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Louisville, Kentucky
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6 cThr (Enur un'-iliutrmtil Time and Tide The, Ant Hill Answers to Questions 4 tuberculosis since 1917," but the La Fol-lette measure reduces it approximately $5,000,000. If bovine tuberculosis is to be eradicated, syphilis, too, must be eradicated. From a purely material standpoint its cost is inestimable. Crime and insanity due to it fill jails, prisons and asylums. At least $10,000,000 a year is spent in treating the syphilitic blind.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in wages are lost as the result of the plague. The disease, according to one authority "cuts in half the ability to do a full day's work, and doubles the load of un-employables." While unemployment relief is being considered, here is self-liquidating relief. Here is hope for the despairing and health for the sick. The war on syphilis can be won if federal, State and local governments present a militant and united front. If 7 if" TATfF LfVtf" should be brief, leg- "0 The Point of View preferably typewritten, on paper.

The writer's must be signed, not without the consent of Publication dues not imply Courier-Journal. HRSARMS. To the Editor of The Courier-Journal. In Sunday's Point of View, Mr. Everett Bcdinger seeks assistance in promoting the suppression of firearms.

It is my belief that Mr. Bedinger, like so many would-be reformers, has "the cart before the horse." The misuse of firearms cannot be curbed by fulminating against firearms themselves, or legislating against them, as the criminal will always possess a gun, illegal or not, if he desires one. If none can be atanufac-tured legally, they will be manufactured illegally. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that any moderately bkillful machinist can make a serviceable gun, and from the necessities of life. could have prevented tragedy.

What does Court say about it? mischief is done, I they will transfer to the Criminal of our citizens urging a new trained personnel Court for the treatment of delinquency could not evidence of the need An Observer. Consolidation of The Focui (November 22. 1826). The Louisville Dally Journal (18.ill, The Morning Courier 1 i. The Daily Democrat H1I43I.

Kirst Issued The Courier-Journal November 8. HifiB. Pounded by Henry Watterson and Walter N. Haldoman. Barry Bingham, Publisher.

Harrison Robertson, Editor. Robebt W. Bin'cham, Publisher, 1918-1037. Entered at the Louisville I'ostofflce at Mall Matter of the Second Claaa. SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL.

DAILY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. 1 Mo.

All ol Kentucky. Indiana and Tennessee Jo.nO J3.00 All other States 7-20 3.60 1.80 .60 DAILY AND SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL. lYr. 6 Mos. 3Moa.

1 Mo. aii ffntiirkv. Indiana nd Tennessee $9.00 Ail other States 10-20 J4.50 5.10 $2 25 2.55 J0.7S .85 SUNDAY COURIER-JOURNAL. 1 Yr. 6 Mos.

3 Mos. IMo, All of Kentucky. Indiana fi and Tennessee $3.00 $1.60 in nthpr States 3.40 lav 10.85 $0.40 .95 .40 A smile copy ol any ween-uay for 10 rents. Mail orders not accepted from localities served by tielnery agents. RATES FOR CARRIER DELIVERY.

In Louisville, New Albany and Jeffersonville: Daily and Sunday Courier-Journal, 20c week; Sunday Daiiyy Courier-Journal, Sunday Courier-Journal. Louisville Times for 35c a week. All to the same address. Outside of Louisville. New Albany and Jeffersonville: Dailv and Sunday Courier-Journal, 25c week.

Daily Courier-Journal. Sunday Courier-Journal, Louisville Times, all to same address. 40c week. TELEPHONE WAbash 2211. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.

AssK-iateri Press is exclusively entitled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this paper and also irr-pl Tiei-s nublished herein. All righta of republication of special dispatches herein also reserved. THURSDAY February 17, 1938 The New Nazi Diplomacy With the same dramatic suddenness with which he purged the high command of the Reichswehr and brought about the Nazifi-cation of the foreign service, Adolf Hitler extends his influence over impotent Austria. After his secret conference with Chancellor Schuschnigg at his mountain retreat last Sunday, he follows up his demands that Austrian Nazis be appointed to key positions in the Vienna Government with a display of force at the border, and with no support from any quarter, Fascist Italy now being in league with Germany, Schuschnigq is forced to capitulate. The result is that Austria, like Danzig, is in control of the Hitlerites and ready to drop as ripe fruit into the lap of the Third Reich.

