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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 10

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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HdM ITAI, H6M, AftKANSAS to tho to hw ww hWi tor on U. eicuriite ft R0fM Hi Kovem frtrtinMmm'ltH' mm rrtfovrd, Failure Wince unit will M)d tndto'n iftrcfil noetlon with tho Kironn eumpitffft, MlnUtry ttitfd to coffifnwtt MI Nphru'fl period decKton, terming it "A DO- qutittoft" lot the Mlnfutw PoMljfft MlnUtry. word of action linked out. there general dlnuppolntment In mlfiiar)r'vfirelM that Indlg, wan breafcinir only Unit wlaf the U. military command, active) nupport nf Ko- rtfln campalfin Virtually ended When U.N, troepi eroMod the Mlh Nehru had warned tuoh notion would the conflict, More recently tho Indian Prlftift If i Idler hon rrltlclwl puhllcly, In Parliament and thp bombing oft North during tho truort ncjotla- Italy todty mourned diplomat, Count Carlo (forts, who died toil night aftnr hutt century of Itboral, in world Cabinet with- portfolio At the time of lilt twice In tho pinnt a for- mlnlitcr-dlcd In Romr fllnlo dfttr yonr'K iftrlous Illnesx 'Wotild hoya been 19 on 11 The cause of death w.i« nut announced, but reportedly he wax tinder for IU wiffcrod fl blood yesterday morning.

Ills funeral will tomorrow Premier Alcldp do OosperJ cut hojrt hli vacation to attend the olons with tho top nrul foreign en- July 2, 1993; the 00th onhl- Viliiiri.I versary of of tho Morrlll Act which crcated Amsrlco'ii o( land, I flrnnt OTICE! prepared to take care winter pasture PMA for seeds and fertilizers Cotton Dgst, DDT and of parking room np space at our new location us i ness is appreciated. ONTS SEEP STORE 310 E. 2nd SPECIAL COW SALE IRSDAY NIGHT 1952 p.m. COMMISSION In Production from kto45D 0 yi HEAD HOLSTEIN Iiv0 Years Old From DHIA Ttittd H.rdi ond BANGS FREE te With Each Cow on All oil in this ellmotf yeor group of 4 oil Htory rOntst proup of cows. thk port ef country, If Cow' you con'fr ottord September September HOfl MOr-li ARKANSAS Italians Mourn Death at' Jiut' 1 t.

Abo oord, fellow voiced In nglon, S. Seorwluiy of State Acheion doncrlbed hit Italian ollcagtio great ntatonman ml dlntFntulHhed scholar" who 'itttunchty supported throughout lie lifetime tho prlnclplcH of free doni oqd juntlcu for which ho 1,7 In voluntary oxlla tptflllt'irliin regime of wiw lojllnl. Sforxa returned o'nls after the Allied In 1043 and played a lead. rig, In lifting the nation from to" Its present foreign, mlnlHter under Da from 1947 until iutit year, (ilgned the r.uropttun Hucov dryi Protfroio, Pact with United RtuteB In IMA, the Atlantic Pact on bthnlf of Italy In 1040 and tho Schumon Plan Treaty for a Weal 1 Conl-fltwl pool. He wan toil active booHlcr for Wusturn I'AI unity.

Catholics Against Forced Repatriation MV-Tho Onlhullc Asiot'lutlun for Intcrnutlunal llftfoM firm support of tin 1 U. HiA'crMfiifmt'H Hluiul uiliilnst forc icpolrlutton of mm-Comnuiniiil win In Koran. fUttuun Ctttlinlic KrtHip yi tcrduy ItiNued liy lithk'H Comrnlttfo which for Huuh prlHoiH-rs to return to Jltid-rillvd nreus would bo "co-op- vratUvM in thw (utntccutlon or Mcuth of prUonor.i." PRESCOH NEWS tluntlty, The Pioneer Fcliowihlp of Prenbytcrlnn Churclj will meet on Buttdoy at 4:30 p.m. The Youth Fetlownhlp will at 0. Supper will be nerved by Floyd Hubhard and Mm, GUM McCanklll.

