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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Page Two HOPE STAR, HOPE, ARKANSAS Bread Superforts to Celebrate Air Force Day With Super-Flight Wednesday, September 15, t948 Coniinilcd From Pago One from Chechoslovakia to swell the ranks of refugees from the other Iron Outrun countries. IiQTiically, this sorry situation is not the fnult of the American people. On the contrary, immigra- 1ion aulhonties in this country say that theie is a great demand for DIE fiWn many 'communities and cmployei And certainly they just the people we want. TViry experienced the terror of. We undoi Soviet domination.

And they could and surely would alter seme strong refutations to the claims of Communists and Soviet in our" midst. Yet an observer in Germrniyisays that it i easier for a formal" Nazi to enter this country thtfh ''it is for persons who have suffered under the dictatorships of bom. Hitler, and Slalin If the situation ig 6 veil half as bad 'iis reported; 5ft viowly the duty of to make a quick investlga'tloitf find find out why its icfcntrd in the DP bilV.p'Ve. being eithci irrnoicd or badly aged. I.

Disagreed- 1 Continued From Out- Which has been going on between Chan-nan Hcvercomb iR-W. Va.) oi the judiciary and Marshall The secretary 1 iar denied Revercomb's inves.Uga- to arrt-ss 10 the department's files which 'Concern' Miens a'c- hic-fiod to the United Natip.ns. Alexander' declined to 'comment i to a reporter on the charges. He said any statement to ccmeVSrom his InMfct-ons were that Would base his on the cnrttehtion that civil service jfoyt-s are entitled to protection against retaliatory action by their aipjft'jicntal after they rf a £oLa congressional eorn- has been employed by th' dcpattment since 1917. The piesontation of charges is the iUst step in a scries of moves tc-YiMid possible disciplinary action Tin.

stcontl step is up to Alexan- tlci lie has the right to reply ful- J' Jf he wants he may obtain a public hearing before Arch K. Jean, department chief of personnel, v.ho stated the charges in a lollet sent Alexander on Sept. In the third step the department A-ill decide action called for on the basis laigcly of the answers to urs Washington Sepl. The Rtpuunciin high command stepped its senatorial campaign today purred oy an AFL challenge- and confidential reports that Democrats no. lour key GOP seats.

'Senator Canehart of Indiana told reporter he has accepted an in- Ration to join Gov. Thomas E. -'s tour next week to the GOP presidential nominee' aid he the party' candidates. Eye-Witness Gives Account to Appease Adolph Hitler By DeWITT MacKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Analyst The following is the first of three articles on the anniversary of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's world- rocking attempt to appease Hitler as eye-witnessed by the writer. This day ten years agn your col- vmnist boarded a chartered plane jprocialion for his efforts to main- llain peace.

He told the asscm'bkige: "ii a 'HI' i 1 'a? ja fricndlv one. I feel satisfied that, each of us iully understands what iis Farmer Sentenced to Life by Jackson Jury Newport, Sept. 15 1 George Washington Hunt, GO, has been sentenced to life imprisonment a Jackson county circuit jury. Hunt, a tenant farmer, was con- vinctcd yesterday of first degree murder in the shooting of neighbor, Napoleon Winkles, 7ff, who was found shot lo death in home near here March 28. is in the mind of the other." Poor old Chamberlain and poor old world.

They were to learn a fcv; days wnat iXMiiy wa.s .11 (Hitler's wicked The jury yesterday. Th" Indiana senator said it will Hi London and pursued Prime be his job ts see that the Gop nominees in Iowa, Colorado and New Mexico gel together with the New 'York governor for strategy con iferonces. He predicted that an i victory for Devvey will help the Republicans retain ccntrol of the Senate. Their hold there now is slim with only a 51 to 45 margin over the a margin that would be overturned if the GOP suffers a no' loss of four seats. The AFL served notice Minister Neville Chamberlain who was flying to Adolf Hitler's Al- 'ew pine retreat Berchtesgaden in on- the British statesman's first efforts at appeasing the Nazi dictator.

That was the beginning or three tense weeks which changed the history of the world. Those dramatic days were part of my journalistic life and I venture recall them briefly in our column because after only one decade we again arc faced with an interna- having momentous Richmond, Sept. 15 clash between CIO pickets and police at the strike-bound Refinery llIU Itional situation clay that it intends to fight for the potentialities. detent of at least eight Republicans The 69-year- scnatorial candidates. As well as 113 House aspirants.

