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The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio • Page 19

Elyria, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

jiv IT, Loan To Britain British Joan proposal earne up- fof StftaH 1 debate totfay amid ds mamls that Great Britain offer f. concessions fof IRS Leades- AIMS W. Hafftlcy, wSS to (he floor, fo try Iff tn off any thanccs that Would require rcncgoliuiion of the proposed agreement, which already has been 06 proved by the British 1 House 0 Cofhmons. Mrltain would be required to pay back the loan ih 55 yeail, paying 2 per cent Interest during the las! 50 years. Interest could be howfever, if British trade slumped.

This Senate appeared evenly vided on the issue as debate began. A scries of proposals lo require more concessions nnd greater se cunty for the loan was counter balanced somewhat bv ah alternative proposed by Sen. Robert A O. He Will fight an outright gift of $2,250,000,000 to Britain, The administration is solidly hind the loan, but received a hard punch yesterday (torn ocrntic power, former Secrelnry ot Commerce Jesse Jones, an editorial in his Houston (Tex.) Chroii- icle, Jones said the "most unbusi- nesslike" loan would debase the dollar and "start the United Slates down a financial road that is likely to lead to disaster," He suggested lhat the Reconstruction Finance which he used to head, lend Britain an additional $1,000,000,000 on security already pledged. It would be repayable in 40 years at 2 per cent interest.

Veneiuela to erect 4000 low-cost houses -for workers this yen i. ir Oh C-inbci J9IS Jii Valuation portVo ty foll 'ills' nf MI aild I SmXIi j' Tnx InhM ''UMI'I-UI-' Txx I I Illl l.i til i I'stictr i -M, lie. cipt i un of Bonil 'S 400 00 .1 i.n» uburban Calendar tlfiOIVILLI t'offiffiltttt ttli melt Ihi fotrt WsIlM WedMKfjy l.3r) p. ffi. RfboeVlLLI! Vtttt tfft of World WAP It Mil ffiMt it fswfi Han I p.

m. AV6N LAKE Ausiliary frWt 6 p. m. in the dhaleau. ROCMfcSfEK Woman's, bivie club with Sfftiih, near Mrs.

S16114. fcVfcftfg tMMIStfAV LaPorte church 8 p. m. SOUTH AMHfcRsr the Rev. Edgar Smith of Amherst and South churches will ipeak on "The; Divine.Glory." Viler- an.v Association will meet at 8 p.

in Thursday. Important meeting and a good attendance is deilred. Kenneth Yountf will be the speaker at the Candlelight service to be held at the town hall at 8 p. m. AVON LAkfc-No.

45 of League Group i will meet with Mfs. wiih Mrs, Carlson assisting for luncheon at i m. AVON LAKfc-Group 6 (west end! will at I m. with Mrs Ciehfth Mrs. I'lshcr, Ing.

AVON' 1541 League mccis with Mrj. Allison nt I p. m. Mrs. CJflJsingpf will be the assisting Quilt club will meet all day with Mrs Eunice Johnson.

ROCHBSfKR-IVr. meets at 8 p. fh. in the school music room Spuicial progflrn, s. C.

S. meets at (he church at 11,10 for dinner LAQRANaEi-Circle 3 will meet at 7 fn. for liirfcn supper. Wide, jJtvtH tit fnarMlijt her fatfWf, ff FaS of wftu lace fulfp. He? bnstixie bodice was mAtie lonft sieiivw nnd Shi cflfried 1 bouquet of earftn- lions with ofttiid ih thus crnllr, fito-oftvs sister, MH.

fc KomivM, 1.1 matroH of honor, rosifi dress nnd earned ml loses. A reception hfld thft biuic's horn? for 90 relatives and fi lends, 'fhe bride's Sotng onifii beige with 'black m. ror tureen supper np.ije bring table service, sandwiches and I fnr f- the bride graduated from Am-- hcrsl High School and was ployed as bookkeeper at the Am- hcrst Hardware Company, 'Hie Kroom is Rriufnate of Fair- poit Harding school rtnd has rr-rnlistcd in the army for a year. lie is enroutc to C.imp Hood. Texas as an Instructor in chemical war- Sugar.