There will be a Peoples Service nl the Church of Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Tho young people of the Aitcm- bly of God Church will meet at 6:43 p.m. Sunday, Tho BTU of the Baptist Church wiil meet on Sunday at 0:30 There will be for Young Profile of Church of Christ at 0:45 Sunday afternoon. Tho Youth Fellowship of thr Methodist Church will meet at 6:30 Sunday evening. Mri.

Lea Klnnsy HotUta To OlrcU 2 of W8C8 Lee Klnney was hoitesi to Circle 2 of the WSCS of Methodist Church at her home on Monday afternoon. In the ubntnco of the Mm, Adam Quthrle presided. Aftor iho John gave the devotional talk on "The word of Hscohclllutlon." Tho program on Tell tho Story" wna pronentod by Mrs. H. 1..

Union. Mrs. W. D. Gordon offered pray er fur Mrii.

1C. Shall who la ill. After neverol songs ware sung thr hostess sorved a dainty 1 dcs sort course to the twelve present. WSCS Circle 3 In Home of E. R.

Ward Twelvo tnombers of Circle 3 of the WSCS of the Mcthodtet Church met on Monday afternoon In hornw of Mrs. K. H. Ward for tho monthly rnee.ting. 'Mm.

II. H. McKenzle, acting ehiiirmun, opened with prayer and Legal Notice SALE VJCK IS HEREBY GIVEN, in pvuMunncu of the authority and directions contained in the of the Chancery Court of Memp.ittnul County, mado and on the lath duy of A. 1), 11102, Uv a certain iNo. thori pending lluirvliv compluliiDiit, nnd Mury lUewU defendant, the viiulontlKnud, at Cominlsulonur of snkl Court, will offer -idle ut public vtuidue to tho hlghwt bidder, ut tho cast door or enfronci! of tho County Court- houao, in which said Court held, In tto County of.

Hompstead, within the Kourn by luw for Judicial nuloH, on Thursday, tho day of September, thu ing porsoiiul pro- to wit, 1948 model Ford tujtomofclifl, motor No. oa-BA-MO- TERMS OF SALE: On a credit of months, the putohnser being required to uxecuto bond ns required by low und the order and or suld Court In said cause, with approved secudty, bearing ut the of six cent per annum from of until Ptttd, and a Uou being on property void to. the pay- intnt of the purchase money, Given undtir my this 28th ut August, ioaa. in Chancery Ltgol Notice llempstead County, Ark. Vowigblood Plaintiff Uonurd Youngbjoad Defendant WARNINQORDBR Ttwr attendant, Leonard blood warood.

to appear In this court within thirty nnd Answer Ethel iwut and vhe seal of day u( August 8, 13 the meeting coruluctud the 'I'he dvvotlonul thought on "The Word of Uetundllutkm" given Mrs. Blitln lluys. The pro- tirum for the afternoon Y'Os presented Mrs. Joe A. on the tcipic Tell Ye The Jjtory." with Silent with niL'Ullutlon followed Mrs, McKenzle.

Mm, V. McMahch, WSCS pres lUont, was a A delectable sandwich course served by the hostess. C. R. Clrclo 4 of 9 Mrs, C.

R. Gray entertained Circle 4 of the WSCS of the Metlv Church ut her home on the Hosston Koud on Monday ufter- noon. Mrs, R. A. Wurron, chairman, presided und the' devotional on "The WorU Reconciliation." Mcs, T.

VVorlhlnKton gave Interustlni; progrum on, Tell Yo Thu Story." After the business session UIP hostess served dellnhtful rtfrosh- to the eleven mumbers und vLsitor. Second Piddle to A Saxophone DETROIT, ifi Joan Walfh Phell won a divorce in Circuit Court yesterday after protesting had to piny second fiddle to her huaband's love-n naxaph'one. She testified that her husband was "Intentionally unemployed" and practiced on his xuxaphono while she supported them. "Arid he went on a literal toot, two years ago," said. "He went to New York to study the instrument, and hasn't come back." Ike Uses His Twink' to Win Women By BILL LOFTUS PH1LADEPHIA, OOP presidential candidate Dwight D.