Because of i their stand on the Taft-Harley law I the AFL blacklisted these Republicans. Senators Henry Dworsak of JTrlabo. Joseph H. Ball of Minnesota i ol "time" C. Wayland Brooks of Illinois, ma ne and so the 'wnivl nf A old Chamberlain an honest and highminded but unlucky statesman flew to Berchtesgaden in an effort to "try to find a peaceful solution to the crisis" which was menacing world tranquility.

The phrase "peace in was an irresistible gaunt gray Standard Oil Company was averted today when no 'attempt was made to pass more AFL maintenance workers through line picket lines. Yesterday such a move erupted into a rock and tear gas battle in which nine persons wore in- deliberated 27 minutes Flashlight, powder is a of powdered magnesium with one or more compounds rich in Epsom Salt originally was taincd from spring waters in Ep- som, England, but now is generally prepared from mineral Ides- erite. tographers in the fighting yester- At about 7:30 a. President Jim Stanley of the striking CIO" oil workers broadcast an nounccmvent to none-strikers, in-" side gates could since leave yesterday, now if you. Robertson of Wyoming, jg en tle old man made "a date with The U.

S. Air Force will celebrate Air Force Day, Sept. 18, with 25 simultaneous long-distance flights by 50 B-29 Superfortresses from overseas bases to points in the U. S. Map shows routes of nights, all non-stop, ranging from 3800 miles to more than 5600.

Number at each starting base indicates number of flights from there and destination of each night is inside white arrow. USAF has scheduled arrival time of all flights as noon, local time in destination, on Air Force Day. Alrxandci plaints makes to the corn- It may then take no action, issue isepumand, order some disciplin- nryimeasure such as suspension or decree dismissal. Officials hinted that hi -view cif service iirthe'de- pajtmont, d. i i a 1 probably would not be.

recommended. Alexander finally has the right of an appeal to the Civil Service Commission to determine whether proper procedures followed. The commissiorV has no right to. the.dec'lsion'' unless there is evidence handling. 1 Then a new action.might be ordered.

As the (ion, congressional spy investigators sdidrftjey intend to inukc a test case dfi'-'the contempt action they voted-to bring agfiinst Communist Steve. Nelson. All 17 species of penguins live in-the southern hemisphere. IT'S REALLY GREAT TO ENJOY Bevin Charges Continued From Page One members invasion, of Hyderabad was "an act of aggres- tary The said wartime oreign secre- the invasion was -a "flagrant and inexcusable" breach by India of her agreement with the princelv state. "If the'U.

N. acts, quickly and acts with authority it will not only do considerable service to its own reputation 'nut will perhaps save a vast area of the world's surface from untold suffering and human misery," ISden said. The U. N. Security Council is due to take up the Hyderabad sit- STIUU ARE 9NLY TO SHINE uation tomorrow in Paris.

Eden said Communist uprisings in Burma and Siam are "all in pattern." ''Its objective is to overthrow law and throughout south- oast AS which. Lenin, I think, once called the back door of cap! lalist and imperalist power." Bevin dealt briefly with Hydera- bad. He said he regretted that in "Uiesc dominions this war like spirit has Bevn said that in Malaya, the British have "a diicult task to put an end to these terrorist gangs. We are under no delusion as to what is involved." He wen: on: "The trouble in Malaya is tha scores of the population, inainlj Chinese Communists. have boei given special assignments to go ir and organize this trouble.

"The problem is a difficult anc "rxed one bill the govprnmen have no intention of yielding this terror. It may mean that i ibis policy of st'rrinn civil war a. instrument of foreign policy goes on I repeal, il goes on as it Iv closed then in one can fore- EEHS firm to what it will lead the na- I unchanged ticn" who are urornoHng it. I "Speaking for Britain nnd the i seize'' i-with the effects of this uoliey and ward V. 1 pn of West Vir- "mad-dog dictator, ginia, and George Wilson of Iowa, war seemed to be approaching senatorial candidates Patrick ilh terrible swiftness.

Anthony J. Hurlev nT Now Mexico-and RossiTTVim who had resigned his posi- Sizlcy of Oklahoma. jtion to his prime minister's policy It was learned meanwhile that insisting that concessions to! reports to the COP campaign com- (dictators "arc not the way to indicate that Revercomb, pc ace." On September 12 Hitler IBall. Robertson and all face (made an angry speech demand- uphill battles. There reports givcjjnp fnr the Pornblicans (tl edge in Illinois Sudeten Germans in Western and Iowa and about an even chance (: 0 Brit-in had a mis- regarded by sion in Prague to mediate between th" GOP as clanger spots.

