The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 1
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- The Anniston Stari
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- Anniston, Alabama
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Plans Shape Up News Bay Night Outlines of PreridenrJiTF" on'i "Great Society" a emergfag wriDapItoi HflLwitli i vast program of aid to education on the horizon. See Story, Pafe S. From a.m. to 11 fUL, AEC, AP and local ews is flashed ver SUUoa WHMA. Tha Star's final editioa is presented each weekday at 4 p.m.
The Star arrives Sunday mcminf loaf before breakfast time. AP and UPI News Member ABC and NEA ourHomeNewspaper Since1882' VOL. 83, NO. 173 5c DAILY; 20c SUNDAY, 50 a WEEK by CABBIES ANNISTON, ALABAMA, MONDAY, MARCH ,8, 1965 1Q Pages, 1 Section We Can't Give Inchf Wallace Says 111 ill aTh eiinia rases nre After ratro hips i egroes 0 1 I 1 By JOHN LYNCH SELMA (UPI) Unrest remained in Selma today after a Sunday of violence. State troopers and deputies on horseback, under orders from Gov.
George Wallace to stop a "freedom" march to the capital, Sunday tear-gassed 600 Negroes at and set them reeling and U. S. Marines Secure Air Base In Viet Nam bleeding under the lashes of clubs, bull whips and ropes. At least. 67, Negroes were injured in the melee, including in tegration leader John Lewis DA NANG, South Viet Nam (AP) The U.
S. Marines landed by sea and air who suffered a possible skull fracture. Two hospitals Good Samari tan and Burweli Infirmary re in South Viet Nam today to strengthen the defense of the key Da Nang air base against attack by the Communist Viet Cong. One battalion of 1,400 Marines came ashore from four 7th Fleet transport ships standing half a mile off the coast 380 miles north of Saigon. ported early today 17 Negroes were hospitalized with broken fK I I T13 7 i 7 i Ml? uwJrry arms and legs, head injuries, hysteria and other injuries.
None was in critical condition. About 50 more Negroes were el (AP WircpMI) treated for lesser injuries, bandaged and released. Policemen Set Defense Policeman Is Struck A policeman was struck when Negroes, in the only reported District of Columbia policemen take their stations today at Soviet Embassy in Washington which was atained by attack Sunday by Cuban refugees. The 1 retaliation, hurled bricks and bottles. An FBI agent, taking pictures as horsemen chased Negroes, was attacked by three white men and his camera smashed.
ftuvcoi twa tan emorcement agencies Dy surprise. Extra Units Galled i tr -a A second battalion began arriving without fanfare aboard C130 Air Force Transports from Okinawa. Landing To Continue About 3,500 in all from the 3rd Marine Division were expected by Tuesday night, including a helicopter squadron. Landing of the helicopter group was reported delayed by heavy surf which also slowed the movement of tanks and artillery to the beach. A detachment of 1,200 Marines was already at Da Nang manning Hawk antiaircraft missile batteries.
At the beach 10 miles west of Da Nang, the Marines charged ashore in traditional fashion some slipping and sliding on the wet sand. Posts Calmly Taken At the air base the Leather Federal charges were filed oarlv inAav naninct i rsSTTW. 1 li Genrtrtr Rnhtnsnn Nip! yA ry Cooper, 21, and Randall IJen-drick, 21, all of Selma, for attacking FBI agent Daniel D. Doyle. Doyle was not injured.
lo buard Embassy Attack On Building In U. S. Draws Protest From Russians By CARL P. LEUBSDORF Scores of Negro children boycotted schools today, apparent ly planning further marches Ik) A 't. mm il WASHINGTON (AP) Extra Dolice have hwn stafinnprf round the Soviet Embassy after five anti-Castro Cubans splattered black liquid on it in a surprise bottle-throwing protest.
i ure uuaiis were arresiea AP Wlrtphoo) necks walked calmly off their planes and stood in files while they were assigned to bivouac areas. After securing the beach, the seaborne Marines moved on. to Defensive Positions Taken and demonstrations. Town's Doctors Busy All of the town's doctors -white and Negro were called to Good Samaritan Hospital. One white physician said the place looked as though there had been a "moderate The place where officers intercepted the Negroes near Ed-wardPettusBridgeover-the-Alabama River resembled a battle scene with" abandoned bedrolls, and clothing lying mingled with spent tear gas shells.
Dr. Martin Luther King U. S. Marines are lined up in defensive position after landing in Da Nang Bay in South Viet Nam to- the air Dase. One of the C130 transport promptly charged with interfering with the property, of a foreign government and jailed overnight.
