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The Atchison Daily Champion from Atchison, Kansas • Page 1

Atchison, Kansas
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fant rvertlstne jr for utf fx wor.1 Ins VOLUME 55. Av SERIES. ATCHISON, KANSAS, FRIDAY, JANUARY AEOLIAN ISLANDS NOT SUNK ATTACK ON A FEW RICH" A BLIND GUESTS OF THE COMMITTEE OF FIVE RESENTS AN INSULT I3AMATIC' SCENE FIRE FIGHTERS Al nemo ruunim vj fI i. i'j9- PRXE a CENTS. JWi ft wlv In Signed Communication the To Obscure the Demand for Better Water and Better Service Earthquake Zone to He Deserted The Fire Boys Gave Their Annual New Year's Banquet Eph King "Arrested" and "Jailed." OF FIRE FIGHTERS ANNUAL NEW YEAR'S BANQUET In Exhibition Run at Sound of Old Firs Bell Engine Wheel Crumbled and Two Firemen Were Injured ll is a tradition in the history of Atchison's fire department that, each New Year's eve be fittingly celebrated by the members of the lire department am a few id' Iheir friends, but.

last, night's celebration came near ending with a tragedy. In giving an exhibition run 'mid the firing of guns, ringing of hells mid other noisy demonstra 1 i -J V' H- lis 4 i 1 1 I i 1 i Citiens'Commitlce Makes Some Strong Statements In a niiuniunlc'atlon addressed to the I "Enterprise" to-dnv, the Ciliens' com niitlee of Five, hud the following lo say recanting an offensive item which appeared in last night's issue, rellect-ing upon their Integrity and honor: "II is inconceivable Unit the man who rote hat. paragraph could really believe lhat we would ask the Minor and Council lo withhold the water le in order lo allow a few big I taxpayers to escape their proportion of it. The lolnl i 1 chisou llguu ars. When 1 port ioiicd ablation of the City of Al over 11 li -1 million itol- the 1 levy is ap- ainsi 'iii ii large valmi- 1 i on, the amount any one taxpayer in the City of Ale liison could save, no his assessment might nialter how htrg be, would be too intiuitesiuial to figure.

The Cominiliee went into this work with the nt most reluclance. They did feel, however, that some good could he done, and we believe thai subsequent eveiils have fully continued ev cry recoiiimnilal Ion Hull Ibe Commit lee made. The Water Co. has been in a very nervous frame of iniiid ever since. II Is reasonable lo say lhat the enures sions they now offer the city In return for (he mi) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of Ibe probably the aniounl of the water levy Water Co.

is not engaged Mime old Insk of trying to fool people, Ihell the rale schedule will represent a saving of several thousand dollars lo Hie citizens of Atchison. However, our Major and Council rum i I I 1 i 1 IW 1 1 'ft- I i The King Will Urge Its Abandonment as Place of Residence DEATH ROLL NOW 300,000 Warships Bombarding Alcssiua to Stop the Conflagrations Rome, Jan. 1. A dispatch from the commander of the torpedo boat sent to ascertain the damage at the Aeolian islands, states that while the islands felt the shocks only a few buildings were demolished. No lives were lost.

Catania, Jan. 1. Warships off the Coast of Messina are bombarding the city in an effort to stop the conflagration. Queen Helena is still there, not having accompanied the King to Reg- Earthquake shocks continue, sh dispatches tell of additional errors. The dead estimated at three hundred thousand.

Rome, Jan. 1. The Aeolian including Stromboli and a number of i smaller ones, with a population of 000, have been swallowed up by the sea. All the inhabitants perished. Part of the islands were off the coast of Sicily.

The government has sent a warship to ascertain the facts. The foreign office estimates the death roll at least as 100,000. Marquis Di Ruvil- ito says 300,000. No Americans, ex- cept consuls and families, are known to be dead. The vast area affected may become a desert.

The king will I urge that human residence on the earthquake zone be abandoned. The entire sea front region is ruined. The higher portions of the towns are slow-; ly sinking and may disappear under the sea. There have been forty-two shocks since Monday. Mobs of ruffi-1 ans are looting the ruins.

The ghouls re summarily deal with, many being 'hot. Martial law is established in Reggio. Many of the survivors are still untreated for their wounds. Burials are being rushed. The bodies are put in great trenches and cargoes of quicklime sprinkled about to prevent contagion and keep dogs, ferocious rom hunger, from devouring the bod es.

