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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 4

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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PAOI FOUR HOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS Saturday, Great Need for Soldiers in Time of War nf tlw. I.nrfl's SlinnOf. Market Report ST. LOUIS LIVESTOCK National Stockards. April 24 S.

Dept. Agr.) 200: odd lots about steady: tew good 180-240 Ibs. 14.80; top 14.80; 140-100 Ibs. 13.85-14.35; others too scarce to mention: market Friday to Fr.iday general 10-15 lower. Cattle, none; calves, none; compared Friday last week, steers, heifers and common and medium cows steady to 15 lower; bills 50 lower; vealers steady: replacement cattle and calves steady to weak; top for week, choice 1250 Ibs.

steers 17.25; 1091 Ib. yearlings 10.40; 815 Ibs mixed yearlings 16.50: 951 Ib. heifers 10.25; cows 13.75: sausage bulls 13.50: vealers 15.75; replacement steer 15.75; bulks for week slaughter steer 14.25 10.25; heifers and mixed yearlings 13.0015.5; common and medium cows 11.00-12.75; stocker and feeder 15.00; closing top and vealers Analysis of the News by Mackenzie Editorial Comment Written Today and Moved by Telegraph or Cable. By DeWITT MacKENZIE About ten days ago I recorded this column a growing demand for more spiritual and moral guidance in helping win the war and I cited the declaration by United States Senator Harry S. Truman (Dem.

Mo.) that there is a need for "a fighting 1 Tomorrow being Easter this steers 13.75 seems like a good time to make a sausage bulls 13.00 report on the reaction to that art- 15.25. icle. Letters from as far away Sheep, none: compared Friday as California have been arriving at last week, lambs 25-50 lower; sheep Tolls" but it looks as if he 11 never OPA Removes Ban on Truck Tires Washington. April 23 directed ration boards today to remove on May 1 quota restrictions on recapping of truck tires. The agency said after consultation with Rubber "Director William M.

Jcffers, who said recapping materials were available for the program, that it was better to "provide recapping as soon as needed rather than risk ruin of some casings that might be driven beyond the recapping point." Hollywood By ROBBIN COONS Wide World Features. Writer Hollywood Sam Wood has finished making "For Whom the Bel my desk and all of them, with one exception, agreed with the general thesis. The exception was a friendly and cleverly phrased epistle from a chap Minnesota. He put up a stiff battle, the gist of it being: "Religion and its part in victory 1 The value of religion in war is debatable. To the Russians, and to other milUons who are not Rusians, it is of no great moment.

There is much cursing a praying in the foxholes." Well, Scott, I like a man who speaks his mind, and you sure talk right up in meetin'. I'm not going argue the point with you, because my business is analysis and Tnot debating or yet preaching. However, despite your skepticism on religion in war, it's interesting to see you, along with the rset, writing me a letter about it. This can only mean that religion has a news interest for readers, and that's why I deal with it in this column the same as with other categories of news. Apropos of the remark about religion being of no great moment to Russians, the Associated Press the other day carried a little dispatch saying that the twenty-six Greek Orthodox churches of Moscow open lor Palm Sunday were crowded to a degree that their members said was unknown since before the Bolshevist revolution.

Throngs even traffic before some churches. Numerous Red Army men, sailors and airmen were among the churchgoers. What's the meaning of that? Apparently it supports what I've been "saying that a spiritual and moral wave is running through many countries. Religion still has i plenty of meaning to a host of Russians, and they howl it when the church doors are open. Speaking of religion in the foxholes; Captain William E.

Taggart, Ait chaplain, stated at a 'meeting of religious leaders In New York that the war steady to 25 higher; good and choice southwest spring lambs 16.25-35; medium and good wooled southwest lambs 15.25; good and choice clipped lambs No. 1 and 2 pelts 14.50-15.25; top early 15.35; medium and good 13.75-14.25; most good and choice wooled ewes 8.509.25; top 9.50; half deck common and medium shorn aged wethers 8.00. NEW YORK COTTON New York, April 24 The stock market continued to display a high degree of selectivity today and, while assorted rubbers, oils, rails and specialties tilted moderately upward, many leaders remained in the losing column. Fractional advances were well distributed at the opening and plus marks of a point or so, together with a smattering of new 1943 tops, were in evidence near the close. It was one of the liveliest Saturday post-holiday sessions in several years, the turnover running to around 000,000 shares.

finish hearing about it. He has already started work on his film, "Saratoga Trunk," with the "Bells" team of Cooper and Ingrid Bergman in the leads and Flora Robson, wearing a make-up stain, as the negro servant. But each mail brings new evidence that a lot of people are stirred up, one way or another over the "Bells" and their tolling Little Activity This Week in Lafayette Field Stamps, Ark. April to he Hope this week the new Midway field of Lafayette county is almost at a standstill due to high water from the icarby Bodcaw creek. Only one test is drilling in the area, it is Gene Golf's Darnell No.

