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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 4

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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HOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS Sofurday, April 10 0 ees in Pacific Until Allies Launch Offensive Editorial Comment Written Today and Moved by Telegraph or Cable. By DeWITT MacKENZIE The Pacific war remains in a state of rcaltive calm a condition likely to persist to greater or less degree until the Allies are prepared for an all-out offensive. The Japs are busy con solidating the gains of their banditry a task so vast that it's taxing the strength of the Mikado's little men. Any attacks which they make are for purposes of defense and not because they want more territory. The Allied forces are checkmating brillintly here, and hitting aggressively there, to keep the enemy from digging in and to weaken his striking power.

Broadly speaking, however, the United Nations are doing a holding job until equipment is available for the big smash. When will the day of reckoning come? Well, the signs are too dim to read. It may well be that it will have to wait until Herr Hitler has been rendered impotent. That would seem to be a question which even the Allid high command can't yet. Yesterday General Douglas MacArthur, in a statement on the first anniversary of Bataan's fall, 'grieved over the fate of the Philippines under the Jap heel and said "from the bottom of a seared and stricken heart I pray that a merciful God may not delay too long redemption." So even the supreme commander of the Allied nations in the Western Pacific can't see the end.

Still it isn't the great, all-out offensive against the Japs which we Tiave no worry about. When Hitler has been mastered, and the terrific Allied strength is released from the European theatre, the United Nations fighting machine will roll all right. Our danger lies in the present moment this delicate period of holding the enemy in check and the way for the kill. Now is the time when Allied misjudgment might be disastrous after we have our full strength massed in the Pacific. We shall be invincible on that day, but we aren't now.

During this time of watchful preparation it's imperative that the 'cause of the United Nations be in skilled hands the most competent available. He must be a man pf extreme patience for the waiting is trying. He must be able )o get the most out of his inadequate equipment. He must have foresight in strategy and tactics. He must have leadership in handling both troops and civilians.

And all he mustn't make any big mistake. In short the commander in chief in the Western Pacific at this crucial juncture must have qualifications ranking him among the outstanding generals of history. General MacArthur was selected as the man best fitted for this exacting leadership. Since his appointment he has been praised by our Allies. Australia gratefully credits him with having stood off Japanese invasion.

He has held his bridgehead as few generals could have done. So it seems more than passing strange that anyone should try to get vhe general involved in even as a candidate for the presidency. He is our sheet-anchor in the Pacific storm. Moreover, as be expected from a great soldier, he has emphasized that he wants nothing to do with politics, but desires only to get ahead with his job. Market Report NEW YORK STOCKS New York, April 10 The stock market regained a portion of its equilibrium today, with occasional bids for selected rails and industrials appearing, but many leaders continued in the minus column.

Notwithstanding the Friday tumble, which resulted in the liquidation of assorted accounts in the speculative category, it was not overlooked that the Associated Press 66-stock average still was about 15 points above the bottom of a year ago while the 30-industrial index retained around 20 points of its upswing. Improvements for favorites at the start of today's brief proceedings ran to small fractions generally. There were isolated advances of a point or so. Top quotations failed to hold in most cases near the close and losses were widespread. Dealings were fast and slow at intervals but turnover of around 1,000,000 shares was one of the best for Saturday since early 1940.

Bonds were shaky. Commidities steadied. Lives of Soong Sisters Told by Mrs. Broach "The Soong a biography by Emily Kahn on China's most ifamous family of women, was reviewed for the Rotary club today! bv McAdams and Catlett. Wils ST.

