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The Emporia Gazette from Emporia, Kansas • Page 3

Emporia, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

py T-V 'V- GAZETTE PAGE THE, EM POR! A RED CROSS WORKERS "A great net of mercy drawn through an ocean of unspeakable pain'? A Every cent of every dollar received for the RecLCrose War Fund goes for War Relief The American Ucc! Cross Die jntl mast organization for the itluf of iiijj that tlic has aeon It is made up ilrposi entirely of initeci the higher executive-) being, without exception, mon accustomed to large afl'iurs, who arc al- most all givnip then without jiny. It is hupnortpd entirely by it's' membership fees and by. voluntary It is today biingiiig teliof to siiffeung Immunity', both military, and civil, in cvciy wiu-tciiu ollicil counti'y plans tonioiiow to help in the of restoration tlnoughout the wot hi. It feeds mid elothos populations in ijreat. culumily.

It is their to help soldier boy in his time of need; With its thousands of its tie- mentions stoics and srnooth-runmiiK transportation tnoilltipu, it is aoivlug (11 Ameiicn's ndvancu thus helping to win the Cong! uuthouzcs President Wilson heads it. The War department audits its accounts. Your Aiiny, yoiu Navy and your Allies enthu.siasticnllv endorse it. 10 per cent of all our receipts Monday, May 20, will be given to the Red Cross, jhis includes Dining 1 Room, Lunch Counter, Cigar Stand, MIT-WAY HOTEL Smolser KWilngsworth, cap- -lQwrnd tftoui, Stout, of west Street, all south of C'dlviq Mowmun, EusHn. U.

Davis, Scott Koontz' No. 'a. i John M. MIKnii, O0mnilt(eMtiau- North of Sifth Avoilue. 1 Menhfinl Sireel Austin, 15.

1 .1. Mar(Is, Foid, Li R. Day, A. bm'9, N'ornmii Tilplett, 0. Btinnjoiw.

Ionian IUD, Uert, UjlR, Fellows. i'oriritUtitioii Oharloi Hancock, ,1 Ii Hftivcy, "captains; H. Keller, Ion Q. M. It Phlppu, Hd I tali, A.

lielanrt, Kvnns PppGresH Stiecti W. Templo tpi), A. cnptuins; P. iluiilf), 3, Tii'ii Oieen, A Jl, Wood, F. BtaiJtfor, Drake, Wilmer 13m- Find KfMioy.

I Slnte Street Warroii, Carl Nailon, caphilns, Mosris, 1. lostutter Ilnulonstle, Jud iones Common 1 Strrnt, Most Side V. Alvord, I captains hireet- Pnikoi, cnnlalns, D- Contributed to the Red Cross by MIT-WAY HOTEL L. STENGER, Propr. Give -Your'.

CHickens a Chance! Mite Spray Gets the Blood-sucking Mites Mite Spiay is an oil that penetrates wood and gets into all cracks and crevices, and Sprny your roost and henhouses with Mite Spray and you soon will be rid of mites. Mite Spray, $1.00 a gallon Sprayers, SOc Phone 105 Field Seeds The following show tlon over 90 per cent: Kailr IMnk, foterlta, Gc Ih. Uftarf mllo, 5c; cano, 8c; Soiidfin, 22c; millet, fie; EiiRlIsli Cluegrnsa, 20c; alfalfa, to por bushel; corn. per huahol. One horse, rubtier-tlretl Burrey.

new, IBBB than half price. Repairs for all macliin'ea I have handled Agent for Adminil Hay Tress South Knst. Side, O'refill. a. P.

Hardcaslle Kenyon Oldest UndertakliijK House In Kansas C. T. EVANS EmJwlmer" nnd Funeral Director Day Flione. 150 458 Cars Tractors, Trucks, Trailers, Auto ropalrs nnd accessories IRA IA HDKST MOTOIt COMPANY 726-728 Commercial Street Jl. K.

Krvln, of the" was in Kmporla on buslnubs today FfMk, of Bethel, transacted So £mppria today. Hill '1 Hod meeting, hold 111, Ilio diacu Melliotlist Church Inat livening. In. l.liu interests or the Crosa drive, wan mid a. Mitcensiul nnd insiiirn- Llunul'-meet Ing.