2 NE ME section 9-15-24 which reported a depth 0380 feet in the Buckncr lime. No gauge has yet been obtained of Southwood Oil Company's Hod- nctt No. 9 SE NE section 18-15-23 which flowed last week. High watci has the test shut down as the week ends. Several locations have beet made in the Midway field, but clue to lack of materials and labor shortages no announcement as to starting date has been made.

One wildc'at test was announced for Lafayette county this week, it is Wheelcss' Charlie Colcman et al No. 1 SWC of section 30-10-24, southwest of Lewisvillc. At the Saenger Sunday Blevins Gary Grant and Ginger Rogers put the Nazis on the spot in their rippling comedy drama. "Once Upon A Church News FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Third and Main Streets "First Fruits of the Gnivc" will be the pastor's topic ut the 10:50 Easter morning service. A large attendance is expected at Sunday School, opening at 0:30.

The pastor goes to Fulton to preach the High School Commencement sermon at 2:30 Sunday afternoon. A helpful mcssapc will be brought by Mrs. A. C. Kolb In the General Assembly of the Baptist Training Union beginning at 7:00 p.

m. An Easier Cantata "The Glorious Galilean" will be presented by First Baptist Choir at the o'clock service Sunday evening. The full program will be found elsewhere in this paper. The ordinance of baptism will be admin istcrcd. The public is cordially invited to attend all services of the First Baptist Church.

Special attention is called to the Sunrise at the High School stadium, 7:00 a. m. Post War Supply Problem to Be As Difficult As Puzzle Harmon Gives Credit to Physical Training By JOSEPH DYNAN Somewhere in British Guiana, April 23 3 (Delayed) (fp) Lieut. Thomas D. Harmon safe here after seven days and nights in a swampy South American jungle gives credit to his "football legs" for the "luckiest touchdown of my life." Only the good physical condition of the former All-America football star at the University of Michigan, plus heart-breaking courage, patient determination and constant player enabled him to emerge alive within a week from the maze of undergrowth that swallowed other fliers, he told me.

Paramaribo, Ducth Guiana, April 23 Lieut. Thomas Harmon, former all American football star at the Universtiy of Michigan, left last night for an un- There was a report some tim back that Paramount, with mor than $200,000 tied up in the production, might never release i because of a possible State Department request in view of th delicate situation in North Africa and the ticklish question of Spain's attitude. This writing, the Paramount people insist they have had no request, and certainly Wood has heard of none. But the letters keep coming some asking Wood, as one writer put it, to the film for victory," others insisting vehemently that it be given the earliest possible release. Wood's view is, as he has said before, that "Bells" in movie form is simply a "great love story." "It's a love story with a brutal background in the Spanish civil war," he says.

"I didn't go out to make that war, which is now over and done with. It happens that the hero is an American boy who lied for an ideal. It happens that he cast his lot with the Republicans against the Nationalists, so that's in oirr love story too." a desire announce destination after a short stay at the U. S. Army base in in the hearts of American soldiers in the combat areas.

He said: "They need a religion which they can use in the fox-holes, in cockpits, in jungles or on rubber rafts. They are askins for the comfort of a religion which will help them to conquer fear and to withstand the test of seeing buddies killed. In other words, the boys feel the need of a practical religion. After all, whatever you think of religion, it can't be claimed that there's very much comfort in atheism. While we're on the subject of our boys' needs at the front there's a matter I want to report.

It hasn't to do with religion but it's mighty close to it, for it relates to letters from home. On my recent trip in war theatres I found that the morale of our. troops is in exact ratio to the frequency of these letters. If mails don't arrive, morale slumps way down. "I was sitting in the quarters of a couple of young Yankee captains at one of our headquarters in the Middle East.

A limited mail rived, and one of the boys got five letters while the other got none. The lucky fellow immediatly plunged into his treasures, and the other started to pace the little room. I was completely of the picture but I watched developments this colony. Harmon was rescued from the Guiana jungle after he had parachuted from a disabled army plane. Two of his crew were killed and three others are missing.

