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The Belleville Telescope from Belleville, Kansas • Page 14

Belleville, Kansas
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A THE BELLEVILLE (KANSAS) TELESCOPE VALUE SALE M'ilson's "Laurol-LciiC" Silverspread OLEO 2 n. Unv.x Grcon and TOMATOES 3 No. 2 cans 25c Ann PaRc Ketchup Mclo Wheat r. SOAP Clean Quick SOAP CHIPS 5-lb. pkg.

30c Siihnvfic'ltl OATS 17c RAISINS lbs. 'ut NorlluM-n Beans, 5 lbs. 25c lona CORN 10 PUMPKIN can No. cans Oyster -lUO-lb. 79c KK'J; 100 lbs Ills.

-Datly-STTratrlr Feed, 100 Ihs. 25 Ib.s. ()7c THURSDAY, 'Ajrr NORWAY NiaVK Norway Bank Shows Increased Deposits Totut Increase Per Cent Durin l.ieis|lit-e' (iiy KhI.KN llAMMKR) Hunk deposits (if Korsvny Stale liank continue lo increase. Dm inn' the year (liey show iui increase i)i ilepnsils of a fraction over per cent acconlinK to their pnlilished statement of iJeceniber ol, I'XU, as compared with the statement of Dec. 31, UVX'i, At the close of business, December ''A, VXVi Ihev show a total deposits of and at the close of business of 10154 a total deposits of or an Increase r-lOIOn.

Considerinji' the depression and the drcni.u'ht it makes a very Si'ood sliowinn. Jan, Jenson, Joe rirewer, E. A. I I. Dyrdalil ami the Stensaas brothers were those who were busy up ice last week.

Mrs, Hai'ry Hanson entertained the 0., K. Pinochle club at her homo Friday. Tiie were Josh Pooi'e anci Miss Helen McGregor. The'odd Fellows and Keliekaiis held joint installation of at the I. 0.

0. F. hall Tuesday. Ge(n'ge Sutton was installed as noble grand of tlie Odd Fellows and Wayne Sutton, vice Miss Helen McCreum' was installed as the Heliekalvs noble grand Mrs. Lillle iMcGi'geor, vice grand.

I AUIC I I was Reuben visited Larson Tuesday. Joe King, a nephew of ITowai'd Brewei', lel't for Louisiana Mcmday alter visiting th" past three weeks with -Mr. and Mrs. Howiird IJrewc)'. and Mrs.

Carl Haninier and, family and Mr. and Mi's. Larsen and favnily brougiit tlieii diniKMv -si7iTnr the day with M)-. and E. M.

Easlvedt. i and Mrs. V. P. Hammer, IS Lars lianinier and llarfild.

and Harvey Hammer nent Wednesday evening visiting Mr. and lOiner Eastvedt, The Rev, McClanahan (if will bold niorning worship service at the Norway U. church next Sunday. and Mrs. Larson entertained with a bridge ))arty Sat- ui'day evening.

The guests were: i.H+i— and family, Mr. and 31i's. Melvin and Palsy Mr. and Mrs. Einer Kastvedt, Mr.

and iNlrs. Lloyd Hammer an(i family, iMr. and Rudolph Johnson. Mr. and Mrs.

Franc Anderson of Brantt'ord, and Elston O'Dare. Mr. and Mrs. TJoyd Hammer and were Sunda.v ni' and Mrs. Reuben Johnson and family.

Sunday dinner guests al Uie were 'Mf. and Mrs. Guy Shrader of Concordia. Mrs. EUi 'U Hammer, Leo, Elair.e, and Jlerle, and Lars J.

Larsen. and Curtis Belleville and Helen 5-' OYSTERS Fresh, pt. 29c FISH, 2 lbs. 25c APPLES Fancy Apples, box, Lettuce 2 for 15c Celery Cabbage lb. 5c 4c lb.

Peas, lb. I9c GRAPEFRUIT Texas 1 Ac -Seedless Carrots 31bs. 14c Turnips lb. 4c Lemons doz. 25c Bananas 3 lbs.

19c Potatoes, pk. 23c Tune In I) A a. m. to 8:45 a. m.

Uelightl'ul Music A COFFEE Food Stores The Maytag was the first self-poworcd washer for homes without an ia- built gasoline engine. The square, cast-aluminum, lifetime tub, and other Maytagadvan- tagcs ly to farm homes.Today you can buy the famous cast-aluminum. Model 31, Maytag, with Gas- pUne MuM-Motor at a REMARKABLY LOW PRICE Call on or phone the nearest dealer. There is an easy payment plan arailable. M-IO-I-SS A 0 N' Phone and nc or spent Sunday at the V.

