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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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November 11, 1938 HOPE SfAK, HOPE, In tffottlorliUn went with song'to we're young, Straight of limb, true of cyo, sturdy They Wct-c staunch to the end against oddis uncounted, And they fell with their fnces to the foe. They shnll not grow old as wo thnt are left grow old, Age shnll not wenry them nor the yeats condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We shnll remember Pence does not mean the end of all of our striving, Joy does not mean the drying of our tears, Ponce is the power that comes to souls arriving Pp to the light where God himself np-1 Mrs. K. C.

McRnc has returned from Warren, where she attended meeting of the Synodical of the Presbyterian church. -O- Mr. and Mrs. J. O.

Milam and daughter, Eva Jean, left Aridity for week end visit with relatives and friends in lulsu, Okla. Friends of Ruth Ellen Stubbeman will be glad to know that slit' is improving from a recent illness at the Julia Chester hospital. Mrs. H. C.

Whltworth was a Friday visitor in Little Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook have returned from visit in Little Rock whore they attended a meeting of the State Laundry association. Mr.

and Mrs. D. H. McLemore are visitors in Little Rock, where they were called to attend the funeral services for a relative Mr. O.

F. Deubler. Mai-nbclle Burnskle are attending the state wide Library convention in Lit- 11 Rock, Mr. and Mrs. W.

F. Ferguson of Hope returned home Wednesday after spending few days with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas W. Lowe of Ardmore, Okln. Misses Virgio Button and Lois Lnmb are spending the week-end in Mnl- vcm visiting Mr.

and Mrs. David Womack. Mr. and -O- Mrs. Rufus Graves and children of this city returned home Wednesday after spending a few dnys with Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas W. Lowe of Arcl'm'orc, Okln. Mrs. Ben Flora lias returned to her home in Brinkley after a visit with her sister, Mrs.

Chas. and Mr. Gibson. Dana Gibson Weekly Sunday School Lesson By WM. E.

GILROY, D. D. Editor of Advance Malvern Minister to Preach Sunday Rev. C. H.

Asher to Have Charge of Services at Tabernacle The Rev. C. H. Asher of MnlveYn will peak Sunday morning, at the" Hope Gospel Tnbernacle at the 11 o'clock vorship service nnd again at the eve- Ing evangelistic service beginning at :45 according to an announcement made by Pastor Bert Webb who is in 'ulsa, conducting a revival ampnign in Faith Tabernacle of that ily. Unusual Interest has made it icccssary for the meeting in Tulsa to ontinue over Sunday.

The Rev. Mr. Ashcr needs no inlro- luetion to people of Hope, having been it the local Tnbernnclo several months ngo for a week of meetings during which it was unanimously declared hat he was one of the outstanding ministers to appear in the Tabernacle pulpit. Largo crowds are expected hear him at both services next Sunday. The general public is invited to be ircscnt.

Rev. and Mrs. Webb will return to Hope on Monday of next week. Ofd Mm Winter is Here Agtfm The Sncredness of Human Life Text: Exodus Matthew 38-42 Dr. and Mrs.

J. W. Branch were Wednesday visitors with relatives in Little Rock. -O- Miss Mary Elizabeth Bright has returned from a visit with relatives in Chickasha. Okln.

The Junior-Senior High P. T. A. held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday afternoon at the high school. In the absence of the president, Mrs.

C. D. Lester, the meeting was conducted by Mrs. Walter Carter, first vice president. Following the regular routine of business, Mrs.

E. F. McFnddin introduced Mrs. R. E.

Jackson, who discussed "Character Education Through Recreation," after which a most spirited round table discussion was held. In the count of mothers present, Miss Billingsley's room gave the majority. Mr. and Mrs. L.

E. Pcttigrew of Chickasha, arc week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bright. Miss Mnrccletc Clark and Mrs, SUN.

"IF I WERE KING" LAST DAY 'Letter of Introduction' Charlie McCarthy SAT. THRILL-PACKED! Tf one were to judge the importance of a ItVsson by the need of it in the world us, there could surely be no more important lesson than this, ot only in our generation lias there btcn killing on a large scale, in which almost all nations have been engaged, but out of nil this welter of war and violence there has emergcr a hard nnd cynical temper in which the destruction of life seems increasingly carelessly regarded. The Jews gave to the world, through the Commandments and through the early pages of the Old Testament, supreme witness concerning the sacredness of human life. The Commandment, "Thou shall not kill," was a codifying of the teaching of the story Cai nnnd Abel, with its dramatic emphasis upon the evil, the loss, and the consequences of the taking of human life. is appalling to realize that the world has little progress since that time in the recognition of human rights and human values.