LOUIS LIVESTOCK National Stockyards, 111., April 10 (U. S. Dept. Agr.) 400; not enough on sale to actually test the market: a few clean-up deals odd lots 25-40 lower; merely good 180270 Ibs 15.25; bunch of good and choice 290 Ibs 15.40; dod head of sows 14.85-15.15; compared Saturday last week 2540 lower; market from Friday to Friday 180 Ibs up 20-25 lower; lighter weights 25-35 lower; sows mostly 25 lower. Cattle, 125; claves, none; pared with previous Friday: steers closed steady to 25 higher; heifers and mixed yearlings 25 higher; cows steady: bulls 25 lower; veal- ers 50 higher; replacement cattle and calves strong; tops for the week; choice 1323 Ib steers 17.00: 980 Ibs steers 16.75: 818 Ib mixed yearlings 16.20; 776 Ib heifers 16.00; cows 14.50; sausage bull 14.75; vealer 15.50; replacement steers 15.50; bulks for week; slaughter steers 1 14.25-16.25; replacement steers 13.50-14.75; heifers and mixed yearlings 13.00-15.50; common and medium cows 11.00-13.50; closing top sausage bulls 14.50; vealers 15.50.

Sheep, none; compared Friday last week: wooled lambs 25 higher; clipped lambs 501.00 higher; other classes scarce but steady; top wooled lambs for the week: 1675; bulk good and choice 16.00-75; medium and good 14.00-15.60; top clipped and fall clipped lambs 15.75; bulk good and choice No. 1 skins 15.25-50; medium and good with No. 1 to No. 3 pelts 13.5015.25; good and chocie wooled ewes 3.00-9.00; common and medium 6.50-7.50. NEW YORK COTTON New York, April 10 prices continued to decline today in nervous trading, reflecting uncertainty as to what level ceiling might be placed on cotton under the anti-inflation order.

Futures closed 15 to 75 cents a bale lower. May opened 20.16—closed 20.11 Jly opened 1U.95—closed 1P.87 Oct opened 19.75—closed 19.67-68 Dec. opened 19.69—closed 19.62-63 Mch opened 19.65—closed 19.52-54 Middling spot 21.0 off 5 U. S. Dist.

Attorney to Prosecute Mathes Jonesboro, Arpil 8 (fP) U. S. District Attorney Leon Callelt, Liltle Rock, announced today that he would assisl the prose- culion in the trial of Fred Mathes, 61, Jonesboro compress manager, for the slaying of J. E. Parr, 67, Compress president, here last week.

Date for the trial has not been set. Catletl, here to confere wilh Deputy Prosecutor Herbert McAdams, said his empioymenl in this case had no bearing on his position as assistant district attorney and that he would obtain a leave of absence from the government to enter the state case. He said he had been a close friend of the Parrs for years and that when Mrs. Parr called him for assistance he was glad to be of service. Prosecutor Marcus Fietz will head Ihe prosecution staff, aided War Policy Formed by Indiana Group Indianapolis, April 9 Fourty Indiana republicans, who emphasized that their organization was independent of the regular G.

O. P. state body, formed a post war policies council yesterday and dedicated it to "international cooperation" in which the it States shall participate." The council adopted a resolution in harmony with views expressed in a letter written by Booth Tarkington, the author, and read at the meeting in the author's absence. "I think the republican party must declare for international cooperation," the letter said. "That is, we should advocat co operation lor the prevention of future wars.

Our present program I think, would kelp to the utmost simplicity only the restoration, or creation, of lasv between nations and provision for its unceasing maintenance." Richard T. JAMES, Indiana state auditor, said it should be made clear that the council "does not subscribe to the Utopian theories advanced by some people. otable Vice President Wallace." The movement will seek to establish negotiation "enforced if necessary" as the means of selt- "If next year's republican piat- ington wrote. "Ifnext year's republican plat from does not include this idea, or opposes it," he warned, "the party would risk losing the whole or what might be called the intelligent vote. Republicans cannot possible afford to let the democratic party untruthfully claim copyfight of the idea, an dto do so might easily lose an election that now seems yearning to 'go republican'.