Not a single house remains (ltanding in Bangara. Washington, Jan. 1. Ambassador 1 I. 9, II' 1 1 It is now said that tht present agi at ion for better water anil bettor ser vice In Atchison was started by a few i rich men to escape their share of the tax this year and that before the next levy is made they will have taken their I personal property beyond the reach of the local authorities.

If this is true, it is of course deplorable, but let us see just what proportion of the A. J. llarwi would pay. We mention Air. llarwi because it is be, the En-tcrprise is attacking.

of course, the town knows just where the Knterprise gels all its inspiration to assist in directing its policy against the people's side of this coul roversy. It is common street rumor that George Storch will move to Kansas City, which action on his part will result in taking 4 1 0 of taxable property out of the county, but has anybody heard of George. Storch fighting the Water Co. He is not going away because lie is sore nt the Water company. There is another rumor with regard to an Atchison man establishing a residence elsewhere to escape taxation here, but it is not Ktilllcicntly defined to justify the mention of his name, iieing a stockholder in the Water company, however, it is fair to assume that he is not responsible, for the present agitation, as the Knterprise says.

I jet's see what the facts are: A. .1. Harwi, who has expressed hiuisell very forcibly upon the injustice of the present water contract witli the oily, returned for taxation in property of the value of Upon this amount, lie paid a tax of The amount alleged to be due the Water company for lHUS is $0,000. So if tin; levy for water bad been made, Mr. between the actual amount levied, 1.17 and (1-10 and the amount, which would have bi cu levied, and J2.

which would make an increase in his taxes of VZiAi for Now Mr. Harwi is the only very rich man in Atchison who litis openly opposed the present contract witli the Water company. He is unquestionably the man to whom the Enterprise refers. The Enterprise won't deny it. And it says his opposition is based upon the proposition that a prevention of the levy for water purposes this year will enable him to escape his share altogether, for in another year, he intends to sequester all his personal fortune.

We don't believe it. Mr. llarwi is a prudent business man and lias displayed great ability in the accumulation of Ids wealth, but we do not believe that his demand for pure, wholesome water, lire protection for College, water for Spring Garden, Highland Park and Park Place and other improvements in tile water service of Atchison, is inspired by the desire to save but a trifling amount in his taxes. Why should a person's motives be attacked every time he makes a move for the betterment of conditions? Well, you know why. MISS HARWI'S PARTY luotuiline voiy wise in noi aeiiug on ineir This picture is from a porlrail of T.ady N'orl liclilfe, wib' ol Hie fam English man, wlio has been the recipient of many social nil it) 1 1 in eV li.

WITNESS IN HIS OWH DEFENSE The minimi New Year's celebration by (lie fire depart nient last night was the largest attended event of the kind ever given by the lire lighters. And from a social standpoint it peihaps outdid any previous effort. The an- Uili banquet and social evening was marred by the accidents, but up until o'clock it was a continuous round of pleasure. Sclianl'skopl' high II pitch and other card games were iu-I dulged in. A colored musician known "Dixie." entertained I he singing anil playing lift guests 1.

the hit catchy songs and selections. Al and Funic Schieiber helped with the musical program. The funniest thing thai ever happened in Atchison was put on lust night when Earl Itarrett and Wallcnstein came into the reading room, dressed in policemens' uniforms and served a warrant on lCph King. lOph was charged with attempting to sing. lie offered no resistance and the "ollicers" escorted him to the hold over below.

He was locked in a i and his friends gathered around the door as it snapped shut on Hph. lie demanded a jury trial. Dr. Hubbard Liuley acted as Eph's attorney. Jim Orr occupied the judge's seal and .1.

W. Waggoner took the part of eityj attorney. The most ludicrous repar- tee between the prisoner, witnesses! and the "court" that ever happened was pulled off when Kph King sat there a prisoner and guilty of a heni oils crime. After several witnesses had been examined and cross-exaniin- 'tl, the jury deliberate. was ordered lo retire and rnannounced the jury til ed into the court room.

