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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 1

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Buy Your Community Concert Membership This Week-There Will Be No Ticket Sale at the Door. Our Dai Bread Sliced Thin by The Editor Alex. H. Washhunv Is a Bond issue flic Only Solution for Highway Crisis? Governor-Elect Sid McMath feels that the main solution for Arkansas' highway problem is to sell additional bonds for quid: cash and do a rush job of road building and repair. Mr.

McMath made his position clear in the gubernatorial cam- will shape up a new bond proposal in the legislature next month and chock it up to (he 50TH YEAR: VOL. 50 NO. 42 WEATHER FOHECA8T Arkansas: Partly cloudy this afternoon, and Saturday. Cooler east portion tonight. Stor of Hopa 1899; Press 1927 Consolidotcd January 18, 192V HOPE, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 Associated Press Newspaper Entarpriso Ars'n.

PRICE 5c COP'v people for apprc a election. Washington, Dec. 3 ova! or rejection in Housewives were 'told (UP) today that (despite some improvement in the Certainly that is one way of meet- general price outlook, food proba bly will remain high through most me, problem, but' not bly will remain high unlriendly critic might suggest that 01: the next year. tn sriivn i i J.hc agriculture ucp i hl crisis its Annual forecas In nYn mt tlI ba prices may even go i t0 thc meUl Which helped inrinn- the first. Pleas Win Husband's Release to the very method cause today's trouble.

department said forecast that food prices may even go up somchwat during the first half of 1949. But decades it sa id there may be a slight ed money lo build a i rop a i Ihe end 01 the year when ay system, and now mea becomes more plentiful. The department's prediction followed a statement by White House economic Advisor Edwin G. Moursc that the general price situation is improving. Nourse, who is chairman of President Truman's council of economic advisers, said I yesterday there are definite signs of a "flattening out in some Martineau gasoline notes begfmi'iiv' ncesi develops that the roads have worn out before our credit position inadequately established.

I should elaborate on thai last sentence. A high-rated state government ought to be able to borrow money on a single financial front at low interest. But because of (he history of highway management since the issuance of the original in Arkansa to do that. First mortgage gasoline tax and is held is still not able Meanwhile, businessmen got some encouragement from Mr. Tru man himself.

The chief executive told a news conference yesterday business has no more to fear against stale vehicle license by the owners of the present bond issue. is Mrom his politices in the next four before the people today, therefore, wars than il nad during his first is a proposal to issue second-mortgage bonds. Can Arkansas with her past record on a single bond issue feel sviie. in attempting to manage issues? Who will buy bonds? Will they be members of the sound American financial com- i speech he "cleared" earlier this mumty banks, insurance corn-j week with Mr. Truman.

Sawyer is panics and the investors to whom (expected to appeal lo business to they recommendations reduce prices voluntarily before the from which the great bulk of 'public administration is tempted to ask for Ihrcc-and-a-half years in Ihe While House. Some hints as to the adininistra lion's business policies may lo manage two tonight from Commerce Secretary I Charles Sawyer. At the national second-mortgage association of manufacturers ban 1 quet in New York, he delivers Chinese Nationalists Admit Suchow Loss; Madame Chiang Meets With Top U.S.Officials Suchow govern Washington, Dec. 'A Mad Nanking. Dec.

Chinese Communist capture of was confirmed today by ment military sources. They said evacuation of the big appeal for aid against Chi ame Chiang Kai-shek was making progress today in her campaign to carry to top American officials he Washington, Dec. 3 (UP) I Nationalist base 211 miles north President Truman stopped easily wcsl of Nanking was completed at imo his new role as headman of; noon Wednesday. The Red radio Communists. The first ladv of China saw See- Little Hock, Dec.