The muaicul piu-L of tin; -prqg-fiiin- esueciiillj fino and put apii niul Into tins ineeling, Atlss in charge of ill binding a solo, In which filio v.ns aitonipaiiiod by Mrs Kho led 'the audience bliiBiiiK patilotlc airs Ed liewH also acconiimnlcd liyMi-B. Liiwla. Rev. I. Uiugnii, inistor of tho Oruce Chinch, and intro- (liiood the 1C RanbO gave a splendid talk tihout thu worl; mid piirposp fit thuiRciI Croas X'ownian; chalniiaii of thu lied CJi'OBH drive in Lyon Cniniiy, tlarf NHU, ciinirmau ot.

thu Uynn County OhaiiK-r of the Jled and 'Dr. W. gave along the same linns. A' warrant was this mom- ing the nriost ni ILnj Kramin, of linipoiia, for the allege heating oC filarles Slninions, eai-old hoy who has lived in the Krainni home for thn liatit to Probato near tho 1C rain in lionin at 21 Coniiroaa Street, cumplnineil. tliar tho Kcroainu ah out I 1 o'clock Thursday.

iilglil liad attracted 'Yoatcrday, Mrs. It IBES, matron, went to the Knunm home and got the boy. Vesterdny ntternooh, in''Mr. Jones's office, thn child's body was covered with wolln nnd stripes Jiulicatiur; that he had heon heatoii Mr. Jones said this morning 'that wuu asked for Krnmm under a statute inaklng tho nOKlect wanton cruolty to a child a inistle- meanor.

Accordinp; to luformatioii which iciuiin Mr. Jonosi, the hoy ohtiiincd from a losfiie in Kaiisns City, atioiit year utto, fie IR tho caro of Mil Turns 'Hn lie Ike Hatcher, at injured when a ford cnr, which he driving, I levied ovflr, yesterday, jiflor t.hft the corner of N'lntli! Avenue ancl Cdinmorclal Hlreot. street was and the car skidded: of the road into the Butler, and tinned ovor, plnnuiK under U. was Injured on tho hack legs. No one WHS with' him when tho accident occurred.

The car suffered a hrok- cn wind-shield, and wheel was takon off. The hody wan badly ilnnt- on one. sido. 'Thu cause of the nc- cldent Witu a lilow-out of ono of tho tires. Miss M.kthi Lewia.lnf Is vls- hpr sister, Mrs I who Ii tho Manual Wall paper.

I nkln, Tloss Moon, I) unmvorth, II. If Jnquilli, Kainer, A rtttimnrtl, A JOIIPS. Stroit W. Harris, Rrn- pat llnllwcK, captilns; lion teoou, (i gorge Jones, Frank I os- tutlor, i Wpst Slrrfl A. II Gutier, 11 Hershboigor, Miller, 11.

Osbuin, Veuinn Grant. O. Stownirt, Tun Gee, I M. PairiiiK- (Qii. Hob Ilolii'ita Walnut Strrnt Vorn Dstep, Itnherts, cap) una; Johu Adams, Williamson "ton Stieet; E.

Robinson, captain: Charles 'Dnvls. Paik Street 1 I Cocinan, M. cantain? OutlyliiK Ceoige Blankenship, TIairv McClure, captains, (7oorro Tiei Wldlck, A nod i li'im Xo. GilhcttxTiitli, Commit treman. Mpchiiriic "-'tippt TJ Buck and II PV 1 11 I Ttice, captains-; I Buck-, Fred Hcott.

Ike Newton, W. Dowey, Jones. Jones, Hniry Long, W. 0. A.

'Klrkerirtall niul James Ilickox. TUaikct Mieel Williams and ludd, captains; I 0 iRobertBt A Boyle, E. Paifier. T. 0 T.

V. Hoffor, 17 TTuKhcs. 'G Ington, F. 11111 1 A Doono Il.irrls, I llnrold Hlrschlnr, Ferris: Hill, F. L.

'Black and 13. Ii. Dnrrett: Union Si 1 Highland: F.iL. Priest anil C. criptulns; W.

Milchell, W. A Van Voris, Thomas; T. Mnj berry, II Hill, 1 Culler. Floyil-IlneliiR, Cook; Fon- A. Trimhlo, Wooster nnd Harold I Thf- cold fiaurps of the 1 -3 th strcrLlh oi Cccdr.Jp T-rco; tire eculd hide a wcc-Lrcius Li ti--', tipuod m.laago: i-cro-Ja tires stand curetj.

1C IE. For generous, rr' at any Go: V-'T CC'IT thu I of cT rood weather, tl ie.n vAth cteatl- 1 3. ynd abil ty. You malo ths your Cu var les cf puro food and turo iclj. McJo it your cnd rnsc-urcd rp to cJJ Goodrich "i a A ca'a end cdded naw vrttila, Tested Tires," THIS GOODRICH F.UBBEfi COMPANY Kani-aa City Branch CE Kansas City, Mo.