What is strange, also, is the wide discrepancy between the life-saving forces on the one hand today and the lite-destroying forces on the olhe hand. What care we take in scientific ways to safeguard the lifes of children from earliot infancy! How mucl concern we show about the prcvcntioi of disease and the lengthening of hu man life! And yet, with all that wi arc doing by scientific methods am in the humanitarian spirit, all thcsi saving and upbuilding agencies an overwhelmed by the destruction whicl continues through war and strife, anc the ruthless disregard of human'value in the quest of speed, both on roads and in industry. It is difficult to make our mocler America realize that in times of peac we have casuality list from auto mobile accidents and other prevent able accidents that makes the stalls tics of fatality even higher than thos in the wars in which America hi! been engaged. When will the community rcaliz these things, and, facing the facts, put a proper value upon human life and all that safeguards and protects, it not only in some few respects, but in each and every respect? Our lesson, too, emphasizes the fact that killing and murder are not simply matters of the taking of life. They have their roots and their incentives in wrong attitudes, in prejudice and hate, and in all unbrotherly ways and conduct.

is not enough in modern society to refrain from killing; we can fulfill the of the Commandment, "Thou shall not kill," only as we live in positive terms of peace and brotherhood, and as we promote in every way harmonious relations of man with man. There is a basic work to bo done SKntAirthwsrlf Featured iiv Stow CHURCHES GAHRETT MEMORIAL BAPTIST Ilollis 1'urtle, Pastor Tho first blizzard of winter wasn't fooling whert it swept across Minnesota, Wisconsin arid northern Michigan, paralyzing transportation and communication. This scene near Prentice, shows broken telegraph poles and wires down along the snow-covered highway. Snow was eight inches deeo in some sections. Sunday school at 9:45 a.

m. Preaching at 11 a. m. by pastor. B.

Y. P. T. C. meets at 0:45.

Preaching at 7:45. Ladies nxuiliary meets at the home of Mrs. Mont Allen Monday at 2:30. We will have night services next week. Bro.

Ilollis Purtle will preach. Services starts at 7:30. Everybody come and worship with us. HOPE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Beii Webb, Pastor Rev C. H.

Ashcr of Malvern will speak at the Hope Gospel Tabernacle lext Sunday at both the services due to the fact that Pastor and Mrs. Webb have felt it necessary to stay over in Tulsa for one more Sunday in the campaign they are conducting in Faith Tabernacle of that city. Unusual interest and results are noticeable in the Tulsa meeting. Sunday school with classes for all meets at 9:45 and everyone is urged to be present. Christ's Ambassadors and Children's Church meet at Spend an enjoyable hour Sunday night at the Hope Gospel Tabernacle, it is Hope's full-gospel center.

Italy's 'World's Largest' Tuberculosis Sanatorium CLUBNOT1S 'Ozan-St. Paul Home Dethonstratioft' 'club ntef at the home of Mrs, O. G. )aVlS Briink ShOWS tO. Robins Wednesday November with 1 7.

members present. The devotional Open Here for Week nd prayer vL given Mrs. obins. An interesting Demonstration, ti rug making was given- by Miss ilelva BulHnglon, also some leaflets nd instructions on canning of meats. Suggestions of home made gifts for Christmas with the showing and iange of patterns were made" by mettl- ers.

Three interesting games under he direction of Mrs. Clifton Citty enjoyed 1 MeSdanles 0. C. Robins, Chas. Locke and Floyd Matthews win- ling the prizes.

Mesdames C. H. Good- ett and Sallie Murphy were appointed guests. The following officers were eleet- ed for; the coming year: President, Mi's. GHas.

H. Locke; vice president, Vtrs. Luck Cowling; secretary treasurer, D. G. Robins; gardening, Miss Annie foor preservation, Ben Stuart; food preparation, rliss Alma Harms; clothing and household Mrs.

Shirley Stuart! poul- E. Goodlett; recreation, Misses Willie Stuart and Elizabeth Hanna; taxation, Mrsj E. Goodlett; Mrs. Wilbur Jones; home management, MrSi Clifton Citty; landieraft, Mrs. P.