Els- enhower Is using his famous twink line eyes and big smile along with campaign oratory to win tho women voters of thc country. Perhaps partially of this effort, more than half the 2. persons who cheered him on Phil- dttlphla'x downtown streets yes- ulontf his 40-hlock route were women. Some of them ran tlongslde his cor shaking hands and wishing him well. And again last night at Convention Hull where he made his first blj? political speech of the cnm- pnlgn, a majority of the audiende were women.

Reporters traveling with tho in his two-day tour of the South said they noted the same trend. Elsenhower's jnuin theme was peace a subject always close to the hearts of women. Ills most definite accession to the feminine interest in politics came at I fa 11 where he remarked: "I bellevr women arc oven more impressed because the American heritage strikes a little closer to them than to the average man. A man working till Any IOIIK may too busy at times to think of the spiritual allies of this great shrine. Women, I think, never." The female enthusiasm was just too much for one middle-aged lady who broke through tho cordon of protecting police at least a half dozen times as Ike left Independence Hull to shout: "I love you, Ike;" And the woman behind Ike.

pert Elsenhower, received a France Cracks Down on Dope Peddlers PARIS. ordered an all-out police war today on illegal drug traffickers pourina heroin into the United States nnd Canada At a rate of up to $145,000 worth a year. Health minister Paul nibeyre ordered the crackdown after three of booming drug manufacturing and Uading which maclo France Europe's No. 1 producer ol illegal narcotics. "Out of an estimated 1,000 pounds of heroin manufactured clandestinely In France every year," a ministry spokesman said today, "more than 900 pounds Is to the U.S.

and Canada. It is our international duty to do something about It." Prices quoted abroad for pure heroin range up to $10,000 on ounce, ffut pure heroin seldom reaches average addicts. Price quoted by U. S. agents show that main dealers purchase 42 per cent pure heroin at $450 on ounce, cut in 10 times and sell It for $1,850 an ounce, while the final price to tho user may be increased almost to any limit depending on circumstances.

Ribeyre set the wheels i in: motion for the crackdown by winning cabinet approval for a sefeies of curbing measures drawn up; in response to a United Nations memorandum on the drug problem. The spokesman explained that France replaced Italy as 'Europe's No. 1 narcotics producer In 1949 after strong Italian measures oiir- tailed tho traffic there. "Before 1949, only two factories were believed manufacturing heroin In France." the spokesman said. "During the past year, health ministry agents alone have tin covered five, each producing around 20 pounds of heroin per week." The comparative cheapness of narcotics in France attracts many American addicts to take up permanent residence here, police said.

Certain cafes on the right bank of the Seine in Paris only three blocks from police headquarters sell marijuana "reefers" at prices f.nly slightly higher than ordinary cigarettes. Hibeyre's measures Included increased penalties for traffickers, forced cures for addicts, stricter supervision of doctlrs' prescriptions and reinforcement of police divisions dealing with the problem. Boston Mo it to Hiod Moyors Sparkman ticket. Democratic National CortimittH Chairman Stephen A. MitcHeil, anl nouncing Hynes' John'post today, said the II.

Hynes of Boston has agreed to to name 12-co-chairmen fro henA the National Committee ofiious parts of the to support the Stevenson-! with him. rtf thd 'plan! Circle 2 of PretbyUrUn' Church Matti Circle a of Church met on Monday evening In the home of Mrs. E. Logan with Mrs. Max Bryant vo-hostess.

The chatlrman, Mrs. opened the meeting with prayer, Mrs. S. O. Logan the Hiblo Study on "Are You Achieving Your Victory In Christ?" That followed with prayer.

Mrs. Ernestine Baker told of the life of Uuniel Baker. The conversation period on "HcHgions Christian KUvicutUtn" was Ud by Mm. Bryant. A sandwich course wus tv five members ami a guest.

BUI Youcvy and daughter. Curia are spending the wwik with bl parents, Mr, nnd MM. Mrs. C. H.

Thompkins has re- turntU from uu extended stay in Buy City. Mich. rousing ovation when ushered Into Convention Hall. Holding a bouquet of roses, sho waved and waved. Then she listened intently as her husband outlined his peace program.