Toledo (if) Bill Kcrshow hasn't left the country since the war started, but he's rapidly becoming a "man of the world." Bill is official "interpreter" for the globe-trotting jeep as such, his vocabulary is assuring cosmopolitan propro- tions. As a member of the Willys Overland service department, it's his job to translate into the diverse languages of the United Nations the American "knowhow" in the operation and care of the fast- moving blitz-buggy. Among others, the 155-page jeep maintenance manual has been translated into Russian, Chinese, Spanish and French. Miss Suzzannc Sage of Washington, D. C.

is the guest of her father, T. G. Sage. Mrs. Dinvcr Hornaday of Nash- villc was the guest of Mr.

and Mrs. J. J. Bruce last week. Howard Honea has reported to Salina, Kans.

after a short furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Honea.

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hutson of Beaumont, Texas were the weekend guests of Mrs. Hutson's mother, Mrs. Ollie Arrington.

Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Levcrett visited their sons P.

F. C. Floyd and P. F. C.

Lloyd Levcrett at Kecsler Field, Miss, last week. Miss Agatha Bullard of Pine Bluff was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. L.

Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Honea and daughter, of Tyler. Texas and Mr.

and Mrs. Bascom Honea and son, of Tyler, were weekend guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M.

Honea. Mr. and Mrs. W. C.

Brown and Miss Charlene Stewart were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olin England in Tyler, Texas. Mrs. England and sons accompanied them home for a visit.

Mrs. Chester Stephens, Mrs. M. L. Nelson, Mrs.

Russell Stephens, Mrs. C. W. Levcrett, Mrs. C.

E. Brooks and Mrs. Garvin Merchant were shopping in Prescott Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. S.

V. Benson is the guest of her sister, Mrs." Farrcll in Little Rock this week. Mrs. George Stewart and son Tommy are spending the weekend with relatives in Camden. Mr Mrs.

J. J. Foster visited Fosters niece Mrs. Sidney amuel, in Mindcn, last week. Miss Florcnc Warren spent the cckcnd in Hope as the guest of Floycc Levcrett.

By JOHN COLBURN London, April 23 effort to foresee the post-war complexion of Europe is like trying to piece together a jig saw puzzle with a half dozen of the key parts missing. Until the firing stops there will be no common denominator for appraising Ihe political or economic situation. What form it will take may depend on the success of relief and rehabilitation efforts after an Allied invasion of the continent. Already destitute by four years of war, there will be little relation between the needs of liberated Europe and its ability to pay. Some informed observers already are talking of a European "lend-leasc" plan for financing help to the stricken peoples.

Payment for goods received in the emergency relief period would be made with goods produced as a result of reconstruction efforts. As after the last war, the United States is expected to provide most of the material aid. This presumption already has been made a pail of the propaganda distributed on tho continent by the exiled Allied governments. With the supplying of raw mates- ials may come the ticklish question of competitive business who will sell the raw materials, private organizations or the government? Other knotty problems involve questions of the restitution of prop crty stolen by Germany from priv nte individuals and how firms confiscated by the Nazis for incorpor ation in the German war machine will be turned back to their former Flashes of Life By The Associated Press Whirlwind Cou tshi Camp Davis, N. Sergeant Charles L.

Brag, called from Army retirement, came here to do his bit at the officers club. Seeking lodging in nearby Wilmington, he knocked at the door of the home of Mrs. Margaret Fil- way. Immediately the 73-year-old widower recognized the 63-year old widow as the sweetheart of his youth. Forty years ago they were engaged but something happened and each married someone else.

But yesterday they got around to marrying each other after a whirlwind courtship. Weedy ntence Aurora, 111. Nine boys who dug up 15 rows of potatoes in Ira Stakesbury's garden for a potato With interest. Finally the letterless roast will think twice before re- lad stopped in front of his friend and said: "Let me read one of your letters, Will you. Bob?" Bob promptly handed up one, and the distress immediately disappeared from the face of the other.

Moral: Don't forget to write often. pea ting the espisode. Hailed before Police Magistrate lies trucked a load of potatoes to Los Angeles, expecting to get $300 then he met a man looked like a black market who offered $500. That made Giles pretty mad, he admitted. So he donated most of the load to a war bond auction.