E. Citty; child care, G. K. Osborn; reporter. Mrs.

Floyd Engagement Featuring a new star, "Musical Slim" Andrews, an Ozark boy, who is per- ect at the art fmimicry, the Jrunk Co'mtodians, one of the very best hows ever to show in this section, will ipen a week's engagement in Hope; night, November 14, in their icated tent theatre which will be located on the corner of Fifth and Elm. The new star is unusually talented; le plays more different kinds of muB' cal instruments than the manager of he show could remember, and is versatile. His acts will fur nish more rib-tickling laughs than all the clowns in most circuses. say hat he is a perfect comedian is put- ing it mildly. The show comes to Hope this year with a coVnpany of 21 people and with the best players and casts that have appeared here in years.

The opening play, Monday night, entitled "When Ladies Meet" is full of comedy. Andrews as the butler is a knockout and will woW the large audience' ert- pected to attend. Peggy Lanham and Wade Hays, two'very clever tap dancers, and Dick and Madge Danham Xylophone players, have turned in ex cellent performances that always please their audiences. Jessie Lee and Lu cille Kensey add beauty and feminine charm to capable acting to do credi in the feminine leads. The plot espec ially thrilling, deftly unfolds toWart the final triumph of the hero.

Aiul then' there's that old war hoss the stage, L. P. (Personality) Davis who plays characters. Hi Prescott audiences will remember'him to be one of the most capable actor ever before seen, having appeare here with Brunks Comedians, Pau nglish players and Hila Morgan' how. The Davis-Brunk shows are partic larly i'nVpressive because of the lat they are the type the entire fam can be taken to see.

The manage ment's motto, "a laugh without' lush," is always exercised; FIRST METHODIST Fred R. Harrison, Pastor Sunday marks the close of the conference year, as the Pastor will leave Tuesday for annual conference at Camden. Every member is urged to attend all the services Sunday. At the morning congregational worship, the pastor will use as, his subject, "If I Had Just One Sermon to Preach." The subject nt the evening service will be, "Making Religion Real." The church school, with classes for 11 age )groups, will meet at 10 a. m.

The Intermediate and Young People's pworth Leagues will meet at 6:30 p. Motion Pictures Arc Your Best Entertainment. FRIDAY Clip This Ad. Good for One Free Admission with One Paid 20c Ticket. SALLY HUGHES WOMAN" Musical Shorts No.


3-MICKEY MOUSE CARTOON No. in Colors No. 10 "Undersea Kingdom" Preview Sat. 11 p. JACKIE COOPER TRIPLE THREAT! 1.

John Mack Brown 2. Bob Burns In 2 Terrific Westerns "BORN TO THE WEST" TOMBSTONE CANYON' 3. Wild Bill Hickock SALE 300 Fall and Winter Dresses for Women and Juniors S699 liVwVV LADIES Specialty Shop Italy presses the war against the "white plague" with a great new tuberculosis sanatorium high in the Italian Alps, where mountain air, sunlight and the most modern scientific, equipment will' help 3000 fight the disease. This view shows the 19-building hospital at Sondalo. It is the largest of the 46 in Italy, reputedly the largest in the world.

U. S. Is Arming (Continued from Page One) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH K. Hamilton, Pastor "Happiness, Purity and a Vision of God" is the subpect of the Sunday norning sermon. This ervice opens 10:55.

Sunday school, opening at 9:45, af- ords an opportunity to an increasing enrollment of men, women, boys, and Jrls to engage in the study of the Word of Life. As compared with an iverage attendance in October of 342, ho attendance last 'Sunday was 381. bolder weather should lend the necessary zest to "bring out" an even arger number next Sunday. "The Gibraltar of the Gospel" will )e the pastor's sermon subject at the service Sunday night. Baptist Training Union meets at 6:30.

A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend all services at First Baptist church. Attention is called to the public showing of "Mediterranean Borderlands" in the auditorium of First Baptist church next Thursday night at 8:00 p. This religious motion picture travelogue will be found to be "exceptional, educational, entertaining." Spend niety happy minutes viewing this picture and hearing the pastor's rapid-fire description of the scenes which are pictured. Admission free. UNITY BAPTIST E.