MUIM 'HOCHfcSTfcR-Homemakei cluh meets all day at the home of Mrs Geofglria Lnhgton. COLUMBIA- Columbia Baptist church will hold a Union Lenten Service at 8 p. m. Frldny night. Friends of the church all icsi- dcnts of the community invited.

Amherst By MRS. LL'CV Cleveland Ave, fhont 3422 of I 6 'i -J S6I.IO I'll 7u ixn.ini fin U'j I. i I'lMiu-t Board of 1 1 a i Hiunwu' (jnarl -ii i- Id pah -I Miitt-rlals I I i. 1 1, i -t'liii and Km- ecs I 13.r.:, rrr-e-, 7.mi 'i I Mnnioiix. Mippll 'in I 1 ill.n, 1 -1 F'H -t'MMAKV TOWNSHIP KTNDS (I) i 7 (117 09 K- Iiuilhtr and II4.177.SS HuriiKf 110.066.6G f.

Oei 31, j'jij 0 Hi" 4 In I-MS 'i 10J.56 -I II. I'I VUTAU' i'-V' 5 I 7 fit; 09 K- i i.n.g 76 T- nni Jl 1177 1 Vtai no mis C6 I'. 1541 -) 4.UI.15 M' 'I jia''i', fAdd) Ill3 5C I'', 1 1.Z14.76 NOTli'l-: Mali- (M Cihi.i, J.rtrain He rfertahf 'I'Liint if x- U.ylcy S-imMou, ill, i'c- I i.f ihf nf tin I.I-.IMI.I I.oi;i;,i "I.I tiftri- UK- i.f Mav. I'M HI i.VIm I'. MI Hit thp III I hfcf I iif-lj i IM 1 MI in i i lt run-iiv ol of in.ii..

I'AKi'n. Nil 1 in -nip i Ul 1 Lt 1 1 tii-li i-, li'iiindeil snail, i an i anil n. In of ta 1 4 i' l-aialii-l vii .1 Miiith riisiam. Nil. 1.1: futility i.f 1...

lam. Si.Hi., nf UIK.WH COUNCIL AMHtftST-David Coldthorps allorncy was present at last even- Ing's meeting of the village council asking for the vacation of an alley at the foot of Washington street, as this properly is be be nadc Into an allotment, The village voted to vacate the alley with the understanding that the village be given MI easement for taking care of ditch that runs alone one-iide of the alley, Mr. Smith, of Cincinnati, vice president of a fire equipment company, and Mr. Dougherty of Lorain, former fire chid were also presented, The former ptesenfcd he merits of his machine. No action vas taken but the group is holding an adjourned meeting at 8 p.

m. Thursday to discuss the purchase a new fire truck. The group passed on one reading he resolution discussed at the last meeting requesting the changes Ihe sales tax Jaw for a more equitable distribution of this money among the villages and clt- -ies in the state. Frank Kranklin hired to clean out the ditch along the west side of the Athletic Field. Councilmen Flechner, Sablers and Covvrdalc were appointed by Mayor Kane to represent the council on the Chamber of Commerce.

May 15 and 16 were designated to be cleaning up days and residents are arfced to use containers of such .1 sir.c that one man can handle them. Tomkins and Radde were appointed by the mayor to contact dealers regarding prices of a dump truck and snow plow. The clerk authorized to investigate a small traclor equipped with mower and street cleaner. Ocorge Gordon, Eugene Woods Clair Schaeffcr, who were rcc- Wed In Church Tlie first Baptist chtuxh, Klyrm, icene of a pretty at m. Monday, uhcn Miss Bradley, n.