"It's impossible to believe that our people are now enduring the hardships and' anguishes of this war without the general perception that the idea is a right one," the writer asserted. Clubs Sardis The April'meeting of the Sardis Home Demonstration Club was held at the home of Mrs. Clcve Mayton Friday afternoon. The meeling was called to order at 2:00 p. m.

by the club president, Mrs. Gentry Rateliff, who also led the group singing, Minutes were read and roll called by Mrs. Walter Rateliff, Secretary. Ten members were present, and ten new members were added. of visitors were County Agent Urges Planting of Asparagus Asparagus produced in the home garden a possibility for any Ilctn- pslead county faimly, Miss Mary Claude Fletcher, county home demonstration agent, advised this week.

Asparagus plants, Miss Fletcher explained, will grow readily on almost any well-drained soil that is moderately free of stones, and a bed of suitable size will supply the table with one of the most delicious of the high vitamin green vegetables throughout a spring cutting season of from 4 to 10 weeks. Directions for establishing an asparagus bed are listed by Miss Fletcher as following: Good plants can be grown in the garden by sowing seed of the Mary Washington variety at any time from late February to Mid-April, thinning so that the plants stand 4 to 0 inches apart in the row, and giving good culture throughout the summer. The plants may be left in the ground over winter and lifted early the following spring. They should then be sorted and only the best used in the permanent planting. In preparing for the permanent planting, the ground should be heavily coated with well-rotted manure, icrtilized, then plowed or cd deeply.

After the ground is thoroughly pulverized rows may be laid out at least 3, preferable 4 feet apart. These should be opened to a depth of at least 8 inches. The plants may then be placed in the furrow at 14 orl8-inch intervals and covered with about inches of soil. After the young shoots are well up. cultivation may begin and at each cultivation a little soil should be pulled into the furrow until the ground is levelled.

Good cultivation for weed control should be maintained at all times. No cuttings should be in the first or second year, but in the third year, that is, after two years of growth in the permanent bed the spears may be cut for about the first 4 weeks of the growing season. In subsequent years, beds on soils of good fertility will stand cutting season of from 8 to 10 weeks. A good bed should remain production for from 10 to 15 years after the first cutting season. The bed should be cultivated tho- roughtly before spears appear in the spring, then coated with a heavy mulch of fine straw or leaves to keep sand and silt from collecting Government to Lower the Price of Hogs Washington, April The government intends shortly, it was learned authoritatively today, to roll back the market price of live hogs from current levels of nearly $10 a hundred pounds to about $14.50, and at the same time provide "support prices" to give hog producers additional payments.

Officials, who asked that their names be withheld, indicated OPA Chief Prentiss M. Brown and Food Administrator Chester C. Davis had agreed on such a program and would issue a public statement later. It was understood, however, the statement merely would announce the action would be taken soon, and the actual order was not expect deloday. The action, which actually has been pending several weeks, was described as the first' major result of President KoosevcH' order last night "hold the line" on all farm price and wages.

On Capitol Hill Brown said that in line with the president's order regulations now are being prepared to bring under price control wheat, cotton, fresh fish, apples and other fresh fruits as they come into season, ccrloin oil bearing seeds, milk for manufacturing purposes, and some other products now under control. "No ceilings will be ordered for those farm commodities that have not readied parity, in keeping with provisions of the emergency price control act, as amended last October." nc addcct in an announcement read during a hearing of the House Small Business Committee before which he and Davis were to testify Purpose of the hog ceiling, it was explained, was to assure packers of pork prices consistent with the wholesale and retail meat orders of OPA. Some packers had complained that it was becoming impossible to buy hogs at uncontrolled prices, kill and process the carcases and sell the meat at the prices OPA prescirbcd. They contended the price control act passed by Congress last full required OPA to assure reasonable operating margins for packers. Santo, the largest island of the New Hebrides, is 64 miles long and 32 miles wide.