S. Ray, Pastor W. O. W. Hall, S.

Main St. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Preaching 11 a. subject "Gideon services: Singing at 7 at Work." Evening Preaching at 8, subject, "Gideons Followers Tested." The public is invited to attend these services and don't forget the location Woodman hall, South Main street, over City Cafe. today in the restoration of humai values, and this lesson points the way We should remember the words of th Master: "The Son of Man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to sav them." Negro Dance Ted Haynes and his Rose City en- tainers will play for a negro dance at the Casino ballroom Monday night, beginning at 9 o'clock.

since the World war that was to end them. But now the rate of increase is dizzily speeding up, especially since Germany threw off the Versailles restrictions in 1935 and Japan withdrew from naval 1 limitations in 1936. To illustrate this increase, it is estimated that between 1931 and 1937 worl darmament expenses jumped from four billions a year to ten. Today this staggering cost is some where between 14 and 18 billions for vary. But it is at east six times pro-World war arma- nent costs.

On this precerious and unsound base, Surope has built a feverish industrial an illusion of prosperity. The failure of disarmament is one of he great tragedies that followed the World war. Defeated Germany and Austria-Hungary were disarmed and ordered to stay so. The victorious Alies promoted to follow. But Russia, the new socialist state, grew rapidly into a militarism beyond anything Czarist Russia had Ireamcd of.

Forced to organize great armies to defend itself after the revo- ution, the Bolshevik regime soon found that a great army fitted in with ts plans for education and co-ordinn- nof the masses. Today it has potential reserves of 19,000,000 men, the world's largest ai rand tank forces, and spends more than $5,000,000,000 a year (almost five times the U. S. cost) on arms, France saw, in maintaining military strength, her best chance to keep on top in Europe, and never disarmed after the wsr to any extent. Britain lagged, but the rise of a new military power in Fascist Italy kept the total mounting.

New nations like Poland and Czechoslovakia, and revamped countries like Turkey, Hungary and Yugoslavia sought prestige and security in military strength. Then when Germany cast off the treaty restrictions and leaped with a rush back to her old military prominence, all bounds were broken. In the Czech crisis, 2,000,000 soldiers of three countries stood to arms in mere preliminary mobilizations. The naval rivalry between Grea' Britain and Germany was one of the causes of the World war. The German navy was scuttled in 1919.

Britain had! no rival at sea, because the United States fleet, (roughly her equal, was not considered a rival. At Washington in 1921, at Geneva and Rome, and at London in 1930, effort after effort was made to keep the international naval race within bounds. Britain an dthe United States made real sacrifices in ships built, building, and projected, to hold down thois race. But none of the plans brought a permanent solution. One by one the limitations went by the boards, and today the way is wide open toward unrestricted naval armaments.

Tile recent development of the fleets of the air into more than a mere auxiliary to land and naval forces, into a striking force of its own which many believe might be decisive, has put a new face on the whole problem. The United States faces a differenjt arms problem in 1938 than she has ever faced before In the past, dominance of the friendly British fleet in the Atlantic had been considered so great that the United States could concentrate much of its naval force in the Pacific. Now it is believed that conditions require a strong force in both oceans, especially since the Panama -anal might be so readily closed by an air attack. For the first time, continental United States has become a possible target "or air attack, and for the first time American cities begin to demand some- hing of the defensive measures Europe mows too well. Twenty years after the World war, the United States finds itself forced to ouild defenses on a scale unimagined.

Mot only military defenses against a world madly rearming, but other defenses. Defenses against foreign totalitarian schemes which aggressively seek a foothold in the place that has proudly called itself "The Land of the Free." Defenses against economic aggression and diplomatic chiseling. And finally, defense of the remaining stronghold of the idea that government must be not only "of the people," and "for the people," but actually "by the people." The End Deadlock Possible (Continued from Page One) that the party would continue to oppose policies it considered injurious. He cautioned the Republicans who were elected on Tuesday to "show some restraint," saying they had not been "commissioned to tear the hell out of everything in sight." Many believed the result depended upon Mr. Roosevelt's own interpretation Of what the election meant, and his own decision as to what course he would follow.

He could seek compromise and co-operation, or fight it out for two years. Here's a Youthful Design For Women's Size Figures The Library As interesting list of books appear below. Read them from the shelves of your city library. Fiction "One to Live With," by Ruby M. Ayres.

"Imperial City," by Elmer Rice. "The Foolish Virgin," by Kathleen Noijrjs. Non-Fiction "American Wings," by Capt. Burr Leysoin. "Tliis Is My S'tory," by Eleanor Roosevelt.

