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The Iola Register from Iola, Kansas • Page 2

The Iola Registeri
Iola, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i THE FRIDAY EVENING, JXEOBMBER 29.4911. gg J. An After Dirge. Broke, liroke. broke, Or my Kart darned bones oh gee! it aoiae relief to utter The thoughts that occur to mc.

Oh. well forrthe beautiful gifts. As they In a fair array! Oh, well far-the. haunting thought That, intirades. Does the whole thing'pay? And the giving still goes on, Aa itbaiB''in the years gone by; But the latf of the merry holidays the same old cry: Broke, broke, broke.

Not a cent, oh gee! And the doiBgh that I spent for the Christmas gifts. Will never come back to mo. i Miss G6ra Klein was hostess to thr members of her card club and several other gueats yesterday afternoon. Whist was played at seven tables. Mrs.

E. J. Bbndy receiving the club prize and Miss Bertha Swigart thr guest prise. Miss Klein assisted by her sister Miss Edna Klefn servpd coXirae luncheon at the close of the afternoon. Miii, Orteopatli, Tcl 487, SSa Volma Sleeper rntertalned at cards last night in honor of hnr frieml Mfss Vara Backus, of MlnnpniioMs.

Minn. Pirst prtzee were nwnrdod to Miss Edna Klein and Mr. Ben Vo- Haven, land thei consolation prize Mr. Harvey Heller. After a chnfln; dish luncheon the romulndpr of evening waa spent dnnclng.

Sleeper's gnests were Misses Vnvn Backus Woodlij, Kate Go.ver Mae Brighom, Drake, Vlci-. Rastwood, Blanche Ruskirk, Alfi: Duncan. Trean l.owdrrmllk, Potta, Ruby Heller. Edna Klein. Cnth- erlne Smith, Messrs JOP Hrylmun Ralph MaXBon.

Earnest Searing, OUE Weekly. George Delgarno, John Pru- Itt, Arnold, HOWIUB. Harvey Heller Harry Haymaker, Hprsch- el Cox, Merle Munger, Elvje GliUntt and Ben DeHaven. 0. L.

COX, OenllsL 4- Yeaterday Mrs. Frank Delap had af her guests for the day Mrs. Ixjul; Gatea-Lyons of BuffaJo, Mrs 1 Gless: Parmen-Wolf, and Mrs. Madge Whit taker.Billbe In the pvening the lad ies were joined by their husbands am dinner was served to Mr. and Mrs Archie Lyons.

Mr. and Mrs. Wolf. Mr. and Mrs.

Glenn Billbe.i XcXnieii. Phnnes and 4- The Trinity Aid soclrtr met yesterday afternoon at the church for the regular The Ladies' Aid society of Christian church mot yesterday afternoon in work Arrangements were made ror the concert which is to be given at the January 3rd by the Georgette Swlsf Bell Ringers. This company was here two years ago and it is considered excellent by all who have heard It. IWT M. Hull, Osleopatlk Telepbone 120 and Ml.

A number of yOung wotntn of the Baptist church met last night at ihc home of Mrs. C. A. Hurck and organ- lied the Young Women's Circle, Which will meet once a month in the future. You will want to.

give for a NEW REMEMBft'ANCE A Box of that Fine Candy, from The Bexall Store West Side of the A party of young IMOIIIC last night and went to Utv Miss Florence who WHS pleasantly surprised by her uupxpcct- ed visitors. evening was passed with games MpA music. Miss Raglp is a student of the state normal school and is spending the holidays ai home. In the party were Misses ly'o- na Strode, Mamie Hoerning, Verna Strode, Ltlelia Vamer, Inez Johnsnn, Freeman, Alta Stop Straining Your Eyes! Don't wait until you are visibly affected before you take steps- to have your trouble corrected. By that time the most powerful glasses may of little or BO avail.

Attend to this vitally important matter your power of vision becomes any weaker. You may have only a slight case of eye- now, in which event our $2.00 glasses with pre- acriptloh spherical lenses, will correct, the trouble. Bxaminatlon by our Graduate Optician FREE! Ragle, Mildred Messrs. Kester Smith. Carl Hoerning, Ora Smith Bv erett Land, Henry Ninas, Orval Smitl Earl Smith, Earl Johnson and Russell Hill.

A social good time was enjoyed by several young people last evening at rhp home of Misses Edith and JoHi Baysinger. 606 South Oak. Refresh nients were sprvod at a lute hour Misses Hdith Robinson. Robin son. Amy Anderson.