At the Saenger Sunday cutting season, and especially to keep sand and silt fro mcollccling under the scales of the spears. Flashes of Lift By The Associated The Hard Way Richmond, Calif. Press Guadalupo noon at Hotel Barlow by Mrs. Broach. Introduced on a program arrang- led by Edwin Stewart, Mrs.

Broach I Sketched the lives of Madame iChiang Kai-Shek and her sisters Ifrom their education in the United I Igtates, through the stormy days of Chinese revolution, down to the! China of today fighting for against the Japanese in- The speaker said the Soong sis- Davis, Memphis, is chief defense counsel, aided by Eugene Sloan, Jonesboro. Prices on Unions Increased Washington, April 9 OPA today increased the May and June prices on white potatoes 20 cents per 100 pounds and dry onions 20 cents per 50 pounds over original enjoyed a special name among schedules, saying the action was lie Chinese, translated as "hus-1 necessary to spread out hiprnent highest tribute during the late season and discour- ssible. today's meeting the Rotarians ard Jacob Sharp of Magnolia Present the name of Oscar I. Moore that city as a candidate for governor of Arkansas Rotary in Mr. Moore was introduced nd also spoke.

JMayor Albert Graves was a est. The world's first law to safeguard the health of factory worker? was passed in Great Britain in 802. Canals from a Euphrates dam irrigate the supposed site of Garden of Eden in Iraq. age grower from trying to sell off their crops before May. Compared with current prices, the increase will be 10 cents per 100 pounds of potatoes or 50 pounds of onions.

The increase was authorized on prices charged by country shippers, but wholesalers and jobbers are permitted to pass the extra costs on to consumer. Orgiinal chedules provided that prices had to corne down 10 cents per 100 pounds on white potatoes and a similar amount per 50 pounds of dry onions after April. Instead, prices will go up by the same amount, making a net increase of 20 cents. Also a number present. Miss Fletcher, discussed ways of testing the garden seeds, mining of plant, planting and fertilizing of the plants and the garden.

She also explained to the members how to make a window weight, spice rack, and a work table thai could easily be removed when not in use. Mrs. Bundy, explained Ihe need of more home nursing now, and how the Red Cross was helping so that we might have these training classes. Plans were made for a Red Cross training class to be taughl in our community we hope every one will make an effort to attend. Proceeding the discussions the host served a sandwich and desert course to the following: Mrs.

Gentry Rateliff, Mrs. Seth Crews, Mrs. Lewis Pralh'er, Mrs. Straud Hunt, Mrs. Lester Cox, Mrs.

Jesse Kennedy, Mrs. Clayton Paddie, Mrs. Jesse Kennedy, Mrs. Bernard Lafferty, Mrs. Clarence Hunt, Miss Audrey Kennedy, Mrs.

Earl Upchurch, Mrs. Blant Jones, Mrs. Robert Griffin, Mrs. Herman Stafford, Mrs. Neal Odom, Mrs.

Walter Rateliff. Mrs. Willie Hunt, Miss Georgia Mayton, Mrs. Bud Hunt, Mrs. Charlie Johnson, Mrs.

W. L. Stafford, Mrs. Roy Hunt, Mrs. Bob Mayton, Mrs.

Basil Rider, Mrs. Ossie Rateliff, Mrs. Loyd Jones, Mrs. Claude Hollis, Mrs. John Porterfield, Mrs.

Robert Walton, Mrs. Jimmie Griffin, Mrs. Milton Mosier, Mrs. Oscar Middlebrooks, Mrs. Harold Hamiter, Miss Mary Flelcher, Mrs.

Bundy and Ihe host Our next meeting will be held May 7th in the Sardis Church wilh Mrs. Roy Hunt, Household Art Leader in Charge. Audrey Kennedy, reporter Patmos, Ark. Library Notes Among the recent donations lo Ihe Hempstead County Library is a years subscription to "The New "The New Republic" contains articles on war and post-war problems and reviews of the latesl books. This will be used much by Ihe high school classes.