Despite 17,. screaming enthusiasts Inside and at least 5,000 outside, thc Hall rally failed to outdraw another major attraction. The New York Yankees Whipped the Philadelphia Athletics In an American League night gome, 12-2, as 31,424 fans watched Bobby Shontz lose his sixth game While seeking his 23rd win. Shibe Park's capacity is 35,00 compared to 15,000 at the hall. Men were in the majority at the hall game.

And the general turned political! didn't the crowd which the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt drew when he toured here in 1840, campaigning for re-election. But FDR's one million persons were stretched over 30 miles compared to Ike's 250,000 in 40 blocks. Sparkman Carries Drive to N. Mexico SANTA FE, N.

M. W) Sen, John Sparkmuii of Alabama swung Southward through New Mexico to- d.ay, taking his bid for the vico presidency to towns in the popu- Rio Grande Valley. The Democratic candidate lev- pled his guns at critics of the present administration's foreign policy, describing it as "strongly and hopefully positive." lie accused Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican presidential aspi- of poor hindsight und. fore- Plane Head's Wife Gets $3000 Monthly LOS ANGELES, W.

Douglas, 60, Douglas Aircraft Corp. head, and his estranged wife, Charlotte, QO, agreed yesterday he svould pay her $3,000 mpnthly support pending trial of their divorce- separate maintenance suit. Douglas has sued his wife for divorce after 30 years of marriage. He charged mental cruelty. Mrs, Douglas, in her cross-complaint Mrs.

Marguerite Tucker, 51, assistant to the president at the aircraft firm, as co-resppndent. THE SHORTENING THAT HELPS CAKES ACHIEVE EAT APPEAL EXTRA SPECIAL LADIES TAKE Besides the special 2 for 1 Sunday Dinner The Diamond Cafe and Cafeteria is going to Give Away Each Week to the Three Lucky People a Set of Sheffield Stainless Steak Knives. They are beautiful, and it is thing every one needs in their set of Six Sheffield stainless Steak Knives to the three people (6 each) every until' further notice. All you have to do is come to the Diamond Cafe and Cafeteria, and Register wiih the cashier between 1 0 A. M.

and 3 P. Sunday and get your FREE TICKET, wifh a number printed on it. Keep the stub, and put the other part in box at cashiers desk. will be held Monday Evening 8 P. M.

Numbers will be dra'Wn by any one who happens to be a guest of the DIAMOND at the time. You do have to be present to get your knives. Should your number be drawn the winner will be published in Tuesday's Hope Sfajr. Don't forget the fine fodd you always get when you chose DIAMOND, for your meal time enjoyment. The FINEST FOOD that can bought is served to each and everypr)e who visits the DIAMOND and is prepared by the finest cooks in the Southwest.

DON'T FORGET THE SPECIAL 2 for 1 Sunday Dinner Two trays for the price of one plusj 50c. It is the best bargain you ever bought. To get the children ready for school all children with their parents will get the Child's Plate This Coming Sunday FREE. DIAMOND CAFE and CAFETERIA Mr, (uid Mrs, Dudley Gordon, Anna and ElUn. fvom several days stay in Thwias Mary Monday in Wl WwPIBWNP 69' Miss Aiut McSwuln Is spending the month of twr with Mr.

Mrs, C. McSwttin. MUs Mo- Swain had guest both, as far as relations ore concerned. On at lettsl two occasions, Sparkman said Elsenhower said Russia wanted relations with the U.

lit A Moscow news conference and before a congressional committee Miss Tauna Murrjr of Bwk has Uw Mr. and Mrs. T. Murry. Mr.

and A and soo. of relumed to after visit KM. C. F. Bipartisanship in foreign affairs, Svarkman said is necessary if the United States is to perform the of leadership it has assumed.

hit New Mexico in a series of quick visits to some key artjas. His party stumped toward today, stopping at Helen. Socorrv. Truth or and other towns along the route. Mather speech Is scheduled at Las Cruces.

Pfc. is fuest of WUUuro WUUs he MUity Scbool Om will I FRIDAY and SATURDAY MONEY RAISING I SALE Models Threottn Cow-Up Striki TORONTO, (UP) Tore o's school models cover-up striku today don't warm up soon- ftulumu weaUwr struck sud- this the shiv- models recalled their one- witn board of this month. DISCOUTN ON ALL CASH PURCHASES OF $1.00 or MORE. Everything in our Entire Stock Included. Hurry Be Here when the doors open.