Julia Bditl Baysingrr, Mpssrs. Walter Graf, Anderson und Ralph Anderson. Mrs. A. M.

Amey of Ft. Seotf Is vl iting Mrs. J. IVote ot Walnut. Mrs.

C. C. Kcnnpdy and dauRhteri MIRSPB Lillian and HPIPH cnnip this aftrrnoan from C'hiinutp to spun ihp wppk pnd Willi Mrs. parpnts, Mr. and Mrs.

W. F. lilxlcr East Broadway. Rev. and Mrs.

J. H. Price entor tained the members of the offlcisi board of the First E. church am, their wives this evening. Mr.

and Mrs. George 1 Knowltoi have returned to their home in Wich Ita after spending Christmas with Mi and Mrs. H. N. Knowlton.

Mr. anf Mrs. James Knowlton of Wyoming, will be here for sclera Tionths with Mr. Knowlton's parents Miss Myrtle Knowlton who teachef school is also here for the holiday; with home folks. 4.

4. Mrs Charles I'hl has returned tr irr home in Holton after a short vis It at the W. A. H.vde residence. Announrements have been recelvec" of the marriage of William Know so iiof nnd Mrs.

H. N. Knowl- on and formerly of this city to Miss Winnie Jones of Parrington, Wyoming. Mrs. Roy Beadle of Weir, is thf quest of her aunt, Mrs.

W. B. Culbertson. Mr.s. Dpiap rrcpived won Christ mas ove of the death of her si in Girard, Penn.

Tliore will be Litany servicp thl "vming St. Timothy's Bplscopa' ihurch followpfl by rholr re hpars.Hl at drrtO o'rlork. ThTP also be vestry meeting at eight. Mrs V. Shullpnl)prgrr, of Kin raid rrlurnpd homp ypstorduy after viBit with her iiaren'ts, Mr.

and T. F. Varnir. Till- Junior gymnasium CIIIKH of tlii V. M.

A. will nir'Pt tomorrow nt I'-rnoon at thren o'llook. A A MIsK Alma Gobin went to LaHnrp. flild afiprnoon In Ih" of thf Y. W.

C. A. there. A Mr. Rosrop left today for aftrr sprnding Chrl-otmas at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyons of Buffalo arp visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E.

Lyons this wepk. The high school club of the Y. W. C. A will give a masquerade party Monday night: Mrs.

George Weisbrod of Texas and Mrs. Nicholson, of Pittsburg, an the guysts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholson. Miss Julia MrClure is spending the wpek with her sister Mrs.

R. Thistler of Chapman, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. W.

O. had as dinner guests last night, Mr. and Mrs. S. L.

Jackson. The members of the C. E. Society of the Chrikian church and their friends passed a very pleasant ting last in the church parlors. A variety of novel amoaementa and contests had been planned by the social committee.

Unique refreshments were served to those present Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hottenateln were entertained last evenipg at the home UTM. Miis. Chrta Black.

Mr. HoUettftbeifai and Blakely of Ogien. ABOUND THE WOBLD FOB CHILD WELFABE New York. Dec. and unheralded.

Mrs. Ellen H. Thatcher smarted on her trip around the world on what is to be a worlO-wide move ment. frought with the greatest of good to American chlldrpn She is going out in the interest of Child Welfare and before she returns wil have visited practically all of the important cities of the globe, studying conditions and offering suggestions where possible. Her trip will take her France.

Germany. Belgium. Russia, China, India, Australia and back to San Francisco. Mrs. Thatcher Is a residen )f Florence.

N. and active in the National Congress of Motliers XKW FOR W.LSHIXdTON were married there. The bride was iccompanlcd lo Kansas City by her mother and sister. Mrs. Hottcnstein is well known lii lola having resided here several years ago and is remembered as an accomplished musician.

Mr. and Mrs. Hottenstein after a short visit with Mr. Hottenstein'? parents at Humboldt will make an extended trip to points In Florida anO ather places in the south. .5.

Mr. Arlzbach, son of ant Mrs. A. Arixbach of lola was rled in nartlpsvllle Tuesday to Geneva Kelley of that city. Mr.

"inch Is and favonibly known Mere, having made lola his home un il ho went to Hartlesvllle WIKTC If 8 pmploycd In a dry goods store. ind Mrs. Arlzbach will bo at homo ir 1006 Armstrong atreet Harilcavllle. Mr. John A.