"The New Republic" war donated to the library by Dr. Harry Klanber. Though the Army transports 39 men in a standard Pullman car, the U. S. Navy only loads 26 to a car.

Port Lyautey, French Moroccoan port erected in 1913, has a population 20,000. Soto, a Mexican who speaks little English, walked into a school building which houses Red Cross, rationing and olhcr wartime agencies. A nurse took his name, address and other data, and sent him to an inner room where attendants drained the usual pint of blood. Then the bewildered Guadalupc managed, in broken English: "Now do I gel my gasoline?" Last Straw Denver The stolen car so quickly the pursuing police car smashed into its rear. The officers were quite angry about it.

Then they discovered their doors were jammed by the collision and they couldn't get out in time lo catch four youths walking leaisurc- ly away from the stolen machine. Light Vote Matficld Green, Kas. While voting in city elections over Kansas was far from heavy this week, Matfield Green's 182 citizens set the record. They forgot lo hold Iheir clec- lion. Our Cosmopolitan Army Salt Lake City Pvl.

Samuel L. Szerdszarf knows he'll got along anywhere he's sent. He speaks 12 languages. Corn Too Tall Chicago About 50 young prisoners have been put to work on a war garden in (he Cook County Jail yard. Warden Frank G.

Sain plans lo grow all types of vegetables except corn. Corn, he explained, grows loo high and might afford a good hiding place for prisoners or for contraband intended for them. Youth Produces Chicago Four new war plants, owned and operated by GO Calumet High School sludenls, are scheduled lo start production next week on 150,000 Army trouser hangers. A. R.

Snydor, director of junior achievement groups in this area, said Ihe companies, sharing a factory set up in a vacant store, xc- pect to complete their contract within 30 days. The companies had been making book ends and other incidentals, but materials forced them into war work, Nyder said. THE GREMLINS BE SURE TO DO UP "MY DRESS SHIRT TODAY.PET/y'KNOiV I GOTTA PRESIDE AT THE CLUB JUST LEAVE EVERYTHING Huston portrays Uncle in tlic itur-spanglcd picture "Yunkcc Doodle Dandy," starring j.imcs Cagncy George M. Colun. Blevins Soldier Writes About Tour of Palestine An excellent description of a tour of Holy sites in Palestine was written home recently by Technical Sergeant Wallace White, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lester White of Blevins. Sergeant White, a graduate of Blevins High School, entered the army a year ago, and a brother, Corporal Cecil White, also is in the service, stationed in the state of Washington. Here is Sergeant White's letter to his mother: Somewhere in the Middle East March 12, 1948 Dearest Mother: I have just returned from my trip to Palestine. Had a wonderful time.

We toured from Bethlehem, Judca up through Samaria into Galihe. Saw many Bible Historical places. I received a letter from Wilma today also one from Freda Bailey. They were written the twenty-second of Fcbruray. These I think reach me much quicker than an ordinary letter.

No. I didn't know that Erline was married. It seems that everyone has married since. I left. Reckon there will be anyone left for me? ha.

This is the least of my worries. I still have plenty of time, don't you Now, I don't know where to start in telling you of my tour. On the way to Palestine or maybe I should say Jerusalem. I saw hundreds of acres of orange groves. The trees were laden with fruit.

These were the first orange trees I have ever seen. On the mountains you sec large holders. Most of the mountains have olive trees and green vegetation growing on them. It looks funny as there are so many rocks and green vegetation just seems to grosv anyway. The old city is still walled up.

It's a mystery to me to sec all these old temples and to think they date as far back as the fourth century. They arc sights to behold most of these temples arc on Mt. Moriah. Across the valley from Ml. Moriah is the Mt.

of Olives. This is where the left of Mt. Olives Walls of Mt. Moriah the Jews are buried. Looking to Gift today.

from the you see the church of all nations. Just out side the church is the Garden of Getliscmane. There is the Valley between the Mis. is Mary's Tomb or the church of Mary's tomb. Also near there is where Stephen was stoned to death we went all through the temple area the first day we were there.