Moore home. and Mrs. CJlarenco Stonsaas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martm and family, and FJwton O'Dare visited Mr.

and Mrs, Melvin Smart and Patsy Ann 1' riday, J. Sherr'ard cn- tertained dinner Sumlay toy Air. ar.d Mi's. Cliaidos Chizck and daughters and Mr, and Mrs. Harry I'ergnson of Belleville.

and Pu'cwei' motored up fviiin Wichita Satur- vii.v and visited with the Prowers tlie week enil, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin IHUery id MiUon Clare of Scandia and i and lAH's, Donald Wright and Arlcne were Sniulay guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.

W. right. and Mi's. Alfred Lind of Goneordia rr Carlson and-f-amily of Kackley were dinnqr guests at the Tiller home. Mr.

and Mrsr. Donald Wright and daughter were afternoon callers. )Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Abbey and family were Sunday dinner at the Fred Abbey homo near Jan-estown. Mr, an.d Mrs, Glen Wright and family were Sunday supper guests at the Orvillo Wi'ight home in lamestown.

iMiss Irene spending he week with Mr; and Or- and family in James- own, Norman Hammer of Liiidsboi'g pent Salui'day and Sunday with I his parents' Mr, ami Mrs. P. Hammer. i Mr. and J.

R. Hugos, Clara and OHie were Frida.v luncheon at the Shei'man Skidmore' ome. I Walter went to. Clay and tonk.i he creamery 'examination. Por-! ur Hammei' had (diarge of the i icamery (luring his aud A.

Evelyn, Josejib and! 'barles visited Mrs. C. F. in Concordia Sunday. -Mr.

arid Reuljen AT -A -P 'lei -'S Clai'a Anderson and attended a sui'prise birth- ay dinner at the Emmitt Larson in honor of I SS U- birthilay. i Mr. and iMrs. Loi'en Howe and IV.mily of Belleville wei-e Sunday' linnei- guests at the Alex Scott iionie. and Jilrs.

Lester! I'hompson and family were after- Junior Scott returned to schooL JMcmday after a two weeks' ab- nce on account of cliicken-p'ox. ji of relalix-es and friends surpi'iseJ Ml', and Lloyd JIcGregor in hon(n" of their drthdays Saturday January rhe evening was spent in and cards. At a late hour lunch was served. Those present Mr. and Lloyd McGregor ancL lamily, Arthur Lorimc.

Glen and Florence, Miss Mabel Walker, George Cowle, Mr. and (ieiuge Barleen and Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern JIahaffey and son, Mr. and Mrs.

Await and Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Mabel, Ralph, Llovd and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs, Will Adams, Mi-, audi Mrs. Gile and Clarence, Mr.

and Mrs, Forrest Tallent, Mr. and Mrs, Will Morgan, Mr. and -Mrs. George Ames and family, Mrs. Roy Gile and family.

Hero the opposite of that familiar army order to I'all In lino. These army pursuit planes, risins in such perfect formation that they seem welded togetlier, perform abo've a California air field. The Public Mind (Qliort, llinely Icttons on currrnt tolilos arc iMVlUul. liy nom dc plume bo accompuiilud by the iiniiiB of the fiiilhor lor the editor's E. A.

McGregor, Charles and Mr.s. Marian Dickerhoof. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rob- bins, Charlie AVilliam.s, Donald, Dale and Russell and Mr, and iMrs, Chas.

Lash. A Funeral Service at any price (lie faiuilv care.s to pay. Hachelor- Faulkner, Pit A iTTXTNlSilM Editor again we have the fiuestion of Capital Punisliment before our legislature. It seems strange that with the light of past experience and the lessons of history that the thought of reverting to "dark ages" iiractices sliould be given consideration by level-headed thinking Kansans. Many years have passed since Kansas has taken legal toll of human life.

In of the claim a law that "mui-derevs come into Kansas to commit their murder.s" our state has it low homicide rate. In a newspaper article, recently the statement; was made that "in case such a law is jiassed, every citizen of Kansas will be a party to legalized murder." That statement will hardly bear insiH 'ction. TTiere are thousands in Kansas who are utterly opposed to the infliction of the death jienalty and who are voicing vig- (U'ous protests at the present time. These same people will refuse to sit on a in any ease where a verdict can result in a death ally. Surely these men and women cannot charged with hav'ing a n-sucdt-wccutiona FREEDOM Ccciha Jncotaoii I Jan.

a number of friends attended a farewell party at the Ira Craft home last week. The family will soon leave for a new home at Spring Hill, Kan. Mrs. Joe Kerstine has been staying in town with her sister. Miss Mary Konovalsko, wlio has been confined to her home with pneumonia.