U. 2, Anihi-rsl, became the hnde of Car I Urbhards. Vermilion, son of the late Mr. and F. Gebhardt, New Irvinfe RCPRC nfficiiiltd and the vowl were exchanged before an altar banked pulms, liphted candelabra, gladioli and carnations.

The bride, given in mrnage by her father, wore lace and not over white taffeta, Viclorian stylo and a long veil attached to a tinra of orange blossoms. Her arm bouquet was fashioned of white carnations, calla lillics and roses. The btide's sister. Mrs. Floyd Katiffman, East Detroit, as The bride's wedding dfly was also her bhthtlay anniversary, Plait t'nf Inspection Prrtclicc for the annual Inspection lo he held April 30 was a feature (if the meeting of Amherst Temple of F'ylhian Sislrrs Tuesday even- Hjillntini; on two aindldalrs wns another- fr.iliuc.

follouing cominillees were rd for inspection; Jessie McLean, Ethel Mischka. Kdilh F.lmiuiri; Ethel bnurer, Mildred Mutton nnd Helen Rlilycnbiuicr. Announcement was made of a Mother-Day ptoginm for May 7 and the following committee on itppolhtcd; Fannie Hct- icr, Mollie Werner and Odclia Co- Announcement was also made Unit Ihe April meeting of the A. T. O.

C. scheduled for next Tuesday will be poslponed a month Ncw V.F.W, At Wellington due to practice for inspection at 7:30. To Skl-HI Cluh Members of the Ski-Hi club met Tuesday evening wilh Patricia Morrison. Plans were made for a formal affair to be held Jvuic 15 Valley Country matron of honor, wore pink net over taffeta with matching carnations in her hair. She earned at the Spring club.

Following a social hour a dessert course was-served to Joan Brown, Belly liolh. Ktmnc Bruce, Mary Abraham mid tho hostess. In two weeks the group will meet with Betty Lormn. Dies Larry Lee. Pete, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Andy Pete. 147 Crownhill-av. bouquet of pink roses" and "while tll tllon half hours old, died carnations tied with blue ribbon at Ulc Afnhpist Hospital lucsday afternoon. Funcrul services were held this afternoon Funeral carnations tied with blue ribbon.

The three -Norma Jean Schmidt, Bernici- nnd Huth Hasenpflug wore net over talfcla, made with swccthrail neckline at 2 p. rn, Home, Rev. at the J. II Bollens, pasloi of St. Peter's Evan- They carried pink rotes and pink! cellcnl micl Hflful church of- carnaMony tied with pink nbbon in Evergreen Armln Riescn.

New Sprmcficld ccmclp O'. South Ainherst. Beside was best man the ushers hls 1 survived by his ere Charles Brddlcy. bi-othcr of lcm 1 Rrandparents Mr. and the bride, Cenlcrlme," Mich.

Loren Irs IUldol Bc-i-ger. Bachman. Loram and Burton Po ponr rtlin 1 Vermilion i llp mcelinR of Circle one of the A reception held at the bride's S1odc lhc C-'onsrcgaUon. "I church, scheduled for Friday af- Minth Bistflct of the of Chin Veteffins 6f Wnrs of the United -Slrties held ft special ing )h American Legion hf.ul- In Ihe Jlnll nluht and Instituted Ohio V.PAV.'jr baby post, thp Wellington Memorial 5 No. 8921, Veterans of ForciRn of (hfe U.

Wilh paid tip incm- bei X. 'Hie disltit-l officers ftlsd instftllrd the post olflceis ahtl HH- hdunced lhat Ihe new post meiti- had s'ufficieht ofhrr slunrd mehibcrs lo already bring the hew post's Membership to hcnr the century ThR post charier will be kept for days ui (he end of Which (line Ihe membership is expected to Approach ihe 200 Mark, Large delegations were prc.irnf from Mvillln-Mtirfay Post No 451 nnd its auxiliary of Lornln, Blyrla Posi No. 1078 and Us auxiliary ami Hlnkson-Hjscll Post 3441 muf illnry of Elyrin, and fiotn posts nl Handuiky, Tilflti and Norwnlk. F.lyriii Posl 1070 Auxiliary of Elyrin tinder' President Woolly "served" refreshments. The new Wcllinglon post Is sponsored by Elyrin Post No.

