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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 15

Logansport, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE KNIGHT OK THE BURRO. BY 150SE. li. ray lovo but a Itissie, a wao nod winsome lassie, deep boritone voico, -with cureless nbaii: don. A girl who wus strolling the mountain path stopped niul Jool'ed about On cue side the mountain, on tha other lay (loop gorso.

Where was tho siugor? Tho question wa'j nnswered by stal- s-iirt mniicnline form swinging around sharp turn iu tho piuliwuy just sihe-id of her, und coming to sudden stop. Evidently ft "maidec titir" nn nuexpecled vision on this lonely mouutniri trail. Tho hesitation was only for an instant; removing his hat, be said: "1 your pardon. The path is so narrow here I'll RO back a bit," und ho turned. Tho girl followed him with an amused smile.

"If it were only the least bit clnn- sho thought, "this would really- bo an ndveatare; but it's not, move's the pity." She murmured her thanks to the young man, who stood respectfully aside to allow her passage. Henry Jlftxon gave ono his shoulder as ho again rounded the corner. "Wtill, she is a 'winsome woo but she must lisivo thought mo an idiot to -stare at hor be stopping at the Glen." And he went 00 his way. The trail, follovriug tho curve of tho mountain, formed a semicircle; as Neva Hildreth reached its innermost point, sho uttered a cry 01' delight; a tinv ciinou opened before her, its rocky sides covered with a dense growth of brush, moss and through the brauchcn gleamed the white rocks ol' a waterless waterfall, Miss Nevu cultivated a pasaloa for ferus, and -she could not pass thcsu by. Entering the canon, sho wus SOOD gathering tho dainty goldon and silver ferns.

A particularly fiuo cluster just above tun Jittlo Jail attracted her. There wore tornptiug little crudes and crevices. 'lean go up there just as well as not," she thought; and up she weut. On reaching the higher level another little fall waa disclosed, and tbe wild confusion of growth win evon more picturesque. "1 must bring here," ID used tho little lady; "it is ono of tho most beautiful spots I have ever seen, now; what must it be with the -water tumbling ovur these rocks!" Taking a Beat on stone, she gave herself up to the contemplation of the beauties about her.

But reveries must end, and girls who climb up rocks must climb down again. It looked easy enough, and the yoniig lady had -no fears as she placed her foot upou an apparently Jirm bit of rock only to (iud herself suddenly precipitated to the ground below. Fortunately tho distance was not great, and after a momentary shock she picked herself up; but when the attempted to wnJk eho found that her ankle had been injured in some way, and she was compelled to loan against the bank for support. She tried again, and managed to make her way back to the trail; but hers sho sauk down, faint with pain, and could go no further. Already tho nun hnd gone behind the mountain, and though the opposite hills and valleys were still flooded with light, tho shadows were falling in tho little canon.

Mies Neva suddenly realized thnt she was having an adventure, after all. "It's quite romantic to sprain one's always du that in there can't bo many people passing tbie way to rescue me young man stared at mo 60 when he saw me. And nobody knows where I nm mamma was nsloep when 1 came away. What if there should be wild was that man tolling about mountain lions at the She glanced about hor rather nervously, but she prided herself on her "mxrve," and for fully half an hour sho bore- the situation very philosophically, assuring herself that Help must come in some way soon. But her foot was growing very painful, and tho shadows were growing very deep, and her courage was fa-it tailing her, when she at last heard footsteps approaching.

Presently sho saw a Mexican laborer, with a spade over his shoulder, coining around the path, 'VVlieii he was opposita'to her sho called to him. He stopped with an exolrma- tion of astonishment, but who'i he saw her foot, from which sho removed the 'boot, ho asked raalo," ho added, stalling his head. Hu listened to her explanations with many expressions of sympathy, and at its concision said "I go for Meestn Smith; wo come pretty quick," moved away at a a Mexican. It ueomocl hours to tho suffering and impatient girl before eho again heard footsteps. This time it wca the and he oiune directly to her.