SAENGER TODAY A SATURDAY ntuoce ono nu Plus 2nd Feature LANE SOCIETY 74411 I A. M. and 4 M. Calendar Monday, September 8 Hope Band Auxiliary will have a meeting Monday night, September 8, at 7:30 at Cannon Hall. All members are urged to oe present.

The Rebecca Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church will meet Monday evening, September 8, at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Basil York. Circle No. 1 of the WSCS of the First Methodist Church will have short business meeting at the church Monday afternoon at 3:30 prior to the regular meeting of he WSCS. BLACK HILLS AMBUSH JR.

HITS: Chapter 8 of Serial 'Radar Men From the Moon' Color Cartoon MONDAY A GO-GET-EM GUY on a South Pacific Manhunt! 'LAIN The Wesleyan Service Guild of First Methodist Church will meet Monday, September 8, at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. B. B. Me- Pherson with Mrs. J.

W. Patterson as associate hostess. McClanahan Family Reunion Held Sunday A family reunion was heid at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. John F.

McClanahan of Emmet Sunday. Those present were: Mr. nnc Mrs. McClanahan, Mr. and Mrs.

f'orrest Hopper and children, Sail' dra imd Alice, of Kansas City, Mo, Chief J. F. McClanahan of Bcr mutia, Mr. and Mrs. E.

R. Wray and sons, Mack nnd Gary, of Cam den, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ponder Camdcn, and Mr. and Mrs.

R. Ponder and Daughter, Becky Sue ol Hope. Mrs. James Hollls Honored with Shower The Kebckah Lodge honorcc Wednesday, September 10 The City Federation of Garden Clubs will have their annual luncheon at the Barlow Hotel, Scp- 10. All garden club members who wish to attend please call your respective garden club president.

Mrs. James Hollis, a recent bride, with a miscellaneous shower on Thursday evening at the Lodge Hall. The honorcc was the recipient of many useful gifts. Cake, iced drinks, and coffee was served to the twenty guests present. Coming ana Going Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Hyatt and Stuart bpragins of Little Hock will be week end guests of relatives. Miss Catherine Cox is spending a few days in Joncsboro and Helena before returning to Fayctte villc wnerc she will enter the Uni- Jacquelyn Laughlin Celebrates 6th Birthday Mrs. Parke Laughlin entertained versily of Arkansas, her daughter, Jacquelyn, on her 6th birthday, September 3, with Gold Rus hTale toPlay3-Days at Rialto "The Outcasts of Poker Flnt," new suspense western bnsod on the classic Bret Hartc story, plays at the Rialto Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with Anne Baxter and Dale Robertson in the starring roles. A story of humans In conflict with the elements of nature and the brutality of a crazed gunman, "The Outcasts of Poker Flal" IS one of the most frequently discus scd classics of American literature and is recognized as the forerun ncr of tho modern western.

Mil lions of copies of the book havo been sold and the talc has beet translated in nine different lunfl uagcs. Set in the raw, lusty, vlolcn California gold rush era. the story narrates the gripping account four misguided girl a professional gambler, the danc hall queen and the town dcre lict who are expelled from th mining town of Poker Flat onl; to become prisoners of a heart less murderer. Forced to rely 01 each othbr, they set about conquer their adversary, Anne Baxter plays the waywar girl who seeks happiness in th arms of the gambler. Dale Rob crtson incorporates his rugged pe sonality in bringing the gamble to life.

Cameron Mitchell is giv en his first big opportunity as th pistol-whipping killer. Report maintain that Mitchell's portray al of the meanest, toughest brul a party at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Davis 521 West 4th. Nut baskets and balloons were given as favors.

Ice cream and cold drinks were served to the following: Clarence Kennedy, Teddy Messer, Sue and David Moore, David Oglesby, Virginia Ann Hornady, Tommy and Louise Powers, Karen Ann Cobb, Keith Byrd, Jimmy Johnson, Roger Sessions of Stamps, Jacquelyns great grandfather, J. H. Tatom of Stamps, her aunts. Mrs. Dave Rogers, Mrs.