1079. Victor Moore of the Ninth Ohio V.PAV. district wns in charge nf the Institution of ih new post nnd the Installation of It officers. He wns nsslsled ns aide (Ic-CMtnp iind Chief of SlnfT Molr, immedlnte' past command? of Elyrin Post No. 1079.

Other officers who assisted In ih program were Carl Wllken ns nd Jutant. Peter Scavm as officer the day, Earl MlsChler as past coiii tnandcr, William Myers nnd Wil ham Blcklej- as color guards, all SandusKy. Elyriii Po.M No. 107B sailor in Uniform served as flag nnd pos color carriers. Other officiating wcr Virgil Bcnnehoff district Inspcc tor, of Tiffin; Al Moell.

ns pns county council coinniundcr. and Ar Ihur DuUell. as senior com mnnder of county council both Norwalk; William Scgers us rluip mm and Commiinder Norl Lewis nf senior vice commander, both of Lor HIM; Jo Woijek. as guard, of Elyria i Post No. 3441, and Commandci Thomas Mihaus us Junior vice commander of Elyrin Post No.

district officers in attendance were James Degaji as inspector, and Piuil Ellis ns quartermaster, both of the Lorn in post. home, was iittcnded by ISO 1 rcla i lives and fi tends Spring flowers, I I were used throughout the rooms; i The couple left on a wedding tiip thru southern Ohio. For Ihe bride wore a victory suit wilh Admis-; red Upon their icturn' mt- i they will live on a fnrrn two miles west of Vermilion. The groom, a farmer, a grnd- uale of New Springfield High school and the, bride is a graduate lernoon. has been postponed a week, due to the Good Friday services.

Hospital News Admis-sions; Mrs. Virginia Nolan, Discharges: Mrs. D. J. Knoble, R.

D. 2: Richard Slack, R. D. 1, 5 Ralph Thomas, Amherst. Kim born to Mr.

nnd Mrs. Andy Pete Tur.srio.s morning, died several houis White, effective April 27. The superintendent "of the Public School clerk WHS asked to write tn the notifying him lhat after April 27, there would be only one police officer on duty, so the village's service to the school in directing traffic would have to be discontinued The meeting adjourned to meet at 8 p. Grafton Weds Man In Service Mint Margaret Si, Gturse. riaufih-' ter of Mr, and Mrs Stephen George, Middle Ridge, became the- bride of S- Sg-t.

Janus F. son of and Mis. John Banish, Lenvitt road, at a quiet wedduifi held at 9 a. rn, Tuciday at St. l.adislaus churcn.

Loram, the 'Rev. Fr, Ernest Rickert officiating. NOTICE AID GHAFTON Appointments it. Keeping with Easier were canted out at a lunchvon served by "Mrs JaKelsky, following a meet- mi! of the Giafton Si. John's Ladles Aid on Thursday evening.

The umal bu.smess sestiun was held, after which a series of ron- v. ere enjoyed with Mrs, Jack Buehhiilz, Mrs Viola Janiz and I.EGAI, NOTICE LKGAL NOTICE LORAIN COUNTY TAX RATES FOR THE YEAR OF 1945 In pursuance of the Jai thi number of levitd are as foUow 0 by klv 1101 'hat within Couiuy for 1345 TAXI.NU DISTRICTS' of l.i.i 4K t.iM hy tan 'uili hV ihe in u. in. an Nn. 1 i.v Int nnrlh CiiM ai.rt wesl l.i i li i t.

ls to w.ii-iM 4C. "ti 1 1 1 1 ail.l' Xiiown 'as -I I btins .1 I a- I lt I- .,,11, a HIP 'I I -I and hy a lin. Hi. 3 Ml Mi i ns I.HVUIM i a. n' l.c.O MJI.I parrel 8 P-' lit-injf HIH df iled to Ui IK l-v Rrownhelrn E.

