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The Atchison Daily Champion from Atchison, Kansas • Page 4

Atchison, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE COXCORDIi TRIP. BILLIARDS. not made much progress yet, while others have gone through the third degree. Mr. ilailii Champion.

RealBargains George Beck is the farthest advanced. He Scliaeff'er, tbe Leavenworth Atchison, Kansas, Jane 16th, 1878. congratulate the hospitable wife of our distinguished Senator upon her rapid convales-ence. She was the subject of hundreds of congratulations, and as the throngs moved through the spacious porlors she met each one with a kind word and a pleasant rejoinder that plainly showed the deep feeling of sympathy that existed among all. Her early and has found the girl vot he loves, and we think he will commit matrimony before long- Hoy, Matched Against Sexton In Mens', Eoys ami Children's Any person wishing to become a member of this society send your name to the president, Summer Goads.

Tbe Game to Deride the Ihampioashlp Lailies' Linen Suitx. The largest stuck of Incidents and Arcldents or the keceat Excursion. The report of the editorial excursion over the B. U. P.

R. R. is in the main full and correct. There are, however, some few incidents of the trip which I thought might be interesting to put on rtrd. To say that the trip was pleasant is putting it mild.

It was indeed delightful, and all seemed bent upon enjoying themselves. At one of the stations we stopped at Supt. Downs invited the Governor and one of the editors to take a ride on the locomotive, and I complete recovery from her severe illness of or tne I nlted States. these in the West, All the latest styles, and from 2-5 to 00 Der cent, cheaper than else where, just received at D. C.

Newcooib's. 1, UL last winter has been assured by her physicians. We are creditably informed that the stage settings in the Ticket-of-Leave Man will be the finest ever seen in this, or anv other The biggest billiard match on record was made on the 4th of this month at the Tremont House, Chicago that is the biggest in gen 1'arasoLs direct from the manufacturer's, Western cilv. The drama does permit much eral way, and taking into account the length certainly the best styles, best qualities and and lowest prices, ever received in our city, handsome indoor furniture, as three out of Proclaim this no Humbug, but Facts of the game, the amount of the stakes and just received at Newconib's. Now is the time the five acts in the drama, are laid in an exterior scene.

Prominent among the latter is more than all, the ability of the players. Be to buy a jiarasol. the first act, the Bellevue Tea Gardens, yond a doubt, the two finest billiard-players in the world to-day, are William Sexton, and Jacob Schaefex their record in public and MISlll MODS. ETC. by night, illuminated, with rustic furniture F.

Cloyes, Lancaster, Kas. Fran ttmmtm. Onaoa, June 12, 1878. To tne Editor of The Champion: June seems determined to appear in every possible phase of charecter wet and cold at first, giving us no hint of the beautiful weather we are now enjoying, as befits the month of roses." A few days since by way of a change in the monotony of our every day life, we took a short trip on the Kansas Central. Havens, Soldier City, and Circleville, all neat and thriving towns, were passed in succession, each one having that indeiendent, democratic air that characterizes our western towns.

Holton and Larkin, the first a pleasant and well situated town, the latter merely a station, were next reai-lml, and a few minutes later we were paying our respects to Valley Falls. Two depots are located here, an elevator, and several commodious hotels. There Another large invoice of ladies', misses and children's hose, all the latest styles and best think they will remember that ride The Governor occupied the seat on the look out from the window of the cab the editor sat behind him, and the locomotive seemed to feel the deep responsibility of having such an amount of editorial and gubernatorial dignity imposed on her, that she seemed to put on her best licks. Every now and then she would give a good plunge and send the Governor while the decanters, glxsses, trays, used will be of the most handsome design, thus their performances iu public and private en qualities, just received at s. title them to this distinction.

A match game Well ihinl.k-, ami making the Beene as realistic as possible, 1. e. between two such experts will attract more at to represent the fashionable evening resort of tention than any that has been played since A splendid assortment England's pleasure seekers. The third act, IJlack Grenadines, at Xewcoinls.

the long gone epoch of Phelan and Sereiter, First-Class Articles, and editor bobbing up and down, and it was who were infants in arms compared with Sex with great uimcuuy they could hold on to ton and Schaefer. At the above mentioned the "office scene," will be a "box" set, or walled on three sides, and will abound in handsome desks, and other appropriate furniture, while the display of books, blanks, together We are only Selling the Best and Nicest Goods made the Latest Designs and Combinations Produced in this and the European Markets. We always keep a Full Stock of Anything and Everything pertaining to a Dry Goods Store. We Will, Can and Do sell as cheap as anybody, and invite Everybody to come and test our New, Large and Cheap Stock of their seals. Both hatless, they looked wild, Ladies', misses and chihlren's lace collars meeting no difficulty was experienced in ar At lower prices than over In-fore sold in this city.

and culls, just received at Newcomb s. dw and hung on to their seats for dear lite, while riving at a speedy understanding. The first with an old fashioned Sallamander safe, will the locomotive plunged on and on, they did point settled was as to the stakeholder. The give the desired effect of immagining ones self indeed make a laughable subject to conleui- choice was arbitrated by toss, and as the coin EverylKxly inviled jric 1 in a money broker's establishment. The fourth plete, and at the next stopping place they were are some very substantial and pleasant build- showed "heads" for Moses Bensinger, who ap Prohabllitirs for To-Iy.

act, "Bridgewater Arms" will represent a con glad to resume their seats in the eoacli ings here, and altogether it is a pleasant place By Telegraph. The Walervillians gave us a gisxi send off; Washington, D. June Hi, 1 a. m. In THE cert saloon bar room, where the lower classes congregate, and will be so arranged as to compete with its predecessors, as far as being ap the roar of their forty pounder tired off close diciitious for the Upper Mississippi and peared as Schaefer's backer, he named Mr.