To Remove Body? Waterbury, Conn. Armec guards of a factory engaged in wai production, who recently complet ed an army course in plant protection, were being inspected by ai army officer. "What would you do if you spot ted an intruder on the 1 asked the officer. "I- would immediately notify the main office," was the quick reply of one guard. chestr a Seats Philadelphia The stage at th Philadelphia Naval Hospital wa Lambert M.

Ochsenschlager, each too small for the full Philadelphi of the boys was ordered to spend orchestra, so Eugene Ormand two hours weeding Stakesbury's i and his musicians performed fron garden at such times when his service would be needed. Traveling Hen St. Donatu. la. Matt Thomas, driving into the Irvin Muchow gar- Former Mayor of Magnolia Dies hood and found a leghorn hen sit- Magnolia, April 23 Luther ling contentedly in the splash pan the floor of the auditorium whil patients occupied the stage at a concert.

Clubs owners. The Allies have to answci The Liberty Hill Home Dcmon- tration Club met at Mrs. Virgic -luckabec's Tuesday, April 14lh. members and two visitors vere present. Miss Mary Claude Fletcher, Home Demonstration Agent, was and demonstrated different ways in which to serve the cheese he club made in February.

Pamphlets on "Stretch the Meat" was given to the club. Work garments were demonstrated by Miss Fletcher. Each lady is to wear a work garment to the June Council 'meeting such momentous questions if smash Hitler's Reich into "death dust and ashes" as promised Prime Minister Churchill. they arc answered may clctcrmin the extent to which liberated pco pies will subscrib to a dcmocra lie new order cnfisagcd by Unite Nations leaders. Adolf Hitler warned that he would cause so many changes in after the war.

Europe that it would be impos- ible to alter all of them. As the azi system becomes more firmly nplcmented in the European conomic life, Allied political lead- rs realize that warning was no assertion. An indication of Germany's cx- andccl influence can be glimpsed rom the fact that the third Reich icreascd from a population of 00,000 and area of 181,400 quarc miles to 104,133,000 persons nd a territory of 321,575 square niles! That is all annexed and not ccupiecl territory. Germany demonstrated, too that Europe's political and economic complexion could be changed liiickly by revamping the adminis- rative and economic machinery of occupied territories and establish- ng a common currency exchange. United Nations leaders hold that the Allies, with an entirely different goal in mind, could make the same rapid changes to control food ind raw materials.

What they must guard against most, however, is a period of economic warfare among European countries following the cessation nf armed hostilities. avoid any designs in Europe, Anglo-American relief planners have predicated every post invasion step on tho assumption that the politically-potent rehabilitation administration would be handled by local governments as fast as the change could be made efficiently. That brings up still another major question bothering the architects of the post-war era. To what extent will the exiled governments be able to speak authoritatively for people who have suffered under four years of war. All occupied countries with the exception of Denmark have governments in exile.

Only the of battle will determine how Germany and those governments will be consitutcd FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Pine at Second Robert B. Moore, pastor. a. m. Church a.

m. Morning a. m. Special Music. Sermon by the pastor.

Vesper p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Youth Fellowship p. m.

We will baptize all infants al the altar at the beginning of the Morning Worship Service, April 25; also, we will receive a class of new members. Choir April 29, 7:30 p. m. Already careful to sign of imperialistic CHURCH OF CHRIST Fifth and Grady Streets Fred H. Williamson, minister.

a. -Broadcast. KCMC. 10:00 a. Classes.

11:00 a. 11:40 a. fii'lli p. Drill. 8:00 p.

8:00 p. evening. Prayer Meeting. The public is cordially invited. HOPE GOSPEL TABERNACLE No.

Main and Ave. D. Paul R. Gaston, pastor. "Erncstly Contending for the Sunday a.

m. Guy E. Basye. Supt. Morning a.

nice of the Lord's Supper. T. C. and Bible Study iroups meet. 2:30 Auxiliary.

7:30 Wednesday Teachers' electing. Services. '1 was glad when they said unto tie, Let us go into the house of the EASTER SERVICE AT ST. MARK'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Holy Communion and. Sermon at 11:00 a.

in. Hev. Henry B. Smith, rector. FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHUHCII West '1th and Ferguson Street W.

P. Graves, pastor. Sunday a. m. Lacic Howe, superintendent.

Morning a. m. People p. in. Evening p.

in. Week Night Servcics: Wednesday and p. m. Ladies Prayer Service Tuesday p. m.

You will always have a very cordial welcome al the First Pentecostal Church. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Millard W. Bnggett, pastor. 9:45 a. School; Mr.