Thus with a bold stroke der Fuehrer is able to accomplish his aims which were frustrated in the abortive putsch of four years ago, when Chancellor Dollfuss was assassinated. The shake-up in the Army and the foreign service and the Nazification of Austria indicate that Hitler has turned from bloody putsches to bloodless coups. In fact, the 1934 putsch in Austria was the last of such attempts. The present method, the same he employed when Hitler wormed himself into control of Germany, is one of Nazi infiltration into his own and other Governments. That occurred in Danzig and Austria.

It no doubt is the method to be pursued in Czechoslovakia. With the Powers holding hands off, the control of Central Europe may be accomplished without firing a shot. When the Army is sufficiently strong it may be expected that international borders will be wiped out. Danzig for the moment has its defender in Poland, and Poland is tied to France in a defensive alliance. Austria is friendless and alone.

It is independent, but independent under the Swastika banner and a helpless vassal of its two larger neighbors. The new Nazi diplomacy is at work. Ghosts of Words May Haunt Missouri The reappointment of District Attorney Maurice M. Millican for the Western Missouri Federal Court District to continue his prosecution of crooked election officers and workers may get into State politics as well as "in the hair" of Kansas City politicians. Milligan has convicted fifty and has 112 more to try.

Senator Harry S. Truman, of Kansas City, after a conference with "Boss" Pen-dergast, denounced Milligan and the Federal District Judge in the United States Senate, when Millican's name was submitted for confirmation. Judge Reeves' retorted that Truman's speech was "the speech of a man named by 'ghost' votes, elected by 'ghost' votes, whose speech probably was written by 'ghost' writers," all of which adds to the irritation of Kansas City citizens. As the result of the indictments and convictions, Missouri adopted a new registration law for St. Louis and Kansas City which struck thousands of names from the voting list.

The city was well on the way to having more deceased than live citizens registered. With only the living who still reside there and St. Louis eligible to cast a ballot, ghosts of his rash words may haunt Senator Truman in the next primary. The War On Syphilis The proposal that the Federal Government spend $271,000,000 in the next thirteen years, or slightly more than $20,000,000 a year, to help States stamp out syphilis and other venereal diseases must not be overlooked by the public. With the cooperation of the Federal Government and the States the war on syphilis can be won.

According to Surgeon General Thomas Parran a standard of treatment has been evolved in the United States, which is "superior to any other in the world," but lack of funds prevents its widespread availability. The measure now before the Senate and sponsored by Senator La Follette is the answer to the appeal of the National Conference on Venereal Diseases which met last year. That body asked Congress to appropriate $25,000,000 for the war on syphilis, the Federal funds to be matched by States and localities. "This amount," writes Dr. Parran in his book "Shadow On the Land," "compares with $246,000,000 of State and Federal funds used for bovine liy HERBERT AflAR If hut About Our "Whom the Rods would destroy they first made drunk with self-esteem." The old adage applies to nations as well as to individuals.

What would we think of a man who was able, through his own industry, to double his income year after year, but who always insisted on tripling his expenditures? In time he might be making $1,000,000 a year and might call himself the richest man in the world; but if at the same time he was spending $2,000,000 a yeat he might be close to becoming the poorest man in the world. His prospects would look particularly bad if he always insisted that he could pick up the extra million by gambling this year on the horses, next year at Monte Carlo, but always somewhere. Even if he had got away with it for the last five years, we still wouldn't think he was likely to get away with it lorever. There are many ways in which our habits as a Nation resemble the habits of this imaginary man. For a long time we have lived miles above our income and counted upon making up the difference by gambling.

The gambling took the form of feeling sure that we would discover new resources to take the place of those wc were exhausting, or else that we would make new inventions which would us get along without the resources we were exhausting. In some fields the gamble has gone our way and we have postponed the day of reckoning. In other fields we have been less lucky and the day ol reckoning lies right ahead of us unlers we reform and begin to live within our resources. And in no fields whatever can the day of reckoning be postponed very long by our present reckless methods. As Mr.