(the Sudeten Germans and the On the other hand, the Republic-j Czechoslovak government but its nfforts collapsed. There was blocdv fighting near the German frontier Czechoslovak gendarmes and Sudeten Germans. The British cabinet met in emergency session. It was in this tense atmosphere that Chamberlain telegraphed Hitler for a conference which the Fuehrer se.t for Berphtesgaden. French Premier Daladier had Today Ihe union maintained only (the assigned four pickets at each igate to the refinery, but several hundred plher strikers gathered at the union headquarters, just around the corner from the main Ihe refinery, and another or more loitered across i the street from the gate whore the broke out yesterday.

From eight to 10 police, many ST. LOUIS LIVESTOCKS National Stockyards, 111.. Sepl. i 5 market 25 to 1 nostly 50 higher than Tuesday's average; lop 29.75 sparingly; other and choice Ibs bar- and 'gilts mainly 29.25-50; popular price 29.50 for weights over 200 Ibs; only scattered small ols of heavy hogs on sale; few Ibs 28.00-29.25; 1GO-180 Ib ights mostly 28.25-29.0; 130-15 Ibs 22.75-25.0; sows 400 Ibs down largely 25.50-27.25; over 400 Ibs stags 17.00-21.00; boars 13.50-16.50. Catlle calves open- ins trade slow on steers and ehif- ers few loads of medium western grass steers 23.50-25.50; odd lots of medium nalive sleers steady at 20.50; common and medium heifers and mixed yearlings largely 21.00-28.00; cows farily and ully steady; common and medium beef cows 19.00-21.50; canners and cutters largely 15.50-18.50; bulls 25 to 50 higher; medium and good 22.00-24.00; vcale'rs sleady; good and choice 28.00-32.00 common and medium 17.00-27.0 Sheep few spring lambs 2075 to butchers; deck good lo choice yearling wethers 24.00; otherwise market not established; packers bidding lower on lambs.

POULTRY AND PRODUCE Chicago, Sept. 15 Live poultry: fowl steady, balance Hope Star Star of Hope 1899; Press 1927, Consolidated January 18, 1929 Published every weekday afternoon bv STAR PUBLISHING CO. C. E. Palmer, President Alex.

H. Washburn, Secretary-Treasurer at the Star buildinn 212-2)4 South Walnut "Street, Hope, Ark. Alex. H. Washburn, Editor Publisher Poul H.

Jones, Managing Editor George W. Hosmer, Mech. Supt. Jess M. Dayis, Advertising Manager ans are said to believe they have a good knock off a Democrat in Montana, about an even cnancc to capture another Democratic seat in Colorado and a somewhat lessor chance of winning one in New Mexico.

Dewey is expected all of these states, "including West Virginia, where Revercomb is having a ough battle with Matthew M. Neely, the Democratic nominee. Dewey is expected to spend some time on his way back from thc- Pacific Coast in Wyoming, where Robertson is having his troubles with Gov. Lester C. Hunt, the Democratic nominee.

And Dewey's visit to Oklahoma probably will have to wait until later. Most Republicans think only a national sweep by Dewey would give Rizley, their nominee there, chance to beat former Gov. Robert S. Kerr, Democrat, for the scat being vacated by Republican Senator Moor. in while riot helmets patroled gates to the plant.

Shortly alter 7 a. a union loudspeaker advised the assembled pickets that it was not expected any attempt to run AFL workers past the picket lines would be made today. The 1 a er repeatedly warned strikers to cooperate with reporters and photographers, in an effort to avoid the roughing up given several newspaper pho- Entered as second class matter ot Post Office at Hope, Arkansas, under the Act of March 3, 1897. 1 Associated Press. Newspaper Enterprise Association.

Subscription Rates: (Always Payable in Advance): By city carrier per week 20c per month 85c. Mail Hempstead, Nevada, Howard, Miller anc LaFavefte counties, $4.50 per year; else where $8.50. National Advertising Representative A'knnsas Dailies, Memphis, Term Sterick Building; Chicago, 400 North Mich igan Avenue; New York Citv, 292 Madisoi Detroit, 2842 W. Granr Oklahoma City, 314 Tormina! Blclg New Orleans, 722 Union St. the that they want." "This is a last announcement effect," he said.

