum serves.

rc- LContinucd on Page Five Ration Calendar Ration Book No. 1 No. 24, good for one pound, expires June 30. No. 13, good for five pounds, expires August 15.

For canning, Stamps 15 and 16 good for five pounds each. No. 18 good for one pair through Oct. 31. Ration Book No.

2 Blue Stamps and for canned and processed vegetables and fruits, expire June 7. Stamps K. and good through July 7. Red Stamps and good through Juno 30. Red Stamp becomes valid June 6, good through Juno 30.

Gasoline Stamps No. 6 of A-books good for four gallons each unlil July 22. tho original seven eommitteeinen, the principle of collective responsibility and the pledge lo relinquish the committees' powers when France is freed. While Massigli t.ild Iho commil- tee of the communications received from various governments on recognition of the committee, il was not. specified which government had already dealt with him.

Both Great Britain and the United Stales were reported previously to have agreed to grant the com- mittoo do facto recognition if it seemed lo Ihem certain de Gaulle and Giraud would compose their differences. The announcement lhal agreement on procedure today "will bring to a conclusion the various questions now pending v.hioh need to be solved urgently" was interpreted as the most hopeful indication the quarrel over military power between de Gaulle and Giraud might soon be solved. Graduates Asked to Report to School All members of the 1943 Hope High School graduating class are asked to report to the school sometime during the day. Friday. June 18.

is important that every graduate come to the school. Members of the YurgL-r graduating class also are osked lo report to Ycrgcr school on the same day, June 18. Americans Bag 77 Jap Planes in Single Battle Washington, June 17 (If) In one of Ihe great air batllcs of the Pacific, American lanes shot clown 77 Japanese aircraft over Guadalcanal island Wednesday while losing six of their own number, the Navy announced today. Never before had the enemy's air losses in the Guadalcanal area been so heavy. The 77 total was almost exactly twice thai of the Japanese losses last April 7 when U9 enemy craft were destroyed during a single raid.

Navy communique said: "South Pacific: "1. A brief report received from the South Pacific reveals lhal in an air battle over Guadalcanal Island on June 16 United Stales planes shut downi 32 Japanese bombers and Zero fighters. Six United States planes are missing. "2. No fulhcr details have been received." The description of the American planes as "missing," suggested that some of them, or at least, some of llicir pilots, might turn ur, later.

The 13 to score turned in American combat, fliers in the Solomons, who have in the pas included Army, Navy, and Marine pilots, was one of Ihe best, pos ily Ihe best, ever recorded in a ingle action. In the action of April the Japanese allacked shipping al Guadalcanal wilh 98 planes, included 50 bombers, and while they lost 39, American losses were three ships nd seven pianos. Only two Amor- can pilots failed to return from crashed craft, however. The latest raid in the Guadalcanal area prior lo Wednesday's action was last Saturday when the Japanese sent a force of 40 lo 50 'ighter planes into the vicinity of the Russell islands, American air base territory lying immediately north of Guadalcanal. Their move then appeared to be aimed al winning aerial supremacy by overwhelming American fighter plane forces and driving them from the skies, thereby laying round instal- lalions open lo a smothering assault.

As it turned out the Japanese had 25 planes definilely shot down and eight probably. American, losssc wore six planes and two pilots. The make-up of the enemy force in the Wednesday battle suggested the Japanese had returned to their earlier tactics of fighters escort- ternoon inlo northern France. The aircraft flew al a great height and their roar was lost as they went toward Calais. The air ministry also announced RAF Hurricanes and Typhoons tore into a three-ship enemy convoy early today off the Netherlands and damaged all of them, one so severely it was staled she probably sank.

The pianos suffered no loss and left all the ships smoking from bomb hils and bullets. The lasl previous heavy raid on Germany was Monday night when the coal center of Oberhausen, three miles west of Essen, and olher Ruhr targets were hit. Rhineland targcls were bombed Sunday nighl, bill Ihe objeclives were nol specified. The heavy bombers slaycd homo Tuesday nighl while oporlaions were carried oul againsl largets from northern France to Denmark. Lasl nighl's was Ihe 116lh on Cologne and Ihe firsl heavy nighl attack on the city since February 26.

The offensive continued loday as RAF fighlers shuttled back and forth across the channel lo allack German occupied lerrilory, and il was authoritatively staled lhal Ihcy had destroyed six enemy fighters in these operations al Ihe cost of one RAF fighter plane. Two RAF Typhoons, striking at Germany's precious stock of locomotives, damaged at least nine, in the Douai and Belhunc areas of northern France yesterday, beating off four Focke-Wulf 190's and flying through intensive anti aircraft barrages to make their getaway. Ever since the offensive against Hitler's transportation has been stcpped-up, trains have been out- iittert wilh stronger flak protection. A deslroyer escorling an Ax convoy was shot up, causing a brilliant flash aslern, and a minesweeper was raked by fire, the Valletla bullelin reported. A headquarters announcement today added five enemy aircraft to the 16 previously shotdown during the extensive forays to Sicily on Monday night and Tuesday by swarms of Flying Fortresses, Wellington bombers and other smaller bombers and fighters.