Eph renliz- 11,,, I it I'i i i verdict, of course, was "guilt and the court was instructed to assess I he penally. "I lint; you eleven cans of; sardines," the judge said. "Your honor, the prisoner said, "I tun not in the "canning The judge i then said: "It is the order id' this court that the prisoner be placed in the custody of Corbet! Collier, who shall see that the vile prisoner pro duces ttie eleven cans ol sardines immediately." The witty reply of Eph's brought forth laughter from the audience when he asked: "Why don't you 'can' me?" "You are 'can the con trreplied, and the scene ended. The guests again gathered in the reading room and th amusements were continued until midnight. the negro entertainer, is an artist, and Corbelt Collier with his! make believe slide trombone solos on I a broom stick was a big lilt of the ev- i ening's fun.

Wives of firemen prepared a fine banquet, and it was alter 4 o'clock ibis morning before the lasl lingering footfalls had died away from the lire station, where a happy gathering eaine near ending in a tragedy foi two of Its faithful fire boys. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB BANQUET The Fortnightly Club ladic their annual banquet for thei bers and the husbands of lb. bers last, night at the home of Mrs. .1. W.

Thayer, on Kansas gave i' mem- mom-Mr. and avenue, and the twenlylive guests who attended were well fed and entertained. They Thayer home was decorated with holly, evergreen and mistletoe. There were four extra guests, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Mc.Junkin, of Kansas City, wlio were the club's guests, and Mr. and Mrs. 1.. II. Duff, of llorlon, Kansas, who were the guests of the host and hostess.

After spending nearly two hours at the table the guests enjoyed a musical program, and many of them remained to watch the old year out and the New Year in. MILLS-TAGGART WEDDING 1 II I 11 caues the foreign office. He tions, Frank Wike was thrown from the lire engine on Ihe pavement anil rendered hue. inscious, and Pert. Sowers, another lb-email, had his nose broken by colliding with Mrs.

Fred Stafford who was on her way to the scene of the accident. When Frank Wike turned the corner on Kansas avenue Ihe big lire engine skidded and Ihe rear wheels were I brown against lb curbing. The wheel next lo the curbing crumbled, slid for fully thirty feet ihe axle slid along on the curbing. When it dropped oil. Frank Wike fell from the engine and lay unconscious on the pavement, II.

-re a most dramatic scene was enacted, showing the devotion ami concern thu olher members of the deplli I inelit and Iheir friends nail for the Injured t'l'e-mail. In Ibe confusion tb ii 1 1 veil Ihe little group of men thought Hi Wilie lay dead under his engine. Al most crazed from grief, Fred Stafford fell againsl the engine and wept liko a child. The wildest excitement pie- vailed. "Franli Wii.e is dead under I he engine! were lie words lhat were spolieii by tunny who slum! stunned.

Frank Wike was picked up and carried lo (hi) lire station where he was soon revived. Ills Injury was a slight concussion on the back of the bead. In Ihe collision with Bert Sowers, Mrs. Slafford was shuck on her fore, head and knocked Hho wris nn seriously hurl. Within llftueii minutes after the new year had been Joyfully received, Ihe sleeping quarters at Ihe lire slnlion looked more like a hospital Ihan it place of pleasure.

Dr. Hubbard l.iiiley, who was one of the guests of the evening, attended to the needs of (ho injured men, and later Dr. Finney was called. One of the real lunching Incidents to the series of accidents was enacted Just, across the street at the homo of Chief Comp. ton, where his wife and wives of other members of the lire department hud prepared an elaborate spread for the occasion.

They wort getting ready lo serve 11. when (he accident occurred. Faithful to (heir trust the ladles walled nnlil It. was definitely known lhat no one was dangerously injured, and at, this morning the bountiful repast was served, although many of the guests hud gone Atchison people never tiro of witnessing an exhibition of Its modern fire deparl nient, and for this reason it was agreed lhat a run would be a fit-ling thing for the occasion. The gong sounded and Ihe faithful horses sprang Into their harness.

The doors Hew open and in a moment they were off mid Ihe ringing of the old fire bell which was rung last night for the first lime in many years. The hook and holder wagon was driven lo Fifth and Commercial and the lire engine turn-i ed west on Kansas Avenue where It. toppled over. Earl Hnrrett swung I onto the rear of the engine as It left Hie lire station. A.