There was no immediate re- 7 sponse. In a reference to yesterday conference of CIO and AFL resentatives, designed to avoid a recurrence of yesterday's oreak, the CIO union "Apparently the truce is being ob- served this morning." Negotiations between the oil workers and the truck companies, continued in San Francisco and in Los Angeles with no agreement, yet in sight. Federal and state, conciliators were participating in an atiempt to bring the two sides The chief issue was a union do-'" mand for 21 cents an hour wage increase against an employer offeF' of 12 1-2 cents. No appreciable shortage in gasoline was yet noticeable, although- purchases were limited to five per car in some areas. Com-" pany spokesmen said supplies remain at normal.

about 75 per cent of" on i repeal, goes on as Hj high 93 sc (m ns on ever since the war yy j-j yij. closed, first in ono territory and weak; receipts 25 trucks; prices unchanEcd except to a cent a pound lower on roaster at 34-3H and on fryer at 30-11, fob. Butter firm; receipts 3452,132: prioes 1-2 to 1 1-2 cents a pound A A and 92 A 75; cars: 90 (ili.5 Member of the Associated Press; Th Associated Press is entitled exclusively ti the use for republicotion of all the locc lows printed in this newspaper, cs well iii news dispatches. direction. Santa Fe was up i more than a point and Union Pnci- lie down by the same margin at time.

receipls prices IJ it has GRIFFIN BLACK BROWN TAN OXBLOOD whci'i'v-" 1 '1 ivars iis ugly head. we sha'l do our best to stamp it out, the maximum of our resources to do it. If we do not, there will never be the settlement of peace or the establishment of jharmony in the world." NEW YORK STOCKS New York, Sept. 15 were mixed today in a moderately aetive market. Volume 750,000 shares.

A brief rally early in the day did not hold, and prices generally moved lower. In the final hour the grading pace increased, with prices weakening still more. I Rails gave a comparatively good account of themselves. Most of the changes were in small fractions in Steels and motors wore ousland- ing soil spots with losses up to a point. Aiicrafls, however, held out 'jiMiist the trend with some small ga'ns.

Packing company stocks were to slightly lower, appn- iitly ignoring a justice depart- appraoched rnent anti-trust suit filed in Chicago losing sido lsul-ed Paris, Sept. 15 Garry Davis, the man without a country who is taking refuge in the United Nations assembly area, widened his little world today. The 26-year-old American wartime bomber pilot, son of orchestra leader Meyer Davis, ventured halfwav across a boulevard separating the new U. N. meeting halls of the Palais De his squatting place from the Chaillot.

Davis who gave up American citizenship to be a "citizen of Ihe world." had understood previously that the boulevard was French ter-1 ritory and he had scrupulously avoided stepping on it since the i French government refused lo re-j new his visa. I But this morning an artist i wrought an abstractionist painting around for Davis to autograph. At the request of photographe'-s he and the artist went to the middle of the street and had their picture urged Chamberlain to make the effort. France pinned her hope of on Jhis fateful parley. So the two chiefs of government met in the Fuerhrer's "castle" on a peak rising from the sweet valley of Berchtesgaden through "'hich ran the trout stream which Reichsmarshall Hcrnjlann Goering stocked for himself.

Within a few hours the little old-world Hamlet was jammed with correspondents from many points of Europe. Telegraph and telephone facilities were utterly inadequate to deal with the press messages. However we managed to tell our story of the three hour confer- once and I find f'-om the files that I reported as follows: It was clear to observers that if peace grew from the conference it would be predicated on the sacrifice by Czechoslovakia of some Sudeten territory to Germany. The supposition in informed circles was that Chamberlain would take back a proposal relating to the annexation of Sudeten Germans by Hitler. Time confirmed this.

However the communique issued at the end of the conversation merely said that there had been "an extended frank exchange of views" and that there would be another meeting. Chamberlain returned to London the next day. He was met at the airport by a big crowd which greeted him with cries of "good old Neville" as a mark of ap- in the Yellow YELLOW PAGES also Jell sells, rents, repairs. i 4754 Truman Wins Continued From Page One The parly aimed these jabs at members who were even suspected of unwillingness to vote the ticket straight: 1. An overwhelming vote recommending thai the national commit- t'-o replace Wright Morrow 'of Houston as a member from Texas.

