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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 11

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Kfntnel the air will nt norlow Hotel nt in, All who winh tfl cnJI ymir rodpectlvip Harden Flrnt Bnptlnl Cominq an Going Mr. nnrl Mrs, Murphoe and Cfllhorlne, ot Ath- I'M, Odin, nrfl viDltlnj; Mr. find fl, I'mifA Street. to bo Ann Kentlnij visiting hur auiii nnd uncle, Dr, nnrt Mrs. KmrtK'tt THfimpson, route lo her in nftf-r 2 month's visit In Cnllfornln nnd rodo, KUler Nwl O'Sloctt nml fnmlly of Pri'deott ere visiting In homp fif Mrs.

JMerthn TJiornnn nnd lloitn Ornnt, Mrs. ''McClnrcn of Wnshlngtori, I), "i-f rniithnr, Mrs, ,1. I), Miv nnd Mm. Durmnn Nell nnd Lclliln nnd Undu, huvp to JlrtiKi'frrtm ttltiff, Wlmbhi-ly of f'oln. JR.

HITS COLOR CARTOON CHAPTER 8 OF SERIAL "RADAR MEN PROM THE MOON" ona frail itlandt JAMES ARKB5S UV FlWAl SHOWING A JlnQiKl-9 moi J. Wlmberlr She fteeom. Mope by teir hrt him 2 Jfrpmy orp vti- Mm, of 0nt Wtxirt Stair Sfiuford flnd Jrttr. thU Or, and Mm, J. Sfc ftpwdlng 2 vacation flrwl other of Wlmborly of Tcnh vlnltlriB mnthnr.

Mm. J. Wtmbcrly. Mr. and Mrs, ttumittt Cornell of Tcxm, hnvc returnc'd nftrr a vldt with mnthf-r, Mm.

Hohort Mr. Major and Mm, Orln Gihann Atid ehlldfeti have returned home tttltir vlult with ClIliion'R ntntii, Mr. ntul Wll- Horns. Hospital Notes Branch AdmlUnd; Mr, J. Pickolt, cCndklll, L.

lllevlns, Mut. Johnny Watklnw, Mni. Hill Itoulon Ortrf boby boy, Hope. Receptions of Ike Can 7 Be Shrugged Off By JAMES MARLOW WASlfi'MafON tM- Gov. cnn't MhriiK n(t, If ho mich notlmi, ntnuxiitK rncciitlrins nrt tlHs on tils ciimpnlun openlnil In Um South fiut In Philadelphia, might llko to bo.

libve tttrtt tho turnout for tho KCII- ernl In th? iiorjllQularly, wns inorp the; I'Putitt of ciirlniilly, nr per- llklntii than of political al- Bui vpry of the crowds, and their cnthiminHjn, numt hnve jjlvon rnwn cJoiiit in Sloven.itin cold chills, Altpr Ji'lorklu'w torrid rcsponno 10 Klsonhowpr Hint silutc'si crntic Son. Smnthoni vlsiicd i-nson nnd expressed cnncorn thnt FJorUIn miKht ((u HcpuliUciin on loetlon titty. Tho jjpnttrril himself sot-mod lilinrutod liy the cxporicnco nnd bsfl him nclcd IJnill ho went Soiuh Ki 'l giUtlnt! rriticlam from supporters for not Inn atKin onouuh hnnl onouRh. Tho fact that stands ont. mmlS Is thnt nuilhnr side can (fill lit this Uiino f6r 4urc vvluit tho big turnouts for the mennt In the wny of votos in Nc vembfV.

Both sides will hnvo to themselves with wishful hlnkina. Stevenson himself will, visit the South. And if tho crowds that come to him don't mutch in nunv rs those that mot Eisenhower the, two cumpa still can't tell tor sin-o whnt It means In November votes. Meanwhile, Stevenson 'nnd Klscn- mwer seem to be mnklnu directly probh-u of AV'lttntnit votos 'and Influencing 1'ooplo, Yet, the fact thut they mve stnrtotj out differently mny )t; a dohilnunt tnctor In the len outcome. JElsenhower, needled to get Is Dtni-tlnR oft his cnrnpntmn with brottdvlde denuncliitlon of the liemocrolic 'udmlnlKtrotlon's per- 'ormunco tit home nnd ubroad.