D. c. s. p. S.

Anihern V. S. p. So Anihern V. S.

P. Amherst Village Koutli Amlierit Avon Avon Lake Ulack flivcr Amhust S. p. Vermilion S. City Bnjfhton Townihlp Mrownhclm Township Florence S.

D. Vermilion V. S. Vermilion on Hie Kaka Camden Tnwnthlp Carlisle Ton-nship Kait Rural School Put. i.

(Jraflon V- S. P. I Grange V. S. P.

s. Elyrla C. S. Klyila City Columbia Townihlp Olmited V. 8.

SlrongsMI). 5. Baton S. Orafton V. S.

Qrafton Elvria CarlUle 8 p. lilyHj City' vJrafton Tojynjhlp Oiaflon y. P. SHU' COIJPOUATJO.N 1 X') 1 Ml 1 SO 1 VSii 1JO I. SO i.

so I SO l.S'i fi in 1 .1 0 4 £6 3 6 i 1.J4 I 1 1 I "I I 1,1.1.4 in i-irs 17. "a 40 Ifi 40 1" Jll 'M 11.11 1 Mrs. An'trin Jakelsky ns prize winners. In MOV. Mrs.

Ellen Porter will cntertiiin the Society. Cluh Meets Thursday evening, Mrs, Irma Vnn Nostran was at her home to the Baker's Dozen Pinochle Club. In the gdnirs high score, went to i Mrs. Williolininr Alclzfjcr, second lo Ivah Winter uhlle Mrs. Jean I Roihgery was consoled.

The traveling prize went to Mrs. Dorothv Stoll. iJuruiK the cvcniiiK Mrs Geneva KncchlKos wns remembered with a birthday gift. At Ihe evening's close a dessert course was served by the hostess lo members 'and Iwo gueslr, I.etina Wise and Beatrice Yates. Appoint- enls nnd decorations were in keeping with the Easter season.

The club will meet in May wilh Mrs, Dorothy McGill. Billy Khnect l-e Teletype Technician aboard the U. S. Iowa anived last week by plnne from San Pedro, to spend a 38- day leave with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Khnect.

Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Finley had as Sunday afternoon visitors.

Mr. and Mrs. Tail Kessler of Cleveland Sunday evening they spent with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kinlcy of Strongsville, Mr.

and C. Kmnvlr-s of LaGrnnge VM-ID Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Don Cannot, Mrs. C.

A. Baish nnd Susan of Litcli- field was a guest on Wednesday al the Carmcl lionie. Mis. Ruth Tonulshrska and Mrs. Grace Park, attended the annual meeting of the Kl.vria chapter of tlje Red'Cross al the First Congregational church on Thursday evening.

WMimiton detlded" stefis feemf eoftmdetfd is fat' lotf sfrps of ItS own hoiTic. The aeilvlii nhhouMCed include the bf ft soflball pflilfclpfltioR In the, Mcirtbrfnl bay Ih WMfington and Vlclnit)-, holdtnK Bnrld.v Ponpy Day Mle Memcjrlrfl tiny niul banriuel dftncc in eelebraliott of the new J5osl formation, Hie new' offlffrs of Ion Memorial Post No Sft21 nfei Rny Nctf, cofhthnnder; WtlllafH schlor vice commander; flny Kwcll, Junior vice command' er; Rny Church, cliaplnln; Robert Stiflift. 5 t4rgeoh; Joseph feallefday, H. Rirske and John MohHfisn,; Marry Llndsny, ftiurd; ftobtrt, Newman, qiiftrtermflsier; nnd John Shydcr. adjuiant.

lrr When Rtnn niul t.ois Shepard, Mcrrlck nvenue west, itarled lo buck Ihelr Pontlfle coiipe out of thelf Rnrage nt 9:30 Monday niRht, the stni-led lo burn, The Wellington pj Department was culled, itnd saved the car, Bltholigh It was bndly d.iinnged. WtifH ttlulr The Ahbie K. Hand Circle of King's fJntighters met Monday evening at the home rff Mrs. Harry Bennett, 183 Mcrrfck aVemie east'. Routine business was conducted by the loader, Mrs.