The highway bond 3 (UP) proposals of Sid McMath today hoi of Calcutta: A cabinet shakeup and probably will through most of nc.vt year. 1. extend money comes: or improvumonts will they be operators on the financial fringe? Arkansas hud bad moments with first-mortgage issue, and cost Eastern investors a lot of money before we got the bonds back up to par. That's where they are today, and our state's name is good all over America. I grant you no one would have lost money had they held the bonds instead of selling thorn during the period they were; depreciated? But that argument is worthless in the Mr.

3. Truman. He will not tolerate lobbying south, in the Suhsien sector. Foreign military observers, however, estimated the effective combat strength of the Suchow yj (garrison at 110 ,000 in Ihe from I tn second and 13th army groups. forward elements were stalled by Red columns 25 miles south of by members of his administration lo persuade Congress to hike iiis budget figures.

4. He considers Gov. Thomas E. Devvey a sitting cluck as a presidential candidate. n.

At least four members of his cabinet are safe against any shake up. Mr. Truman said he had asked all his cabinet to stay on and they 13th army group was holding rearguard positions. Military sources reported Communists entered Suchow only to find huge supply depots destroyed. Ammunition and gasoline rotary of Stale" Marshall for about'pared certain of being presented about i to the voters of Arkansas in a spa an cial election.

her Such an election has been Me Math's expressed desire. And a further step in that direction was taken yesterday when the highway committee of the state legislative council adopted two reports roc ommencling bond issues totaling I 000,000 during the next tout- Before the visit had been clis years. aying, occurred at Walter Heed hospital, where the secretary is undergoing a physical examination. dumps were blown Air observers said smoke pillars reached 8,000 i'ect above Suchow. These sources said army groups would have Suchow to fight controls, question of taxes and cc-1 congress On ihe i oncmic controls, Nourse said the I defense budget the 34,500.000,000 outlay planned I I'oi the European recovery program can be handled without ser lou.siy hurting the national economy.

But anything substantially above (hat level, he said, would "raise the dangers of inflation, taxation and controls." The possiblilily of a tax increase p.lso was suggested by Budget Di- Tclepholo Mrs, Walter Seiferle and her 10-mpnths-old baby, Walter, look over daddy's belongings in anticipation of his return to the states, following his release from a Singapore prison. The seaman was sentenced to a four year prison term for carrying a conceled weapon in Singapore had agreed to do further I through a SOmilc belt lo make con- questioning he said there would tact with the troops trapped at bo no cabinet changes at his time. Pressed further, the president reminded reporters that Ihcy had asked the same questions in 1945 Suhsien and about CO miles to reach the sixth and eighth Nationalist army groups which have formed a defense line on the Hwai river, 100 closed, stale deparlmnt officials said the two probably would meet in a day or so. This was taken as an indication that the first session, I at which Mrs. Marshall was pres- lent, was largely social, and that tllc nother meeting with Marshall voulcl be held later.

The, Chinese embassy still had lot announced Mine. Chiang's itin rary, however, and her plans for he two weeks or so she will stay Washington were for the mo- ncnt indefinite. Aides reported that the wife of China's Nationalist leader has received invitations from all over the country to make public speeches, when he succeeded FDR in the miles northwest of Nanking. White House and that the cabinet! Meanwhile, seven Red columns situation eventually adjusted itself (totalling about 100,000 men eased Checking back to the cabinet as, their assault on the Hwai river They were reported to have moved north (evidently to help stop the Suchow garrison) and to have left only a small holding force financial community. Banks don't rector James E.

Webb. He told fool very long with bonds whose principal value falters. They can't afford lo, considering the interest return. Therefore the common problem before all Arkansas citizens is to make sure thai any security this state otfers the will stand up in to our everlasting interest thai wi do so, for the reputation of our securities as a whole will determine in the future how much we can borrow and for what interest. Detroit audience yesterday that the federal government faces "the sibility of a deficil" unless taxes there was "flattening an indic'a of arc boosted.

Meanwhile, lion of the which Nourse spoke, in the current investing public federal reserve board report on the market. It is department store sales. Sales for lasl week were five per cenl blow the corresponding 1947 week. It was the fourth consecutive week of the slump and was reflected, the board said, in all sections of the country. TTiere is an alternative to this second-mortgage bond issue proposal.