"Jose tolls mo that you hnvo met with an accident," ho said; "i urn very sorry." "it's only a sprained ankle, I think," she replied, "but, that is bad enough." Tueu, forgetting everything but the misery of the past hour, crifil, "Oh, dear, oh dear! how am I ever to get away from this placo over that dreadful trail? I cau't no other way." In spito ol iior "jiorve" the tuurs mime, Henry Mason, looking dowu at tho dainty little ligure with its tearstained face, longed to yiol: her up in his arms, us ho would him 1 doue a little child, and cm-ry her home, but ho only said: "Oh yos. there aro other ways; we might nidfce a little- and carry you ever ride a burro?" "No, but I mean to ride oue before I go home." "Now'uyour chance if you aro not too faint to sit iu tho sajdlo. My much is just around the hill, and I can have un auimul hero msido of ten you wish." "Oh, yes!" she exclaimed, eagnrly, "I can ride very well, and I should really enjoy a'burro it were not. for the pain," she added, us a twinge reminded her of the wouuded member. "It is badly swollen," said Mnxoa, looking sympathetically at the little foot; "if I oould bring some arnica or cold "Oh, no," she hastened to ''it will do very well until I got to tho hotel." In a very short time ho reappeared with a light which ly wrapped about her, for tho uir wus growing chill.

Soon Mexican came, lending tlie comical little beast with ics flopping ears and wicked eyes. Then -Miss Nova found herself Jilted into a mun's saddle, uiid her lame foot carel'ully adjusted hor rescuer took tho bridle, und by of much pulling and coaxing and an occasional punch from tho Mexican in the rear, Iho little procession h'nally reached the hotol. Several nurses attended to Miss Hiidroth's sprained ankle, while she rehearsed hor advonturo with much glee, in spite of. tho pvln. Sho declared that it was quits as muoH of no.

adventure ns a niuoteenth century maiden ought to expect, and that the" "Knight of tho Burro" was in keeping with the age -practical, you know. "An old time linight would have borne me in his arms, which would have been decidedly uncomfortable for both purties before we got over that half mile of rocky trail." Mr. Maxon called course, Io make inquiries, and was graciously, if somewhat condescendingly, received by Mrs. Hildreth; but he found occasion to stop at the little hotel almost every day during tns next week, and ho usually found Miss Hildrodth on tho veranda. They had some merry laughs over their "adventure," and some very pleasant the Hildredths were only tourists with round trip tickets, and as soon as the lame ankle permitted they want on their way, Six months later, as Henry Mason was standing before one of those marvelous exhibits from his own Stato at the groat fair, he saw Nova Hildreth approaching him.

Their eyes mot, and she recognized him with a frank smiio and outstretched hand. "I am glad to see said; have not forgotten my California ex- pcrionco." An introduction to her sister, Mrs. Word, followed. Mra, Ward was quite absorbed by hor own escort, a learned professor, and BUG paid little heed to hor sister, who followed in her wake accompanied by Mason. So it fell out that when luncheon was proposed, two hours later, Maxon was still ono of the party and was invited to join tbcm--an invitation which ho readily accepted.

Tho party left tho grounds soon afterward; and it was not until Maxon was io, his own room for the night that ho remembered, with sudden dismay, that he had not naked Miss Hildreth's address nor her plans for the morrow; ho only knew that she waa stopping with friends and that sho expected to remain iu Chicago a week longer. Tho next day Mason wandered aim- lesoly about tho Art and the Woman's Building, instead of making a study of certain agricultural exhibits, ns his ironclad itinerary called, for. By p. m. he believed tlaat h.s had soon every woman in tho United States, except tha ono woman ho wanted to see.

The next day was in much the manner. On tho third dny he caught a glimpse of hor, but before he could roach hez sho was go no. It is to bo fenred that Mnxoa gained very little knowledge during tho. remainder of his stay at tha fair. He 60-w nothing mora of He hod mado arrangements to risit nemo of tho Northern rcaortf, and ho had- already overntuyod his time in, Chieiih'o.

