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The Emporia Gazette from Emporia, Kansas • Page 1

Emporia, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE EWPOtUA DAILY GAZETTE KntorcO post office Uuiporlu, na second-class matter. W. A. WHXl'B W. £.

HEGHJES. Editor Owtu-r City ZMlly by one yenr' in by carrier, momh. Weekly, by mail, per ycnr "WEDNESDAY, MAUCH G. MASQX'S BOOK liKVIHU'S. Gnzoltc: Everybody In Kansas knows Walt Mason, lie is the people's FOBl, BO they say.

And the stuff he writes is good, fine. It appeals to ivn Immense circle ot readers not alone In all ovor the land. tills Lately Uncle Walt has been writing a series ot book leviews which are published each Sunday in the Kansas. City Star. Book reviews are, as a rule, mighty dry reading, and tell tho reader little of what he wishes to know.

Uncle Walt's book reviews are "different." He writes in a breezy way, mixing In' comments on the latest cowboy novel and present day popular writers, with gage remarks about the masters days long gone, hitting Borne idol over the head with a thwack of adjectives and doing it, it seems, for the meio pleasure of making his renders fait up and take notice, while a little further on ho brings out an obscure name of some writer oC whom we never heard, and praises him up to the SlKKUOlITS Oi'ON JJOSTQN The "canned kiss," a diversion which Is harmless enough but exciting, comes from Boston, tho Chicago 1'oat. So did a and vigorous protest against' tho height of sticet car ctapH on he- of hobbled, brigade. Neither I act would bo pailiculaily if in the estimation of Ihc mnjoiity Huston hail not come io luive a rating peculiarly Its savs the Pist fuiihor. Instead, rot Uio oanniiJ kiss the v. ould be that' new Game might dt-al with Spinoza or that concern, over street cars would have do with their colors and aichitectvial linos.

The safeguarding of 'the hobble, it would teoiii, must bo the care of another locality. It is gradually coming out thai, the reversa as Chicago is no longer on the defensive in the matter of feminine feet. Boston; stnjs out ij.ille numuiovisly until midnight noon, whereas 11 o'clock The Gazette's Political Preference Ballot used to bo tho Not long ago aii for relrp.u1. auction sale developed the fact that John all's uulograph la woitli rooie than Chni'ies W. Blliot'o.

Presently some other game a shade nioru' darins than the ranned kiss will he developed and conviction will be cpm- r-lete. Walt's book talk. It is that we look for onch Sunday, and which, having read it, leaves us The fact that the. pavement between the street car trucks, won't stay put Is a more serious problem than anything the statesmen, are wrangling'over. Don't go away from home to look for Perils.

One thing discouraging about politics is Unit Hid bams old chronics bob up, year after year. A in politics is re a better understanding of thiugB literarj and an added respect for the writers. is writing that is worth while. Often, after wo have smiled our through "Among the 13ook- smiths," we have lliod up the old pipe again and leaned back to wondei wliut effect this weekly review baa on tho book business Hi this western country. 'When Uncle Walt tells about a ripping detective story that, is O.

and ndvises us io rush right off and buy a copy we have felt, an almost impulse to do so, and viith a boolc stoie handy wo probablv would. This book dealers should pension; AVnlt, or she him a or bond him a box of violets or something. Ilia influence through these writings is cpi'tainly extensive and wo, for our part, heicby vole that wo have Dover road anything lie has written that appealed to so much. A woman Hon tamer in Uertin her caw of -roaring; beabts the other evening, and foil in swoon. Sho was rescued with dif- liciilly, and when slip was able to talk, explained that tho first thins she saw, upon enlenng the cagi-, was a spider weaving its right in front hor.

She didn't mind harmless creatnics like lions, but the sight of a spider was too much for her nerves. What is the limit of linnl luck? A Pennsylvania widow had to take in washing to raise the money to bury her son. who was hanged murdering a T.ady Friend. for Mayor Billard, of Topoka, is having such a lonesome I lino candi- dato 'for governor that he knows just how felt in hor Jtoated Old Joe Cannon is viewing with alunn anybody will listen known to him, but he was to be otherwise engaged. If the patent medicines would do half what the makers claim tor them, a happy worM thla would be! men't cnrc of the Gazette, Juaipqria, 0 Indicate your choice by a cross in the 'square before tho name you wish to vote for.

REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT For Taft lloostvclt For For Bryan Harmon For Wilson For Hughca For For Clark For Folk For SOCIALIST PROHIBITIONIST For For FOR GOVBRNOR FOR GOVERNOR It is difficult" for a postmaster editor to write a calm, dispassionate article doing full justice to both sides. It's all right "for a man to run for off Ice, but he shouldn't spring tlio old pl'b. gag about the KACK SU1CIDK I Tho With KXGUANMI? late ever ic- torded in liny thiee mouthis in 13n- niul Wales in tlic rccoul foi the last ijuarler of 11)11, v.hiih hab jqst been published. births in tiio proportion of per 1,000 of pupulation nn- an avciage for the ten Hodgca Billard For WOMAN SUFFRAGE Against WOMAN SUFFRAGE Address Wlien mailing ballot to office, put 2 cents' in stamps upou your letter. H.

H. Bell'was a business Visitor to'Em'porla Friday. Hodjou, of Kmiioda, was in AmcrlcuB Sunday, vibitlni, with fricuds. Cliarle'a Gibson spent Sundiy with his mother, Mrs. J.

Qlbson, of 'Amcrlcus. Ira BeRoii and faiuily left Friday for CallforniJ.Svhere they "tve. Mr. and'yMrs. Amy Wells, ol'Bush- ing, to Ameiicus, Friday for i ahort visit with Mi.

and Mia. W. J. Vincent. p.

K. Lcijli came to Amoricus Sat- irilay to apend the week-end witli Us family, leturuing to his work, lohday. The little daughters of Mr. and Jlrs, Clarence Grincll, who''ltavc ieen with pneumonia, are be out danger. Mrs.

D. A. Stuhl, of Emporia, tame to Amcricus Friday evening to. visit with Mrs. D.

K. and Mis. Htvrry Wayman Irove Dunlap, Friday, to attend funeral of Jli-S. Wayman's aunt. Mrs.

A. C. Morgan. Charles Lechler expects to go to St. Joseph this week for a short with his brother, Fred aid family.

Mr. Lechler contemplates renting his farm this year, but has not fully decided what he will do. The membeiB of the Ameiicus Thursday Embroldciy Clul) gave a farewell paity, Fiidav evening, for Air. and Mrs. W.

J. o.pect to move soon to their new home at Clay Center. E. A. Elliott, who travels for a Kansas City firm, is spending a few dayt with his family at Americus.

Mis. D. K. Lesh entertained with a luncheon for Mrs. W.

J. Vincent, Saturday afternoon. Mis. Lesh'a guests were Mcs'lames W. J.

Vincent, John A. Sims and Mrs. U. A. Sin of Emporia.

5 Mrs. N. B. White gave a o'clock dinner Saturday complimentary tu Mr. and Sirs.

W. J. Vincent. nnally, per 1,000 lour quaiteis. In the United dom the biith rato clrc-jipoJ iron.

in 1000 to 20 0 In IS) 10, ac- loiding to the yearly iccord. In Franco, which commonly to as a nation of race tnii- cidc ten den-Irs, the biith rute was 7 in a decline from 21.2 in Cleaily the HJnglish have not fai to 150, at the late then 1 hirtht jie diminishing, to reach the French lerord. London had a biith rate of per 1,000 in' 1910. It is regrettable, the Chicago Record-Herald, that birth statistics for the United States cannot be had of pa i owing to the neglect of many of the slates to provide foi their registration. The rowel in New York Sfite for I9U showed a bii th i ate for the vhole state of 25.7 per 1,000.