Yesterday's patrol and reconnaissance flights were carried out withoul loss, said. Once again Ihe announcement long range RAF fighters sallied out from their middle east bases yesterday to at- lack enemy shipping i Ihe Aegean sea. A Cairo announcement said three sailing vessels were sunk in an island harbor. The Middle East Communique also repported a Junkers was deslroyed by an RAF nighl fighter off the coast of Tripoli during Tuesday night. No planes were lost in these operations, the bulletin said.

(The Italian corded by the of Ihe Greek island of Mylilene; 11 Ihe Aegean sea off Ihe Turkish, oast 170 miles norlheast of Athens. The Turkish consul at Salonika vas reported already recalled. This broadcast also was with out confirmalion from olher quar-, Ambassador Recalled Bern, Swilzerland, June 17 (IP) Behic Erkin of Turkey has been recalled to Ankara from Vichy in porlest againsl recent severe Gcslapo restrictions; upon his embassy, a Turkish diplomatic source said today. While this withdrawal was not considered a rupture in between Turkey and' Vichy France" this source said it could be a step- in thai direction. In addition lo a protest against Nazi surveillance of the embassy, another reason for the recall of the ambassador was said to be pressure on the part of the Allies, who thereby hope Vichy will take a similar action and recall Gaston Bergery from Ankara.

This source, who cannot be identified by name, said Allied quarter held that Bergery "is too friendly with the Axis; sees loo much of (German ambassador) Von Papen." Tho Nazis refused lo issue Ambassador Erkin a visa to return, to Ankara through Switzerland, but granted him passage through Germany. It was believed he already is enroulo lo Turkey, bul Ihis could nol be confirmed. The Geslapo recently insituted a close watch on the Turkish embassy al Vichy and forbade its use of code messages. The em- communique, re- Associated Press from a Rome broadcast, said German planes again raided Panlcl- leria yeslerday. (Rome asserted Iwo planes were shol down into the sea off southwest Sicily.

It reported "limited" air cations were carried out against several localities in Calabria and Sicily.) Continued on Page Six Sen. Berkley Is Guest of Lloyd Spencer Senator Albcn W. Barkley of Kentucky, Democratic majority leader, was the guest of former Senator Lloyd Spencer here yesterday and last night. The Kcntuckian came to Hope from Hoi Springs, where he underwent a medical checkup, and left today for San Antonio to visit his son, a major al Randolph Field. Senator Barkley, majority leader longer than any senator in Ihe lasl tin years, visited Grassy Lake, noted fishing and hunting club, yesterday with his host, enjoyed it, mid said he wanted to come back for "a week" later on.

More steel wire, nails and bolts are manufactured at Cleveland, Ohio, than in any olher city in the world. Nazis Hunt Weakness in Big U.S. Tanks Stockholm, June 17 American General Sherman tanks proved so formidable in Africa thai Col. Gen. Heinz Gudcrian, inspector general of the German tank force, is putting captured models through elaborate lesls in hopes of discovering a weakness before tho Allies invade Europe, the Berlin correspondent of Afton- bladol reporlcd loday.

Nazi lank specialists openly express admiration for Iho General Sherman, the correspondent said, and Guderian was staled to have forced an experimental tank regiment equipped both wtih captured Shermans and General Lees, Ihe laler the Shermans immedi- iale predecesssor amon.j American lank models. The correspondenl reported Ihe special regiment would be stationed somewhere on the German north coast, where it is being put through its paces againsl Nazi anti lank weapons. Speed and maneuverability are ciled as Iwo of Ihe general Sherman's outstanding characterislics necessitaling new defensive lactics againsl it. bassy was permitted to continue to use a diplomatic pourch, but, according to this source, the pouch was opened at Ihe border and examined. Relalions were reported to be very strained, with the Turks angered at the Vichy government and Marshal Petain.

In addilion lo Ihe ambassador the Turks alhb recalled embassy Cousellor Sevdat, The Vichy correspondent of the Gazette De Lausanne reported all foreign consulates in the Mediterranean coastal areas of France have been ordered to move to the interior. May Name Group to Handle War Problems Washington, June 17 Roosevelt was reported by a prominent sports figure loday to have decided on appointing a com- millce of one civilian and one rcp- resenlalive each from the Army and Navy lo allempl a solution of the war-born problems confrontin organized sports. This source, who asked lo remain anonymous, said he had been told thai Ihe civilian under consideration was a man more closely identified in the past with political than sports circles. The function of the trio, he said, would be to provide an officia.1 car for the wartime plaints of the sporting world and lo make recommendations lo the president on what could be done to keep alh- letics going for the duration. Both in and out of congress there has been agitation for an agency of this sort, with some urging appointment of a sports coordinator or "Czar." News of the committee-to-be followed organization yesterday of a federally sponsored group to develop and promote a thoroughgo- ing program of physical fitness throughout the nation, with a spec! ial view to building up youth to meet drafl standards and keeping war workers in lop share..

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