Ho one morning he took hia seat in tho sleopur of a through express, bitterly, that ho hail lost tho happiness of his life, perhaps, through his own carelossueHs. Just as. tketniin pulled ont, two ladies entered und took tho section next to his.j Strong man as he was, tbe blood rushed; to his faoe and his hmirt lunped with. joy us lie recognised Neva Hildieth and her sistor. tin would loao no nioro opportunities.

He weut to thorn; lit was cordially received by. both ladies. Ho noou learned that, thoir destination WHS the same iw hia own, and could hardly conceal hia ox- ultutien fts he thought of tho long day before him, which he resolved to waka tho most of. a wise mr.n, Us first tried to converse with Mre, but ahe seemed so surprised at hia ignorance of numy exhibits which, interested hor, ami no overpowered him i with hor knowledge, taut ha was most thankful whon sha buried herself in a mngftKino ami let him at liberty to talk to hor sister. Ha found Miss Nova must cUnrming traveling com-: pauiou, and managed to spend most of tho clay by hor side.

Ho found thafc thoir plan's for tho week coincided with his to fta they drew near thoir destination ho, boldly asked permission to aooompany, them on their excursion to Miuuo-j tonka, Mrs. Ward looked her suv- prise, but she could only murmur: something about "very kind," which tho Oalifornion coolly took for con-j sent and proceeded to airanga for-! their meeting and to make ns to wnys and in tho most mat-; tor-of-fnot way possible. That night Mrs. Ward younger sister to a which she closed by declaring emphatically "Well, I should think yon would want to know something about that young man before gave him any moz'e encouragement!" "I encourage him?" asked Miss, Nova, inuocontly; "why, you told him be might go." It was a perfect summer day that they spent upon thu beautiful sheet of; water with its musical Indian name. 1 had fully determined to put his fate to tho to'nt, brief as had beou.

their acquaintance, but tho day passed and no favorable opportunity 1 Mrs. Ward seemoil to have awakened to hor duties ns ohaperoue, und Miss Hildruth's own frank, friendly manner I discouraged him evon more, I Thoy stopped at tho suiue hotel, and Maxon spent much of bin time with. them for several days; still his courage I failed him, and ho resolved more than I once to gu away, for Miss Neva would never look upon him as anything rnoro than friend, at best. His time wasi limited and the last day of his stay arrived. Thoy spent tho day in ranking a lonccr excursion than usual, nncl; Maxon had decided that he must put a question and reooivo an answer that day, come what would.

But Mrs. Ward Heemecl to divine Thero was no escaping her vigilance, and it wus not until they entered the! crowded car to return to the oifcy thafc ha managed to place her in ono seat while ho found another for Nova and himself. Evsu thun he found it hard to bogin, and the precious moments slipped by. At last ho asked abruptly: "Do you remember our first meeting, Miss Hildroth?" "Of course," aha answered, with a smile, "And did you think mo rude to stare at you so? To tell tho truth, I thought you wore a 'iviusomo woo lassie' indeed." "Ah, did you?" sho muroiureil just glancing up at him, "My lovo Is but a liissic, A wlusomo iveu Jiisjjio, sbo," ho repeated, softly; desperately, "you are the lassio, Nova." "Baggage, sir? Chocked to all parts of the oity." And a bunoh of ohooka jingled in his face. Before ha could recover himself Mrs, Wordoflmo to asked a then thoy: wore rolling into tho city depot.

ho spoke must leava for homo in tho morning, you say stay." "Why," was tho response, "mnet you go? Wo shall miss you "I must go," ho answered; "I hare overstayed my time already." They wore in tho aisle now, and ag they struggled along, pushed anil jostled by the impatient throng, ha spoke once more: "Shall I go-or stay, Nova?" was no reply, and his heart sank. "I'd no business to spring; it on hor like this," he thought; "I've offended hor now, and no that 1 am 1" He saw tha ladies to a carriage, and with his hand on the door said: "I must thank you for your many kindnesses; I huvs enjoyed to-day all the week. To-morrow I "To tho falls, do you not?" interrupted Miss Hildreth. We do the falls to-morrow, sister. And," lean-, ing forward sho added there aro no baggagemen out' New Bohemian.