E. A. Buck, of the Spiiit the Time, to whom the half-forfeit of $2,000 was forwarded after the agreement was made. Then came the toss for location of the first game. This time Sexton was the good guesser, and he gleefully Lower Missouri Valleys: Kising and sta to the cars still rings in my ears, and the editorial procession lrom the cm to the hotel was propriate is concerned.

The last scene "St. ticTnary, followed by falling barometer, winds Branch Store, Nicholas Church yard," where the robbers to visit. The country along this road is is one of the most attractive and beautiful that could meet the eye. Crops appeared to be in excellent condition, with the deception of one or two wheat fields, slightly injured by tbe rust. Mr.

Qiiry, of Holton, has moved into his new residence at Onaga. Mr. Henry Viler and Brock Winsor. two vory imposing. The bells rang, the music mostly from northwest to northeast, nearly tools, for enforcing an entrance into tne house, played their very loudest, and for a short tiiue DRY GOOD! named New York and the Collender table.

stationary temierature, and clear or jiartly are hid behind one of the tomb stones, will be The choice of the city and the second game ciomlr weatlier. no less life-like than the former scenes. In the noise was truly bewildering. And here the writer could could not help but admire the beauty of our Democratic institutions, STETTER 319 Commercial St fell to Schaefer by agreement, and he an Gold closed in New York yesterday at short no pains and trouble will be spared by nounced Chicago and a J. M.

Brunswick Mr. Robinson to make the Ticket-of-Leave and the simplicity of our Republican form of of Muscotah's youii men were "doing" Balke Company table with the Monarch cush Man, a stage success, and as far as the actinj government. When we arrived at the hotel Onaga last week STBEET GOSSIP. Notions and Fancy Goods. ion.

The third game is, by the the terms of A larfre stock of fancv and staple drv gool: is concerned, it is enough to say that the all rushed to the public wash stand, and here Our millinery stock is the largest west of St Current Items Found Floating Around "Clouds" combination have it in hand. i-iouis, ladies underwear, lailies' and chil Governor, Chief Justice, State Officers, and all other dignitaries, meet at the wash bowl on Since my last, three new houses have been erected, an.) more will shortly follow. L. Lax pox. liOlXli 10 WASTK.

agreement, to be played in St. Louis. Sexton stipulated lbr forty days before the ojiening game, feeling the necessity of practice, while Schaefer was not very sorry for this when he Economical Tea Cake. Two quarts of vour seat for the 1 lave you reserved dr.iis' linen stiiLs, dress linen, grass cloth, drenn iroous, 'inhanis, muslins, corsets and mslrins in iiurmtilii-s. fans, parasols, flour, sift through it four teaspoonfuls Doolcy's the common level the Governor like the Ticket-of-Lcave Man Parasols, Fans, Hosiery, Yarns, rest had to wait his turn to make his ablutions Yeast Powder, two tablespoonfuls of butter or hliavls, lailies anil clulilrens trimed bats, ai A hir streets were unusually full to-day, found he had to play on a different table from that on which his practice has been done.

So and wipe his face at the common towel and lard, one pound and a quarter of sugar, dis low prices also a larie slock ol children and much business was transacted. saihr hats for o- c'enls usuallv sold foroO solved in two and a half cups of sweet milk. wash stand of the people -Ivovers of beautiful trained horses, fine soon as the date can he secured for a public cent, if you call and see us you will buy Spice to taste, and bake in small moulds. When supper was over the cars moved up Indenvear, Shawls. Silk Ties, Silk (Ik's, riding and graceful athletes, should visit Dan hall in New York the night of the first game mo goods lor one dollar than vou can Imv The Missouri Kher Cutting Around Harlem and Isolating tbe Kansas City Bridge.

The Missouri river is playing sad havoc at Kauris City. The Times of yesterday Bavs from the depot when the Governor gave the in any house in the cilv. Come at once and Kice's show. Smoke Louis Cohn's "Laurel Wreath' 11 lie announced. It is hoped to secure Gil SfO for yourself, at soulh side Commcr- atervilliaiw some good, sound talk, after Men's wills are never decided until they cent cigar, or sale by all first class retail more darden ior the match.

1 he second street. I. WAV. which the train moved off, amid the firing of dealers. Meyers Meyers, wholesale agents, game will occur in Chicago not far from the are dead, hut women wills are 111 force ooth cannon, the ringing of bells, cheers from the All the latest novelties in shirts, sisirfs and before and after death.

St. Joseph, Mo. deod middle of August, and the third in St. Louis A visit was made yesterday by a reporter to ties, at Ash I'nynes. people, and music from the band.

Surely James Parton has written over a hundred month later. Schaefer will leave for New Irish Linen, Dress Linen, Table Linen White Embroidery, Linen do Torch an Laces, Personal. me inuuuaieu region on the lav county side Madam Iemorest's reliable paer patterns, books. Er. Well, that's no reason why it opposite tins city.

Th scene, as viewed from York in a few days and devote himself closely greater honors could have lieen shown had we all been Presidents of these United States -Hon. E. Knowles, of Sabetha, was in the tii received ai mock, dtl me uesiie worn 01 tne bridge is quite re should lie thrown up to him. to practice for about four weeks before the city yesterday. markable.

All ot the boltoiu lauds immcdi 1 To lie out of fashion is to he out of the iv the French linking Powder ami Hew- game on a table to be provided for his use by Thanks to the people of Waterville; they know to perfection how to get up an ovation. -Jir. iienrv limaker, 01 I'ardee, was in laundry liluinr at H. iotfshuren's. world; so be wise in time and secure your seats Sexton.