You Thu Sun are Slacked of Third to ond of street ft Wortmaii or Street fiorn Avenue to Suden ricd-Currj, Tnuik Dule, Char'Ob captains, SKtk AVPIIUO to iFoiuth, FianJt Dule ami f'ha: lea West, Third to Point Gpoiqe Flooke; railroad UvFirat Avcnuo, Ki.uim, to A I) Iones to Knnsts, II B. r.v Fred L'nr- East. South Avenue, 'Kast Avenue, Kast Fifth Avenue Keep your Kodak busy for the sake of I the boys "over there." Morris Drug Co. 1 Phone 68 Jensen, cannon Mnrx, L. I Gnltnr.

StiPPt Tl IT Toloh- graehet and Coorgo McC.uter, cup-J Tains; A-, I-owthei John Saner, Ilenniitft, Geoige Tieislci, lj Carle, McTaitpr, Flpm- iiiK nnd M. Schottlor -Street: Charlbs Ryan and Wall captains; L. 11. Avenue: Charlas Grob, tr. captains, taKc i.irn of.

this themselves. .1 lliuihlp IJntj. To the Editor-, the B.iikv, eitnrgc SleiEhor, I Mutton, Walt McCoy, Rainey north of Tvv.clfth A Moore. Tcnyi Xo. I V.

ConimHwmin: nonth of AvomiP Mechanic StiPCl it Shepherd. Tom OM-l you crir a rnmor I cus, c.iptamv Logan to Knusw Avo-1 ul wll alul Gadbeiiy, Kansns TUeie a 1a pnrt Qf Ul(J Illstr tlons ghon the Thornab 0. Plant Comp.ii.v stllliic fr)rct whon ont on UU3 SOA trip You ha rioiihlp dutj to por- FROM A Y. M. FATHER 'iho A lotc'iVi'l a iv fiopi Tnpl'tl of.

oiclosnii; cl'o io. i to tor a nicnibo'-i in the i' J-L foi lin son fiofpi Trlrilptl Uliilbu clionk ho wrote: I nlo td to L- (aid cliecV, hciihlp in thp inporia for brr- idra tlwt 1,1 ship in, and .1 uiciii I A 'irijjIoLf It i-, a moln'joi- a part of Mich form this season. You must, noil shoes to keep the factory running and givo employment to our people. Vou must soil and Americanism, "You lying nrorj'u- Yoti miHit kill iiinioi U'hel It t.t\or cinployo 1 illstlict Cnurt Crufcs. A civil case hronghl hy nno lo South .1 S.

Marcel-" 1 lho NSO1 BpreadinK luirlfiil Im, South Avenue to First I llko to tell propio Ch'ailps .1 Buck. Vlrst Axenno to lat bu Fourth Avenue. fliiRhes, i 10 wn ll to I0ttcn Fourth to Sixth AMHIUO. 1 CunninKham Market Street: 0 .1. MoGaithj, 1 Klcli.n.hon, captains, rifth lo the nermar, 111 ho rotten bcrnaso lloj ollUl to see Amencan com- morce destroyed.

Turn the uvera Be 'upside, down and: look for Sixth Avenue, BJ to I Third to Fovuth, Soconi to Our enemies nre active about pioacluiiK nml liaticd of Hnglnnd, of Canada, and of Ilaly, Prance or Tarmn to pud They are trying to split the Mechanic McCai thy, I tried tn split off Italy. now tr ing lo split off Prance olies won't bp able tn off Thoj Union Sliest- Robert Ailhur against I. M. and 1. Cannon, loi tho of a commission $1,200, alleged to lip dup fur aei vices in a real estala trade, is on-trial In the district court today.

Tlie casp boiiig tried bcforo jury, composed of Frank Frank Mjcrs Ralph Myori Tbin Unv Thompson Second to I. Martin, 13 vy Sout lo Lo- voiir conrago high FOV.IPI, t'lpni tligor and lolin Pritch-' ciark Mnitin. too 'hat llag ari Exchange Street: Pather Floicn- A Wpbanor yesterday was giv- niama, captains, Fifth en a ill) dumaBOi In Ave ulc to st xtli, Cohorts, -ult brought against tho Santa PC. Fo rU to Parker, case, which AVRS appealed from to jr olnUli A SPC- "TllP Hour jiibticc court, tried by Jmj on(1 Th John schottlpr. First' rA south tn Glass, and 1 he JJear boIiiK trtocl bcforo jury, composed chains, Fifth Avc- America, Wo are in Una war to stay of nheil-, U.

Anderson, U1 0 suu I Third "Wllli- hsnrts cojiragpous wo will Frank I.yUc, F. Brewer, M. I. FiftU Brook! Second to'nsht on to a Mctorious ondint Ilnrr, Frank Mjers, Hiilph Myers, omn nn second to Ilt uul got to T. F.

ll-vrnos. Commencement plays, I to Second, John A. Ii will go tomo, row to FIrst Iohn gouth lo Loganj Chlraso, to nttond the niilional con- vontion of tho Hetiill As- S. Tlpton Street. and tho nniiui! mooting of (Vcn lc her O.