Flute of Windsor The St. James GazeUe says that tihe gold pl-atc of Windsor Castle consists ol about 10,000 pieces. It. is kept in the gol-il pantry, -which is an iron room situated ou flu- ground floor the royal apartments. The clerk of tlie pantry gives il out in iron boxes and receives a receipt for it.

It is carried by special train, umlcr escort of a guard of soldiers, and delivered to tie butler at Buckingham palace, Ho gives a. receipt for it and is responsible for it while it remains at the palace. The same formalities arc observed in taking- it back, and all persons concerned are glad when it is once more restored to the safe keeping of the gold pantry. The total value of the plate in this department is nearly £2,000,000. A great (leal of it dates from the reign of George but among Ihe antiquities are some pieces which were taken from the Armada.

Low Unto South. On tlie first and third Tuesday of each month till October about half rates for round trip will bo irJade to points in the south by the Louisville Nashville railroad. Ask your ticket agent about it, and if. lie cannot sel! you excursion tickets write to C. P.

Atmore, General Passenger Agent, Louisville, or J. K. Kklgely, M. W. P.

Chicago, 111. The North American Review for September opens with a most interesting paper by His Excellency. Sir Alfred Moloncy, Governor of British Honduras, entitled om a Silver to a Gold Standard in British Honduras." wherein is described a financial transaction unique in the history currency, and tlie m.ilerial benefits derived from an establishment of a country upon a gold basis. Forced to Admit 1C. Miss Elizabeth L.

Banks, an American, correspondent, was granted an interview with Li Hung Chans, in London, tlie latter opened a'rapid (ire of, questions that i-ruhev disconcerled i i he lady. He asked how much earned by writing, how old she was, why she wasn't mnrricd, etc. When. 1 Miss Banks sot her innings, finally, I the most important inquiry she had to put to the great, statesman of Hie i east was what women he considered the most beautiful and clever. At first he assured Miss Banks that all women were lovely.

cornered the eld fox admitted, of coin-so, that the American women were unapproachable in beauty, wit and nice-ness. i No Christian sect, perhaps, is more I strict in accepting tho bibl-i literally I than the dunkards. The Living Church says that the question was once, submitted at a dunkard meeting whether it was lawfui for the brethren to patronize or establish Iiish schools, and the answer was in the negative, on the ground that, the bible tells Christians to mind not high things, but to concle: scend to men of low estate. She'll Hit 'E'" Huril. "I suppose- Miss Suirlcish, during your stay abroad you secured several new attractions for tlie theatrical public next, "Oh, yes; four of tho loveliest sowns over worn on or off the North Amtricr.n.

A Snro makes you think he loves you? has never asked to myself by becoming; His North American. Dkln't Want to>nr. Farmer's Why did you get up and leave that piece of I didn't ask for work, ma'am; I asked for something to Comic Cuts. Hnll'R Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c, Tlie nickel cent was authorized February 21, 1S57, and its coinage was begun Hie same year.

People acquire a little more pride as they grew older but they are as weak as ever. Jf Is CntUiipr Tootli, nre lliat n'lil iiml wiMl-trinl o-rncily. Mns. forUI.ll.lrn. Jatt FI Trlflo Too Fur.

Mrs. Weary bouy at' a book agent was found on Blankstreet this morning. He had evidently been Mr. Weary now, I think that was goinK most too York Weekly. How Lone? Your linen Is ths dirtiest I ever saw.

How long do you wear a shirt? quite to ray Philadelphia Record. Poor there is no need fof you to contemplate a wig you can enjoy the pleasure of sitting again under your own "thatch." You can begin to get your Lair back as soon as you begin to use Ayer's Hair Vigor. there any fine lines in Sraithcr's new play? you refer to the curves of the chorus girls, tliey were never A distinguished feature of the September North American Review, Is an open letter addressed io Senator John Sherman by venernlMe Dr. Cyrus H'amlin, founder of Robert College at Constantinople, in which under the title of "America's Duty to Americans in Turkey." he protests against the lax protection bestowed by the government on American missionaries in connection with the present troubles in America. France lias more money in circulation in proportion to its population than any other country.