The following is a full draft of the town yesterday. 1 Ml I tieieii tiaiervnie aooui 0:10, and as our for the Ticket-of-Leave Man. teems of the match Buv the French Kaking I'owder anI llew- Nicholas Orr, one of the pioneers of train sjed ou its way towards the Republican son's laundry blninc: at -lolm Kattennan's. It is rather a stretch of imagination to be Agreement between William Sexton and ately north of Harlem, are under water, aud in place of cleared fields, cultivated farms and pasture lands, there is now a vast lake of Missouri river water. The river has cut into the soft, sandy bottoms north of Harlem so that the channel of the Missouri is now opposite, and due north of the east side of Kansas City.

There is nothing remaining between Sabetha, is in Atchison. alley, the scenery was indeed truly grand Five (5) jKiunds of the liest colli-e for 1 .00, Ben Kohorn, of the firm of D. II. Salin Ginghams, Sliirti iii Etc, t'assimeres, Jeans, on a raft in the Missouri and think you are at Pul-in-Bav "sailing on the lake." Jacob Schaefer to play a match game ofbil lianls, made this 3d day of June, 1878: Enhanced by rays of the setting sun the at Jliwy iwIUMiiiryn s. I entral ISIock.

(Ill ger goes cast to-day. woods, the prairies, the streams all seemed to Doctors Linley and Gough yesterday am The match to consist of 3,000 points, to be Toweling Etc. (ottonades. Etc. The Murphy or JJlne Kililmn Hat at C.

-Ferd Regnier, of the great queensware be tinged gold, and was indeed scene of 'be channel of the river northeast of Wyau played as follows The first game to be play putated the arm of lute, the colored man, Weber's, iO. XKU'oiiiiiiereial slreet. dtf house, came iu from the west yesterday. dotte aud the channel opposite the city except ucauiy ioug 10 ie reniemoereu. surely tins is who was injured on McDufl" farm, by falling ed in tne city ot jNew lorfc, lorty days from date, in some suitable public hall to be here- Mel Lewis, the efficient county clerk of r.uv uie rrencii 1'owiler anil 1 li w- goodly land, and our moving train seemed.

front of a harvester. son's laundrv liliiinsr at K. llantliom's. a narrow peninsula 01 sandy low land now level with the water. Across this narrow strip of bottom the water is steadily cutting a chan alter selected, upon a 5x10 Callender table, Marshall county, was in town yesterday.

as it went smoothly over the excellent road The street gang were at work yesterday -Mr. G. II. Adams, a prominent and well ichler with 2 inch balls, game to consist of 1,000 points. The second game to be played in the Fresh oranges and lemon at I' Son's.

bed to unfold before us an ever changing pan dtf nown citizen ot Sabetha, was in the city city of Chicago, thirty days from the date of orama of beautiful landscape, woodland and under Street Commissioner Kehler, and our principal thoroughfares were much improved under their otierationa. vesterdav. the hrst game, upon a 4x10 J. M. Brunswick iwder and Hew- nel.

In tins channel the high water is rushing through very rapidly, each hour making it deeper and wider. This fact may and probably does explain why the river lias not raised 011 the south side of the peninsula during the past two or three davs. The waters find a river. Our train sped on past Clifton, Clyde, Buy the French Raking 1' Sim's laundry bluing at A. I' Isalke Co.

table, with Monarch cushion and Synins'. Maj. Downs goes to New York to-day on Please give us a Call and be that we do as we say. PEHLER EBERHARD, I Ol I.1K, ort over the Republican aud on to Concordia, at The man who wrote the postal card that Central I Bfluic to uonaisi 01 points. official business connected with the Branch road.

Trellz kee fresh will deliver it to anv was found on the street yesterday, and sellod ue mini gaiuc to uo piayeu in tne CKy OI St. Milwaukee part of the Ifagon Imkt, and city. which place we arrived about 8 o'clock. We were escorted to the hotels of the place, the iouis tinny uays irom the date ot the second channel across the Harlem bottoms, and it is only a question of time when the issoiiri write, "rite" ought to see the doctor. He is dtf Miss Carrie Weber and Mrs.

Ed. Weber, game, uiKin a table with 21 inch balls. bauds of music proceeding on to Rocque's evidently laboring under a bad spell. river will force a channel and burst its wav of St. Louis, are in the city, the guests of Al Jlime incs, Catawba, California Winis the game to be played until either party has reached a total score of 3,000 points, the party Hall, at which place the citizens convened across tbe narrow neck of and opposite the Little Lottie Crabtreee's (the actress) fa bert Braeke, Esq.

jjii-uik-i nines, ai j. ouzel 4 Hi (Jonimer- vorite drama is The Firellv." Button. Ilc- en mwue, 111 order to welcome the Governor making such score ot points to be the winner of the match, the main stake and the Messrs C. A. and G.

M. Woodwork cicir. and all the editors, their wives and visitors. Another Cure. Read the testimonial of Mr.

Stillwel mercial street. All kinds of KuIiIkt ioeds at .1. W. Allei June 10, deinl ot city. I here is no use of attempting to disguise the fact that unless the river bank north of Harlem is riirapied or some other precautions are taken to prevent further inroads of the Missouri, Harlem will become excess of door receipts over expenses.

both old Atchison county men, iavoreil us Very often in the west, a little crahtree in The welcome address was made Mr. Slur 1 he match to be pluved for a stake of $2,000 with a call yesterday. the hands of an irritate man, makes the fire Kansas City, whose son George sullered from the worst lorm of catarrh deafness, with an ul gess, alter which the Governor gave ail ad side. We have this dav deposited 41,000 llv. Corsets cardinal, junk, him all colors dress full of good advice.

each, as a half forfeit, to be forwarded to Mr. Mr. Win. E. Rcid, one of the liest know and most popular citizens of Cloud county, an island and the bridge isolated.