Hyron Slu-Jton of Tern- 1 anyone with States plc. Hour leader of the Truman convention war party for S'ocks tending to the included General Mot Pacific, Montgomery neeutt. Standard Oil i mis Central. NEW YORK COTTON Luc a ly anc av sn now nas been as- ho Insina side Isured by a U. N.

official thai the tors Union lslt eet was lc My inviolable under "he "exlra-lerritoriality" granted All by France to the U. N. for the anil duration ol th general assembly Morrow has been under attack as! New York, Sepl. a slates rights sympathizer. jton futures were irregular in 2.

Ousting of Mrs. R. A. Thorn- trading Unlay. Scattered liquida- sini of a Slates jtion was influenced by weakness vice-chairman of the Jin the cotton textile situation state executive commiltee an dre-jand delay in the KCA export pro- placing with Mrs.

Claude Hedge selling was ligh as spelh of San Antonio. prices appeared to be not attrac- 3. Election a brand-new of what executive for "TJJf SHREVEPORTER" i Now Completely Air-Conditioned Lv. Sluoveport 5:00 p. m.

Lv. Minden 6:00 p. m. Lv. Sprtngiiiil 6:48 p.

m. Ar. Hope 8:10 p. m. Makes Connection With "Sunshine Special" at Hope for St.

Louis No Change in Southbound PHONE 1 96 tivt Rights! Futures closed 25 cents leanings and including a -jprink- to 10 cents lower ling of liberalism. jnrevious Giving the slate Democratic high 31.35 executive committee full power to! 31.33 up 4 require its members, county and precinct chairmen, and members of county executive committees to siiin naMy-loyally pledges or be removed. 5. Ousting of five of the presidential electors named in May because tluxv have "not made il clear that they will support cthe nominees of the Democratic party." I opening next Tuesday. 1 The U.

N. legal department said I the street is part of the assembly jarea. Thus Davis can corss safely the doorstep of the meeting hall. Davis went back to his squatting on the restaurant steps, and said, "I am expanding my world." He is not allowed la eat in the restaurant but said he was being "fed by humanity," the sympathizers who bring around handouts. Small groups crowd around to feclera- oul producer bale Bell Alreadv Dee high 30.9(i XO.94-91) up 3-, Mch high 30.7:1 May high 30.52 30.47 off 2 Jly high 29.5-1 L'OoO off 2 Oct.

hi ah 27.04 lo w26.9li 27.02N up 2 Middling spot 32.20N up 2. N-nominal. NEW ORLEANS COTTON PS crowd llrin hear Davis' speeches for a tecleiT lized world without passports. Although U. N.

officials are privately concerned over what to do about Davis, they have made no move to eject him. last 30.05 last 29.42 last last dropped Continued From it Del'ln One llu lor serviri subsidiary. Yesterday Dean K. Batesville city attorney, i lo Southwestei n's propos i bate taxes on oitbst ribers' bills. i The attorney said he did nut be- jlieve the rommission had anlhori- ty to a provision which would allow the telephone turn lo i recover, through a pro rale bill- ling the city i taxes it is loreed to pay.

The commission granted l.iir.l- I sey to urepai'e and lile a uriei covering his inlerpivtatio'i I of lav: on ibis point. A company v.hneto, G. stLty. teslilied lhat the uf yellow cereal contract more than 5 cents. New crop corn futures acted well despite the drop in September, a cash house switched from September to December contracts, selling the former and buying the later.

Corn bookings totaled around 170,000. bushels while spot marset (prices slipped about 2 to 3 cents a 1 bushel. New Orleans. Sept. la There was not much activity in ton futures wore irregular here oats or rye, bill they were lodav.

Near months were snoporl- ahead for small fractions most of eil by short rovering and day. Lard fell with a drop of Ir.iyhu', while distant positions, werejvats and oil prices inEasternniar- closed 1-4 lower 1-8 September $2.24 1-2. Scp- jtember coin ended (i to 0 1-8 cents er at 1.1)7 1-2-3-4 while deferred futures wore unchanged to 5-K lower. Oats unchanged to higher. September 72 7-B -3-4.

No- leld steady today; receipts 14 cars, to four cents lower: bookings 173,000 )ing sales 10.000 's 70 cars. Oats hi eh high 3U. PAIN AND PRODUCE Ohicauo. Heui. contracts held lo a steady unchanged to a cent higher; despite the fact ihutjb-isis steady; shipping sale; eiji'n wo'ubleil into lower I('00 bushels: receipts 19 cars.

Soy- Hope's Newest and Most Modern Department Store. Outfitters for the Entire Family, at Popular Prices d. one receipts were Old McRae Hardware Building.

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