David Cushman Coyle writes, "We cannot live forever by finding ten-dollar bills in the family Bible." In the use of petroleum new discoveries have kept pace with increases in consumption for about twenty years. In 1909 it looked as if we would exhaust our petroleum in 1950. In 1933 it still looks as if we would exhaust known supplies of petroleum in 1950. Meanwhile we may find new supplies or we may not. Each year the country is examined for oil with more and more exact instruments; and each year it becomes less likely that vast new supplies have escaped attention.

The wastage in soil is far more disastrous than the wastage in oil. We know how much soil there is in America. We cannot discover a new continent underneath our present one. The one we see is all we have got, and all we ever will have unless we join the "have-not" nations in their race to steal other people's property. We keep telling ourselves that we represent the high-water mark in human history, chiefly because of the marvels of applied science with which we are surrounded.

But those same marvels can be our quick destruction, if we let our minds be softened by self-satisfaction Modern technology needs wise handling, for it gives us a chance to consume, within a couple of generations, our soil, our forest, and our underground resource. Will we plunge ahead like crazy gamblers, trusting that "something will turn up" before we have quite ruined our country (and our children's country)? Or will we cultivate the wisdom which is needed to handle the fearful powers which science has uncovered? All that anyone can say, so far, is that we have not yet shown signs of the requisite wisdom. "The American people," writes Mr. Coyle in his prize-winning Harper essay, "have not yet developed the foresight, the organizing capacity and the love of country to maintain America as a balanced economic enterprise to be handed down undamaged to posterity. "When we can replant forests as fast as we cut them, when we can prevent the erosion of soil, and when we can avoid using our exhaustible minerals faster than science can find new and abundant substitutes, then we can look our children in the face." (Copyright.

1938, by The Courier-Journal Syndicate.) A'rnr Calaalrophe (Pathfinder.) Since time immemorial, the planets have moved smoothly and at a respectful distance from each other in their appointed rounds about the sun. Earth's closest neighbor, the moon, is 240,000 miles away, and will not crash into its parent body for another ten billion years. Nevertheless, Inst week, astronomers reported that there had been a near-occurrence of that most dread of all events a celestial collision involving the earth. In Johannesburg. South Africa.

Dr. Karl Reinmuth of Heidelberg University exposed two photographic plates in his observatory on October 27 and 28. When he finally got around to developing them, he was alarmed to find a long streak in an unheard-of position on the plates. Last week, it was announced that some time between October 25 and 30 a mysterious object must have hurtled within 400,000 miles of earth the narrowest escape yet recorded. The object was a planetoid, one of a family of midget planets varying from ten to 400 miles in diameter.

Had "Object Reinmuth 1937" struck the earth, as it was within five and one-half hours of doing at one time, it would have caused havoc such as man has never seen. Also, as H. E. Wood. State astronomer of the Union of South Africa, commented, it "might have altered the international situation somewhat." Tito Wonder Tlml's America (London Sphere.) The United States contains 6 of the world's area and 7 of its population.

It normally consumes 48 of the world's coffee, 53 of its tin, 56 of its rubber, 21 of its sugar, 72 of its silk, 36 of its coal, 42 of its pig iron, 47 of its copper, and 69 of its erudcpetroleum. The United States operates 60 of the world's telephone and telegraph facilities, owns 80 of the motor cars in use, operates 33 of the railroads. It produces 70 of the oil. 60 of wheat and cotton. 50 of the copper and pig iron, and 40 of the lead and coal of the globe.

The United States possesses almost eleven billion dollars in gold, or nearly half of the world's monetary metal. It has two-thirds of civilization's banking resources. The purchasing power of the population is greater than that of the 500 million people in Europe and much larger than that of the more than a billion Asiatics. Economy (Fordham Ram.) The New York Times tells a story of the abolished Board of Aldermen as it was in the old days. A proposal was before the board to have a dozen gondolas purchased and placed in one of the Central Park lakes to add atmosphere.