U-'s pounded the corruption topics which the crowds seem to enjoy. But, xlneu he started the cnm- pnlttn ho has UmlteU himself to nnd broud promise.s without Kttylnu in detuil how he could, fat- Instance, hnmlle forelun polley bpUw. ho auys lie can, StevoiiKon is worUinj; the othur side of the street, at lousi in his eavly cumpuljjn talks, For example His Lubor Day speech in Detroit. the Taft-Hurtley Act and suniestlng It be replnocd lab'or luw, Stevenson wont tiUo Home specific detuil but didn't tho whole jjround by any means in the 30 minute TV allowed Him. A speech taken up almost entirely With detailed discussion of luw, ts not the 1 Mind thut can and strong men lear the benches.

The result: nuich from htn Itjrtctws Deu-oit. have known, be way, rvMtttotk dORO" Unrealistic Gifl Jtfur Minn t)ix: My RJrl frimd nnd hnvo decided to owtxtilt ymf on mutter of namely, tho Riving of glfti by a boy to girl friend. 1 nni 20, work- fns two to pay for an education, nnd having a hard time showing my affection for my girl friend In a material way. She and I have every thing in common, in to complete our college educations before getting Actress Bequeathed Hollywood Cafe tOS ANGELES Helen Gilbert, 34, former screen actress. became the owner of Hollywood tiiilfturrfnt yesterday when decree of distribution was issued in the left by her fourth husband, Victor Makzoumc.

rnorrlwl. However, thinks that OHbcrt, now residlnR with I should my affection wlthjh'T seventh husband. M. O. Bryn continual display of presents.

I not been stingy with enter- Uilnmcnt, have given her nice for birthday ond Chrlslrnns well un flowers and small In between, but 1 think she In wrong to expect me to bestow flxpcnMva constantly. We nrr- not engaged. How can I make my little pal that I'm not really ii mt'iin old tightwad, but um saving for our future together? JOE Anower: In my youth girls such yours were called what they are known as today I don't know, but your girl is it 1 Perhaps tshe's boon spoiled by her furnlly, expects everyone to pjiy constant and preferably ox- permlvo homage to her. Per haps flhr's just loo young to real- Istir that many things take precedence over material evidence in the display of affection. Perhaps too Impractical and Iriexpcr- to have any conception ol the value of dollar, It is even posiilble that she in too mcrcernary Ui be interested In being just 'pals' though that contingency I am inclined to doubt, Let's put her failing ax lock of uiulnrtiiandlng rather than deliberate itmumt- ont, now holds the controlling In in Victor's on Sunset Boulevard.

The decree, signed by Superior Judge John Gee Clark, was compromise settlement; Under It, Miss Gilbert, In exchange for out- assignment of the restaurant and at $40,000 Judgment of Condon Is Poor CHlCACiO menifosf! of tho tfounc un-American committee said today that Dr. Edward Condon demonstrated "poor judgment" and "loose thinking" in safeguarding atomic sec- Envoy Reports on Freeing of Writer WASHINGTON (UP) Ambassador Cilia O. Brlgjjs today wound up secret strategy talks on American efforts to free Newsman William N. Oatls from a Czech prison CC11. Brlgfis.

who headed for long- department He said he will report to Pre.ill dent Truman after his vacation and then get set for his new In Korea. Brlggs said his transfer in nl Way Implies that the United State! relating Its campaign to frel Oatls. The American charge d'afl it ts. Condon, former director of the National Bureau of Standards and a participant in development of atom bomb, testified for eight! close and Secretary hours yesterday on four-year-old i Dean Acheson discussed. charges that he was "one of the weakest links in our atomic security." Rep.