Crowp of Topekii wli l)e here to spend Year's with lii: Mrs. Carl Nau. Mrs. and Prof. Dunlevy of South vest Kansas College at Winrteld wil irrivp this arternoon for a visit will Mr.

and Mrs. Sawtell of East son. Mis sMarlin, of Tulsa, and Mr. Sh- (ipld Geyer are e.xpcrted toniorrov. for a visit with Miss Kate Geyer.

L. E. Searles very pleasimtlj a number of friends a her home 535 South yesterday. Dinner was served tc Mrs. M.

Hall. Miss Eva Hall, Mrs. D. Hall, Miss Ellen Hall Mrs. Cowell and little son Wayne.

Mrs. C. Ilai I ind Master Wilson and Miss Washington. I). Dec.

Searles. SHE (J.VVE IP HOPE. When Mrs. Joseph Lombard Ives at 229 Starr Brooklyn vrote this letter in the hope that i vould be seen by disrouraged n. she did something that will be oi elp to many thousands.

She says: suffering for fiv ear.s from weakness and loss of flesl: vithont finding any relief, I almost up hope of ever getting better. this time Vinol was rei-oni- lemlcrt to me and I have found it ruly wonderful remedy. I have re- aint'd my health and feel strong am I cannot say enongli ii. of Vinol." All weak, exhausted women am r.fu, all pale, puny children and old folks, can have new hoaltl nd strength by taking tliis od liver and iron remedy. It con- ains no and Is agreeable to ever he most stomach.

Vinol Is real and body-biilider foi very perKon wlio IK run down an eak. WP give back your money 'Inol does not do all we claim. S. lola Kans. liOU who liaH been hou or a visit with her Mrs.

F. O. tuller; for the paiii several days, timed tisis Hioinlng to her home in Ml). J. H.

House, ol "pnler.lllp. who visitng ind Mrs. F. O. Uiitler, returned ti ler home today.

have been completed or a roller skating race at the Audl- orium rink Saturday night between lie following six contestaftts James Mann. Eddie Todd, William McFar- and, James Hall. Walter Ballinger tnd Roy Walton. The race will occur It nine o'clock and a prize will be to the winner. Attorney George Amos of Humboldt Is In the city today on business.

Ladies'Black Velvet Button Boot Welt Soled Priced at $3.00 to $4.00 'upld, whose full name is Jonah Ku- lilo Kalanialaole. delegate to Congress from Hawaii, lias broiiglit a dance to tlie nation's capital. It is called the Mumbo Jumbo, or Americanized Hula Hula, and e.xperts de- that it puts tlie Tinkpv Trot, the jrizzly Hear, the Walla Walla Wig- the and the Salome danc- HO far in the sliade that they can ot be an "The dance was not lauglity." said the Prince, '-lill deiiiamled soinetliing with color. I Wasliiiigloii 'ikes unique, and. Iiclievi! me his dance i.s to preveiit iuperfhious" At NEW YORK STORE Tomorrow, Saturday (OUR NEXIYEIie 'S C.VN BE ORDERED THROUGH THE REUISTEK OFFICE THIS TIME.

Thf Finest Line of Evei in loin AvuIIublc for Yvnr InsperUoD. number of firms in lola habitually iiuy calendars as souvenir gifts foi their patrons. They make attractive prtsents and each year the variety oi Arv Calendars Is increased. The Regii-ter has made arrangements with the largest Calendar manufacturers In America to handle theli line for IHIS. These samples have jusi been and constitute a most iieauiifiil Rfsoitment of Calendars, any one of which miiy be absolutelj eotjyrighled for exclusive local use firm which desires it.

Wdilo this office dges not make a prijeijfc of acting a.s agent for some iilliiM- firm. has made exception tills for the rea.son that the of Calendars Hcems to be- or.i< In (I way to the priming inj iKcniiho It believes the business of lola prefer always to Ml a liome institution, other things Jn the matter of Calen "oiher lliing.s" are more than a-ial, for there is not another housi that can siiow whicJ are superior to the ones tlia on sale In this office. They are ol ill of rare paintings; heavy mountings with silk cotds attached, and beveled edges flfixible mountings with ribbon effects folded tops and feather edging and rich and harmonious colorings lahil palnting.s rich enough to be cut Ml and styles and all prices. Tlie time to place orders for 1913 aicndars Is right now, so that there may be time to manufacture ihem; although of course the purchaser will nrft pay for them until they are deliv- '-rjd, next November or December. A rejiresentafivc from the Register of- fioe.

therefore, will call on such of the busines.s firms of lola as are accus- toined to issue calendars and this office bespeaks for him the sairie cour- the saine generous which would be extended to the New YrJk traveling man who has hereto- ore represented this particular line of printing in lola. lOLA and Fort Scott, KANSAS "DON'T HURT A is what our patrons say. We do the best dental work at the most reasonable prices. Before having your dental work done by others call upon uS. We'ard in our LaHarpe offices EVERY THURSDAY.

