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The Belleville Telescope from Belleville, Kansas • Page 3

Belleville, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MEN BELLEVfLriE; KANSAS, NOVEMBEU 0, J884. MINUTES UF TIIK 6 AR0 OK COMMISSIONKBS or REPUBLIC obUNTV, Uxol 188il 7, '84, )ir 1 Julys I lioiul I Uv iiiiuolln'tDii tux Bv hill itue illstrTcl (Contlnaedncomlaat week.) School Distrlut No S. O. Sloyer, Dr. To ba! from seltloluciit of issa 4(.

Ift tax of 1883-. (iU Oct '83, by riicuipt ol ilist treuiiurer Keb 9.18H4, by reoelpt ol dial trciuurer ftrur 19, 1884, By leccipt (likt ti'eusnrer 1884, by reijcipt of tlint iiRiiiiuror vSept by reiwipt ti'eamrer bal line illst Koiidx. G'Stovi-r, To bill fi'oni KcltUsmtsnl ol 18811 Uv bal Uuo ilUt 23-J I)r Wi To 20 DlHiriitl No Stover, br ori883 iiTT BT biii iliu- froih ictTreincm, 8, '84, by rcueipl ut tlUt treimurcr receipt ilixt trcunurer Auit aO -iilM, el tux btti duo dUtrict 27 fp 'J Bondii. G. Stover, To bul lioin nettloinent of 1883 liix ol 1883 170 '84, iiy 1 coiipou a 1 By uncollected tiix bul due "Sept lit dist irciiiuicf Iiy bul'inue due dUl Bonds.

S. G. Stover. I'o bul IVom Hiatleinciil of 1883 Ux of bul lioiD aiical agents Junr. by i coupons ity bill drodiiitrlcl 2 "ifi Ur.

IIW 32 160 U2 School DUtrL-t So fi. S.G. Stover, Ur. a'otiixol 1888 52 bul due from gettlvment of 111, 1883, by receipt ol dint truaaurer Aug 5, 1884, by receipt el dtsi treaaiirer tiy UHCollevtud tax balduo bitl irSitftMtllniieiil of 8 7ri 8 7ri 220 00 ri I 70 244 tni 244 Cr. Ifl 31 42 00 CO 8 00 85 72 47 73 2.12 70 -1 SchoolDistrl.rl No S.

G. ftlover. Di'. To bill from KPttlcinciil ms 21 04 tux ol svi') 3. 18K4.

by receipt ol JuniiJJl, 1884. by receipt of dlKl iinuhUi'iir Aug 1884, liy receipt of dii-t ti 'eiiturer Bv uncollected tu.v bill due dii.t Cr. of Ueo 1883, by receipt of dist treiitiiircr Mur 1884, bj -eeuipt ol treuiiiifer 1884. by receipt ol dlHt ircuDiirer By uncollected tux biiliinee due 107 81 ion 85 IIU 00 4 I 80 18 17 284 24 74 iri 00 00 I 14 711 till I)r llondx. (f SUPVI.T.

Til bul li 'um liRllleniciil o( ISS3 W) lux ot 1883 Wl 7. by 1 c-mpnn 0, liy 1 coupon IMIIIM 4 Byiineolli 'i 'ii 1ml dui dUiriel IS4 u2. f)2 2i Nii 34. 0 Sliivii-, -V-o bill lioiii solilenii'iit id Or 2.VS0 tux 111 277 II I (et -ao 111ol IH8 31 fiO 00 40 00 3 04 7 75 inii-uria' 277 10 no 10 I 87 I7n 22 198 01' Oil School No i. Slovi-r, Dr.

To bul Iroin Hcttlciiiciit of 1883 28 lux 240 so JJeo 2lJ, 1883, by receipt diRt treiiaiirer 78 80 Keb 25. 1884, by receipt of liist irmiHurer. .18 41 D.siriul Niilj, (j lir To bul li'oni Hcttleiiieut of. 1883 82 tux. ol 314 14 Odd, 1881.

liy receipt of dUitreiisiin'r lieu 27. 111 dint liiuniircf H'eb 2. 1884. Ii.i of 102 7b 41) 70 200 75 Cr. 91 (10 273 'M 3U4 30 364 30 (Jr.

lOOJK) 76 85 5 64 87 188 b2 189 Or. -r-ipTTif distireusurer 4, 1884. by iecellH o) disl iiouHiiier Apr 14. 1881. by icceipt of dist trei.Mirfl' Sept 18.

1884, Iiy cclpl ol ilisl By uncollueted By bul due dist iimi an rt 50 3 50 IIIO 00 33 41 10 52 2 I'O School DistricI No (i. Stover, Or. To lux Ol 1S83 2K'1 81 111. 1883. by receipt id disl 17.

1881, by rnceipt ol disl ti'niiHiii'er Muy 111. 1884. by receipt ol disl iriMKurer '84. by ol dist By uncollected lux bul due district 284 07 I2 10 ks 47 2 no 7" 0(1 3 15 81 Dec IS, by rceeiiit ol (list treasurer 7ii 00 Jan 5. 1884.

by receipt o( trousiirer 25 72 16, 1884. by reciipl ol dist treusiirer 107 Hi 202 202 SI School DistricI Nil 40. Dr. s. (j.

stover, To liil lioin selllenieiit ol 1883 tux ol 1883.....: buck lux I''eb 2. 1884. by iic.iplol dl-l livusiii 'er 1884, by recidpl ul dist ticui-urer By bul due illst liiinds. Ki 10 2111 I2 MO (15 18 Nl 232 Div 115 00 72 US -302 302 111 75 (10 Til bill li'iiiii neilieiiient bl HI iMi 00 I 111' 18.S3 SO 87 i buck tii-v collectiid 12 75 UO by coupon By bul dii'e 47 Oil 137 08 137 OS 20 U.i School District No 41. G.