The Sunflower club had its annual dinner at tlie home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Morec Monday. M.r.s, MJlner Nvill entertain clulV the next meeting "whicli be heltl January 111.

Mr. and Col. Jacobson Cecelia, were Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Iloudek and daughter.

Mr. and Mrs. William dofske visited Thursday at tlie! home of Mr. and Mrs. Leu Cun-1 rungham.

niokt-wwl- to" Supei'ior Friday, looking after Here is a statement that will bear closest scrutiny: Each legislator who casts a vote for capital punishment will be a party to every such execution. Should the Governor sign it he will oc- tui)y the same position. Further- (ach consenting to sucli verdict and the judge who ))usses sentence will each be a party to the same act. It matters not whether it be called execution, capital punishment, or "legalized murder," the act is the same. It is taking human life which cannot be restored should there be developed iater positive proof of entire innocence.

Bars and locks can be made to hold such irresponsibles and they should be provided with work sufficient that they would not be chargeable to the state beyond tlieir earnings. They should bo segregated from society for their own benefit as W(dl as the general good and never be allowed the freedom to go and as "othoi's- 'But to lake a human life willfully, pur- jiosely, and for revenge, NEVE'R. Kansas is and has been throughout her history a leader in all that makes' life worth all that good and and her sons and daughters are proud of hei'. Let us not take this backward step. Let us not huf (rn ns in the past to higher, nobler ILL B.

QRIOUS. GUARANTEED FORD BATTJBRIES Wayside Rustlings By Wm. Hay Miss Mary West of Scandia accompanied by a lady friend, was -Wed resday afternoon while over on business. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Sobers-and John Strnad from near Narka wore business in Belleville Friday afternoon.

Chalmers 11. Devore of east "of Cuba returned Friday from a tlirec weeks' tour and vacation in Southern California and other western points. Ho reports an abundance of rain and cool weather on the western coast this wintei-. His visit included stops in Salt Lake and Denver. Mr.

and" Mrs. "C1 yde and" family formerly of Courtland, but now of Jewell City, accompanied by -a sister, were looking after busintSss matters in the. probate court Friday. They are children of the late Edward McKay of Courtland and the business pertained to a settlement of the deceased's estate. Clarence Barber and Thomas LawritKon, both of near Republic, were here on business Friday afternoon.

John Van Nortwick, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Nortwick of Republic, oil transport driver of Minneapolis, accompanied them to Republic to spend the week end with home folks. Miss Carrie Smith, making her home at the 0, A.

Kelly homo, the old William C. Nichol farm near Highland, church, with the Kellys was shopping in Belleville Friday afternoon. She exjiects to enter nurse's training in Wichita in the near future. Dr. F.

E. Fay and wife recently bought the Mrs. M. Kelly estate property in Talmo aiur Will move there in the near future. The Ways recently had a public sale, Lyle Walton and family, living the past two years on the Will Wcst- hausen farm south of town, will occupy the Way farm the coming his family has been located on the Tootle ranch southwest of town for'years have bought the West- hausr-en farm and will move there March 1, A farmer from near Osborne with his fnmily will occu liy the Tootle i)laco the coming season.

Axel W. Sandoll and family were here Friday on business. Mi Sandell lately had a closing out sale and is thinking strongly of moving to Scandia March 1. Clarence Banks of ranuf Arthur Stromberg of Belleville, and-Mrs. Joe Konovalske of Union townshi)) drove to Bladen, Friday to attend the funeral of their uncle, John Banks.

Harry Ball of Libert.y township was called homo Thursday from the southern part of the state whore he has some cows and cattle pasturing near Bell Plainc, to attend' the funeral of his little grandson, the child of Mr, and Mrs. Cleo Ball of White Rock. Mrs, Ball also was suddenly taken with a severe case of jjneumonia and has been in Beleville hospital for treatment the jiast week. Mr. and Mrs.

Burrough and family, formerly of McPherson, have temporarily taken apart- nTCiTts-at-thir home while Mr. Burroughs is employed as one of the tractor operators on the US3G graveling project. The next afternoon meeting of the Belleville W. C. T.

U. will be h(dd at the home of Mrs. C. K. lluscher on Tuesday, February .5, at 2 o'clock.

Members and friends should note the date and-plan to attend. Pastor and Mrs. James G. Roberts of the Methodist church made a business trip to Salina last Wetl- nesday, retuiMiing home the same evening accompanied by their son, Ralph, student at KWU who spent the week end at home. Mr.