Information coming out of the Legislative Research Council, whose Roads Highway Committee is expected lo make a report December 14, indicates that Arkansas needs 20 million dolklrs a year for highway construction. The committee finds it has anticipated existing revenue uf 12 leaving 8 millions a year to be fnanced, which explains the second- mortgage bond proposal. an But millions a year is all A 1 1 1 we two-thinks more than we already it be sound business to attempt to close the gap with taxes rather than borrowed money? I fet-1 I have taken an unpopular position for the moment. Bui, if the people can be convinced, il will turn out better for everybody in the long run. For prooi 1 olfer you our collective experience wlih the first-mortgage bonds since Finally, this is a mailer Ihe people themselves will have to decide.

One way or another Governor-Elecl McMath is going to today mari- coasl Washington, Doc. John T-J. Lewis lieutenant served notice today that the coal miners will seek a six hour day and 30-hour work week in contract negotiations next June. District 17, West cecdcd in keeping Virginia, siic- thc labor de il existed in April 1945. the records line, show that only one of the Roosevelt group survived.

He is James FoiTeslal. secretary of national defense. All the others quit on their own or under pressure or by direct request. Adjusted is hardly the word for that. Secretary of Argiculture Charles Continued on page r.vvo that the 20th army of about 35,000 opposite the Hwai river armies Government quarters reported partment's conference on state Ice front going on record as an eight'hour day, 40hour have to cio something about the worse the news is today the.

belter il is going lo be tomorrow. -is American Adoption Might Set New World Calendar Rolling By JAMES THRASHER A good deal has been written about the promised excitement in the next session of Congress. Foreign aid, armament, taxes, the budget and the predicted "Truman deal" reforms should all produce some Bui, as usual. Congress will be fared with less publicised bills which have been wailing palienlly. wilh ha! in hand, 'through sessions lor a hearing.

An interesting item in the latter group is the proposal that Congress endorse a world calendar. Almost everybody seem; 1 to lie in favor of this reform put forward Continued on page two Bugs Bunny Warm SHOPPING TO CHRfSTMAS Dec- 3 reached wilh the lasl of five slrikin jl'ine unions to end Ihe Wesl strike. Omar Hoskins. federal concili- 'alor, said Ihe CIO radio operalors and the Pacific American Shipown- Vrs association came lo terms afl- or an all night conference. Both i sides were to Hold ratification i meetings today.

the other unions and em- i ploycrs reached agreements to end the three-month strike. i Fven before the radio operators shipowners reached terms, the unions had agreed lo a limited work schedule today, with four ships I reed for work in this port so that Christmas cargo could start moving to Hawaii and the Philippines The radio operators new contract would run for three years, with annual wage reviews. It provides for a 10 per cent pay in: crease, bringing the basic freight- jer wage from $295 a month to $325. Operators will receive pay for 'shifting ships in port. islation favorin week.

Blizzard said "We hope to be able to modify our wage agree menl in the next joint conference and I don't want to be faced with recommendations of this confer ence for an eight hour day, 40hour week." "We hope to be able to make it a six or seven hour day, portal to-portal," Blizzard said. "Don't handicap the labor movement by going on record for an eight hour day." The conference voted to seek $1 an-hour minimum wage laws in every state. The 143 delegates representing governors and labor unions also decided to ask the stales to help arm unions with cosl-of-living statistics for use in bargaining with employers. The minimum wage proposal was in a report by a committee heluled by John F. Shelley, president of the California Federation of Labor.

In addition, the conference went on record as favoring extension of jlhc Federal Fair Labor Standards Act to many workers who are not now covered. These would include supervisory and professional work ers. those in retail and service establishments. farm workers. Iransporlalion workers, fishermen and fish processors and employes of small telephone exchanges.