C. Kobinsou, a colored musician, was also oil thu rear platform. Earl Itarrett jumped when Ihe wheel collapsed. He was thrown with force against the Cain mill. The only Injury he received was sprained thumb.

The colored man sprained thumb. The colored iiiaii sprained his ankle. At first it was thought that Ihe engine was a mass of ruins, but fortunately the on- ly damage was Hie broken wheel. Sucli an accident is liable to occur at any lime, and if there was a weak place In Urn whel it, was a fortunate thing after al! lhat it gave way when the lire lighters were giving an exhibition run Instead of when hurrying to a threatened coutlagral ion. Atchison people have read in the papers and heard a great, deal of the almost human lulelligence of John Coniptou's horses, but not until lust night did I hey wilness the real thing.

With the hig engine on itn side and the wildest confusion on every hand, lie horses stood motionless as if they understood the situation. The well-be. haved horses saved the engine from perhaps a total wreck. TUP. WE71THER Kansas Fair to night and Saturday; warmer to-night.

propostl Ion now, and II Is our belief personally thai they can gel much heller results by wailing till spring. It is believed Ihal. the legislature of Hie Slide of Kansas will puss a Public IMililiou and, If they do, II will soon be learned whether or not the Atchison Water Co. In only able earn per cent net on Its iiclmil In-veslincnl, or whether or mil Ibis li per cent which I hey claim lo be earning is bused upon false valuation of Iheir properly, and whelher or mil Hie real earnings are absorbed by llc.titioiis charges. The Water Co.

is making a pretense thai Ihe alum Irealiuenl al Ihc reservoir, whereby Ihe water Is coagulated, really purines II. Everybody Ihal has studied Ihe mailer knows this is a joke. The alum Irealinent does preeipllnle Homo of the sediment ill the water, I Hereby clearing if lo an onIoiiI, but according lo Dr. Cruinhine Ihe real del rlliielltlll elements of the wilier are yel retained. The Water Co.

should he forced, as a condition of any agreement that Is mad them, to keep their water In with pure a ami lien ll Ii fill slate, as per Iheir ce Iracl. D. M. CAIN, C. T.


MANGE1.8DORF. A TACKY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oliver entertain ei a large number of guests lasl night wllh a Tacky Party, In honor id their guests, Mr. and urs.

Charles Lindsay, of Denver, at He-ir home on Kearney street, and the Tacky idea was most carried out in docerat ions, games, prizes, refreshments and cos-lilpu's of the guests. Miss Augusta Knower, who inniing. -d the affair deserves much credit lor the unique wa.v in which everyl hlng was carried mil, and the genuine fun afforded the guests. Miss Knower rivaled a sen-nation, by appearing as "The Widow" with a long crepe veil lianging lo the bottom of her dress. Guessing games formed purl of Hie evening's aiiiusenieiil, Mrs.

Nels Fletcher wiiinig Ihe ladies' prize, a "diamond" ring (Ho iiithe ie ii cent si. and Charl'-s Lindsay, gentlemen's lirsl prize, a lov monkey. About Whiles, pickles, fashioned marhh from liu cups, in Mrs. Oliver may twelve Clllfee. Silllll ice cream and old alio, was served plates, ele.

Mr. ami el feel grill Midi nl Hie Sllcces. could in.l Hie I hue. he par! as I lie nests el way until a. having, sueli a good 'I'h.

Wad. many friends of Miss Sadie will In- glad lo know that today xhc seems decidedly better. This morning she partook of a lighl breakfast and retain. it on her stomach, lie' first lime she has been able to down any nourishment for sometime. At noon also she relished a light dinner and lo the surprise of Ihe attending phyiiicians and nurses she sems decidedly heller in every way.

I i SENATOR CURTIS MYSTERIOUS STRANGER He fentu named he S.Hu relay Nil)t Club nt a Banquet nt Lasl Niyht Top night hampi tional eka. Ian. I Th. I'hiiin nlen Saturday 1 wiii a if Hie ll club was ei el on I he root hotel here 1 rious Slrangi niglil by the whose identity was nlinoiniced Curtis was Hie affair b-gali al was disclosed when ii that Hennlor Charles host. The elaborate o'clock and he.

led lo the end ol were laid for the old year. Covers w. 100 guests, The baiiipicl have much of he lla or of affair of the Gridiron club, occasion of goodlellow. Iii and wil. proved to I he annual II was an elo.pleuce MRS.