Gleason, the Belleville barber, who with his wife and family have been living on the Cornet property at Rydal for several months, moved recently to a place near the Victory schoolhouso. Mr. and Mrs. Cornet who have been making their homo this winter with their, daughter, Mrs. Dave Doctor and Mr.

Doctor on the old Robert Doctor an Scotch Plains, expect to- occu))y their property in Rydal in the near future, Ray Driscoll of Hastings, for years making this territory, has resigned the position to soil a cement shoe press. Mr. Switzer from Iowa has succeeded him and with Mr. Driscoll made his first trip through BUILT FOR THETOUGTHTOUS 17-plate 15-plate 13-plate 57.95 $7.50 $5.55 Finest materials and'worlcmanship Extra capacity for electrical accossorics Packed with power and "Itmg lifer USED CARS MODEL A FORD COUPE 1928 MODEL A FORD SPORT COUPE 1928 MODEL A FORD ROADSTER .1929 CliEVROLET TRUCK PLENTY OF ROOM FOR LUGGAGE in the new 1935 FORD V-8 Greatly increased parcel, and luggage carrying space i.s an important feature of the new Ford V-8 for 1935. New spacious compartments are provided back of the rear seats of the -Tudor and Pordor Ade- thus leaving the interior of the car free for passengers.

-Belleville here last weeK. A change from Thursday in Tiinsdav evening each wcok has been made beginning HTu week in the Men and Boys' meetings being hold regularly at the Wesleyan Methodist church. Lyle Howe accompanied George Fulcomer to Carlsbad, N. where they will- visit-with- Lyle 'will also visit his sister, Mrs. George-Pixler, Mr, Pixler and family.

Miss Bessie Wohlford and brother. Axel, from- near Scandia were in Belleville, Friday afternoon attendiiig to business matters and visiting with friends. Mfs7 Coons of Chester, had business in Belleville Friday afternoon, and while here greeted old time neighbors and friends. Roscoe and Jay Cooper of Scandia were in Belleville last' week attending to business in' connection with securing jobs with T. F.

Marbut, the US36 high'way contractor jind work at once, 7 Charles Peterka last week underwent an operation for gallstones in St, Joseph's hospital and is getting along all right at last reports. Mr. and Mrs, Joy Vance who have again returned to Belleville and he has bought and is operating the Blossor car parts shop. George Fritzinger of Mahhattan several days the past week oh business with reference to his five acre tract of land at the southwest edpe the place. which- thfl new r'road location' goe.s.

Mr Fritzingor inforpiod ais rSrL. t.C?l I (he illne-s Uieir Experience iter, C.iiMie and B. ilrirrc, dau.u'htei', who wen, 1 pii ipii il.r!:''i r- I U'l' Si I 'OI' LI fi'oiii' iibl I-; spring 11 lliunity were usiiljv il; ar i I 1 I-ielleviUc I'l Ij degi'ee. -John TlioniHH and fiiniily 1 luu'theasl of Miimlcn ii If (ion'l, i' Tli 'I ness visitor in ihi- iiicln.p;)- iv 'v afiei iii.i;n. OiinT vi-- iicre liii V.

I T'li ir Airs. WnU' 1:1.1.1 ir a Bei I'y, yiv. an.I HIGH LAND Mi'K. I FRIDAY! Fell. 1 12lsa Sittell.

ol New York, i found life In Germany rattier coufluing. Going abroad to vote In the Saor plebiscite, Miss tell was imprisoned by Nazis for 10 days because she Is alleged to have -insulted" Chancellor Adolf Hitler. hi.H soil on may move here in the spring aiio build a house and live on thi.s tract of land as soon as the home is completed. Carl Larson of Scandia and nephew, Dewey Squires, and were here Saturday morning Mr. and family liavO been living in Scandia for several years but lie is figuring on building a new house and other buildings on the east SO of the Lai'son'farm on USo() northeast of Scandia tlie coming year, and niov to live.

Mercer 'in Lincoln township has had a live literary society in progress each winter llie past three years. Their lale.4 nieei'ing was Friday evening with a packed liouse at which time aji exceiitionally interesting iirograni was given in connection with tin' deliale and f)thor exercises. The McCune school in Jefferson town- and the Hill school in Fairview township, aiso have I 'egulai' literary society. The L'i'iends' church began a series ol rev morning which will be continued each evening for weeks. evengelist from Nebraska v- in charge oi the preaching and C.