Malcolm Porterficld, Superintendent. 10:50 a. worship; observance of the Lord's Supper: anthem by tin: choir: 'Hear The Easter Bell.s." (Miles'); by the pastor, topic: "The Death of Despair." 7:00 p. Youth Fellowship. 8:00 p.

m. Evening worship: evangelistic service: congregational singing of familiar and favorite hymns: anthem by the choir; "Lo. Jesus Comes!" (Morris); sermon by the pastor, topic: "Conquering Death." 11:00 p. meeting. Shifted to (Continued From Page One) Congress to Probe Rubber Situation Washington, April 23 Congress was called on today to referee a bitter tug-of-war between military authorities who want to bomb Nazi Europe to a pull and which 7s 'to" bV'at the 'Liberty" HiTl Rubber Director William M.

Jef- i 4 11 I School Building, June 23rd. Live- at-home luncheon will be served. An Auction sale will be held at the June Club meeting from which to raise money for the club to buy a war bond. Mrs. Grece Huckabec.

reporter. Route 1, Hope. Ark. Jury Frees Men on Civil Liberty Charge Hattiesburg, April 24 Jones county men, charged with violating civil liberty statutes in the lynching of a Negro at Laurel last October, were iirquitted by a federal court jury here today a few seconds after a.m. tors who wants to keep both military and civilian machines rolling on synthetic tires.

Jeffers demanded, and got, an investigation yesterday after Undersecretary of War Patterson was quoted as saying the aerial offensive was being restarded because materials needed ot produce aviation gasoline were diverted to the rubber program. Charman Gillette (D-Iowa) of the Senate Agriculture Sub committee announced his group would investigate the dispute at once. Petroleum Administrator Ickcs backed up Patterson's reported stand with the assertion the 100 octane gasoline program had been 9 given "a sock in the jaw" by an ncrease in materials and equip- Hearings on Manpower, Draft Ended The Pastor will bring a message on "Results of the Young Peoples service a Adult Bible p. m. Evangelistic p.

in. Sermon Subject: "How important is Water Baptism?" There will be a special Baptismal Service after the message. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thomas Brewster, minister. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.

with classes for all age groups. An Easter Cantata will be presented al 10:55 a. m. sharp and if time permits, the pastor will bring a brief Easter message. There will also be a Service of Baptism for Infants in conncclion wilh the morning Service.

Young Peoples Meeting 0:30 p. m. Evening Service at 7:30 with message by tho pastor. Our congregation will cooperate by attending the Community Easter Sunrise Service. You are cordially invited to worship with us.

Army troops on roads crossing several mountain range which, so constantly dissolving into seas of mud a few weeks ago, are now disintegrating into clouds of powdery dust which covers the drivers and passenger alike with a gray, floury coating. "The roads were kept open by incessant work the engineers equipped with some of the most modern mechanical road making equipment in the world." For Prompt and Courteous TAXI SERVICE PHONE 679 I will Appreciate Your Patronage, L. R. Urrcy 679 Taxi Co. Washington, April 23 Ending four weeks of hearings on an assortment of manpower and draft bills, the House Military Committee turned over to a subcommittee today the task of preparing a single measure acceptable to labor, agriculture and the administration.

Chairman May (D-Ky) said he would name the subcommittee after today's final public session on bills to put striker into uniform, to exempt farm workers from the draft, to outlaw the unionization of supervisory workers in industry, and to catalogue the nation's manpower and womanpowcr. The Ken'tuckian, who has presided over hearings on the combined measures almost daily since March 25. said he hoped the subcommittee would have a bill ready by The time the House returns from an Easter recess May 3. "I believe our hearings have been extensive enough," he said, "for all of us to have formed an GARRETT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH Ferguson St. D.

O. Silvey, pastor. School. and the observ- WE DELIVER We pick up and deliver laundry and dry cleaning. 2-day service.

Telephone 148 Cook's White Star Laundry Dry Cleaners Tho white jury was given the ment ordered for the rubber plant I opinion as to what kind of legisla case last night and was ordered Cleanup locked up by Judge Sidney Mize Stabilization San Francisco The bring-back at 10:58 p.m. until 9 a.m. today. Byrnes, age after a long trip, complained i the-empties campaign got a real I The men are Luther Holder. De- "This contition over the differ- several months ago by Economic lion would 'be best." Director James F.