C. Canned, who then ndmltied new member Mrs. Kwineth Avery. The new wheel chair, which wll be loaned lo. persons in need ol same, was "on display.

for the program, Nancy Btnnetl and Dorothy Baker offered plnno selections, Later the (ruests enjoyed refreshments served by the hostess The next meeting will be htld with Mrs. Guy Phclps. 140 Forest street, Monday evening, May 20 Two Kcvlewrd Tile Woman's' Afternoon Club met In Ihe homo of MurgHrel and Jeanhetlc Warner, 370 South Main street, Monday, Instead of Mrs. d. Clisby, because of measles in the Clusby family.

Two book reviews provided the prdgram, which were Interesting. Mrs. Harry Bovard reviewed "The Doctor's Job" by Carl Binger; and Mrs. D. R.

Arnold reviewed "Re- Ltlucntlng Germany." Members have engaged Dr. Rob- crt Gregg of Pittsburgh to be the guest spe.ikcr for the Gentlemen's Night, to held May 10 at the Margaret and Jcannetle Warner home, 10 Application! Accepted Members of the American Legion Auxiliary met In regular session Monday evening at the Legion Irsll. It wns voted to accept 10 applications lor membership. Mrs. Horace McCla.flln read an article on "Child Wellaic." Lunch was sened lo the present by Mrs.

Elsworlli Heighland and Mrs. Ernest Oney. Next meeting May 6 will be held in the mil. runrrjl Mrs, Kslher Bartell of New Orleans. was called to Welling- on to attend the ftineraP of her father, Finnic Tuesday ilternoon.

Mr. Mrs. Al Berthold Klyria were Monday dinner gucsl of her and Mrs. Cteorg Jd wards. Mrs, Bertha Coals, who has beei Viniering.

with Mrs. Fred Andrew Daytonn Beach, is exp'ectcc 0 arrive in Wellington today, Mrs Andrews will come home later on. The Bridge Club mot lasi nigh 1 the home of Mrs, Robert Stan inrd. The hostess served refresh icnts, Wellington members of the Lor In County Steer Club attended thi meeting at 7-31 Monday evening at the county ex tension office in Elyria. Don Brey ley of Wellington R.

D. is advisor to the rlub. Charles Barnes has returned tn his wotk at BeVlcra store, after a siege uf piuunifiiiin, 'Mrs, Markhnm.has beci entertaining her gtanddaughier 0 Save Some Garden Space for Celtuce W6fUl lit gifdeft. It kttuet Uwily but to fndft When plahtf yotihf, the may be lettuce of Mit IU dell' centt-nl item or ttatk, When matured, the unrf thi other flbroui of central item. Split the item length- In the accompanying Then chill It and lerve raw with drwaing or cook or ajparagtu.

Cooked celtuce have Cleaning, mild flavor. Celtuce la Important aa a lieatth vegetable" for the young have four tlmee the vitamin content head-lettuee leavea. ly BUM HAUIDAV by Cmifti Au6cltti6n tt i-t A leafy etablll and Another new vegetable la Red Tampala, for whlcfc there ie an Ifi addition to belnf ami other gfecni, It health for higher Ih vitamin than TumpKla may outdooN ae i6on as the frotindf wafm. The be flve to- six htfh iifldi ready to uae In to eight! When younf the entire piahtl may be uaed, Aa It developi? brfdk off the cluster! of tenderS leavta at the tlpa of branchee and! the will continue toJpreHl duce all eummer. The red coloring tlngulahee hed Tampala iasre-3 talned when cooked thui making the "green attractive aa well aa appetlalng, Dolores Jpync Futir, Wooster.