Prwln, the Vailonnl ot met- clnl Departed." nor- or Hall, ft Vvcnllo capaOT. 9, i xt any Slcklcr, ing. May 1 1 rouith to Fifth. Fred naird. Third ets at kdall McCar- College-Normal base- Third, n.

i ball, Monday, 4 Normal Field, sion, 25 cents, to Fourth. Robert Lewis Firit lo South to First, and I Ileihert WHlny nnd Ted Kaunas Clly-, visited rulativtia In Knv jiorla yofterday. Admis- .1 Tlpton Sylvan Street: "IT P. N'orion, Rd Atyeo. captaIna: "Fifth VvPinio to Kinpp, or Miller; Poiulh to, Ocorpto Miller: 1 1 I Try tho for a variety of good the home oat." Pull stoclc of bee- supples at Pot- eis llnrdwnro Company Fifth, Chnrlpn TiPPble, Third (Fourth.

Will Jones, south ot rail- Norton, Rd Atyeo f'trect' L. H. For safety and service. Wortmnn, c.tptnins! Third Adam, nue to sixth; L. R.

Hinahaw; south Commercial otate an oruanixatiop. this, hp. inoip hone C' A HI hut lUiu otnorv Iso I ni, out riliuting (n the nnitorial trrii'tli ir or- it .11 lie ot inco in i it vholos ilo iii'MuiKo tho s- siii'iiip; you iny wlmle-ivoartod' mpnlh 1 IP l( ,1 u' II' Tiin'ilt That is. the siuiriV Wlilcli ia vvin- ning the of rj j- ,1, i ii'JPi cf I sn (if t'a- 1't'r lie Jlfprfi 'J TD PV i Apul thn effort to cut tho u-p of jiappi in f.roit Pritiiin, t''p papr i economy has inserted notions: in many publications ilanco-i of paper extravagance lie- reported. Such ic'pnrt-, piimr into lho illrcc'tor's offlca.

Tile mnsl. flagrant, offenders, it. seems, wore Rovtviimeiit. dopartTiioiilr, that in the; hiir-o and. 'n .1.

loldrd l.iilonci ndoi" co'io'ii is now heiiiK made in all dopartiiientb, even to (lip of on aider, of. tho papor. A curate called tho' attention of IP divt'tor of piippr IU to t'i" of i i "f.nmlc. ctMClvlf-i," o' colored Iiifli hp rlPsC'ipcil -i tc- of pf- forl is o'l 03 iiii.iM, and, IIIK ihflucnco to the yoiinfj. A tpachci tint llnnill hoards be oedr-rorl to pi.luls the in il'O rojw contrary oh! ciiuloni.

and ihei'chyssifivti' thottoiindH of year. One comiilaint bcen'Tictod on bo'oip it van lecPh'od mm loll' of' 1 tho numlior of invostrtisnt clvdii- lii'i he wccA Till-, uso of pujK'r prohibited pithllohl -r; of Ind bee'i Tcdiirrd to a mi In hill 1 new uonlt'i tpl. trd L'l will Iho ot f-'nhinn lil- crcturc of rorl fou i. puipr-'. u'lh Invo cut odlliom clovm to at a priie of cento nre.

tii'Kod to Gloss or jet black, readily applied and dries quickly. We 8 have just received a quantity of this color. Brightens black hats and changes the color of light ones. 25c Bottle 9 Leaflssrberry's TWO "STORES: NV, 1- G03 Phono 326 i -No. 2: 511 Phoi.o 166 i i TM Tlii mi 1 in T.ip Motor i rr'cived f-oni owner of the Mntoi C'ompanj, in lho shlpon he nilci IH safely oveiseas Bring your hay and grain checks to the Lyon County State Bank, the bank that makes you feel" at horne.j Ton por cont of all oui receipts Toi 20 he to the THIS- includot TOOIUS, dlnhif-ioom, Inncli counter, cigar nirt Mu-'iVay Ilnlol, 13.

h. Piopilotor. nnd Mn Ailhur Htgdou, of 17 South Uural Stieot, arp the par- ont'i 01 a ton-pomid Kirl, horn TUPS- dr to wlfom" t'iej have the I.anr;i roilzahcth. Mis Allen and non, W. 7'.

Alli'ii. and daughter, 'Mrsv. A It. .11. In and Madonna Allen, of Bmpuiia Aiskors Mrs Churlos Loomis, who hai horn her Sir C.

the ThP old i arQ rfniilppd and porcpnlanp of -Piililplnr; must be tosed in maMiig now Pftpsr, to homo In Qulncy. AUi. A F'T)lpklnson, apolls, Knn will come tomorrow" to visit Mr, un8 Mis. i Xi.

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