Paris, Dec. 3 The United Nations approved today a new American proposal for broad con ciliation on Arab and Jewish boun dareies in Palestine without reference to the Bernadottc plan or last year's partiUon. The political committee accepted by a large majority an amend ment proposed by Dean Rusk of the United States to a British resolution. The change passed by a vote of 42 to two. with the 12 Arab and Slav bloc states not voting.

The amendment instructs the conciliation commission to be set up under that portion of the British resolution passed yesterday to take steps to assist the Jews and Arabs settle all outstand ing problems. The committee yesterday deleted that part of the Brilish proposal which would have instructed the commission to give equal weight to the Bernadotte plan, proposed by the slain mediator, Count Folkc Bernadotte, and the partition plan passed by ihe U. N. general assembly in 1947. Rusk pointed out today that the adverse vote yesterday was given both by delegates who objected to the Bernadotte plan and those who objected to the 1947 partition "If the committee is unable to make boundary recommendations that the 20th army of about 35,000 Paichungshi central China command to bolster the Nanking gai rison.

Except for the forces in the Suchow-Hwai river area, the government had only 40,000 troops to defend Nanking and Shanghai. Earlier today, the governmen indicated it would make a fighting retreat to mountainous South China mean had been ordered from Ihe if. the Reds overrun this area. she did in 1492-43. But any such wing appears out of the question this time.

Several questions concerning the The reports called the bonds necessary and desirable" if tha stale is to carry out the per year road construction pro gram promised by McMath in his successful campaign for They will be presented to the ert tire legislative council Dec. .14. In addition to the bond issuo, the committee said it would rucom mend use of $12.000.000 yearly in anticipated revenue and $1.000,000 to be obtained by adjusting license fees on heavy trucks and buses. Meanwhile, the staters next governor declined comment on repot that he had not seen the final drai't of each one. However, he discussed hi? proposed highway program with 10 legislators wilh whom conferred at the Cummins prison China heightened by farm and said he found no to submitssion of the plan to Communist drive toward Nan Little Ttock, The TJ.

S. district engineer here said todav several workers failed lo report to their jobs today at the $76,000,000 Bull hoals dam project on White River in North Central Arkansas. Pickets have been established along a road leading to the construction sile, Col. Thomas E. Lane, Lillle Rock district engineer, reported.

He said there was no violence and that work was continuing at the dam. Lane said officials of his office had been attempting to contact representatives of the Iri-council building trades unions, AFL, to de terminc if the union has called an authorized strike. "So far," Lane said, "we have not heard from the union." A spokesman for the Ozark dam constructors, an organization of contracting firms working on the dam site, said no demand had been made at its offices in Mountain Homo. Arlc. Lane said engineers at the darn put ot Mr.

Truman at nis news conference late vester- But the president gave no hint of what his decision on China-aid will allont help, none al all, or luiiher limited assistance comparable tu the $400,000,000 program now in effect. His final decision may be based, at least in part, on a report from Foreign Aid Administrator Paul Hoffman later this well as on state department recommcn dations which have not yet been presented. Hoffman is due to leave today on a world circling trip which will take him to Britain, China, Korea, and Japan, by December 20. While Mr. Truman said he would see Mine.

Chiang, he did not say when. He said a White House ap- poincniL'iil was the firsr thing she asked for when she readied Wash ington Wednesday. the people Communists Washington, Dec. 3 justice department has more than 700 immgrants under investigation for possible deportation or denatur alization as alien Communists, in was learned today. Of these inquiries, 4B2 involve persons who have never become citizens.

Another 228 concern immigrants who have been natural ized as U. S. citizens. Justice department sources said that in each case, there is evidence to indicate the person involved is a Communist. If the evidence provls conclusive, they said, the government will not hesitate to deport the aliens and denaturalize and deport those who are citizens.