Office hours: 8 to 6 Sundays 10 to Evenings 7 to 8 is GRIM STORY OF MISSIONARY Converted Dyak, Forced by Sweetheart to Hunt Heads, Brought Those of Her Relatives. Tho missionary llgntcd a frcHh cigar. "Yes," he said, "I have seen grim happenings In my time. Tho grin, meat, I suppose, occurred among tho Dyak head hunters. "We had converted a young Dyak.

and the lad had abniidoned head hunting forever. Rut he met a girl. 1 beautiful girl, and The abook his head and sighed. "Tho girl listened to his wooing, for he was a handsome lad, but smoked heads to a Dyak maid are what Jewels are to a chorus girl, and with a curl of the lip Bbe said: 'You vow you love me. but you bring me no beads to prove 'Rut I am a he replied.

did a Dyak wooer ever go a-wooing without heads?" said she. are not a man: you are a "The young convert ground his teeth and left her. Tho next morning early he staggered Into her presence with bloodshot eyes. There waa a bag on bis slioulder. 'You asked for be said.

he emptied from the bag onto. floor the heads of ber father and her two brothers'." The missionary snfledsadlr. "That wasn't playing the game," he said. "It's the heads of enemies that the bead hunter muat'brlns In, not the heads of one's own brother tribesmen. Tbey shut the young convert Is a'slatted cage of bamboo to starve to dMth.

He died his aweet- beaft's eye." MILDRED Miss Rnlera McCoy of Ciiirnett iaiting friends here, yiss Krma Walker of Kincnid spent Christmas at Clmrley Cnrvoys. (ieorcia ji party in l.onor of Miss Kulcta MtCov of Carnei! The young folks (1 dii'drpn of Mrs. iiiroiij Mr. ii'i W. II.

May. Mr. Mr.i. Kuniesi I'avis, ot iiiiil Lewis Gll'ixoii lolii, Auniili'-Mi" Craw- forll, of I Al- pliUH HIII! George liiixllio iiiii! ItilxloK ati; Winnir tin ir par- iiiW U. Xi'.

(t. MiiyV eriii iiimily of Miil'iouri ijii'in this week. KLIIJI Kd i 'lirlHtmas witli ArthiT Kudisiil Ijiieily have moved on Grjirit Hugli Smitli anil fi.ii;- spent ChristmiiB at Llur W'l City last week and girl six weeks old. N. T.

iijul spent j-C. J. Peterson: Farm Loans, In- irance, Abstracts. Chr.lstn'as at Frank The boy.s from the schools of this townshii) had track at Mildred afternoon. Relay races, hurdle rac-s, running and jumping orcrinied the souvenirs were given the winners.

The Mildred school closea Friday for.a week's vacation. The pupils of Miss Perkins and Mr. Kent's room gavle a program In the afternoon which was rendered. Miss Has- klns and Miss Perkins went to their bonnes to spend the holidays. Walter Miller has gone to Mexico to iook at land with a view to locating there.

fir. and Mrs. Jonathan Davis are this week with relatives In "Ehe young folks are enjoying the Ice'during vacation and skating par- tleti are numerous. has a petition out for incorporation which is being generally Wilson and Jameq Fisher who are working in Tola came in to sp4rnd Christmas with bome folks. ifr.

Fbrsythe's sister from Iowa bafi been viaitins him. 4 1SS Carmen Dickenson la here Lawrence for tbe bolldajra. Miss Mae Hite was taken into the Rebecca Lodge Tuesday night. Lee Davis is spending the holidays with his sister Uessle Davis. Ralpli Sprague and family tff Lorn Elm ate Christmas dinner with Tom Jackson.

air. Lewis' baby wjfj was biil- ly burned a few wpeks ago died Friday and was laid to rest in tlie Fairview cemetery Saturday afternoon. Rev. Shullcnber.ner coiidueli'il llii' funeral services. Mr.

lii'wis is back from the li Imt slill lias to walk on crutches. The family have the S.VMip.-itJ.'.v of C. E. Locke and family spent mas with her mother, Patterson of Moran. Mrs Florence Hluc Is visiting hiT parents at Altoona.