Vcrna Mitchell of Stamps, Mrs. Bess Woosley of Pine Bluff, Mrs. Marvin Rogers, and daughter, Sharon, Mrs. Claude Byrd and son, Douglas. First Methodist Church Choir Has Picnic The Choir of the First Methodist Church had a picnic supper Thursday evening at the home of Paul O'Neal.

Fifteen members gathered around the fire to broil hamburgers and later in the evening a watermelon feast was held. to be seen on the screen in sum nine has stamped his as top pi- Mr, and Mrs. Henry Taylor arej il in future movie plans. spending the week end in Dallas with their children, Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Taylor and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. Wintrcd Hastings, and Mr. and Mrs. Hillary Taylor.

Mon. at the Saenger JOHN WAYNE ami RALPH HONDA listen to radio reports in thu scene from Warner "BIO JIM McLAlN." Sun. Mon. Tues. at the Rialto CAMERON MITCHELL holds a gun on ANNE BAXTER and DALE ROUERTSON in 20th Century-Fox's "OUTCASTS OF POKER FLAT." Ike Backers Plan Campaign Over State LITTLE ROCK (AV- Two sop- rate but pnrellcl for he presidential o.nhdldncy of Gen.

DwlRht Eisenhower will be con- uctcrt. In Arkansas. ArkAnsns Rfepvlblleaii lender. 1 nd tho steering cbmmittee for the tor JfilsCnhower mot sep- irntcly night following he Rfinerai'9 ttppenrance here nnd napped their campaign strategy. Chief difference between the Is that thc regular Republican organisation will plug Its en- no ticket of office seekers, while he up most- of seek support for the GOP presidential ticket of Elsenhower and Sen.

Richard Nixon, (R-Callf)'lite vice presidential nominee. Regular Republicans, headed by Verne Tlndntt of Stultgnrt, plan set up a speaker's utll- tf radio time and send their iibcrnntorinl nominee, Jeff Speck, on stump tour of sumo 30 major und towns. Tho dlttasnt jtrtutp all ft speaker lli mote' Irtd the atirto- to crntle bntllof iMy been The tnns for 'legiif times Inns' were nfclflMi which hourlftd- find 'fSftiVil legal S. Mr, In A Country emb And, the GOI 1 nlso will try to Rot sonic top party brass Into Avknn- seem to bo quite commonplace among men In middle the last fling, or so they excuse It. Actually, It's a liiek of backbone whon woman with nothing else to do beckons, Your husband will undoubtedly come back, a sadder and wiser man, 'TEXAS CARNIVAL" With Plus SecondvFwH CAVt -'am VIO riuspital Notes Branch Admitted: Mrs.

K. M. Stephens, Blevms, Mrs. J. E.

Cassidy, of Hope. Discharged: Mrs. Exie McClel- Ian, Patmos. RIALTO Today Tomorrow 2 FEATURES 2 "RED" "JUDY" The Rough Ridin' Kids "WILD HORSE AMBUSH" ALSO "The Critics Were HORRIFIED" Life 'No Orchids for Miss Blandish" NOT RECOMMENDED FOR CHILDREN IS COMING! MOM M-G-MI TECHNICOLOR! CIUDS Ozan St. Paul The Ozan SI.

Paul Home 'Demonstration club held its August ice cream social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chism of Yancy. A large crowd of neighbors and friends were present and enjoyed an evening of visiting, eating homemade ice cream and playing games. The September meeting will "be at the home of Miss Alma Hanna with a demonstration on planning recreation for the whole family.

Rocky Mound The Rocky Mound Home Demonstration club met Thursday, August 21, at the home of Mrs. Alfred Bearden. The American creed was repeated by the group. After a song, the hostess read the devotional followed by oy Mrs. Ivan Bright.

The Club members and their, families will have an ice cream supper at Fair Park. After a business meeting games were enjoyed with prizes going to Mrs. Wayne Turner and Mrs. Ivan Bright. Refreshments were served to eight members.