The encroachment of the river upon the land north Messrs Kagan Munn have just com iv. A. JJuck, editor oi the ISpint ut the Tunen. cer almg through the drum. A false notion prevails that such case-i are not curable.

Read Judge If orton was next called upon, and was in the city yesteatlay. ol Harlem has been aided materially during sioke well on the improvement of the coun pleted a splendid photographic view of Atchison, embracing the largest scope of territory Mv son, George E. Stillwell. was troubled Mr. W.

M. Wilcox, chairman of tl uie last ten years ty the cutting down of timberthe rooPi of which held the soft sand silt with deafness and discharge from one of his try, and the advantages of having railroad facilities. In the course of his short talk the Board of County Commissioners of Cloud ami sizes, woven and sewed, at II. M. (ilani 's- jel ldtf K.

S. Bums has removed his restaurant and confectionery business to Murphv's block, North 5th street. AVe have an extremely line line of black and colored Alpacas, 1'oplins, on which we defy competition. Kkikni A Co. together.

Now, however, that the bottoms ever yet shown in one picture. Every citizen should have one of them. ears, of Ihree years' standing, caused bv sar- county, was in the city yesterday. let fever, which he hail whi nine years of Judge seemed to labor under a feeling of dis have been cleared along the river banks, there is nothing left to resist the action of tbe rush- New York, who is hereby selected to act as permanent stake holder; the remaining $1,000 each to be deposited in his hands ten days prior to the date of the first game. The excess of receipts over expenses in each game to be immediately deposited with the stakeholder, to lie held by him as an addition to the main stake, provided any surplus shall remain the three games shall have been played.

The management of each game to lie in Mr. Aleck Simpson, af the firm of Kel Regular communication of Washington We know that money in searee ami therefore liave nt tlovvu prires anitnlinlv on our entire stek of watches, rloeks, jewelry, silverware, musu al instuim nts, ticket cutlery, initl invite all of onr ol.I frieiuls and customers as well ev-rvKMv else to 4i nut and alUfy tiieiiiM-Jvt of fiat we sa and any one favoaini; ns willi a rail will find it so. lispairinc done and warranted as utial. Knnuvin diml in a U-itt-r stvle titan iu nnvotlier house in the 4-itv. IU- sinv ami 4-aIl fere luivin Uewlit-re.

a Si 11 Kit. Kead r. Lameroux ad. confident dtf Amid Sylvan Groves And rural retreats, where the wild (lowers hlooni and unite their sweetest fraramv, nature's healing halm for the run- the aelies. pains and irregularities of lovelv women, is found in ahiiudanee.

I K-vt-hijM-d hv eheniistrv and improved hv srii-iii these wonderfully elh-etive eh-menU, for the -M-rial We tried various remedies, but without 11 leaKcu. out. hen he was waters except the soft, moist soil, which is sey Simpson, has gone to Euroiie. He has suci-ess. 1 waa rt-i-oinmended to take biui to ere last, he said, he visited with some friemls either level wuh or beneath the surface the Kansas City al and Surgical insti the Paris Exposition in his mind's eye.

the river. Those who were familiar with the inanufiicturiug establishment whero they Lodge No. 5, A. F. A.

will be held tomorrow (Monday) evening at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to attend. John M. Price. W.

M. Mr. Jos. F. Collins, uot the original Missouri river know how difficult it is lotoi, John K.

Allen wants all his old friends to call on him at II. M. (Jlancy C'o's, and have had the largest glasses he ever saw. And' its inroads when once a channel i.r current is Tom, but the Mayor of Sabetha, called at The charge of two persons, one to be selected by each principal. now the Judge said, and as he spoke he created.

Champion yesterday. He came to Atchison tueir measure taken for a nii-e suit of clothe Peaches, raspberries, new iwitntocs and a tr 1 seemed to heave a sigh "the moral senti I he table for the first game to be furnished A. I. McConaughy, Sec'y. A very interesting party of young folks ue ivaw river once cut a channel tliirlnir to stay over Sunday, as that day's passage ment has been too stroug, aud that institution kinds of fresh vegetabhs, at John Knaur's, high water through the present i-ite of West Kansas City, washing awav or h-et tute of Drs.

Pavue A Pavne, and am happy to say that after three months' treatment, he is entirely cured." Kuwakd L. Stii.i.w ki.l. dsunwed We hail with joy the expected arrival of Dr. C. H.

llarlains Hrpademic Bath, a want long felt iu Atchison. Dr. J. I. Kllet has just purchased the bath with the exclusive right for Atchison city and county, and will have it ready for use at his Home for Invalids iu Atchison bv Tuesday.

Kansas City was more than he could stand went over to Sugar Lake yesterday on a tish- by Sexton, to table for the second game to be furnished by Schaeier, and the third game to be furnished by the winner ot the toss which at lomtiusoii outrtier hop. is closed, and those big glasses are no more He returns there Monday. of soil. Proof of this can bu seen iu the em ing cxiiedition. They report a glorious time Ex-Senator Pomeroy and Stale Superin J.