This was on Tuesday. On Wednesday a group of twenty three not including the guide, journ- eci to Nazareth. On the way we stopped at Jacob's Well which is at Sichcm. From this well we all drank. At Nazareth we drank from Mary's Well.

There we saw many interesting sights. From Nazareth we went to a very nice city along the Mediterranean Sea which is the city of Haiti. This city is at the foot of Mt. Carmel. On top of Mt.

Carmel is where Eiligah prayed for rain. His temple still stands. There things which was saw of the Olden limes and of the Oldet prophets have large church ercelcc over them. I wish you could the the inside of some them. I know these arc the most bcautifu churches in the world.

We stayed al the British Y. M. A. in Jerusalem. There is one ol th: nicest American Y.

M. C. A buildings here I have ever seen. It was full up so we had to slay at the Britisn Y. M.

C. A. It was a rough trip and cost lols bul 1 wouldn't lake my money back ant a thousand dollars for what I saw. Mother. I am sleepy I can hardly hold my eyes open so I will have to quit for this time.

I have lots of pictures guides and maps of all kinds of Palestine I also have a new testament I want to send to the family. The backs arc made ol Oiive wood. I will try to send all the pictures and guide books as soon as I find time. Must close for now. Write often.

With love, Wallace. P. S. I received your Christmas Church News FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Pine at Second Robert B. Moore, pastor.

Governor Homer M. Adkins will be the guest speaker at the annual Layman's Day Service at the First Methodist Church, 10:50 o'clock Sunday morning. Mr. R. L.

Broach, Chairman of the Board of Stewards, will preside and be assisted by Mr. O. A. Graves and Mr. John P.

Vescy. Sunday afternoon, the pastor, Reverend Robert B. Moore, will preach at the 5:30 o'clock Vesper Service; Youth Fellowship Hour will bo at 6:30 o'clock. Choir Practice, Thursday, April 15, 7.30. FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHURCH West 4th and Ferguson Streets W.

P. Graves, pastor. Sunday a. Lacie Morning a. m.

Young People's p. m. Evening p. m. The Revival will continue until Sunday the 18lh and longer if the interest justifies.

Bro. Douglas is certainly doing some wonderful preaching. We urge the public to come and hear him. Come and bring your entire family to Sunday School Sunday morning. classes for all age groups.

Morning worship 10:55 o'clock wilh reports on the work of the year just closed. Following the morning services a brief congregational meeting will be held to hear the reports of nominating committee appointed select additional deacons to serve Ihe church and to act on the reports of the committee. Young People's Meeting 6:30 p. m. Evening Preaching Service 7:30 p.

m. Special offering Sunday morning for Arkansas college. You arc invited to work anc worship with us. UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH J. T.

Gilmore, pastor. Sunday School begins a I ten o'clock and preaching al eleven o'clock. Tile retaining course begins at seven thirty and preaching at eight o'clock. The ladies auxiliary meets in the home of Mrs. Jim Warren Monday afternoon at two o'clock.

The mid-week service begins at eight o'clock, this service is devoled to a sludy of Ihe Hebrew Children currently from the book of Numbers. You are invilcd lo attend each service. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Third and Main Streets Rev. W. R.

Hamilton, pastor. Sunday School assembles at 9:30 for departmental programs followed by a period of study for every age. Morning Worship Service begins lit 10:50. The pastor will preach on "Prayer Changes Baptisl Training Union meets in General assembly al 7:00 with a message from the pastor. Evening Worship begins a I 8:00 p.

m. The pastor will preach on "Going The Ordinance of Baplisirt will be administered al the close of the evening preaching service. A cordial welcome is extended the public to attend the services of the First Baptist Church. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Thomas Brewster, minister. Sunday School, 9:45 with GARRETT MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH N.