The Sept. meeting will be with Mrs. Claude McCorklc. There will be an exchange of secret pal gifts. CASUALTIES ANNOUNCED AM A Takes Swipe at TV Programs By ROBERT GOLDENSTEIN CHICAGO The Journal of the American Medical Association took a swipe today at some of television's crime-ancl-horror programs, saying they could endanger the health of the nation's children.

"Unfortunately, astonishing little research has been done on the medical and psychological Impact of television on children," tho Journal said in an editorial. The Journal said that "for its own interest" the television industry should acknowledge the "adverse medical and psychological implications" found in many such programs. "It should foster research on tho impact of television on mind and body, and should make a sustained effort to avoid programming shows potentially dangerous to the health of the nation's children," the edi- trrial said, adding: "Indeed, the television industry would be well advised to accom plish this voluntarily and as rapid ly as possible in order to neutralize the growing hue and cry foi government regulation and Us attendant evils of censorship." The Journal cited two studies in its conclusions: 1. A survey made by TV Magazine of television programs on Los Angeles stations the week of May 24-30. 2.

A survey made by Dr. M. I Preston In 1941 on the effect of movie horror and radio crime shows on children. It said the TV Magazine survey showed that In one week Los Angeles stations carried 852 major crime incidents, in addition to in- DOROTHY DIX Overattentive Boss Dear Miss Dix: What can be done in a case when- a boss IE family. I maintain we need all thc very sweet, kind and affectionate 'extra money for our home.

P.R. 'to soerotaryV His is Answer: If the matter has be' girl wlui does not wish to hurl so serious to you that it has nyone her husband, her hoss'si ll constant you wife, nor the boss. She has told! wert! ht to bl ollk employer that she clues not wish to carry on this affair, but it in one ear and out thc other. Sho has threatened to seek other employment, but she is a monl. If your friend's attachment to his family could cause so much (rouble now, It would be a much greater source of friction after your marriage.

3on'nndi Thl f(lct thHt ho lavishes ifts to thc boss docs not 'wish her to!" 1 "'fees and nephews Is due TFSSIF more, to the fact that he Is fond of Answer: The fact that 'the "Wi children, and devoted to his young is a competent, trustworthy secretary is her trump card. If sho threatens to leave, and lets the boss know that she really means it, he undoubtedly cease his unpleasant attentions. Since 'the girl; has a husband, she probably isn't completely dependent on her job, surely not td the extent where she has to lake thc amarous advances of an office wolf to keep it Victim of Heel Dear Miss Almul two years fell in love with a man who sairt he loved me, loo. On several occasions he asked me for money, saying he was Koinu hack to work i datives, than to the fact that he is alleviating financial wont. If you could accept his generosity In the spirit In which he gives II, you would realize thut It IH a good o- for 1 happy marriage, Ha loves children nnd, tis his own come along, hu will naturally nd- lust the value and quantity of the he now makes tft his sister's futility.

Apparently you resent tho attention, as well as the money, with which he tthow.s his affection. Make a true analysis of your position nrul try to separate his good cluiractoristics from the bud. WASHINGTON Nassau Knits by Pat SHORTS Chapter 7 of Serial "PIRATE HARBOR" COLOR CARTOON SUN. MON. -4TUES.

THREE MEN AND TWO WOMEN, Outcasts of a Lawless Town! ALL THE FURY AND. VIOLENCE OF THE WEST WAS SOIN IN THEM! ot fense Department today identified 94 casualties of the Korean War. The new list included 24 killed, 61 wounded, seven injured in ac cidents, and two missing. Thc dc- numerable saloon braws, sluggings and assaults and other "minor" acts of violence. Seventy-five per cent of the crime deluge was on programs for children.

and WHS broke. I nve him what' I had. but the last I had no i crush, watch Dear Miss Dix: Aftur twenty! years of marriage, my husband married woman much tnun Hc insillls ho IJLlt II IV Jll.Tli I I IV. I I IHJ' I 1 I and nave him an expensive 1T1C UIK thc children, has that had belonged to a dead wish 1 divorce, but won't brother. Tho man went away to work and, though he tins passed through my home town many times since, he Ivis never even called me up.

The injustice; of It slop seeing the other woman. Do you think ho will come to his senses? D. W. Answer: A waiting gnmc Is iho only thing you cun play In this has broken my heart. Should I triangle, unions you want to break ask him to return the watch, or) homo.