Miss Faye Fowler, formerly of Gary, Is spending an. Indefinite time with Mr. Mrs. P. Brotise, Herrick aventie cast.

Dr. and Mrs. George Ravltch hive named their infant datiglHer, Sally Danllle. Avon T. I.

C. MCETR N. T. I. C.

club al Ihe home of Mrs, George Nagel In Amhernl, Friday evening. The evening was spent In doing needlework, after which refreshments were lerved. 'Their next meeting will it the home of Mrs. Henry Winter on Hole Mreet. Ill In Hotpltal Mrs.

Elizabeth Gcrharl Is' a patient In St. Joseph's Hospital, Lor- Hin. sulfering from stroke. Her condition remains about the same. DlM-tmried From Army Clarence received hit discharge from the Army as Camp Atterbury, Saturdav April 13.

He hnd been in service two and half years and overseas out half years. L'allH IA Avon i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cole of lin, Mrs. Bessie Grimes of New don and Harry Williams of Amhci'sl" were called to Avon Sunday, lo make arrangements for funeralt of Ihdr cousin Lewis Bennett, Oihfr llemi -'-Vj-, Mrs.

Boycs, who hwi spent 'several weeks In. California returned to her home in Avon Friday. '-V-sa Howard Lewis, who hns been 111 Si the home of 'his sister, Mrs. Mary Sawyer 'of Elyrla returned to his home In Avon Saturday. vJp Martin Thome nnd gi'andsmis ofl Elyrla visited -Sunday at the homo'-f of Mrs.

Charles Wanner. PITTSBURO. Texas This Is not a fish story, a duck and fl itory. J-V-I A Pittsburgh hunter says he aliotv duck sta'rted to liglii on the water and that when he went retrieve Ma kill, he found a nice white" perch floating nearby. He lurmlspd that the concussion from the duck shut killed or stunned the fish.

ti nt liunnrifiOQ La Grange Tovnfhtp t- i I 01 niemiMN at In i MM Hr( i be for if-'- H.I-, tHa-tlniiJi s.r.J pt i-jfd and the leinis nf IOf" of ire linif a' .1 i' i- fc.i'.T i .,,,) att- if lie bv n.o fC'LA BKK(i, A'lroiniHratrU W.IM Cf III? Willino) d-1 ft D. Aihu.Uiii At-r I' l.SQ 1.10 i.ko i so I.Sn l.Stl so- l.MI I. Ml l.i'l 1 VS. i I SO 1 iO tfl 1 l.M, 1 l.k'l 1 l.ilj I t.f' 1 i. -i i3 i i 1 1 i sz SO 6 '6 Troy S.

D. V. 8. Obcrlln V'lDsn $lu-ffifli4 TpuT.ibip VIHf'ii'3; SB S- fi ') SO 7 17 4 FOR PURFQggsr Count? fund l.tO mUli; gor.d JO 90 IS SO 1 I 4'. 1 ri 1 3-10-17.

Hew! POUND GAIN Al Utllf tll( ftffi MASTER MIX CHICK STARTER WITNM-V N9W DAVIDSON ELEVATOR KIPTON HATCHERY im COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN ANYTIME ANYWHERE JUST CALL US PRICES REASONABLE ENLARGING TINTINO SUPPLIES PHOTO FINISHING Indicott Photo Shop 646 W. Broad Street Phone 2180 Now! Clean your silver in 10 seconds without rubbing! Yw'll vwkwtn yeu rranrt tSHKk WJfc Iwtf? OT Pippp QftDfS PflJy I prolongs tjog Wf 19 ywi- i bei sf i HELDMYER HARDWARE mi tin For ll linn IONI lift Mil 'A.

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