Bertenshaw, the practical hatter has re shall decide the selwtion of tables. Each bankment west of the Union Depot and at the opened his place of busincs corner of Kighth Smoke Louis Colin 3 "Farragut" 10 cent tendent Lemmon made short addresses. and the sport excellent. Among the party were Misses Jennie Hutchison, Etta Stokes, corner ot -Mulberry and I wellth street' cure ot woman ami her have U- player shall be furnished by his opponent with a new table aud cloth for practice, previous to the first game, uroiuotly upon the tending westward to the Kaw. The bottoms cigar, made with only one binder.

For sale Some of the orators made good speeches. street and Kansas avenue. niedidtf W. II. Evans, Ieutist, has removed to Xo.

east of this city, where now there is onlv comMunlei an.l ollem! to tJi tl i. -male under the name of emale letters, at one dollar i-r holtle. As a never by all first class dealers. Mover A Mevers Mary Burton, Hattie Rogers, and Messrs William E. Slawson, Arthur W.

Bweby and K. N. une 01 them, a -Mr. lirown, got off a good finish of that game and immediately the the lStli inst, where ladies and gentleman can ssnd, were once covered with three or four feet 41 1 Commercial street, just oiiimsite old stand. thing on Gov.

Anthony. He said it was ex hoice for third game has been determined. Green. of rich vegetable mould in line cultivated he treated prosirly by male and female as wholesale agents, St. Louis, Mo.

deod The AtrhiMn ounly Hible Nocioly. pected that 1). R. Anthony, of Leavenworth The tables and cushions furnished for practice fields. The mischief in the Harlem boitoms The Rev.

B. Frothingham thinks there failing uterine tonir anil regulator, thev are Ulietjiialed. Mi Tike KoX has secured the aemy for Atchison, Kauris jettKvlm sistani-e as the case may require. Dr. r.llet refers to the medical professor of everv school as to the utility and virtue of the Hypademic would have been present, and the reason why The regular annual meeting of the Atch 10 oe 01 me same quality and make as are to be used in the match games.

was commenced last year during high water, when water ran into Harlem from the north. During the last weeks of the June rise last are no classes and no caste distinction in this country. Just let him put on a last year's he was not here, was because the Central ison County Bible Society will be held iu the 1 he necessary traveling expenses of both Umce open day ami niirht. aprl2dtf Ash Payne have just received a lan stock of spring prints, ginghams, shirting cheviots, ladies and gents hosiery Ash Payne, mcli23dtf qui Commercial st. Take Notice.

Medicated i.alh, imth in itsell and as a valua For vuli.l puN-nN Mini PATENTS. players, and all necessary exuenres. to lie de ble auxiliary to his present magnetic treat Branch road could not spare another coach, as it winter suit and a straw hat, and ask the hotel year a channel was cut through the fields in lllliirniNf im rolieeriliie' lle Kansas Avenue M. E. Church, Sunday even ducted from the receipts, or, if these shall be ment.

Go all and trv the bath. Hundreds the rear of Harlem and a iiortion of the rail clerk to let him have a room on the parlor vfvc twucoucites 10 noiu tue Anthony lusunicient, lrom the main stake. 1 1 KUtniji (or eireiihtr to KofiKKT Solicitor for I'atcnis, I.M-k I (ox is! Mm. .11, i.

r. road tracks were carried away. Tbe damaee lainuy. 1 his sally brought down the hou: floor, that's all. He will learn something The match to be plaved accordim? to the ing, June 16, 1878.

ORDER OF EXERCISES. 1. Voluntary. '2. Music.

of certificatis from the highest medical authority attests its vertlle. dtf Money Loaned A Iter some music from the band, the meet about the infinity of distance that never 00 go to Ash Payne's for votir World's Companionship Rules play or pav. to me tracks were temporarily repaired and the tracks were raised in some places, but nu permanent protection was given to the river trunks and valises. iuch23dtf curred to him before. ing dispersed with cheers for the editors.

ii.i.iam Sexton, Jacob Shaekkr. On all kinds of iiei.Miiul security. K. S. 3.

Scripture Lesson, by Rev. F. O. Os bairk which has been steadily melting away DR. LAMEROUX, Many paiicrs speak of the superior man pices, liakhig Powders.

Cof Witnesses TEAS fees, Flavors, extracts. Cigars, ner in which their public schools are con ever since. It will be well for those who are interested in the railroad bridge at this city to borne. 4. Prayer, by Rev.

W. T. Fleenor. 5. Music.

Davis, corner of Coiuiueivial and 3d streets, Atchison. K. Pure hio ider at Hagen A Trellz 1 he excursion has been remarkable for the short time it occupied. The average speed over thirty miles an hour taksng out the lea More. 'X14, Com 1 st ducted, and of the prompt and continuous at Moses Bexsixgel, To.m Foley.

a mo run. take some action during the present summer 0. Annual Address, by Hon. J. L.

Berry to stop the inroads of the river, before a deep channel has been made which cannot be tendance of the pupils. We think Atchison is the banner city in this resiiect. As will be stoppages and speaks well for good track i. Remarks, by Rev. J.

II. Clark. s. Remarks, bv Rev. J.

Thorn pson, State good management, and excellent discipline of stopped. It is necessary to do something, and Shaefer, the Leavenworth boy, and at the present time the acknowledged hillard cham seen by yesterday Champion, six scholars had another year's delay may prove fatal to the not lieen absent or tardv during the entire those minaging the train. The rolling stock is first class, and before the next sixty days bridge, and comiiel the building of another 8 LLE RS'TTv I LS (Wmmn, MmJ ft km 4 ttfwitt uie Liver. MJ: fif MelMM' Utr rUieewed eaf 1.1 Oa-pla'nl hUfc ueapIl4 Me ejult wark -Wm a edri rWiwea-re. 1 mtmMm MUr Puke W1 rhraeeetF4waieVJe fetuW ire btlU.