Donald L. Jackson fR- Calif), a member of the committee, yaid after hearing Condon's testi- 1 faires in Prague is the negotiations. carrying Ol Senators Eye Airport Damage WASHINGTON A Senatl watchdog group is investigating thl other holdings valued gave executors $10,000 in cash to help pay off other heirs. Clvt) Her The Fade Since you are certainly dolnjt nil you can to keep the scale of fi li-ndxhip on an even balance, try to evaluate tho reason tui you Kirl's excessive demands, then present her with the econom Jc facts of life. Show ner that It is impossible for you to live, acquire tin education, save for the future and purchase expensive gifts even though ynu are valiantly holding down two jobs.

A sudden rude awakening to the ac- tuiil prut-basing value of dollar, which she apparently has never hod to face, will give her an appreciation of your own generosity. You are an admirably ambitious youiiK man, and 1 hope your little pul is truly worthy of you Don Dorothy Dlx: My stater la two years older thnn 1 am. She tuiH more cluthc.s limn 1, but she In.slsls on borrowiiiK mine wUlinut even naklnu permission. I gone to my parents but, heenujis Junle Is ao cute, they Just liuijit me, JANJE Answer: Cute or not, your sister be taught to respect your tuul property, with your clothes). Your parents are wronu to withhold this lesson from tier.

You should, if ncces- snry, huve locked closet or chest in which you could your clothes from her mnniudlnu hands. You. in turn, of course, Nhould exorcise due consideration for her property. Los Angeles Is 171 Years Old LOS ANGELES The city in 171 years old but it still is not ure how to pronounce Its name. A jury of experts and civic lend ec.i appointed by the mayor threw up its hands in despair yesterday as the city celebrated its 171st birthday.

The jury foreman said the panel Is deadlocked over whether the should bo hard or soft. In his birthday message, Mayor Bowrop. dealt mostly on the problem of pronounciation, How would he pronounce it? He wouldn't say. His talk referred to the City of the Angels as "our- city." Gettysburg Is Home of Eisenhowers PHILADELPHIA Eisenhower suys she and her husband. Gen.

D. Eisenhower, now consider CcUyabruK. their "permanent home" no matter where they may KO in the future- even the While Housn. Talking svith a group of Pennsylvania girls from tho Young Republican Club yesterday while the GOP presidential candidate was touring Philadelphia, Mamie siad their farm nt Gettysburg: "The house is mine and I love it mid the tret's around it. Some of my friends are trying to persuade rue to build a new pace on one of the hills but fell in love with tho old house first." The Eisenhowers are co-owners inony that he considered him guilty largely of poor judgment during tho period when he had responsibility for some of tho nation's most closely-guarded atomic secrets.

The California congressman said the committee would study Condon's testimony and probably would issue a enw report concerning the scientist who now is head of the Coining Glass company's research department. Rep. John S. Wood (D-Ga), the committee chairman, was reported recovering today at St. Luke's hospital from a heart seizure that caused him to collapse during the hearings.

He expected to leave the hospital today. Jackson said he thought Condon answered "some questions satisfactorily" but that he demonstrated "loose thinking" on other phases of the Inquiry. During his testimony, CoYidon de- niod that he is or ever was a communist or that he knowingly associated himself with Communists or subversives. lie admitted membership in the Pittsburgh colmlcl for American- Soviet friendship and the American- Soviet scientific society, both offshoots of the national council for ls at Carswell Air Force Base, 01 i to see if losses were due to ir adequate storm warnings, equip It was underwood, however, thalj men or manpower. "ifiabe to report Wal tcr Jenkins, administrate frulltess assistant to Sen.

Lyndon B. Jcf i atollltc nation, son (tVTex), chairman of the Scr mllB-mannered As- Press correspondent in! IT CAN CATCH IT SHOUUJ BE TO CATCH Bitty MX S1M9 st AfTUH CAN'T UNDETOTAND IK u- a 5 S8ia ie preparedness subcommittee, nounced yosterciay that the probl t.ounee yeseray a pro Prague was jdiled 18 months afioi was under way. Air Force official. on trumped-up spy charges.