They said they were protesting last week's violent student demonstration against the U.S. Embassy in Moscow and also the continued presence of Soviet troops in Cuba. planes milul-inJheing byai sniper pullet as it was making; wjn Deef up defenses against possible Communist Viet and the plane made a normal 'They Will Shoot Back' fa. 'i The State Department reported that a telephone call of protest had been received from the Russians. The official who received the call expressed the who said he remained in Atlanta during the short lived Scenes Of Violent Afternoon department's regret at Sunday's march Sunday on the advice of his aides, announced he would Battalions Ready ForG round Fight landing.
I've Wanted Chance' "Anything is better than staying on the ships," said Pfc. William Kuprevich, a machine-gunner from Philadelphia, Pa. "I've been waiting a long time to get a chance at Viet Nam," said Lance Cpl. Lloyd Seiler of San Antonio, Tex. Two casualties were reported during the landings.
Mishap Hurts One personally lead a renewed march Tuesday "in spite of the Scenes show violence and tension which gripped Selma Sunday. In top photo, helmeted state troopers wearing gas masks drag off a demonstrator after ending march. In other photo, mounted police and troopers-patrol church where Negroes took refuge after violence which occurred on a nearby highway. Federal Probe Ordered In Washington, the Justice Bv FRED S. HOFFMAN incident.
IL was understood that the subject of compensation had not been discussed in this initial exchange, said to have beeir at a relatively low diplomatic level. Last Thursday hundreds of screaming Red Chinese, Vietnamese and African students, stoned and splattered ink on the U.S. Embassy in Moscow; Red army reinforcements were required to quell the disorder aft WASHINGTON (AP)-Deployment of two Marine battalions hjS aske! fc, FRT fnr a "full ann nromnt Queen Louise ailment fatal 'OurQueen' Dies At 75 Mi i i i An man's rhost was lu lcau lu lual investigation" of reports that crushed when he was caught tween D. S. combat units and Communist guerrillas in that war Filibuster Rumors between a transDort and a land- mmmry men nave Deen law enforcement officers and others used unnecessary force to disperse the civil rights marchers.
Wallace had only a terse ing craft as they brushed to-jservinK as maiviauai advisers (Secretary of State Dean Rusk says there's no doubt that if gether. ur on icaiiis 01 auvisers wun South Vietnamese army and er the demonstrators had beat- STOCKHOLM (UPI) Swed Threaten comment in Montgomery: American Marines in South Viet Nam are shot at, "they will shoot back." Assembly en back police and scuffled with 'en today began a six-week pe-soldiers. iriod of mourning for Queen But Rusk emphasized: "Their American diplomats, who ine Delove? monarcn to the mission is the security of Da have contended that the Soviet oecame our queen By WILLIAM O. BRYANT MONTGOMERY UPI)-Filibuster talk today threatened to He was expected to survive. A captain broke his leg while scaling down a rope net.
The Viet Cong made no attempt to interfere with the Marines The Marines are to strengthen this base from which major air strikes have been launched Analysis Background Of The News Nang air base." "Those folks in Selma have made this a seven-day-a-weck job. But we can't give an inch. We're going to have to enforce state laws." Many of those injured in Sunday's 30-minute melee turned up in bandages Sunday night at a meeting that drew 600 Ne logjam major education bills which come up for action in the Alabama legislature Tuesday. The much-amended free textbook bill, originally introduced Appearing Sunday on the CBS radio and television pro gram "Face the Nation," Rusk said "it is not their mission to engage in the pacification opera- by administration leaders, will Swedish people because she shopped in Stockholm's stores and markets just like any housewife. The queen died Sunday at the age of 75.
A great granddaughter of Britain's Queen Victoria, she suffered a blood clot in her right leg last Thursday. against North Viet Nam. Two marine outfits in the field. Fred Waring, Troupe Due At Auditorium tions groes under the watchful eyes government provides insufficient protection for the U.S. building, filed a protest.
The Soviet government apologized and promised compensation. U.S. officials pointed out recently that no such demonstrations are permitted here. District of Columbia law forbids demonstrations within 500 feet of an embassy. A three-man detachment of pplice had been assigned Tb the Soviet Embassy here since last Thursday.
Vietnamese battalions were de-. But until now there had been ployed in the area to meet any no American ground combat Red attack. I formations in South Viet Nam. "The fact that they are going i of two carloads of state there will make it possible ers." for the South Vietnamese forces The Rev. Andrew Young told who have been responsible for the crowd that Negroes would the local close-in defense of Dai go before Federal Judge Frank Fred Waring and the Penn-sylvanians will perform at Anniston 'City Auditorium tonight at 8:15 o'clock, in the final presentation of this season's Knox Concert Series.