POEHLER ENTERTAINED Mr. and Mrs. Clin tertnilied tile meuiliei I'oehler entile Schaal's-royal kopf club last night 111'', ith a. watch nigh! paify thai vvu, illy unique ati.l entertaining. 'flu; favorite game of Hie club was played, Mrs.

ll. M. I. inn winning first prize for die ladies and Mrs. Matt Noll, second prize, Koberl l-'oi briger lil'SI prize lor Ibe genilellien Jltlll I r.

Lilly second prize, The club prizes are diff legant rent siz. poons s. Alte 'bo; lid with Where one pnil'Ti cards odd I'll giv I hose thy I bill mp i lo mil, ed pieces of each guest, a by matching for the 12 was served, all mulched they were to si I ml lock com dinne When Hie pieces it was found I hut ar were lo round table cated In Hie li! Irl the genl ietiti the dining room, The midnigh' dinner was beautifully served and tie-menu elaborate, and tally up to "feasts" Hint are a pari of this club's entertaining. The belies' dinner served witli handsome doil'rvs upon the polished board and just, at twelve Mrs. Poehler's assistaiiH, who reimiiu ed in the living room, lang lu lis, liee had been concealed inside of Hie Christinas paper bells, blew hum and shot off a number of fi-ecm.

lo were in a tub, with a tin them. The noise th it mar! coming of I he New Y' v. ns I if not musical, am! afiord. amusement. Alter He i labor nor, the gentlemen a 1 1 1 i of toasts, while th lieli Visile later all room, wlie llesl-i lit IlliO tiirimil Hie liviui' iiaic-e wa iiati Tuck ii held, the Virginia I er, alTording preai those taking part.

inn 'tile oreil ment I Wi great success and uiiipli for Poehl an ideal hostess. her III a I V. In Shepherds and about one half of Greece. the of i id or Ii Jenkins Mains Will Take Stand fute Testimony of Mrs. Annis Re- Flushing, announced 'ha Ibe slau.l i.

I. -The on i lii i lel'elise has Mains will his own do- test i iiioiiy stale wit Will be Hie fellSC. He will fel'ule ll of Mrs. Annis and other ll is eM.ecleil III most sensational wilness in Inssni! i Npert Malison and have I. feu sn-ilying I prepared lo lhat he ill wlio ns, ate almost if his a nientat wreck on ac.

wife's actions with Ann mini THE GOODWINS Home, and brbl Ncv. .1 Willi in. Nat Goodwill i trunks, have ir as, del'en-ivv lo (I ssolve couij, oy. lilt lee arrived, and dams in (lie Goodwin Will appe il lo IIIOI'I Itrokerngi llev. Charles lliglon, Kansas, the Conl rnl lli iim I his morning.

1 1 he instilled evel of ish on was In il passengel III into Atchison Inloxicaled anil ilium passenger lied Conductor he could I hlnlt on the trai id Kelly all Ibe vile nam. of. Added to Ibis, Hi. lie llrown rc-s oondurl fused lo pay hi fa became so iiIjiiuv lo prolecl his pit Vas given a 1 -w by Hie ciltlllllelor ol'foel. Tiie yoiiiii when Hie Irnili i'i nits Kelly hud senders and light, hand punches which li.el a good preacher was sober iched Alcliisnn, and Cilv.

Several lie went on lo Kali months ago Itrovvn pallor ol Hie Summit, Christ ii and he church at was "lii for drunkenness a milling, lit lie v.a llefore going lo Lee paslor id' Hie Christian Sum cliiir. i al Vermillion. Al I there he S'lllleil lii his church. whip itv ai man who ie girl and had been in Ali-lil turn home. i nt to he il.

vrre both sit I and Ihe in town flick on lellMila-d ll a pot shower il on le-r suit case I tooli ad va nl iii'e his, slit case, was i mairieil. Show Hie couple hail Hal Ml dll H.ey oil the train nt hv 1 1 Hint their joker in it Ii ri'-1 lab. never met afford, 1 1 a lo Uiliv I In frlend-i ha. until pas. I ol' 11 The maiiv Irien Itelillii know that she wa hosiiilal in Geneva lor many Mr.

and Mrs. ,1. A. liulll id lo I- the lieell day. i iv 1 1 1 -I llble hero on Ch he gl; to lcUV has risl inns Head re.

of Ituffalo, Spell! 'III i illllil ilh their son. 3iys Taormina, where many Ameri cans are stopping, escaped injury. ATCHISON NEWS. Janet Thayer entertained with i.vvutch party last Mr. and Ilerir Cosgrove and son will leave Tuesday for their new home Ii in New Mexico.