It was only 17.3 per 1,000 outside (ho citiou, however. The tendency to families is common to all civilized nations. Charlie Fairbanks has dropped out so completely that he can't have himself intcniewcd on the overshadowing issues It may be a shameful thins, but the Junk Editor confesses that lie doesn't care three whoops about the Outcome in China. your attitude with refeienco to the trusts and other paramount issues way be absolutely correct, but youi neighbors won't have much respect for you if they see your wife carrying in coal. Counting chickens before they are hatched seems to be tho favorite amusement of A'merican statesmen If a man yearns for public sympathy, it is better to be a Jiqrso thief than a bootlegger.

EMPOP.1A LODOE NO. A- P. A. M. Owen S.

Samuel. W. M. George W. Smith, Secretary.

Staled Comnlun FIRST BUd THIRD Fridays. Yiblting Brethren are welcome. The snow is beautiful and wholesome, and complies with all tho puro food laws, it's worth li million to every farmer in Kansas, them are people who will be gla'd to sec it melted. Sun Yat Sen is a groat and good man, but his name recalls the eminent Chinese physicians who used to advertise in American Thaw insists that he is sane, but ho lias told so inany libs that people about taking his for anything. 11 any moro storms aio in storage, they should be Kept there until July.

TO OUT. 1 WITH I'll 10 DOG. Denver, March 0 Jefferson County Swedes will never think of retribution but that the thought of a little jcllow dog with an ignited ttk'k of dynamite lied to its tail will force itself upon their minds, according to I. S. T.

Gregg, of Golden. Mi. former local ofFicc iiibpeilor, was at the federal building yesterday and told what happened to the two Swedes and the dog. The Swedes are minors and the other day thej were rooking baked benns a niile from their cabin. When tlie beans weio done, they icmoved the pot and placed it under a tree to cool.

A htray dog came along. It was yellow and looked like a mongiel Also it looked hungry." The dog sniffed the air and decided that tho diiection to follow was that which led him to the pot ot haked beans It sniffed the appetis- ing aroma emanating fiom the pot for an instant and then stuck its muzzle inte U. The beans were hot and the intiuder's lips were burnuil. The dog yelped with pain. The Swedes didn't like the noise.

It added soreness of feeling toward him for presuming to taste their beans without their permission. They discussed tho best way to punish the dog. One suggested that they tie a stick of dynamite to the dog's tail, light it and then watch the fun from a distance, llii; gave ap- pioval. One Swede tied the dynamite to the dog's tail and then tied the dog to a tree. lie lighted the fuse.

The dog judged by their anxiety to get away that all was "not well. Anyway the thing lied Io his tail and the that camp, fiom it annoyed him. With a frantic Jetk he tore himself loose from 3ioniliwUo.ii: For commissioner of Emp.oria City, at tho primary election, March 12, 1D1U. I nrsuant to nomination, petitions and statements duly filed in my office on and before the first day ot March, I hereby make publication that ilio follow ing are the names'of tho'-persons as their names will appear on the official pjimary ballot, as candidates for nomination for the office of city commissioner of the City of Emporia, to be uomi- at the primary election to bo held in said city on the 2th day of March, 1012; to wit: For commissioner finance and revenue. Vote for one dos.

No. 'lyi California Peaches and 16 pounds No. 1 sugar for $3.00. J. T.

Burton Charles II. Dabbs A. Lawler Witness the undersigned, clerk of the City of Emporia, this 2d day of March, A. Fied H. Smitl'.

City Clerk. W. Banker, of ton, was in town, today, on a business trip. might simplify things if China and Mexico would consolidate. A man knows heaven is until bib teeth (juit aching.

HOWARD Presiden Ii, BUCK, Cshier TJ. W. Vice-Presldeaj H. E. PEAC1I, Ass't Cashier EMPORIA NATIONAL BANK mcrosiTs DEPOSITARY Capital and Surplus $250,000.00 TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent DIRECTORS W.