Ferguson St. D. O. Silvey, pastor. School.

T. C. and Bible Study Groups. Ladies' Auxiliary. a s' Meeting.

Prayer Services. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Millard W. Baggett, pastor. 9:45 a. School; Mr.

Malcolm Porlerl'ield, Superintendent. 10:50 a. worship; observance of the Lord's Supper; anthem by the choir: "All My Father Has Is Mine." (Ritteri; sermon by the pastor "Keeping The Faith." 7:00 p. lowship. 8:00 evangelistic service; congregation- Railroads to Cut Freight Transit Loss Missouri Pacific Lines forces here and throughout Die lO.iiOO-miln railroad system arc cooperating In make an outstanding success of "Perfect Shlping Month," which is being observed nationally throughout April, It.

L. McCain, local Missouri Pacific agent, said today. "The war has placed good shipping practices in a new and important light," said Mr. McCain. "In other years, loss and damage to freight while in transit, entailed only an economic loss; today, however, its effects can be reckoned only in terms of impairment to the county's total war effort." The event is sponsored annually by American railroads and 18 Regional Shippers Advisory board, whose combined membership aggregate some 25,000 shippers.

It is a three-part campaign, with shippers, railroads and consignees exerting every effort to prevent loss and damage to freight. Mr. McCain pointed out that a great deal of freight, including critical materials needed in Hie prosecution of the war, is lost or damaged each year because it is insecurely packaged, roughly handled, or inadequately addressed. "Transportation facilities a now heavily burdened," he explained, "and goods lost or damaged in transit may be virtually irrcpIaCable. At best, their replacement entails duplication of man hours, duplication of badly needed materials and duplication of transportation service." The Missouri Pacific Lines, he added, are conducting employe meetings at numerous points this month on the subject of perfect shipping.

Posters directing attention to the campaign also arc being displayed. Jurors Selected in Sleeper Car Murder Albany, April With 13 jurors accepted by the defense, the murder trial resulting from the lower 13 sleeping car knife slaying of an attractive young navy bride appeared certain today to the testimony stage. The defendant is Robert E. Leo Folkcs, 20, a Negro diner cook aboard the California-bound passenger train on which the killing occurred. He is accused of slashing the throat of 21-year-old Mrs.

Martha Virginia Brinson member of a prominent Norfolk, family, early Jan. 23 as the Limited passod through Tangent, a village near here. Mrs. James, wife of Ensign Richard F. James, was attacked in her berth lower 13 of sleeping car 13.

Yesterday's trial opening was devoted ot a painstaking selection of jurors which hinged largely on the question ol racial feeling. Members of radical section of the Democratic party in New York state in 1835 were called "Loco- Focos." al singing of familiar and favorite hymns; duet by Mr. Ted Jones and Mrs. Alfred Hayncs: "Take Up Thy Cross." (Acklcy); sermon by the pastor; topic: "Meeting God." 3:00 p. Meetings of Women's Council.

8:00 p. meeting. Youth Fcl- m. Evening worship; DON'T FOLLOW YOUR NOSE Use The Classified It's Direct If you've lost something, don't hire a bloodhound to find it. Use the efficient, direct Hope Star classified section.

Ads cost very little returns are high. HOPE STAR HOPE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Main at Avenue D. Paul R. Gaston, pastor, "Earnestly contending for Ihn Sunday a. m.

Guy E. Basyc, Supt. Sunday Worship Hour 11:00 a. in. Sermon by Evangelist Adult Bible Sludy and Christ Ambassadors p.

m. Evening p. m. Sermon by Evangelist. Evangelisl Clara Grace is cnii- limiing services nightly at 11:00 p.

m. through next week. These revival services arc among the best ever held al the Tabernacle. In- teresl is high, and Ihe results thus far have been good. Mrs.

Grace has a unique ministry that appeals to all Christians regardless of various church affiliations. You are urged lo be present al all these splendid meetings..

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