Nothing so Clean, so Durable, so Economical) so Elegant BIA5 VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDINGS. You have to pay ths same pries for tha just as good." Why not insist on having what you H. M. If your dealer WILL NOT supply you we mailed free. Horns Drtssmn'sinc; Ksdc Easy." a Emma M.

Hooper, of the L-tfcas Momt TcHc 'n words 10 rnyc crjssos home without preview wr S. H. M. P. 0.

Box 699, N. City. W- N.U. CHICAGO. VOL.

37. When Answering Adverlissments Kindly Mention This Paoer. No one can go out in wliat is called society without being somewhat of a Collectively, Too Jincli for Him. A doctor once refused to take a for attending ft frioud during duagerous illness. Upon his however, the pntient presented tho ogreenble innount in a purse, saying: "Six, in this purse I have put every day's fee; and your goodness tnust not get the better of my gratitude." The doctor eyed the purse, counted; the number of dnys, and, holding out his hand, replied: I can hold out no Singly, I could havo refused them for a year, but collectively thoy are'irre- York L'odger.

Two boules ot 1'iso's Cure lor Consumption ciirod 'uiiff Mrs. J. Nichols, 3'riiicotoij, Jlar. 20, JbJ.i. The standard cloliav weighs 412 grains; the half-dollar 20S.

negnmnn'a Camphor ice with Glycerine, TlioorlKlnul nr.l o.ily iremiinc. Cbjpjiwl Will l-'ucc, C. O.CIftrKCQ.. -V Uiivoll, Ctl. No one has ever atompted to pull teeth by Christian science, AN OPEN LETTEK.

What Mrs. I. Bressie Says to American Women. Cpeiifcs of HIT Melancholy Condition After the IJirlli of Her Child. "I feel as if I was doing- an injustice to iny suffering- sisters if I did not, tell "'hat Lydia, E.

Pinkham Vegetable Compound lias done for me, and its to the world, From the birth of my childuntil he was fouryears old, I was in poor health, but feeling convinced that half of tbe ailments of were imagined or else cultivated, I fought against my bad feelings, untill was oblig-cd to give up. My disease balHed the best doctors. "I was nervous, hysterical; my head ached with such a terrible burning sensation on the top, and felt as if a band was drawn tightly above my brow; inflammation of the stomach, no appetite, nausea at the sight of food, indigestion, constipation, bladder and Icidney. troubles, palpitation of the heart, attacks of melancholia would occur without any provocation whatever, numbness of the limbs, threatening paralysis, and loss of to such an extent that I feared aberration of, the mind. "A friend advised Lydia's Vegetable Compound, and spoke in glowing terms of what it had done for her.

I began its use and gamed JJow I am a living- advertisement of its merits. I had not used it a year when I was the envy of the whole town, for my rosy, dimpled, girlish looks and perfect health. "I recommend it to all women. I £ud a great advantage in being able to say, by a woman's hands this great hoon is n-iven to All honor to 'the name of Lydia. K.

Pinkham; wide success to the Vegetable Compound. Yours in Health, MJIS. I. E. BJTES- ps, Herculancnm, Jeffewson Co-i BUflltl HARVEST TO THE FARM LANDS AND PRINCIPAL CITIES OF THE Tho Burlinet-n Route and many eastern railroads will sell Excursion Tickets at VERY LOW RATES' 03JJ Aupst 4, ID, Sepfgmte 1, 15, 29 October 6, Tako this opportunity to 30 and sec tha splendid crops that*, Northern Kansas and other Western sections have produced this year.

Ask your nearest ticket agent for particulars, and 3O3 that your tlokat roads via tho BURLINGTON ROUTE. Send to the undersigned for pamphlet (no chareo) about Western Farm Lands. P. S. EUSTIS, General Passenger Agent, CHICAGO, ILL.

3 .,,4.

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