Every a so are conducting a thorough inl diplomatic maneuver has failed tn'vestigation win hi, release. The most the Redsj Fotlr of the three million dolla have done was to allow Briggs to last fiom personal -3G bombers at the base wer PP a over and 1 25 ccn all planes at the giant fiekl who has just returned WC1 damaged when a sudden, vio Prague made a detailed. i nt wln storm struck Intej. Moiyland Musings Answer fo OUT OUR WAY By J. R.

WHM By Mlthaol O'MolUy otid Ri jl fc JT report on the case yesterday to Aeheson and ether top age apparatus. But he denied any knowledge of Silycrmaster's alleged subversive activities and said ho never gave Silvermaster any secret information or government documents. His testimony, prompted Rep. Harold H. Velde (D-lll) to remark: "While we don't want to find you guilty by association, it seems a little peculiar that'this type of person seems to have flocked around you like Flies around a pot of honey." Condon confirmed previous statements he had ma de.

that he considered measures which were too stringent as more dangerous than the evils they sought to prevent because they ham-strung scientists exchanging information on re- American-Soviet friendship search developments. has been branded as a subversive organization. "Condon also admitted that he was acquainted with a dozen persons since named as Communists, subversives, or of spy rings. He said he had carried on an acquaintanceship with NatKnn Sil- vermaster, named by admitted spy Courier Elizbeth Buntlcy as a member of a Communist espion- HOPE DRIVE-IN THEATRE 3. Main Country Club rd.

SATURDAY DOUBLE FEATURE "ROUGHSHOD" Plus "NAVY BOUND" SUNDAY MONDAY "A PLACE IN THE SUN" cf farm nt Gettysburg George S. Alton, one-time' to President Truman. Collegians Go in Heavy Bells STOCKTON, Calit. any church or firo bells? You might try the Alpha Kappa Phi fralcrntiy house at College of tho hrfvc a criminal record. An FBI spokesman said complaint has boon issued charging Kinsey with interstate transporta- with Don of stolen property, Police said Kinsey, who hnd boon employed by the Boys Club '1848 at a salary of $4,000 a jiar, received a three-year prison sentence fpr obtaining money under fnlse 1 in 19S7.

Ho bhe year suspended sentence for forgery in Pncilic here. Last December, the Columbia in 1947. R. J. A.

'Ka'emmerer, president of the Boys Club's board of directors, reported Kinsey rented an someone stole! Automobile'last month and disap- Miss Dix: When I'm n- round boys I flirt with thorn, since flirlinu comes us nutural to me us breothinK. The boy 1 nm going with nl present is very jealous be- ciuiso I puy attention to other boys. I'm nfrald if I keep flirting we will break up soon, 1 don't want him to think that he's my "one and only," yet I'd hate to lose him, WORRIED Answer: In other words, you would like to hnvo your cake and out it, too! Well, that's one of the privileges of the teens. Sliicc you (ire obviovusly more fond of the boys attentions than those of the boy himself, you are being a wee bit miel Ui keep hlnv, Since you are'very youny, why not up the iden of going steady with any ono boy. and be friendly witli all of them? When you find the real "one and only" the flirting will stop.

by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.) fairly dull said later the IQ a uum- ihu in that hia rttflhod, the suuUar to first few with dry ta order to specific OK the promises be -sr- pejapya tho tot the condi- fftt dawn to Iw'U do what Ue says the 000-pound brass noise maker long used as the fire alarm Clara. Yesterday, Fire Chief Leonard George Rot a tip to look In tliu Alpha Knppa Phi house here. So it- grabbed Police Inspector Frank Sapena nnd sped the GO-odd miles from Snnta Clara to Stockton. Sure enough, there was Santa Clara's big fire bell in the fraternity's trophy room. So, added Sapena, are seven or eight other bells-trophies, 'he was informed, ol freshmen pledge raids.