Mrs. Foster, of Monrovia, who was for a tumor was well removed to her home operated upon enough to be his morning. During the month of December, 31 arrests were mane tnrougn tne ponce court of Atenison. The fines and forfeits collected amount to less than Utile Earl Fowler, who was injur ed by being thrown from his bicycle some weeks ago continues to improve, I and it is hoped will soon be able to return to school. Miss Florence Fox will leave for Chicago Sunday evening where she will visit her aunt and from Chicago she will go to Ft.

Sheridan to be the guest, of Jerome Pillow. 1 Skating at City Park is said to be excellent by those who have tried it. A good sized lake has been formed and a go 1 many young people take ad vantage daily of tins luscinaling sport. "The Montana School Ma'am" is one of the greatest Western dramas shown, every one is saying "it's best, moving picture tliey ever lyw. pout miss seeing it at tne 9ctrie to-night; only cents.

1 1 There is a marrying story on a iiuch beloved young lady who is a in one or aiciiisuii large wholesale nouses, anil a popular voniig man who travels for a candy bonsc. It is said that the wedding will occur the early part of next week. mill bearers for the funeral ol i iv Clark which occurs to-morrow jo 1'ioin the Clark residence, are gg IOIIO i-uii iiipiiiini, Minis, I eorge Glelteb, Charles Ask-, W. A. Stanley, George Graves.

fuiierif will be private. Interment ag at Oak Hill. Miss Edwin Harwi's dancing party at. Turner Hall last night was attend- ed by seventy-five couple and was one of the most enjoyable of the many so- cial affairs that have marked the hoi- i hhiy season in Atchison. The hall was artistically decorated in Christ- mas greens, of evergreen, holly and mistletoe, and innumerable Christmas bells, while a screen of the same effective decoration was placed in front of Davies orchestra, which were on the stage.

From one corner of the hall, ices were served from an attractive 1 table decorated with red carnations, and red candles with red silken shades. Mrs. Quiggan, Miss Emma' Cain, and Miss Myra Harwi served the ices. The youthful hostess plan-! ned a very unique idea for her receiving Hue, which followed out the "rain- how" idea beautifully. Miss llarwi at the head, was gowned in while net, over a white taffeta slip, while stand-i lug next were Miss Emma Morgan, of Kansas City, in pale blue messaline, Miss Mona Waterson, In yellow silk.

Claire Morgan, of Kansas City, in pink messaline, and Miss Altlu a Reed ill lavendar. and as all the young ladies are decidedly pretty, the "rainbow" idea was douldy attractive. At twelve o'clock all the lights save the red ones were trrned out and the "New Year Extra" was played, and tne merry dancers in the soft red light made a pretty picture. The chaper-ones were Mrs. E.

C. Harwi, Mr. and Jim liyram. Mm. J.

C. Tlioma, I Mr. and Mrs. John Putnian, and Mrs. Shelly, Mr.

and Mrs. Slij ffield Inealla. 1 1 Joseph A. Taggart, county has become a benedict and the Hiiclie. lor club of -the courl house is minus another member.

At. 7: HO Wednesday! night Miss Elsie Dorothy Mills, daiigh-. ter of the late Frederick I). Mills, a prominent member of the Atchison county bar, and a niece of the lale John A. Martin, former editor of Hum Atchison Champion, became the bride of Mr.

Taggart. The ceremony was perfoi med by itov. William Michael, pastor of the. church of St. flose, of Lima, in th" parish residence.

Kiohard Hig-gins, judge of the court of common ideas, and Miss Anna Waters were Ibe attendants. The marriage was a surprise to their many friends. The bride was formerly private secretary to the groom. She has been living with her mother. Mrs.

Ellen E. Mills, Tremont street. They will be at home to friends alter January ir, at Ss'i2 Minnesota avenue. Kansas City, Kansas, Globe. i I 2.

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