A- Longino, 53, former mayor of Jyfagnolia and one time member Ot the state oil and gas commission, died at his summer home, Longino Lodge, last night. Longino retired from active work several years ago because of ill- he couldn't shut off his car lights. boost from Mrs. Charlotte Baker Muchow lifted the automobile and vice versa. She cleaned her basement and garage, turned in 3.208 empty milk, carbonated beverage and beer bottles.

alongside the motor. When the hen, which apparently knocked a wire loose and caused a short circuit was removed from the car Muchow found an egg. Season's Greetings Denver Two girls skipped puty Sheriff and Jones county jail- rl programs is seroiusly hamper- er. Barney Jones and Allen Pryor. the war effort," Gillette de- The federal grew out of clared.

"All of the facts ought to the lynching on October 1C. 1942. JC developed and we shall call the of Howard Wash, 49 year old Ne- officials who can give us those They brought her $93.75 for five $25 War Bonds. -enough The Sower Orofino, Idaho Howard W. Mc- ness.

He was owner of extensive Across the street to police head- Kean of Burley piloted his plane land in Columbia county. A native quarters. ancl down north central Idaho's big-game areas for 14 hours, dropping 4,000 pounds of rock salt, for wild game. who was taken from the county jail by a mob and hanged from a bridge. Wash was convicted of slaying his employer, Clint Welborn, and was awaiting mandatory life facts." Jeffers said the statement attributed to Patterson and Ickes a i serious, and might contribute to the comfort of the enemy and for Of Hayneville, he moved here when a child.

His father was the late Dr. H. A. Longino. Survivors include his widow; two sons, Dr L.

A. Longino, and A strange youth, they complained had grabbed them and kissed them. Police Capt. E. S.

Davis singled out a 17-year-old who wiped Hugh Lonaino, all of Magnolia. sheepishly at lipstick smudges on Funeral services wlil be held at I his face and confesed: the home at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, --jt WilS sucn a beautiful spring i day and all. 1 just couldn't re- A s'nall blood capillary is one- sist. fiftieth the ink knusi of a human Spite hair.

Idaho Falls, Art Bang! Bang! Riverside, N. -Meat! M. The bear sentence at the time of the lynching. The government charged that the defendants deprived Wash of his life without due process of law. Dr.

Cornelius Dyke New York, April 24 Dr. While the hearings have dealt with all four bills, they have centered mainly on the Austin Wadsworth national serice measure i and a bill by Rep. Smith (D-Va) to prohibit the organization of sup- erisory employes for collective bargaining purposes." Spokesmen for industry generally have supported the Smith bill, while labor leaders have opposed it on the ground it would be the opening wedge in a campaign to outlaw all unions. that reason call for an immediate Affecting virtually every man airing of the facts. U11C woman in the land, the Austin- Patterson's aides quoted him as I Wadsworth bill would require the carne over the mountain many Cornelius Gysbert Dyke, 42, an au- rniles from home and strolled thority on X-ray and director of ra- inlo Frank Williams' orchard.

diology of the neurological institute Williams-heard it. of New York City died last niehl. State Game Warden Elliott Bark- He was a native of Orange City, er said the meal will go to charity. a shortage of 100 octane forts to step up the Allied air offensive against Europe. Unless i drastic action is taken soon, his aides said, he feels that "there can be no question but what 'our offensvie will be materially weakened," registration of adults with a view to drafting them for assignment to whatever jobs, military or civilian.

needed filling. Women with minor children would be exempt. The average height of a newborn baby is one foot, eight inches. I The California redwood is the lar- Jyest tree found in North America. There body.

are 039 muscles in the NOTICE Beginning Monday, April 26, we agree to charge for our beauty service the prices listed below: Plain Shampoo .50 Plain Shampoo Finger Wave .75 Finger Wave .50 Oil Shampoo Finger Wave 1.00 Steam Oil Treatment 1.50 Manicure .5.0 Polish Change Eyelash and Brow Dye 1.00 Eyelash, Brow Dye and Arch 1.25 Arch .40 Hair Cut .50 Neck Trim .25 Henna Pack, Shampoo and Finger Wave 2.00 Facial 1.50 Hair Tint Touch-up 3.00 All Over Dye 5.00 Hair Bleach 2.50 Rinse .25 Permanent Waves 2.50 up to 15.00 Carmen's Beauty Shop Mary's Beauty Shop Vanity Beauty Shop Sibyl's Beauty Shop Kate's Beauty Shop Whitewoy Beauty Shop 'f If.

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