They indicated thai the individuals under investigation by the immigration service include per May Ask Draft Pass Up College Students (hat are acceptable to the majority then the question must be left the conciliation said. The commiltoe then knocked out the last important reference to tin- Bernadotte plan in the British res olution. reported only "a hundred or so em- prominent in the Communist ployes" failed to report for work. Continued on page Uvo Receive Hiah I Wa.shingiua, Dec. 3 (UPl iSeloctiVu Service headquarters will )jo soon to re-commend draft determents tor most college stu- 1 il was revealed today.

The appeal will be made "by five composed of t-duca- engineers, geologists and olh ler i National Selective Service iieacl- i urged its local boards a Imcnlii ago to grant one-year de- lo professional students o. tin- arts those who studying lo be doctors, den- veterinarians or osteopaths, requesl wa; based upon recons of a healing advisory committee, now are their recommendations eiits for students in tile biological, ehyineer- atiLi sciences. a 11 il les. Since the hissitication include raluiv, l.aiuuu.ues. other libera ivcoi 111 nemiat iuns this a majorilv of col- A recent check of Ihe of the Hope Coii.munily Concerl Membership campaign revealed liiat well over half the necessary number of memberships required for the success of tlie campaign have already been reported.

This information was furnished us by (he Membership lli-adquarlcrs located in the Hope Chamber of Commerce. number of inquiries that will be concert assueia- 111 i By GEORGE TUCKER (For Hal Boyle) New York toy show of fun. Il fretted its and the daylights out of lillle C'laus. but the kids are a whale of a time. Tiie sponsors were agitated cause the show wasn't ready open on time at ihc New York scum of Scu nee and ludtu-try filler day.

When llu-y lei down, onlv reporlers penlers were tiler The sti master of troop 02 of Hope, was to in I'" 1 sonu be toastmusler for the meeting bull" 1 was absent due to illness. Wilbur I mt-retl booth: toiji Smilh of Texarkana served in ed tunnels for disi Coffee's absence. land other Dr. Elberl K. Fretwell, Chief Scout of the United States, addressed ihe annual meeting uf Ihe Caddo Area Council.

Wednesday evening. Dr. Frelwell's address was entertaining as well as inspiring. This annual banquet was held the Central Christian Church in 'lexarkana. Clyde Coffee, scout.

ut the Kids Really i "Ale good Indian." 'Makes no difference you ought lots to have a gun." Wiggling out of this situation. Chief Flying Cloud said: "Many Santa 1 Indians live about here. Maybe 50, Having 000. Call like "1 There lit as to the presented lion dtiriiiL- C. T.

Kieter. explained lhat of artists amouni i sale of i Kiet'er in artists reaJixe tli arts attraction: bia Artist port'or i ne i sented by have personality are la Colon, One, who Un tile! Mr. Coffee has rendeieil standing service as scout ma. I for the past fourteen years. those, and the many oilier servic uud wail- to leport while ham (her and erect- trains il gadgels the young- Christrnas Thev no have Indian names, selves Jones.

Brown, you." said, where's your gun." a A'fu-i little boy screamed. But before the Ihe'Indian could think of an answer an the bars jollier tugged his fringed leggings and car-! and demanded, "what's your na'Tic--iikc the Smiths and lie- Jones." "I'm glad you asked," relied Chief Flving Cloud. "I am the Rev. Dr. Lucas, a Cherokee out of Okla homa.

I am in charge of the Indian Village here." The. Indian village, also was no more leauy lor inspection than other of the show. Not a let-pee was though just then a strong arm gang came in to set the into Orders Holt to Service Budget Talk Washington, Dec. 3 lift On instructions from the White House, the armed forces have ordered all personnel to slop talking about the effect of the proposed budget on the military. The fact that President Truman has stepped'in to shut off such talk was disclosed today when Ihe air force issued a statement which said: "The air force is; circulating to all air force personnel the letter 011 1 buildings from President Truman which di llood reeled lhat extreme caution be ex ercised in statements Ion Hems which may be included in Uu- bud get and legislative programs." It was learned the secretaries of the army and navy have sent sim ilar instructions to personnel under them.