C. Hug-hei L. £. Buck John H. Wlggam the rope that bound him to tl'e tree and started after the sprinting Swedes.

As he ran he resembled a fljing meteor. He caught up with the Swedes Just as they reached their cabin. The pair rvshed through tho doer pell and on thcii' heels came the dog with the dynamite fuse on his tail growing shoiter and shorter and Uzling dangerously-. The men jumped into a bed and pulled the bedclothes over' their heads At least they didn't, want to hear the noise that tfynamitb was going to make wheu it One of them had presence of mind enough to get out of betl and drive the 'dog from the cabin. The dog look refuge under Iho 'Cabin w'hlcb was a'bavo the ground.

hardly had, time to settle himtclf when the dynamitoi'explodcu. Swedes, rufeliod out just about- the some time that their cubln went 'up From the accounts neighbors, two badly frightened Swedes survr-ytnl the wreckage, bewailing their misfortune. Sc'me folks In Iho neigh horhood cannot see the humor of the occur- I renco and threaten to illo<*ini to. Humane Society. They agree with others, that never again will two men tie a strek of dynamite to; dog's tall.

If You Have Any bad habits, such as a humme or a grouch, tut them out, 'othci wise they' may bo chrouic an settle on. jour hospital then tlio doctors will get you. My boss is, of opera tious that can bo' pulled off with saw, provided It is not done in hospital ward. Ho is sonic cut-u himself, but nix on' tlic operatlii table. Coal deli verles-hold tlio center the stage at' present and we ar ''Johnny on the spul" with-plenty that "Carb'onlta" stnokeloss.

coal not much on hoat, noil ing beats it. Building material ib our specialt and we are expecting you to com In when the weather moderates an jnnke a performance illio a ma wjth a bulich.of smiles. Emporia Lumber Coa Usual 1 WheivYOviUse Five Better than you 'can'bake' with ordinary flour and more of it. The reason for this is principally two-fold. JPJHST Vive ilobes is tlio of Hour possible to niitkc ii'om ISest Yt'Cbt- orn Turkey Jlartl tt'lieut.

SECOA'U The milling of Five is given careful attention, yciCeflly uniform JjVUilc. So you see witli those two Important eatm es combined y.ouvget a ficur of superior quality and you are sure of tho beat results from its use. There are many other common dablo (ipalitieii about. Five which uinkes it important it. Sold By All Grocers Five Roses Few Days Only HUG SOUP.

Laurence, 'March vork in the state department of food nalyais at the University shows that The people of Kansas are taking an ii-creaBcJ interest in the question of nire food. According to H. L. ackson, state food analyst, the nany violations of tho puie food aw will be eM'oseil when the peo- ile insreU their food and send ioubtful G-implcs to the Universal or careful analysis. "At present we mo receiving an hcreascd number of samples of rom all parts of the state," Mr.

ackson said. "This moans" that thy ood adulterators forced to outwit the well as the regtilai nspectors." An example of bn of the viola ioiiSj which have been bi ought be fore the state food analyst that of a man discovcrel some sinali bugs and flies resting on the bottom of a bottle of distilled, water. The man had been ns- ng the water for some time and although 'he uofiiced that the bottles received from the grocery were unsealed, he thought nothing it until he leceived tho bottle witl the flle.v in it. An affidavit hasbeel made out against the distilling com pany, and the case will be taken ui by the State Board of Health, at To Adulterated catsup, vegetable as for ex tract and other violations of tlio pur food laws are constantly brought the attention of the Univeisity. I'ccplv do not under stand lliQ adulteration law as apl)ly to food 'stuff that is dirty," Ml Jackson says.

"When it Is uudei stood that dirty milk nnd" taitite meats are covered by the law, eN'peet to have our woik I the testing lahomtory Th people Of Kaunas should know Ilia their food will be analyzed a all Untes." High' School basket bal tournament 'for a the Friday an Saturday. J). 'Snydcr, of transacting business yesteiday. Howard, wa In Emporii Charles, Ralston, of Qulney, wa business in Emporia J. C.

Stevenson, of Neosho Ids', was in tovm yesterday, on bus 1GBS. 'on' a Maich 1. S. D. Kitchel returned from Thursday.