Duin will those footfall players ever get clean? Ditto haven't you heard of the scrub team? An. aircrfaft radio beacon receivei weighing only four pounds and three ounces having a range of 194 to 420 kilocycles, wil soon be in production Vlalthews. The modern "home" is, a building in which we can change grab a snack, or snatch a snooze, which usually stands on the same lot with the garage. The earth's crust' rises and falls' about nine inches with the gravitational pull of the moon, Get Comforting Relief from Additional Labor Needed in 2 State The Arkansas State Employment Serice has a letter from Mr. Lewis Irvine, State Employment Director of Arizona, vhich states that they now have suf- -icient labor to harvest the present crop of cotton and that no additional abor will be needed in that state.

The Employment Service also has a etter from Mr. O. D. Hollertback, Di- of Farm Placement Service, which states that the same condition true in California. Arkansas farm labor is advised' not either of these states seeking work for the probability is that no work can be secured upon arrival.

HEAD COLDS DO THIS: Put some Vtcks VapoRub UD each nostril'and sniff well'back; NEXT, melt a spoonful of VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water; breathe In the medicated vapors for several This loosens phlegm and further clears the air-passages. AT BEDTIME, rub VapoRub on throat, chest, and back so its long-continued double action can relieve the misery of the cold while you sleep. TRY know why VapoRub Is a standby In 3 out of 5 homes. 'Please, Miss Bobbs, I'm- in a spot. I don't like school, and yet I've got to stay here till I'm 1 "That's nothing to worry about," replied the teacher.

"Think of me. I've got to stay here till I'm sixty-five!" now ready. Photographs show dresses made from these patterns being worn feature you will enjoy. Lte the charming designs in this new book help you in your sewing. One pattern and the new Fall nad Winter Pattern cents.

Pattern or book cents. For a Pattern of this attractive mode 1 send 15c in coin, your name, address style number and size to Hope Star Today's Pattern Bureau, 211 W. er Drive, Chicago, 111. 666 Liquid, Tablets Salve, Nose Drops relieves COLDS first day, HEADACHES and FEVER due to Colds, in 30 minutes Try Wonderful Liniment 14 By CAROL DAY Here's a new design, Pattern for those who want youthful fashioi in women's sizes. And very charmir it is.

Nothing fussy, no gadgets no frou-frou, just subtle beauty line, slenderizing as well as chic. The slight blouse at the by side belts that fasten in. the a very new note. It collaborates with the lengthening point in front, to make your waist look slim. All in all, this dress has just the dash and touch of difference that you want in a casual fashion.

Make it of wool crepe, flat crepe, faille, flannel or tie and then make it look like several different dresses by changing the accessories often and decidedly. Pattern 8325 is designed for sizes 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42 and 44. With long sleeves, size 34 requires yards of 39-inch material. With short sleeves, size requires yards. The new Fall and Winter Pattern Book, 32 pages of attravtice designs for every size and every occasion, is HOPE One Week Starting Mon.

Nov. DAVIS-BRUNK COMEDIANS In A Big Heated TENT THEATRE Auspices American Legion OPENING PLAY "When Ladies Meet" A Fast New York Comedy PLUS 5 ACTS MODERN VAUDEVILLE MUSICAL SLIM AN DREWS The Boy From the Ozarks Singers, Dancers and Comedians DON SPENCERS Famous Arkansas Trevelers ORCHESTRA 7 Modern Musicians 2 1C ADMITS One Lady and One Gent or 2 Ladles 2 Doors Open Starts 8:00. Remember the Tent Is Well Heated. HA Loans New and existing property; Real Estate Mort. Loan Service Pink Taylor, Agent; 309 First tional Bank Building.

Phone 686. Try Us FbrYour Meat Curing and Smoking. We Do It Right. i Home Ice Company I 916 East Third Street 1 Hope, Ark. City Meat Market CHOICE K.

C. MEATS, HOT TAMALES and OYSTERS. PROMPT FREE DELIVERY. PHONE 76T NOTICE The MAGNOLIA Gasoline Station at the corner of Third and Laurel streets is now under new management. Washing Greasing a Specialty W.

H. HARRIS, Mgr. Phone 739 yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiiii: iUse Mont's-Sugar-Gurei When Butcheing Fork and Beef Electrically Mixed i Printed Instructions Furnished With Each Purchase For Sale by MONTS SEED STORE, Hope. J. Ward, Rosston, 5 EJ.

F. Riggins, Buckner. T. O. Marlor Store, WillisVille.

jjjj HEATERS Circulating Radiant Clay Back Asbestos Back Bath Heaters Florence Cook Stoves Let Florence Do Your Cooking Hope Hardware COMPANY.

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