Fanny Fern Fergus spept Christmas wiih relatives In lola. Mildred celebrated Christmas wilh a Christmas tree at the hall. Two trees decorated the stage and were laden with gifts for the little folks. A good program was It was well rendered and all who took part deserve much praise. large crowd attended.

Miss. Ruth Lieurancp and Jonathan Davis went to lola Wednesday of last week and were -i. bride and groom need no introduction The former was born and grew to womanhood here, and the latter has been a resident of this vicinity for some time. They are among our best and highly respected young people have a wide circle of friends who wish them all the happiness it is pos sible to crow-d into life. The has a jiosition in the olacksmith shop and the happy couple will go to house keeping In the east part of town.

Zola Ellinwood came down from Kansas City Saturday and is spending the holidays with relatives here. Mrs. Corda Worth and children came in Christmas for a visit with iier brother Millard Heath and her sister Mrs. Jones. The commercial club met Tuesday night.

They are making an effort to set a milk condenser to locale at Dr. and Mrs. Foisythe spent Christ mas with tho Doctor's brother at Lone Elm. The Ladles' Aid had bazaar Tuesday of last week. It was quite successful considering tho Inclement weather.

Keveryone present enjoytd tho evening and spoke in tin- highest erms of the good supper furnished by the ladles. The receipts of the evening amounted to forty seven dol- and seventy cents. Mr. and Frank Holden of We.slerji Kansas are here visiting Mrs. Uolden's parents, and L.

E. Mann. Miss Eva Davis is visiting her grandmother at Moran. Belfry school closed Friday for a week's vacation. The pupils presented their teacher, Mr.

Boatright with, a bible and he gave thera a nice treat of candy. C. E. Wilson and family spent Chrlstmsa at Klncald. Ray and Cecil Byrd spent Wednesday at J.

B. Fergus's and entertained hem with music. Wlllard and Miss Nellie Blbens at- ended the Wedding of Leslie and Miss Alice Lhcey, which occurred at the bride's home near Diamond Sunday. i Mr. Menefee is having an eight day special sale.

Mrs Sylvester Coffev is on the sick list Tom Fergus of Wichita Is visiting his brother J. B. Fergus. They went to Moran Wednesday to see their mother who Is III. Mrs.

Hattie Ashley and Robert Nich Olson of Oklahoma, who were called here by the death of their father- have returned home. Little Benita Hutton of Bayard drew the five dollars given as a premium at the Menefee store Saturday afternoon. Dr. Xevitt has the frame work up for his new drug store. Bam Ewing and family ate Christmas dinner with Fred Crane and family.

Grandpa Nicholson died at the home bis daughter Mrs. J. B. Fergus Sun day of lakt week. Be was laid to rest Let us tell you the Thirty.

Reasons why you should buy a Lorain Steel Range. Brlgliam Hardware Co. A Good Harness Means more and better work. Let us fit you out with a GOOD Harness Today IJI 1.1. in tho Falrvlew cemetery, eral services being conducted at thltir view church by the Christian tninfl- ter from Moran.

The lives have the sympathy of ny friends. Cornelius J. KjcbwMB was born Alay 3 In Pike county, nols. lie was united in Sarah Jane Hoover of that plae0 rll'6, 1853. and nine born to ihem.

Ih early waa converted and united vttb; church. They"K sas In the fall of 1866. They absent from the state three years' Missouri and six in Qklahowit. Arkansas, returning in 1898. He the oldest of eight children.

whom survive blm; a alBter tie Itush, of Kansas City, a brother H. J. Nicholson, who la- Nebraska, and a brother B. F. Nieliolft son of San Antonio; Texas.

passed to the home 190S. He is suWived by DaUd Nicholson, of lola. Nicholson, of Oklaboma. Axley of Dartlesville, JCmma Fergus of this placer. twenty grandchildren and istt.

grandchildren. Coming to the early sixties they anffercdraiiaft, privations but they and courageously. His llfe.JiriMt^-:^^ one long record made riy deeds of kindness, denial and while we shall no look upon face nor again hear bis we may find comfort in the I tion of a noble life spent and in the assurance tbat' him was but a trafisitloit, a moment in the "darli then forever In the light. home of his daughter. gus.

Sunday, II. 1911 of 78 years 7 montba and ifia fell asleep in the faitb For. Tdttng. mules at a- bargain at mr-- mile east of lola. 7oIin;.

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