One of the Aldermen couldn't see the resolution. All that money? Nuts, said he, why not buy just two gondolas and let nature take its course? Etcetera Readers wishing answers Oy mail requested to Inclose a stamped, fc.i-addressed envelope with their questions Address The Courier-Journal Information Bureau Louisville. The bureau cannot answer questions leiatma t' commercial contests. Rive advice in law or medicine, or undertake extensive research In what year was Alfred Dreyfus released from Devil's Island? A Capt. Alfred Dreyfus cf the French Army was sentenced to imprisonment on Devil's Island in 1893.

After four years of almost continuous agitation of his case, he was returned to France in 1899 for a new trial and was found guilty and sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in a fortress, but was pardoned by Piesident Loubet and set at liberty. In 1906 a civil court heard the case again, ex onerated him fully and he was restored to the army with the rank of major. Where may I obtain copies of "Author and Journalist." especially the January, 1928, issue? A The publication is issued at Denver, Col. Where is the fastest and most valuable horse in the United States? Who owns it? What country has the fastest and most valuable horse? A The question of the speed of race horses is variable, that is, it depends upon the age of the horse, the distance over which the speed is recorded, the kind of track and the weight the horse carries. The only definite answer, for example, that could be given would be for a 3-year-old horse, carrying 117 pounds, at a mile, at a certain track.

So it will be seen that there is no fastest horse in the United States or in the world. As to value the same considerations apply, for a horse's value is based largely upon its possibilities as a sire or a dam of other horses, in addition to its ability to win purses. A great many persons are risking their money every day to find out what is the fastest horse, but they never find out. What is the present address of Carson Robison, who appears daily on either radio station WHAS or WLW? A A letter addressed to any rrdio nerformer in care of th station over which you heard the program will reach him. as past experience proves it to be an additional cost to the already overtaxed automobile owner.

The safety reward rbn recently planned by the out standing large stork companies, although declared unconstitutional, is a steD in thp richt di rection, and if the reward for safe driving could be given in the second year's renewal written in the contract at end of policy period year, while I am no lawyer, I am sure that would be riht. if not Let the Legislature do a good piece of work and kill this proposed additional cost to the careful automobile drivers of Kentucky. The compulsory liability law has bren tried and failed. Will J. Turfin.

Bowling Green, Ky. A SOLDIER'S IDEALS. To the Editor of The Courier-Journal Today I pray to God for strength to carry out my resolutions: 1 To disbelieve and resent all the words and actions of men wise in the use of words and actions for base purposes, to realize that such wiseness does actually exist among men working for the destruction of ideals. Not to let them steer me away from "God, the country, and the flag." 2 To believe that in spite of all that I find wrong, insincere, and insecure in my country, my people, and my life, they are still right and the only right then is in the fight for what they might be and for their love. 3 To overlook, with the wiseness of one who knows his ideals of "search for beauty" are right, all the contaminating influences exerted by men who would change such ideals to Utopian physical security which cannot exist on earth.

He who cannot find a certain beauty in the Army and its service is not a real soldier and only half a man! 4 To realize that the brand "ignorant," with which the soldier is marked in the speech of those, who in their own littleness of soul, cannot realize the high dedication of a soldier's life, is but a wrong the righteous always have to overcome by indifference to such petty judgment, 5 To realize in the crisis and so act, with God's strength He gives to those in the right, that all of life must be in the service of these ideals, for without them there is nothing, that these and only these can be the ideals of a soldier, any others tending to weaken him and make for loss of his individual strength and consequent weakening of all, the country, its ideals and its faith and hopes. 6 That "God, the country and the flag" gives that beauty to living so necessary to rise above and beyond life's greatest difficulties! Grosjean N. Stagg. Frankfort, Ky. 3 LOST HIS CAR AND HIS MONEY.

To the Editor of The Courier -JournaL Recently I purchased an automobile and truly believed an automobile bought on the installment plan secured the debt. But when I got cut to three days a week and couldn't make the payments the finance company wrote me that they were going to sell the car and hold me responsible for any deficiency. I paid them $105 on the car. They took the car back, yet they aren't satisfied. Clyde B.

Metcalf. Louisville. THE PACKHORSE LIBRARY. To the Editor of The Courier-Journal. I am the supervisor of a W.P.A.

project known as the Packhorse Library. The purpose of this project is to distribute books and magazines to the people in the rural and mining sections of Pike County and to establish a public library in our town. At the present time we have ten "carriers," who are W.P.A. employes, working in our county. They go out into territory and distribute books and magazines to those who are unable to buy reading material.