Forest Smllh, of Hil! City, is visiting his cousin, Mrs. Gertrude Karr, for a few days. Lynn Ilobison visited at John arr's, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

CiMige Foster are at Jlr. Chatmau'S, this Vriiemt Ilowley and family loved to tho Wugner fanu. Edwin and Elmer Me-, ruw visited in few duj-a ist week. Mrs. and Nellie A'lkins ie visiting at Fay Joyce's.

and Mrs Vligil Goodrlck to the Duly Hatcher farm, ast week. Wheeler Cornell and family are jiiiving on one of D. W. Leavell's arms. Daegario and family in one of Fied Shatter's farms, near Vdm.ire, last week.

One of Guy Patton's brothers rom near Bskridgc, is visiting him or a few days. Mrs. D. and her unt, Mrs. Fisiier, of Kentucky, eturncd home Thursday from Tope- ta, wrere they been he past week.

Mr. and Allen Waters and laughteis, Nina and Mabel, visited Real argains 720 acres in Chase AH grass eicept about 14 acres in cultivation. I 3 tty good improvements; $25: per acre. 80 acres river hotton, 70 acres alfalfa, balu nee ynilea from grass, well improved, good town. t'rico R.

E. Roberta's, loon: dfter- This farm paid 3-1 per last year. SO acres, 7 miles from EmporM, near school, well improved. Can be told on easy terms. Price $4-100.

luO acres, miles from Emporia, all second bottom, good improvements, SO aerea plenty of fruit, good water, some alfalfa. Price $50 per acre. 120'acres, intles from Emporia, good 4-room house; $48 per acre. 2 acies, snbnrbar-, well plenty of fruit; $1,700. 5 acres, suburban, good house, price $1,750.

40 acres, 6 miles from Emporia, 30 acres in cultivation, good lanti and smooth. acres, suburban, unimproved, close in, ..51,200. acres, well improved, suburban, AVp have n. large list of farms and city proyeHy for sale or trade. High School 'basket ball tournament for Kansas, at the Normal Friday and Saturday.

CONVHiTAKCE Simpson, Steels I'hono Coniuict'cinl St. JHiJiD.S Delia T. Campbell et al to Tiplon NW 1 NW 1 80-10-10. Schins'toclc Bros, to Uiedrioh Lessman see 5-21-10. John G.

Hughes and wife to Surety 1m. $31,102 NJ, 13 Si, 12, NHA, 12-17-12. Thomas Brislen et al to Kdmonrt James COO' NW, and WS, XluJ, and Lottie Ovary to Bmpoiia D. Inv. lot 1C7 Aleichatit.

C. Dwells and to Lottie Criiry, 1,350, lot 1C? Merchant. W. It. Smelser attd wife to II.

11. Mai tin lot 2 Smiths Sub. Amanda Syndei and husb. to II. li.

Holey SBi, 30-17-10. Mrs. M. 13. Trouimaii to 0.

Howard IS, MJ3J SWJ lit-lG-10, ptitil. Suiely luveslmout Col; to Auna Binor 1,400 Ni, 33 and. Si, 1217-12. Same to Edna Kinuison N'Bi, and ini- sell Suburban Tracts Ten aeres, close in, well pi ovcd, goud orchard, must quick. One acre near Arutidol Cbuich; Two acres, close in, 5-room house; Two acres on East Street, good 5-room house, barn, fruit, (lu aliade; Jflfteen acres, OOEC In, S- room house, barn, orchard, a fine house.

Would exchange for oily pioperty. 8, Goilsey Ifcct'of FJhii. Remember the tno shows Thura- tiny peel lo Seo you' Company. i.aúd ex- Penters 1 uarOhvale Plenty of gofd seats left for Hussars Concert Thursday (light. j.

"Sir. and Mrsl 1 Wilson, of Chopping 'Iti town, yesterday. Mi of i I'liulio -II THOS, DILL' Axictioneer The partnership ot Scortold and Dill has been, dissolved. Thomas IJ, Dill will 1 the- aucttoueoilnij buslhes's as Sales are solicited and datefc to suit patrons. TIIOMAS U.

Hartford, Kaiiins. t-13mporia Phono 16-134, Hartford Phone 1 048..

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