Sriiool No 44, S. G. Stover, Dr. 'I'll bul iroiii settleiiienl of 1883 13 04 tux ol 1883 2B2 43 (Jet 4. 1883, by reciipt of dist treasurer Dec 20, 1883.

by receipt ol dist treasurer Mai 211, 1884. by receipt ol dist treasurer Bv iincHlleeted tax bul due district 27(1 School DistricI No 45. s. SI over, Dr. 'I'o lux ol 1883 234 41 buck tux eidlecieil 40 10.

1884. by icccipl ol disl Irensiirer 232-88- -jlTOij. by recel pt of dist Ireusuri-r liy iine.ollcctHd tux buluiiiic due iliVI 234 81 Or. 28. '84.

by recuipl ol iieusurer Sept 29, 18.S4, by iveeipl I'f dist ntMifUicr 15 82 110 20 00 117 44 2U 70 To bill Iron) srttleinent ol 1883 (1 lux of ISKl 181 .55 3.1884. by receipt ol disl imusiircr Muy of "disl ircisiii'Mr By iincnllecled buliincc due disl. Distilot No 4 (1. G. Stover.

To bul from settlejiient of 1883 lux of 1883 14. by receipt of dist treasurer 10, 1884. by receipt of dist treasurer Miiv BO. 1884. by receipt of 1 "disl treasurer Bv iiiieolieeted lux SO 00 1 balance due dist 40 27 71 7(1 Dr.

7 00 183 28 Itiillds. 32!) IIU 321) IHi -School S. G. Dr To bill Iriini setileiiienl of 1883 13 72 lax of 1883 218 Novo, 1883, bv receipt of dist treaiiurer Nov 6, 1883. by receipt of disl ircusurur 30, 1884, bj reeelptof dist'treustu-er By uncoilectci) tux bul due disliict Cr.

160 (111 13 72 40 00 2 81 6 70 232 32 232 32 Sifaaol District No 37. Stover Br. To bul iruiii sHtlemeiit of 1883 T.T-rrv-, 30 tax ol 1883... 101 Nov 7, 1883, by feceipt-of ilisl treasurer Dec Sa, 1883, byjeeeipl of dist Sept 23, 1884, by reeelptof dUt liy uncollected tax tr. S(J.

Stover. To tux of 1883 U. 1W4, by 3 coiipouR Bv iini'olleclcd tux buluuce due dist I8S 43 Dr. 40 2 (1 School District N.o 47. 43 Dr.

I r. iiiil 1883 51 School District No 42. S.G. Stover, Dr. 1o liul Iroin settloiiienl of -ixsl lux of 188S -168" 57 Oct 28.

1883, by receipt ol treasurer Dec 25, 1883, by receipt of disitreasurer Aug 20. 1884, by receipt, ol i diat'lreasurer By bul due dist 241 81 S.G. Stover, Dr. To'biii'ince'irtiin suttlein'iil 15 83 t'lX of 1883 213 48 30 00 jiy 1 ei tux ol 335 96 .1,. -o bal bond lunu-troin lis- ealngenls 135 Oil Nov 29.

1883. by receipt of Deo 15.1883, receipt of dist ireiisurer OctH. U84, by receipt ol disk treasurer Apr 24,1884, disttreasurer. Bv balance due dist 73 24 65 00 91 55 12 62 241 SI Cr. 38 7 8.1 District Na.

88. 9. a. Stovwr To. bijil frani Moment 200 21 200 81 bond 3 By-liai due.district 220 31 36 00 lU) 00 48 31 220 31 Scfaool District No 43.

8 G. Stover. pr. Til tax ot im-. '211 36 baldue rinin V) By freui sattleoient Cr.

School District No 48. S. G. Stover. Dr.

To bal iroin settlement of iggg .7. 7 70 tax of 1883 148 07 Jan by-recelpt of diat treasurer Mar S6.1884, by receipt of diat ireiiBurer: By ancollecAcd tjx 'I baldue dist -r-' 46S-77- Gi StWMF: ftMdil. 211 61 211 61 Bonds. G. Stover.

Dr. Cr. Tu liul Irom scltlcnn.iit of 1H83 IS lux ol I. by 1 .10 on 1 4 380 00 Hy buluiiccdiii' dial 3 04 433 04 433 04 Cr. 13 94 130 00 00 I Ofl 81 38 176 Cr.

115 16 108 84 2 7 (1 841 SI Cr. 121 70 28 Tfi 15 00 10 80 14 03 190 190 28 Cr. 51 Ml 00 no (id 43 0 (1 97 b22 52 022 62 Dr. wttilMBWt, of 1H8S 24 77- tax of 1888:..........,. J8 9i1 -By unnoOiaM tux.

Cr. 92 87 20 08 1 41 -165 77 8 75 85 .108 78.

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