T-M Bmmdf. EaMkt. frl Urn. IUU kt eli DrsMtsta an 4 Mirr lie IeMra 11 gf rrwi. nwberCi pion of the world, on the 18th of May last, made a run of 1,029 in Chicago, every shot bridge over a new channel of the Missouri year.

This is something extra, at least we think so, and shall so continue till some one are over Beloit will be the end of the track river. 1 hose who feel interested can obtain leing legitimate and fair. At a game toi good view and a fair idea of the flood heats it. wait. and the Central Branch will not stay then 1.

1 Agent American liihle Society. 0. Report of Officers. 10. Collection, conducted by Rev.

Thompson. 11. Nomination and electiou of Officers. 1 2. Music Doxology 13.

Benediction, by Rec. Mr. Thompson. A cordial invitation is extended. II.

J. Birtis, Secretary. Ann isox, June 15, 1S7S. days previously he made a run of o84. Sex from anv of the blulis on the north side of cm warn anu oecome lucre was a surprise party given at ton will be forced to do the tallest playing the city.

The water is now running iu places across tbe bottoms at a velocity of four or five tne most important road in the Suite of Removal. Henry (iottesburen has removed his stuck of groceries to his new building, in Central Hock. If you want good, fresh groceries givehiina call, and he will deal liberally with you. (jtf Reduction in Bread. llereefter we will sell 10 cent loaves of bread at 5c.

Tiieffz. Sailor hats, worth 75c for Lailies and children hats, worth 75c for 3 Childrcns' leghorn hats. jfl.Ofl, Ladies leghorn Other goods in riroiiortion at Mrs. A. Bauni-ganls.

Spring and Summer Goods At A. Bergstrand's, which will he made into stylish business or dress suits cheap lor -al. I'opdar illustrated book (2o0 on Mrs. J. W.

Staris last evening in honor of Miss Susie E. Adams, one of the teachers of Kansas. hoImi 1...... 1 .1... his lite if he beats Shaefer which is a result hardly thought of, by the friends of the latter Manhood! Womanhood! Marriage! Impedi 1 pi iiuiii, ami gitalin, viitiiiii; inir curtir iii irium irip passeu 011 very pleasantly, uels deeper.

the public school. Miss Adams is a young ments to Marriage! lit Cause ami Lure! at least. The match will be watched with inougn the weather was damp and lowering Sent securely sealed, postpaid for 60 cents, by lady of high intellectual merit, and has made, To an already well established reputation. It is the only medicine 1 would give to mv great imeresi ov lovers or me game II over Ur. rk liittlcr, bl 1 feL Charles street, UL by her social disposition, many friend in our Louis, the great specialist.

Kead his the country. hail not tune to see much of Concordia, but one thing wo shall long remember is the generous hospitality and liberality of her naoy, a mother said, siieaking ot Dr. Bu Baby Svrup. At all drug atorcs, 25 cents. are constantly added the warmest praises of travelers who have enjoyed the hospitalities of the Grand Central Hotel.

New York. city, who look forward with regret to the time works. no'ivltf wnen sue snail take ner departure, mat suc Pond's Extract. Liver la King. The Editor nt Atebisou (Wyandotte Gazette.

cess will attend her every, and happiness await It is a fact, that once introduced into tl people. Concordia cannot otherwise but lie a good city, built as she is by men of some lib Not disagreeable hardly more Liner tlmii The Liver is the imperisl orran of the her here and hereafter is the fervent prayer of Ihe State Jvditorial Convention at Atchison lager beer and much more satisfactory and pleasant. Simmons' liver Keiralator nn I In rear of At. hi uouse, 11 noius an undivided place. It is an unfailing remedy in all cases where a lotiou or whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man When it is on Mvinj.

Hank. apLiodil uer manv Inends. Tuesday and Wednesday, was perhaia the eral ideas, and she promises to liecome th Queen city of the State of Kansas. a liuimeut is needed and as a Pain Deslrover, pieasantest and most interesting meeting the Major Howns sends us the following cor listurlieii in its iiroiier action, all kinds of ail taken at any time, without interfering with business or pleasure. It is so irantle.

safe and Money Money Lato of Claicasco. it ts without a rival. All cuts, burns, bruises. ments are the natural result. The digestion Money tor diamonds; money for gold and association has ever held.

A Unit one hundred of the newspaper men of the State were Hus arrived ami in peniiHiieully la ATCHISON. KANSAS. such a good digester, that it is often used sfior wounds, are healed almost instantaneously. 01T OF T0W.Y. silver ware; money for jewelry, watches, guns, rection of an error made in The Champion yesterday morning: The item in The Champion of the 15th, announcing the ap- Ask for Pond Kxtract.

Take no other. a hearty meal to settle the food and relieve CouPultHtion Parlors, North Kjtwt 'orrier in attendance. jelldwlw any apprehension that the meal may di The people of Atchison have lonir lieen l-iuua, -u-. money lor clothing, anil, 111 fact, lor any kind of jiersonal projiertv. A large Country with vou.

lutcrcHtliig Items from tbe Surrounding Is. jelOdwlw (HIKCH THIVKS. noted fortheirliountiful hospitality onsuch occasions, but this time they fairly outdid them 101 01 lorieitiHt pledges 011 hand for sale at panic prices. KemeinlkT the well-known merclttl and sixth launch's 1 'ornr. Vti-r'- hr ,1111 1 mil t-d on 1, it CHRONIC DISEASES.