E. Brown- is assisting. Miss Naomi Harris, former Cii- who for two year.s was in deaconess work in a lai'gi. Methodist church in left last month for Baltimore, Avhcre she i.s now in.simi­ lar work in one of the Methodist churches in that city-. She writes at t'uba lliai she likes the work in her new location fine.

Harris is a daughter of Mrs. Kate Harris-McDonald of Cuba and a niece of William Slopansky, Mrs. Frank Spraguo and Miss Itlay Slopansky rof -'-BditrvTHe; Mr. and Mrs, Claude Adams of the Highland community spent Saturday in Belleville visiting her mother, Mrs.Bernice Loofburrow, and other' friends. Adams will be remembered as formerly Frances Fickel and for two years served as county superintendent schools.

Mr. and Emil Nelson of Republic wore hero Saturday afternoon on business. He informed us that his brother, Edwin E. Nelson former Bcpublic county rcin'cson- tativo, county attorney and clerk of the district court, but for some years employed in the government internal revenue department, first at Lincoln, later at Hollywood, moved December 10 to Seattle, with Nelson where he lias boon transferred by the govornmont. JMr, and Mrs.

Ira Craft expect to' move soon to a farm near Siirin.e; Hill, after a lifetime residence in county. Mr. and- Jake J. Eastman to Jan. Clii'is.

1''ulc(mvr estate siile W'ediK'sday al- erylhiim' sold well. QuftV'" a 'hrrge amount of feed sold vi'i'y high. Another uimsual fi was largo number ol' jiosis, over LiOT being sold, a a hu'ge anuiUiiL of wood. Morenre l.a-li returned home iVii))i llio and i-c gaining as rao- idly as could cyjiecled. Chester aUended (he meeting al Tu: sday.

Mrs. Sophia Wmidka 'i'lU'sdav with (' I KS M' OUII- ili-rnie La i Ihr Burcni and (linncr al Mr. and Chc-ter and Ellen, Mrs. C-n. and Mrs.

aUi 'iKii'd Raiuist Ui pul-liiaii S'alli asyiiriaiioii at '(ii Thursdav. Mrs. -nul Mrs. Ames visil-d Mi's. Lai; 1 1 i nii'i-i i'- the lli.uhland was held W-d- 111 sriay iiiu'iiI.

Air. and "(I at Mr. and Mr-. Ira ('rail aii-1 H'ainil V- We! (lii- Cli-s'l-r h'oiic. The llifildand Ladies' Ai'l i.

meel all da.y lodav (Tliui'-day 1 choi'i-h lia-'-i'iienl. is In a ('is)i I'm' luncli'-'iri al n.i'ai. (Miiiriii and While Cni work v.ilL done. and Young of iliis al- 'lendrd the Le.irion nicl- ai Iv.dleville iM'iday. Aie.M in ir.

Coloi': FOLR FO-RT Il.WS Republic Ciuiity (Lis Two Frc-ii- meu. 'i uo Tlirre. Four frnni IJepu'ilic ruini.x, f'l shiiiei) and are alleiuling Hays Kansas, college this yeai'. Li 'irson, a freshman froin Scandia, and (Jeoi'ge a from Scandia, wrjikioL': of their way through Kalpli is ,1 candiflate for a certificate. for a B.

degret; i'n Edu- cal ion. A 1 fi? ...1, I Dam. iiie; (lie ai'ioca'' on Ihr Discovery 3-4 mRFE FEET OFF THE their whaf he ug Kf 1. tJ hen did, it Kit hard, (cnbW what troek' Adoiph Zukor preienlj the kind of a role thai mado AOI, rave about "It Happened One Niulil' "'m 'fHE with Fred MacMurray Ray C. AubreySmith Craven Paramount News tun I Kh.v(hr.i" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY IMEET THE LANCERS! Devil-(logs-of daring a handful of reckless, courageous men sons 0 IJritain's finest fighting ahvay.s surrendering death jvJUi a ous smile fighting and the honor and glory of the regiment.

The heart- filling story of three gallant arms and the regiment they led to glory. EIIVES NGAL NCER Libi-rly Not since 11 ofi'ered exciting story: lieaii 1 11 sindi and I- Now- CHOT TONE RDCROWIWELL Kathleen Burke running ri.d eek in OnViiha! Held for a. sec'uid week in Cilyl Truly a man's pic- 'lure but il will thrill every woman fortunate enough lo it; ALSO' RKO News and Cartoon of a Series of Attract ions at- the lilair During February and Jilarch Next "imitation of iAl 'e".

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