NOTICE! We are prepared to take care of your winter pasture orders for seeds and fertilizers as well as Cotton Dust, DDT and Calcium Arsenate. Plenty of parking room and loading space at our new location where business is appreciated. MO NTS HORIZONTAL 54 Tin-lead alloy 1 Maryland's 55 Angry state flower is VEBTICAL the black- i individual eyed performances 0 "Fattl 2 Muse of Maschill, astronomy Parole 3 Devils Femine" is 4 Dined i Maryland's 5promontory I Repast 23 Shipworm 37 Bloodlessness ill Makes Viable scrap 25 Occasion 38 Feel speeches 8 Names (Scot.) I contrition i i 13 Continued claws 27 Genus of 39 Playing card story 10 Ersatz butter frogs 41 Trial i 14 Newest (slang) 29 Maryland is 43 Wash lightly 15 Gossip 12 Pace nicknamed 45 Lock of hair ICTierradel 13 Frighten the" (Scot.) i Fuego Indian suddenly State" 48Tiburon i 17 Division of 13 Dance step 33 Entertain Indian i the calyx 21 Fasten sumptuously 49 Light brown I 19 Card game securely 34 Click beetle 51 River in i 20 Transgressions (coll.) 35 Eternity Switzerland 22 Golf term i23 Number (pi.) 24 Vipers 26 Emphasis i 28 Lion 30 Gibbon 31 Sick 32 Compass i point 33 Retrograde 36 Jewish month 39 Far off i (comb, form) 40 Land parcel 42 Heavy blow i 44 Mohammedan 1 title 45 Prongs 47 Roof finlal J-! i 48 Kind of palm 50 Many of these are trained at Annapolis, Maryland SEED STORE 310 E. 2nd Possible Saucers May Be Illusions STUTTGART, Germany A ftvtntp pf scientiKU: wbu seriously expect man sojnedtty to rocket to Mars s.iy that tlyiittf saucers may be tvotliiitg but optical illusions Ami ihoy ure not simco sliips trom uiwther plarH't, The tram hm for thq atbftal CPU- svcss ahnost that from MJ.TS any other body in space. The osperts aUo said they not believe reported fl discs were at new did not rule out that possibility completely, Most of the scientists at Siess said, however, they felt the illusion theory probably was They olso agreed it would maity more years of researph before he fly rockets into space.

But they firmly believe travel between the will couw alter ItiibTi what Boys Club Official Sought for Shortage WASHINGTON An FBI search was under wriy today for tlie bookkeeper of the Boys Club Washington after the discovery of a $38,500 shortage in the club's Tho bookkeeper, James H. Kin- scy, 53, was described by club ofllciul us "a funny little Milquetoast," but was said by police to showed the money missing. PWCES CUT Days BIG NIGHT Dairy Cattle AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT SEPT. 11, 7:30 P. M.

Owens Bros. Yard Texarfcana, Texas 75 of 40 fresh, and close to calvlna. Qucrnsty cows MiJorlty reoistored CftWt producing from 40 to 70 A 8 to 6 tolSQOmmods, Hioh Heifer majority Real rtecf: will tike MwrdUwi or T. 6. i-.


OB eeo FOR VOU ACCOUNT BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES AVVOAVS ci? 1 52 Ester of olelc 163 Prepares for competition CARNIVAL By Dick Turner BUGS BUNNY GO ON, 1 KNOW IT, PORKY, BUT i By Hershberger FUNNY BUSINESS ALLEY OOP C'MON NOW, IF YOU REGMN VOUR Oli CARPET, YOU'LL GIVE OOC TH'WORDS FOOZV AN 1 MAGIC OTHER OOOLA WILL NEED TO WORDS JU6TCOMB WDN06RWHV1 i -What was my wife doing in here, Trying to sneak something of a personal, domestic nature into my cam- paign promises?" By Golbrairh SIDE GLANCES JSl kr H' rT i.i on "It's man instinct starting to show 1 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS iy Bloiier CHRIS WELKIN, Planeteer JUST GOT A HOT FROM ONE OF OQR. SPIES AT THE CRUKAPET ART MUSEUM your in MONDAY.tUfSDAlf. WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 8-9-10 MAID OF HONOPI Wtx and $1.85 Contains Grade No.

Cornaiiba applier is thick, removable sheepskin head. Wood handle. Folt Cut!.

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