Tickets for the urogram will be available at the be on the Senate calendar. A controversial $125 million bond issue for school construction will be on the House agenda. Supporters and, foes of the' textbook measure seem unhappy with the bill approved by the Senate Finance and Taxation Committee. The prooajal's House sponsor. Montgomery County Rep.
Joe Goodwyn, said the measure ts "completely unworkable. Something has got to be done about it." Nang to undertake those mis- M. Johnson In Montgomery to sions themselves." ask for an injunction prevent- The secretary also reiterated ing and local officials the American stand that any (See Selma, Page 'Col. 1) negotiations must be preceded Judge Brown Takes Action win icavc uuuui ivi i ACL Train Is Derailed alone.) A direct clash with U.S. Marine units could result if the Red Viet Cong should try to attack the vital 8ir and naval base The bill providing free books for grnde-) one through 12 was changed almost beyond recognition by the Senate committee.
Tvo major changes woi'ld create a legislative com Sanity Trial Ordered March 29 For Ruby complex at Da Nang on the TALLADEGA Twelve freight cars of a west bound Atlantic Coast Line freight de A JL, fit 1 (. I i i i A 1 4ti South China Sea coast. A major fight also could de railed near downtown Tallade velop if Marine patrols make contact with guerrillas opera DALLAS (UPI) Judge Joe B. Brown today ordered a san: iiy trial by jury for Jack Ruby ga early this morning. The derailment occurred at a on March 29 The condemned man sat in court and listened impassively to the decision that could decide whether he is mittee to judge all books Uocd in Aldbin- a schools and would crovtde boks on a stair-step basis.
No grade could 'receive free books until all students km grades had been supplied. The book judgment amend- ting around the base area. The Marines are likely to es busy intersection on Court Street, resulting in blocking of the intersection and the Ea The Weather tablish a defense perimeter with In less than 30 minutes. outposts, radio communications, and patrols roving the area. 'Brown, jud3e who tSiSS SifJi Street flow of traffic for hours.
No one was injured. Police said it appeared one ki i a vonsiuer- Eddins of Pemopolis, would en able cloudiness and cool this 81 8 mj'roer year HouseSenate commit. mnrninr homln, Mrtlv rlnHv fo. ''stened to arguments and pw Consider felt Some of the Marine patrols ke io outlaw any text it unfit for Alabama children. their defense nertaeter and.
little wermer ta the 2Z of the cars was derailed about blocks aasLoL the. Court Sen. Larry Dumas of Birming IAP Wlrtpholt) Street crossing and continued tner coia. inesaav. iair to nun-.
scrapes with the Viet Cong. ham- introduced the other ly cloudy and warmer. High hearing from his maximum amendment as a precaution in to be pulled by the train to the main Intersection, where it Jack-knifed and piled up the other security rU on an upper floor today, SO; low tonight, 30; Ugh case Insufficient money ts ap of the courthouse. The slayer of If a major U.S. Communist ground clash, should flare, it would carry with it both an' opportunity and a danger.
The opportunity: To deal a sharp and telling blow to the can. Rescuing Child Proves No Snap It was no snapgetting 18-month-old Timothy; Dehham of Louisville, free from a pair of old handcuffs. that snapped shut around his neck Sunday while he and his brother Patrolman Billy Sorrell, who 7 applied mouth-to-mouth respiration to'jimothv holds the youngster; Fire Capt: presidential assassin Lee Harv Tuesday, 58. ff Locii mTisTics Hllknt lptntan Ikto lata. la KM.
Lawrat Uupwitar tkta tmlm, kl lttt. Damage was extensive, includ-j ey Oswald, was but looked propriated for the books. Sen. Kenneth Hammonds predicted a filibuster when he Introduces a resolution calling' for investigation of charges that state eduction officials have big the ACL warenouse ana yard cars. A pick-up truck whlcn healthy.
It was his first public appearance in 10 months. Viet Cong and; to demonstrate to rt km w4bif mi a.n. day Hlffca! Umaratr. 44' trfrm Lawnl iaaaaaralara, tl tign, Aalan (all Uukaa. Mar, was parked in tne ireigm yaru taarha taaaarm, a.a.
SarMittor Asked ho'v he felt, he replied' Tine, thanjyou." Wtchett, who used, a cable gutter to remove the cuffs, is second from left I1 (JeiiZineaga UL lj the Communists the risks they unade money from book itoru. (ec Train rage wm..
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