Affairs of this type try to forgel the whole thing: MARGARET Answer: You havo been a victim of the lowest form of man extant a man who protests love for a girl only for tho sake of Iho measly amount of cash he can gel The editorial said Preston's i from her, then goes on to work Pringle FASHION FAVORITE IN FAMOUS NASSAU-KNfrS Slip Oft this beauty and enjoy the glamour which will be yours. Knits' diagonal stripe went so refreshingly new attractive. Note the pert roguish collar which gives thc final touch. This virgin zephyr wool bat-wing is available in a choice of lovely color combinations. Sizes: 32 to 40.

$5.95 study showed that In the group of 153 children subjected to horror T.ovios and radio shows, 76 per thc sumo tactics on some otho- innocent liunb. Asking for tho wolch back is futile; he has un- cenl showed increased nervous- uoubtedly sold it long ago? Since ness, 85 per cent suffered from you have no witnesses or other sleeping disturbances, fears were increased five-fold in 94 per cent, and 51 per cent were found to be Thc Journal added: "Up to the age of 12, common reactions included retiring to the mother's bed for comfort and reassurance, screaming, pulling the bedcovers over the head, buryiny the head under a pillow, or diving under the to spend an uneasy night plagued by vivid recollections." The Journal said Preston's study showed the children exposed also suffered from lack of appetite, scholastic difficulties and increased irritability. It added: "As early as the seventh year it was noted that habitual exposure "often produced a callousness tithe suffering of others and an atrophy of sympathy and compassion toward those In distress." proof that you ever gave it to him you have no chance of getting anything back. Your only profit is the experience you can glean from a treacherous heel. I hope you learned thc lesson well.

Special Classei In DANCING Enrollment will start Wednesday, Sept. 10th 11 A. M. to 5 P. M.

STUDIO HOTEL BARLOW Ballet, tap, acroabtlc and ball room. ROSE MARIE STEIN Phone' 7-3474 Japs Plan Mission to Philippines TOKYO OB The Japanese government will send a surrender mission to the Philippines to urge three imperial Japanese Army holdouts to call off the war on Lubang Island. For seven years, the trip have resisted all to surrender. Kyodo. Service said the new attempt will be 9 major peace offensive.

The surrender mission will distribute leaflets, newspapers, and photogrpahi front families of the three. They also will play tape from the lam Dear Miss Uix: 1 huvu two child run by a former marriage a bov 11 and a 13. I havo lately married a fine man whom the chi! drtn adore, except for the facl that he is a strict disciplinarian, Cn the slightest pretext he wil spank thc children with a paddle or strap and thc girl, especially feels deeply humiliated at being put over his knee for a whipping. He insists that strict discipline will keep thc children from becoming delinquents later. R.

A. Answer: The sort of discipline ycur husband metes out is not pearly so much for thc of the children as it is an outlet for a streak of sadism in him. If your youngsters have come to the ages of 11 and 13 and are we'l be- havud, obedient children, there is no necessity for drastic discipline. You," as the children's mother, should put a definite stop to it before the youngsters hate their stepfather, and you as well. Your husband probably has had no previous experience with children and, since you are the person who has reared, your son and daughter to this point, he should be willing to accept your decisions on their upbringing from now on.

Pear Miss Dix: My boy friend and I had a fall wedding planned, but our engagement, has been bro- teliini the tfag to wxany qujrrcls we honw. (bajj ABL Ifefc BIG NIGHT Dairy Cattle AUCTION THURSDAY NIGHT SEPT, P. M. Owens Bros. Yard Texarkpna, Texas HIGH CLASS DAIRY CATTLE 75 of 40 freih, and calving.

4 Guerniey and NOTICE Due to. high cost of labor and equipment'we will forced to discontinue PICK-UP and DELIVERY service. WQ still solicit your and give you fast service. BRING US YOUR HATS. We do all kinds of Alterations.

HALL CLEANERS HATTER 1055. Street. Hope, Ark. wm i i Three Tiers in by Betty A dreamy dreg? wi tqffetq bodice ond thr of sfripfd taffeta, crested It for yowr Black ond Sizes 7 to,.

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