When the reader has read these books and magazines they are taken up and to someone else new ones being left in their place. Thus all rending material is kept circulating. All books must be donated for this work. At the present time we have only 275 books, and since Pike County is larger than the State of Delaware you can readily see that we are greatly handicapped from this angle. I wonder if you will run an article in your paper concerning our library and asking readers to donate books.

We will pay all expressage or freight charges on books. I assure you that if you can do this it will be greatly appreciated by both the library and the readers of Pike County. Naomi Lemon, Project Supervisor of Pack-horse Library. Pikeville, Ky. Communications Iblv written, one side of the name and address to be published the siKner.

approval by The bation officer this the Juvenile Now that the anticipate that the case Court. Those who have been program -ith in the Juvenile prevention and juvenile have better for action. Louisville. O. O.

To the Editor of Along with I have lost a mourn his loss memory. There O. O. Mclntyre. To many was columnist, was a real column was always with a literary own.

He was fame: New him and he boy. His flair for explained, as for the Louisville's Registration and Robertson County's Vote While Louisville's model registration law was initiated by non-partisan civic organizations primarily to insure fair local elections, all Kentuckians must be equally interested in the effort of Louisvilles citizens to preserve the integrity of the list of legal voters here where approximately fifteen per cent of the ballots are cast in the election of President, Governor and United States Senators. Kentucky has alternated between the two parties with striking regularity the last twenty years, electing Governors by majorities ranging from 464 to 95,000. Louisville's registered vote could be decisive in the ballot box, more decisive if the registration were cluttered with names for "repeaters" to use. It is unnecessary to argue that a growing city the size of Louisville needs a more rigid registration system than Robertson County, but little larger in area than Louisville, with only 3,344 inhabitants.

The facts speak for themselves. Robertson's 1,739 voters in its ten precincts must be pretty well acquainted and familiar to the precinct officers. The county lost population since 1920. But many times Robertson's population die in Louisville, move from one precinct to another or move away from Louisville every year. More people than live in Robertson move to Louisville every year.

Louisville found it futile when its population was 30,000 less, to depend on challenges and an annual purgation to clear the voting list of illegal names. To keep up with the changes, telephone, gas and electric companies report their installations daily to the Registration Commission; deaths are reported and all other means of accurate information are employed. The registrations are cancelled or changed to the proper precinct as the reports are received; both political party organizations and the voters who change precincts are immediately notified. The record is checked up annually with the census and challenges are considered besides. Comparison of Louisville's largest vote since the model registration was adopted with Robertson County's largest in the same period would reflect disgracefully on Robertson County if it were true that there are 10,000 illegal names on the Louisville registration list.

Louisville, where unmarried young men and women come from all around to work, polled but forty-two per cent of its census population, Robertson more than half its entire population. Louisville's vote, since the adoption of the present registration system, has dropped more than 14,000 in ratio to population, compared with the last general election before the adoption. The total vote has been less, though the population has increased 30,000. On the basis of Robertson's vote, Louisville's registration would be 25,604 larger. The proposed "ripper" discards the safeguards; but, if it retained them, it would abolish an experienced registration staff.

accustomed to the systematic methods, and set up a green organization only three months before registrations closed and the "purge" of more than a thousand names a day began. Louisville has been through all that and hoped to be through with it. "The "ripper" would throw down the bars for practical politicians to "do their stuff." Is it possible that anyone could have overlooked the fact that the August primary will be followed by the November general election when practical Republican politicians also will have the opportunity to "do their The future would hold forth the prospect of keen rivalry in bigger and better "stuffing." If only fifty-five per cent of the automobiles in Kentucky are listed for property assessment, official laxity is responsible. That is one kind of property that the County Tax Commissioner doesn't have to go outside the Court House Lo list. If articles of public record are omitted, how many million other things unexposed go untaxed? Hereabouts possession of car puts the owner in the class to make a tax return.