DR. LAMEROTTX. of food, tlie movements of the heart and blood, tbe action of the biain and nervous sustem, are all immediately connected with tbe workings of the Liver. It has been successfully proved that Green's August Flower is nne-iiualled in curing all persons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Ouuplaint, and all the numerous symptoms thai result from an unhealthy condition of tbe Liver and Stomach. A CARD.

selves, fcvery citizen evidently took it upon oroker, rv lM-rnstem. Commercial street. Mhfre and by Whom Kervicf are to be IKiintment of M. A. McLaughlin as General Freight and Passenger Agent of the Central Branch Union Pacific Railroad was erroneous in this particular.

Mr. McLaughlin has ac-copted the appointment of Gen'l Passenger himself as a iiersonal duty to do all in his tween 4th and 5th Smth Side. dtf To Our Friends and All Who Desire to riu Ijiaramrr. Laxcastek, June 12. 187S Correspondence of Tu Champion.

Held To-Day. power to make the visit of the representatives IetM'rii'H uti oimnc iit-ue without, himi, Purchase a Carriage, Buggy, Spring or Farm Wagoa. any iiMtloun, took in at the tongue, felinjr of th 1'iiKe. of the press as enjoyable as possible, and tbev all certainly succeeded most admirably in their Allow me space in your paper to write a The following a programme of the ser Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively few facts about Lancaster.

efforts. vices to be held in the different places of and Ticket gent of this Company, while Mr. Ed. S. Wills continues in charge of the Gen'l If you intend to buy a pleasure carriage or sold in all towns on the Western Continent Three doses will prove that it is just what you The programme included an informal meet I he fanners are in god cheer over the worship to-day, as far as we have received (irent i tis in Boots warn.

1 information anything in our line this season, you should now decide between the cheap work that th beautiful prosjiects of a bountiful season. ing in the afternoon, a parade by Golden C-ross Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Fire Com Freight Department under his recent appointment as Cien'l Freight Agent. The corn crop is lather small owing to the Have you a cold, cough, hoarseness, weak Kansas Avenue M. E. Church Services pany, etc.

a meeting at Corinthian hall in DR. LAMEROUX Cure -oubuiiipiiou, maun i Liver Complaint, Kbeuiiiatikin, ntarrli. Neuralgia, lropy, Kpilepy, ani all llAeavHipcaUartf women; H-m-inal WeakneK, Night Ise by lireama. Pimple on the fhw-e. Lost ManhMd Cai Positively Cured.

LaUiea wauling the most delicate attention. Call or Write. Coinrand nee the Tamors, Cancer and nimn-njoih Worms takea from 11 vine pimoiih. Viii hlK office and witness his wonderful1 cure. Private li Meases In Male or Kernale ami all wet weatlier, but it is now growing very fast.

to-day at the usual hours. Sermon by Kev After the circus parade two small boys met on the street. One of them, his face country is flooded with which has no other recommend than its low price, and firs (-class, honest work which has a reputation and is the evening, when an address of welcome was delivered by Chief Justice Horton, with res lungs, oroni lilnl trouble, or astfima use r.i-lert's Kxtract of Tar and Wild Cherry. It ia a sovereign remedy for all pulmonary diseas. T-- Wheat harvest is now at hand, and iu all j.

i-isn at iv.i) a. ni. Lmon liible meetinir ponses by Jacob isuuler, J. A. Anderson, Geo.

glowing with excitement, said "Oh, Johnny p. m. a. cranium, 1. u.

inacner. ana toI. Van did you see that fellow with the snakes around It is warranted to give satisfaction do not fail to giv it a trial, and if it fcils, vou may re directions is to be seen large fields of waiving grain, ready for the the sickles nig. The reaper will be heard from about the middle of Horn a grand editorial ball at the Otis -Baptist Church Sabbath School at 9:30 known to every one. The bert evidence of the superiority of the Studebaker work is that it has been iu use over twenty-five years, and his ueck No word from Johnny.

Yer m. Preaching at 11 o'clock a m. Prayer House Tuesday night a meeting Wednesday morning for the election of officers a car Shoes this week until tne latter part of June. and conference meeting at 4 o'clock in the af seen the man in the lion's cage, uncourse? No word or sign from Johnny, save and ex riage drive around the city departure of the turn trie hottie nair emptv to vour drugtrist. Sold by McPike Fox and A Mc-Conaughy.

Summer complaint or cliolera-infintum, this fearful complaint which is carrying off the infants and children bv lli thousand, at this Lancaster is improving. We have two ternoon. Xo service at night. W. T.

Fleenor, the demand increases all the time. We have the largest stock of carriages, buggies and wagons ever kept west of Chicago. We keep excursionists in the afternoon for Concordia and for Put-in Bay. chronic dinea eared with rooU, barkx aud heron. Taj wormi extracted In nix hours or no charge.

Confident I cept a cloud upon his brow. Well, ver pastor. stores, a blacksmith and painters shop, and Church Preach inir bv the We were assigned as a guest of A. J. North, only the celebrated Studebaker work.

All boot and tdioe store, and several houses have been built. We think we are going to have AND and desire to express our gratitude to him, jiastor, Rev. F. T. Ingalls, at th usual hour the guarantee you need when buying a wagon seen the ponies with the red blankets on, didn't ye Naw, and I didn't," said Johnny at last, bursting into tears.

I had to stay at home and tend our ba'uy, but I kin lick the slutlin out of vou." quite a little tows here after while. uu iuc young 01 ineir of morning worship. Sabbath school aft family, for the very hospitable reception iven uuu' season of the year, can always surely be checked and cured by Dr. Winchrll's Teething Syrup, ft has never failed to give immediate relief in the most severe cases. It is a boon within the reach of everv mother.