Tiie WhiU: House move came in the wake of publication of views by the individual services on the ef feet of the president's proposed ciclins for the miii lary budget. Argument Ends in on a New York, Dec, 3 A broad way narcotics ring was bn lievccl broken today with the arres-t ot two men and seizure of in heroin and morphine. Thirty- women were being sought as cu.J tomers and peddlers. i Jack Gordon, '10, and Kichler, were by lice narcotics agtnC;" and charged with possession narcotics. A little black book found in Gar don's apartment listed the names ot 30 women, some described as; peddlers and others as customers, police said.

All the addresses in tha book were in the Broadway theater district. However, police refused to re lease the names of any of the- women until arrests have been made. Moreover they refuse to say whether any of the women Broadway entertainers. Gordon was arrested by police on a tip last night as he stood on il2nd street, just off Broadway. In his pockets, detectives found a one ounce envelope of pure heroin and two keys.

The man refused to give his ad dress, so the officers began using Ihe keys to try the doors of apart the neighbor Cleveland. Dec. --(UP) men and Uvn women are recovering today from pistol wounds receiver! when an argument whether a Negro should sit beside a white man on a bus ended in a gun fight. The white man in the argument, Jack BeiineU, of the narby Calhoun community, received a llesh wound in the shoulder. The others wounded had not been involved in the argument.

Slieiiff Bud Cash arrested A block away, at 120 West 82nd street, a front door opened when one of the keys was inserted in the lock. Going inside, the detectives tried the doors of Ihe various apartments until they found a lock which the second key filled. In Ihc apartment, police said they found 1-2 pounds of pure heroin, -14 one ounce envelopes con laining heroin and ij.tiOO morphine- capsules. Federal narcotics agents said the drugs had an illicit value uf While detectives were conducting an inventory of ihc- narcotics, Eich ler entered the apartment and was arrested. Police said he was carry ing four envelopes of heroin.

aim James charged Phillips, each I felonious assault. and set many i bonds at $5.000 each. Phillii both the with their was not wounded Kdjwaul Thomas, of and D. Stanberry. of ton, were listed a.s in ious condition bv Cleveland tal attaches.

Mrs. Grady I and Preasman. hoth of iCharleslon. won- not believed lo be The occurred late terday afternoon when the C'narles- too-ioond b'as was ionr miles north of Cleveland. Cash utioteii Gas Mi- Didja hear what one reckless sleigh driver said to the other reckless sleigh driver? ThisMl sleigh yal renered.

Uu National Courl has awarded the ''S months, Heaver" to Seoul Master Col elor, Silver is srouln 'si av, ard for scout leaders the- scouting, Co scoul leader in 11 such an award: Jn Kd McFaddm received Ihe. Stilwell. cam) aclh itu-s chairman for Caddo is to have made the I 1 pi ion, ot the award. Collee the banquet last the council ofiieer oan stalled Clifford Franks. plaee.

Ncvi and the kids we.iv The aeeeot aniea! toys Kdueators say to reality the More Funds for Local Boy Scouts Previously reported Powell Nash Co Scott Stores Hope Builders Supply W. L. Tale Grocery O. L. liowdcn Jack Hopkins Nolan Tollelt Jack's News Stand Unique Cate llobbs Grocery Clothing Co.

Mr, and reason H. Butler Friend A. D. Hoy Taylor Hiiiie Skam Laundry Dr. Jim I.

SIrmid S. A. i ierbert Di Uaykm Tho- 2,460.50 25.00 10.00 50.00 2.00 3.QQ 1.00 1.00 12.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 ,15.00 Hejnard iJiliin Teddy Jones nert Burns: Bee Grocery Druu Store tor Cobij fnug Store Davit; Edwards Tin- Appl. Co. SOU J.OO 2.0Q 1.00 i.oa 1 12.0! 5.tX> 2.0J 2.01 l.C.) 3.0 10.01 1.0.) 12.50 2.5'j 12.5') 6.00 12 IW tf.go la uu etw.

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