The argument over the comparative value of bombing planes and battleships doesn't reach the admiral's contention that "the battleship is the backbone of the fleet." The effort of each fleet is to break the other's backbone and that can be done by things flying in the air which wouldn't make a good backbone themselves. If it were not enough to make this city a den of election thieves, could anything be added to exceed the consummate gall of proposing to confiscate Louisville's $70,000 worth of registration office equipment? At least, they can't do that to us. The lighted way to matrimony has gone dark across the river. Those who embark on the matrimonial sea will have to steer their course by the stars as of yore. An armament limitation conference at this time would be like a disarmament conference between law enforcement officers and gangsters.

purchasable at any drug store, ammunition can be made. Holdups and murders have occurred since the Stone Age and the availability of firearms is not a factor in their frequency. Any enterprising holdup artist would prefer to be certain that no honest citizen could own a gun, think how much less risky it makes his profession. Most firearms legislation merely penalizes the honest sportsman who derives an enormous amount of benefit and enjoyment from the legitimate use of firearms. I suggest that sportsmen join the National Rifle Association to prevent the reformers from depriving them of their firearms.

Louisville. L. P. Aker. McINTYRE.

The Courier-Journal. 7.000,000 others friend. We shall and revere his was only one readers "Odd" Mclntyre just a clever newspaper but to me he personality. His usually entertaining, free of scandal, style all his unspoiled by his York always awed remained the smalltown clothes, he once fulfilling a desire clothes he could not afford In boyhood days. He died wealthy, but wealth never touched him.

I once saw him, garbed in full dress, and by way of contrast he was strolling arm in arm with Hey-wood Broun, a sight to remember. In late years Mclntyre answered his fan letters on plain Government post cards with the message written in his almost illegible handwriting, in red ink. I possess one of these oddities and prize it highly. "Odd" Mclntyre's success as a columnist was achieved by hard work. To him his daily column was a nightmare, but he never failed as long as he lived.

His writing gave joy to millions, offense to none. God rest his soul. One of Seven Million Louisville. Admirers. COMPULSORY AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE.

To the Editor of The Courier-Journal. I noticed in the paper a day or so ago that the lion. Rodes K. Myers of this cityias presented a bill to make it compulsory lor every motorist in this State to carry liability and property damage insurance. I do not think this law should be passed as it has been tried in several States.

I recall particularly in the State of Massachusetts, one of the first to try it, and it was, I believe, repealed as the premiums became higher and higher. It places the insurance companies in a very embarrassing position, as they are compelled to take all risks good and bad drivers and the careful driver is penalized by paying a higher premium for the reckless and careless driver. The law should not be passed. Toonerville Folks 0 COLOR. To the Editor of The Courier-Journal.

The saying "What you don't know won't hurt you" is one of the shining falsehoods. A streptococcus playing around "unawares" can hurt us "plenty." So can a dearth of color. We "don't know it," but the dearth of color in American cities produces wife-beatings, divorces, desertions, suicides. Some sweet day when we have "clean heat" no smoke, no dull grays everywhere, but beautiful colors like Charleston, S. the above calamities will show a sharp decrease.

Until then, the best we can do is to own paintings or fine copies in color. So, the brilliant exhibition of Dorothy and Norman Kohl-hepp's paintings at the Speed Museum, sponsored so successfully by the Junior League, and the opportunities offered by The Courier-Journal for acquir ing fine colored prints of the great masters are real contributions. The former has had splendid crowds and deserved them and the broad opportunity to satisfy the hidden thirst for color offered by the latter will, I hope, be embraced by thousands. Drinking to excess to slake this thirst will not fill the Police Court quite the contrary. So to all these benefactors my hat's off.

Arthur Allen. Glenview, Ky. THE JUVENILE COURT. To the Editor of The Courier-Journal. A story in The Courier-Journal today, February 12, "Juveniles Held In Slaying of Merchant," is another reminder of the inadequacy of our Juvenile Court.

We read in tne story that Thomas Pitt, one of the Negro boys charged, was placed on probation as recently as January 29. For what reason and on what conditions was this probation granted? Who investigated the circumstances and behavior of this boy and what did they find? What plan was made for his supervision and control? The services of a genuine pro- 7.

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