Do or carriage to know that it is a genuine TO THE tNFORTtJNATE. QUICKLY CURED! NO MERCURY GIVEN. Some of the young folks have started a us. Our thanks are also due and hereby ten- morning service. evening service.

An- Slippers. Do not be deceived by the cheap dered, for favors extended, to Col. Martin, W. niversary of the County KiUe Society. Sub- courting society, which we think will be a goods ottered you, but go to a reliable house.

Mr. Adam Dilgert, our well known con Loper, C. D. alker, T. AI.

Pierce, Buniea jeet of morning discourse The In real inducement for some to emigrate here. Import of Oar improved platform spring wagon or farm -AT THE aisj. luiwus, anu numerous other gen- Prophecy. tlcrfien. We trust that we may at some time tractor, has just completed the basement and foundation for the elegant new residence now under construction bv Hon.

E. K. Blair. Trinity Church Kev. F.

O. Osborne, especially old maids and bachelors, of which the country is overrun. We are greatly interested in their behalf, and would like to reciprocate. not fail to give it a trial you will be pleased witb its charming eSect. Sold by McPike A Fox and Simonus McConaughy at only 2o cents per bottle.

Uncle Sani's Harness OU will keep the leather soft and pliable, thus preventing its cracking or ripping, and is better for oiling harness than any other oil ever made. Hold bv all harness makers and dealers in leather. Rector. To-day being Trinity Sunday, ser Effect entirely disproportional to causes are BRANCH STORE Experts pronounce it oue of the most thor vices will be as follows 10:4.5 a. m.

Litany frequently induced by the simplest circum them happy, although we do not belong, but would like to see it prosper, and will do all we can to help them along bv advertising or sermon and Holy Communion; 12 o'clock, Sunday School. Evening service will be stances. A little pimple, indicative of the beginning of deterioration of the blood, will, bv buggy is supplying a want long felt for a light, strong, durable vehicle at a price which comes within reach of alL By our long experience and close application to this branch of business we have learned the wants of the people, and have our goods made to order, thereby being adapted to the climate. Therefore, we are prepared to furnish any kind of a wagon or carriage as low as first-class work ough, best finished and most complete jobs ever done in Atchison, and it certainly has all the evidence of a masterly job. The work is I r.

Iameroax has made arrangements hy which the iieeeKary remedies can Ik; forwarded Kafely pa-ked and free from ooaervation to all parts ul the world, and it is his lnvarmbre euMloiii to destroy all correspondence or to return it to the patient at the termination of earf-h cae. The diselosnre of a name is neither sought nor ner-eMtry the most perfect confidence may be relied on, so that no diffidence or timidity may prevent the application for professional relief. Patients are, however, requested to retain the same name throughout Uie case In order to prevent confuslou. Jjr. Laineroux wishes to Impsess the importance of one personal interview when convenient, even with resident at a distance, more especially when it is necessary to make a microHcop-Ij or chemical analysis of the urine.

In iact, this is of such Importance that it would be advisable for those consulting him by letter to forward a small bottle per express (carriage paid), eontainlnc the urine paased in the mor- Give it a trial. Gents Stylish Walking Shoes, From $1.50 up Ladies 1 nn LOO neglect of preventive means, develop into the I omitted in consequence of the annual meeting loathsome ulcer and sap health, or probably I k. any other way we can, for we feel it is our Dr. Jaoue's German Worm Cakes are an in of the most substantial character, and the Childrens J. Tl.

I -utlHOUlB, 75 fallible remedy for worms. They will not muuj 1 xiiii union pre- church. finishing in excellent taste. If the remainder venU such catassmphes. only destroy but also remove them from the duty to help them for we think they have entered iifion a just cause, and it should be patronized.

Before we go any farther we will 1 svstein. Ihey are pleasant to take and perfectly harmless. Hold by Mci'ike Fox and of the structure is built with the same care that the ibundation has been, it will be a residence Atchison may well be proud of. can be produced. With our facilities we can offer better bargains and selection than any leu you now una society started, it was proposed by a young man twenty-eight or thirty Simonds McConaughy.

L'ncle barn's Condition Powder prevents Our stock is extremely lanre an.l i-om-plet, and includes as Fine Goods As are kept by any house In the city, for Ladies, Hens' and Boys' one else possibly can. Please call and exam Mrs. Senator Ingalls reception last even. Foreign and domestic cloths, worsteds, ea-simeres, Cheviots, in great variety and choice styles, to be sold cheap. Snit of all wool cassi meres made to order lor $24.

Pants of same $5.50. Suit of fine jeans $18.00, at W. AI. Davies 218 Com' I street. jel4dtf Dr.

Warner's celebrated healtli corsets full line at H. AL Clancy 4 jel4dtf yean of age, to have an exhibition, bat failing 0a aad After To-day Chris Vogler will be prepared to furnish excellent ice cream by the dish or gallon, or will supply parties at the lowest possible prices. d3t Ice Cooled Soda Water at J. Allen Cos. june 10, deodoL disease, purifies the blood improves tne appe- 1 -I 1 NOTICE.

ing was an exceedingly elegant affair. Nearly two hundred of our most prominent gentle in this he turned it into the named society of which we speak. There are about forty mem- ine our stock carefully before you buy. Very respectfully, etc, Stcsebaxzb A Welch maylBdly 8(. Joseph, Ho.

Dr lAmeroax' consultation, either person Ally or by letter are t'KKE. IK, gives a sumjoui auu giuny coax Of nair and keeps the animal in good condition. Sold by McPike A Fox and Simonds A McCon-aughy. je4dwlm men and ladies called during the evening to jLaarma au ijBiverm to xxv. iaji ben who belong to this society.

Some bare Pdwtr jucuiso.

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